Download - 18 Week Pathway Discussion about potential IM&T issues

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18 Week Pathway

Discussion about potential IM&T issues

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18 Week Pathway

• Delivering this 18 week patient pathway is one of the most significant reforms in the history of the NHS.

• “By 2008 no one will wait longer than 18 weeks from GP referral to hospital treatment”, NHS Improvement Plan (June 2004)

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By December 2008 staff will need to have access to IT solutions that enable them to see where every patient is in relation to their 18 week pathway – this is a huge challenge

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IM&T Challenges

• 18 Weeks will be the most challenging target that the NHS has faced in terms of planning, delivery and performance measurement

• However, prior to Lorenzo the transition from referral (via Choose and Book?) to treatment will need to be recorded on multiple ‘stand-alone’ IT systems

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IM&T Challenges

• The 18 Week target will have a significant impact on information systems

• Referral-to-treatment (RTT) performance measurements commenced in January 2007?

• From CDS v6? central returns will need to include 18 Weeks tracking information

• How will this achieved if information is held on multiple IT systems that do not use a common episode reference?

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To monitor a patient journey, it will be important to be able to link patient activity together creating a unique pathway identifier

A pathway status field that will also be needed to identify the clock start / stop. For example;

– Admission as day case or inpatient– Start of outpatient treatment– No need for treatment in secondary care

Unique pathway identifier

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Unique pathway identifier

• Will the unique pathway identifier be:

– The Choose and Book unique booking reference?

– A locally generated value – eg. Concatenate hospital patient identifier with the referral request received date?

– Will it have to be a combination of both (when will CaB book be fully rolled-out)?

– What happens if a patient is allocated more than one care pathway?

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Potential issues

• There are many ways in which the 18 week pathway can be started and these will be difficult to record / keep a track of, eg:

– Referrals to secondary care from General Dental Practitioners and Optometrists

– Decision to Admit through A&E– Where a national screening programme identifies the

need for further diagnostics or treatment the clock starts at the point of the result being known

– etc

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Potential issues

• The same issue applies to the clock stop, and it will be a challenge to record this accurately given the varied scenarios eg:

– Where treatment starts in parallel with diagnostic testing the clock does not stop

– If a patient does not attend twice the clock will be stopped and the patient returned to their GP

– etc

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Potential issues

• Access to diagnostics is recognised as a major potential bottleneck

• How will tertiary referrals be handled?

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Data quality / availability

• Patient tracking will require a lot of additional computer data inputting

• This will require major upgrades to existing IT systems and/or the development of new interim solutions

• The capture of the additional data required will be a major undertaking in terms of training / change management

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Impact on legacy systems

• Upgrading legacy systems to capture 18 Weeks information will be complex and expensive – eg. PAS systems don’t always assign the same

episode number in each of stage of a patient’s care pathway (referral, waiting list, appointment etc)

• A significant amount of complex systems integration may be needed to link each stage of the pathway and enable patients to be tracked effectively

• All of these developments will be difficult and costly to achieve in the timescales given

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• PCTs - Are you thinking of delivering this as a provider?

• Are you looking to do this in partnership?

• You will be part of the 18 week pathway, although you have just 4 weeks from assessment to outcome, including diagnostics

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