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Date of Meeting: March 18, 2014

Agenda Item No. (to be assigned by CSO): I

From (name, title, department and who submitting on behalf of, if any): Elizabeth Walker, City Secretary Subject: Call to Order, includes the following:

A. Certification of Public Notice. B. Invocation. C. Pledge of Allegiance. D. Roll Call.

Discussion: A. Mayor will Call to Order and certify Public Notice. B. Pastor Faron Thebeau from Primera Bautista Church will give the invocation. C. Mayor will lead Pledge of Allegiance; Mayor Pro-Tem may lead Texas Flag. D. City Secretary will call roll.

Fiscal Note: Amount: $ N/A Term of Impact: [#] year(s) Identified in Current Budget: Y/N Additional Action Prompted: [ ] Mayor’s Signature [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Budget Amendment [ ] Resolution [ ] Ordinance – First Reading [ ] Ordinance – Final Reading If item previously considered, provide date and action by Commission: N/A If item requires Publication Notice, provide date and periodical of publication; indicate if comments received from letters mailed to property owners: N/A Advisory Review, if any (name of board/committee, date of action, recommendation): N/A Recommendation for Commission Action: Four or more Commissioners present constitutes a Quorum; otherwise, no action may be taken. Attachments, if any (list and provide in Word or PDF, formatted as 8 ½ X 11”): One-page with pledges and mission statement. Responsibilities upon Approval: Conduct meeting per Ordinance 2011-05, according to Roberts Rule of Order and commencing at 5:30 p.m.

Standardized Agenda Request Form

Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

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Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

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City of Weslaco “The City on the Grow”

255 S. KANSAS AVE. ■ WESLACO, TEXAS 78596-6285 ■ 956-968-3181 ■ WWW.WESLACOTX.GOV

David Suarez, Mayor John F. Cuellar, Mayor Pro-Tem, District 2

David R. Fox, Commissioner, District 1 Olga M. Noriega, Commissioner, District 3

Gerardo “Jerry” Tafolla, Commissioner, District 4 Lupe V. Rivera, Commissioner, District 5

Fidel L. Pena, III, Commissioner, District 6

Leonardo Olivares, City Manager

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag


The Pledge of Allegiance to the State Flag "Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible." *The pledge was amended by House Bill 1034 during the 80th Legislature with the addition of "one state under God." The revised wording became effective on June 15, 2007.

Preamble to the Constitution of the United States of America We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.


Friendly people with vision, courage and integrity


*Positive Attitude of Courtesy & Concern *Doing it Right the First Time *Sensitive to the citizens’ needs *Friendly Respect for All *Service without Hassle

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Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

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Date of Meeting: March 18, 2014

Agenda Item No. (to be assigned by CSO): II. A. and VI. A.

From (name, title, department and who submitting on behalf of, if any): Mardoqueo Hinojosa, P.E., Interim Planning Director/City Engineer, on behalf of Miguel Salinas, Jr. Subject: Discussion and consideration to amend Ordinance 320 and the City of Weslaco Zoning map to rezone 907 S. Texas Blvd., being Lot 8, Block 3, Hollywood Addition to Weslaco Subdivision, Weslaco, Hidalgo County, Texas, from “R-1 Single Family Dwelling District” to “B-1 Neighborhood Business District”. Discussion: The applicant is requesting to rezone this property from “R-1 Single Family Dwelling District” to “B-1 Neighborhood Business District.” Additional Action Prompted: [ ] Mayor’s Signature [ X ] Public Hearing [ ] Budget Amendment [ ] Resolution [ X ] Ordinance – First Reading [ X ] Ordinance – Final Reading If item previously considered, provide date and action by Commission: N/A If item requires Publication Notice, provide date and periodical of publication; indicate if comments received from letters mailed to property owners: Notice of the application and the public hearing for the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Commission appeared in The Monitor on February 17, 2014. Twenty-four (24) property owners within 200 ft. of the applicant’s property were notified by letter on February 21, 2014. Advisory Review, if any (name of board/committee, date of action, recommendation): Planning & Zoning Commission, 03/05/2014, recommends approval. Staff recommendation for Commission Action: Staff recommends approval of the rezone request based on the Comprehensive Plan. Attachments, if any (list and provide in Word or PDF, formatted as 8 ½ X 11”): Application for Rezoning with attachments. Responsibilities upon Approval: Planning staff will advise applicant.

Standardized Agenda Request Form

Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

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Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

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Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Weslaco City Commission on March 4, 2014 Page 1 of 11



On this 4th day of February 2014 at 5:30 p.m., the City Commission of the City of Weslaco, Texas convened in a Regular Meeting at City Hall in the Legislative Chamber, located at 255 South Kansas Avenue with the following members present: Mayor David Suarez Mayor Pro-Tem J.F. “Johnny” Cuellar Commissioner Olga M. Noriega Commissioner Gerardo “Jerry” Tafolla Commissioner Lupe Rivera Commissioner Fidel L. Pena, III

City Manager Leonardo Olivares

City Secretary Elizabeth M. Walker City Attorney Barry Jones for Ramon Vela Also present: Juan Salas, IT Department; Bret Mann, Finance Director; Mardoqueo Hinojosa, City Engineer/Interim Planning Director; Arnold Becho, Library Director; David Salinas, Public Utilities Director; Oscar Garcia, Public Facilities Director; Christine Suing, Human Resources; and other staff members and citizens.


A. Certification of Public Notice.

Mayor Suarez called the meeting to order and certified the public notice of the meeting as properly posted Friday, February 28, 2014.

B. Invocation. Pastor Bob Slade from the Love of Christ Church delivered the invocation.

C. Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Suarez recited the Pledge of Allegiance and Mayor Pro-Tem Cuellar recited the Texas flag.

D. Roll Call. Elizabeth Walker, City Secretary, called the roll, noting the absence of Commissioner Fox.



Ms. Avelina Trevino reported on various concerns in her neighborhood.

III. CONSENT AGENDA The following items are of a routine or administrative nature. The City Commission has been furnished with background and support material on each item, and/or it had been discussed at a previous meeting. All items will be acted upon by one vote without being discussed separately unless

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requested by one commission member, in which event the item or items will immediately be withdrawn for individual consideration in its normal sequence after the items not requiring separate discussion have been acted upon. The remaining items will be adopted by one vote. Possible action.

A. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting on February 18, 2014. (Staffed by City Secretary’s Office.) Attachment.

B. Acceptance of the 2013 Racial Profile Report compiled by the Weslaco Police Department as required by the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure Article 2.133 and authorize the Mayor to execute any related documents. (Staffed by Police Department.) Attachment.

C. Approval of agreement to construct and transfer ownership of a traffic light to be built in Blue Wave Subdivision by developer B.P.M.P Texas Real Estate, LLC and authorize the Mayor to execute any related documents. (Staffed by Planning and Code Enforcement Department.) Attachment. Mayor Pro-Tem Cuellar, seconded by Commissioner Rivera, moved to approve the consent agenda as presented. The motion carried unanimously; Mayor Suarez was present, but not voting. Mayor Pro-Tem Cuellar, seconded by Commissioner Rivera, moved to remove items VI. A., V. A. and addendum item on Executive Session from its posted sequence for immediate consideration. The motion carried unanimously; Mayor Suarez was present, but not voting.


A. Report on upgrade on bond rating by Standard & Poor’s. Attachment. Mr. Chris Vela, representing financial advisor FirstSouthwest, reported the good news that the City increased two notches in its bond rating from A- to A+, which validates changes in municipal operations and lowers the interest rate on pending transactions.

V. A. Discussion and consideration to approve Ordinance 2014-01 authorizing the issuance of “City of Weslaco, Texas Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2014;’ entering into a bond purchase agreement and a paying agent/registrar agreement, and other matters related thereto, and authorize the Mayor to execute any related documents. First as Final Reading of Ordinance 2014-01. Possible action. (Notice of Intent to issue approved January 21, 2014; Staffed by Finance Department.) Attachment. The City Manager stated this is the third of three installments to finance the water and wastewater treatment system improvements. Mr. Chris Vela reported a $9,075,000.00 par amount with a 4.134% all-in true interest cost; the delivery date of the funds is April 1, 2014. Mayor Pro-Tem Cuellar, seconded by Commissioner Tafolla, moved to approve the item as presented. The motion carried unanimously; Mayor Suarez was present, but

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not voting. For the record, Ordinance 2014-01 reads as follows:



AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Weslaco (the “Issuer” or the “City”) deems it advisable to issue Certificates of Obligation hereinafter described (the “Certificates”) for the purposes specified in Section 1 hereof; WHEREAS, the Certificates hereinafter authorized and designated are to be issued and delivered for cash pursuant to the Certificate of Obligation Act of 1971, Section 271.041 et seq, Texas Local Government Code, as amended (the “Act”); WHEREAS, notice of intention to issue the Certificates has been duly published in The Monitor, which is a newspaper of general circulation in the City, in its issues of January 25, 2014 and February 1, 2014, the date of the first publication being at least 30 days prior to the tentative date stated in the notice for passage of this Ordinance, such action being hereby ratified and approved; WHEREAS, the City has received no petition from the qualified electors of the City protesting the issuance of the certificates; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of City of Weslaco, Texas (the “Issuer” or the “City”) desires to issue Certificates under the Act, the proceeds of which are to be used for the purposes described below; WHEREAS, it is considered to be in the best interest of the City that the Certificates be issued and the terms hereafter provided are the most reasonable available and are hereby determined by the City Commission to be in the best interest of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WESLACO, TEXAS THAT: Section 1. Authorization of the Certificates. There is hereby authorized to be issued and delivered, a series of certificates of the City to be known as “CITY OF WESLACO, TEXAS TAX AND REVENUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION, SERIES 2014” (the “Certificates”) in the original aggregate principal amount of $________, payable from and secured by a subordinated lien on the Net Revenues as specified in Section 12 and further payable from the proceeds of an ad valorem tax levied upon all taxable property within the City, within the limitation prescribed by law, for the purpose of providing for the payment of contractual obligations to be incurred in connection with the design, planning, acquisition, construction, equipping, expansion, repair, renovation, and/or rehabilitation of certain City-owned public property, specifically being: (1) improvements to the waterworks and sewer system including water and sewer pump stations, filtration systems, clearwells, and sewer elevated storage tanks, transmission lines, and system plant modifications, and (2) payment of contractual obligations for professional services in connection therewith (to wit: architectural, engineering, financial advisory, and legal). Section 2. Designation, Date, Denominations, Numbers, and Maturities of the Certificates. The Certificates shall be dated as of March 1, 2014 shall be in denominations of $5,000 each or any integral multiple thereof, shall be numbered I-1 for the Initial Certificate and consecutively from R-1upward for the definitive certificates and shall mature on August 15 in each of the years as provided below unless theretofore called for redemption prior to maturity in accordance with the provisions of the Form of the Certificates contained in Section 6 hereof, and the Certificates shall bear interest at the rates per annum shown below from the initial date of delivery and payable on February 15, 2015 and on each August 15 and February 15 thereafter through the respective maturity date or earlier redemption, to wit: Years of Stated Maturity (August 15), Principal, Installment, Interest Rate. Section 3. Paying Agent/Registrar. The principal of and interest on the Certificates, due and payable by reason of Stated Maturity, redemption, or otherwise, shall be payable in any coin or currency of the United States of America which at the time of payment is legal tender for the payment of public and private debts, and such payment of principal of and interest on the Certificates shall be without exchange or collection charges to the Owner (as hereinafter defined) of the Certificates. The selection and appointment of U.S. Bank, National Association, Houston, Texas, to serve as the initial Paying Agent/Registrar for the Certificates is hereby approved and confirmed, and the City agrees and covenants to cause to be kept and maintained at the corporate trust office of the Paying Agent/Registrar books and records (the “Register”) for the registration, payment and transfer of the

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Certificates, all as provided herein, in accordance with the terms and provisions of a Paying Agent/Registrar Agreement, attached, in substantially final form, as Exhibit A hereto, and such reasonable rules and regulations as the Paying Agent/Registrar and City may prescribe. The Paying Agent/Registrar has agreed to keep a copy of the Register at its offices, or its agent’s offices, located in Houston, Texas. The City covenants to maintain and provide a Paying Agent/Registrar at all times while the Certificates are Outstanding, and any successor Paying Agent/Registrar shall be (i) a national or state banking institution or (ii) an association or a corporation organized and doing business under the laws of the United States of America or of any state, authorized under such laws to exercise trust powers. Such Paying Agent/Registrar shall be subject to supervision or examination by federal or state authority and authorized by law to serve as a Paying Agent/Registrar. The City reserves the right to appoint a successor Paying Agent/Registrar upon providing the previous Paying Agent/Registrar with a certified copy of a resolution or ordinance terminating such agency. Additionally, the City agrees to promptly cause a written notice of this substitution to be sent to each Owner of the Certificates by United States mail, first-class postage prepaid, which notice shall also give the address of the new Paying Agent/Registrar. Both principal of and interest on the Certificates, due and payable by reason of Stated Maturity, redemption, or otherwise, shall be payable only to the registered owner of the Certificates appearing on the Register (the “Owner” or “Owners”) maintained on behalf of the City by the Paying Agent/Registrar as hereinafter provided (i) on the Record Date (hereinafter defined) for purposes of payment of interest thereon, and (ii) on the date of surrender of the Certificates for purposes of receiving payment of principal thereof upon redemption of the Certificates or at the Certificates’ Stated Maturity. The City and the Paying Agent/Registrar, and any agent of either, shall treat the Owner as the owner of a Certificate for purposes of receiving payment and all other purposes whatsoever, and neither the City nor the Paying Agent/Registrar, or any agent of either, shall be affected by notice to the contrary. Principal of the Certificates shall be payable only upon presentation and surrender of the Certificates to the Paying Agent/Registrar at its corporate trust office. Interest on the Certificates shall be paid to the Owner whose name appears in the Register at the close of business on the last business day of the month next preceding an Interest Payment Date for the Certificates (the “Record Date”) and shall be paid (i) by check sent by United States mail, first-class postage prepaid, by the Paying Agent/Registrar, to the address of the Owner appearing in the Register or (ii) by such other method, acceptable to the Paying Agent/Registrar, requested in writing by the Owner at the Owner’s risk and expense. If the date for the payment of the principal of or interest on the Certificates shall be a Saturday, Sunday, a legal holiday, or a day on which banking institutions in the city where the Paying Agent/Registrar is located are authorized by law or executive order to close, then the date for such payment shall be the next succeeding day which is not such a day. The payment on such date shall have the same force and effect as if made on the original date any such payment on the Certificates was due. In the event of a non-payment of interest on a scheduled payment date, and for 30 days thereafter, a new record date for such interest payment (a “Special Record Date”) will be established by the Paying Agent/Registrar, if and when funds for the payment of such interest have been received from the City. Notice of the Special Record Date and of the scheduled payment date of the past due interest (the Special Payment Date - which shall be 15 days after the Special Record Date) shall be sent at least five business days prior to the Special Record Date by United States mail, first-class postage prepaid, to the address of each Owner appearing on the Register at the close of business on the last business day next preceding the date of mailing of such notice. Section 4. Right of Prior Redemption. (a) Optional Redemption. The City reserves the right to redeem the Certificates maturing on or after August 15, 20__, in whole or in part in principal amount of $5,000 or an integral multiple thereof, on August 15, 20__, or any date thereafter, at the redemption price of par plus interest accrued to the specific date of redemption, and shall direct the Paying Agent/Registrar to call by lot Certificates, or portions thereof, within such maturity or maturities and in such principal amounts, for redemption. (b) Notice of Redemption. Notice of any redemption shall be given as provided in the FORM OF CERTIFICATES included in Section 6 hereof. If such notice of redemption is given, and if due provision for such payment is made, the Certificates, or the portions thereof which are to be so redeemed, thereby automatically shall be redeemed prior to their scheduled maturities, and shall not bear interest after the date fixed for their redemption, and shall not be regarded as being outstanding except for the right of the Owner to receive the redemption price plus accrued interest to the date fixed for redemption from the Paying Agent/Registrar out of the funds provided for such payment. The Paying Agent/Registrar shall record in the Register all such redemptions of principal of the Certificates or any portion thereof. By the date fixed for any such redemption due provision shall be made by the City with the Paying Agent/Registrar for the payment

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of the required redemption price for the Certificates, or the portions thereof which are to be so redeemed, plus accrued interest thereon to the date fixed for redemption. If such notice of redemption is given and if due provision for such payment is made, all as provided above, the Certificates, or the portions thereof which are to be so redeemed, thereby automatically shall be redeemed prior to their scheduled maturities and shall not bear interest after the date fixed for their redemption and shall not be regarded as being outstanding except for the right of the Owner to receive the redemption price plus accrued interest to the date fixed for redemption from the Paying Agent/Registrar out of the funds provided for such payment. If a portion of any Certificate shall be redeemed, a substitute Certificate or Certificates having the same maturity date, bearing interest at the same rate, in any denomination or denominations in any integral multiple of $5,000, at the written request of the Owner, and in an aggregate principal amount equal to the unredeemed portion thereof, will be issued to the Owner upon the surrender thereof for cancellation, at the expense of the City all as provided in this Ordinance. Section 5. Initial Certificate; Exchange or Transfer of Certificate. Initially, one Certificate (the “Initial Certificate”) numbered I-1 and being in the principal amount of the Certificate shall be registered in the name of the Initial Purchaser and shall be executed and submitted to the Attorney General of Texas for approval, and thereupon certified by the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas or his duly authorized agent, by manual signature, and the Initial Certificate shall be effective and valid without the Authentication Certificate being signed by the Paying Agent/Registrar. At any time thereafter, the Owner may deliver the Initial Certificate to the Paying Agent/Registrar for exchange, accompanied by instructions from the Owner or designee designating the persons, maturities, and principal amounts to and in which the Initial Certificate is to be transferred and the addresses of such persons, and the Paying Agent/Registrar shall thereupon, within not more than three days, register and deliver such Certificates upon authorization of the City as provided in such instructions. Each Certificate shall be transferable only upon the presentation and surrender thereof at the designated payment office of the Paying Agent/Registrar, duly endorsed for transfer, or accompanied by an assignment duly executed by the Owner or his authorized representative in form satisfactory to the Paying Agent/Registrar. Upon presentation of any Certificate for transfer, the Paying Agent/Registrar shall authenticate and deliver in exchange therefore, to the extent possible and under reasonable circumstances within three business days after such presentation, a new Certificate or Certificates, registered in the name of the transferee or transferees, in authorized denominations and of the same maturity and aggregate principal amount and bearing interest at the same rate as the Certificate or Certificates so presented. All Certificates shall be exchangeable upon presentation and surrender thereof at the designated payment office of the Paying Agent/Registrar for a Certificate or Certificates of the same maturity and interest rate and in any authorized denomination, in an aggregate principal amount equal to the unpaid principal amount of the Certificate or Certificates presented for exchange. The Paying Agent/Registrar shall be and is hereby authorized to authenticate and deliver exchange Certificates in accordance with this Ordinance and each Certificate so delivered shall be entitled to the benefits and security of this Ordinance to the same extent as the Certificate or Certificates in lieu of which such Certificate is delivered. The City or the Paying Agent/Registrar may require the Owner of any Certificate to pay a sum sufficient to cover any tax or other governmental charge that may be imposed in connection with the transfer or exchange of such Certificate. Any fee or charge of the Paying Agent/Registrar for such transfer or exchange shall be paid by the City. Section 6. General Characteristics and Form of the Certificates. The Certificates shall be issued, shall be payable, may be redeemable prior to their scheduled maturities, shall have the characteristics, and shall be signed and executed (and the Certificates shall be sealed) all as provided and in the manner indicated in the form set forth below. The Form of the Certificates, the form of Statement of Insurance, the Form of the Registration of the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas to be printed and manually endorsed on each of the Initial Certificate, the Form of the Authentication, and the Form of Assignment, which shall be, respectively, substantially as follows, with necessary and appropriate variations, omissions, and insertions as permitted or required by this Ordinance, and the definitions contained within each such form shall apply solely to such form: FORM OF DEFINITIVE CERTIFICATE, R-_____ $___________, REGISTERED, United States of America, State of Texas; CITY OF WESLACO, TEXAS, TAX AND REVENUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION, SERIES 2014, DATED DATE, INTEREST RATE, MATURITY DATE, DELIVERY DATE, CUSIP NUMBER, March 1, 2014 % April 1, 2014; REGISTERED OWNER: SAMCO CAPITAL MARKETS, INC.; PRINCIPAL AMOUNT: _______________________________________ DOLLARS ($____________). THE CITY OF WESLACO, TEXAS (the “City”), a body corporate and municipal corporation located in the County of Hidalgo, State of Texas, for value received, acknowledges itself indebted to and

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hereby promises to pay to the order of the Registered Owner specified above, or the registered assigns thereof (the “Owner”), on the Stated Maturity date specified above, the Principal Amount specified above (or so much thereof as shall not have been paid upon prior redemption) and to pay interest on the unpaid principal amount hereof from the Delivery Date specified above, or from the most recent interest payment date to which interest has been paid or duly provided for until such principal sum has become due and payment thereof has been made or duly provided for, to the earlier of redemption or Stated Maturity, at the per annum rate of interest specified above computed on the basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day months; such interest being payable on February 15 and August 15 of each year commencing February 15, 2015. PRINCIPAL OF THIS CERTIFICATE shall be payable to the Registered Owner hereof (the “Owner”), upon presentation and surrender, at the corporate trust office of U.S. Bank, National Association, Houston, Texas (the “Paying Agent/Registrar”) executing the registration certificate appearing hereon or a successor thereof. Interest shall be payable to the Owner of this Certificate (or one or more Predecessor Certificates, as defined in the Ordinance hereinafter referenced) whose name appears on the Register maintained by the Paying Agent/Registrar at the close of business on the Record Date, which is the last business day of the month next preceding each interest payment date. All payments of principal of and interest on this Certificate shall be in any coin or currency of the United States of America which at the time of payment is legal tender for the payment of public and private debts. Interest shall be paid by the Paying Agent/Registrar by check sent on the appropriate date of payment by United States mail, first-class postage prepaid, to the Owner hereof at the address appearing in the Register or by such other method, acceptable to the Paying Agent/Registrar, requested by the Owner hereof at the Owner’s risk and expense. THIS CERTIFICATE is one of the series specified in its title issued in the aggregate principal amount of $_____ (the “Certificates”) pursuant to an Ordinance adopted by the governing body of the City (the “Ordinance”), for the purpose of providing for the payment of contractual obligations to be incurred in connection with the design, planning, acquisition, construction, equipping, expansion, repair, renovation, and/or rehabilitation of certain City-owned public property, specifically being: (1) improvements to the waterworks and sewer system including water and sewer pump stations, filtration systems, clearwells, and sewer elevated storage tanks, transmission lines, and system plant modifications, and (2) payment of contractual obligations for professional services in connection therewith (to wit: architectural, engineering, financial advisory, and legal). THE CERTIFICATES of this series scheduled to mature on and after August 15, 20__ may be redeemed prior to their scheduled maturities, in whole or part, in principal amounts of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof, at the option of the City, on August 15, 20__, or on any date thereafter, at the redemption price of par plus accrued interest to the date fixed for redemption. NOTICE OF REDEMPTION shall be sent by the Paying Agent/Registrar by United States mail, first-class postage prepaid, at least 30 days prior to the date fixed for any such redemption, to the Owner of each Certificate, or portion thereof to be redeemed, at its address as it appeared on the Registration Books on the 45th day prior to such redemption date; provided, however, that the failure to send, mail, or receive such notice, or any defect therein or in the sending or mailing thereof, shall not affect the validity or effectiveness of the proceedings for the redemption of any Certificate. By the date fixed for any such redemption, due provision shall be made by the City with the Paying Agent/Registrar for the payment of the required redemption price for this Certificate or the portion hereof which is to be so redeemed, plus accrued interest thereon to the date fixed for redemption. If such notice of redemption is given, and if due provision for such payment is made, all as provided above, this Certificate, or the portion thereof which is to be so redeemed, thereby automatically shall be redeemed prior to its scheduled maturity, and shall not bear interest after the date fixed for its redemption, and shall not be regarded as being outstanding except for the right of the Owner to receive the redemption price plus accrued interest to the date fixed for redemption from the Paying Agent/Registrar out of the funds provided for such payment. The Paying Agent/ Registrar shall record in the Registration Books all such redemptions of principal of this Certificate or any portion hereof. If a portion of any Certificate shall be redeemed, a substitute Certificate or Certificates having the same maturity date, bearing interest at the same rate, in any denomination or denominations in any integral multiple of $5,000, at the written request of the Owner, and in aggregate principal amount equal to the unredeemed portion thereof, will be issued to the Owner upon the surrender thereof for cancellation, at the expense of the City, all as provided in the Ordinance. THE CERTIFICATES OF THIS SERIES are payable from the proceeds of an ad valorem tax levied upon all taxable property within the City, within the limitations prescribed by law, and are further payable from and secured by a lien on and pledge of the Pledged Revenues, being the Net Revenues

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derived from the operation of the City’s waterworks sewer system (the “System”), such lien on and pledge of the Net Revenues being subordinate and inferior to the lien on and pledge of such Net Revenues securing payment of any Prior Lien Obligations issued by the City. The City previously authorized the issuance of the currently outstanding Prior Lien Obligations, Subordinate Lien Obligations, and Limited Pledge Obligations (which are payable, in part, from and secured by a lien on and pledge of a limited amount of the Net Revenues) in the manner provided in the ordinances authorizing the issuance of the currently outstanding Prior Lien Obligations, Subordinate Lien Obligations, and the Limited Pledge Obligations. In the Ordinance, the City reserves and retains the right to issue Additional Prior Lien Obligations, Additional Subordinate Lien Obligations, and Additional Limited Pledge Obligations, while the Certificates are Outstanding, without limitation as to principal amount but subject to any terms, conditions, or restrictions as may be applicable thereto under law or otherwise. Capitalized terms used herein have the same meanings assigned in the Ordinance. REFERENCE IS HEREBY MADE to the Ordinance, copies of which are on file in the corporate trust office of the Paying Agent/Registrar, and to all of the provisions of which the Owner by his acceptance hereof hereby assents, for definitions of terms; the description of and the nature and extent of the tax levied and the revenues pledged for the payment of the Certificates; the terms and conditions under which the City may issue additional Prior Lien Obligations, Additional Subordinate Lien Obligations, and Additional Limited Pledge Obligations; the terms and conditions relating to the transfer or exchange of the Certificates; the conditions upon which the Ordinance may be amended or supplemented with or without the consent of the Owner; the rights, duties, and obligations of the City and the Paying Agent/Registrar; the terms and provisions upon which this Certificate may be redeemed or discharged at or prior to the Stated Maturity thereof, and deemed to be no longer Outstanding thereunder; and for the other terms and provisions specified in the Ordinance. THIS CERTIFICATE, subject to certain limitations contained in the Ordinance, may be transferred at the corporate trust office of the Paying Agent/Registrar, duly endorsed by, or accompanied by a written instrument of transfer in form satisfactory to the Paying Agent/Registrar duly executed by the Owner hereof, or his duly authorized agent, and thereupon one or more new fully registered Certificates of the same Stated Maturity, of authorized denominations, bearing the same rate of interest, and of the same aggregate principal amount will be issued to the designated transferee or transferees. THE CITY AND THE PAYING AGENT/REGISTRAR, and any agent of either, shall treat the Owner hereof whose name appears on the Register (i) on the Record Date as the owner hereof for purposes of receiving payment of interest hereon, (ii) on the date of surrender of this Certificate as the owner hereof for purposes of receiving payment of principal hereof at its Stated Maturity or its redemption, in whole or in part, and (iii) on any other date as the owner hereof for all other purposes, and neither the City nor the Paying Agent/Registrar, or any such agent of either, shall be affected by notice to the contrary. In the event of a non-payment of interest on a scheduled payment date, and for 30 days thereafter, a new record date for such interest payment (a “Special Record Date”) will be established by the Paying Agent/Registrar, if and when funds for the payment of such interest have been received from the City. Notice of the Special Record Date and of the scheduled payment date of the past due interest (the “Special Payment Date” - which shall be 15 days after the Special Record Date) shall be sent at least five business days prior to the Special Record Date by United States mail, first-class postage prepaid, to the address of each Owner appearing on the Register at the close of business on the last business day next preceding the date of mailing of such notice. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, COVENANTED, and represented that all acts, conditions, and things required to be performed, exist, and be done precedent to the issuance of this Certificate in order to render the same a legal, valid, and binding obligation of the City have been performed, exist, and have been done, in regular and due time, form, and manner, as required by law, and that issuance of the Certificates does not exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation. In case any provision in this Certificate or any application thereof shall be deemed invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the validity, legality, and enforceability of the remaining provisions and applications shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby. The terms and provisions of this Certificate and the Ordinance shall be construed in accordance with and shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Certificate has been signed with the manual or facsimile signature of the Mayor of the City and countersigned with the manual or facsimile signature of the City Secretary of the City, and the official seal of the City has been duly impressed, or placed in facsimile, on this Certificate.


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/s/ David Suarez, MAYOR /s/ Elizabeth Walker, CITY SECRETARY

Add. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 6:06 p.m., the Mayor announced the regular meeting to convene in Executive Session. At 6:23 p.m., the Mayor announced the City Commission had completed its Executive Session and reconvened the regular meeting as open to the public.

A. Pending Litigation – Consult with Special Assigned Counsel Arnold Aguilar regarding Civil Action No. M-13-395, DKIII Hornback Enterprises, Ltd., Plaintiff, v. John Cuellar, Guadalupe Rivera, Jerry Tafolla, Leo Olivarez, and Jose Martinez, David Fox and the City of Weslaco, Defendants in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas, McAllen Division as authorized by §551.071 of the Texas Government Code. There was no action on this item.


A. Discussion and consideration to approve Resolution 2014-11 appointing one member to an expired term on the Ambulance Advisory Board and authorize the Mayor to execute any related documents. Possible action. (Staffed by Fire Department.) Attachment. Mayor Pro-Tem Cuellar, seconded by Commissioner Tafolla, moved to approve Resolution 2014-11 reappointing Fire Chief Santiago “Jimmy” Cuellar to an expired term on the Ambulance Advisory Board and authorized the Mayor to execute any related documents. The motion carried unanimously; Mayor Suarez was present, but not voting.


B. Discussion and consideration to authorize the solicitation of Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for professional services for the preparation of the City of Weslaco Comprehensive Plan, including Parks and Thoroughfare plans. Possible action. (Staffed by Planning and Code Enforcement Department.) Attachment. The City Manager stated this is an opportunity to update the City Comprehensive Plan, last updated in 2008 by Wilbur Smith and Associates. Funding source for this project is the 2013 bond issuance. Commissioner Tafolla, seconded by Mayor Pro-Tem Cuellar, moved to approve the item as presented. The motion carried unanimously; Mayor Suarez was present, but not voting.

C. Discussion and consideration to authorize the solicitation of Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for professional services for the preparation of the City of Weslaco City’s Master Drainage Plan. Possible action. (Staffed by Planning and Code Enforcement Department.) Attachment.

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The City Manager stated the last update to the Master Drainage Plan was in 1996 by Sigler Winston Greenwood and Associates. Mayor Pro-Tem Cuellar, seconded by Commissioner Rivera, moved to approve the item as presented. The motion carried unanimously; Mayor Suarez was present, but not voting.

D. Discussion and consideration to approve SmartCom as the best qualified, most advantageous bidder for internet services within the 2014 Schools and Libraries Program of the Universal Service Fund E-Rate, which makes discounts available to eligible libraries for telecommunication services, internet access, and internal connections and authorize the Mayor to execute the E-Rate proposal acceptance and agreement. Possible action. (Staffed by Library Department.) Attachment. The City Manager stated this is a very successful grant program, which is 90% federally funded with 10% local contribution, amounting to $105.00/month. Mr. Arnold Becho reported the library developed the scoring criteria based on other organizations and local need: SmartCom received 86 points; Time Warner 73 points. The Library reports more satisfaction with customer service by SmartCom, with miniscule downtime. Commissioner Tafolla, seconded by Commissioner Rivera, moved to approve the item as presented. The motion carried unanimously; Mayor Suarez was present, but not voting.

E. Discussion and consideration to approve Insight Public Sector, Inc. as the best qualified, most advantageous bidder for basic maintenance of internal computing connections within the 2014 Schools and Libraries Program of the Universal Service Fund (ERate), which makes discounts available to eligible libraries for telecommunication services, internet access, and internal connections and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract acceptance. Possible action. (Staffed by Library Department.) Attachment. The City Manager stated this item is related to the previous discussion; staff recommend approval of Insight Public Sector, Inc. Mayor Pro-Tem Cuellar, seconded by Commissioner Tafolla, moved to approve the item as presented. The motion carried unanimously; Mayor Suarez was present, but not voting.

F. Discussion and consideration to authorize the purchase of hose reel assembly for 1999 VAC-CON unit and/or the purchase of a new 2014 VAC-CON vacuum truck from Buyboard State Vendor, CLS Sewer Equipment Co., Inc. for a combined cost not to exceed $347,467.74, authorize a budget amendment as appropriate, and authorize the Mayor to execute any related documents. Possible action. (Staffed by Public Utilities Department.) Attachment. The City Manager stated staff recommend both solutions, since it is $17,000.00 to repair the existing unit, a “fair investment” to serve as a back-up. The combined cost

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is budgeted within the capital outlay fund. In response to Commissioner Tafolla, Mr. David Salinas stated the new truck has a one-year full warranty and five year prorated warranty. Mayor Pro-Tem Cuellar, seconded by Commissioner Rivera, moved to authorize the purchase of hose reel assembly for 1999 VAC-CON unit from Vac-Con, Inc., Buyboard vendor - Contract No. 421-13, utilizing CLS Sewer Equipment Co. Inc. as additional dealer and only distributor in Texas, and to purchase a new 2014 VAC-CON vacuum truck from RUSH Truck Centers of Texas, Buyboard vendor – Contract No. 430-13, utilizing CLS Sewer Equipment Co. Inc. as additional dealer and only distributor in Texas, for a combined cost not to exceed $347,467.74, authorize a budget amendment as appropriate, and authorize the Mayor to execute any related documents. The motion carried unanimously; Mayor Suarez was present, but not voting.

G. Discussion and consideration to authorize the hiring of five personnel for either the Public Facilities Department or the Parks and Recreation Department and authorize a budget amendment as appropriate. Possible action. (Staffed by Public Facilities Department.) Attachment. The City Manager stated the city is looking to hire in order to improve service delivery, but he is not ready to proceed with the item because he has not yet seen numbers. In response to Commissioner Rivera, Mr. David Arce stated he needs eight workers in the Parks Department, but will start with five. In response to Commissioner Pena, Mr. Oscar Garcia stated he needs equipment operators. Commissioner Pena assured helps is coming. Mayor Pro-Tem Cuellar, seconded by Commissioner Tafolla, moved to table the item as presented. The motion carried unanimously; Mayor Suarez was present, but not voting.

H. Discussion and consideration to approve the following T-Hangar leases for a period not to exceed five years for aircraft storage or aviation related business only:

1) E6-02 with James B. Carlson Farms, 2) E7-00 with Garric Warbirds, 3) E8-06 with Anderson Columbia Co., 4) E9-02 with Wyatt Agri Products, and 5) E10-01 with Dr. Reynaldo Rodriguez,

and authorize the Mayor to execute related documents. Possible action. (Staffed by Airport Department.) Attachment. The City Manager recommended tabling this item as he identified some potential issues to review with legal counsel. Commissioner Tafolla, seconded by Mayor Pro-Tem Cuellar, moved to table the item as presented. The motion carried unanimously; Mayor Suarez was present, but not voting.

I. Discussion and consideration to approve an agreement to provide personnel services

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to the Economic Development Corporation of Weslaco (EDCW) and authorize the Mayor to execute any related documents. Possible action. (Commission authorized a 30-day agreement January 21, 2014; Staffed by the City Manager’s Office.) Attachment. The City Manager stated since the last agreement with the Economic Development Corporation of Weslaco, a new Executive Director and Attorney have been retained. The EDCW requests staff support from the City Secretary, Information Technology, and Public Facilities departments for an additional thirty days; support by the City Manager and City Attorney is no longer needed. Mayor Pro-Tem Cuellar, seconded by Commissioner Rivera, moved to approve the item as presented. Mayor Suarez and Commissioners Pena and Noriega opposed (3-3); the motion failed in a tie.

VII. ADJOURNMENT With no other business before the Commission, Mayor Pro-Tem Cuellar, seconded by Commissioner Tafolla, moved to adjourn the March 4, 2014 regular meeting. The motion carried unanimously; Mayor Suarez was present, but not voting.

CITY OF WESLACO MAYOR, David Suarez ATTEST: CITY SECRETARY, Elizabeth M. Walker MAYOR PRO-TEM, J.F. “Johnny” Cuellar (absent)


_______ COMMISSIONER, Olga M. Noriega COMMISSIONER, Gerardo “Jerry” Tafolla COMMISSIONER, Lupe Rivera COMMISSIONER, Fidel L. Pena, III

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Date of Meeting: March 18, 2014 Agenda Item No. (to be assigned by CSO):

IV. B. From (name, title, department and who submitting on behalf of, if any): Michael Kelley, Chief of Police, Weslaco Police Department Subject: Discussion and consideration for approval to accept a check from the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts annual allocation from the Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Educations (LEOSE) in the amount of $4,317.29 to be utilized for training for the Weslaco Police Officers. Discussion: Discussion and consideration for approval to accept a check from the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts annual allocation from the Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Educations (LEOSE) in the amount of $4,317.29 to be utilized for training for the Weslaco Police Officers. This payment must be used as necessary to ensure the continuing education of persons licensed under Chapter 1701, Occupations Code, or to provide necessary training, as determined by the agency head, to full-time, fully paid law enforcement support personnel in the agency and deposit it into the Police Department Firearm Budget, account # 01-512-2044. Additional Action Prompted: [ ] Mayor’s Signature [ ] Public Hearing [X] Budget Amendment [ ] Resolution [ ] Ordinance – First Reading [ ] Ordinance – Final Reading If item previously considered, provide date and action by Commission: N/A If item requires Publication Notice, provide date and periodical of publication; indicate if comments received from letters mailed to property owners: NA Advisory Review, if any (name of board/committee, date of action, recommendation): N/A Recommendation for Commission Action: Staff recommends approval. Attachments, if any (list and provide in Word or PDF, formatted as 8 ½ X 11”): NA Responsibilities upon Approval: The Department will submit a budget amendment to the Finance Department.

Standardized Agenda Request Form

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Texas Water Development Board CWSRF IUP Solicitation Packet

Project Update Form

Form CW-007 (10/13) 1

For questions, contact: Mark Evans, 512-463-8510, [email protected]

This form should only be used to update projects listed in the current CWSRF Intended Use Plan. If this is a new project, STOP and please complete a new Project Information Form located here: Solicitation Packet (entire packet). If this project HAS NOT received a funding commitment, provide the associated Project Information Form number(s) (PIF #) for this update.


If the project HAS received a funding commitment, provide the associated five-digit Project number for this update. Section 1. GENERAL INFORMATION

Name of Entity (City, Town, County, District, Authority, System, Corporation, etc.) County

City of Weslaco Hidalgo County

Name of Project (Provide a brief and descriptive name for the proposed project)

Proposed Total Project Costs (Section 12, Line L)

North Wastewater Treatment Expansion $12,991,927.00

Entity Contact Information Engineering Firm Contact Information

Name of Firm City of Weslaco

Contact Person David Salinas Contact Person Mardoqueo Hinojosa, PE Title Public Utilities Director Title Interim Planning Director/ City Engineer

Mailing Address 255 S. Kansas Avenue Mailing Address 255 S. Kansas Avenue

Phone Number 956-973-3181 Phone Number 956-447-3401 Fax Number 956-973-3128 Fax Number 956-973-3128 Email Address [email protected] Email Address [email protected] Section 2. SERVICE AREA INFORMATION Submit a map of the entity’s current and, if applicable, proposed service area(s).

To determine population served:

• For an incorporated entity (i.e., a city or town), indicate the number of people who reside within the service area of, or receive wholesale or retail water service from, the entity based on the most recent data available from the U.S. Census Bureau.

• For an unincorporated entity (i.e., a county, district, river authority, system, or corporation), indicate the number of people who reside within the service area of, or receive wholesale or retail water service from, the entity based on the most recent data available from the U.S. Census Bureau. Provide a table that 1) identifies the number of household connections within each block group that covers the entity’s service area and 2) prorates the population accordingly. See example table in Census Data Search (WRD-284). The map of the service area must by overlaid by a map of the census boundary(ies) identified in the table.

Population Served 35,720 Total Household Connections 11,951Section 3. Project Category (check all that apply) Disadvantaged Communities Project: Projects requesting disadvantaged community funding must also submit the Disadvantaged Community Worksheet (Form SRF-008). Please see the disadvantaged worksheet for details on the eligibility criteria.

Publicly Owned Treatment Works—Treatment and/or Collection: Treatment projects may include, but not be limited to, construction or rehabilitation of a WWTP; expansion of the hydraulic capacity at a WWTP; expansion of the solids treatment and handling portion of a WWTP; or construction of facilities, including linework, to enable reuse of reclaimed wastewater for irrigation or other purposes. Collection projects may include, but not be limited to, construction or rehabilitation of collection systems; installation or rehabilitation of transmission, trunk, or relief lines; construction, rehabilitation, or replacement of lift stations; installation of diversion sewers; or stormwater pollution control.


Nonpoint Source Pollution Control (See Project Submission Guidelines for eligibility criteria): NPS pollution control projects control sources of water pollution that do not enter water from a point source, including pollution generally resulting from land runoff, precipitation, atmospheric deposition, drainage, seepage, or hydrologic modification. This may also involve stormwater projects where transportation or conveyance is not involved.

Estuary Management (See Project Submission Guidelines for eligibility criteria): Estuary management includes conservation and/or management projects that impact a national estuary.

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Texas Water Development Board CWSRF IUP Solicitation Packet

Project Update Form

For questions, contact: Mark Evans, 512-463-8510, [email protected]

This form should only be used to update projects listed in the current CWSRF Intended Use Plan. If this is a new project, STOP and please complete a new Project Information Form located here: (web address). Name of Entity: City of Weslaco

If this project HAS NOT received a funding commitment, provide the associated Project Information Form number(s) (PIF #) for this update.


If the project HAS received a funding commitment, provide the associated five-digit Project number for this update.

Section 4. UPDATED PROJECT DESCRIPTION In the space below, briefly describe the proposed project including which phase(s) (i.e., planning, acquisition, design, and/or construction) funding is sought and any innovative or alternative technology to be used. If the project is a regional project, include all the names of the communities involved or WWTP service areas altered. If the project is a nonpoint source pollution control or estuary management project, identify the water body or estuary, respectively, that will benefit from the project. If the proposed project is the result of a disaster, describe any public health or water quality problems consequent to the disaster that will be addressed by the proposed project. Add additional sheets as necessary.

North Wastewater Treatment Plant (NWWTP) consists on the expansion of a new effluent receiving well, influent pump station, a new headworks facility with mechanical screening and grit removal,elimination of city's lift station #12 and new gravity main to the plant, upgrade lift station #1 and install a new 12" force main, reuse treatment, pump station and distribution system and new effluent pipe line.

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Texas Water Development Board CWSRF IUP Solicitation Packet

Project Update Form

For questions, contact: Mark Evans, 512-463-8510, [email protected]

Name of Entity: City of Weslaco

This form should only be used to update projects listed in the current CWSRF Intended Use Plan. If this is a new project, STOP and please complete a new Project Information Form located here: (web address).If this project HAS NOT received a funding commitment, provide the associated Project Information Form number(s) for this update. 9933

If the project HAS received a funding commitment, provide the five-digit CWSRF Project number.


Publically Owned Treatment Works projects: Fill out Section 5. Nonpoint Source Pollution Control projects: Proceed to Section 6. Estuary Management projects: Proceed to Section 7.

A. Enforcement Action Is the work required by a schedule that is imposed by court order, EPA administrative order, TCEQ Notice of Enforcement or Agreed Order, or participation in the TCEQ’s SSO Initiative? If “Yes,” attach a copy of the order or SSO plan.

Yes No


B. Unserved Area Yes No 1. Does the project involve extending service (centralized or alternative system) to populated areas of an

existing developed community that are not served by a centralized collection system? X

2. Has a public health official found that a nuisance dangerous to public health and safety exists resulting from water supply and sanitation problems in the area to be served by the project? If “Yes,” attach a letter from a Designated Agent licensed by the TCEQ or a registered sanitarian from the Texas Department of State Health Services that documents the nuisance.


3. If the proposed project is providing service to areas currently using on-site sewage facilities (OSSF), please provide the number of on-site systems to be removed from service.

C. Watershed Protection Plan Is a water body impacted by the proposed project listed in a Watershed Protection Plan that is under development or has been accepted by the TCEQ or TSSWCB? If “Yes,” attach the cover page, table of contents, and highlighted page(s) from the plan that clearly identify(ies) the water body and how the project will implement an element of the plan.


D. Innovative and Alternative Yes No 1. Will the project include innovative or alternative collection or treatment technology, as defined below?


• Alternative Technology Proven wastewater management techniques that provide for the reclaiming and reuse of water, productively recycle wastewater constituents, or recover energy. Specifically, alternative technology includes land application of effluent and sludge, aquifer recharge, aquaculture, direct reuse, horticulture, revegetation of disturbed land, containment ponds, sludge composting and drying prior to land application, self-sustaining incineration, methane recovery, individual and onsite systems, and small diameter pressure and vacuum sewers and small diameter gravity sewers carrying partially or fully treated wastewater.

• Innovative Technology Nonconventional methods of treatment, such as rock reed, root zone, ponding, irrigation, or other technologies, which represent a significant advance in the state of the art.

2. For stormwater projects required under an NPDES permit, will the proposed project treat or minimize urban stormwater pollution discharges using any of the following innovative approaches: decentralized or distributed stormwater controls; low impact development technologies and nonstructural approaches; stream buffers; wetland restoration and enhancement; actions to minimize the quantity of and direct connections to impervious surfaces; or soil, vegetation, or other permeable materials?


Note: Stormwater projects that are not specifically part of a NPDES permit may be considered NPS projects. For additional information, contact Alan Williams, Projections Team, at 512-463-7959 or [email protected].

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Project Update Form

Name of Entity: City of Weslaco

Section 5. RATING CRITERIA FOR POTW PROJECTS (Continued)E. More Stringent Effluent Limits Yes No Does the project involve more stringent permit limitations? This can include conversion to a no-discharge or

partial reuse facility to avoid a higher level of treatment. If “Yes,” attach a copy of the new discharge permit or a letter from the TCEQ stating the new limits.


F. Regional Projects Yes No 1. Does the project result in removing one or more existing WWTPs from service, thereby reducing the

number of plant outfalls? X

2. Is the project a trunk sewer that will convey wastewater from a plant that will be removed from service to an existing treatment plant? X

3. Is the project a trunk sewer to an existing or developing area that will convey wastewater to an existing WWTP, thereby avoiding the construction of a separate treatment facility? X

4. Will the project expand an existing regional facility to receive flow from another community rather than create or continue use of a separate wastewater treatment facility? X

If “Yes” to any of the above questions, attach a map showing the existing service area along with the proposed expanded or altered service areas resulting from this project.

G. Wastewater Treatment Plant Parameters Yes No

1. Does the project result in abandoning or relieving a WWTP and diverting flow to another facility? If “Yes,” complete Questions G.2 and G.3. If “No,” complete only Question G.2. X

2. Provide the following data for the facility to be abandoned or relieved of flow, or the plant serving the project.

WWTP Name North Wastewater Treatment Facility

TCEQ Permit # WQ0010619003 NPDES # TX0052787 No-Discharge Facility?

Yes No If “No,” identify the Discharge Segment 2201

X Current Permit Limits Proposed Permit Limits

Average Daily Flow 4.75 4.75Peak 2-Hour Flow 11.993 11.993CBOD/BOD 10 10TSS 15 15Chlorination 1.0 MG/L 1.0 MG/LNitrogen 3.0 MG/L AS AMMONIA 3.0 MG/L AS AMMONIAPhosphorus N/A N/ADO 6.0MG/L 6.0 MG/LDechlorination <0.1 <0.1Status of Permit Application Permit Expires June 1, 2015 n/a

3. If “Yes” to Question G.1, provide the following data for the facility to receive diverted flow.

WWTP Name TCEQ Permit #NPDES #

No-Discharge Facility? Yes No If “No,” identify the

Discharge Segment

Current Permit Limits Proposed Permit LimitsAverage Daily Flow Peak 2-Hour Flow CBOD/BOD TSS Chlorination Nitrogen Phosphorus DO Dechlorination Status of Permit Application

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Texas Water Development Board CWSRF Project Update Form

Form CW-007 (10/13) 1

For questions, contact: Mark Evans, 512-463-8510, [email protected]

Name of Entity: City of Weslaco

This form should only be used to update projects listed in the current CWSRF Intended Use Plan. If this is a new project, STOP and please complete a new Project Information Form located here: (web address).If this project HAS NOT received a funding commitment, provide the associated Project Information Form number(s) for this update.

If the project HAS received a funding commitment, provide the five-digit CWSRF Project number. 9933 Section 11. READINESS TO PROCEED TO CONSTRUCTIONA. Permitting Have permits necessary for construction been acquired, in particular TCEQ wastewater discharge permit for wastewater treatment plant construction or wastewater reuse authorization (if applicable)?

If “Yes,” please provide the permit name(s) in the space below. If “No,” identify in the space below each federal, state, or local permit, license, or other authorizations

needed for the project to proceed to construction and the status of each.




B. Land Acquisition

Have all land acquisitions and easements necessary to complete the project been obtained? Yes No

If “No,” please explain in the space below and provide an anticipated completion date. Completion Date

C. Design 1. Have you completed the design process including full development of plans and specifications? (If No, move to

question 2. If Yes, move to Section D). Yes No

2. Has design work progressed beyond preliminary design? If so, please provide the completion date. Completed preliminary design documents must consist of the following: Design criteria, preliminary drawings, outline of specifications, written descriptions of the project, and

updated opinion of probable cost. Project sites are plotted on site maps, the site has been surveyed, geotechnical analysis of site is complete,

facility sizing is complete, and process schematics are complete.



For rehab projects, the above is complete, meaning the details as to what linework portions and what plant components are to be rehabed are well defined.

Completion Date

3. Will design work be initiated after the TWDB releases design funds for this project? Yes

No D. Environmental Review

Only provide information to ONE of the following questions:

Have you received a Finding of No Significant Impact (FNSI), Categorical Exclusion (CE), a Record of Decision (ROD), or an environmental determination prepared by another entity in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for this project? For projects that may qualify for a FNSI, please review 31 TAC §375.63; or that require a CE, review 31 TAC §375.52 (state) or 31 TAC §375.62 (federal); or that require a ROD, review 31 TAC §375.66; or that have a determination by another entity, review 31 TAC §375.56 (state) or 31 TAC §375.70 (federal).



If “Yes,” provide Issuer (Agency) and date of issuance(s):


Date of Issuance

If an environmental finding has not been issued, does your project meet the criteria to receive Categorical Exclusion as defined at 31 TAC §375.52 (state) or 31 TAC §375.62 (federal)?



Can you submit an environmental report with the completed loan application that documents coordination with agencies has proceeded sufficiently to determine that no major issues remain?

Yes No

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Will the environmental review be initiated after the TWDB releases planning funds for this project? Yes No

E. Construction Phase (Estimated start date for first contract and estimated completion date for last contract) Start Date

07/01/2015 Completion

Date 02/01/2017

F. Project Bidding and Contracts Will the proposed project be ready to advertise for construction bids immediately following a funding commitment for construction costs?

Yes No

If you are seeking reimbursement for eligible planning and/or design costs, was the work performed in compliance with applicable state law and federal crosscutters, including procurement following Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) requirements (as applicable for the specific programs)? For more information on DBE, please visit



How many months will it take to close the loan after receiving a funding commitment? Projects deemed ready to proceed to construction must be able to expend Clean Water State Revolving Funds quickly after receiving a funding commitment.

3 Months

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Texas Water Development Board CWSRF IUP Solicitation Packet

Disadvantaged Community Worksheet – Update Form

SRF-008 (10/13) 1

For questions, contact: Mark Evans, 512-463-8510, [email protected]

Name of Entity: City of Weslaco

This form should only be used to update projects listed in the current CWSRF Intended Use Plan. If this is a new project, STOP and please complete a new Project Information Form located here: (web address).If this project HAS NOT received a funding commitment, provide the associated Project Information Form number(s) for this update. 9933

If the project HAS received a funding commitment, provide the five-digit CWSRF Project number. A Disadvantaged Community Worksheet must be submitted to be considered for CWSRF Disadvantaged Community funding. This worksheet involves the use of socioeconomic data to determine if the service area meets adjusted annual median household income (AMHI) and affordability criteria. NOTE: Information that is not submitted as requested will not be considered. Do not submit this worksheet if your service area or portion of service area’s AMHI is above $52,3431.


Eligibility for the entire service area: The entity’s service area meets the criteria for a disadvantaged community if the adjusted AMHI for the entity’s service area is less than or equal to 75% of the state adjusted AMHI and

A. the household cost factor is greater than or equal to 1.0% if the entire service area is charged for either water or sewer service (whichever is applicable), or

B. the combined household cost factor is greater than or equal to 2.0% if the entire service area is charged for both water and sewer service.

Eligibility for a portion of service area: A portion of an entity’s service area meets the criteria for a disadvantaged community if the proposed project meets the TWDB’s Disadvantaged – Portion of a Service Area Policy (Program-Disadvantaged-2000), the adjusted AMHI for the portion of an entity’s service area is less than or equal to 75% of the state adjusted AMHI, and

TWDB staff will utilize the information provided on this worksheet to determine if the entity meets the eligibility criteria.

Section 2. SERVICE AREA Indicate whether the entity is pursuing disadvantaged status for either the entire service area or a portion of its service area. For entire service area projects, a map depicting the service area boundaries with major features (highways, census boundaries, city limit boundaries, etc.) must be included for eligibility. Entities are allowed disadvantaged eligibility for a portion of a service area if the portion meets adjusted annual median household income (AMHI) and household cost factor (HCF) calculations pursuant to the Disadvantaged—Portion of a Service Area Policy (Program-Disadvantaged-2000), SRF rules, and other applicable criteria found in the IUP. For portion of a service area eligibility, a map depicting the location of proposed new household connections (to existing homes) within the portion of an entity’s service area must be included for eligibility.

Entire Service Area


Portion of a Service Area


Identify the source(s) for the socioeconomic data to be entered in Section 4. Follow the steps in Census Data Search (WRD-284) to find data. Note that it may be necessary to obtain data from multiple sources (e.g. where a city’s CCN extends beyond its city limits).

U.S. Census Bureau Data

County, City, Town, or Census Designated Place: If using multiple data sources, provide a table that shows prorated data according to the example table in Census Data Search (WRD-284).

2007-2011 (5-year) American 2009-2011 (3-year) American X2011 (1-year) American Community

Incongruous Census and Service Area Boundaries

Summary File 5-year block group data:Must provide a table that shows prorated data according to the example table in Census Data Search (WRD-284).

TWDB-Approved Survey

An entity must submit documentation that substantiates the inadequate or absent census data that led to the need to conduct a survey. All entities must obtain prior approval from the TWDB to use survey data instead of the most recent available American Community Survey data. If the survey was completed over three years ago, please contact Clay Schultz (information above) to determine if the survey is acceptable. Previously completed surveys, including surveys completed for funding from other sources, will be rejected if they do not follow the survey methods listed in the latest Socioeconomic Survey Guidelines (WRD-285).

Date of Survey:

1 This number represents the estimated Statewide Annual Median Household Income as of March 2014. It is derived using the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey information.

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Texas Water Development Board CWSRF IUP Solicitation Packet

Disadvantaged Communities Worksheet – Update Form


Name of Entity: City of Weslaco

Section 4. SOCIOECONOMIC DATA Using a source(s) identified in Section 3, enter the following socioeconomic data. This data will be adjusted by TWDB staff utilizing the applicable Texas Consumer Price Indices. Annual Median Household Income (AMHI) (for the entire service area or a portion of the service area, whichever is applicable)


If the AMHI is above $52,343, the service area does not qualify for disadvantaged status. Do not submit this form.

Average Household Size (for the entire service area) 3.15 Section 5. AVERAGE ANNUAL WATER AND SEWER COSTS Using the Average Household Size entered in Section 4 and the entity’s current rate structure, calculate the entity’s average annual water and sewer costs. This information will be factored into the entity’s affordability calculations.

Average Monthly Water Flow per Household Average Monthly Sewer Flow per Household A. Avg. monthly gallons per person 2,325 L. Avg. monthly gallons per person 1,279B. Avg. household size (for the entire service 3.15 M. Avg. household size (for the entire service 3.15C. Avg. monthly water flow per household (A×B) 7,324 N. Avg. monthly sewer flow per household (L×M) 4,029

Average Monthly Water Bill Average Monthly Sewer Bill D. Avg. monthly water flow per household (C) 7,324 O. Avg. monthly sewer flow per household (N) 4,029

E. Initial base water rate (first 1,000 gallons) $2.89 P. Initial base sewer rate (first 1,000 gallons) $1.88

F. Additional rate (each addtl. 1,000 gallons) $2.89 Q. Additional rate (each addtl. 1,000 gallons) $1.88 If system utilizes a tiered billing structure, attach with worksheet. Base line H (below) on tiered structure.

If system utilizes a tiered billing structure, attach with worksheet. Base line S (below) on tiered structure.

G. Other charges (e.g., taxes, surcharges, or other fees) used to subsidize the water system

$15.62 R. Other charges (e.g., taxes, surcharges, or

other fees) used to subsidize the sewer system


H. Calculate Avg. monthly water bill $36.77 S. Calculate Avg. monthly sewer bill $52.85 Average Annual Water Bill Average Annual Sewer Bill

I. Avg. monthly water bill (H) $36.77 T. Avg. monthly sewer bill (S) $52.85J. Number of months in a year 12 U. Number of months in a year 12K. Avg. annual water bill (I×J) $441.24 V. Avg. annual sewer bill (T×U) $634.22Section 6. ANNUAL LOAN COST Using the current market rate of 3.68% (as of September 2013) and a loan term of 20 years, amortize the requested grand total, and submit a copy of the amortization schedule with this form. This information will be factored into the entity’s affordability calculations. W. Annual payment on SRF loan (from amortization schedule) $150,209.16

X. Total household connections (from Section 2 of Project Information Form) 11,951

Y. Annual loan cost per customer (W/X) $12.57 Section 7. HOUSEHOLD COST FACTOR If your utility provides water or sewer service, the minimum required Household Cost Factor (HCF) must be greater than or equal to 1.00%. If your utility provides water and sewer service, the minimum required HCF must be greater than or equal to 2.00%. If the HCF does not meet the minimum required HCF, do not submit this worksheet. Z. Household Cost Factor [(K+V+Y)/AMHI from Section 4] 3.94

To access the Disadvantaged – Portion of a service area document, visit To find the other guidance documents listed on the worksheet, visit and type the form code into the “search table” field. To send in your updates, visit for instructions.

Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

Page 24 March 18, 2014

Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

Page 24 March 18, 2014

Page 25: 14 03 18 agenda supplements

Texas Water Development Board DWSRF IUP Solicitation Packet

Project Information Form

Form DW-007 (9/13) 1

Submission Deadlines: This form may be submitted at any time for inclusion in the SFY 2014 IUP.

For inclusion in the SFY 2015 IUP, the deadline is Monday, March 3, 2014, at 5:00 PM CT.

This form must be completed in full to be considered for rating and inclusion in the DWSRF IUP. Incomplete forms will prevent projects from being rated. Note: Information submitted after the deadline will not be considered for the initial Project Priority List.

For questions, contact: Marvin Chaney, 512-463-8750, [email protected]

This form should be used for new submittals only. If this is an update to a Project Information Form (PIF) submitted in SFY 2014, or to a project that has received funding for planning, acquisition, and/or design phases in a previous year, STOP and please complete the applicable project update form(s) located here: Update Forms.


Name of Entity (City, Town, County, District, PWS, WSC, etc.)


City of Weslaco Hidalgo


1080011 10568

Name of Project (Provide a brief and descriptive name of the proposed project.)

Proposed Total Project Costs (Section 10, Line P.)

Water Plant and Offsite Improvements $47,808,358.00

Entity Contact Information Engineering Firm Contact Information

Name of Firm City of Weslaco

Contact Person Leonardo Olivares Contact Person Mardoqueo Hinojosa, P.E.

Title City Manager Title City Engineer

Mailing Address 255 South Kansas Avenue Mailing Address 255 South Kansas Avenue

Phone Number 956-968-3181 Phone Number 956-968-3181

Fax Number 956-968-6672 Fax Number 956-973-3128

Email Address [email protected] Email Address [email protected]


Submit a map of the entity’s current and, if applicable, proposed service area(s).

To determine population served:

For an incorporated entity (i.e., a city or town), indicate the number of people who reside within the service area of, or receive wholesale or retail water service from, the entity based on the most recent data available from the U.S. Census Bureau.

For an unincorporated entity (i.e., a county, district, river authority, system, or corporation), indicate the number of people who reside within the service area of, or receive wholesale or retail water service from, the entity based on the most recent data available from the U.S. Census Bureau. Provide a table that 1) identifies the number of household connections within each block group that covers the entity’s service area and 2) prorates the population accordingly. See example table in Census Data Search (WRD-284). The map of the service area must by overlaid by a map of the census boundary(ies) identified in the table.

Population Served 52,185 Total Household Connections 11,951


Check the ONE category that best describes the project. Projects that involve multiple categories must be submitted separately.

Public Water System (PWS) Source Water ProtectionMust also submit Form DW-010.

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Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

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Texas Water Development Board DWSRF IUP Solicitation Packet

Project Information Form

Form DW-007 (9/13) 2

Name of Entity: City of Weslaco PWS ID No.: 1080011


A project may consist of one or more projects that are intended to address specific system conditions.

Briefly describe the proposed project and how it will address the items in Section 5 to which the entity responds “Yes.” If the proposed project is the result of a disaster, describe any public health or water quality problems consequent to the disaster that will be addressed by the proposed project.

Current Health and Compliance Factor and/or MCL Violations and Physical

Deficiencies Proposed Project Solutions

Cost Category (See


InadequateTreatment Capacity Inadequate Pumping Capacity Inadequate Transmission Capacity Inadeqaute Storage Capacity

Add 10 MGD Plant Capacity Rehabilitate failing plant components Add Raw Water and High Service Pumps Add Transmission Main from plant Add clearwell and system Elevated Tank



PWS projects: Fill out Section 5. Source Water Protection projects: Proceed to Section 6.

Total Storage Capacity (in gallons) 2,385,000.00 Total Production Capacity (MGD) 8.25

Attach any documentation that supports the responses to the following questions. (Refer to TCEQ notice of violation letter, if applicable.)

Yes No

A. Has the entity’s system experienced documented instances of water contaminants exceeding the primary or secondary maximum contaminant level (MCL)?

B. Has the entity’s system experienced documented outages in the water distribution system?

C. Is the system’s documented water production capability less than 85% of the minimum required by TCEQ?

D. Is the system’s documented treated water storage capacity less than 85% of the minimum required by TCEQ (including total storage, elevated storage, and/or pressure tank)?

E. Has the system experienced distribution system disinfection residuals of less than 0.2 mg/l free chlorine or 0.5 mg/l chloramines as applicable?

F. Has the system experienced documented instances of water distribution pressures: Yes No

1. less than 20 PSI?

2. less than 35 PSI?

G. Is the system experiencing documented water distribution losses of greater than 25%?

Benefits to Other Public Water Systems – Consolidation Projects Yes No

H. Will the proposed project benefit any other public water systems (i.e., one the entity is currently serving or proposes to serve)? • If “Yes,” the entity must also submit the Consolidation Project Worksheet (DW-009) for

each water system that will benefit from this project. • If “No,” proceed to Section 6.

Name of Public Water System that Will Benefit from This Project

PWS ID No. Currently Served Proposed to


Yes No Yes No

North Alamo Water Supply Corporation 1080029

Military Highway Water Supply Corp. 1080235

* Attach written documentation of the agreement with the PWS that the entity proposes to serve.

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Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

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Texas Water Development Board DWSRF IUP Solicitation Packet

Project Information Form

Form DW-007 (9/13) 3

Name of Entity: City of Weslaco PWS ID No.: 1080011


Note: Information that is not submitted as requested will not be considered. For more information on Effective Management, see

A. Asset Management Yes No

1. a. In the past 5 years, has an asset management plan been adopted by the entity’s governing body that incorporates an inventory of all assets, an assessment of the criticality and condition of the assets, a prioritization of capital projects needed, and a budget? If “Yes,” attach 1) the cover page and table of contents of the entity’s adopted or approved asset management plan and 2) the highlighted pages from the plan that clearly identify each of the above referenced elements.

Note: A Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) alone does not constitute an asset management plan.

b. If “No” to Question A.1.a., is the entity planning to prepare an asset management plan as part of the proposed project? If so, include language in the Project Description (Section 4) that states this.

Assistance with establishing an asset management plan is offered through TCEQ’s FMT contract. Contact Stacy Foster, TCEQ, at 512-239-3105 or [email protected] to schedule a meeting.

2. Has asset management training been administered to the entity’s governing body and employees? If “Yes,” attach the following information for each trainee: name, title/position, date of training, course name, and name of organization that conducted the training.

B. Water Conservation Yes No

Does the proposed project address specific targets, goals, or measures in a water conservation or drought contingency plan that has been adopted by the entity’s governing body within the past five years?

If “Yes,” 1) list the targets, goals, or measures to be supported; 2) describe how they will be addressed by the proposed project;

AND 3) attach the cover page, table of contents, and highlighted pages from the plan that clearly identify the project-related targets, goals, or measures. • For questions regarding water conservation plans, contact Ethan Ham at [email protected] or 512-

463-4292, or visit the Municipal Water Conservation Plans web page at

• Information on drought contingency planning can be found online at

• Note: Entities seeking financial assistance in excess of $500,000 must submit a water conservation plan during the application phase.

C. Reclaimed Water Yes No

Does the proposed project involve the use of reclaimed water?

If “Yes,” describe how:

D. Energy Efficiency Yes No

Does the proposed project address a specific goal(s) in a system-wide or plant-wide energy assessment, audit, or optimization study that has been conducted within the past three years? If “Yes,” attach the highlighted pages from the energy assessment, audit, or optimization study that clearly identify the goals to be addressed by the project.

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Texas Water Development Board DWSRF IUP Solicitation Packet

Project Information Form

Form DW-007 (9/13) 4

Name of Entity: City of Weslaco PWS ID No.: 1080011


E. Implementation of Water Plans Yes No

Does the proposed project implement elements contained in a state or regional water plan, watershed protection plan, integrated water resource management plan, regional facility plan, regionalization or consolidation plan, finalized Economically Distressed Areas Program (EDAP) facility plan, or a total maximum daily loads (TMDL) implementation plan?

If “Yes,” 1) list the plan name and sponsor; 2) list the elements of the plan to be implemented;

AND 3) attach the cover page, table of contents, and highlighted pages featuring the relevant information from the plan that clearly identify the element(s) to be implemented.


For assistance in responding to this section, see the DWSRF Green Project Information Worksheets (TWDB-0163) available online at Yes No

A. Does the proposed project contain, either partially or completely, green elements as defined by the Green Project Information Worksheets?

If "No," proceed to Section 8. If "Yes," proceed to Question 7.B.

B. Enter the estimated cost of the green portion of the proposed project.

C. Describe and justify in the space below the green elements of the proposed project and, if available, attach a green business case. Note: The field below will expand the more text that is added.


DWSRF funds may be used to refinance completed projects only.

Yes No

Will DWSRF funds be used to refinance existing debt related to this project and received from a source other than the TWDB?

Reminder: Submit information that documents that the project meets the refinancing eligibility criteria identified in the Project Submission Guidelines.


A. Permitting

Have all applicable permitting aspects of the project, including acquisition of water rights and/or Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (CCN), or TCEQ approval and completion of piloting been achieved?

If “Yes,” please provide the permit name(s) If “No,” identify in the space below each federal, state or local permit, license or other

authorizations needed for the project and the status of each.



B. Land Acquisition

Have all land acquisitions and easements necessary to complete the project been obtained? Yes


If “No,” please explain in the space below and provide an anticipated completion date.

Completion Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

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Texas Water Development Board DWSRF IUP Solicitation Packet

Project Information Form

Form DW-007 (9/13) 5

Name of Entity: City of Weslaco PWS ID No.: 1080011

Section 9 (Continued). READINESS TO PROCEED

C. Design

1. Have you completed the design process including full development of plans and specifications? (If “No,” proceed to Question 2. If “Yes,” proceed to Question 4.)



2. Has design work progressed beyond preliminary design? If so, please provide the completion date. Completed preliminary design documents must consist of the following:

Design criteria, preliminary drawings, outline of specifications, written descriptions of the project, and updated opinion of probable cost.

Project Sites are plotted on site maps, the site has been surveyed, geotechnical analysis of the site is complete, facility sizing is complete, and process schematics are complete.



For rehab projects, the above is complete, meaning the details as to what linework portions and what plant components to be rehabed are well defined.

Completion Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

3. Will design work be initiated after the TWDB releases design funds for this project? Yes


4. For membrane plants, SWTP, water wells, treatment changes, or intake structures, has TCEQ approved plans and specs?

Yes No N/A

D. Environmental Review

Only answer “Yes” to ONE of the following four questions:

1. Have you received a Finding of No Significant Impact (FNSI), Categorical Exclusion (CE), a Record of Decision (ROD), or an environmental determination prepared by another entity in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for this project? For projects that may qualify for a FNSI, please review 31 TAC §371.43; or that require a CE, review 31 TAC §371.42; or that require a ROD, review 31 TAC §371.46; or that have a determination by another entity, review 31 TAC §371.50.



If “Yes,” provide Issuer (Agency) and date of issuance(s):


Date of Issuance (mm/dd/yyyy)

2. If an environmental finding has not been issued, does your project meet the criteria to receive Categorical Exclusion as defined at 31 TAC §371.42?



3. Can you submit an environmental report with the completed loan application that documents coordination with agencies has proceeded sufficiently to determine that no major issues remain?



4. Will the environmental review be initiated after the TWDB releases planning funds for this project?



E. Construction Phase (Estimated start date for first contract and estimated completion date for last contract)

Start Date (mm/dd/yyyy) 09/01/2012

Completion Date (mm/dd/yyyy) 08/24/2015

F. Project Bidding and Contracts

Will the proposed project be ready to advertise for construction bids immediately following a funding commitment for construction costs?



If you are seeking reimbursement for eligible planning and/or design costs, was the work performed in compliance with applicable state law and federal crosscutters, including procurement following Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) requirements? For more information on DBE, please visit



How many months will it take to close the loan after receiving a funding commitment? Projects deemed ready to proceed to construction must be able to expend funds quickly after receiving a funding commitment.

3 Months

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Texas Water Development Board DWSRF IUP Solicitation Packet

Disadvantaged Community Worksheet

Form DW-008 (10/13) 1

Name of Entity: City of Weslaco PWS ID No.: 1080011

A Disadvantaged Community Worksheet must be submitted to be considered for for DWSRF Disadvantaged Community Funding. This worksheet involves the use of socioeconomic data to determine if the service area meets adjusted annual median household income (AMHI) and affordability criteria. Note: Information that is not submitted as requested will not be considered. Do not submit this worksheet if your service area or portion of service area’s annual median household income is above $52,3431.

For questions, contact: Marvin Chaney, 512-463-8750, [email protected]


Eligibility for the entire service area: The entity’s service area meets the criteria for a disadvantaged community if the adjusted AMHI for the entity’s service area is less than or equal to 75% of the state adjusted AMHI and

A. the household cost factor is greater than or equal to 1.0% if the service area is charged for either water or sewer service (whichever is applicable), or

B. the combined household cost factor is greater than or equal to 2.0% if the service area is charged for both water and sewer service.

Eligibility for a portion of service area: A portion of an entity’s service area meets the criteria for a disadvantaged community if the proposed project meets the TWDB’s Disadvantaged – Portion of a Service Area Policy (Program-Disadvantaged-2000), the adjusted AMHI for the portion of an entity’s service area is less than or equal to 75% of the state adjusted AMHI, and

A. the household cost factor is greater than or equal to 1.0% if the entire service area is charged for either water or sewer service (whichever is applicable), or

B. the combined household cost factor is greater than or equal to 2.0% if the entire service area is charged for both water and sewer service.

TWDB staff will utilize the information provided on this worksheet to determine if the entity meets the eligibility criteria.


Indicate whether the entity is pursuing disadvantaged status for either the entire service area or a portion of its service area. For entire service area projects, a map depicting the service area boundaries with major features (highways, census boundaries, city limit boundaries, etc.) must be included for eligibility. Entities are allowed disadvantaged eligibility for a portion of a service area if the portion meets adjusted annual median household income (AMHI) and household cost factor (HCF) calculations pursuant to the Disadvantaged – Portion of a Service Area Policy (Program-Disadvadvantaged-2000), SRF rules, and other applicable criteria found in the IUP. For portion of a service area eligibility, a map depicting the location of proposed new household connections (to existing homes) within the portion of an entity’s service area must be included for eligibility.

Entire Service Area

Portion of a Service Area


Identify the source(s) for the socioeconomic data to be entered in Section 4. Follow the steps in Census Data Search (WRD-284) to find data. Note that it may be necessary to obtain data from multiple sources (e.g. where a city’s CCN extends beyond its city limits).

U.S. Census Bureau Data

County, City, Town, or Census Designated Place: If using multiple data sources, provide a table that shows prorated data according to the example table in Census Data Search (WRD-284)

the latest (5-year) American Community Survey

the latest (3-year) American Community Survey

the latest (1-year) American Community Survey

Incongruous Census and Service Area Boundaries

Summary File 5-year block group data: Must provide a table that shows prorated data according to the example table in Census Data Search (WRD-284).

TWDB-Approved Survey

An entity must submit documentation that substantiates the inadequate or absent census data that led to the need to conduct a survey. All entities must obtain prior approval to use survey data instead of the most recent available American Community Survey data. If the survey was completed over four years ago, please contact Marvin Chaney (information above) to determine if the survey is acceptable. Previously completed surveys, including surveys completed for funding from other sources, will be rejected if they do not follow survey methods listed in the latest version of the Socioeconomic Survey Guidelines (WRD-285).

Date of Survey:

1 This number represents the estimated Statewide Annual Median Household Income as of March 2014. It is derived using the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey information.

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Texas Water Development Board DWSRF IUP Solicitation Packet

Disadvantaged Community Worksheet

Form DW-008 (10/13) 2

Name of Entity: City of Weslaco PWS ID No.: 1080011


Using a source(s) identified in Section 3, enter the following socioeconomic data. This data will be adjusted by TWDB staff utilizing the applicable Texas Consumer Price Indices.

Annual Median Household Income (AMHI) (for the entire service area or a portion of the service area, whichever is applicable)


If the AMHI is above $52,3432, the service area does not qualify for disadvantaged status. Do not submit this form.

Average Household Size (for the entire service area or a portion of the service area, whichever is applicable)



Using the Average Household Size entered in Section 4 and the entity’s current rate structure, calculate the entity’s average annual water and sewer costs. This information will be factored into the entity’s affordability calculations.

Average Monthly Water Flow per Household Average Monthly Sewer Flow per Household

A. Avg. monthly gallons per person 2,325 L. Avg. monthly gallons per person 1,279

B. Avg. household size (for the entire service area) 3.15 M. Avg. household size (for the entire service area) 3.15

C. Avg. monthly water flow per household (A×B) 7,324 N. Avg. monthly sewer flow per household (L×M) 4,029

Average Monthly Water Bill Average Monthly Sewer Bill

D. Avg. monthly water flow per household (C) 7,324 O. Avg. monthly sewer flow per household (N) 4,029

E. Initial base water rate (first 1,000 gallons) $2.89 P. Initial base sewer rate (first 1,000 gallons) $1.88

F. Additional rate (each addtl. 1,000 gallons) $2.89 Q. Additional rate (each addtl. 1,000 gallons) $1.88

If system utilizes a tiered billing structure, attach additional rates with this worksheet. Base Line H on tiered structure.

If system utilizes a tiered billing structure, attach additional rates with this worksheet. Base Line S on tiered structure

G. Other charges (e.g., taxes, surcharges, or other fees) used to subsidize the water system


R. Other charges (e.g., taxes, surcharges, or other fees) used to subsidize the sewer system


H. Calculate avg. monthly water bill $36.7

7S. Calculate avg. monthly sewer bill $52.85

Average Annual Water Bill Average Annual Sewer Bill

I. Avg. monthly water bill (H) $36.7

7T. Avg. monthly sewer bill (S) $52.85

J. Number of months in a year 12 U. Number of months in a year 12

K. Avg. annual water bill (I×J) $441.

24V. Avg. annual sewer bill (T×U)



Using the current market rate of 3.68% (as of September 2013) and a loan term of 20 years, amortize the requested grand total and submit a copy of the amortization schedule with this form. This information will be factored into the entity’s affordability calculations.

W. Annual payment on SRF loan (from amortization schedule) $150,209.16

X. Total household connections (from Section 2 of Project Information Form) 11,951

Y. Annual loan cost per customer (W/X) $12.57

Section 7. HOUSEHOLD COST FACTOR If your utility provides water or sewer service, the minimum required Household Cost Factor (HCF) must be greater than or equal to 1.00%. If your utility provides water and sewer service, the minimum required HCF must be greater than or equal to 2.00%. If the HCF does not meet the minimum required HCF, do not submit this worksheet. Z. Household Cost Factor [(K+V+Y)/AMHI from Section 4] 3.94

2 This number represents the estimated Statewide Annual Median Household Income as of March 2014. It is derived using the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey information.

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Texas Water Development Board DWSRF IUP Solicitation Packet

Disadvantaged Community Worksheet

Form DW-008 (10/13) 3

To access the Disadvantaged – Portion of a service area document, visit To find the other guidance documents listed on the worksheet, visit and type the form code into the “search table” field.

Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

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Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

Page 34 March 18, 2014

Page 35: 14 03 18 agenda supplements

Texas Water Development Board DWSRF IUP Solicitation Packet

Consolidation Project Worksheet

Form DW-009 (9/13) 1

Name of Entity: City of Weslaco PWS ID No.: 1080011

This form is intended to identify other public water systems that would benefit from the proposed project. It specifically applies to all public water systems that the entity owns, currently serves, or proposes to serve.

Submit a form for each public water system affected. The entity must provide written documentation of agreement with the public water systems that it proposes to serve. Incomplete forms may prevent the project from being ranked or may reduce the total number of points that the entity’s project receives.


Water System Name PWS ID

No. Population

Served Number of


What % of the system’s

water does the entity provide?

Military Water Supply Corporation 1080235 262 100%

Consolidation Checklist Yes No

1. Does the entity currently own this public water system?

2. Does the entity propose to take over ownership of this public water system?

3. Is the entity providing or will it provide water service to this system through an interconnection with the entity’s system?

4. Has the system experienced documented instances of water distribution outages?

5. Has the system experienced distribution system disinfection residuals of less than 0.2 mg/l free chlorine or 0.5 mg/l chloramines as applicable?

6. Is the system’s documented water production capability less than 85% of the minimum required by TCEQ?

7. Is the system’s documented treated water storage capacity less than 85% of the minimum required by TCEQ (including total storage, elevated storage, and/or pressure tank)?

8. Has the system experienced documented instances of water distribution pressures below 20 PSI?

9. Has the system experienced documented instances of water distribution pressures between 20 and 35 PSI?

10. Has the entity’s system experienced documented instances of water contaminants exceeding the primary and secondary Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL)?

11. Is the system experiencing documented water distribution losses of greater than 25%?

For each “Yes” response to Questions 4-11, indicate the solution proposed by this project.

Identified Problem (from above checklist)

Proposed Solution

System currently provides service Continue to provide service

Main line break at water plant New water main at plant

Main line break at 311plant New water main at plant

Main line break at plant New water main at plant

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Texas Water Development Board

DWSRF IUP Solicitation Packet

Consolidation Project Worksheet

Form DW-009 (9/13) 1

Name of Entity: City of Weslaco PWS ID No.: 1080011

This form is intended to identify other public water systems that would benefit from the proposed project. It specifically applies to all public water systems that the entity owns, currently serves, or proposes to serve. Submit a form for each public water system affected. The entity must provide written documentation of agreement with the public water systems that it proposes to serve. Incomplete forms may prevent the project from being ranked or may reduce the total number of points that the entity’s project receives.


Water System Name PWS ID

No. Population

Served Number of


What % of the system’s

water does the entity provide?

North Alamo Water Supply Corporation 1080029 1,057 100%

Consolidation Checklist Yes No

1. Does the entity currently own this public water system? 2. Does the entity propose to take over ownership of this public water system? 3. Is the entity providing or will it provide water service to this system through an

interconnection with the entity’s system?

4. Has the system experienced documented instances of water distribution outages?

5. Has the system experienced distribution system disinfection residuals of less than 0.2 mg/l free chlorine or 0.5 mg/l chloramines as applicable?

6. Is the system’s documented water production capability less than 85% of the minimum required by TCEQ?

7. Is the system’s documented treated water storage capacity less than 85% of the minimum required by TCEQ (including total storage, elevated storage, and/or pressure tank)?

8. Has the system experienced documented instances of water distribution pressures below 20 PSI?

9. Has the system experienced documented instances of water distribution pressures between 20 and 35 PSI?

10. Has the entity’s system experienced documented instances of water contaminants exceeding the primary and secondary Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL)?

11. Is the system experiencing documented water distribution losses of greater than 25%?

For each “Yes” response to Questions 4-11, indicate the solution proposed by this project.

Identified Problem (from above checklist)

Proposed Solution

System currently provides service Continue to provide service

Main line break at water plant New water main at plant

Main line break at 311plant new water main at plant

main line break at plant new water main at plant

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Texas Water Development Board DWSRF IUP Solicitation Packet

Project Information Form

Form DW-007 (9/13) 1

Submission Deadlines: This form may be submitted at any time for inclusion in the SFY 2014 IUP.

For inclusion in the SFY 2015 IUP, the deadline is Monday, March 3, 2014, at 5:00 PM CT.

This form must be completed in full to be considered for rating and inclusion in the DWSRF IUP. Incomplete forms will prevent projects from being rated. Note: Information submitted after the deadline will not be considered for the initial Project Priority List.

For questions, contact: Marvin Chaney, 512-463-8750, [email protected]

This form should be used for new submittals only. If this is an update to a Project Information Form (PIF) submitted in SFY 2014, or to a project that has received funding for planning, acquisition, and/or design phases in a previous year, STOP and please complete the applicable project update form(s) located here: Update Forms.


Name of Entity (City, Town, County, District, PWS, WSC, etc.)


City of Weslaco Hidalgo County


1080011 10568

Name of Project (Provide a brief and descriptive name of the proposed project.)

Proposed Total Project Costs (Section 10, Line P.)

Water Storage Reservoir $832,320.00

Entity Contact Information Engineering Firm Contact Information

Name of Firm City of Weslaco

Contact Person David Salinas Contact Person Mardoqueo Hinojosa, PE

Title Public Utilities Director Title Interim Planning Director/ City Eng

Mailing Address 255 S. Kansas Avenue, Weslaco TX 78596

Mailing Address

255 S. Kansas Avenue, Weslaco TX 78596

Phone Number 956-968-3181 Phone Number 956-447-3401

Fax Number 956-973-3128 Fax Number 956-973-3128

Email Address [email protected] Email Address [email protected]


Submit a map of the entity’s current and, if applicable, proposed service area(s).

To determine population served:

For an incorporated entity (i.e., a city or town), indicate the number of people who reside within the service area of, or receive wholesale or retail water service from, the entity based on the most recent data available from the U.S. Census Bureau.

For an unincorporated entity (i.e., a county, district, river authority, system, or corporation), indicate the number of people who reside within the service area of, or receive wholesale or retail water service from, the entity based on the most recent data available from the U.S. Census Bureau. Provide a table that 1) identifies the number of household connections within each block group that covers the entity’s service area and 2) prorates the population accordingly. See example table in Census Data Search (WRD-284). The map of the service area must by overlaid by a map of the census boundary(ies) identified in the table.

Population Served 52,185 Total Household Connections 11,951


Check the ONE category that best describes the project. Projects that involve multiple categories must be submitted separately.

Public Water System (PWS) Source Water ProtectionMust also submit Form DW-010.

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Texas Water Development Board DWSRF IUP Solicitation Packet

Project Information Form

Form DW-007 (9/13) 2

Name of Entity: City of Weslaco PWS ID No.: 1080011


A project may consist of one or more projects that are intended to address specific system conditions.

Briefly describe the proposed project and how it will address the items in Section 5 to which the entity responds “Yes.” If the proposed project is the result of a disaster, describe any public health or water quality problems consequent to the disaster that will be addressed by the proposed project.

Current Health and Compliance Factor and/or MCL Violations and Physical

Deficiencies Proposed Project Solutions

Cost Category (See


City is currently under expansion of water treatment plant. Additional storage is needed to adjust for city needs.

Property adjacent to existing water plant is available and will keep cost down on construction because of the proximity to existing features.

G Land Acquisition


PWS projects: Fill out Section 5. Source Water Protection projects: Proceed to Section 6.

Total Storage Capacity (in gallons) 2,385,000.00 Total Production Capacity (MGD) 8.15

Attach any documentation that supports the responses to the following questions. (Refer to TCEQ notice of violation letter, if applicable.)

Yes No

A. Has the entity’s system experienced documented instances of water contaminants exceeding the primary or secondary maximum contaminant level (MCL)?

B. Has the entity’s system experienced documented outages in the water distribution system?

C. Is the system’s documented water production capability less than 85% of the minimum required by TCEQ?

D. Is the system’s documented treated water storage capacity less than 85% of the minimum required by TCEQ (including total storage, elevated storage, and/or pressure tank)?

E. Has the system experienced distribution system disinfection residuals of less than 0.2 mg/l free chlorine or 0.5 mg/l chloramines as applicable?

F. Has the system experienced documented instances of water distribution pressures: Yes No

1. less than 20 PSI?

2. less than 35 PSI?

G. Is the system experiencing documented water distribution losses of greater than 25%?

Benefits to Other Public Water Systems – Consolidation Projects Yes No

H. Will the proposed project benefit any other public water systems (i.e., one the entity is currently serving or proposes to serve)? • If “Yes,” the entity must also submit the Consolidation Project Worksheet (DW-009) for

each water system that will benefit from this project. • If “No,” proceed to Section 6.

Name of Public Water System that Will Benefit from This Project

PWS ID No. Currently Served Proposed to


Yes No Yes No

North Alamo Water Supply Corporation 1080029

Military Highway Water Supply Corp. 1080235

* Attach written documentation of the agreement with the PWS that the entity proposes to serve.

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Texas Water Development Board DWSRF IUP Solicitation Packet

Project Information Form

Form DW-007 (9/13) 3

Name of Entity: City of Weslaco PWS ID No.: 1080011


Note: Information that is not submitted as requested will not be considered. For more information on Effective Management, see

A. Asset Management Yes No

1. a. In the past 5 years, has an asset management plan been adopted by the entity’s governing body that incorporates an inventory of all assets, an assessment of the criticality and condition of the assets, a prioritization of capital projects needed, and a budget? If “Yes,” attach 1) the cover page and table of contents of the entity’s adopted or approved asset management plan and 2) the highlighted pages from the plan that clearly identify each of the above referenced elements.

Note: A Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) alone does not constitute an asset management plan.

b. If “No” to Question A.1.a., is the entity planning to prepare an asset management plan as part of the proposed project? If so, include language in the Project Description (Section 4) that states this.

Assistance with establishing an asset management plan is offered through TCEQ’s FMT contract. Contact Stacy Foster, TCEQ, at 512-239-3105 or [email protected] to schedule a meeting.

2. Has asset management training been administered to the entity’s governing body and employees? If “Yes,” attach the following information for each trainee: name, title/position, date of training, course name, and name of organization that conducted the training.

B. Water Conservation Yes No

Does the proposed project address specific targets, goals, or measures in a water conservation or drought contingency plan that has been adopted by the entity’s governing body within the past five years?

If “Yes,” 1) list the targets, goals, or measures to be supported; 2) describe how they will be addressed by the proposed project;

AND 3) attach the cover page, table of contents, and highlighted pages from the plan that clearly identify the project-related targets, goals, or measures. • For questions regarding water conservation plans, contact Ethan Ham at [email protected] or 512-

463-4292, or visit the Municipal Water Conservation Plans web page at

• Information on drought contingency planning can be found online at

• Note: Entities seeking financial assistance in excess of $500,000 must submit a water conservation plan during the application phase.

C. Reclaimed Water Yes No

Does the proposed project involve the use of reclaimed water?

If “Yes,” describe how:

D. Energy Efficiency Yes No

Does the proposed project address a specific goal(s) in a system-wide or plant-wide energy assessment, audit, or optimization study that has been conducted within the past three years? If “Yes,” attach the highlighted pages from the energy assessment, audit, or optimization study that clearly identify the goals to be addressed by the project.

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Texas Water Development Board DWSRF IUP Solicitation Packet

Project Information Form

Form DW-007 (9/13) 4

Name of Entity: City of Weslaco PWS ID No.: 1080011


E. Implementation of Water Plans Yes No

Does the proposed project implement elements contained in a state or regional water plan, watershed protection plan, integrated water resource management plan, regional facility plan, regionalization or consolidation plan, finalized Economically Distressed Areas Program (EDAP) facility plan, or a total maximum daily loads (TMDL) implementation plan?

If “Yes,” 1) list the plan name and sponsor; 2) list the elements of the plan to be implemented;

AND 3) attach the cover page, table of contents, and highlighted pages featuring the relevant information from the plan that clearly identify the element(s) to be implemented.


For assistance in responding to this section, see the DWSRF Green Project Information Worksheets (TWDB-0163) available online at Yes No

A. Does the proposed project contain, either partially or completely, green elements as defined by the Green Project Information Worksheets?

If "No," proceed to Section 8. If "Yes," proceed to Question 7.B.

B. Enter the estimated cost of the green portion of the proposed project.

C. Describe and justify in the space below the green elements of the proposed project and, if available, attach a green business case. Note: The field below will expand the more text that is added.


DWSRF funds may be used to refinance completed projects only.

Yes No

Will DWSRF funds be used to refinance existing debt related to this project and received from a source other than the TWDB?

Reminder: Submit information that documents that the project meets the refinancing eligibility criteria identified in the Project Submission Guidelines.


A. Permitting

Have all applicable permitting aspects of the project, including acquisition of water rights and/or Certificate of Convenience and Necessity (CCN), or TCEQ approval and completion of piloting been achieved?

If “Yes,” please provide the permit name(s) If “No,” identify in the space below each federal, state or local permit, license or other

authorizations needed for the project and the status of each.



B. Land Acquisition

Have all land acquisitions and easements necessary to complete the project been obtained? Yes


If “No,” please explain in the space below and provide an anticipated completion date.

Completion Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Project only involves land acquisition

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Texas Water Development Board DWSRF IUP Solicitation Packet

Project Information Form

Form DW-007 (9/13) 5

Name of Entity: City of Weslaco PWS ID No.: 1080011

Section 9 (Continued). READINESS TO PROCEED

C. Design

1. Have you completed the design process including full development of plans and specifications? (If “No,” proceed to Question 2. If “Yes,” proceed to Question 4.)



2. Has design work progressed beyond preliminary design? If so, please provide the completion date. Completed preliminary design documents must consist of the following:

Design criteria, preliminary drawings, outline of specifications, written descriptions of the project, and updated opinion of probable cost.

Project Sites are plotted on site maps, the site has been surveyed, geotechnical analysis of the site is complete, facility sizing is complete, and process schematics are complete.



For rehab projects, the above is complete, meaning the details as to what linework portions and what plant components to be rehabed are well defined.

Completion Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

3. Will design work be initiated after the TWDB releases design funds for this project? Yes


4. For membrane plants, SWTP, water wells, treatment changes, or intake structures, has TCEQ approved plans and specs?

Yes No N/A

D. Environmental Review

Only answer “Yes” to ONE of the following four questions:

1. Have you received a Finding of No Significant Impact (FNSI), Categorical Exclusion (CE), a Record of Decision (ROD), or an environmental determination prepared by another entity in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for this project? For projects that may qualify for a FNSI, please review 31 TAC §371.43; or that require a CE, review 31 TAC §371.42; or that require a ROD, review 31 TAC §371.46; or that have a determination by another entity, review 31 TAC §371.50.



If “Yes,” provide Issuer (Agency) and date of issuance(s):


Date of Issuance (mm/dd/yyyy)

2. If an environmental finding has not been issued, does your project meet the criteria to receive Categorical Exclusion as defined at 31 TAC §371.42?



3. Can you submit an environmental report with the completed loan application that documents coordination with agencies has proceeded sufficiently to determine that no major issues remain?



4. Will the environmental review be initiated after the TWDB releases planning funds for this project?



E. Construction Phase (Estimated start date for first contract and estimated completion date for last contract)

Start Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Completion Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

F. Project Bidding and Contracts

Will the proposed project be ready to advertise for construction bids immediately following a funding commitment for construction costs?



If you are seeking reimbursement for eligible planning and/or design costs, was the work performed in compliance with applicable state law and federal crosscutters, including procurement following Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) requirements? For more information on DBE, please visit



How many months will it take to close the loan after receiving a funding commitment? Projects deemed ready to proceed to construction must be able to expend funds quickly after receiving a funding commitment.

3 Months

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Texas Water Development Board DWSRF IUP Solicitation Packet

Disadvantaged Community Worksheet

Form DW-008 (10/13) 1

Name of Entity: City of Weslaco PWS ID No.: 1080011

A Disadvantaged Community Worksheet must be submitted to be considered for for DWSRF Disadvantaged Community Funding. This worksheet involves the use of socioeconomic data to determine if the service area meets adjusted annual median household income (AMHI) and affordability criteria. Note: Information that is not submitted as requested will not be considered. Do not submit this worksheet if your service area or portion of service area’s annual median household income is above $52,3431.

For questions, contact: Marvin Chaney, 512-463-8750, [email protected]


Eligibility for the entire service area: The entity’s service area meets the criteria for a disadvantaged community if the adjusted AMHI for the entity’s service area is less than or equal to 75% of the state adjusted AMHI and

A. the household cost factor is greater than or equal to 1.0% if the service area is charged for either water or sewer service (whichever is applicable), or

B. the combined household cost factor is greater than or equal to 2.0% if the service area is charged for both water and sewer service.

Eligibility for a portion of service area: A portion of an entity’s service area meets the criteria for a disadvantaged community if the proposed project meets the TWDB’s Disadvantaged – Portion of a Service Area Policy (Program-Disadvantaged-2000), the adjusted AMHI for the portion of an entity’s service area is less than or equal to 75% of the state adjusted AMHI, and

A. the household cost factor is greater than or equal to 1.0% if the entire service area is charged for either water or sewer service (whichever is applicable), or

B. the combined household cost factor is greater than or equal to 2.0% if the entire service area is charged for both water and sewer service.

TWDB staff will utilize the information provided on this worksheet to determine if the entity meets the eligibility criteria.


Indicate whether the entity is pursuing disadvantaged status for either the entire service area or a portion of its service area. For entire service area projects, a map depicting the service area boundaries with major features (highways, census boundaries, city limit boundaries, etc.) must be included for eligibility. Entities are allowed disadvantaged eligibility for a portion of a service area if the portion meets adjusted annual median household income (AMHI) and household cost factor (HCF) calculations pursuant to the Disadvantaged – Portion of a Service Area Policy (Program-Disadvadvantaged-2000), SRF rules, and other applicable criteria found in the IUP. For portion of a service area eligibility, a map depicting the location of proposed new household connections (to existing homes) within the portion of an entity’s service area must be included for eligibility.

Entire Service Area

Portion of a Service Area


Identify the source(s) for the socioeconomic data to be entered in Section 4. Follow the steps in Census Data Search (WRD-284) to find data. Note that it may be necessary to obtain data from multiple sources (e.g. where a city’s CCN extends beyond its city limits).

U.S. Census Bureau Data

County, City, Town, or Census Designated Place: If using multiple data sources, provide a table that shows prorated data according to the example table in Census Data Search (WRD-284)

the latest (5-year) American Community Survey

the latest (3-year) American Community Survey

the latest (1-year) American Community Survey

Incongruous Census and Service Area Boundaries

Summary File 5-year block group data: Must provide a table that shows prorated data according to the example table in Census Data Search (WRD-284).

TWDB-Approved Survey

An entity must submit documentation that substantiates the inadequate or absent census data that led to the need to conduct a survey. All entities must obtain prior approval to use survey data instead of the most recent available American Community Survey data. If the survey was completed over four years ago, please contact Marvin Chaney (information above) to determine if the survey is acceptable. Previously completed surveys, including surveys completed for funding from other sources, will be rejected if they do not follow survey methods listed in the latest version of the Socioeconomic Survey Guidelines (WRD-285).

Date of Survey:

1 This number represents the estimated Statewide Annual Median Household Income as of March 2014. It is derived using the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey information.

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Texas Water Development Board DWSRF IUP Solicitation Packet

Disadvantaged Community Worksheet

Form DW-008 (10/13) 2

Name of Entity: City of Weslaco PWS ID No.: 1080011


Using a source(s) identified in Section 3, enter the following socioeconomic data. This data will be adjusted by TWDB staff utilizing the applicable Texas Consumer Price Indices.

Annual Median Household Income (AMHI) (for the entire service area or a portion of the service area, whichever is applicable)


If the AMHI is above $52,3432, the service area does not qualify for disadvantaged status. Do not submit this form.

Average Household Size (for the entire service area or a portion of the service area, whichever is applicable)



Using the Average Household Size entered in Section 4 and the entity’s current rate structure, calculate the entity’s average annual water and sewer costs. This information will be factored into the entity’s affordability calculations.

Average Monthly Water Flow per Household Average Monthly Sewer Flow per Household

A. Avg. monthly gallons per person 2,325 L. Avg. monthly gallons per person 1,279

B. Avg. household size (for the entire service area) 3.15 M. Avg. household size (for the entire service area) 3.15

C. Avg. monthly water flow per household (A×B) 7,324 N. Avg. monthly sewer flow per household (L×M) 4,029

Average Monthly Water Bill Average Monthly Sewer Bill

D. Avg. monthly water flow per household (C) 7,324 O. Avg. monthly sewer flow per household (N) 4,029

E. Initial base water rate (first 1,000 gallons) $2.89 P. Initial base sewer rate (first 1,000 gallons) $1.88

F. Additional rate (each addtl. 1,000 gallons) $2.89 Q. Additional rate (each addtl. 1,000 gallons) $1.88

If system utilizes a tiered billing structure, attach additional rates with this worksheet. Base Line H on tiered structure.

If system utilizes a tiered billing structure, attach additional rates with this worksheet. Base Line S on tiered structure

G. Other charges (e.g., taxes, surcharges, or other fees) used to subsidize the water system


R. Other charges (e.g., taxes, surcharges, or other fees) used to subsidize the sewer system


H. Calculate avg. monthly water bill $36.7

7S. Calculate avg. monthly sewer bill $52.85

Average Annual Water Bill Average Annual Sewer Bill

I. Avg. monthly water bill (H) $36.7

7T. Avg. monthly sewer bill (S) $52.85

J. Number of months in a year 12 U. Number of months in a year 12

K. Avg. annual water bill (I×J) $441.

24V. Avg. annual sewer bill (T×U)



Using the current market rate of 3.68% (as of September 2013) and a loan term of 20 years, amortize the requested grand total and submit a copy of the amortization schedule with this form. This information will be factored into the entity’s affordability calculations.

W. Annual payment on SRF loan (from amortization schedule) $150,209.16

X. Total household connections (from Section 2 of Project Information Form) 11,951

Y. Annual loan cost per customer (W/X) $12.57

Section 7. HOUSEHOLD COST FACTOR If your utility provides water or sewer service, the minimum required Household Cost Factor (HCF) must be greater than or equal to 1.00%. If your utility provides water and sewer service, the minimum required HCF must be greater than or equal to 2.00%. If the HCF does not meet the minimum required HCF, do not submit this worksheet. Z. Household Cost Factor [(K+V+Y)/AMHI from Section 4] 3.94

2 This number represents the estimated Statewide Annual Median Household Income as of March 2014. It is derived using the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey information.

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Page 45: 14 03 18 agenda supplements

Texas Water Development Board

DWSRF IUP Solicitation Packet

Consolidation Project Worksheet

Form DW-009 (9/13) 1

Name of Entity: City of Weslaco PWS ID No.: 1080011

This form is intended to identify other public water systems that would benefit from the proposed project. It specifically applies to all public water systems that the entity owns, currently serves, or proposes to serve. Submit a form for each public water system affected. The entity must provide written documentation of agreement with the public water systems that it proposes to serve. Incomplete forms may prevent the project from being ranked or may reduce the total number of points that the entity’s project receives.


Water System Name PWS ID

No. Population

Served Number of


What % of the system’s

water does the entity provide?

North Alamo Water Supply Corporation 1080029 1,057 100%

Consolidation Checklist Yes No

1. Does the entity currently own this public water system? 2. Does the entity propose to take over ownership of this public water system? 3. Is the entity providing or will it provide water service to this system through an

interconnection with the entity’s system?

4. Has the system experienced documented instances of water distribution outages?

5. Has the system experienced distribution system disinfection residuals of less than 0.2 mg/l free chlorine or 0.5 mg/l chloramines as applicable?

6. Is the system’s documented water production capability less than 85% of the minimum required by TCEQ?

7. Is the system’s documented treated water storage capacity less than 85% of the minimum required by TCEQ (including total storage, elevated storage, and/or pressure tank)?

8. Has the system experienced documented instances of water distribution pressures below 20 PSI?

9. Has the system experienced documented instances of water distribution pressures between 20 and 35 PSI?

10. Has the entity’s system experienced documented instances of water contaminants exceeding the primary and secondary Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL)?

11. Is the system experiencing documented water distribution losses of greater than 25%?

For each “Yes” response to Questions 4-11, indicate the solution proposed by this project.

Identified Problem (from above checklist)

Proposed Solution

System currently provides service Continue to provide service

Main line break at water plant New water main at plant

Main line break at 311plant new water main at plant

main line break at plant new water main at plant

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Page 45 March 18, 2014

Page 46: 14 03 18 agenda supplements

Texas Water Development Board

DWSRF IUP Solicitation Packet

Consolidation Project Worksheet

Form DW-009 (9/13) 1

Name of Entity: City of Weslaco PWS ID No.: 1080011

This form is intended to identify other public water systems that would benefit from the proposed project. It specifically applies to all public water systems that the entity owns, currently serves, or proposes to serve. Submit a form for each public water system affected. The entity must provide written documentation of agreement with the public water systems that it proposes to serve. Incomplete forms may prevent the project from being ranked or may reduce the total number of points that the entity’s project receives.


Water System Name PWS ID

No. Population

Served Number of


What % of the system’s

water does the entity provide?

Military Water Supply Corporation 1080235 262 100%

Consolidation Checklist Yes No

1. Does the entity currently own this public water system? 2. Does the entity propose to take over ownership of this public water system? 3. Is the entity providing or will it provide water service to this system through an

interconnection with the entity’s system?

4. Has the system experienced documented instances of water distribution outages?

5. Has the system experienced distribution system disinfection residuals of less than 0.2 mg/l free chlorine or 0.5 mg/l chloramines as applicable?

6. Is the system’s documented water production capability less than 85% of the minimum required by TCEQ?

7. Is the system’s documented treated water storage capacity less than 85% of the minimum required by TCEQ (including total storage, elevated storage, and/or pressure tank)?

8. Has the system experienced documented instances of water distribution pressures below 20 PSI?

9. Has the system experienced documented instances of water distribution pressures between 20 and 35 PSI?

10. Has the entity’s system experienced documented instances of water contaminants exceeding the primary and secondary Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL)?

11. Is the system experiencing documented water distribution losses of greater than 25%?

For each “Yes” response to Questions 4-11, indicate the solution proposed by this project.

Identified Problem (from above checklist)

Proposed Solution

System currently provides service Continue to provide service

Main line break at water plant New water main at plant

Main line break at 311plant new water main at plant

main line break at plant new water main at plant

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public officer

taxpayer/property owner

qualified voter

management experience

subject interest

no litigation

# members

# quorum

term length (st = staggered)

term limits

meeting schedule

deisgnated final authority

governing statutes

appointing authority




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Name of Applicant:

Telephone Number:

E-Mail Address:

Alternate Phone Number (work/cell):

Home Address:

[ ] Inside City Limits [ ] Outside City Limits



Zip Code:

How many years have you lived at this residence?

Do you own this house? [ ] Yes or [ ] No

Preference for consideration, naming committees on which you desire to serve: 1.) 2.) 3.) List of Civic Involvement and Business Experience: Have you been bonded or eligible to obtain one? [ ] Yes or [ ] No

Are you currently suing or bring sued by the City of Weslaco or any of its entities? [ ] Yes or [ ] No

Are you related to any member of the Commission? [ ] Yes or [ ] No

If so, who and how?

Have you previously served on a City board? [ ] Yes or [ ] No

If so, which and when?

Have you ever been elected to public office? [ ] Yes or [ ] No

If so, which and when?

Do you consent to release this info to the public? [ ] Yes or [ ] No

Are you age 25 or older? [ ] Yes or [ ] No

The statements I have made on this Application for Service are truthful and I am not disqualified to serve due to nepotism, City of Weslaco Charter or Ordinances or State of Texas laws.

Timestamp of Receipt:

Applicant’s Signature:

Optional Demographic Information: Self Identification Gender: Age: Race: Religion: Citizenship:

Office of the City Secretary · tel. 956.968.3181 · fax. 956.968.6717

Application for Service

City of Weslaco Boards and Committees

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Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

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WHEREAS, the City of Weslaco has established the Parks & Recreation Board pursuant to Section 98-83 of the Weslaco Municipal Code of Ordinances; and WHEREAS, the terms of the members of this board are for three years; however, following the restructuring of this Board to consist of seven members, certain terms shall be assigned for two years so that terms are staggered such that no quorum of members expires simultaneously; and WHEREAS, the Parks & Recreation Board members shall serve without compensation; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WESLACO, TEXAS THAT _________________________ is appointed to serve an unexpired term on the Parks & Recreation Board and the term will begin on __________________, 2014 and end on _____________, 20___. PASSED AND APPROVED on this 18th day of March 2014.


David Suarez, MAYOR




Weslaco City Commission Regular Meeting

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Date of Meeting: March 4, 2014

Agenda Item No. (to be assigned by CSO): V. G.

From (name, title, department and who submitting on behalf of, if any): Oscar Garcia, Public Facilities Director Subject: Transfer personnel Discussion: Discussion and consideration to authorize the transfer personnel- five (5) from the Public Facilities Department to the Parks Department and authorize a budget amendment as appropriate. Fiscal Note: Amount: $

Term of Impact: [ 1 ] year(s) Identified in Current Budget: Y

Additional Action Prompted: [ ] Mayor’s Signature [ ] Public Hearing [X] Budget Amendment [ ] Resolution [ ] Ordinance – First Reading [ ] Ordinance – Final Reading If item previously considered, provide date and action by Commission: N/A If item requires Publication Notice, provide date and periodical of publication; indicate if comments received from letters mailed to property owners: N/A Advisory Review, if any (name of board/committee, date of action, recommendation): N/A Recommendation for Commission Action: Staff recommends approval for the above mentioned. Attachments, if any (list and provide in Word or PDF, formatted as 8 ½ X 11”): Internal memo indicating positions being created, three (3) Budget Amendments Responsibilities upon Approval: Upon approval, city secretary’s office will convey executed documents and forward a copy to the Public Facilities department.

Standardized Agenda Request Form

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Date of Meeting: March 18, 2014

Agenda Item No. (to be assigned by CSO): II. A. and VI. A.

From (name, title, department and who submitting on behalf of, if any): Mardoqueo Hinojosa, P.E., Interim Planning Director/City Engineer, on behalf of Miguel Salinas, Jr. Subject: Discussion and consideration to amend Ordinance 320 and the City of Weslaco Zoning map to rezone 907 S. Texas Blvd., being Lot 8, Block 3, Hollywood Addition to Weslaco Subdivision, Weslaco, Hidalgo County, Texas, from “R-1 Single Family Dwelling District” to “B-1 Neighborhood Business District”. Discussion: The applicant is requesting to rezone this property from “R-1 Single Family Dwelling District” to “B-1 Neighborhood Business District.” Additional Action Prompted: [ ] Mayor’s Signature [ X ] Public Hearing [ ] Budget Amendment [ ] Resolution [ X ] Ordinance – First Reading [ X ] Ordinance – Final Reading If item previously considered, provide date and action by Commission: N/A If item requires Publication Notice, provide date and periodical of publication; indicate if comments received from letters mailed to property owners: Notice of the application and the public hearing for the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Commission appeared in The Monitor on February 17, 2014. Twenty-four (24) property owners within 200 ft. of the applicant’s property were notified by letter on February 21, 2014. Advisory Review, if any (name of board/committee, date of action, recommendation): Planning & Zoning Commission, 03/05/2014, recommends approval. Staff recommendation for Commission Action: Staff recommends approval of the rezone request based on the Comprehensive Plan. Attachments, if any (list and provide in Word or PDF, formatted as 8 ½ X 11”): Application for Rezoning with attachments. Responsibilities upon Approval: Planning staff will advise applicant.

Standardized Agenda Request Form

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ORDINANCE NO. 2014-03 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 320 AND AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF WESLACO TO CHANGE THE ZONING OF 907 S. TEXAS BLVD., BEING LOT 8, BLOCK 3, HOLLYWOOD ADDITION TO WESLACO SUBDIVISION, WESLACO, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS, FROM “R-1 SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT” TO “B-1 NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS DISTRICT.” BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WESLACO, TEXAS: SECTION I: To rezone from “R-1 Single Family Dwelling District” to “B-1 Neighborhood Business District,” Lot 8, Block 3, Hollywood Addition to Weslaco Subdivision, also being 907 S. Texas Blvd., Weslaco, Hidalgo County, Texas. SECTION II: That this ordinance shall become effective upon its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading at a regular meeting of the City Commission this ______________ day of ______________, 2014. PASSED AND APPROVED on second reading at a regular meeting of the City Commission this ______________ day of ______________, 2014. CITY OF WESLACO David Suarez, MAYOR ATTEST: Elizabeth M. Walker, CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: Ramon Vela, CITY ATTORNEY

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Date of Meeting: March 18, 2014

Agenda Item No. (to be assigned by CSO): VII. B.

From (name, title, department and who submitting on behalf of, if any): Mardoqueo Hinojosa, Interim Planning Director/City Engineer, Planning & Code Enfor. Subject: Discussion and consideration to accept agreement to abandon an existing 10-ft utility easement located on Lot 1 and Reserve Tract A of the 400 West Expressway 83 Subdivision. The abandoned easement currently transverses property from east to west for approximately 488.75 ft. Discussion: Perez Consulting Engineers, on behalf of the owner Tejas Building Development, Inc, have contacted city’s Planning and Code Enforcement and Public Utilities Departments to verify that utility lines do not exist in the 10-ft utility easement that transverses the property. Developer is requesting the abandonment of the easement to allow the construction of a proposed Universal Health Freestanding Emergency Clinic. Fiscal Note: Amount: $ n/a Term of Impact: [#] year(s) Identified in Current Budget: Y/N Additional Action Prompted: [X ] Mayor’s Signature [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Budget Amendment [ ] Resolution [ ] Ordinance – First Reading [ ] Ordinance – Final Reading If item previously considered, provide date and action by Commission: If item requires Publication Notice, provide date and periodical of publication; indicate if comments received from letters mailed to property owners: Advisory Review, if any (name of board/committee, date of action, recommendation): Recommendation for Commission Action: Approval Attachments, if any (list and provide in Word or PDF, formatted as 8 ½ X 11”): None Responsibilities upon Approval: Staff will advise developer.

Standardized Agenda Request Form

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BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WESLACO, TEXAS, that: WHEREAS, a 10’ X 488.75’ utility easement for utility purposes was granted by Tejas Building and Development Corporation to the City of Weslaco at 400 West Expressway 83 Subdivision, Lot 1, contaning 0.11 acres of land out of Farm Tract 119, Block 162, West and Adams Tract Subdivision, Hidalgo County, Texas which is more particularly described in Exhibit “A”, which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein; and WHEREAS, said utility easement was recorded in Volume 37, Page 91-B of the map records of Hidalgo County, Texas; and WHEREAS, utility improvements on the property described in Exhibit “A” have never been constructed and maintained; and WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the Weslaco City Commission of the City of Weslaco that it is in the best interest of the City of Weslaco that said 10’ X 488.75’ easement for utility purposes be abandoned. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WESLACO, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS: Section 1.

The 10’ X 488.75’ easement for utility purposes described in Exhibit “A”, that has been dedicated as a public utility easement shall be and the same is hereby abandoned. PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading at a regular meeting of the City Commission this _____day of ______, 2014. PASSED AND APPROVED on second reading at a regular meeting of the City Commission this _____day of ______, 2014.

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CITY OF WESLACO _________________________________ David Suarez, MAYOR ATTEST: _____________________________________ Elizabeth M. Walker, CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: ____________________________________ Ramon Vela, CITY ATTORNEY

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Date of Meeting: March 18, 2014

Agenda Item No. (to be assigned by CSO): VII. C.

From (name, title, department and who submitting on behalf of, if any): Mardoqueo Hinojosa, P.E., Interim Planning Director/City Engineer, on behalf of Dimas Martinez Sr.

Subject: Discussion and consideration of the Final Plat of Martinez Estates Subdivision – being a 0.61 acre tract of land being all of Lot 1, La Paloma Subdivision Unit 1 and a 0.24 acre tract of land out of Farm Tract 1078, West and Adams Tract Subdivision, Weslaco, Hidalgo County, Texas.. Discussion: The proposed one (1) lot subdivision is outside the City of Weslaco and is located on the southeast corner of FM 1015 and La Chuparrosa Street. This subdivision is proposed to be serviced with water by North Alamo Water Supply Corporation through an existing 6” waterline. Sewer service is being proposed by septic tanks. A variance is being requested on the requirement to connect to a public sanitary sewer system. The property is within a Flood Zone “X”. Fiscal Note: Amount: $ Term of Impact: [#] year(s) Identified in Current Budget: Y/N Additional Action Prompted: [X] Mayor’s Signature [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Budget Amendment [ ] Resolution [ ] Ordinance – First Reading [ ] Ordinance – Final Reading If item previously considered, provide date and action by Commission: N/A If item requires Publication Notice, provide date and periodical of publication; indicate if comments received from letters mailed to property owners: N/A Advisory Review, if any (name of board/committee, date of action, recommendation): Planning & Zoning Commission, 03/05/2014, recommends approval of the final plat. Recommendation for Commission Action: Staff recommends approval of the final plat. Attachments, if any (list and provide in Word or PDF, formatted as 8 ½ X 11”): Application for Subdivision Platting, Engineering, Public Facilities, Fire Marshal’s comments, Drainage Report, Subdivision Plat and Utility Layout. Responsibilities upon Approval: Planning staff will advise applicant.

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Date of Meeting: March 18, 2014

Agenda Item No. (to be assigned by CSO): VII. D.

From (name, title, department and who submitting on behalf of, if any): Mardoqueo Hinojosa, P.E., Interim Planning Director/City Engineer, on behalf of Adobe Unlimited, LLC., Todd C. Bookout, Managing Member.

Subject: Discussion and consideration of the Final Plat of Midway Court Phase II Subdivision – being a re-subdivision of 2.627 acres out of Farm Tract 644, Block 177, West and Adams Tract Subdivision, Weslaco, Hidalgo County, Texas. Discussion: The proposed fourteen (14) lot subdivision is inside the City of Weslaco and is located east of Midway Road along Lazy River & Spear Street. This subdivision is proposed to be serviced with water by North Alamo Water Supply Corporation through an 8” waterline. Sewer service is proposed to be provided by the City of Weslaco through an existing 8” line. The property is within a Flood Zone “B”. Fiscal Note: Amount: $ Term of Impact: [#] year(s) Identified in Current Budget: Y/N Additional Action Prompted: [X] Mayor’s Signature [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Budget Amendment [ ] Resolution [ ] Ordinance – First Reading [ ] Ordinance – Final Reading If item previously considered, provide date and action by Commission: N/A If item requires Publication Notice, provide date and periodical of publication; indicate if comments received from letters mailed to property owners: N/A Advisory Review, if any (name of board/committee, date of action, recommendation): Planning & Zoning Commission, 03/05/2014, recommends approval of the final plat with a plat note stating that the sewer line will be moved to an easement. Recommendation for Commission Action: Staff recommends approval of the final plat Attachments, if any (list and provide in Word or PDF, formatted as 8 ½ X 11”): Application for Subdivision Platting, Engineering, Public Facilities, Fire Marshal’s comments, Drainage Report, Subdivision Plat and Utility Layout. Responsibilities upon Approval: Planning staff will advise applicant.

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500 South Texas Boulevard • Weslaco, Texas 78596 • (956) 968‐9142  

  February 27, 2014 City of Weslaco Office of the Mayor 255 South Kansas Avenue Weslaco, Texas 78596 Honorable Mayor Suarez, On behalf of the Weslaco Museum of Local History and Cultural Art, please accept this letter advising the City of Weslaco that the Weslaco Museum is ready to move forward in drawing the funding committed to the Museum. If any further information is required, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at 956.532.5509. Sincerely, Jesse Colin Board President Weslaco Museum cc: Elizabeth Walker, City Secretary 

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This Contract is entered into on this the 18th day of March 2014, by and between the City of Weslaco, a Home-ruled Municipal Corporation of Hidalgo County, Texas (hereinafter called “City”) and The Weslaco Bicultural Museum d.b.a. Weslaco Museum of Local History and Cultural Art (hereinafter called “Contractor”).

Whereas, City is interested in assisting Contractor in providing the city and citizens of Weslaco with such services that accomplish a legitimate public purpose, as is mandated by Article III, Section 52(a) of the Texas Constitution and such services are desirable by the City of Weslaco and such services are identified below and incorporated herein for all purposes; and

Whereas, City has available certain public funds that may be spent for services which accomplish legitimate public purposes; and

Whereas, the City has negotiated with Contractor to provide these public purpose services to the City of Weslaco; and

Whereas, the Contractor, upon accepting these public funds obligates and commits itself to provide these public purpose services during the duration of this contract; and

Whereas, Contractor is the sole source and only organization or entity that can provide the public purpose services that are described in this contract.


Contractor agrees to use the public funds it is to receive from City to provide

the public purpose services described in Exhibit “A” for the duration of the term of this contract and under the conditions set forth herein. Contractor will be acting as an Independent Contractor in the performance of the terms and conditions of this contract. In consideration of the continued provision of the services in the quality and quantity as represented by Contractor to City, City shall make payment to Contractor as provided in Section VII of this contract.

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Contractor agrees to furnish City its budget and all related expenditures for

the duration of this contract. Contractor will maintain all records of operation for the period of this contract that confirms and establishes that the funds furnished by City are and have been used exclusively for the purposes as outlined and detailed herein. A written report of expenditures and the progress of the activities will be submitted on a monthly basis to City. Contractor will, if requested by City, make presentations to the Weslaco City Commission, of the status of the expenditures of public monies and the status of the activities contracted for in this Contract. Contractor acknowledges and agrees that records (as the term is defined under the Texas Open Records Act) produced by the expenditure of funds received from the City hereunder are and will be subject to public disclosure. Contractor will develop procedures to disclose this information to the public. Contractor will have fiduciary duty to the City with respect to the public funds Contractor receives from the City.


Contractor agrees not to exclude any person from participating in or be subject to discrimination under any of the program’s activities receiving City financial assistance on the ground of race, color, religion, sex, national origin or disability.


If Contractor fails to fulfill in a timely and proper manner its obligations under this contract, or Contractor violates any of the agreements or stipulation of this contract, then the Contractor shall have thirty (30) days after the date of notice, in writing, from City to cure or correct such defect or failure unless City requires that the defect should be cured in a shorter time period as set out in such notice, in which case the earlier requirement for correction shall apply. The City may terminate this contract and seek reimbursement of all funds from the City to Contractor hereunder after such period. Contractor shall not be relieved of the liability to the City for damages sustained by the City by virtue of any breach of this contract by Contractor and the City may withhold any payments to Contractor for the purpose as set out and until such time as the exact amount of damages due the City from Contractor is determined. The failure of the City to exercise any right shall in no way constitute a waiver by the City of Weslaco to otherwise demand payment or seek any other relief in law or in equity to which it may justly entitled.

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Contractor agrees that should it discontinue the operations as provided for

herein, then it shall remit all monies relating to any funds to the City upon receipt after the discontinuance of such program. Upon such event, the City is hereby appointed as agent for the purpose of collection of such funds and any unexpended funds still remaining will be appropriated to eligible City activities in keeping with the City’s budgetary process.


Time of performance for this Contract shall be for seasonal activities during the city’s fiscal year, which begins October 1, 2013 and ends September 30, 2014.


City hereby agrees to pay Contractor an amount not to exceed Sixty-Three Thousand One Hundred Dollars ($63,100.00) for the public purpose services and activities in this contract. Contractor shall invoice City and City shall make payment timely. The invoice shall detail all activities performed by Contractor, expenses incurred, and the participation cost for each museum patron served by the activities engaged in that are contracted for in this contract.


Contractor agrees to furnish City with an audit certified by a certified public accountant covering the contract year with specific receipts and disbursements of the payments to Contractor hereunder. Contractor agrees to require any such auditor to cooperate with City relating to any inquiries by City as to the provisions of such audit. City may conduct service and/or expenditure audits during the term or for one year after the expiration date hereof. Contractor agrees to furnish any records requested by City and to otherwise cooperate with City in relation to any inquiries made by City in the City audit hereunder.


Any signatory party to this Contract, who because of the other party’s breach hereof may be required to institute any legal proceedings in relationship to this Contract, and who should prevail in any such legal proceedings, shall be entitled to recover court costs and reasonable attorney’s fees from the non-prevailing party. The term prevailing party shall mean in the case of the Plaintiff,

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the party who receives in substantial form or amount the relief sought by such party as set out in the final petition before the court; and as to any Defendant, it shall be considered a prevailing party where the Plaintiff did not substantially recover the relief sought.


Venue in any suit, right or cause of action arising under or in connection with this Contract shall lie exclusively in Hidalgo County, Texas. This Contract shall be governed, interpreted and enforceable according to the laws of the State of Texas. In addition to any other remedy available by law, it is specifically provided that either party hereto may enforce this Contract by specific performance in a court of competent jurisdiction.


All notices provided to given under this Contract shall be given by certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the proper party. The date of mailing of any notice under this Contract shall be deemed to be the date such notice is received and shall be effective from such date. The addresses of the parties to this Contract are as follows:


CITY OF WESLACO WESLACO MUSEUM OF LOCAL HISTORY 255 S. Kansas Avenue AND CULTURAL ART Weslaco, TX 78596 500 S. Texas Avenue Attn. City Manager Weslaco, TX 78596 Attn. Executive Director


This Contract shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective legal representatives, successors, and assigns where permitted by this Contract. The persons signing this Contract on behalf of the City and Contractor warrant that he/she has been duly authorized to execute this Contract and legally bind the City and Contractor to this Contract.


In case any one or more of the provisions contained in this Contract shall

for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect other provisions thereof

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and this Contract shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision had never been contained herein.


No amendment, modification, or alteration of the terms hereof shall be binding unless the same is in writing, dated and subsequent to the date hereof and duly executed by the parties hereto after proper authority has been obtained.


No waiver by the parties hereto of any default or breach of any term, condition, or covenant of this Contract shall be deemed to be a waiver of any other breach of the same or any other term, condition, or covenant contained herein.


This Contract shall be in accordance with and subject to the provisions of all documents enumerated herein or which may be attached hereto by mutual consent of the contracting parties at any future date, and are hereby made a part of this Contract unless otherwise provided for. This Contract contains the entire agreement of the parties and cannot be changed except by express written agreement. The Contract document so enumerated is:

(1) Activities and Public Purpose Services (Exhibit “A”) (2) Intent of Public Purpose Activities (Exhibit “B”)


Contractor will provide, upon execution of this Contract, City with a certificate of general liability insurance naming the City of Weslaco as an additional insured, protecting and insuring the City against claims for liability for bodily injury or other damages by youth or other individuals engaged in the activities funded by this Contract.

Contract will hold harmless and indemnify the City of Weslaco, its elected officials, employees, agents or representatives from all claims, actions and damages that are made and assessed against the City of Weslaco, its elected officials, employees, agents or representatives as a result of Contractor’s performance of activities and services under this Contract.

IN WITNESS THEREOF, City and Contractor have executed two (2)

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conformed copies of this Contract effective as of the date first above written.


By: ____________________________ ATTEST: David Suarez, Mayor ________________________________ Elizabeth M. Walker, City Secretary


By: ______________________________ Approved as to form: (Executive Director) ___________________________ Ramon Vela, City Attorney

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Exhibit “A”


Contractor will, for the public funds it is receiving from City, operate and maintain a building facility that will house historical information on Weslaco, works of art such as paintings, displays, present cultural programs to citizens of Weslaco and to the general public.

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Exhibit “B”


The City of Weslaco desires that Contractor provide exhibits to citizens of

the City of Weslaco that will benefit and assist them in developing an appreciation to cultural arts.

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Date of Meeting: March 18, 2014

Agenda Item No. (to be assigned by CSO): VII. F.

From (name, title, department and who submitting on behalf of, if any): Information Technology Department Subject: Discuss/ consider changes to the programming of capital outlay, from the Lease/Purchase agreement with Frost Bank, assigned to the Information Technology Department to allow for the purchase of network equipment: To move up to $85,000 from the APC Battery allocation to the Network Upgrade allocation. Additional Action Prompted: [×] Mayor’s Signature [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Budget Amendment [ ] Resolution [ ] Ordinance – First Reading [ ] Ordinance – Final Reading If item previously considered, provide date and action by Commission: N/A If item requires Publication Notice, provide date and periodical of publication; indicate if comments received from letters mailed to property owners: N/A Advisory Review, if any (name of board/committee, date of action, recommendation): N/A Recommendation for Commission Action: Attachments, if any (list and provide in Word or PDF, formatted as 8 ½ X 11”): Responsibilities upon Approval:

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The following are the amounts that were collected during Amnesty held in 2006 and 2010. 2006

Fines & Fees Collected $7,748.00 Payment Arrangements & Inquiries 43 Dismissals 2 Referrals to City Attorney/Prosecutor 4 2010 Fines & Fees Collected $5,980.58 Payment Arrangements & Inquiries 81 Dismissals 13 Community Service 5 Time Served 1

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City of Weslaco “The City on the Grow”

255 S. KANSAS AVE. ■ WESLACO, TEXAS 78596-6285 ■ 956-968-3181 ■ WWW.WESLACOTX.GOV

David Suarez, Mayor John F. Cuellar, Mayor Pro-Tem, District 2

David Fox, Commissioner, District 1 Olga M. Noriega, Commissioner, District 3

Gerardo “Jerry” Tafolla, Commissioner, District 4 Lupe V. Rivera, Commissioner, District 5

Fidel L Pena, Commissioner, District 6

Leonardo Olivares, City Manager

Press Release Release on: Contact: Immediately Weslaco Municipal Court April 22, 2010 Rosa Badillo, Court Administrator

901 N Airport Dr. Weslaco, Texas 78956


Weslaco Municipal Court has Warrant Amnesty Program in May 2010 Weslaco - The City of Weslaco will be conducting an Amnesty Program in the month of May 2010 on all outstanding warrants pending before the Weslaco Municipal Court. Many cities in the Valley conduct amnesty programs at different times throughout the year, focusing on violators with outstanding Class “C” misdemeanor warrants, most of which are traffic related.

The Amnesty Program offers an opportunity for the court to be proactive with its case resolution while sending a message to defendants to take care of their business. This also allows a court to increase warrant clearance by focusing on a period of time during which a warrant may be removed.

Persons with outstanding warrants can avoid arrest by coming to the Weslaco Municipal Court at 901 N Airport Dr, Weslaco, Texas, and making appropriate arrangements. No arrest will be made on the people that show up voluntarily to court. The Failure to Appear fine will be waived and the warrant for arrest will be recalled. Call 956.968.6123 for more information on how to dispose of pending warrants and avoid arrest during the Amnesty Program.


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