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  • 8/4/2019 2. Act I Summary



    Act I Summary

    Act Ii

    The rain drizzles and the thunder rumbles. A flash of lightning reveals three

    sodden witches huddled together on the barren heath. The crones discuss

    their plan to meet Macbeth when the battle ends, which they know will be

    before sunset.

    Act Iii

    King Duncan, with his sons Malcolm and Donalbain, impatiently waits

    behind the front lines of battle for information about the Scottish troops

    successes or failures. One of his captains, wounded and bleeding, tells

    Duncan that Macbeth has distinguished himself in battle against theNorwegians. Duncan praises Macbeths exploits but is then informed by

    Ross that the Thane of Cawdor betrayed him by aiding the Norwegian

    forces. Duncan immediately decrees Cawdors execution and tells Ross to

    greet Macbeth with his new title, Thane of Cawdor.

    Act Iiii

    The war over and a storm brewing, Macbeth and Banquo ride towards home.

    They come upon the three witches and puzzle over their appearance, unsureif they are real or fantastical. The witches greet them with intriguing

    prophecies. They recognize Macbeth as the Thane of Glamis, but proceed to

    hail him as Thane of Cawdor and finally, as king. In turn, Banquo is told

    that his issue, his descendants, will be king. Macbeth is secretly happy with

    the news; however, Banquo is skeptical as he knows witches are the devils

    helpers and cannot be trusted. While Macbeth and Banquo are pondering

    the implications of these prophecies, Ross and Angus arrive with the news

    that King Duncan has given Macbeth a new title, Thane of Cawdor.

    Macbeth is awed by the news and starts to contemplate how and when he

    might become king.

    Act Iiv

    King Duncan, back home in his castle at Forres, tells his sons, Malcolm and

    Donalbain, and the rest of his entourage that he was surprised the Thane of

    Cawdor betrayed him. Duncan has always been confident of his thanes and

  • 8/4/2019 2. Act I Summary


    subjects loyalty. On a happier note, Duncan praises Macbeth and Banquo

    for their bravery in battle and applauds their successes. He further honours

    his loyal kinsman, Macbeth, by telling him they all will visit him at his

    castle at Inverness. Duncans final announcement shocks Macbeth.

    Malcolm, his eldest, is named Prince of Cumberland; he will succeed

    Duncan as King. A somber Macbeth takes his leave and broods on the


    Act Iv

    An excited Lady Macbeth reads the letter from Macbeth that tells her of the

    witches prophecies and the subsequent honour, the title Thane of Cawdor,

    he received. Lady Macbeth knows her husband well. She knows that

    however much he may want to be king, hes not cruel enough to get it the

    quickest way. Upon hearing that Duncan is coming to their home that veryday, she realizes she must encourage Macbeths ambitions for she

    desperately wants to be Queen. Lady Macbeth even calls on evil forces to

    make her cruel enough to murder the king, herself.

    Act Ivi

    Duncan and his entourage arrive at Macbeths castle. Duncan is basking in

    the glory of Scotlands recent successes and the loyalty of his captains,

    Macbeth and Banquo. He comments on the pleasant surroundings as Lady

    Macbeth warmly welcomes him to her home.

    Act Ivii

    Macbeth is torn with indecision. He wants to be king but that would mean

    Duncan would have to die. He likes Duncan; he doesnt want to kill him.

    Duncan is a kind, gentle, good king but when Macbeth voices his concerns

    to Lady Macbeth, she berates and belittles him. What kind of coward is he?

    Doesnt he love her enough to make her queen? Lady Macbeth has it all

    planned. Shell get Duncans guards drunk and, using the guards owndaggers, she and Macbeth can kill the sleeping king. Macbeth finally agrees.