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  • 7/29/2019 1_72_lecture_6


    1.72, Groundwater Hydrology

    Prof. Charles Harvey

    Lecture Packet #6: Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions


    Streamflow is made up of two components:o Surface water component

    Surface Runoff Direct Rainfall

    o Groundwater component (baseflow) Seepage through the streambed or banks

    Definitionso Losing or influent stream Stream feeds aquifero Gaining or effluent stream Aquifer discharges to stream


    Losing StreamGaining Stream


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    Stream-Aquifer Interactions

    Base Flow Contribution to streamflow from groundwater

    Upper reaches provide subsurface contribution to streamflow (flood wave). Lower reaches provide bank storage which can moderate a flood wave.

    Flood hydrograph with no

    0 t0 tP






    bank storage

    Flood hydrograph withbank storage

    Water leaving bank storage

    Water entering bank storage

    0 t0 tP0 t0 tPS




    Groundwater inflow andbank storage

    Groundwater inflow alone


    A spring (or seep) is an area of natural discharge. Springs occur where the water table is very near or meets land surface.

    o Where the water table does not actually reach land surface, capillaryforces may still bring water to the surface.

    Discharge may be permanent or ephemeral The amount of discharge is related to height of the water table, which is

    affected byo Seasonal changes in rechargeo Single storm events

    Types of Springs

    Depression spring Land surface dips to intersect the water table Contact spring Water flows to the surface where a low permeability bed Fault spring impedes flow Sinkhole spring Similar to a depression spring, but flow is limited to Joint spring fracture zones, joints, or dissolution channels Fracture spring

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    Regional Groundwater Flow

    Spring Spring





    Fault SpringContact SpringDepression Spring

    Sinkhole Spring Joint Springs Fracture Spring

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    Where does water come from when pumping?

    Initial rate of recharge balances initial rate of discharge. Water pumped comes from storage and recharge within cone of depression. Water pumping creates cone of depression reaches shoreline. Ultimate magnitude of pumpage (before well dries up at the well) is

    dependent on hydraulic conductivity, thickness, available drawdown. Ultimate production of water depends upon how much rate of recharge can be

    changed and/or how much water can be captures. Steady-state production is

    not dependent on Sy.

    Although rate of recharge = discharge is interesting, it is almost irrelevant indetermining the sustained yield of the aquifer. (Here, think of case whererainfall is small or does not exist water source is ultimately the lake.)

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    General Conclusions: Essential factors that determine response of the

    aquifer to well development

    Distance to, and character of, recharge (precip vs. pond) Distance to, and character of, natural discharge Character of cone of depression (function T and S)

    Prior to development aquifer is in equilibrium.

    All water discharged by wells is balanced by a loss of water from somewhere.

    -Theis (1940)

    When pumping occurs, water comes from storage until a new equilibrium is reached.Accomplished by:

    Increase in recharge capture of a water source Decrease in discharge reduction of gradient outflow Both

    Some water must always be mined (taken from storage) to create groundwater


    Mathematically the pumping water balance is:

    Q = (R + R) (D + D) S(h/t)

    If over the years R = D, and a new equilibrium (new steady state) is reached

    (h/t = 0)

    Q = R - D

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    Valley of Large Perennial Stream in Humid Region


    Alluvium150 ft

    5 miles

    Water Table

    (sand and gravel)

    Large PerennialStream

    Setting East Coast Thick, permeable alluvial valley cut into shale Large perennial stream Shallow water table with many phreatophytes (trees that can stick roots

    below water table and saturate their roots)

    Moderately heavy precipitationSources of Water

    Withdrawal from storage (cone of depression) Salvaged rejected recharge (prevention of runoff to stream by making more

    room for recharge from precipitation water goes to groundwater rather than

    stream only some of stream water recharges.

    Salvaged natural discharge (natural discharge w/o pumping)o Lowering water table beneath phreatophyteso Decreasing gradient toward stream decreasing base flow (for low

    development rates) river is a GW sing a gaining stream under

    natural conditions Over long term at steady state

    Q = R + D

    Small developments R source Room for precipitationLarge developments, stream capture, D, source.

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    Valley of Ephemeral Stream in Semiarid Region


    Alluvium100 ft

    1 mile

    Ephemeral orIntermittent


    (sand and gravel)

    Water Table

    Setting West Coast (not northwest) Moderately thick, permeable alluvial valley cut into shale Large ephemeral stream Water table beneath stream channel, below vegetation Precipitation like in Palo Alto, about 15 in/yr Stream dry most of year, floods in heavy rains

    Sources of Water Withdrawal from storage (cone of depression) No salvaged rejected recharge (enough room for all recharge from low


    Little salvaged natural discharge (no phreatophytes) Recharge directly from stream (water table low enough so that there is room

    for flood waters evaporation-free-control reservoir) can guarantee this

    with pumping

    D = 0o Capture floodwaters and get + S h/t

    When R = 0 loss from storage is only source

    Q = -S h/t (water can be pumped seasonally for irrigation and later


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    High Plains of Texas and New Mexico



    500 ft

    Water Table

    Silt, sand &

    Ogaliala Formation

    riassic and older rocks

    Springs and seeps

    150 miles

    Setting Remnant high plain sloping, cut off from external sources of water by

    escarpments both upgradient and downgradient Thick (300 ft to 600 ft) permeable rocks on impermeable rocks Recharge from precipitation is 1/20 to 1/2 in/yr Discharge from springs about the same Water table (>50 ft)

    Sources of Water

    Withdrawal from storage (cone of depression) No salvaged rejected recharge (ample space 50 ft. unsaturated) Little salvaged natural discharge (gradient unchanged, but even if not, aquifer

    flow would only account for 1 to 2% of the withdrawal rate)

    Q = -S h/t water from storage mining only Sy = 0.15 Big difference with Entrada Sandstone S = 5 x 10-5 per square foot for each

    foot of head decline

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    Productive Artesian Aquifer System

    1000 ft

    5 miles

    Potentiometric surface

    Ephemeral Stream

    Siltstone and mudstone

    Entrada Sandstone


    Grand Junction Artesian Basin, Colorado Typical low conductivity artesian aquifer Fine-grained sandstone, party cemented with calc. carb. 150 ft. thick T = 20 ft2/d, S = 5 x 10-5 Recharge from precipitation (7-8 in/yr) where outcrops are in contact with


    Discharge small and from upward leakage through relatively impermeablesiltstone 500 to 1000 ft thick

    Artesian conditions, as much as 160 ft above land surfaceSources of Water

    Withdrawal from confined storage (large overlapping cones of depression) No salvaged rejected recharge already room for recharge water; no extra

    would enter aquifer if water table in recharge area were lowered. (limiting

    unit is artesian aquifer)

    Little salvaged natural discharge (limited upward leakage) Acts like confined bathtub with little D due to pumping. Q = -S h/t water from storage mining only mining artesian storage and

    not dewatering storage

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    Closed Desert Basin


    1000 ft

    A BTable


    20 miles

    Ephemeral Stream

    (silt, sand, and gravel)



    Thick coalescing alluvial fans, gradational from mountains Basin receives precipitation of 3-5 in/yr, mountains 20-30 in/yr Very shallow water table near playa, deep near mountains Streams are ephemeral Phreatophytes near playa

    Sources of Water

    Withdrawal from storage (create cone of depression) Salvaged rejected recharge (center none precip in valley evaporates ortranspires) (border some recharge from small ephemeral streams near

    surrounding mountains)

    Salvaged natural dischargeo Lowering water table near playa may reduce ET (roots)o Near borders of basin discharge toward playa can be reduced (stop

    flow to center where ET occurs) Operation increase rejected recharge and prevent existing discharge:

    Q = R + D (+/- S h/t)

    Retention dams to capture flood waters for recharge

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