Download - 2-2013 Conduct of Project Work MBA Sem-IV Revise d.doc

  • 8/13/2019 2-2013 Conduct of Project Work MBA Sem-IV Revise d.doc


    Gitarattan International Business School, New Delhi

    Academic Circular No 2/2013

    09th January, 2014

    CONDC! O" #$O%&C! 'O$() *BA S&*S!&$ I+ S!D&N!S $&+IS&D-


    1. Students of MBA Semester IV are to carry out a project or! or r"te a d"ssertat"on as part

    of curr"cu#um. At the end of the semester the students are to su$m"t a r"tten project report. %h"s

    &"rcu#ar #ays don 'u"de#"nes to conduct the project or! "nc#ud"n' "ts methodo#o'y and tostandard"se the format of su$m"ss"on of the project report. %he o$ject"(es of the project

    or!)d"ssertat"on are*

    %o enhance ana#yt"ca# a$"#"t"es of students $y app#y"n' theoret"ca# concepts, too#s +techn"ues of mana'ement to a $us"ness s"tuat"on)pro$#em,

    %o de(e#op research s!"##s of students "n terms of us"n' stat"st"ca# too#s and researchmethodo#o'y, and

    %o de(e#op s!"##s "n techn"ca# report r"t"n'.

    niersit Scheme or #roect &aluation

    2. As per the sy##a$" of MBA -aper code MS/202, students of Semester IV are to r"te a

     project report orth s" cred"ts. %he e(a#uat"on of project report has to components, (".

    -a 3terna# * #roect +ia -0 Mar!s, $y eterna# eam"ner on the  $as"s of ("(a + r"tten report.

    -$ Interna# * Conduct Su.mission #roect $e4ort -40 Mar!s It"n(o#(es conduct of study + su$m"ss"on of report and

     presentat"on at the Inst"tute.

    Sco4e o the #roect

    5. &ach student is re5uired to carr out the 4roect wor6 in his/her 7*aor8 area os4ecialisation and the re4ort indiiduall. 3ach student "s reu"red to carry out the project or! under the 'u"dance of a facu#ty mem$er ass"'ned $y the unders"'ned. %he facu#ty

    'u"de "## ass"'n the $road top"c and t"t#e as per the area of spec"a#"at"on to the "nd"("dua# student.

    %he project or! ou#d $e $ased on pr"mary and)or secondary data. !o4ic once i9ed cannot .e



  • 8/13/2019 2-2013 Conduct of Project Work MBA Sem-IV Revise d.doc


    AN< #$&+IOS 'O$( O$ BO$$O'&D $O$! 'I== B& S**A$I=<

    $&%&C!&D AND IN A== CAS&S O" $&%&C!ION !>& 'O$( IS !O B& $&A!&D



    4. %he project proposa#)synops"s shou#d $e a$out one)to pa'e #on' and must $e su$m"tted "n

    r"t"n' to your respect"(e 'u"de. %he format of the proposa# "s attached as A44endi9 A.

    "inal $e4ort

    6. %he 7u"de#"nes for methodo#o'y to $e adopted for conduct"n' the project are attached as

    A44endi9?B. %he format for comp"#at"on of project report "s attached as A44endi9?C. rojectreports are to $e comp"#ed as per #a"d don 'u"de#"nes.


    . %he schedu#e, (ar"ous m"#estones and e(a#uat"on methodo#o'y "s '"(en "n the ta$#e $e#o.

    %he schedu#e "s to $e adhered to $y a## the students*

    !o .e Com4leted .


    Actiit *ar6s



    18.01.2014 Br"ef"n' $y roject &oord"nators /

    26.01.2014 Se#ect"on + A##ocat"on of funct"ona# area

    and %"t#e


    05.02.2014 Su$m"ss"on of roject roposa#)synops"s to

    the respect"(e 'u"des, o$ject"(es, scope +methodo#o'y.

    6 efer Append" A.

    05.05.2014 :es"'n"n' uest"onna"re, data co##ect"on,esta$#"sh"n' re#e(ance + comp#eteness of

    data .r.t. to top"c; to $e assessed $y

    respect"(e 'u"des. &omp#ete &hapter/1 + 2.

    10 efer Append" B.


    3terna# V"(a $y the eterna# eam"ner. 0 roject V"(a.

    !otal *ar6s 100

    -S &hatur(ed":"rector 


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    $eer #ara @-

    #$O%&C! #$O#OSA=/SANG&D.

  • 8/13/2019 2-2013 Conduct of Project Work MBA Sem-IV Revise d.doc



    $eer #ara -

    *&!>ODO=OG< O" #$O%&C! 'O$( 

    %he methodo#o'y for carry"n' out the project "s '"(en "n the fo##o"n' para'raphs. 3ach student "sto comp"#e h"s)her study "n four chapters as deta"#ed $e#o*

    Cha4ter?1) Introduction

    %h"s chapter "s to "nc#ude the fo##o"n' aspects*

    A; #roile Or:anisation/Com4an* Br"ef#y ep#a"n the nature of the or'an"sat"on and "ts

     $us"ness. It shou#d "nc#ude type of "ndustry + $us"ness "n h"ch the company "s operat"n', "ts

    ("s"on + m"ss"on, 'eo'raph"ca# + funct"ona# area of operat"on, s"e of or'an"sat"on + "ts structure,

    turno(er, mar!et share + pos"t"on of the company "n the "ndustry, product ran'e, present

    #eadersh"p, stren'ths + ea!nesses, "f any.

    B; O.ecties o Stud* It shou#d $e pra'mat"c and cons"stent "th the t"t#e of the study andach"e(a$#e dur"n' the course of study "th"n the prescr"$ed schedu#e. Students are ad("sed to

    de(e#op the o$ject"(es "n consu#tat"on "th the"r respect"(e 'u"des. %he o$ject"(es must start "th

    act"on or"ented (er$s. A samp#e of o$ject"(es "s '"(en $e#o as eamp#e*

    -a %o study the 'roth of sa#es of @ Cater ur"f"ers.

    -$ %o compare the mar!et share of $randed and #oca# manufacturers of @ Caterur"f"er.

    C; Sco4e o Stud* %he scope of study shou#d c#ear#y ment"on the Eactiities that are actua##y performed "n the study. It shou#d "nc#ude the per"od of study, the funct"ona# area -D, ="nance and

    Mar!et"n' and (o#ume of or! carr"ed out "n the study. C"th reference to a$o(e o$ject"(es, the

    scope of study cou#d $e as fo##os -note th"s "s su''est"(e and not ehaust"(e*

    F-a %o co##ect and ana#yse the sa#es data of @ Cater ur"f"ers "n :e#h" re'"on of #ast

    f"(e years. =or th"s purpose secondary data from the pu$#"shed sources and the dea#ers "sco##ected.

    -$ %o carry out mar!et sur(ey of customer percept"on for the use of @ Cater

    ur"f"er. =or th"s purpose the 'eo'raph"ca# area se#ected "s :ar!a #oca#"ty. :ata "sco##ected throu'h a uest"onna"re that "s attached as Append" A.G

    D; *ethodolo:* %he methodo#o'y "s to $e ep#a"ned "n to parts (".

    -a *ethodolo: used or Data Collection) In case a student uses 4rimar data, a

    uest"onna"re must $e prepared and "t has to $e made part of the project report. %heuest"onna"re shou#d $e cons"stent "th the o$ject"(es and the scope of the study and du#y


  • 8/13/2019 2-2013 Conduct of Project Work MBA Sem-IV Revise d.doc


    (etted $y the respect"(e 'u"de. %he uest"onna"re shou#d $e des"'ned "n a s"mp#e #an'ua'e

    so that the tar'eted popu#at"on must understand and a$#e to respond effect"(e#y. Samp#"n'

    techn"ue and the samp#e s"e shou#d $e se#ected accord"n' to the pro$#em under study.

    %he just"f"cat"on for se#ect"n' part"cu#ar samp#"n' techn"ue must $e '"(en. In case of

    secondar data, "t shou#d $e co##ected accord"n' to o$ject"(es and scope of the study.

    roper references of sources of data must $e comp"#ed and ment"oned a'a"nst each data

    used "n the study "n the fo##o"n' manner -"th reference to a$o(e eamp#e*

    F-" %he sa#es data of =or$es + Hent $rands of @ Cater ur"f"er "s co##ected

    from the"r Annua# ="nanc"a# Statements for the per"od 200/2010.G

    -$ *ethodolo: used or Data Analsis) In th"s part the students shou#d ep#a"n the

    concepts, too#s and techn"ues used for data ana#ys"s. %he rat"ona# and just"f"cat"on forus"n' a part"cu#ar too# and techn"ue shou#d $e ep#a"ned. =or eamp#e "f a student uses

    Standard :e("at"on as a stat"st"ca# too#, he)she shou#d ep#a"n hy Standard :e("at"on "s

    chosen for measur"n' de("at"on.

    &; >4othesis* If the study "nc#udes the hypothes"s, "t must $e ep#a"ned a#on' "th "ts test"n'method + s"'n"f"cance #e(e# at h"ch "t "s tested + hy.

    Cha4ter?2) =iterature $eiew

    A; =iterature $eiew* %h"s chapter shou#d "nc#ude research f"nd"n's of ear#"er stud"es-Ind"an or fore"'n "th proper references re#ated to your top"c of study, h"ch can support your

    f"nd"n's or hypothes"s.

    B; !heoretical Descri4tion* If nature of project)d"ssertat"on "s such that "t does not need#"terature re("e, a $r"ef theoret"ca# descr"pt"on of concepts, too#s and techn"ues used "n project

    a#on' "th definition of key words and formu#ae etc shou#d $e "nc#uded. =or eamp#e* 

    7#erce4tion) #erce4tion is the 4rocess . which or:anisms inter4ret and or:anise

    in4ut stimuli to 4roduce a meanin:ul e94erience o the e9ternal world;8

    Cha4ter?3) Data #resentation Analsis

    A; Data #resentation* a data -pr"mary or secondary co##ected must $e reduced tostandard formats such as ta$#es, charts, 'raphs, d"a'rams etc and "s to $e presented "n th"s

    chapter. %he too# for data presentat"on shou#d $e su"ta$#y se#ected so that "nterpretat"on

    and "nferences cou#d $e dran eas"#y and $ecome se#f ep#anatory. roper t"t#es, #e'ends,

    sca#es, source -s etc must $e ment"oned a#on' "th each d"a'ram.

    B; Data Analsis) %h"s "s the most "mportant part of the study, here"n students are

    reu"red to app#y esta$#"shed theoret"ca# concepts, too#s and techn"ues or use researchf"nd"n's -d"scussed "n &hapter/2 to the data presented "n &hapter/5 and dra "nferences.

    Students are reu"red to d"scuss rat"ona# and #o'"c for dra"n' "nferences. =or each

    "nference, proper #"n!a'es are to $e esta$#"shed e"ther "th the data ana#ysed "n &hapter/5or "th the ca#cu#at"on -s to $e "nc#uded "n th"s &hapter. Chere(er, ca#cu#at"ons are to $e


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    carr"ed out, "t must $e pro("ded $efore dra"n' any "nference. %he "nferences are to $e

     presented "n narrat"(e form from each data set a#on' "th any #"m"tat"on -s due to data

    "nsuff"c"ency, "f any.

    Cha4ter?@) Summar Conclusions

    %h"s &hapter shou#d compr"se the fo##o"n'*

    A; "indin:s/$esults o the Stud* %hese are to $e presented and supported $y facts +

    f"'ures "n narrat"(e form and $e cu##ed out from the &hapter/5. %he seuence of the resu#ts must $econs"stent "th the o$ject"(es of the study ment"oned "n &hapter/1. A#so, ment"on the

    ach"e(ement of o$ject"(es or other"se.

    B; =imitations* %he #"m"tat"ons cou#d $e ment"oned "n terms of data "nsuff"c"ency, t"me +

    epert"se constra"nts etc.

    C; Su::estions  Sco4e or urther Stud* Any scope for etens"on of the study to ne

    'eo'raph"ca# areas, se'ments, t"me "th #ar'er data, "s to $e ment"oned under th"s head"n'.

    Cha4ter?) $ecommendations

    In th"s chapter recommendat"on emer'"n' from the ana#ys"s of data and f"nd"n's of the study are to

     $e "nc#uded cons"stent "th the o$ject"(es of the study. Any mode# or approach de(e#oped forso#("n' the pro$#em "s to $e "nc#uded.

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    $eer #ara -

    "O$*A! O" !>& #$O%&C! $O$!


    1. %he f"na# report shou#d $e r"tten and comp"#ed "n the fo##o"n' the seuence*

    -a %"t#e a'e

    -$ &ert"f"cate -s-c Ac!no#ed'ement -s

    -d 3ecut"(e Summary

    -e &ontents-f "st of %a$#es

    -' "st of ="'ures

    -h "st of Sym$o#s-j "st of A$$re("at"ons

    -! Body of the roject eport -As per Append" B

    -# eferences)B"$#"o'raphy

    -m Append"ces)Anneure

    !itle #a:e

    2. %he format of the t"t#e pa'e "s attached as Anne9ure?1.


    5. %he format of the cert"f"cate "s attached as Anne9ure?2. A cert"f"cate of the or'an"sat"on

    here the student has conducted the project may a#so $e attached separate#y after the Inst"tutescert"f"cate.

    Ac6nowled:ement s-

    4. In the FAc!no#ed'ementG pa'e, the r"ter reco'n"ses h"s)her "nde$tedness for 'u"dance

    and ass"stance $y the facu#ty 'u"de and any other mem$er -s. &ourtesy demands that he)she a#so

    reco'n"ses spec"f"c contr"$ut"ons $y other persons or "nst"tut"ons such as #"$rar"es and researchfoundat"ons. Ac!no#ed'ements shou#d $e epressed s"mp#y, tastefu##y, and tactfu##y dul si:ned

    a.oe the name;

    &9ecutie Summar

    6. 3ecut"(e Summary "s a $r"ef or condensed summary of the project for h"'her/#e(e#mana'ement pos"t"ons. It shou#d $e a$out 5/4 pa'es "n #en'th. It shou#d compr"se company

     prof"#e, o$ject"(es + scope of the project, methodo#o'y and too#s used, resu#ts)f"nd"n's,

    #"m"tat"ons, recommendat"ons and d"rect"ons for future de(e#opment, "f any.

  • 8/13/2019 2-2013 Conduct of Project Work MBA Sem-IV Revise d.doc


    Contents =ist o !a.les/"i:ures/Sm.ols/A..reiation

    . %he format of &ontents and #"st of %a$#es)="'ures)Sym$o#s "s attached as Anne9ure?3.

    Bod o the #roect $e4ort ) Guidelines or #roect $e4ort/Dissertation 'ritin:

  • 8/13/2019 2-2013 Conduct of Project Work MBA Sem-IV Revise d.doc


    -"" Bac!'round of the co(er pa'e / *aroon-""" etters "n S"#(er Ch"te


    8. 3amp#es are '"(en $e#o*

    1. :.. &arney, J.I. &ochran -1986, F%he 63SS S"tch"n' System* Arch"tectura#

    @(er("e,G AT&T Technical Journal , (o#. E@, no. E, pp. 1559/156.

    2. A. Ste(ens -1992, C++ Database Development , MIS ress, e ?or!, 1992, p. 54.

    5. ."$"n don#oaded on date/////////////


    9. %he append"ces are to $e attached at the end of the report and to $e num$ered as Append"/A, Append"/B etc r"'ht just"f"ed at the top of the pa'e. Be#o the ord Append" r"te "n

     parenthes"s Fefer ara oKKG. %he para num$er shou#d $e the num$er "n the $ody of tet herethe reference of append" "s '"(en.

    10. An append" may ha(e anneure -s. %he anneures, "f any, are to $e attached "mmed"ate#yafter the sa"d append". %he anneures are to $e num$ered as Anneure/1, Anneure/2 etc.


  • 8/13/2019 2-2013 Conduct of Project Work MBA Sem-IV Revise d.doc



    !itle o the #roect $e4ort Ca4ital =etters--=ont s"e L 18

    (Name of the organization, if any 

    !ubmitte" in partial fulfillment of the re#uirements for the a$ar" of the "egree of 


    *aster o Business Administration *BA-


    7uru 7o$"nd S"n'h Indraprastha >n"(ers"ty, :e#h"

    Guide) Su.mitted .)

    Guide Name- Bold- Student Name- Bold-

    $oll No;)

    Gitarattan International Business School Ca4ital =etters-

    Delhi F 1100Batch 2012?201@-


  • 8/13/2019 2-2013 Conduct of Project Work MBA Sem-IV Revise d.doc





    roject eport):"ssertat"on -MS/202 ent"t#ed FKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKG "s

    done $y me and "t "s an authent"c or! carr"ed out $y me at KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

    -ame of the or'an"sat"on or of the Inst"tute. %he matter em$od"ed "n th"s project or! has

    not $een su$m"tted ear#"er for the aard of any de'ree or d"p#oma to the $est of my !no#ed'e

    and $e#"ef.

    S"'nature of the Student:ate*

    &ert"f"ed that the roject eport):"ssertat"on -MS/202 ent"t#ed FKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKG


    comp#eted under my 'u"dance.

    S"'nature of the 7u"de


     ame of the 7u"de*:es"'nat"on*


    7"tarattan Internat"ona# Bus"nessSchoo#, :e#h"/110086


    :"rector)roject &oord"nator 


  • 8/13/2019 2-2013 Conduct of Project Work MBA Sem-IV Revise d.doc



    "O$*A! "O$ CON!&N!S =IS! O" !AB=&S/"IG$&S/ S