Download - 12th December

Page 1: 12th December


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WELCOME to our Sunday celebration!

If it is your first time with us we would like to especially welcome you.

We hope that you will enjoy meeting with God and His people today!

Crèche, kids and youth work provisions are held in the rooms on the

2nd floor. All our fantastic children’s workers hold CRB checks.

Free tea and coffee is in the first floor foyer after the meeting where

we would love to get to know you and to help you make new friends.

The Welcome Desk is available for all information about the life of the

church including the all of the events listed in this Update.

This morning we are thrilled to have Richard Anniss, who is an apostolic

gift and a father to us as a community, sharing God’s Word with us.


Jesus Jesus Jesus FamousFamousFamous

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What’s Coming Up:

Monday: Church in the Home

7.00pm At Russ and Irene Bennett’s home in Ordsall

Tuesday: Church in the Home

7.00pm At Kevin and Jo Hardwidge’s home in Swinton

7.30pm: Church in the Home

At Ope Malamo’s home in Salford Quays

Wednesday: Church in the Home

7.30pm At David and Hannah Knight’s home in Langworthy

For further details please ask at the Welcome Desk...

Experience the life and love of

Jesus in our homes together...

Also Coming Up This Week:

Tuesday: ‘Yummy Mummies’ Group

9.30-11am At various homes around Salford

Thursday: Worship Group Practice

7.30pm At King’s House, Manchester M1 7HB

Next Sunday: Church Celebration

10.00am At the Innovation Forum, Winders Way

(Off Frederick Road), Salford M6 6FP

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This Afternoon!

Church Bring & Share Lunch At Josh and Becky Channing’s home in Monton

after this morning’s celebration. Please bring a

savoury or sweet dish for us to enjoy together!

Salford Christmas Celebration Salford Christmas Celebration Salford Christmas Celebration and Prayer Evening and Prayer Evening and Prayer Evening

This Wednesday, 15th December, 7.30-9.00pm, followed by refreshments.

Hosted by the Mayor and Mayoress of SalfordHosted by the Mayor and Mayoress of SalfordHosted by the Mayor and Mayoress of Salford

Chaired by David and Karen KingChaired by David and Karen KingChaired by David and Karen King At Salford Council Chamber, Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Rd, Swinton, M27 5FJ

An evening for churches across Salford to come together and celebrate Christmas,

thanking God for all He has done in 2010 and praying for all that He will do in 2011.

We would love for as many of us from New Life Church to be there!

This will be a great evening of worship, prayer and interviews and talks from

special guests, which will include;

• Diane Reid is a Chief Adviser and Business Manager BBC North.

• Barry Woodward is a national motivational speaker and author.

Church Meetings atChurch Meetings atChurch Meetings at

Christmas & New YearChristmas & New YearChristmas & New Year We WILL NOT be meeting together at the

INNOVATION FORUM over the Christmas

and New Year period, meeting instead on...

Sunday 26th December at Josh and Becky’s home.

Sunday 2nd January at various homes across Salford.

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Extravagant Generosity Christmastime reminds us of the story of the Magi’s generosity. They travelled

a great distance to worship the King Jesus. They did not let anything (time,

inconvenience, expense) stop them from adoring the One who is the Hope of

the world. Their generosity is inspiring to us as mature Sons of God because

we can also give our time, our love, finances and lives to God and to others.

We learnt last week is that we are blessed when we give (Acts 20:35) but also

in receiving from God. God lavished His love on us by sending Jesus and He

wants to do more! “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what

no human mind has conceived”— the things God has prepared for those who

love him” 1 Corinthians 2:9

God’s word to us is that He just wants us to receive His love and be blessed,

not to burden us but just because He loves us. It is amazing to know that as

much as we give, we cannot ‘out-give’ God! This revelation stops us from

striving in our own efforts and to receive His love. God loves you and wants to

lavish His blessings on you. Your only response is to receive!

By Ope Malamo