Download - 2 · Austx4a (1") Autriche Austrfa {the) Bahams the) Bahmas the) RepubUe of Austr3a la) R&ablique .dDAutpi&@ la) RegdibPiea de Austrfa

Page 1: 2 · Austx4a (1") Autriche Austrfa {the) Bahams the) Bahmas the) RepubUe of Austr3a la) R&ablique .dDAutpi&@ la) RegdibPiea de Austrfa
Page 2: 2 · Austx4a (1") Autriche Austrfa {the) Bahams the) Bahmas the) RepubUe of Austr3a la) R&ablique .dDAutpi&@ la) RegdibPiea de Austrfa

. ../2

Page 3: 2 · Austx4a (1") Autriche Austrfa {the) Bahams the) Bahmas the) RepubUe of Austr3a la) R&ablique .dDAutpi&@ la) RegdibPiea de Austrfa

Austx4a (1") Autriche Austrfa

{the) Bahams

the) Bahmas

the) RepubUe of Austr3a la) R&ablique .dDAutpi&@ la) RegdibPiea de Austrfa

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(1) Officia%

(a) Bc%igali B~l.a.deSh

Bsrbzdos .

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(le) Bmndf


Belms (

(la) R&kb%fque du Eiumndi

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é;b) French

(c) Spaniah

. - (c 1 Spanish (d) Russien (cd chinese

(1) Of-ficial

(a) Englfsh (b) French

(2) U.H.

(8) Englfsh $b) Fmnch (c) Spanish d) Russian e) cthinase!

(a) French

R&mblicr R&p&blfque socialiséa sovi&ique de Biélmxmsie Rep&@2a Socf&iota Sovi& de Bi.elorruaia

Canada (le) Canada

Canada le) Canada el) Canad$

Page 8: 2 · Austx4a (1") Autriche Austrfa {the) Bahams the) Bahmas the) RepubUe of Austr3a la) R&ablique .dDAutpi&@ la) RegdibPiea de Austrfa

(2) U.E.

(a) English Sri Lanka (or Ceylan)

f(b) Fretich Sri &a& (or Ceylan)

te) Sgnnish

d) Rusefan e) Chinese


(1) Officia1

Sri Lanka (or CeUn)

(a) X?rench (le) Tchad

(3.) OHicial

(a) S&mish chile

(la) R@ubPique du Tchad

(the) Republic of Ched (la) R+ublique du Tchad (la) Rep6blica del. Chrzd

(la) Rep6blIca de Chile

(the) Republie of ChiLe (le) R+ublique du Chi11 (la) Re$blica de chile

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(a) Chinese

(2) U.N. I-

I a) Englisb. b) French

I c) Spanish d) Russiac

(e) minese

‘:y’)“ :j


(1) Officia1

(a) Spanist

(a) English (b) French (c) Spanish (d, Russian (e) Chinese


(1) Officia1

(a) French

(2) y.

(a) Ekglich

(b) French

t c) Spanish d) Russian

(e) cbinese

cosm RICA

(1) Officia1

(a) Spanish

(a) English (b) French

China (la) ChLne

(the) People*s Republic of @hinn (la) R&publique populaire de C&ix

China (la) Rep&blica Popular de China

Çolariibia (le) Rep6blica de Colo&&ia

Columbia (la) Colmbie ColoxBbia

(the) Republic of Color&ia (la) République de Colombie (la) Rep6blica de Colombia

(la) République populaire dv. CbXlgO

(the) People@s Republfc of tk Congo

(la) R&ublique pop~?laI~e du

(el) Congo s?ongo

(la) Rep6blica Populm del Csrgo

Costa Rica (Is) Re&blfca de Costa Rica

Costa Riea (the) Republic of Costa R%~E~ (le) Costa Rica (la) R&ublique du Costa Rtcé. Costa Rica (la) Re@Aica de Cmte Rica

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Cuba Cuba Cuba

V Ceskoslovensko ceskoslovenska Sociala&tirf&



(la) Republica de CuIta

tha) R~putslic of' Cuba la) Rgpubliqw de Ctzbo la) Rep6blica de Cuba

IQpriaki Din;okratia. Kïbris Curnhuriyeti

(the) Republic of CTyma

i la) 109

R&mbliqur de C%nygn-e Republica de Chtpre,

(the) CzechosEova.k Soc%aList Republic

(la) T&coalovsquie (la) R&xabLHqw socis7iste

tch&coslomqe Checoslovaquiâ (1~) Rep6blbca So¢i~,Zîstn


. . ../lO

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RcpUblîca Ikmïnîe8.r.r,

Page 12: 2 · Austx4a (1") Autriche Austrfa {the) Bahams the) Bahmas the) RepubUe of Austr3a la) R&ablique .dDAutpi&@ la) RegdibPiea de Austrfa

EiXFT -,.-

(1) ofïYxi&

(a) Azabic~

(2) g.

(a) Englfsh b) Frerch


c) Spculisk: d) Russim e) Chinese

Exv.wmR@L mm --

(a) spanisl.!

(b) French

Page 13: 2 · Austx4a (1") Autriche Austrfa {the) Bahams the) Bahmas the) RepubUe of Austr3a la) R&ablique .dDAutpi&@ la) RegdibPiea de Austrfa

(1) OfficLal --

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(2) U.I.


a) EkzJ$li& b) Fremh. c) Gpsbnish a) Rctssian

(e) chineae


(1) officie.%1

(a) Greek

(a) &glish

I b) French c) Spniah

(a) Rwsale‘n (e) chinese

(1) officia1

(a) English (b) French

(the) Rewblic of,GWm

GhZ?3 (le) Ghma Ghana

,(the) Rspüüblic of Ghmm la) R&mblique du Ghms lai) Rep6blica. de GImm


Page 16: 2 · Austx4a (1") Autriche Austrfa {the) Bahams the) Bahmas the) RepubUe of Austr3a la) R&ablique .dDAutpi&@ la) RegdibPiea de Austrfa

- 13 -

ha) Guinée

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L$6%ezdi6 Ésumd

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(1) Of4icial

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(1) %mx!*a1 -c--

(a) Arabie

Rippon (or mon)


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South K.orea + (la) CO& du Sud +

(the) Ropllblic OP Kcmx

Corea del Sur +

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, ’ LAQS

QI.) 0Tficia.l

(a) Lao

(1) Offfcfâl

(a) Arabie

(2) x7.23.

Jhxi (or Lao)

(cl) Loub&e

Lebamm (le) Liban (el) LOx-mo


Lesotho (le) Lesotho Lesotho

Ghrsssn Anschak Lao

(the) Kingdom of Lesotho

. . . / 22

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Liechtenstein (le9 Liechtenstein


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(a) Jhgliab (the) Republlc of MxI.awi Malawi

(2) o.If,

(a) P&ldivtn


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(2) UJf. -*-

(a) Englïsh

(b) l?izn&

té) Smeh (d) RU~S&~

(@) ohinese


(1) Of+f%$&

(a) AxBbic

(b) Ft-ench

(2) v.m,

(a) =tMsh (b) FYemh

(e) Sperni8h

(d) Rassian

(e) tJh.5hese


(1) of"picial

(a) Exxgliah

(2) u.3.

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(1) offictil (a) Sg?zlsh

(2) U,F.

(a) M@lish

(b) I?ra&

(c) Spnlsh

(a) Russîan

(é) ohflleoe

(1) offîcm

(e) mench Eso~co

(2) ua.

(a) Engllsh

(b) Frem3.i

(c) Sm-h (d) RusSi&

(e) Chinese

(10~) Estzdos Unidos Mexdeanos

(the) Unzkted Mexicm States

(les) &.&+JI& du Mexiqw

(10s) Eetados Uriidoa Hex9mma

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(2) ua,

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. .


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(2) a,w_o

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. .

(2) u,a,

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. l

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. .








(a) Rcmni.en


(a) En~liE;h

(b) E'mmeh

(c) 'Spmish

(d) Rws'lan

(e) chinese


(a9 WwEh (b) Fpen&

(c) Spnish

(d) Russian

ie) chanese


(a) X*lbn


(a) 3ihglish (b) FîJench

(c) Sprzish .

(d) RtBsiE,n

(e) Chfnese

(le) Rwam%


San l42z.Pfn.o

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(le) sénég31


(le) sénég&l

(el) Sene@

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(2) wo,IF, es - -

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(z-2) WA -2.

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