Download - 2004.10.03 Holy Virgin Mary_4




    My Children, Im the Immaculate Conception, Im the Woman Who gave birth to the Word, Im your Mother an Jesuss Mother. Ive descended together with My Son Jesus and God the Omnipotent Father with very great power. The Holy Trinitys here, among you. Thank you, My children, you were waiting for My Manifestation with great love and much perseverance, and thats why all of youve earned the great joy of feeling My presence, with great power. Many of youre experiencing a strong emotion. Do confirm, My children! Many of youre smelling My perfume. Do confirm, My children! (A lot of those present in the Manifestation confirm by clapping their hands). Todays a special day for the Holy Trinity and for all of you. Im going to reveal the Third part of Fatima Secret, because the first, the second and the third parts a single Secret, but the most important parts never been revealed openly so that people could be converted. My coming to Fatimas the great action of God upon all humanity. In the coming years humanityll suffer great troubles: it will be dark for three days and three nights, this will serve to purify the conscience of the whole world. During these hours of Apocalypse, therell be great signs in the Sky and on the earth. Many nations will disappear, and therell be earthquakes, terrible tsunamis. Many, many, many peoplell die of fright! But for all those wholl have listened to and given importance to My message, therell be Our protection, the protection of Angels. Church authorities should intervene to let My message know. God's Ministersre responsible if humanity doesnt consider My message. The whole Churchs corrupted by power. In the Vatican there are all unfaithful Ministers because Satans succeeded already in a long time to make them commit abominations in the places that should be holy. Never follow their example, because the Churchll be punished by divine justice, the Vaticanll be destroyed, and nobodyll follow Them anymore.


  • The Holy Father (Pope John Paul II) will suffer even more, but hell be Holy, because hes innocent of everything. Be ready and make ready all those whore unaware. You must pray and do penance, sacrifices so that God may lessen the great punishment. All thatll happen very soon. Soon after therell be My Son Jesuss coming, for the great judgment of all humanity. Dont ignore My words, that mean salvation for you all. After so many events that will happen in the whole world, Russia also will be converted, as God wants. Adverse religions will persecute all Christians, and manyll be killed. And thats why many Consecratedll abandon Church because of their great fear. But those wholl be faithful, will be saved and rewarded. All that should not scare you because God loves humanity he created. All that will happen to purify everyone from any sin. All, will experience great suffering in their consciousness, and thats what will make you purify. Dear children, all thats very, very close! Hurry, love and leave sin! If all thats known all over the world, many peoplell be converted and will be saved. My children pray and find refuge in My Immaculate Heart. Im your Mother and I love you and I want all of you saved. The Holy Trinityll, do great wonders, all over the world, so the whole truth will be manifested. Therell be so many religions no longer, but everyonell know the real one. But all that wont happen through the Church, because Gods reserved all those wholl do His will, regardless theyre Ministers or not. Humanityll see and understand the plans of salvation that Gods always created. The Church didnt make you know what Im telling you, because It realized that humanityll go back to God, but not through them, so theyre afraid of losing the power they took over all humanity. Meditate on all that and youll understand more and more. I love you and Im with you, My little children! Im wrapping you up in My Mantle and Im still giving you My presence, with shivers, with a warmth, or with a heavy head. Confirm, My children! (A lot of those present confirm by clapping their hands). I love you! Now Ive to leave you. Im kissing you and Im blessing you, in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

    Shalom! Peace, My children.