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ARCH1291 - Visual Studies II FALL 2013 Assignment 6: Folded Model Paneling ASSIGNMENT INTRODUCTION In Assignment 5 you rebuilt your folded geometry models with history, allowing you to easily iterate through a family of forms. This assignment asks you to develop a variable panel system by capturing your folded model at a series of gradated states, e.g. more open to less open, more twisted to less twisted, more folded to less folded, and/or any combination therein. You will then apply a series of three to five gradated panel variations to the façade of the Standard Hotel on the Highline using Paneling Tools, a paneling plug-in for Rhino that can be used to generate, among other things, variable panel systems for façade design. In the next assignment you will build off of your laser cutting skills learned in Assignment 5 and unroll and laser cut a portion of the façade system with the aid of another Rhino plug-in called RhinoNest. ASSIGNMENT RESOURCES Rhino Primer

• Video Tutorial for Assignment 6

• Rhino Model of the Standard Hotel


1. Begin by creating three to five gradated (going from one extreme to another e.g. larger openings to smaller openings or spikiest to flattest) variations of your folded model. If you’ve recorded history properly in the prior assignment this will take little time to generate. You may also consider exploring the SolidPtOn command as a way to quickly induce variation among your models.

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2. Offset the base surfaces (onto which you’ll eventually apply your paneling system) in the Standard Hotel model by the thickness you desire (recommended range of 6” to 6’).

3. Select the two base surfaces and the two offset surfaces and go to Paneling Tools > Create Paneling Grid > Surface

Domain Number. Dividing by the surface domain allows us to divide a surface into even increments in both the U and V directions. Divide the U direction into 6 and the V direction into 15 to match the Standard Hotel’s façade grid.

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4. Add points and/or curves to the facades to be used as attractor points and/or curves. Attractors in Paneling Tools allow you to create areas of concentrated effect in your variable paneling systems, e.g. the most open or most closed regions of your system.

5. Apply your variable paneling system to the Standard Hotel façade by going to Paneling Tools > Paneling from Grid >

Panel Custom 3D Variable. The “Variable” means that you can select as many different panel types as you’d like in order to create variation within your paneling system.

a. After you select your two bounding grids make sure to set DistributionMethod to PointAttractors if you’re using attractor points and CurveAttractors is you’re using attractor curves.

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GRADING To receive a grade, your Rhino (*.3dm) file must be submitted to your Dropbox folder and your laser cut model completed by the beginning of next class. Assignment 5 will be graded as follows:

1. Are there at least three variations of panel type? 10% 2. Do the panel type variations represent a “gradation of effect”? 20% 3. Were the façade surfaces offset correctly and at a reasonable distance? 10% 4. Were the facades correctly divided to create a 6(U) x 15(V) grid? 10% 5. Were surface directions maintained correctly when panels were applied to grid? 10% 6. Do panel edges mate properly (constructability)? 20% 7. Were attractor elements effectively used to create limited variation across the façade? 20%