Download - 1I N · 220 books in large print and a membershjp to the Reader's Digest- large ... Almeda F. Latshaw, Catalog Librarian Patricia E. Hawkins, Library Assistant

Page 1: 1I N · 220 books in large print and a membershjp to the Reader's Digest-  large ... Almeda F. Latshaw, Catalog Librarian Patricia E. Hawkins, Library Assistant

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Page 2: 1I N · 220 books in large print and a membershjp to the Reader's Digest-  large ... Almeda F. Latshaw, Catalog Librarian Patricia E. Hawkins, Library Assistant
Page 3: 1I N · 220 books in large print and a membershjp to the Reader's Digest-  large ... Almeda F. Latshaw, Catalog Librarian Patricia E. Hawkins, Library Assistant

PHONE 715 832-8341



Common Council City of Eau Claire Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54701


On behalf of the Eau Claire Public Library Board of Trustees, it is a pleasure for me to submit the annual library report for 1968.

I trust that the following narrative and statistics will indicate the quantity and quality of library service offered in the City of Eau Claire. We have placed emphasis on service to individuals and groups as well as on the circulation of books and materials.

As a depository of recorded knowledge and a motivating force for creative activity, we have made a conscious effort to collect and document the recorded development of contemporary society as well as that of past generations. It has also been our goal to make readily available those materials necessary to an individual in his search for personal or professional fulfillment.

Our effectiveness as a free agent for the intellectual and cultural benefit of the cOnID1unity can best be measured on an individual basis. We sincerely invite you to use your public library and to determine the quality and scope of our service by that which you receive.

Respectfully submitted,

Richard J. Rademacber Director


Page 4: 1I N · 220 books in large print and a membershjp to the Reader's Digest-  large ... Almeda F. Latshaw, Catalog Librarian Patricia E. Hawkins, Library Assistant
Page 5: 1I N · 220 books in large print and a membershjp to the Reader's Digest-  large ... Almeda F. Latshaw, Catalog Librarian Patricia E. Hawkins, Library Assistant



Both the Adult Department and the Childrenls Department maintain a circulating collection of fiction and nonfiction materials. This collection is composed of oVer 87,000 volumes and is supplemented with pamphlets, maps, documents, records, and films.

In addition, an Eau Claire library patron has at his disposal, through interlibrary loan and reference referral, the entire collections of several other libraries in the state. A few of the libraries called upon regularly to serve local patrons are: General Reference and Loan, University of Wibconsin-Madison, University Industrial Research, and the Milwaukee Public Library.


REFERENCE SERVICE: A collection of specialized reference materials is utilized by professionally trained staff to answer reference and informational questions. These questions range from simply supplying a telephone number to supplying moterials ::or a doctoral dissertation. In 1968, the Reference Departmenc .nswered 10,510 questions and aided in the answering of many more.

HISTORICAL MATERIALS: Historical materials relative to Eau Claire or the surrounding area are housed in the library vault. This collection includes genealogical materials and private papers of local concern.

ADULT SERVICES: The Adult Services Department provides individual reader's guidance and special service to groups. In addition, the Adult Services Librarian prepares bibliographies, monthly reading lists, and study plans in specialized areas.

Through the use of the Reader's Interest File, patrons who fill out a request slip are notified of all new books acquired in their special interest fields. In 1968, 115 patrons requested this service.

RECORD COLLECTION: The library contains a varied record collection. This collection is utilized mostly as a recreational tool although it does contain poetry, drama, and other spoken resources. The Children's Department also maintains a record collection.

PERIODICALS: The library receives over 250 periodicals and 16 newspapers. Back files are kept 1, 5, or 10 years.

MICROFILMS: Forty-six magazines are available on microfilm as well as the Eau Claire newspaper. The newspaper file runs from the beginning of publication to date.

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Page 7: 1I N · 220 books in large print and a membershjp to the Reader's Digest-  large ... Almeda F. Latshaw, Catalog Librarian Patricia E. Hawkins, Library Assistant

FRAMED ART REPRODUCTIONS: In December of 1967 the library purchased seventy-five framed art reproductions for six-week loans at no charge. Since that time, the pictures have been in constant circulation.

FILMS; The Eau Claire Public Library owns four films, is a depository for ten Canadian films, and has received 144 circuit films from its membership in the Wisconsin Film Circuit. In addition to these films which are housed at the library, special films are ordered from Madison as requested.

LARGE PRINT BOOKS: To make reading possible and pleasurable for the visually handicapped, the Eau Claire Public Library bas obtained 220 books in large print and a membershjp to the Reader's Digest-­large print. These books were purchased under LSCA Title IV B Project 68 - 3.


PRESCHOOL STORY HOUR: Designed as an initial introduction to books and libraries, the preschool program attempts to foster the natural curiosity of children and its fulfillment through reading. Three classes for four-and-five year old children attracted about 60 children to the weekly meetings.

FILM SERIES: Films are shown every Saturday afternoon for older children. Average attendance at' the meetings is between 15 and 20.

STORY HOUR: Every Saturday morning there is a story hour at the library. Stories are either told or acted out for children in the elementary grades.

SUM}lliR READING PROGRAM: Approximately 1,200 children registered for the eight-week summer reading program. Story hours were held on Tuesday for younger readers and on Thursday for older children with the groups combined for plays and puppet shows.

GROUP VISITS: Twenty-eight groups totaling 664 children visited the Children's Department. These groups represented Eau Claire area schools, nursery schools, and a special class for the deaf from McDonough.

EVENING HOURS: As an experiment, the Children's Department remained open on Monday evenings Erom 6:30 to 8:00 P.M. The response from parents and children has been so favorable that this extension of hours will be continued.

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Page 9: 1I N · 220 books in large print and a membershjp to the Reader's Digest-  large ... Almeda F. Latshaw, Catalog Librarian Patricia E. Hawkins, Library Assistant


The Eau Claire Public Library is che headquarcers library for the TTi-Valley Library System. This system includes the nineteen libraries located in Chippewa, Dunn, Barron, and eastern St. Croix counties. Financed with federal funds, th~ system was formed to demonstrate the value of 11braries working together.

The main services offered by the system are interlibrary loan, reference and referral, book enrichment, rotating collections of books and recordings, films, and in-service training workshops.

Since the TTi-Valley Library System began operation in January of 1966, it has received $152,000 of federal support. The counties mentioned above have already voted local support for the system beginning in January of 1969.

In 1968 the ~au Claire Public Libcary re~cived 1,662 requests for materials or information. Eighc hundred and eighty five of these requests were filled by Cau Claire and seven hundred and seventy seven were sent on to larger libraries. Of the 288 films which were available to area libraries> there were 874 bookings with an estimated total audience of 81,352.

This was the last year for financial support of the system with federal funds. It is now up to the counties involved co support and develop the system.

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Page 11: 1I N · 220 books in large print and a membershjp to the Reader's Digest-  large ... Almeda F. Latshaw, Catalog Librarian Patricia E. Hawkins, Library Assistant



CIRCULATION Adult . Juvenile


123,749 84,094


CIRCULATION OF NONBOOK MATERIAL Photocopy . Microfilm . Phono Records

Adult . . Juvenile.


705 649

7,210 5,311


Framed Art Reproductions Films

Films Available . . Bookings . Estimated Audience.


452 1,321


REGISTRATION Adult (new borrowers) .. Juvenile (new borrowers)


2,440 1,306 3,746

Total number of registered borrowers . 16,511

NONRESIDENT BORROWERS Eau Claire County. Other places (95 towns) .•


190 218 408

ACQUISITIONS Volumes, December 31, 1967 Volumes added 1968 . . . . Volumes withdrawn 1968 . . Net volumes, December 31, 1968

81,277 7,734 1,034


RECORDS Records, December 31, 1967 Added 1968 . . . . . . . .


666 667


MICROFILMS Added 1968 . . 638

FRAMED ART REPRODUCTIONS 1968 .••.. ...... " . 75

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Page 13: 1I N · 220 books in large print and a membershjp to the Reader's Digest-  large ... Almeda F. Latshaw, Catalog Librarian Patricia E. Hawkins, Library Assistant


BALANCE ON HAND, JANUARY 1, 1968 City Treasurer. $ 20,132.28 Revolving Fund .......• 125.00

Total $ 20,257.28

REVENUE Appropriation from City . . . . . $151,169.48 Miscellaneous Fines, Fees, etc. . 5,684.66 Federal Grant for Public Library

(Microfilm) 3,000.00 Federal Grant for Tri-Valley Library

System. . . 27,197.00 Hobbs Foundation Grant . 3,332.95

Total 190,384.09 $210,641. 37

EXPEND lTURES Library Operating Expenditures

Salaries. . . . $ 91,708.67 Retirement. . . 5,967.12 Social Security 4,070.91 Blue Cross ... 2,643.57 ' Group Life Insurance. 182.46 Workman 1 s Compensation. 105.00

t·Books and Binding . . . 23,688.46 Catalog Cards . . . . . 1,125.28 Periodicals and Pamphlets 2,422.43 Supplies. ..... 2,132.33 Furniture and Equipment - Repairs 212.85 Microfilm ..... 122.08 Telephone and Telegraph 901. 43 Equipment Rental .... 150.00 Printing, Publicity, Advertising .• 178.04 Travel and Conferences .. 327.48 . Dues and Memberships ... 162.34 Visual and Auditory Aids. 1,357.54 Postage, Freight, Express 771. 09 ­Special Services (Audit) .. 130.00 Street Lighting . . . . . 113.75 Art Reproductions . . . . 500.00 '

Total Operating Expenditures $138,972.83

Building Expenditures Custodian's Wages. $ 6,159.96 Heat, Light, Water. 4,064.87 Laundry . 95.96 Insurance 381. 25 Supplies. 624.06 Repairs . 327.93 Improvements. 6,938.50

Total Building Expenditures $ 18,592.53 I I


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Page 15: 1I N · 220 books in large print and a membershjp to the Reader's Digest-  large ... Almeda F. Latshaw, Catalog Librarian Patricia E. Hawkins, Library Assistant

Total General Library Expenditures .... Tri-Valley Library System Expenditures .. Federal Grant for Public Library Expendi­

tures (Microfilm) . • . . . . . . • Hobbs Foundation Grant Expenditures . .

Total Expenditures


BALANCE ON HAND DECEMBER 31, 1968 City Treasurer - 1968 Budget . Public Library - Unappropriated Surplus Federal Grant for Public Library

(Microfilm) . . . . . . Hobbs Foundation Grant. . Tri-Valley Library System


$157,565.36 37,264.72

2,943.75 1,064.64


$ 11,802.90

$ 3,888. 78 ~ 792.23 (

56.25 2,268.31 4,797.33

$ 11,802.90

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1 9 6 8

Edmund W. Paige ... President

Dr. Katherine Stewart Vice-President

Francis J. Wilcox .. Secretary

Homer DeLong a

Willard E. Fantle, Jr.

Mrs. A. W. Hilker

Harry Kaiser

George H. Losby

Dr. John W. Morris

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ADMINISTRATION Ri-G-R~d J~ RaUemacbeT, Direc tor Mabel A. von Berg, Administrative Assistant

ADULT SERVICES Carol R. Dawson, Adult Services Librarian Doris E. Friedman, Reference Librarian Ethel A. Gordon, Circulation Assistant Darlene M. Honadel, Library Assistant Lucille E. Kringle, Clerical Assistant* Rolland C. Larson, Clerical Assistant*

CHILDREN'S SERVICES Harriett R. Christy, Children's Librarian Emma M. Peterson, Library Assistant

CATALOGING Almeda F. Latshaw, Catalog Librarian Patricia E. Hawkins, Library Assistant Norma L. Osberg, Library Assistant Mary J. Begley, Library Assistant

BOOK PROCESSING Eleanor M. Spindler, Head of ~ook Preparation Signa O. Wollum, Library Assistant


Josephine D. Peterson, Library Assistant Bonnie J; Johnson, Library Assistant


CUSTODIAN Roy E. Ruemmele, Custodian Ru...t.h M.*

* Part-time Employees

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Page 21: 1I N · 220 books in large print and a membershjp to the Reader's Digest-  large ... Almeda F. Latshaw, Catalog Librarian Patricia E. Hawkins, Library Assistant