Download - 1701 Sixteenth Avenue Sterling, Illinois 61081-1543 Phone (815) … · 2020-07-24 · Please contact Pastor Susan or the church

Page 1: 1701 Sixteenth Avenue Sterling, Illinois 61081-1543 Phone (815) … · 2020-07-24 · Please contact Pastor Susan or the church


“Just like the clay in the potter’s hand, so are you

in my hand [says the Lord].” Jeremiah 18: 6b

The prophet Jeremiah watches a potter fashion a pot

with clay and marvels at how God, like the potter, is

able to continually mold and fashion God’s people.

The season after Pentecost continues through the long, lazy summer

months as we are reminded of the greening and growing taking place in nature.

Called ‘ordinary time’ on the Church calendar, we recall how it is the ‘ordinary’

nature of God’s people to be always growing, always greening, always changing

like the wet clay in the hand of the Potter.

What wonderful images we hear this summer for the workings of God in

our midst—seeds, Sower, pearls, treasure, yeast, bread, nets full of fish, birds

of the air, sun, rain and sky. All so ordinary and yet, with a little God-given

wonder, so extra-ordinary!

Farmers and gardeners watch the weather carefully during these

summer months, praying for rain in good measure and sun that does not scorch!

Lots of activity on the part of insects and people coaxes the crops to full

harvest . . . a process that repeats itself over and over, but is never the same.

As a people of God, we are open to the Spirit’s leading, knowing that this

summer time is a gift of God for trusting in the way we should go. Hear again

from Jeremiah (17: 7-8):

Blessed are those who trust in the LORD, whose trust is the LORD.

They shall be like a tree planted by water, sending out its roots by the


St. Paul Lutheran Church ELCA

1701 Sixteenth Avenue

Sterling, Illinois 61081-1543

Phone (815) 625-3069

Email: [email protected]


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It shall not fear when heat comes, and its leaves shall stay green; in the year

of drought it is not anxious, and it does not cease to bear fruit.


Pastor Susan

<>< <>< <><

This past month we have prayed for the following: Lori Dewey, Natalie

Buck, Tanya Fritz, Greg Turnbaugh, Larry Wahler, Viola Koster, Norma

Keene, and Karen Port. Please continue to keep them in your thoughts and

prayers. Please contact Pastor Susan or the church office if you have a

prayer request for the congregational prayer list.

Worship News: St. Paul is excited to announce that we

will offer an in-person worship gathering beginning July 26

at 10:00 AM on the West Lawn (parking lot side of the

building). Pastor Susan and musicians will lead our hearts and

minds through a simple service of Word and Prayer. Bulletins

will be posted on the St. Paul website and a limited number on paper will be available for

those who do not have on-line access. An offering will be taken.

Worshippers are invited to bring chairs or worship from their vehicles using their

radio tuned to 98.7 FM. The use of masks and spacing is encouraged if you are not in your

vehicle. Also, the building will not be opened for general gathering or restrooms.

We are in need of a few volunteers to help pass out bulletins and collect offerings.

Masks and provided gloves will be required.

This will continue through the month of August

The on-line/phone-in option, in cooperation with Tri-Church ministry, is still

available as our “Second Service.”

Call Committee Report

The Call committee has recommended a candidate to the

Church Council which in turn they have approved. A

congregational meeting will take place immediately following the 10:00 a.m. drive-in

worship on August 16. Watch your mail for more information about the pastoral candidate.

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We have collaborated with St. John’s & Immanuel to offer virtual

worship services. We are sorry for those who tried to call in last

week and found that the service was not working. This week you can

call and listen to the Tri Church worship at (508) 924-5733. NO

access code is needed. When the number is called, it will be

connected to the conference line automatically.

There are three broadcasts: 7 a.m., noon & 4:30 p.m. The

broadcast time will begin 5 minutes prior to the start time and will include the prelude.

The Tri Church worship video presentation will be posted on St. Paul’s website: and on Facebook: for you to

view around the time of our normal worship time on Sunday morning.

Check your weekly Announcement Sheet for the link to the Worship Bulletin as well as the

video presentation.

The September newsletter deadline will be August 24.

Church Announcements

OFFERING OPTIONS: We are aware of the economic impact this is having on many. We are

thankful for your generosity and encourage you to continue to give as you

are able. One of the implications of cancelling worship services is that our

regular offering will not be received. Your offerings are essential to support

our staff and keep current with our responsibilities. Please consider mailing

your offering to the church, dropping it off during office hours in the

mailbox, or by giving electronically through Instructions for this can be found later

in this newsletter.


For the month of August: Monetary donations can be sent to the

church. September pantry needs will be published next month.

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The following groups will begin meeting again once we

can be together when visiting and social distancing

restrictions are lifted.

• CLEO (Community Ladies Eating Out)

• Visiting Hearts

• Lutheran World Relief Quilting

• Women’s Bible Studies

One outreach that IS continuing this summer is: Let’s

Feed Our Children. It will look a little different this


Thank you to the July volunteers: Various volunteers including ones

from: Bethel Reformed, Church of Christ, and LSSI. The next time to

serve is August 4 & 5.

ST PAUL CARES about you!

We continue the weekly “St. Paul Cares” St. Paul families are

being contacted by one of 10 group leaders who will help us all

keep in touch during this time of social distancing. They encourage

you, share information and receive news from your home. Look for

the insert in this newsletter.

If you’d like your family news to be shared here, please

share big or small news with your group leader – what you are up

to – ways you are staying busy – blessings and concerns.

If you aren’t being contacted (and would like to be) please contact Sue in the church


We are excited about this new ministry and look forward to staying in touch while

we keep the faith!

Peace, Chrissy Zollinger & Dawn Zeigler, co-coordinators

St. Paul Budget Report

2020 Budget $263,793 ($21,983 Monthly)

Totals through June 30, 2020

Budgeted Expenses $131,898

Offerings/Interest $127,134

Expenses $100,117

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Stewardship – Investing in God’s Treasury Fund as an Act of Worship

We invest in God’s Treasury Fund by using some of our money to

express worship. There’s nothing we can give God that he needs,

and God certainly doesn’t need our money.

BUT when we give an offering to God – an undesignated,

planned, and proportional offering where and when we worship –

we’re saying, “God I love you.” That’s the first purpose of life: to

know and love God. You’re planned for his pleasure.

The Bible says, “Honor the Lord by giving him the first part of all your income.”

(Proverbs 3:9) We honor God when we tithe. It’s an act of worship.

God wants you to give to this fund before you invest in any of the other funds. Why?

He wants our hearts more than anything else. He doesn’t want our money; he wants what it


Where I put my money shows my priorities and values. This week, look through

your checkbook and your credit card statements. What do they say about where your heart is


ASK YOURSELF; if people saw all the details of you current spending patterns,

would those details reveal a heart fully devoted to God? Why is it easy or difficult to view

tithing as an act of worship? How are you knowing and loving God more deeply?

Invest in God’s Treasury Fund!!

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If you don’t see your name on this list or there is a correction to be made, please let Sue

know in the church office

3 Drew Eakle

4 Vann Reitzel

6 Jeni Metzler

7 Brian Lobdell

8 Jeff Waite

9 Ann Beswick

10 Danny Dir

Wade Steinke

12 Jill Straw

14 Mike Bushaw

18 John Renner

Ron Ukena

19 Nancy Beck

Deena Bushaw

22 Dax Beswick

24 Matthew Spaulding

26 Tony Eakle

Tori Metzler

27 Kelci Eakle

28 Sarah Beswick

29 Chery Gorman

Happy 28th Anniversary

August 1, 1992

Greg & Dawn Zeigler

Happy 31st Anniversary

August 5, 1989

Paul & Dianne Adams

Happy 8th Anniversary

August 10. 2012

Dennis & Margarita Biester

Happy 27th Anniversary

August 14, 1993

Scot & Berta Beyer

Happy 38th Anniversary

August 27, 1982

Sue & Larri Dirks


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Youth and Family Ministries of St. John’s and St. Paul Lutheran Church ***************************************************************************************************************




supported our fundraiser to support the Sauk Valley Food Bank and

the United Way’s Let’s Feed our Children. Donations from our

congregations and communities totaled $940, divided between the two

organizations. Unite has donated an additional $500 for each

organization. And, Thrivent is assisting with two $250 action team programs. In all, each

organization received $1,220! Thank you for helping us keep our communities fed,

especially our young people. Keep up on all UNITE news, on

Facebook @saukvalleyunite, and on Instagram @saukvalleyunite. Questions, email to

[email protected]. ***************************************************************************************************************

COMMUNITY VBS ONLINE JULY 14 -16 WAS A HIT! Last month we held our

annual CommUNITY VBS online only. We had a great turnout and the program was

excellent! Thank you to all who worked so hard and who supported this ministry! Thank you

kids for participating! If you missed it, you can watch all 3 nights and the July 19th

CommUNITY VBS worship service on the CommUNITY VBS YouTube Channel or

Facebook page:


Here’s a few highlight photos from the week:

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FAITH FORMATION 2020-21: Due to the uncertainty of

returning to in-person worship and other ministries, the current plan

is to continue with online Sunday school in the fall. The Sunday

school staff will meet later this month to evaluate and plan. SS staff,

watch your email for details. In addition, confirmation classes and

youth programming will continue remotely this fall. We will

continue to take precaution and adhere to local and state recommendations for religious

institutions in light of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Updates of how we might begin returning to in-

person children, youth and family ministries will be dispersed through email, our Facebook page

and newsletters. Please know that we are praying for you, and you are not alone. ***************************************************************************************************************



After much prayer and consideration, we have decided

to postpone next summer’s ELCA Youth Gathering to

2022 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The 2022 ELCA Youth Gathering will be held

July 24-28, 2022, in Minneapolis, with the two pre-

events, the Multicultural Youth Leadership Event

(MYLE) and the table, scheduled for July 21-24,


We give thanks for your prayers and patience

as we have worked through the details with our

partners in Minneapolis and across the country. We hope that by postponing the Gathering

for a year, individuals and congregations will feel more comfortable and prepared to attend

the Gathering in 2022.

For more information about the 2022 Gathering, please visit We will be updating our website and social media as

more details become available.

We look forward to seeing you and experiencing the boundlessness of God in

Minneapolis in 2022! ***************************************************************************************************************


For families with children… The creator of this amazing faith

resource for families, Amanda White, writes, “This website is a little treasure trove. Well, at

least I hope it is. It’s the record of how I have and like to (and want to) lead my kids to

Jesus. How to help them fall in love with the Bible, be excited to serve others and ultimately

follow God with all their heart, soul, mind and strength. As a former pastor-to-kids, I have a

little bit o’ insight about mixing church and home.” Hope you get a chance to check it out…

lots of goodies you can use with your kids at home! ***************************************************************************************************************

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10:00 AM

West (parking lot) side of the


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Please remember our Members & Friends on the Home Visitation List:

Katherine Janssen – Rm. B104

Richard Landheer – Rm 152

Resthave Nursing Home

408 Maple Avenue, Morrison, IL 61270

Viola Koster – Rm. 306

Windsor Manor

403 Scenic Street, Morrison, IL 61270

Cliff Miller


1701 Park Drive, Orangepark, FL 32073

Burt Severson

5147 Edgewood Circle, Mesa AZ 85206

Lois Ukena

1816 Thome Drive, Sterling, IL 61081

Marion Parsons – Apt. 115

Gladys Stern – Apt. 206

Merle Wolfley – Apt. 114

Heritage Woods

2205 Oak Grove Avenue, Sterling, IL 61081

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We welcome your prayer requests and also your praise reports: (Want to be a part of this? Call the church office.)

Audrey Cox (815) 625-1091

Marcia Rodekamp (815) 590-4284

Judy Bartel (815) 751-6768

James 5:16 Pray one for another.


Interim Pastor Susan Davenport

(563)-613-3892 – [email protected]

Gerad Von Holten, Youth Director; (815) 626-8329 home;

(815) 590-0006, cell – [email protected]

Sue Dirks, Parish Secretary

(815) 535-3574 – [email protected]

2020 Congregation Council

President – Greg Zeigler

Vice President – JJ Shore

Treasurer –Chrissy Zollinger

Secretary – Janie Billings

Christian Education/Youth Lay Ministry & Worship Christina Landis (’22) 716-348-9153 Greg Zeigler (‘21) 656-0417

Jennifer Pillars (’22) 716-0311

Stewardship Property & Management Janie Billings (‘22) 564-8628 Ryan Petty (‘21) 499-0586

Social Outreach Treasurer JJ Shore (‘21) 590-2868 Chrissy Zollinger (’22) 262-903-0007

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Loving - Serving - Sharing

DIRECTORY OF STAFF Office (815) 625-3069

Office Hours: Monday – Friday; 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Email: [email protected]


Facebook: St. Paul Lutheran Church – Sterling, IL

Interim Pastor Susan Davenport

(563)-613-3892 – [email protected]

Gerad Von Holten, Youth Director; (815) 626-8329 home;

(815) 590-0006 cell – [email protected]

Sue Dirks, Parish Secretary

(815) 535-3574 – [email protected]

Sunday Worship Schedule

9:00 a.m. & 11:11 a.m.

Sunday school 10:15 a.m. – September – May