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Effortl ssENGLISH


SpecialEdition #2

Never Study


Rule #2:> > > >



Automatic English for the People Special Edition #2


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Hello everyone. Welcome to the Effortless EnglishNewsletter Special Editions! Each of these seveneditions will guide you through my 7 Rules for

Excellent English step-by-step to help you become a betterEnglish speaker.

This program is a powerful new method for English learning.You’ll watch a video teaching a new rule every day for seven days.Each of my seven rules teaches you a totally different way to learnEnglish. After seven days, you’ll know the complete EffortlessEnglish system!

Every Special Edition of this newsletter containsthe text version of the daily video. You can down-load the free audios by clicking on the links thatsay “Download this Podcast!” This way, you canlisten as you read along. Each lesson will teachyou a powerful new rule, such as “The TruthAbout Grammar” (Rule 2) or “The Number OneKey to Faster Speaking” (Rule 7). Learninghow to speak better English is simple and fun!So let’s get started ...

AJGreetings from

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Hi, this is AJ, and it’stime for secret or rulenumber two for Ex-

cellent English Speaking.Now, this one, I think, is

going to be your favorite. I thinkthis is going to be your favoritesecret because most of our sub-scribers, most of our students,

tell us this is the one they love;that they loved hearing this.That it set them free.

So, what is it? What is secretnumber two? Secret number twois this. Never again study gram-mar rules. Woohoo! You’re fin-ished with grammar. No more.Never study grammar rules.

Now, I know this may be a bigsurprise. This is a surprise for alot of people, for a lot of ourstudents, a lot of our sub-scribers, for a lot of our mem-bers. When they first hear thisrule they’re shocked. They’resurprised and they think is thattrue? Could that be possible?

GrammarThe TRUTH about

by AJ Hoge

Rule #2:



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Maybe you’re feeling a little un-sure about this particular secretor rule. Well that’s natural.

The reason it seems shockingor surprising is that all your lifethat you have been learningEnglish, your teachers havebeen telling you study grammar,study grammar, study grammar.Grammar is the secret. Gram-mar is the secret to English,grammar, grammar, grammar,grammar.

I don’t know exactly when youstarted studying English, maybein elementary school when youwere young, maybe in middleschool or high school when youwere a bit older, maybe laterthan that, but I’m sure that inschool your teachers told yougrammar was the key. Grammarwas super important.

You had to study all thesegrammar rules. You had to knowthe past and the past perfectand the present and the presentperfect and the present progres-sive and the future perfect pro-

gressive. You had to know whatall of that stuff was and how todo all of the changes to theverbs and you had to know pos-sessives, of course, and thenthere were all the prepositions;endless grammar.

You had to memorize all ofthese rules and probably mostof your English classes were fo-cused on these grammar rulesand then taking tests about

these grammar rules. It doesn’twork. Stop doing it. You’re fin-ished. In our system, no gram-mar rule study.

Now, some people when theyhear this they think no, no, no,that’s not right. They don’t be-lieve me. So, I have only onequestion for you. You have beenlearning these grammar rulesfor years and years and years.My simple question is did it



All your life teachers have been tellingyou study grammar, study grammar.

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work? Can you now speak Eng-lish easily, quickly and automat-ically? Is your grammar correctwhen you speak or do you stillmake mistakes with simplegrammar like the past tense?

I mean if you’re afantastic, amazingEnglish speakerprobably you don’tneed to watch thisvideo, but I’m guess-ing if you’re watch-ing this it meansyou’re not a greatEnglish speaker. Youdo not have excel-lent English speak-ing and, yet, youknow so much grammar.

I guarantee you know moregrammar than I do, because Idon’t think about this stuffwhen I speak English. I just useit automatically. I don’t need tothink about the past tense orthe present perfect or anythingelse. It just comes out correctly,usually. I make mistakes some-times like everyone, but nor-mally it just comes out. Whenyou speak your own languagedo you think about grammarrules? Of course, not.

See, here’s the problem withgrammar rules. They cause youto think about English, so youare always analyzing it. Mean-ing, you’re always thinkingabout it all the time. Now, for

writing that’s okay. I mean evenwhen I write in English some-times I might stop for a minuteand think oh, wait, what’s thegrammar for that? Not usually,but sometimes maybe.

Why can I do that?Why can you dothat? Well, becauseof course with writ-ing you have plentyof time. There’s nopressure. There’s nospeed. You can writevery, very, very slowlyand then you can goand you can writethe same thing againand then you can

show it to somebody and say isthis correct? They can say oh,no, change this. Then you canwrite it again.

All of that is possible withwriting. So if you want to studygrammar rules for writing okay,but here’s the problem. Forspeaking there is no time. If Iwalk up to you and I say hey,how’s it going? What did you doyesterday? You have no time tobe thinking about grammar.Which tense is it and what do Isay. There’s no time. You needto answer immediately, in-stantly, automatically.

When you speak that gram-mar needs to be correct auto-matically. You can’t be thinkingabout it. You can’t be trying to

I guaranteeyou know moregrammar than Ido, because Idon’t thinkabout thisstuff. I just useit automatically.



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remember some grammar rule.No. If you are thinking aboutgrammar rules it causes you tospeak slowly. It causes you tohesitate and stop a lot. Andwhen you’re listening to people,if you’re thinking about gram-mar you’re not really hearingthem very well. It causes hugeproblems. You have to stopstudying grammar. No more.

See, native speakers, meaningpeople who grow up learningEnglish, we never study gram-mar. I never studied grammaruntil high school. When I wasabout 16 years old we startedstudying some grammar, but itwas just for writing. It was justfor academic writing, for writ-ing for school kind of papers.That’s all. But by then I alreadyused correct spoken grammarperfectly. So, how did I learngrammar as a child? How doesit happen? Every Americanchild learns to speak with goodEnglish grammar, most at leastdo. How do they do it if theydon’t study grammar rules?

Well, we talked about it in se-cret number one. First of all,they’re learning it from phrases,natural phrases. And there are afew other ways that they’relearning grammar, which we’lltalk about in some of our futuresecrets or rules. The point isthey are not studying grammarrules. They do not get them-

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If I walk up to you and I say hey,how’s it going? What did you doyesterday? You have no time to bethinking about grammar.



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selves confused with grammarrules. If you’re thinking aboutgrammar rules you’re going tobe confused. It’s going to hurtyour speaking ability, so youmust stop now and never do itagain.

In fact, here’s what I want youto do. Go grab all your Englishgrammar books and put themon top of each other and thenburn them. Get a fire, put somegasoline on there and let the firecome up and, if you want, youcan dance around it. Woohoo!Celebrate and smile and jumparound, because you are free ofEnglish grammar. No more.

With our system you willnever study another grammarrule again, I promise you. Thatshould make you happy, be-cause I know that grammarrules cause a lot of pain, a lot ofboredom, a lot of frustration.Nobody likes them, so just for-get it.

So, this is good news. Today,secret number two, rule num-ber two, is great news. Throwaway your grammar books, burnthem. Have a party, celebrate,because you will never studygrammar rules again and that issecret number two.

I’ll see you again tomorrowfor a very important secretthat’s also very simple, but verypowerful.

Have a great day, bye-bye. ■

