Download - 2 FI Week 5 Learning  · Web viewRoll the dice, and move your player the number of spaces on the dice. If you want on a

Page 1: 2 FI Week 5 Learning  · Web viewRoll the dice, and move your player the number of spaces on the dice. If you want on a

Florenceville Elementary School

At FES our vision is to be a community where everyone is empowered to be

lifelong learners.


Grade: Grade 2 French Immersion

TEACHERMolly Kearney: [email protected] Charlotte Dufort: [email protected]

Sarah MaharBridget Nugent

Principal: sarah.mahar@nbed ; Vice-Principal: [email protected]

Cindy Crowhurst Resource: [email protected]

Dianne Lord Guidance: [email protected]

School [email protected]

In accordance with the communication sent from our Minister of Education, Dominic Cardy, on April 2, 2020, Home learning opportunities to support literacy and numeracy outcomes will be made available online weekly by Teachers.Families are encouraged to: -Support their children to complete the options below for an average of one hour per day. -Read aloud with their children daily; and-consider daily physical activity and free play as an important part of their child’s mental health and skill development.

Subjects Description of Learning Activities


Week 5: May 4th - May 8th

Visit blog this week and take time to explore different pagesBLOG:

1. Look at new page: «   Le cycle de vie des organismes   » (the life cycle of organisms) to explore « le cycle de vie d’un papillon »

Page 2: 2 FI Week 5 Learning  · Web viewRoll the dice, and move your player the number of spaces on the dice. If you want on a

Literacy: Vocabula

ry Games

NEW this week:

Vocabulary games (at the bottom of this document to print if possible)

-Serpent et échelle (snakes and ladders) Roll the dice, and move your player the number of spaces on the dice. If you want on a question is must be answered in a full sentence out loud If you land on the bottom of a ladder, you slide to the top of the ladder. If you want on the head of a snake, you slide to the bottom of the snake!

-La grille de mots With the letters in the boxes, you must create as many FRENCH words as

possible and write them on the lines! How many did you come up with?!

Literacy: Online Le Corona Monstre

Image also posted the blog:

Page 3: 2 FI Week 5 Learning  · Web viewRoll the dice, and move your player the number of spaces on the dice. If you want on a

-On the blog page : “Sound Work” Madame Dufort reads the story above on what she has been up to during this time at home! Listen to her read, and try reading her story on your own, THEN, it’s your turn to write us a story on what YOU have been up to!

-Qu’est-ce que tu fais pour passer le temps? (What have you been doing during quaratine to pass the time? Write to us and post it on the Facebook group or on the FES website!

Possible sentence starter:

Pendant que je suis à la maison…

CONTINUE : Spend 15-20 mins of reading & activities on the Litteratout site

-Students worked on this site earlier in the year-Last week we sent username and passwords through email with instructions:

Page 4: 2 FI Week 5 Learning  · Web viewRoll the dice, and move your player the number of spaces on the dice. If you want on a

Attached PDF: Histoire Corona -In French and English

EXTRA: Another great blog is

Literacy:Video links


Vidéo : Série enfance – MINIVERS – La dent de Yeti

Vidéo : T’choupi a l’école : Le vélo rouge tout neuf



1. Continue with IXL

-We have set up accounts on IXL website for each student. Username and passwords will be sent home to sign in, select grade level and get started!

Info from site:

Page 5: 2 FI Week 5 Learning  · Web viewRoll the dice, and move your player the number of spaces on the dice. If you want on a

2. Video: Compter par 10

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Activities to try at home

Math Flower

Draw or cut out a circle. Put a number (between 30-100) in the middle of your circle. For each petal added, represent your number in a different way (word, dots, tallymarks, addition, subtraction).



Addition and Subtraction ActivitiesGuess my Missing Part

-Place a collection of 10 small items in your hand. (marbles, coins, rocks, macaroni)

-Put your hands

Magic Square I Spy Sums

Materials: Deck of cards (face cards removed) numbers 5-10 but choose numbers your child should practice.

Create 2 rows of 6 cards (12

Page 7: 2 FI Week 5 Learning  · Web viewRoll the dice, and move your player the number of spaces on the dice. If you want on a

behind your back then show your partner one of your handswith some of the collection in it.

-Your partner must decide how many are still in the hidden hand.

Play with a collection up to 20 items.

Using the digits from 1-9 onlyonce, place the numbers on the grid so the sum of each row and each column equals 15.Find more magic squares here by scrolling down the page:

cards) face up. A player chooses two cards in secret and states the sum. The other player must guess what two cards made the sum.

“I spy with my little eye two cards with a sum of ___.” Is there more than one possibility for the sum?

Physical Educatio

n/ Getting outside

Play Scrambled Eggs with Madame Doucette

Page 8: 2 FI Week 5 Learning  · Web viewRoll the dice, and move your player the number of spaces on the dice. If you want on a

Complete a line on the bingo chart!

Page 9: 2 FI Week 5 Learning  · Web viewRoll the dice, and move your player the number of spaces on the dice. If you want on a

Art Choice 1:

Look through magazines and newspaper at home!

Cut out images or words and place them together/ glue them on a page to describe things about you!

Choice 2:

Choose 5-10 items around your house that best describe you!

THEN… Take a picture and post on the classroom Facebook page! We want to see what you are up to!

School Wide


Page 10: 2 FI Week 5 Learning  · Web viewRoll the dice, and move your player the number of spaces on the dice. If you want on a

Grille de mots #2

Peux-tu construire des mots avec les lettres dans cette grille? Tu peux utiliser la même lettre plus qu’une fois.

Combien de mots peux-tu trouver?______lutin______________________________________



p o ad l ui n e

m t s

Page 11: 2 FI Week 5 Learning  · Web viewRoll the dice, and move your player the number of spaces on the dice. If you want on a




Page 12: 2 FI Week 5 Learning  · Web viewRoll the dice, and move your player the number of spaces on the dice. If you want on a

42 43Quel âgeas-tu ?

44Quel âge a ton frère ou papa?

45 46Quelle couleur sont tes cheveux?


41 40 39Quand est la fête de ta mère ou ton père?

38 37 36Quel est ton fruit préféré?


28 29Est-ce que tu aimes la laitue ou les carottes?

30Est-ce que tu préfères les chats ou les chiens ?


32 33 Quelle est ta saison préférée?

34Quel est ton sport favori?

27Décris tes vêtements?

26 25Quel est ton activité d’été préférée?

24Quand est la fête de ton ami?

23 22Quelle couleur sont tes yeux?


14Quel est ton livre préféré?

15 16 17Comment s’appelle ton ami?

18 19 20Quel âge a ton ami?

13 12Quelle est ta couleur préférée?

11 10

9 8 7Qu’est-ce-que tu aimes faire en été?


Page 13: 2 FI Week 5 Learning  · Web viewRoll the dice, and move your player the number of spaces on the dice. If you want on a

1 2Comment s’appelle tes amis de classe?

3 4 5Quand est ta date d’anniversaire?

6 Quel légume que tu détestes?

D ébutant #2