Download - 1880-81 Annual Announcement, Department of Medicine … · DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN FOR ... Histology,with practical use of Microscopc. Mounting.

Page 1: 1880-81 Annual Announcement, Department of Medicine … · DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN FOR ... Histology,with practical use of Microscopc. Mounting.



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Page 2: 1880-81 Annual Announcement, Department of Medicine … · DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN FOR ... Histology,with practical use of Microscopc. Mounting.

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ALO ZO B. PALMER, M. D.)Professor of Patholo~y :.ud tbe Practice of Medicine. and Cliuical Medicine.

ORYDO L. FORD, L D.,Profe or of Anatomy and Ph)·siologr.

ALBERT B. PRESCOTT, M. D.,Professor of Organic and Applied Chemistry and Pharmacy.

GEORGE E. FROTHINGHAM, M. D.,Professor of Materia Medica and Ophthalmic and Aural Surgery, and ClinIcal Ophthal.


DONALD MACLEAN, M. D.,Professor of Surgery and Cliuical Surgery.

EDW ARD S. DUNSTER, M. D.,Profesor of Obstetrics and Discascs of Womcu and Children, and ClinIcal Gynrecology.

JOHN W. LANGLEY, M. D.,Profe 'or of General Chemistry.

PRESTO B. ROSE, M. D.,Assistant Professor of Physiological Chemistry, Toxicology, and Lecturer on Renal


WILLIAM J. HERDMA ,M. D.,Demonstrator of Anatomy and Lecturer ou Pathological Anatomy.

VICTOR C. VAUGHA . 1\1. D.,Lecturer on Medical hemistry and Assistant in the Chemical Laboratory.

CHARLES H. STOWELL, M. D.,Lecturer on Physiologr and Histolo~'aud Instructor in the Physiological Laboratory.

DOUGLA A. JOY, L D.,Assistant in General Chemistry.

GEORGE A. HE DRI K , 1\1. D.,Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy.

FRED BAKER, 1\1. D.,Assistant to the Professor of 1fateria Medica and Ophthalmology.

LORIN HALL, M. D.,AssIstant to the Professor of Obstetric. and Diseases of Women and Children.

ARCHIBALD MACLEA ,M. D.,Assistant to the Prore sor of Surgery.

E. O. BENNETT, M. D.,Resident Phrsieian and Snrgeollln the University Hospital.


E. P. CHRISTIAN, 1\1. D.,


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Within the last three year,; important changes have beenmade in the course of instruction in the College of Medicineand Surgery.

The course of Instruction now comprises th1'ee collegiateyears of nine months each. Students who matriculated priorto 1880 will, however, be allowed to graduate upon the condi­tions which were in force at the time of their matriculation.

The college year begins October 1st, aud end in the lastweek of June. It is divided into two semesters to correspondwith the arrangement in the Literary Department.

In this extended Course the studies are arranged so thatthey may be pursued in the following order:

FIRST YEA.R.-Anatomy, Physiology, Chemist.ry, Mat.eria Medicaand Therapeutics.

ECOND YEAR,- ontinuation of Anatomy, PhysioloO'y, hemistry,Materia Medica and Therapelltic'; with Pathology, Medical hemi­try and Clinical Medicine and Surgery,

At the end of the second year final examinations take placein Chemistry, Anatomy, Physiology, Materia Medica andTh erapeutics.

Tuum of Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and theDiseases of Women and Children, Ophthalmology and Ot.ology, withClinical Medicine and Surgery.

The above list will be understood to include all the specialstudies which appertain to, and form an essential part of thegeneral subjects enumerated. Such are: Histology -Physio­logical and Pathological; Laboratory work in Medi a1 Ohem-

Page 9: 1880-81 Annual Announcement, Department of Medicine … · DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN FOR ... Histology,with practical use of Microscopc. Mounting.

istry in Microscopy and in Electro-Therapeutics; Qualitative,Physiological and Pathological Analyses; Toxicology; ..Physi­cal Diagnosis, etc.

Students who have studied medicine elsewhere at least oneyear, may be admitted on examination to an advanced posi­tion in the course, ltnd may take such studies as they are ableto pursue; but no such student can be admitted to annalexamination who does not furnish evi.dence of having studiedmedicine three years, including the timc spent in college, andwho has not attended all the lectures as required in the Sched­ule. This course cannot be accomplished in less than foursemesters of nineteen and one-half weeks each, ano only inexceptional cases, by special permission after examination, inless than three college years. Courses of lectures in otherrespectable Medical Colleges are, however, recognized.

Students taking by permission the first year all the lecturesof which duplicates are required. and It suitable number ofthose required but once, may, by permission of the Faculty,after examination, be allowed to jJursue their studies with acompetent preceptor out of the college during their secondyear; and by complet,ing the full college course required bystrict attendance during the full third year, may present them­selves for examination for the degree at the end of that year.

The final examinations will be conducted, in part at least,in writing. Written examinations will also be held in theclosing week of each semester and the student may be calledupon to write upon some theme assigned by the instructor orselected by himself, the essay, if required, to be defendedbefore the class. In consequence of the prominence given towritten examinations through the Course, no graduating thesiswill be required.


Tn accordance with these arrangements the thirty-firstannual course of instruction will commence on Friday, Octo­ber 1st, 1880, and continue until the last Tuesday in June,1881, with a recess during the holidays, and. wql consi~t ofthe following lectures and exercises;






Page 10: 1880-81 Annual Announcement, Department of Medicine … · DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN FOR ... Histology,with practical use of Microscopc. Mounting.

lnstnwtion given '" the D partment of Lit­erature, Rciellce nnd Arts. (Optional.)

In General LecLure-room.

Twelve lessons-practice with Laborntor)'. I Electl\'e.)

[n General Lecture·room, supplemented inthe Hospital.

In General Lecture-room.

2 90 180 Delivered III Anatomical Amphitheatre.

...... In which all the llllntomical structures a,·cto hc worked out U)' each Rludcnt, rcquir·ing from 10 to 12 weeks of afternoon workin the dissecting-rooms, besides class re­,"iews by exalniuations.

2 40 80 Didactic Lcctures in Amp'1ithentre, withIllustrations.

2 20 40 In General Lecture-room.

[n sections in thc PhYbiologiclll ..aboratory.consisting of fiftecn leRsons of afternoonwork. (Elective.)

20 20 In AmphItheatre, with Illubtrations.

2 48 96 Tn General Lecture-room, with Il1ustrntionH.

Requiring six wecks of aftcrn on work iuthc Chemical Laborntory. (Required.)

RC'luiring- six weeks (If aftl)rnoon work inthe Chemical Lnbornt"ry. (Required.)

Continuing through l1 college year in Labor·ntory. (Optionnl.)

2 GO 120

2 45 9C Tn Genernl Lecture-room.

1 72 72 [n Hospital Amphithentrc.

24 24 [n General Lecture-room.


72 72 Ln Hospital Amphitbentre. at regular fore-noon hours.

128 128 Tn Ros~ital with sections of the clnss. (Or-tiona.

2 80 16C In General Lecture-room.

72 72 At rel1ular forenoon hours in Hospitnl Am-phitheatre.

128 128 [n Ho'rital Amphithcntre. nt mid-day. (01'tiona .)

2 90 180 In General Lecture-room.

72 72 In Hospital Amphithentre, at regular fore-noon hours.

72 72 In Hospital Amphithentre. (Optional.)


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SUBJ1WTS.U ...:l.,; .sl2 RE~ARKS .'0 ..... ~

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Anatomy-Descriptive .

Anatomy-Practicnl , .

Obstetrics ..

Physiology .

Gcneral Pathology .

Histology, with practical useof Microscopc. Mounting.etc ..

P,.thological Anntomy ..

General Chemistry .

Chemical Analysis .

Annlysis of Urine, etc .

D1'ea'cs of W 0 J1l en andChildren ..

Clinical Gynrecology and Dis-eases of Children ..

Ophthalmology and Otology

Eye and Ear Clinic ..

Clinical Ophthalmolog y atirregular hours ..

Systcmatic Surgery ..

Clinical Surgery ..

linicnl Surgery, often shor-ter lessons ..

Practice of Medicine Syste-matic ..

Clinical Medicine ..

Clinical Medicine in nfter-noon ~..c.:..c.:..c.:..c.:..:..:.:..:..:-~'-='-==-====-=-

An Extended Co urs e InAnalyses and 'L'oxicology... I

Botany, Zoology and Physics ..

M~~~b"cs.~~.~~~.~.n..~~l~.~~?~~.~~: 2 601 121'

Electro-Therap uties ..

Physical Diagnosis............... 2 16 32

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Page 11: 1880-81 Annual Announcement, Department of Medicine … · DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN FOR ... Histology,with practical use of Microscopc. Mounting.

The course of instruction will be so arranged in the timeof delivering the lectures, that for the most part, the more ele­mentary subjects will be presented before the student proceedsto those more advanced, so as to secure as far as practicable anorderly succession of studies; while the more fundamentalsubjects will, during the course in the college, be repeated, soas to secure a more perfect comprehension and a clearerunderstanding of their principles and relations, and to fix thefacts more firmly in the mind. The hours of the lectures,that are required, will be so arranged (four being given eachday) that no two will be dehvered at the same time, and everyfacility will be afforded for students to attend upon the repe­tition of the lectures as often as may be thought profitable.The Faculty recognize what is evident in the experience of allmedica.l students, that the listening to lectures on the samesubject a second time, after other related branches have beenstudied, is much more interesting and profitable than thefirst; and hence they require attendance upon lectures on allthe leading subjects more than once.

The students are examined often upon the subject.... of thelectures in progress, either by the professors or their assistants,and these examinations are regarded as an important part ofthe teaching.

The regular Clinics are held in the Hospital Amphitheaterevery Wednesday and Saturday for Medical, Surgical, Gynre­cological and Opthalmological cases, at which time examina­tions are made, prescripLions given and surgical operatiollsperformed, gratuitously to patients, in the presence of the class.


Every candidate for admission to the Department of Medi­cine and Surgery must be eighteen years of age, and mustpresent to the Faculty satisfactory evidence of a good moralcharacter.

Unless already graduates or matriculates of the Universityor of some literary or scientific college, or graduates or ad­vanced members of some academy or high school, or unlessholding certificates from some public schoQ~ bqard of being





Page 12: 1880-81 Annual Announcement, Department of Medicine … · DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN FOR ... Histology,with practical use of Microscopc. Mounting.

properly qualified a teachers, or unless having certificatesbased upon an examination by orne regular medical ocietyof being properly qualified to engage in the study of medicine,all candidates mu t be examined as to their elementary edu­cation and their fitness to enter the college and pursue prop­erly and profitably the technical study of medicine. Theexamination will be in writing and will include an account ofthe candidates' educational advantages, and an wers uponsuch questions of Arithmetic, Geography, History, Forms ofGov mment and current events as shall show their generalintelligence; and particularly will they be required to correctimperfect English, and to show their abllity to express ideascorrectly in writing. Since many present themselves a longtime after completing their school education, the examinationwill not be technical, nor in the rules of school books, whichare often soon forgotten, but it will be more to exhibit theresults of previou training, and to indicate their pre ent prac­tical capacity, and their ability to appreciate the technicalstudy of Medicine. Such an examination is believed to bequite as effectual in gUfLrding the profession from the intro­duction of illiterate ann unworthy members as the require­ments of a limited specified amount of school-book knowl­edge, to be studied up for the occasion.

These preliminary requirements are not now of as high anorder as it is hoped they will before long be made, but they areintended to be as exacting as is fairly practicable and consistentwith the interests and rights of the profession and the people.

Examinations will be held at 2 P. M., on Wednesday andThursday, September 29 and 30,1880. Candidates are requiredto present themselves on one of these days, as they are expectedto be in attendance on the first day of the term, at which timethe regular course of instruction will commence. To providefor cases in which it is absolutely impossible for the candidatesto be present at this time, supplementary examinations will beheld at such times as may be determined upon by the Faculty,but no excuse, except of an urgent character, will be acceptedfor failure to appear at the first examination.

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Before admi sion to xamination every Htud nt i r quiredto present to the Dean of the Faculty the Treasurer' receiptfor the payment of th matriculation fees and annual dues.It will, therefore, be nece ary for the candidates to apply firstto the Steward at hi office, in the Univer ity Hall, registertheir names as tudents in the department of Medicine and'urgery, and then pay their fee to the Trea urer. In ca e of

rejection, the money paid preliminary to examination will brefunded by the Treasurer.

In answer to many inquiries, it i thought cl sirable mol'explicitly to state that no previous study of medicine isrequired for admission to the college, any person of propermoral character, and who possesses the above described requi­site elementary education, being eligible for admi sion.


Women are admitted to thiR College, as to all other Depart­ment of the University, on the Rame conditionR that arerequired of men. It is proper to state, however, that th courseof instruction for women, though equal in all respects to thatprovided for the men is, for the mo t part, given separotely,the two cIa es being together, however, in tht> study of hem­istry and at the publi clinics, and at som other exercise,where their being togeth r cannot be con idered objectionable.Ample provision has been made for the wom n's cIa ses in theway of lecture rooms, di ecting rooms, etc.


To he admitted to the degree of Doctor of Medicin , allstudents must present vidence of the possession of a goodmoral character, of being twenty-one years of age, of havingsuccessfully pursued th study of Practical Anatomy andPractical Chemistry, and (unless the full course of study hasbeen taken in this college) of having been eng:Lged in the studyof medicine for the perio 1 of three years, including the timespent in attendance upon lectures. They must also have passedsatisfactory examinations on all the studies includ d in thefull course of instruction, and if admitted to advanced tand-







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ing in this college, they mu t have attended at lilt two fullcourses of medical leccure , the la t of which mu t be at this

college.It i proper to remark that the two medical ~chool in this

Univer. ity are di tinct organization, and that, und r the regu­lation stablished by the Regents, the professors in one schoolare not required to tak any pa,rt in conducting the final xami­nation of student in the other, or in recorum nding them forgraduation, or in signing their diplomas.


'I'll Department of Medicin and I urgery is abundantlysupplied with plat s, photographs, moc1els,sp cimen , prepara­tions, apparatus and instruments, for the purpose of illustrat­ing the different sturlies mbraced in the course. The appara­tus in the Department of Chemi. try and of Chemical Physicsis very full and complet. Additions are made from time totime t these collect ion by sp cial appropriations by the Boardof Regents, so that th Faculty are able to adopt every newmethod of illustration, and to exhibit to tb classes each yearall important improvement. in the way of in trum nt andapparatus that arc employed in the practice of medicine andurgery, and to show their application.

In addition to the didactic lectures in this department, anelectiv course in Electro-th rapeutics i open to student. Thwork under this head is trictly practical and is illustratedwith special apparatu , at an expense to each student of ondollar.

The museum of Professors Ford and Sager, embra ing sev­eral thousand specimen, which are the result of many years'labor in the collection and preparation of materials int ndedto aid directly in teaching, have now become the property ofthe University, and are usetl in the daily work of tl e class­rooms. These mu eum contain a valua ble collection of bones,illustrating healthy as well as diseased conditions, and alsothe various changes that occur from infancy to old age, andthe processes of first and second dentition; dissections, gene-



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ral and partial, of the vascular, nervous and muscular ystem ,both normal and abnormal; model in wax, papier mache andplaster, of variou portion of the body, illu trating morbidgrowths, skin diseas s, etc.; preparation in the comparativeembryology,n urology and craniology ofthe vertebrata; humanmbryology, and anatomy and pathology of the diseases of

women, etc. Th collection of monstrosities, both single anddouble, of man and the low I' animal, is one of the largest inthe United tates.

The department of the museum illustrative of Materia Med­ica, consists of a very complete collection of crud organicmedicinal substances, finely displayed and arranged accordingto their order in natural history; besides about one thousandother sp cimens of simple miueral and v getable substances,and pharmaceutical and officinal preparations, active princi­ples, etc., arranged in groups convenient for study. Medicinalbotany is further illu trated by several hundred large finelycolored plates.

The above collection, to which additions are made yearly,are catalogued and arranged in ca es. The museum thuaffords a secure depository' for objects of interest and value,and it is to be hoped that the alumni and other friends of theUniversity will continue their generous donations of suchmaterials.

Ample supplies of material for the pnrpo es of practicalanatomy are always on hand, and special attention is given tothis important study. Iaterial for this work is furnish dinabundance, at the following rates: for an upper and a lowerextremity, th di section of which is required previous to grad­uation, the charge is twenty dollars.

The Chemical Laboratory provides thorough instruction andsuitable appliances for th practical study of all branch s ofmedical chemistry. In each of the two branches which arerequi'red fo!' graduation as Doctor of Medicine, nam ly: (1)Qualitative Chemistry,d voted to the study of ch mical changesand incompatibilities; and (2) Analysis of Urine, applied toclinical uses and physiological study, students are taken in





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class-sections of limited number, for daily drill in the class­room, with daily practice in the Laboratory. Before commenc­ing, each class is prepared by daily recitation in chemicalnotation, and at the close of the work in each branch, theclasses are held to an examination. The classes commence atsuch several times of the college year as will be announced atthe opening of the same.

The average expense of such work for several years, hasbeen fifteen dollars for the entire Laboratory course of themedical students.

By action of the Faculty of the College of Medicine andSurgery, two extended optional courses have heen established, onein Physiological and Pathological Chemistry, and another inToxicology. The first will embrace analysis of the Blood,Urine, Gastric Juice, Brain, Bile, Bone, Muscle, and otherfluids and solids of the body. The second will embrace coursesof Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis, and the specialexamination of foods and of the tissues and fluids of poisonedanimals, for the detection of the various mineral and organicpoisons. Each of these special courses, which are not requiredfor graduation, employ about one collegiate year of Labora­tory work. Students willing to devote time to Q1'iginal wor'k inphysiological chemistry or other branches, after due prepara.­tion, are given the fullest encouragement and cooperation.Also courses in Quantitative analysis, and in PharmaceuticalPreparations, are open to students of medicine who may desiresuch special training.

By an act of the Legislature of Michigan, a liberal appro­priation for the equipm nt and conducting of a PhyeiologicalLaboratory has been made; and microscopes, a stereopticon,sphygmograph, and numerous other instruments for extendedpractical work have been procured, and are in daily use. Bythe cooperation of the Professors of Anatomy, Physiology andPathology, and with efficient instructors the students of theCollege of Medicine and Surgery, at an expense of one dollareach, for material consumed, have opportunities of practicalinstruction in Experimental Physiology and Histology, both



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physiological n,nd pathologica I; and this, supplemented byinstruction in Pathological Anatomy and Medical Chemi try, isdesigned to afford facilities to students for minute and specificscientific study an d research exceedingly rare in this country,the want of which is deeply felt by all advanced m dicalpractitioners.

Junior students will have an opportunity under competentinstruction to study Compn,rativ Anatomy and Physiologypractically by dissecting various animals, and while thus becom­ing familiar with structures and tissues, they will also acquiredexterity in the use of instruments preparatory to work uponthe human cadaver.

Recognizing the importance of combining clinical withdidactic instruction, College Clinics have for years past beenheld on Wednesdays and Saturdays during the session, for Med­ical, Surgical and Ophthalmic patients. These are examined,prescribed for, and when necessary, operated upon before theclass; and large numbers, especially of chronic cases, from thisand neighboring States, have availed themselves of theseprivileges.

By the liberality of the Legislature of the State of Mighi­gan, aided by the city of Ann Arbor, a Hospital has beenestablished, and new pavilion buildings have been erected uponthe University grounds, of sufficient capacity for a large num­ber of patientB. It is now thoroughly equipped and well sup­ported, and is in immediate charge of a competent house sur­geon and physician and an experienced matron. The whole isplaced under the dir ction of the Faculty of the College whosemembers attend regularly (each upon such cn,s s as comewithin his special department) upon the patients, and giveclinical instruction in the wards to the advanced students ofthe College. A new and spacious clinical amphitheatre in con­nection with the hospital has this year been erected by theRegents, in which the clinics are held.

The Hospital is kept open for patients applying from thisand other States during the whole collegiate year, the onlyrestriction being that no contagious diseases are admitted.





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.No portion of the fees can be refuuded to students who leave th University dur­ing thc academic )'eor, except by order of tho Board of Rel:ents.

The expenses to pati nts will b only for their board and forunu ual appliances and medicines, the service of the Facultybeing l' ndered gratuitously.

nder the pre ent organization, patients are much betteraccommodated, and clinical instruction i render d more sys­tematic and efficient than has hitherto been possible.

Besides these aids to study, the students in medicine arallowed free access to the general botanical, zoological and geo­logical cabinets ofthe University, which are stimated to contain225,000 specimens. The General Library containing about 2 ,000volumes, of which some 2,000 are medical works. A completecatalogue of the Library, arranged both by th names ofauthors and by subjects, is acces. ible to all students. Theleading medical periodicals of this country and of Europe aretaken and kept on file in th Library.


The fees,* which must be paid in advance are as follows:MATRICULATION FEE.-Re idents of 1ichigan, $10; non-r ­

idents, 25.ANNUAL DUEs.-Re ident of lichigan, 20; non-re idellts,

25.GRADUATION FEE.-For all alike, 10.For cost of dissection, see page 12.For co t of chemical work, see page 13.For Electro-Therapeutics, see page 1].For Physiological Laboratory, see page 13.The admission or matriculation fee is paid but once, and

entitles the student to the privilege of permanent membershipin any department of the University. The annual tax is paidat the commencement of th first and also at the beginning ofeach year thereafter while in attendance at th University.

There are neither dormitories nor commons connected withthe University. StudentA obtain board and lodgings in privatelamilies, for from three to five dollars per week. lubs are also








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formed, in which the cost of good board is from one and a halfto two dollars and a half per week. Room rent varies fromfifty cents to one dollar and a half per week for each student.The total expenses of students in the Medical Department arefrom 200 to 300 per term of nine months.


Any of the following text-books in each department willanswer the necessities of the student; and wherever a prefer­ence exists, it is given to those first in order on the list:

ANA'l'OMY.-Gray, Wilson, Leidy, Darling.HISTOLOGy.-Frey's Compendium of Histology; Stricker.

PHYSlOLoGY.-Dal tOll , Flint, Foster. For Reference-Kusa, Kilke,'arpenter, anderson's Handbook for the Physiological Laboratory,

Foster and Langley's Practical Physiology.

CHEMISTRY.-In General Ohemistry.-Miller's Chemical Physics,Miller's Inorganic Chemistry, or Eliot and torer's Manual of Chem­istry. For Laboratory.-Douglas and Pre~eott's Analysis, Vaughan'sPhysiological Chemistry, Wormley on Poisons.

MATERIA MEDICA AND TIIERAPEUTIcs.-H. . Wood, Jr., Stille, War­ing, Ringer. Special Subjects -Headland Oil the Action of Medieines,Anstie on Stimulants and arcotics.

PATUOLOGY AND PATIIOLOGICAL ANA'rO~Iy.-Green, ""Vagner, Paget,Williams's Principles. For Reference.-Rokitansky and Virehow.

OBSTETRI .-Playfair, Leishman, Byford. For Reference.-Schrre­der, 'azeaux, Hodge. Special Subjects.-Tanner on Pregnancy, Barneson Obstetric Operations, Eliott's Obstetric Clinics, Baker on PuerperalDi~eases.

DISEASES OF WOMEN.-Thomas, Emmet, Byford, Barnes. SpecialSubjects.-Tilt on Uterine Therapeutics, Klob on Pathological Anatomyof the Female 'exual Organs, Peaslee on OvariotomY,Simson UterineSurgery, Emmet on Vesico-Vaginal Fistula, Skene on Diseases of theBladder and Ur thra.

DISEASES OF CHILDHEN.-J. L. Smith, Vogel, Tanner, Meigs andPepper. Special Subjects.-Ellstace Smith on the Wasting Diseases ofInfancy and hildhood, ombe on the Management of Infancy, Routhon Infant Feeding, Holmes or Guer ant on the Surgical Diseases ofChildren.

PRACTICE o~' MEDICINE.-Flint, Bristowe, Niemeyer, Roberts, Wat­son. Special Subjects and for Reference.-Wi Iliams and Lebert on Con-




Page 20: 1880-81 Annual Announcement, Department of Medicine … · DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN FOR ... Histology,with practical use of Microscopc. Mounting.


The student, who is commencing a course of reading with­out an instructor, i recommended to devote the most of histime for the first y ar to the elementary branches, Anatomy,Physiology, and Chemistry, both general and medical; andadvancing to the other tudies to select one of the first men­tioned text-books in each department, pas ing to the" specialsubjects" only when neal' the completion of the course, or as hemay desire for particular reasons to become more fully informedon such ubjects. The book mentioned are tandard authori­ties, and will form a good nucleu for a medical library.


Diagno is,ystem of


Students on arriving in Ann Arbor can obtain th necessaryinformation in regard to room , board, etc., by calling at the

teward's office. eat in the Lecture rooms are assigned byselection to students in the order of registration on the Treas­urer's books, and each student is expected to occupy duringthe session euch seat as may be assigned to him. In theclinical lectures the graduating class, by courtesy, are allowedthe privilege of the seat n arest the operating table and lec­

ture desk.

Letters of inquiry may be addressed to the" D an of theljaculty of the Department of 1edicine and Surgery," AnnArbor, Michigan.


sumption, lurchison n the Liver, Da Costa on MedicalLoomis on Physical Diagnosi ,Aitkin Practice, Reynold'Medicine, Ziem ens' yclopedia.

'URGEltY.- 'yme, ediL d by Maclean, Erichl'en, Hamilton, Druitl.Special Su~je('18.-BillroLh on urgical Pathology, HamiUon on Fracturesand Dislocations, Bum Lead on Venereal Di eases, ~ayre on lub Foot,'ir Henry Thomp on or Gouley on Genito-Urinary Organ. . Henri

Leonard on Bandaging. in Minor SU1'gery fJ,nd SUl'gical Appliances.­

Bell, Le Gro larke, Anandale, \Vales, Sargent. For Reference.­Gross's System of Surgery, Holmes's. 'ystem of urgery.

Ol'llTrrAL~IOLOGYAND O'l'OLOliY.-On Ihe Eye relberg W lis, 'ariel',l::lchw<>igger, Stellwag, MeLz, Brown on the Ophthalmoscope. On theEar.-Roo. a, Toynbee wilh Hinton's 'upplement, BurneLt 's Treatise

on the Ear.





Page 21: 1880-81 Annual Announcement, Department of Medicine … · DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN FOR ... Histology,with practical use of Microscopc. Mounting.

By comparing the present provisions with those of formeryears it will be seen that very great advancements have beenmade in the mans offered for a complete and thorough medi­cal education. The plan of the nine months' session and threeyears' grad d course in medical chools in thi country, inaug­urated by Harvard College, has been followed by the venerableUniversity of Pennsylvania in a graded course, but withoutextension of th length of the sessions; and it is a cause ofcongratulation that this extension of the course in the Uni­versity of Michigan, long since recommended by the Faculty,and more recently by the Alumni of this College, and othersof the medical profe sian of the State, has at length beenaccomplished. The great importance of thi movement mustbe evident to all who appreciate the va text nsion of medicalscience, which has occulTed since medical schuols were estab­lished among us with four months' term, or who compare theshort course' prevalent in this country with tho e so muchlonger in Europe. The great fault with many American med­

ical students is a desire to rush peedily over their course ofstudy and enter, though but partially prepared, into theresponsible duties of acti ve practice. It is found, however, bythe incr ase in the 'ize of our classes since the extension ofthe term of instruction has been ef!' cted, that there are alreadymany, and it i. hoped that the number will increase, whodesire more thorough and extended preparation, and that inceby the liberality of the tate the nlCans of securing this thor­ough training are put within their reach, still more who havetal nt, energy, perseverance and high aims, will avail them­selves of the increased advantages offered.

In the plan of the extended course provided, and which ware sur it will be for the interest of every medical student totake, the attempt has be n made so to combine a successive Orgraded cour of study with reviews by repetition of the moreimportant lectur s, a to obviate tbe serious objection of dis­missing one part of a connected subject before its relations tooth I' parts cun be seen and appreciated, and to avoid also thconfu ion incident t~ th presentation of a many parts of the





Page 22: 1880-81 Annual Announcement, Department of Medicine … · DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN FOR ... Histology,with practical use of Microscopc. Mounting.

general subject to the mind of the student at the same timeand at an early period of his studies.

This extended cour e afford time for the teaching andstudy of subjects not generally, or but very imperfectly, taughtin our medical schools; and especially will itgive more time forthorough work in the Laboratories now provided. Though notfully supplying the defects of preliminary education, thislonger course, accompanied with repeated examinations andwriten exercises, will supplement the defici nces of earliertraining, and of itself will be a most efficient means of mentaldiscipline, and of literar)' as well as scientific culture.

This plan which has b en adopted with a view of avoid­ing the impracticable, and of securing real and decided advance­ment, is presented in the hope that it will commend itself tothe judgment and support of the profession. Upon the mem­bers of the profession who have encouraged such advance­ments by repeated recommendations, the schools making suchimprovements should be able to d pend for more ubstantialencouragement than mere advice. Should physicians whileprofessing a desire for reform, send the iudents whom theycontrol to schools wher diplomas are soonest and most easilyobtained, the cause of advanced medical education must suffer.Upon their consistency and practical efforts for reform, thesuccess of these experim nt must depend.

Should students be ready to commence the study of medi­cine near the opening of the term in October, it is advi ed thatthey enter the college at once and remain during their threeyears of pupilage-the instruction in the graded COul' e beingadapted to beginners. Should it be convenient to commencemedical studies at a period distant from the beginning of thecollege year, they should procure one of the text-books inAnatomy (Gray's), in Physiology, in Chemistry, and perhapsin General Pathology and Materia Medica, and a MedJicalDict'ionary. A study of such works, even without a prec ptor,will afford some general acquaintance with these fundamentalsubjects, and will, at lea t, give a knowledge of terms whichwill be of ervice in more l' adily comprehending th lectures.





Page 23: 1880-81 Annual Announcement, Department of Medicine … · DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN FOR ... Histology,with practical use of Microscopc. Mounting.





, William Andrews,

'harie' An on Babcock,

b'rank Dymond Baker,

Fred, Baker,

J use elso Barbo a,

William Thomas Battel'son,

James Addison Bepue,

Ralph Palmer Be ue,

b;b nezer ,B nn tl,

'trong 1\10 her Bennett,

Harlan Jaek~on Brown,

Lialph Alton Brown,

Donald W. 'ampbell,

John Luther 'ampbell,

William Pitt arpend r,

William Bnyard Carl'o II ,

Thirlla Ellen lark,

Granville .lam s Coller,

Samuel Le ount Cook,

Edward Clinlon Dayis. nn,

'arah John on Dean,

David "oble D 'l'arl',

halmers McCall Dickson,

M. V. Cov y Doane,

Will T. Dodge,

H nry Mitchell Downs,

France A. Dre\\ ,

Ruben Allen Dnnkelberg,

Orville Steinberg Ensign,

Charles Augnstn Elltrup,

Mary 'atherine Evans,

Nellie Wheeler Fairfield,

John ampbell 1"leming,

Charles Tilson Fox,

Bradford S. Galloway,

b'rancis Graham Gardiner,

Mason Wilber Gray,

K Josephus Groner,

Albert Adams Hallock,

~~mily A. Hammond,

IRaae Madon Harrison,

Orren Barnnm Hayden,

James Daniel Hillis,

Mary Ann Holbrook,

'l'imolhy Lewis Holland,

Willialll Jilson II ul 1',

Martha Paul Hughes,

Francis Sidney Hull,

LouiR Fillmore J ngersoll,

John Serl'ert Johnson,

Frank . Jones,

Sarah F 11 K nfield,

Vierling Ker.' y,

Rufus Robert Kime,

Mnrris C. L, Kitchen,

Orson Ford Lewis,

George A. Marietta,

Willis Willard Mather,

George Barclay McCollulll,

Walter tevens Morden,

Page 24: 1880-81 Annual Announcement, Department of Medicine … · DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN FOR ... Histology,with practical use of Microscopc. Mounting.









e /


GR.ADUATES 0.1<' 1880.

Patrick Eugene. agl , Charles A. Terhune,John O'Hearn, John Edmund 'Lotten,Bethena Angelina Owens, Frank Albert Tow I y,

J. Harri Oxner, Frank Vandawarker,Ed~ar Allen Peck, John Yand r Laan,Th odore Calvin Pet rtion, Hiram Walter,Alvan J. Rosenherry, Grifl'y Benjamin Wllrd,

Gerry Weedon Ross, Prudence Bell Warner,Eli7.abeth tniford 'amm, David Eaton W hster,Fred. S(:hennerhorn, Allen idney 'Vhetstone,Perry 'choonmaker, George John 'Vhite,Albert E. Schimm I, William Reici Whitelaw,Robert Steven on, Henry V. Wildman,Thoma John ullivan, Anna Mary Wilkin,Celia Williams Taylor, Pierce E. Witherspoon,

Harvey H. Ziegler.


Page 25: 1880-81 Annual Announcement, Department of Medicine … · DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN FOR ... Histology,with practical use of Microscopc. Mounting.



C. B. Allyn.Faculty.

. Rynd.R. E. {:lapp.Facult,y.Faculty.H. S. Taft..J. Brown.Faculty.B. ogshall.(Teorge G. Baker.

Faculty.Faculty B stun Univ.J. F. miley.Faculty.


Plymouth,Ann Arbor,Adrinn,Morejield, anI.,IIolly,Leoni,Ann Al'bor,Woodstock, ant.,Northfield,Flint,Norwalk, 0.,


Horace Selden Allyn,

Fanny Perkins Andrews,N. William Andrews,David Muirehead Angus,William L. Axford, PlI. B.,William Henry Aylsworth,Char'les Anson Babcock,Jame. lIanley Bacbe,Charles Emmet Bailey,Frank Dymond Baker,Fred. Baker, B. .,

Cornell University.

Elmer Irving Balcom, Grafton, Mas.~.,

Sarah Collins Baldwin, Winchester, bfasx.,Arthur D. Bangham, Marshall,Jose C. Barbosa, B. A., Porto Rico, W. 1.,

College of Porto Rico.

A~ne Barry Barlow, Grnnd Rapids, J~B. Griswold.Oliver William Barrett, Three Rivers, W. M. Ikel r.E. Wendell Bartram, Ovid, Faculty.William Thomas Batterson, West Jefferson, 0., Faculty.Sarah A. Beardsley, Clintont'ille, N. Y., F . .T. Dangnon.

Isaac Lewis Beatty, ummum, Ill., Faculty.James Addison Beebe, Ann Arbor, Facnlty.Ralph Palmer Beebe, Odessa, N. Y., B. 'r. melzer.William H. Begg, Columbus Grove,O.,B. H. Smith.Robert Blanchard Bell, Bowell, W. L. Wells,Ebenezer O. Bpnnett, Ann Al'bor, A. ollar.Judsol' Henry Bennett, Gobles, L. D. ICnowle.·.Leolin Edmonll Bennett. Fort Smith, Ark., J. E. Bennett.Strong Mosher Bennett, Mexico, N. Y., A. K. Hale,Anna Lobdell Ben on, Gambier, 0.. Dr. Jan Payne.JoseJ?h Valentine Berrios, Porto Rico, W,1., Faculty.





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TUDE T. 23



J. T. 'miley.REo IDt;NCE.


P"rm" , .\. JVl. Bllcknul1l.Bethany, Mo., Faculty.DOlleI', N . .I., J. D. King.Belmollt, Ont., .T. B. Campb -II.Royal Oak, Faculty.l'pNilctnli, FaCilityJlapletol/, Ont, .J. B. Campbell.Elmira, N. Y. Faculty.

Built r, Ind., G. "'. 'arpenrler."ermoiltvilll', "\T. Parmenter.

Fair H/lI'en, VI. "T. E. Howard.Warren Uenlre,Perln., F. G ;\Iorrow.

.IIontrml, P. Q. Eacult)'.Bcrlin, . W. 'heldon.Clear ~}ring. Md., A. i"hank.Ann .frbor, W. J. Herdman.Clarendon, 0., Faculty.ll'aReClt, J/il/n., D. , . Cummings.Raton, N. Y., E. G. Miller.)r{(di.~on, Wis., O. .1\1. Twitchell.Bangor, R. II. HngbeColdwater, L. C. Marsh.Adrian, . Rynd.Rcdwood, N. Y., R. Clink.Winona, Minn., FlIculty .Sandwich, Ill., Faculty.Athens, E. II. oller.Henrietta, J. R Conant,

Fred. Dariu' Dick/on},F. G. Blinn.Benjamin Da\'i. Bonu, B. .A.., KolLala, H. 1.,

Amben;t Cr)llege.

David Edward Bowman, Gibsonburg, 0., ,J. 13. & 1 . II Rice.Horace Dunnel Boyd, Pillsbltrgh, Penn., E. '.1:;tephensnn.Ira Lewton Brainard, Gratld BlatlC, Faculty.Arthur llolmes Bl"Own, Cortland, N. Y, . D. Fel'gll.'oll.Harlan Jackson Brown, West Bcttlwia,N. Y., L. L. Tozier.:'\[ary 1. E. Brown, San .rosc, Cal., Dr. Brown.Ralph Alton Brown, Zionsville,1?Id., G. ~. Dllzan.Victoria Adelaide Bl'o\\ 11, Rochestcr, N. Y., ~ . .T. McCarn.John Bn1lJckncr, PII. B., 8helblwn Ji'alls,ltIl1s"., F"\('ll}t.y.

Bnmbcrg College, (~('rmtlny.

n. I Lerbert BuckuUIll,Oharles 'Vesll'y BIlI'gess,John Byram,Donald W. ampbell,John Luther 'ampbell.William Aulls Campbell,William B. C'ampbell,R;llen . 'alligan,William Pitt arpend r,William Bayard Carroll,.John lIenry Oarty,Heorge Henry Chaf]'l!e,,amnel hagnon,Fmnk 'happell,J 0 eph Charle.,John Ohase, B. A,

harles Burdett hidefllcr,George Christie.Ohm'les Fullel' lark,

ellie Clark,~eth Oorbin Ulark,Ruliven Uri Clark,George lIenry Cleveland,Frank Gordon Clink,.James Black1I!er ole,Adelbert E. Coleman,Granville James Ooller,.Ie se Lyman Conan~, Jr.,










e I


Page 27: 1880-81 Annual Announcement, Department of Medicine … · DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN FOR ... Histology,with practical use of Microscopc. Mounting.



Dover, N. J.. Faculty.Trenton, Mo., W. R. Berry.

andllsky, 0., T. M. Cook.Washington D. C., J. T. Jnbnson.Winterville, 0., J. W. Hammond.Warren, Ill., II. F. Crummer.

Washington, C.H., 0., Faculty.Bethel, N. Y., A. A. Gille pie.Indianapolis, Ind., Fat·ulty.WestManchester,O., Faculty.JI'est Newton, 0" Faculty.Warren, 0., J. R. Woods.Darien, Wis., E. N. Huntley.Moberly, Penn., Faculty.tillwater, N. J., H. McD. Struble.

GraBs Lake, M. H. R~ymond.Ann Arbor, T. De Tarr.Ann Arbor, . Gilbert.Akron, 0., M. M. Dickson.Battle Creek, Dr. Kellogg.Imlay Oity, George W. Jones.Wyandotte, Kan., George B. Wood.

Scmdtuich Centre,N.II., F. Quinby.,aint Clair, C.. Robertson.Bath, N. Y., J. B. Dudley.Toledo, 0., J. A. Dunca.n.Waterloo, let., sI. S. Kittenger.IIillsdale, A. F. Whelan.


[ra Edmunds,John Lee Elliott,Orville teinberg Ensign,

harles Augustus Entrup,.Mary atherine Evans,Francis Marion Ewing,Nellie Wheeler Eairfield,John Leander Fierstone,William B. Finnegan,Daniel William Finnemore,Alpheus B. Fitch,John Campbell Fleming,Edward Henry Flynn,


Arthur Winds Condict,Claude Earle Conner,Alta Fremont Cook,

arnuel Le Count Cook,Thoma Hammond Crawford,Lillie Crummer.Harry Berreman Dahl,Cyrenns Garritt Darling,William Henry Davenport,Edward Clinton Davis on,M'mroe Davison,Lewis Rpeves Dawson,Sarah Johnson Dean,Lewis Brush Denison,Frank 'Vellington Dennis,John Francis Denslow,David . De Tarr, B. A.,Eber Herman Deyoe,Chalmers McCall Dick 'on,Maggie V. Doane,Will T. Dodge,Henry Mitchell Downs,Francis A. Drew;William Thoma Drulard,Duane Patterson Dudley,

harles Granville Duncan,Reu ben AllenDunkelberg,Alfred Addis Dunton, Pu. B.,

TIllIsdalc College.

Hawkst,ille, Ont., W. Dingman.Ponliac, Dr. LeBaI' n.Ithaca, N. Y., J. Winslow.

hakopee, Minn., M. H. lanson.Grass Lake, R. A. Gerry.Liftco/n. Ill., R. M. Wilson.Battle Creek, J. H. Kellogg.Butler, Ind., J. J. Hoopingarner.Louisville, N. Y., McFadden & Anderson.Morley, N. Y. .. and J.H. Benton.Falls, Penn., A.T. & G.A. Brundage.Shade Gap, Penn., J. H. Flickinger.fInn Arbol', Faculty.






Page 28: 1880-81 Annual Announcement, Department of Medicine … · DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN FOR ... Histology,with practical use of Microscopc. Mounting.

Al'kport, N. Y., .r. E. Walker.(h'and Rapids, '. 'hepard.Ann .irbor, Facnlty.Ann Arbor, Faculty.Ann Arbor, Faculty.'hint Paul, Ninn., Faculty.Rantoul, nl., Faculty.Wartensburg, Mo., W. V. , mith.Fall River, Ma~8., J. H. Jackson.lIfilari, 0., FacuI ty.Almena, C. S. Maynard.Pari8hville, Bowland & Hawkin...Wnrrensburg, Mo., . P. 'entter.Bay Oity, . V. Tyler.J~U'er80nville, 0., L. A. Elster.

Or(twfotd~ville, Ind., Faculty J eff.M ed.Col.Lowell, O. C. McDonnell.DJ'ayton, Ont., ' . P. Emes.Rockland, Mass., . H. H. Kelsey.La Gro, Ind., E. B. Thomas.outh Lyon, Faculty.

North Clymer, N. Y. Osborne and Ames.Troy, lnd.. G. F. Adye.



Chester, Faculty.MOtris, N. Y, '. \V. Fox.East aginuw, Faculty.Watertown, Conn., \V. '. l\funger.Waterloo, Ind., Jared ""pollner.A tmada, . T. nard lee.Eaton Rapids, Dr. Van Horn.Ingersoll, Ont., Faculty.Dunningville,Penn., '. E. Hill.Mt. Forest, Ont., J. H. Cotton.WalTensvury, Mo., Faculty.Rome, N. Y, M.. West.Lyndon (btl'e, VI" Dr. Copeland.MC£T8hall, Faculty.Grand Rapids, G. K. Johnson.Pontiac, R. LeBaron.


W. W. Ikeler.Thl'fe River~,


Benjamin Franklin Forrey,harle Ti lIson Fox,

Fred. \V. Freeman,Eugene o\\"le I rench,.fohn C:ilvin Frets,Fred Rufus Frost,Milton Gallery,Bradfdrd . Galloway,William Jackson Gambl "Francis Graham Gardiner,Ed. H. Gilbert,Arthnr Alfred Gillette,Wilbur Fisk Gilman,

harles Edwin Goodwin,chuyler Colfax Grav s,

Mason Wilbur Gray, B. '.,Michigan Agricultural College.

F. Josephu' Groner, B. .,Michigan Agricultuml College.

:\Iilton Haight,William Frederick Hake, Jr.,William Henry Hall,Albert Adam Hallock,Louis Henry Hallock.Willis Elmer Hallowell,r'~mily Almena Halnmond,Isaac Marion Harrison,An elm Dimmie lIatch, .11'.,Edwin oah Hawley,Orrin Barnum IIayden,Bertram Hazen,Geo. Francis Heath,Fred. Davenport Hiersordt,Fred. Higgins,James Daniel Hillis,George T. Uine,William TIenry Hod on,Mary Anna Holbook,'fimothy Lewis IIolland,Alice paJ'melia Howes,Evertt Adelbert Hoyt,William Jilson IIuff,








e "800

Page 29: 1880-81 Annual Announcement, Department of Medicine … · DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN FOR ... Histology,with practical use of Microscopc. Mounting.


R. A. Everett.

G. W. Lowery.




Ann A"bol', Faclllty.Adrian, Charles liynn.East aginaw, S. Kitchen..1ulmrn, N. Y. D. H. Armstrong.Rangoon, Burrnah, L. G. orth.Detroit, Dr. Hedges.Ann Arbor, Lawrence & Bow rs.

AlleghenyOity, Penn., O. L. Miller.Chateaugay, N. Y. George Howe.Ifolland, B. Led hoer,Dexter, Dr. Lee.Randolph, N. Y., Faculty.Havana, N. Y., E. D, Pope.Whitmore Lake, Faculty.Ann Arbor, Faculty.flion, N. Y., J. 1. Rasbach.



Eli Hughes, PH. B..Hillsdale College.

Martba Paul Hughes. • 'aU LakeCil)!, a.T., '. B. Yonng.Thomas Gerritt Huizinga, Holland, H. Kremers.Francis ydney Hull, Bctttle Creek, F ellogg c' Millspaugh.William Ang-ustu Hnnt, B.A, Northfield, Minn., C. l\I. Thompson.

Carleton ollege.

LoviasFillmore Inger:lolI. B.., Coml/terce,Michigan Agricultural ('ollcgc.

ChRrlotte LeBarton Johnson, Newbur)Jpol't.1I1a~8.,Mosber <\: Web~ter ..John erbert-John on, Beloil, TViII., H. P.8trong.William Mapes Johnson, Buchanan, E. '. And rl3on.Frank C. Jones, Morri,., Ill., E. A. Palm r.James Mott Jones, Pleawnton. Knn., fIemy PllImb.Robert Emmet Jones, Greensboro, Ala., Faculty.George Lawrence .Jordan, Gibpon,O., Hill &. ·cott.Johnathan Alfred Kackley, Chateaugay, N. Y., Bowland & Hawkins.Engene Kauffman, Dl'I,·oil. Farrand & roster.Louie X. Keeler, Concord, ,v. ~ . J e ler.John Peny Kelly, Golden, Col., James Kelly.

arah F. Kenfield, Ril'hmond, L. :I. Ll'nox.Vierling Kersey, Richmond, Ind., C. A. Kers y.Howard R. Keylor, Walla Walla, TV.T., Dr. Blalock.Rufus Robert Kime, ("nion, Ind., John rime..John Gardiner Kennan, B. A., Norl/lalk, 0, ] ('ad &. Ford.

Western Reserve College.

Fred. nsbman Kinney,Clifford Kirkpatrick,Morris C. L. Kitch n.

harles Russell Knox,Myatt Kyilu,Henry F. Lawrence,Ronald Bishop Lawrenc ,Vilas Everett Lawrence,.James S. Leary,Seba Bogart Ledeboer,Alexander Lee,Edward Wallace Lee.Lena Cornelia Leland,John Hyland LeDlen,James Franklin Lemon,Dana arter Lewis,



Page 30: 1880-81 Annual Announcement, Department of Medicine … · DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN FOR ... Histology,with practical use of Microscopc. Mounting.



R. A. Gerry.Faculty,D. ewcomer.H. W. Lobdf'lI.Faculty.Faculty.


Milan,McGregor, Ia.,Boonsboro, Md.,Flat Rock,Flint,Dearborn,

Bay Oity, Faculty.Middletown ;prings, Vt., A. E. Horton.

East ~Mercer, Me., Wm. . Rohhin,.;.Watertown, Conn.. Faculty.Clyde, N. Y., D. Colvin.Chaj'iton, ia , T. J. SimmonJe.fressonville. 0., O. Marshall.Battle Creek, Facu Ity.Vinton. ia., C. GrifJin .

farlin, Pittsburgh, Penn., H. H. Mc ary,Fond du LCLC, Wis., T. '. \Vrighl.Pecatonica, Ill., D. r ewell.Gartellsville, N. Y., M. J. n-] clellan.Pontiac, F. H. Galbraith.Pontiac, F. H. Galbraith.Deer CrePk, Ind., B. D. Bradfield.

I. Thomas, Ont., J. B. amphell.Cct/dwell, 0., A. Wall.Plymouth, Ft. Faculty.Ann Arbot, H. Liftlefield .Cairo, ill., Facult.y.indiana, Penn., T. St. Clair.Vienna, G. P. ampbell,

North Afanchesler, ind., H. & . II. Winton.Detroit, I<aculty,Ann Arbor, E. J. Rothw II.Adrian, M. R Morden.Ann Aj'bOl', Faculty.Morenci, O. L. Armstrong.BangOl', N. Y., FaCility.Eaton,O., J. E. Ml1ngf'r.Toledo, 0., Faculty.Bloomingdale, A. E. Bul on.Ann Aj'bor, V. C. Vaughan.Ann Arbor, Faculty.


Orson Ford Lewi ,Laura L Liebhardl,Thomas Henry Line,John H. Lobdell,TJorenzo John Locy, B.. '.,

eorge Walters Long, B. .,:l.I1chiglln Agriculturlll College.

,amuel Long,John J. Louis,Henry Russell Lowe,Levi James Magee,.Tohn Franklin Mains,Will Marsh,

aronel Albert Marshall,Mira Floretta Marston,

orge A. Marietta,Alfred Wm. HarriRonMilts)' Cephas lartin,Rosa Kline Martin,Willis Willard father,George Barclay McCollum,William IcCarroll, B. .,David McCleary,Angus J. Iclntyre,Orvil Owens :McKee,Aarmon A. Mc\Vain,. tafford James Meek,Frank Gilbert fetcalf,George Washington Mill r,Levi Emerson Miley,John Howard Mye,Bertha E. Moller,John Hamilton 1\10 re,Walter S. Morden,John A. Morey,.Tay W. Morrison,David Wallace MolL,Wilfred Allen Munger,J hn Joseph Murphy,Frank Clark Myel' ,Patrick Eugene agle,Robert Johnson eal,














Page 31: 1880-81 Annual Announcement, Department of Medicine … · DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN FOR ... Histology,with practical use of Microscopc. Mounting.


Ann .Arbor, Faculty.Bu,lt~on, 0., '. . Yoder.Lawrence, Mass., Faculty.

Westmoreland, N. Y., C. E. Douglas,Hudson, J. S. Power,WClrknoi'th, Onl., P. D. Goldsmith.,lfadison, Wis, Faculty.Butler, B. A. Gallup & Son.Detroit, . C. Yemans.Findlay, 0., T. C. Ballard.Orion, . Andrews.La Gro, ind., J. H. Renner.Bolton, Mo., J. Walker.llforrisville, Vt., Faculty.Norwalk, T. W. Richmonn.Gl'eenville, C. M. Martin.Kalamazoo, H. O. Hitchcock.Rome, K J. Ro s,Embro, Ont., Faculty.

Placerville,Idaho T., Wm. J. Rothwell.Wiliiamsport,Penn., J. S. Taylor.Hillsdale, C. E. Witbeck.Danville, ill., J. S. W. Jones.



William Webster Teff, Windham, 0., F. '. Applegate.John ~ ugent, River Head, N. Y., A. B. Luce.John O'Hearn, Gtund Rapids, 0., Rheinfrank & J leller.Frank Henry Olin, Wo/'cester, Mass., G. A. Jordan.B. Angelina Owens, Portland, Oregon, W. L. Adams.J. Harris Oxner, East 'aginuw, Faculty.Frank Ira Packard, • 'lu/'gi.~, . J. Packard.Robert Arnold Packwood, t. Gporg~, Benlludu, Faculty.Margaret Emily Pagelson. Grand Haven, FaCilIty.Albert T. Parish, Ovid, Faculty.Ella Martha Patton, 'lllincy, ill., Faculty.Bruce Payton, Deer O"e"k, irill., B. D. Bradfield.Edgar Allen Peck, Battle Greek, I~. Cox.Edgar J. Pendell, Casnovia, W. F. liought.oll.Charles Philip Pengnt, Ovid, C. W. Pengra.r athan Pen~ose, Detroit, Faculty.Juliet E. Perkins, Ann AtbUl', Dr. Maclean.Theodore alvin Petersun,M.E., Shade Gap, PenrL., W.. Madden.

P nn. tate Tormo.1 College.

Richard Ralph Pettit,Herman Willis Piersoll,Orner Pillsbury Potter,William Powell,James Oma Power,Charles Perry Powley,Mary E. Pradt,John Levant Ramsdill,Anlla Spencer Ranki n,Daniel Washington Reddin,Ann Almira Reid,Maly Emanuel Renner,Albert Lycurgus Rhea,Albert James Rice,S. Albert Francis .Richmund,Louis Allred Roller,Alvin J. Rosenbury;Gerry Weeden Ross,Gordon "V. A. Ross,Peter D. Rothwell,Flora Hubbard Ruch,E. Stafford Samm,Lizzie Sanders,






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F. M. AtkinFaculty.

Bristol, 1nd ,Monticello, 11[0.,


Grand Rapids, Faculty.Auburn Centre,Penn., . Halsey.

Paw Paw, J. Andrews.Kenyon, .J[inn, G. 11. Overholt.Mohrsville' Pen,lo, J. M. Brause.Berlin, E. P. an Velsor.Malone, N. Y., Faculty.Westminster, 0., Faculty.mithville, 0., I!'acuIty.

Bil'ming]wm, Faculty.aginaw, Faculty.

Warl'en, 0., Faculty.


Marc'us Lafayette Sanger,John tanford ayre, A. B.,

Princeton Colle!:,·.

Ered. chermerhol'll,Perry 'choonmaker,Alfred James Scott,Harry, heldon Sevey,I"rank Henry eidel,Albert E. Shimm 1,Fred. D. Shepard,James Vincent Smiley,Aaron J. Smith,Ary Bryant Smith,Fletcher Stellman ~mith,

Fred. Kinsman Smith, A. B.,Western Heverse College.

Lsaac Adoniraw ,'mith, rt'arren, indo ~'aculty.

Mary J. 'noddy, South Bend, Ind., ~'aculty.

John Calvin Snyder, Florence, F. J. Wagenseller.John Franklin nyder, By/·on,lll., A. J. Woodcock.Arthur Howe, 'outhwick, Randolph, N. Y, Tompkin & 'ackrider.Eliaf'D. 'pelder, Elollanci, ,I. A. pelder.Albert Lincoln Hpanogle, ewton, Kan., T. 1\1. Coleman.Jeremiah H. Steal('y, Freeport,111., W. aldwell.Robert 'teven on, Jackson, P. Porter.F. elden tewart, Rome, N. Y, Edwin Evans.Warren Willis 'trange, Bil'chardt'i/l,', Penn., . C. Halsey.Louis Thomson turgis, Huntertown, lncl., E. . Wheelock, Jr.Thoma J. 'ullivan, Ann Arbor, Faculty.John Freeman ulDlllerville, Rimel'sbw'g, Penn., M. D. l\1cCandle. s.Fred. B. utton, • t. Clair, ],fich., . Robinson .Celia WiliiamOJ Taylor, Loomis, J. M. 'osper.Martin Jellette Taylor, Caledonia, .lfinn., F. 'astle.Charles A. Terhune, LL. B., Ann Arbor, Faculty.Charles Jo eph 'l'homas, PH.B., Poland, 0., Faculty.Eugene Aram Thomas, Bl'antjord, Ont, Faculty,John Edmund Tott n, Nor/hAttelboro, ],foss., H.. Bullard.Frank Albert Towsley, Galesburg, W. McBeth.Ira Otis Tracy, ],forley, N. Y., L. E. Felton.Wm. A. B. Treadway, Norwich, Conn., Fa ·ulty.Henry Harrison Turner, North Fairfield 0., Faculty.Thomas Hani Turner, Quincy, 1ll., ~. B. McKenna.





Page 33: 1880-81 Annual Announcement, Department of Medicine … · DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN FOR ... Histology,with practical use of Microscopc. Mounting.

Faculty.FaculLy.,1. U. Man warm.J. A. William,Faculty.

awyer & 'trouR.. H, 'turgeon .

J. A. Wilsoll.G. P. & W. L. HallHouJ.C. E. Koon.1'. J. WilliamA.II acnlty,


London, Eugfand,Elmi"a, N. Y.,J[exico, }l. Y.,Quincy,Ann Arbor,

Darlington, Penn.,.IVol'walk, 0.,Hanover,Roscoe, Ill"Casnovia,Johnstown, O.Denison 1a.,



Frank Vandawarker, Ann Arbor, Faculty.John Vander Laan, Muskegon, J. 1\1. Cook.Edward F. Van De Venter, turgis, Fatuity.Frank Willi Vance. Erie, Pa, Faculty.Jame ercoe, eaforth, Ont., H. L. Vercoe.Fred. \Villiam VincenL, Co r valles, Oregon, J. C. rubbs.William Wakefield, Cornish, Minn., '. Berry.J oh 11 Ander on Wal er, Vera Cruz, J. D. FitzpaLrick.Hiram Waller, Eaton Rapids, . M. WilkinsGrift'y Benjamin Ward, Fairbank, la, A. B. Ward.Walter E. Ward. Laingsburg, E. H. Ward.Prudenc:e Bell Warner, Battle Creek, J. H. Kellogg.•James Swaze Watson, Blackberry Station, Ill., O. L. Pilon.Joseph Benjamin Waynick, Chariton, la., J. W ulley,David EaLon Web:;Ler, Larwill, Ind., U SoudE'I'.John Elmer Weeks, Corry, Penn., F, F. Davis.Martin \Veller, Saint Johns, L~acllILy.

Willanl Miles Weller, Lyons Mills, FaculLy.Allen idney Whetstone, Kansas City, .Ira., Pmctitionel'.George John White, Jackson, W. A. C. Williams.John Edmund. White, Bedfol'd Centre, B. L. Hovey.William Rein Whitelaw, Portage, Wis., Faculty,Victor Emanuel \Videnman, Whitmore Lake, Faculty.WaIL I' Will:ur, B. A., Salina,Ont., Faculty .

Albert College.

Henry Valentine Wildman,Anna M, Wilkin,Frank ',William',Herbert James Williams,Jam s D. Willson,Pierce De E. Witherspoon,tanley Woodrut!',

Frederick Elijah Woolsey,Edward Darius \Vorcester,Austin Charles Wright,.Tames N y WrighL,Wm. THomas Wright, B, A,

Kenyon ollcgc.

I!rank Asbury Wygan, Cohocton,.IV. 1'., L. B. Ileal,\'.U:dgar GarriMon Yonng, Ann A,'bor, I!'acuII y.William Edward Yonng, Real' fsland,N BTlm.~wick, FaruH.I',Iienry H. Zi gler, fVauseort, 0., FacuILy,





Page 34: 1880-81 Annual Announcement, Department of Medicine … · DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN FOR ... Histology,with practical use of Microscopc. Mounting.



At a meeting held in Chicago, June 2 and 4, 1877, of repre­sentatives from variou medical colleges of the country, a per­manent organization was formed under the above title, and a

onstitution, By-Laws, and Articles of Confederation w readopted, Article I T of the Constitution requires that allcolleges belonging to the association shall publish the "Articlesof Confederation" in their ann ual catalogue for at least three'onsecutive years afier j ining the association. In accordance

with this requir ment we give below


l'1'o be subscribed and confonned to by all the Colleges of the Confederation.]


'1'he medical members of the Faculty must be regular graduate or 11 entiates audpractitioners of medicine, in good standing, using the word" regular" In the sensecommonly understood in th medical pro~ ·sion.

ARTWLE II. OF '1' 1'1'10.'.

SEI"l'ION I. The scheme of tuiLion shall pro,· ide for a yearly .~'stematiccourse ofinstruction cO"ering the general topics of Anatomy, includiug Dissection., Physiologr.Chcmi.try, Materia Medica and Thernpellties, Obstetrics,~urger)',Pathology. and Prac­lice of Medicine. The 'olleglate sc lon, wherein this course is given. shall be under­stood as tbe '·regular".e ion.

SECTION~. Said Regular 'slon shall not bc less than twenty weeks in duration.This scction to go in force at and after the session of 1 79·80.

SEC1'ION 3. Not more than one r gular se ion. connLing the regular session as oneof tile two cour"es of instruction r quired for graduation, shall be held in ti,e sameyear.

No pcrson whether a graduate in mcdicinc or not. sball be given a Diploma of., Uoctor of !of 'dicine" who shall not have tullllllcd the following rcqllirelll IIts. xcept'Ls hereinafter pr vidcd for in Articlc IV.

L. lIe mllst producc satisfact ry evldencc of good moral cbara 'ter, Illld of havingIlttaincd the age or tw Illy·on )'cars.

~. He must Jile a satisfactory c rtificllLe of haying studied meulclne for at leastthree y ars under lL regnlar gra luatc or licentiate and pmctitioner of medicine, Ingood standing. using thc word rcgula,' ill lhe sense eommonl)' understood in the vrofe"ol)' Xo Clm Hdatc sball be eliglhll' fur final examination for graduation,





Page 35: 1880-81 Annual Announcement, Department of Medicine … · DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN FOR ... Histology,with practical use of Microscopc. Mounting.

unle his term of tilree years study shall have been completed, or shall expire at a datenot later than three months after the close of the final cxaminations: this clause totake ellect at and after the se 'Ion of 1879- O.

3. He mu t file the propcr official e"idence that, during the abo" ' mentioned threeyears, he has matriculated at some affiliated college or colleges. for two regular se ionsand in the course of the same (except as provided in 4) has attended two full cour es ofInstruction on th' 8e\'en tOP1CS mentioned in Article ll. But the latter, at lea t, of thetwo full courscs must have b cn attended at the colle,;:e issuing the diploma. No two­eonsccutlve courscs Of instruction shall bc II ld as mtisfylng thc abovc rcqulrcmentsunl . the time betwecn thc b ginninf( of the first course and thc nd of the secondis greater than fin 'cn months.

l. In case a college shall adopt a systemlltic gradullted .cheme of tuition, llttend­auce on the whole of the same shall be equh'alent to the requirements mentioned ina, provided, such seh(me includes instruction in the seven topics mentioned in Articlell, and requires att ndancc of at least two )'carly regular ('ollegiate 'sions of not lessthan twellty weeks' duration cacho

5. 1'hc candldltll' must have passcd a pcrsonal examination befor the ...·llculty 011all seven of the hranches of medicine m ntioned in Article n.

6. H must havc paid In full all college dues, including the grllduatioll fee.


An hOllorary degree of .. Doctor of )Iedicine" mllY be granted In nUlubers 1I0tex eeding one yearlY,to distinguished physiciansorscicntlfic men of over forty years ofage. But in such cases the diploma shall bear ucross it~ face the word" Honorary," in('onspicuous hanlct'rs and the same word shall al ways be appended to the name of theI'e~tplentin all II. ts of graduates.


SEC'TlON L All fees shall 1.>e paid in lawful money, uud no prolllis"ory uotes OJ'proUlises to pay shall be ac~epted in lieu of cash for payment of fe s.

SE('",}"LON~. No ticket or other certificate of attendance upon college exercises shsll1.>e I ·ued to any student nmll the dues for the 'llllle shall be paid.

SECTION a. The 'stabli hed fees for the cx rcises of the rcgnlar session, except tilematriculation fee, (,'1aduation fee, fee for dl ectlon, mllY be rednced not more than onebalf to graduates of other affiliated colleges of I than three years' standing, and tonnd -rgraduates of thc same who hllve already attcndcd two full courses f the instruc·lion of the regular s saion.

SECTION 4. The same fees may be remitted altogcther to a college's own alumni, togrllduntes of other affiliated 'olleges of three years' standing..-the three years datingfrom the time of grl\duation, and ending at the close of the I' gular sc ·sion for whichth tickets are givcn-to undergraduates who have alread)' attended two full courses ofthe instruction of thc regular session, tile latt I' of which, at least, shall havc been inthe college making the remission, Ilnd to theological students, when not cllndidates fora diploma.

SECTION 5. The same fees may be reduc d or remitted to deserving indigent stu­dents to a number not excecding five pcr cent. of the Humber of matriculants at theprevious regular ses fon of the college.

ECTION 6. ndcr 110 circumstanc s whatev 1', other than the above, shall the lrac·ultles. or any member of the same, grant. upon their own authority, lllly remf ion orreduction of tahllshed fees. And it is di tlnctl)· understood and agr cd that the Fac·ulties will discountenance and oppose the suthorizfng by governing Boards of theadmf lOll of indlvldull! student~ upon oth I' than the regularly e tablished charges fortheir grade.





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~o college shall admit to U,e privileges accorded in Articles III and \' the .tudcnt,or graduates of any college which, during any period of the stndent" or graduille' pnpil­I1ge shall ha"e been excluded from the list of anlliated colleges recognized 1 ). the A","o·



SECTIOl'i. Remission or reduction of fee for other exercise than those of the reg­ular se ion, return to a student of any mone)'s after payment of fees, or an appropri­ation of fund of the college for payment of any student's fee, or part thereilf, shall bedeemed violations of the provisions of the article in regard to remi" ion or reductionof fees.

Amendments to these articles shall be proposed amI 11dopted in the manner pre­scribed for amendments to the onstitution.

Additi nal Section to Article VII of the By-Laws: E"ery college member andevel'Y affiliated college shall print each year a true list of the mlltriculants of the eol­lege for the year, and their preceptors or the names of the colleges nt which the matri!'­ulnnts have graduated, in the CaSes of those matriculants who Ill'. graduates in medi­cine, and every such college shall also print a true list of the graduates.

Jefferson MedienJ Colleg ; Medical Departlll nt of University of Louisville; Hos­pital College of ~redieineof Louisville; ~[edieal Department 1:niversity of Iowa: Chi­cago Medical College; Medical Department niversity of \Vooster; D troit MedicalCollege; Cleveland Medical College: Starling Medical Colleg ; Medical DepartmentUniversities of Knshvilleand Vanderbilt; ~fis,olll'i Medical College: Kan. n.s City Collegeof Physicians and Surgeons; Miami Medical College; Louisville M dical Coil ge; :-[£n·leAL DEPARTMENT MICIlIGAN NI1'ERSITY; M dical Department Universit), of Louisiana;Rush ~redieal College; \\'omnn's M dieal College of Chicago; Texas Medical Collegeand Hospital; Alabama MedIcal COli ge; Ohio Medical ollege; Medical ollege 'tateof SouU, Carolina; Columbus M dieal College; Medical College of Evamville; AtlantaMedical College; Kentucky. ehool of ~ledieine; Cindnnati College 01 Medicine and>:urgel')'; Medical College of Indiana; ,"asl11'iIle Medleal College; Sayannah MedicalCollege; fit. Joseph lIospital Medical College.




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