Download - 1549 DCE PrimaryCare PSTR

Page 1: 1549 DCE PrimaryCare PSTR

Breast, colorectal and lung cancers are the most common in Scotland accounting for 45% of all cancers in 2011. Screening, where applicable, is key to detecting cancer early. While symptoms can be dif�cult for patients and GP’s to identify it is important to recognise that early detection can impact treatment and survival outcomes.



As part of the Scottish Government’s Detect Cancer Early Programme 7 sessions focusing on lung and bowel cancer are being provided to support, prepare and engage primary care with the campaign. These events have been designed with the Primary Care Cancer Leads. They are supported by the specialist charities, Bowel Cancer UK and Roy Castle Lung Foundation.

Participating will:

Update you on the new referral guidelines

Help practices create bowel cancer screening plans to meet SQoF requirements

Prepare you for the lung cancer campaign

Answer your questions on bowel screening, patient signs and symptoms, and provide information on prevention as well as available treatments.


Social Marketing Campaign

Signs and Symptoms

Lung Cancer Referral Guidelines


Refreshment Break

Bowel Cancer

Screening Programme

SQoF & eHealth

Colorectal Cancer Referral Guidelines


Each section will be presented by experts on the subject and each session will be hosted by a primary care cancer lead. The events will start at 2pm and �nish at 6pm. Information on prevention and treatment options will be available at the events.

To �nd your nearest session and book a place please visit:

The �rst session will be webcast live for those of you who are not able to attend. To sign up to the online webcast please visit