Download - 2009 Girls Soccer Banquet Flyer

  • 8/2/2019 2009 Girls Soccer Banquet Flyer


    Please join us to celebrate the end o a terrifc soccerseason! Weve securedred Pasqualealeslower-level for our-level or ourannual banquet dinner. All amily members arenvited. Playersers aandnd coachesaches are gratis, courtesy

    o Ferndale SoSoccerccer Boosters fundundraising.ncluded is antipasto saladd, hot garlic

    bread, homemade rolls, a relish tray,mostaccioli, pizza, sot drinks, taxand gratuity. Well also present a photoslideshow o the seasons action shots.

    Please make your check payable to Ferndale SoccerFerndale SoccerBoosters and submit by Friday, May 22, 2009Friday, May 22, 2009 alongwith the bottom portion o this orm in a sealedenvelope to the FHS Athletic Department. Yourdaughter may submit the money through CoachesMotter, Engle, Smith or Mr. Butler.

    The price per person, payable in advance, is $14.00$15 pp at the door). Questions? Contact Dawn

    Chartier at 248.543.1856 or [email protected].

    Players are free, everyone else is $14 eachPlayers are free, everyone else is $14 each

    FHS GIRLS SOCCERBANQUETPasquales RestaurantTuesday, June 2, 20096:30pm

    Family NameFamily NameAddressAddressEmailEmailPhonePhoneAmount Enclosed $Amount Enclosed $