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8/3/2019 2004 Presentation Q10 1/20

Quick Tip #10: 

Tuning PL/SQL proceduresusing DBMS_PROFILER

Tim GormanPrincipal - SageLogix, Inc.

Email: [email protected]


International Oracle Users GroupLive 2004

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•Overview of tuning tools in Oracle – Tuning SQL

 – SQL Trace


TKPROF –Oracle Trace Analyzer

 –Hotsos Profiler (

 –UB Tools Analyzer (

 – Tuning PL/SQL


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Overview of performance tuning

• In order to improve anything, you have tomeasure it

 – Is it processing?

 – If so, what exactly is it doing?

 – Is it waiting on something?

 – If so, what exactly is it waiting for?

• Performance tuning is not an art, but ascience

 – The right tool for the job is the key

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Understanding where time is spent

User Web server App server DB Server


message from

client (wait)


message from

client (wait)

CPU (service)

CPU (service)

db file

sequential read


Wait Event



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Measuring time

• Tracing – Tracing is the recording of actions performed by a

program, as they are performed

• Oracle SQL tracing

 – Event 10046

 – alter session set events „10046 trace name contextforever, level 8‟ 

 – exec dbms_support.start_trace


New book “Optimizing Oracle Performance” by CaryMillsap and Jeff Holt (O‟Reilly & Associates, Sep 2003) 

 – ISBN #059600527X

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Summarizing trace data

• Recording every action performed by a programgenerates huge volumes of data to analyze

 – Forest and trees

 – Look at the trees for diagnosing failures

 – Look at the forest to tune performance

• Application profiling

 – “C” programs: UNIX “prof” 

 – Java programs: EJP on 

 – Commercial products from

 – profilers for Java, C#, C++, C, COBOL, other languages

 – TKPROF for SQL trace data

• Profiling is the summarization of trace data

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• Using the UNIX “prof” utility as anexample:

 – Compile a “C” program using the “-p” optionto the “cc” compiler command 

 – When compiled/linked program is executed,trace information is output to a file specifiedby $PROFDIR environment variable (defaultis “./mon.out”) 


UNIX “prof” utility then reads trace informationand produces a summarized “profile report”which summarizes:

 – Number of calls to functions


Amount of time spent in each function

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• SQL Trace is another example – SQL trace is enabled on a session

 – All SQL statements executed in that sessiondump trace information to a “.trc” file in

USER_DUMP_DEST – TKPROF program simply reads information in

the “.trc” file and summarizes it, displaying: 

 – Execution counts

 – CPU and elapsed times

 – Number of physical, logical I/O

 – Number of rows fetched

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What if the problem is not SQL?

• SQL statements perform work in the database

 – Summarizing SQL trace info is the best tool fortuning SQL

•What if the performance problem was in: – The network? Operating system? DB instance?

 – Database wait events can help

 – An application program, such as:

 – Java, C#, C++, C, COBOL, Fortran, Lisp?

 – PL/SQL?

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• Introduced with Oracle8i • Not installed with typical installation

 – Some files in “$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin” 

 – Documented in MetaLink note #243755.1

 – Download “ ” from MetaLink 

 – “Oracle PL/SQL Supplied Packages” reference on“DBMS_PROFILER” 

•Generates trace data in PL/SQL programs – Trace data saved to tables in database

 – SQL*Plus script produces summarized “profilereport” as HTML 

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• Files found in “$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin” • SQL*Plus script “profload.sql ” creates the package


 – Run once for global setup on database


Must be performed by SYS user – Also validates package after creation

• SQL*Plus script “proftab.sql ” creates tables tostore trace data

 – Create private sets of tables for each user

 – Each user has the three tables and single sequence

 – Create a “global set” of tables for all users 

 – DBA is responsible for granting appropriatepermissions and creating synonyms for the three

tables and the single sequence

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• Important extra files provided in “ ”  – SQL*Plus script “profiler.sql ” 

 – Queries data generated by runs of theDBMS_PROFILER package

 – Generates HTML profiler report as output

 – SQL*Plus script “profgsrc.sql ” 

 – Extracts the source of a stored package,

procedure, or function to an ASCII text file forediting

 –So that DBMS_PROFILER procedures canbe added to that source code… 

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• Initial setup:

 – DBMS_PROFILER package has been created bythe DBA using “profload.sql ”… 


developer/user has created the tables using“proftab.sql ” 

• Add profiler procedures to PL/SQL source

 – Procedure START_PROFILER(„run-comment ‟) 

 – Procedure STOP_PROFILER

• Recompile and run the procedure

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• After running an instrumented PL/SQLprogram:

 – Execute the SQL*Plus script “profiler.sql ” 

 – It will display each session‟s RUN-ID, atimestamp, and the RUN-COMMENT

 – Choose the appropriate RUN-ID

 – Produces spooled output to a file named

“profiler_<RUNID>.html ” 

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Case Study #1

• A PL/SQL procedure named PROFTEST1 – It queries data from a table

 – Stores the data in a comma-separated string


Then, repeatedly parses and displays each itemin the string

• There are (at least) two ways to call theINSTR() function:

 – instr(string, „,‟, 1, n) 

 – instr(string, „,‟, x, 1) 

 – Which is faster??? Is there a difference?

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Case Study #1

•Files: – proftest1.sql 

 – DDL to create stored procedure and table

 –Including use of DBMS_PROFILER

 – run_proftest1.sql 

 – SQL*Plus script to run the test

 – proftest1.tkp 


Output from tkprof <trc-file> <tkp-file> sort=prsela,exeela,fchela explain=<un>/<pwd> 

 – proftest1_18.html 

 – proftest1_19.html 

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Case Study #1

• No real surprise when you think about it – But using “instr(string, pattern, m, n)” is faster  


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Case Study #2

• Script to estimate the number of rows perblock

 – Originally written for Oracle v6


Adapted to Oracle7 without modification – New ROWID formats in v8+ forced changes to

the script

• Started using DBMS_ROWID package in


 – Extremely slow

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Case Study #2

• DBMS_PROFILER does not affect PL/SQLmodules called within SQL statements

 – Unless they are instrumented themselves withSTART/STOP_PROFILER

• The resolution of replacing DBMS_ROWIDpackage calls with SUBSTR was easilydetermined using SQL Trace and TKPROF

 – But DBMS_PROFILER provided somecorroboration, at least… :-)

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Quick Tip #Q10Q & A

Slides and scripts will be posted on 


Email: [email protected]