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Ecommerce Sales TeamThe steam behind the cloud

Looking ForwardOne of the really exciting things for me over the next year is taking on the challenges of training a successful sales team. Now that may sound like an easy task, however, there is a high demand for perpetual growth in staff and profitability. So there are a TON of great opportunities in front of us. We are all excited about Cloud IX because we know what that will provide as to improve the company as it stands, but it will also allow us the opportunity to go after bigger business.

Stepping OutLately we have been working to network with local businesses and introduce our company. We are dealing with companies that consider their IT needs small, even though they are spending $5000 to $10,000/ month on their IT solutions. So we are beginning to intentionally build meaningful relationships with businesses with various IT needs. So our mobile and outside sales teams are really exciting.

The Dream TeamAs far as my immediate responsibility, there is no way that I could do what we have done without a great supporting cast. There is an immense amount of pressure that our sales team faces and we are still very new. With that said, we are very determined to meet and exceed goals and make a ton of money. We have been thrown into many new arenas and we seem to have a skill for adapting and growing. I believe that can be said about most of the people at Ecommerce.

Finding the BalanceSince we are opening the floor for concerns, there is a tough balance between hiring more people to make sales, while making them profitable, in a timeframe that allows the company to grow. A lot of times we hire very young people or people that have a low level of either Sales or Technical knowledge. Even still all my guys show up ready for battle every single day, so that makes me very proud. At the end of the day the expectation is on us is to bring in more MRR and train my team to do the same.

Big News from the BossWe just landed another IT consulting firm. This would be a great way to start or end a day. We have found that an amazingly interesting demographic for us will be IT consulting firms. Companies that are hired and tasked with setting up and often maintaining the IT aspects of larger companies. What we are finding is that many of these companies have either tried unsuccessfully to maintain the infrastructure. Or they simply don't want to. Often they have no affiliations would have no reason not to recommend our data center to their clients.

Something about your TeamSo my team is comprised of Sales Closers. Within the team there are two groups. There is a group of top performers and a group that is trying to earn access to the larger and more qualified opps. In order to accomplish the goals that have been laid before us, we had to get smarter and more affective. We needed a platform that would allow training to be automated as much as possible while still remaining effective. That is where the need for the Elearning center was born.

Helpful Resources

At present we are in need of marketing materials. As we are introducing ourselves in a new and improved capacity, we need to put our best foot forward. Even still there is a great need to stay in front of people. We have an overall expectation of excellence, but I also feel that people are forgiving and want to help in our growth. It is better to make a new mistake than sticking with an old rusty idea.

Something About the Sales TeamSo we have quite a cast of characters on our sales team. We have a couple musicians, an athlete or two, and our fair share of geeks.

Fun Facts on our CoordinatorsYou can hear them on the phones everyday and I doubt you could find a more energetic group if you tried.William Metz: William was once known as "The Word Wizard" He sang,rapped, performed music for children teaching them the importance of spreading the magic of character, integrity, hard work, and kindness. He also took a turn as “The Positive Pirate”.Thomas Pendelton: Thomas was an Eagle Scout.Sarah McGlynn:Sarah knows Teutonic Runes. These were originally used for fortune telling.Sune Akkari: Sune wants to travel the World.Sasha Pinkerton: Sasha spent her childhood at a Russian Orthodox Youth camp.She can start a fire with just matches, march and make lean-to’s. Kallie Johnson: Kallie was an assistant coach for Packers Cheerleading team! They won got first place while she was there.

BC Madness Continued…Amber Clark: This Girl has quite a site of pipes.She won a singing competition for the news in Denver.Ciera Blanks: Ciera was in one of the top show choirs (dancing,singing,acting) in the district of dayton my senior year of high school. We went to NYC and got to perform for numerous events and saw 5 broadway musicals.Matthew Newsome:While everyone knows that Matt in an accomplished musician not everyone is aware he is doing a collaborative cd for a pitbull rescue group. Tyler Faust: Tyler is also a guitar player. His favorite music artist is Jimmy buffet.Robert Ghazoul:Robert speaks Arabic

We also have quite a few new additions to the team:Our list of new hires include: Braeden Aldridge,Jess McPheron,Gwen Scott and Cindy Ferrell

Fun Facts for the ConsultantsOur Consultants are not only beasts on the phone they come from diverse backgrounds with various interests and fun hobbiesDid you know?Aja Emanuel: His dad was Marvin Gay’s Guitarist and played on all his records. Aja follows in his footsteps and all the hits you hear on Top 40 is made with sounds and technology that he invented.He is also passionate about the hand drums.Zeb Jackson:Zeb’s secret passion is yum yum yum is amazing in the kitchen and specializes in bbq and asian cuisine.Michelle Lunz:Michelle is known around the office as quite the fashionista.Did you know that she rocked a bull cut at the age of five.Adam Lostumbo:We all know that Adam hails from the wonderful state of New York. Even though he has been to NYC 5 or 6 times he has not seen the Statue of Liberty.Tom Vargo: Tom is a secret world traveler. After college he went backpacking in Europe for three weeks and managed to hit up England,Scotland,Austria,Switzerland,Netherlands and Germany.