Download - 19 th century - of South Africa to... · 1 A brief history of South Africa to the end of the 19 th century The major contribution made by Pam McGlinn to the



A brief history of South Africa to the end of the



The major contribution made by Pam McGlinn to the development of this course is



The earliest creatures that can be identified as ancestors of modern humans are

classified as australopithecines (literally “southern apes”). The first specimen of these

hominins to be found (in 1924) was the skull of a child from a quarry site at Taung in

what is now the North-West province. of South Africa. Subsequently more

australopithecine fossils were discovered in limestone caves farther northeast at

Sterkfontein, Swartkrans, and Kromdraai (collectively designated a World Heritage

site in 1999), where they had originally been deposited by predators and scavengers.

Earliest occupants of South Africa known to history

Bushmen of the Kalahari

The earliest occupants of South Africa - at least the

earliest of which we are aware - were the San and

Khoekhoe peoples (otherwise known individually as

the Bushmen and Hottentots or Khoikhoi;

collectively called the Khoisan). Both had lived in

the southern tip of the continent for thousands of years before written history began

with the arrival of the European seafarers In fact it is known that human beings had

been living in the region for more than 100, 000 years prior to this. The country is an

archaeological treasure chest, sometimes called the cradle of mankind.

The hunter-gatherer San (Bushmen) ranged widely over the area while the pastoral

Khoekhoe (Hottentot) lived in those comparatively well-watered areas, chiefly along

the southern and western coastal strips, where adequate grazing was to be found. So it

was with the latter that the early European settlers first came into contact - much to

the disadvantage of the Khoekhoe. Diseases such as smallpox were imported by the


Europeans; there was some assimilation with the settlers and especially with the

slaves who were to arrive in later years, and some straightforward extermination. As a

result, the Khoekhoe have effectively disappeared as an identifiable group.

Other long-term inhabitants of the area that was to become South Africa were the

Bantu-speaking people who had begun moving into the north-eastern and eastern

regions from the north many hundreds of years before the arrival of the Europeans.

The Thulamela site in the northern Kruger National Park is estimated to have been

first occupied in the 13th century. The ruins of Mapungubwe, where artefacts from as

far away as China have been found, are the remains of a large trading settlement

thought to stretch back to the 12th century. Agro-pastoralists, these people brought

with them an Iron Age culture and sophisticated socio-political systems.

It was situated in the Limpopo Province on

the border between South Africa, Zimbabwe and

Botswana, 75 km from Messina. It sits close to

the point where the Limpopo and Shashe Rivers

meet and was the biggest kingdom on the

African sub-continent. In the 1400’s all the

citizens of the kingdom left and all that remained

were the palaces and the settlements around them. Nobody knows why the people of

Mapungubwe moved away, but the ruins give us a good idea of how these people

lived and how their society and political structures grew over 400 years. Scholars

believe that the climate in the area changed, which made it much harder to grow crops

and feed animals. It was declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco in July 2003. A

large number of artefacts from the royal family have been discovered at


The best known of these objects is the

golden rhinoceros. (left)

Mapungubwe was declared a World Heritage

Site because it shows proof of the changes in

human values between 900 AD and 1300.


These changes led to great cultural and social changes in Southern Africa. It also

shows the growth and death of the nation of Mapungubwe and its power as a trading

civilisation. Mapungubwe traded with Arabia and India through East African ports.

The ruins of the cities and their settlements show how a change in the climate can

influence a civilisation and clearly shows how unstoppable change can bring about the

death of a state.

The coming of the Europeans.

The first of the European explorers to discover South Africa were the Portuguese.

Bartholomew Diaz who rounded the southern-most point of the African continent as

far as Algoa Bay. Then in 1497 came his countryman, Vasco Da Gama, who went

further and sailed right around the Cape as far as present day Natal before going on to

India. To the Portuguese the Cape was just a means of gaining access the riches of the

East. The merchants brought these highly valued commodities to Lisbon where

traders from other countries purchased them and Portugal grew rich from the sale of

Eastern spices, carpets, perfumes and precious stones.

Although the Portuguese basked in the nautical achievement of having successfully

navigating the Cape, they showed little interest in colonization. The area's fierce

weather and rocky shoreline posed a threat to their caravels, (ships) and many of their

attempts to trade with the local Khoikhoi (a nomadic people, who inhabited what is

now southern and western South Africa) ended in conflict. The Portuguese found the

Mozambican coast more attractive, with appealing bays to use as way stations,

prawns, and links to gold ore in the interior. However, while in 1595 Cornelius

Houtman, a Dutchman, sailed around the Cape to Java, in modern Indonesia, the long

period of Portuguese monopoly of the profitable trade with the East was clearly

coming to an end.

At this stage it became clear that a stopover at the Cape would be ideal for ships of all

nations. Up until then the route to the East was long and arduous. The ships went

down the West African coast, touching Sierra Leone and thence across the Atlantic

Ocean to Brazil. They then re-crossed in an easterly direction back over the Atlantic

passing the southern coast of Africa and from there on to the East Indian Islands. By


the end of the journey they were extremely tired and quite frequently out of supplies.

Scurvy was rampant, its causes and cures still unknown at this stage, and many

seamen died on the voyage. A port on the South African coast for ships was becoming

an absolute necessity.

Both the Dutch and the English conducted their commercial activities through

chartered companies. In 1600 the English East India Company was founded, and two

years later, in 1602, various Dutch companies united to form the VOC, which to us is

better known as the Dutch East India Company.

As early as 1619, representatives of the English and Dutch Companies met to consider

how best to solve the need for a calling station. They failed to reach any agreement,

although the suitability of Table Valley for a permanent calling station was vaguely

recognised. An Attempt in 1620 by two members of the English Company to annex

the land adjacent to Table Bay in the name of King James 1 was unsuccessful because

of lack of support from the English Govt. In 1647 a vessel belonging to the Dutch

East India Company was wrecked in Table Bay. Its crew moved into Table Valley

where they stayed for six months. To sustain themselves they grew vegetables and

bartered with the local people for meat. The district had a favourable climate and

fertile land and was thus suitable for settlement. When the crew returned home they

gave such a glowing report that it was decided that it was the right place for a

European settlement.

In 1652 Dutchman Jan van Riebeeck and

90 men landed at the Cape of Good

Hope, (left) under instructions from the

Dutch East India Company to build a fort

and develop a vegetable garden for the

benefit of ships on the Eastern trade route.

Their relationship with the Khoekhoe was

initially one of bartering, but a mutual

animosity developed over issues such as

cattle theft - and, no doubt, the growing suspicion on the part of the Khoekhoe that

Van Riebeeck's outpost was becoming a threat to them By the time Van Riebeeck left


ten years later, 250 white people were living in what was beginning to look like a

developing colony

While the new settlement traded out of necessity with the neighbouring Khoikhoi, it

wasn't a friendly relationship, and the authorities made deliberate attempts to restrict

contact. Partly as a consequence, *VOC employees found themselves faced with a

labour shortage. To remedy this, they released a small number of Dutch from their

contracts and permitted them to establish farms, with which they would supply the

VOC settlement from their harvests. This arrangement proved highly successful,

producing abundant supplies of fruit, vegetables, wheat, and wine; and later, livestock

was raised. This small initial group of free burghers, as these farmers were known,

steadily increased and began to expand their farms further north and east

[*The Dutch East India Company (Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie or VOC)]

The majority of burghers had Dutch ancestry and belonged to the Calvinist Reformed

Church of the Netherlands, but there were also numerous Germans and some

Scandinavians. In 1688 the Dutch and the Germans were joined by the French

Huguenots (Protestants) who were fleeing religious persecution under the Catholic

King Louis XIV.

In addition to establishing the free burgher system, van Riebeeck and the VOC began

to import large numbers of slaves, primarily from Madagascar and Indonesia. These

slaves often married Dutch settlers, and their descendants became known as the Cape

Coloureds and Cape Malays. A significant number of the offspring from the White

and slave unions were absorbed into the local Afrikaans speaking white population.

With this expanded labour force, the areas occupied by the VOC spread to the north

and east, bringing about clashes with the Khoikhoi. The newcomers drove the

Khoisan from their traditional lands, decimated them with introduced diseases, and

destroyed them with superior weapons when they fought back, which they did in a

number of major wars and with guerrilla resistance movements that continued into the

19th century. Most survivors were left with no option but to work for the Europeans

in an exploitative arrangement that differed little from slavery. Over time, the

Khoisan, their European overseers and the imported slaves assimilated, with the

offspring of these unions forming the basis for today's Coloured population.



Later governors encouraged immigration,

and in the early 1700s independent farmers

called trekboers began to push north and

east. Inevitably, the Khoisan started literally losing ground, in addition to being

pressed by difficult circumstances into service for the colonists

By the second half of the 18th century, the colonists - mainly of Dutch, German and

French Huguenot stock - had begun to lose their sense of identification with Europe.

The Afrikaner nation was emerging.

As a result of developments in Europe the British took the Cape over from the Dutch

in 1795. Seven years later the colony was returned to the Dutch government, only to

come under British rule again in 1806, recaptured because of the alliance between

Holland and Napoleon. The initial somewhat cautious regulations aimed at easing the

conditions under which Khoi servants were employed, caused discontent and even

open rebellion among the colony's white inhabitants. At the same time, British

military strength began to tell in the conflict with the Khoisan.

Meanwhile the colonists continued to expand into the rugged hinterlands of the north

and east. Many began to take up a semi-nomadic pastoralist lifestyle, in some ways

not far removed from that of the native inhabitants they displaced. In addition to its

herds, a family might have a wagon, a tent, a Bible, and a few guns. As they became

more settled, they would build a mud-walled cottage, frequently located, by choice,

several days’ travel from the nearest European. These were the first of the Trekboers

(wandering farmers, later shortened to Boers) - completely independent of official

controls, extraordinarily self-sufficient, and isolated. Their harsh lifestyle produced

individualists who were well acquainted with the land. Like many pioneers with

Christian backgrounds, the burghers attempted to live their lives based on teachings

from the Bible.

As the 18th century drew to a close Dutch mercantile power began to fade and the

British moved in to fill the vacuum. They seized the Cape in 1795 to prevent it from


falling into rival French hands, then briefly relinquished it to the Dutch (1803) before

finally achieving recognition of their sovereignty over the area in 1815.

At the tip of the continent the British found an established colony of 25,000 slaves,

20,000 white colonists, 15,000 Khoisan, and 1,000 freed black slaves. Power resided

solely with a white élite in Cape Town, and differentiation on the basis of race was

deeply entrenched. Outside Cape Town and the immediate hinterland there were

isolated black and white pastoralists.

Like the Dutch before them, the British initially had little interest in the Cape Colony,

other than as a strategically located port. As one of their first tasks they tried to

resolve a troublesome border dispute between the Boers and the Khosan on the

colony's eastern frontier. In 1820 the British authorities persuaded about 5,000

middle-class British immigrants (most of them "in trade") to leave England behind

and settle on tracts of land between the feuding groups, with the aim of providing a

buffer zone. The plan was singularly unsuccessful. Within three years, almost half of

these 1820 Settlers had retreated to the towns, notably Grahamstown and Port

Elizabeth, to pursue the jobs they had held in Britain.

While doing nothing to resolve the border dispute, this influx of settlers solidified the

British presence in the area thus fracturing the relative unity of white South Africa.

Where the Boers and their ideas had previously gone largely unchallenged, European

Southern Africa now had two language groups and two cultures. A pattern soon

emerged whereby English-speakers became highly urbanised and dominated politics,

trade, finance, mining, and manufacturing, while the largely uneducated Boers were

relegated to their farms.

The gap between the British settlers and the Boers further widened with the abolition

of slavery in 1833, a move that the Boers generally regarded as against the God-given

ordering of the races. Yet the British settlers' conservatism and sense of racial

superiority stopped any radical social reforms, and in 1841 the authorities passed a

Masters and Servants Ordinance, which perpetuated white control. Meanwhile, British

numbers increased rapidly in Cape Town, in the area east of the Cape Colony

(present-day Eastern Cape Province), in Natal and, after the discovery of gold and

diamonds, in parts of the Transvaal, mainly around present-day Gauteng.


The British began to settle in Natal, but minor conflicts followed. The British - fearing

repercussions in the Cape Colony - annexed Natal, where a small British settlement

called Port Natal (later Durban) had already been established. On the highveld,

however, two Boer republics were formed: the central Orange Free State and the

South African Republic (Transvaal or ZAR - Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek) to its


By the mid-1800s the tiny refreshment post at the Cape of Good Hope had become

white settlement stretching over virtually all of what today is South Africa. In some

areas the indigenous Bantu-speakers maintained their independence, most notably in

the northern Natal territories which were still unmistakably the kingdom of the Zulu.

However, almost all were eventually to lose the struggle against white overlordship -

British or Boer. One territory that was to retain independence was the mountain area

where King Moshoeshoe had forged the Basotho nation by offering refuge to tribes

fleeing from the whites. He clashed with the ZAR Free Staters and asked Britain to

annex Basotholand, which it did in 1868. Known today as Lesotho, this country is

entirely surrounded by South Africa, but has never been a part of it.

Meanwhile, the Boers had started to grow increasingly dissatisfied with British rule in

the Cape Colony. The British proclamation of the equality of the races particularly

angered them. Beginning in 1835, several groups of Boers, together with the black

servants, decided to trek off into the interior in search of greater independence. North

and east of the Orange River (which formed the Cape Colony's frontier.) These Boers

or Voortrekkers ("Pioneers") found vast tracts of apparently uninhabited grazing

lands. They had, it seemed, entered their promised land, with space enough for their

cattle to graze and their culture of anti-urban independence to flourish. Little did they

know that what they found - deserted pasture lands, disorganised bands of refugees,

and tales of brutality from the clearance of the native people rather than representing

the normal state of affairs.

With the exception of the more powerful Ndebele (people of modern Zimbabwe ) the

Voortrekkers encountered little resistance among the scattered peoples of the plains.

Their weakened condition also solidified the Boers' belief that European occupation

meant the coming of civilisation to a savage land. However, the mountains where

King Moshoeshoe had started to forge the Basotho nation that would later become


Lesotho and the wooded valleys of Zululand proved a more difficult proposition. Here

the Boers met strong resistance, and their incursions set off a series of skirmishes,

squabbles, and flimsy treaties that would litter the next 50 years of increasing white


The Great Trek

The Great Trek first halted at Thaba Nchu,

near present-day Bloemfontein, where the

trekkers established republic. Following

disagreements among their leadership, the

various Voortrekker groups split apart.

While some headed north, most crossed

the Drakensberg into Natal with the idea of

establishing a republic. Since the Zulus controlled this territory, the Voortrekker

leader Piet Retief paid a visit to Zulu King


The Battle of Blood River

The Zulus, accusing the Boers of

conspiring to overthrow the Zulu state,

captured Retief. After receiving the

specified cattle ransom, they sent an army

to decimate Retief's settlement, killing

280 Boers and 250 black servants. At the Battle of Itala, a Boer army's attempt at

revenge failed miserably. However, on 16 December 1838, at the Ncome River in

Natal the Boers suffered injuries, they killed several thousand Zulus at very little cost

to Boer lives. The bloodshed reportedly caused the Ncome's waters to run red, thus

the clash is historically known as the Battle of Blood River.

Diamonds and British consolidation


The Boers continued to search for land and freedom, ultimately establishing

themselves in various Boer Republics, e.g. the Transvaal or South African Republic

and the Orange Free State. For a while it seemed that these republics would develop

into stable states, despite having thinly-spread populations of fiercely independent

Boers, no industry, and minimal agriculture. The discovery in1869 of diamonds near

Kimberley turned the Boers' world on its head. The first diamonds came from land

belonging to the Griqua, but to which both the Transvaal and Orange Free State laid

claim. Britain quickly stepped in and resolved the issue by annexing the area for itself.

Zulu workers at the Kimberly Mine

The discovery of the Kimberley

diamond-mines unleashed a flood of

European and black labourers into

the area. Towns sprang up in which

the inhabitants ignored the "proper"

separation of whites and blacks, and

the Boers, understandably angry that

their impoverished republics had missed out on the economic benefits of the mines.

protested bitterly

The Cape Colony was granted representative legislature in 1853 and self-government

followed in 1872. Between these two dates a dramatic new element was introduced to

the economic, and consequently political, balance - the discovery of diamonds and

subsequent establishment of Kimberley. For the first time it became evident that there

was wealth for the taking in the subcontinent. Rival claims by the Orange Free State,

the ZAR and Nicholas Waterboer, chief of the West Griquas - a community of mixed

race - were defeated and the area was incorporated into the Cape Colony in 1880. As

British territory, it was a perfect proving ground for the young Cecil John Rhodes, one

of the many thousands to be attracted by the diggings, and one who made his fortune


The colony had taken tentative steps towards political equality among the races. The

franchise was based on economic qualifications, non-racial in theory but excluding

the vast majority of African and coloured people in practice. Among those who did


qualify many became politically active across colour lines. The promise existed of

progress towards full political inclusion of the population.

The Colony of Natal, however, was developing along somewhat different lines, the

size of the Zulu nation assuming threatening proportions to the colonists. Reserves

were created under traditional African law for refugees from Zulu might; outside

those reserves British law held sway. As almost all blacks were deemed to fall under

the rule of the chiefs in the reserves, almost none had any chance of political rights

outside their borders.

Economically, Natal had the advantage of being ideal for the cultivation of sugar

cane. The consequent labour requirements led to the importation of indentured

labourers from India, many of whom - in spite of discrimination - remained in the

country after their contracts had expired: the forebears of today's significant and

influential Indian population.

Anglo-Zulu War

The late 19th century was an era of aggressive

colonial expansion, and the Zulus were bound

to come under pressure. But they were not to

prove easy pickings. Anglo-Zulu War was

fought in 1879. The war is notable for several

particularly bloody battles;

Under their king Cetshwayo, the Zulus delivered resounding proof in 1879 that the

British army was not invincible and defeated it at the Battle of Yorke’s Drift.

However, The British finally broke the military power of the Zulu nation and ended

its independence by defeating its main army at the Battle of Ulundi. and going on to

burn the Zulu capital, Ulundi.

Britain achieved a temporary expansion of its southern African rule in the politically

unstable north, where the unpopularity of President T.F. Burgers opened the way for

Britain to annex the Transvaal in 1877. Although the Boers protested this unwarranted


and unnecessary annexation, they took no immediate action. Things quickly got worse

as the British began to collect taxes in a haphazard way.

First Boer War

What is referred to as the First Boer War commenced

when the Transvaal formally declared independence

from the United Kingdo. The first shots were fired on


December by Transvaal Boers at Potchefstroom.

From 22 December 1880 to 6 January 1881, British

army garrisons all over the Transvaal became


The Boers decided they had had enough and sent England a declaration of

independence. Although the British government was concerned by this turn of events,

they were sure that the Boers could be brought around with the application of military

force. To this end, they charged Major-General Sir George Pomperoy-Colley as the

head of all military forces in the Transvaal to bring the Boers under control. General

Colley was a good officer, but had no respect for the Boers as a military force. It was

a mistake that would cost the British the Transvaal, and cost Colley his life.

Although General Colley only had around 1,500 men in his command it was deemed

sufficient. The Boers had no organized military force, but they did have a complex

militia system, which divided the men into groups known as commandos. Although

these men were not professional soldiers, they had spent the whole of their lives

stalking game across Africa and were experts at stealth and crack shots with their


During each of the three major battles of the short war, the Boer Commandos literally

took the British army to pieces. In each battle, the British had superior numbers, but

found themselves ambushed, surrounded, and without any adequate response to the

stealthy Boer marksmen.

The standard British infantry weapon was the single shot breech loading rifle with a

long sword bayonet. Gunners of the Royal Artillery wore bright blue jackets. This


enabled the Boer marksmen to easily snipe at British troops from a distance. The

Boers, on the other hand, were civilian militia and each man wore what he wished,

usually everyday dark-gray, neutral-colored or earthtone khaki farming clothes. The

Boers avoided close combat (they carried no bayonets) He carried bur drew on years

of experience of fighting frontier skirmishes, the Boers relied more on unconventional

tactics - mobility, stealth, marksmanship and initiative while the British emphasized

the traditional military values of command, discipline, formation and synchronized


It has been said of the British that “their bravery was matched by their stupidity”, and

that they were rather arrogant in the face of what they considered to be a handful of

rustic Dutch farmers who could soon be brought to heel by well disciplined regulars.

They were certainly in for a shock when it came to putting the spit and polish of their

traditional approach into practice on the plains of South Africa against an army of

Boer guerrillas who didn’t fight by “the rules”.

The Battle of Majuba Hill. General Colley

stands in the middle to the left. The British

troops fire over the edge of the hill, down at

the hidden Boer riflemen

The conflict ended almost as soon as it

began with a crushing Boer victory at

Battle of Majuba Hill on 27 February

1881. However, despite this crushing military defeat for the British the war ended

with a negotiated settlement, with the Transvaal being granted partial independence.

Some Boers were unhappy about this and a few years later that they were granted

complete independence.

It would only be about 18 years before war broke out again, and this time, the British

were better prepared to deal with the Boer’s military tactics. Paul Kruger, one of the

leaders of the uprising, became President of the South African Republic – Transvaal

(Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek, or ZAR) in 1883. Meanwhile, the British, who viewed

their defeat at Majuba as an aberration, forged ahead with their desire to federate the


Southern African colonies and republics. They saw this as the best way to come to

terms with the fact of a white Afrikaner President.

Discovery of gold – Kruger & the uitlanders

Two years later, when gold was discovered on the Witwatersrand, (a low, sedimentary

range of hillswhich runs in an east-west direction through South Africa) Kruger

presided over a financial turnaround of spectacular proportions. However he was also

faced with a serious threat to Afrikaner independence as huge numbers of

newcomers, mostly British, descended on the gold fields. Without urgent action, these

people (the uitlanders) would soon qualify for the vote. The response was to create

stringent franchise qualifications, an action which, with its 14-year residence

stipulation, would at least postpone the difficulty. The situation peaked in 1899 when

the British demanded voting rights for the 60,000 foreign whites on the goldfields.

The British now used the same rallying cry that had been used by the Americans. The

uitlanders had been denied the vote and the British declared “no taxation without

representation”. Of course this was an excuse to further their own interests - to obtain

control of the lucrative gold and diamond mines.

*uitlanders is Afrikaans for 'foreigner', and was the name given to foreign migrant

workers during the initial exploitation of the Witwatersrand gold fields in the


Meanwhile in the Cape Cecil Rhodes had become Prime Minister. His overriding

vision of a federation of British-controlled states in southern Africa was well served

by the growing discontent of the uitlanders and the exasperation of the mining

magnates. His first attempt at a takeover, however, came to an ignominious end when

his plan to have Leander Starr Jameson lead a raid into Johannesburg in response to a

planned uitlander uprising failed. The uprising did not happen; Jameson rode into the

Transvaal and was forced to surrender. Rhodes resigned.

Failure though it may have been, the Jameson Raid had a polarising effect. Afrikaners

in the Cape and the Orange Free State, though disapproving of Kruger in many ways,

became more sympathetic to his anti-British stance. The Orange Free State, under

President M.T. Steyn, formed a military alliance with the Transvaal. In Britain,


Rhodes and Jameson were popular heroes. Pressure built on Kruger and the Anglo-

Boer/South African War began in October 1899. Up to half a million British soldiers

squared up against some 65,000 Boers. Black South Africans were pulled into the

conflict on both sides.

The Second Boer War (1899 - 1902)

The war most commonly referred to as ‘the Boer War" is in effect the Second Boer

War. It was fought between the British Empire and the two independent Boer

republics, the Orange Free State and the South African Republic (Transvaal

Republic), founded by settlers known as Voortrekkers who had made the Great Trek

from the Cape Colony.

The Boer War of 1899-1902 was Britain’s last Imperial War. It is sometimes referred

to as the “last of the Gentleman’s wars” or the “forgotten war”, overshadowed as it

was to be by the First World War. It was to pitch the forces of Imperialism against

those of Nationalism, resulting in a three and half year bitter struggle that was to

change the face of Southern Africa.

Boer guerrillas

The Boers, mainly Dutch peasant farmers, challenged the might

of the British Army and exposed many of its fundamental

failings. This was not a war fought against “savages” with

nothing more than leather hide shields and spears, but a war

fought with the most sophisticated of modern weapons and a

citizen army of remarkably stoic and brave men who refused to be


Australia in the War

Throughout the whole of Australia in every little country town and most large

suburban areas, you will find war memorials erected to the men who died in all the

major conflicts in which Australia has engaged, especially the two world wars, but

also in most cases all of the other arenas where our men fought and died.

Some of these memorials are dedicated to the men who fought in the Boer War which

was the first major conflict in which Australian soldiers fought. Initially, when the


war started in 1899, Australia was a group of separate states, still jealously fighting

and arguing with each other for various reasons. By the time the War finished in

1902, Federation had come about, and we were the proud nation of Australia, the

world’s newest country. For the most part state differences were put aside as we set

out to showcase our independence to the rest of the world.

Even before hostilities broke out, Queensland, NSW and Victoria. had offered to

supply troops to fight for England. Late in September when it was clear that war was

inevitable, the military commandants of the various colonies met in Melbourne and

agreed that Australia should send a joint contingent of 2,500 men, more than half of

them mounted. When war broke out Australian patriotic enthusiasm was

overwhelming. Moved by a desire to do their bit for the ‘old country’ and a longing

for adventure thousands of young men volunteered for service.

Each State formed its own Military Force and offered their services. The British War

Office was extremely scornful of the proffered help, believing the fledgling Australian

Volunteer Regiments to be far inferior to their own professional, well disciplined

fighting forces which they believed to be second to none in the world; The offer of

the Colonials was rejected. However, the British Parliament, grateful for the support

of the members of her Empire in a war which was proving extremely unpopular in

Europe, especially amongst the Germans and the French, decided to go against the

advice of the War Office and accept the help. They did not take all the volunteers,

limiting themselves to just a few hundred. During the course of the war, which was to

last much longer than first thought, they were extremely pleased to revise these

figures and accept a much greater number of recruits. Altogether, some fifty

Australian Units from all States were to see active service during the Second Boer


To go back to the time several months before the War in Transvaal began, we will

follow the NSW Lancers as they journey forth to London in June 1899. They had

previously been to London during Queen Victoria’s jubilee, and were invited back to

undergo more training with the British Troops. The Lancers were a militia group and

as such were paid very little by the army, and even had to provide their own horse and

saddle, being given only their uniform by the Army. This uniform looked quite


handsome with its high necked jackets tightly buttoned over trim figures, a sash

across the left shoulder, highly polished boots and

riding jodhpurs. The whole was topped by the khaki

felt slouch hat with a cock’s feather proudly fastened

to the side of the up-turned brim. This hat, which was

to become forevermore the symbol of the Australian

soldier, was being worn uniformly now for the first

time. A cavalry sword hung jauntily at their side,

completing a memorable picture.

As it happened the Lancers had been ready to leave London for Australia when war

broke out and instead of going home as ordered to by the NSW Govt. they virtually

‘jumped ship’ when it stopped off at Cape Town for supplies, and presented

themselves to the British Army, ready to do battle - the first of the Colonial troops to

arrive in South Africa. A detachment was horsed and equipped and sent to join

Lieutenant General Lord Methuen’s force which had been sent to relieve the besieged

diamond town of Kimberley. Just one month after the commencement of the war,

they arrived in Cape Town.

“Banjo” Paterson, war correspondent.

The Australians had one of their very own writers and poets as a war correspondent. -

AB, better known as ‘Banjo’ Paterson. (among the British correspondents were

Winston Churchill and Rudyard Kipling.) Paterson went out with the first of the

volunteers... He wrote for the Sydney Morning Herald, and the stories he sent back of

the brave Australian boys and their fighting prowess made for very popular reading. It

was well that he did so, for although the war was well reported in the newspapers, it

was from a British point of view. Because all the Aussie soldiers were fighting under

British command, the individual units of fighting men were not mentioned in the

regular reports and the Australian population as a whole was unaware of exactly what

their men were doing.

Paterson’s writings were especially popular - his style, written clearly and with

humour, was much admired... He rode with the Lancers on their patrols, knew his


bushmen and knew how to write about them in a way which would appeal to the

masses. He had enormous admiration for their bush and riding skills and would write,

‘We pushed on through the open veldt, the long grass brushing against the horses’

knees and forming a dense carpet under their feet. This is the most wonderful grassed

country I have ever seen.’ The sight of the grass was very important to Paterson as he

was, first and foremost, a horseman, and like his fellow Aussie soldiers, always put

his horse before himself. He was extremely nationalistic about the tough Australian

soldiers and compared the British unfavourably to them – both their horses and their

soldiers. He wrote:

‘The big English horses and the Scots Greys do not stand up to the conditions

anywhere near as well as our Australian horses. Gun horses drop in their harnesses

and pistol shots constantly mark the sad end of their misery.’ Linking horse and man,

he said, ‘The greatest qualities needed for the troops were mobility, dash and

intelligence, and in all these qualities the ANZ Regiments, without exception, proved

their excellence. The Australians were accustomed all their lives to finding their way

in the open, to noticing what was taking place around them, and to relying on

themselves at a pinch. The English Tommies were drilled and trained to obey orders

and at that point their ideas stopped. The Aussies looked more smart and wide awake

than the English.’ He concluded ‘Every bushman is worth three soldiers, because they

can take care of themselves, as well as fighting.’

It was through these writings of correspondents such as Paterson and also A.G. Hales,

a Western Australian journalist, that the people of Australia learned of the exploits of

their soldiers. Hales wrote in a West Australian newspaper what he had learned from

a Boer prisoner of war in Bloemfontein Hospital. The prisoner told him that a

mounted force of four hundred Boers had attacked a small rise where twenty West

Australian Mounted Infantry were positioned. Hiding themselves in the rock-strewn

scrub, they carefully picked their targets, aiming with deadly skill and repelling attack

after attack, with the loss of only two men... Hales reported that the wounded Boer

survivor commented; ‘There were four hundred of us, all picked men. We dashed over

the gully and charged up the kopje where those twenty men were waiting for us. We

were ready to sweep the hill with artillery but our commandant did not wish to kill

such brave men, so asked them to surrender, with full honours. They answered us,


“Go back and tell your Commandant, Australia is here to stay.” We tried to rush them

under the cover of the artillery fire, but they only held their posts with stouter hearts

and shot the straighter when the fire was hottest. We could do nothing but sit there

and swear at them. They held the hill ’til all their men were safe, and then they made

a dash down the other side, carrying their wounded. We did not know the Australians

then. We know them now.’ The Boer losses were heavy.

Next day the West Australians were paraded before the brigade commander, Major

General R Clements and praised for their gallantry. A brigade order of the day

declared, ‘The General Officer commanding wishes to place on record his high

appreciation of the courage and determination shown by a party of 20 men of the

Western Australians, under Captain Moor. By their determined stand against 300 to

400 men they entirely frustrated the enemy’s attempt to turn the flank of the position.’

It was stories such as these which thrilled the reading public of Australia, as they

learned of the first real war in which Australian soldiers were engaged. It was here,

long before ANZAC, that the legend of the Australian soldier was born.

Australian nurses

Nurses at the time of the Boer War

The involvement of Australian women as nurses in war began

in 1898 with the formation of the Australian Nursing Service of

New South Wales, from which sixty nurses served in The Boer

War. In 1900, in her long skirts and stays, Matron Nellie Gould

volunteered for the Boer War as superintendent of a contingent

of NSW nurses. The service was incorporated into the newly formed Australian Army

Nursing Service Reserve

Victoria Crosses awarded.

(left) The first VC ever awarded to an Australian) was to Neville

Reginald Howse, (later Sir Neville) a G.P. from Orange who

enlisted in the New South Wales Army Medical Corps, arriving

at East London, Eastern Cape, in February 1900. On 24

th July


1900, during action at Vredefort, South Africa, Lieutenant Howse, saw a trumpeter

fall and went through very heavy cross-fire to rescue him. His horse was soon shot

from under him and Howse continued on foot, reached the casualty, dressed his

wound then carried him to safety. For this action he was awarded the Victoria Cross;

Howse served in the war of 1914-1918, was knighted and went on to serve in the

Federal Parliament

In all there were six Victoria crosses awarded during the Second Boer War, all for

rescuing wounded men under fire. Colonel Sir Howard Vincent, ADC to King

Edward VII wrote of the Australian troops in dispatches: “I have nothing but praise

for their gallantry, their conduct, their intelligence, their horsemanship and their

skill. Of all the troops they can least be spared. For column work and guerilla

warfare they have no equal.”

Phases of the War

The Boers first mounted pre-emptive strikes into British-held territory in Natal and

the Cape Colony, besieging the British garrisons of Ladysmith, Mafeking and

Kimberley and going on to win a series of tactical victories at Colenso, Magersfontein

and Spionkop against a failed British counteroffensive to relieve the three sieges..

Then, after the introduction of greatly increased British troop numbers under the

command of Lord Roberts, another, and this time successful, British offensive was

launched in 1900 to relieve the sieges. After Natal and the Cape Colony were secure,

the British were able to invade the Transvaal and the republic's capital, Pretoria, was

captured in June 1900.

Boer women and children in a

concentration camp

Beginning in March 1900, the Boers

engaged in protracted hard-fought guerrilla

warfare against the British forces during

which they raided targets such as British

troop columns, telegraph sites, railways and


storage depots. In an effort to cut off supplies to the raiders, the British, now under the

leadership of Lord Kitchener, responded with a scorched earth policy of destroying

Boer farms and moving civilians into concentration camps with poor hygiene and

little food. Tens of thousands women and children died of disease and malnutrition.

Many historians claim that the death and suffering in these camps is what broke the

will of the Boer guerillas. World reaction to these British “anti-insurgency” tactics

brought about a major change in British foreign policy. - a change from a “splendid

isolation" policy to one that involved looking for allies and improving world relations.

Signing the Treaty of Vereeniging

The Boer forces finally surrendered on

Saturday 31 May 1902, with 54 of the 60

delegates from the Transvaal and Orange

Free State voting to accept the terms of the

peace treaty, known as the Treaty of

Vereeniging The two republics were

absorbed into the British Empire, with the promise of limited self-government in the

future. This shortly came about shortly and led to the establishment of the Union of

South Africa. The war had a lasting effect on the region and on British domestic

politics. The war, known as the last British imperial war, was a long, expensive and

disastrous conflict. But then that can be said for all wars! Will we never learn?

The Boer force finally surrendered on 31 May 1902, after almost three long and

bloody years the war between Great Britain and the Boer States of South Africa was

over. The Boers, having given an unconditional surrender, were allowed to return to

their properties, but with the difference being that the British were now their

overlords. They returned to the remains of their burnt out farms in Orange Free State

and Transvaal, these two States were added to the rest of the British States and the

whole became British South Africa, which now stretched from the Cape to the


It was agreed at the Treaty of Vereeniging that the Dutch language would still be used

in the schools and courts, and that a Civil Government would rule instead of the

previous Military one. Financial help was to be given to those who needed it, and all


the debts of the two new colonies would be paid. Thirty-nine thousand Boers returned

home and the lucrative gold and diamond mines re-opened, albeit now in the hands of

the British.

British losses were between 6000 to 7000, with a further 14,000 dying from disease.

The Boer losses were similar in battle, with an unknown number dying from disease

However by far the worst figures were the 24,000 civilians, mainly women and

children who died from disease because of the extreme policies employed by the

British in their endeavour to prevent the civilians population from providing their

fighting men with food and aid.

Australian casualties were 1,400. However, it was clear that Australia’s impact on the

conflict would have been far greater had the many individual contingents not been

scattered throughout South Africa in small units attached to larger non-Australian


The Australian force had demonstrated great adaptability, resourcefulness and a

deadly determination. Mateship, a love of two-up gambling, and some petty pilfering

also showed up as national military characteristics! The war had showed that

volunteer soldiers who before then (with the exception of smaller wars in New

Zealand and the Sudan) merely paraded endlessly and trained for invaders that never

came, could survive inhospitable terrain, master new types of warfare and dare to win.


A History of South Africa (3rd

edition) by Leonard Thompson