Download - 101 Internet Marketing with Hosea Ihiabe


101 Internet Marketing with Hosea Ihiabe

H o s e a I h i a b e

w w w . h o s e a i h i a b e . b l o g . c o m

Ultimate guide to give you freedom from a

boss, internet marketing is the 21st century

business that has made thousands of people

millionaires and they have freedom to be with

their family whenever they want and make

money while sleeping.




The Ultimate Guide to Making Six

Figure Monthly Income From

Internet Marketing.



Who is Hosea Ihiabe?

What is Internet Marketing?

Internet Marketing Strategies

Make money with Affiliate Programs

How to Create a Website

Tips to getting your first 5000 Subscribers

Why do you need subscribers?

How do you go out and get traffic?

How do I figure out what I want to promote?

How do I persuade people to purchase my product?


Internet marketing has undergone several stages of

development. Most people are familiar with network marketing,

this type of business earns it’s affiliates six figures. Internet

marketing is familiar but this time it is done on the internet with

just a website and a product to promote. According to Philip

Kotler, marketing is a social and management process by which

individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through

creating and value with others. Internet marketing has helped

many business and product sales successful. In internet

marketing the concept is, determining the needs and wants of

customers. This is the only sensible way of increasing the firm’s

sale and turning your business into a successful internet empire.

Looking at all these, it implies that there are many angles to the

definition of marketing. This means that internet marketing

scholars have different perception towards discipline. After

reading this ebook you would understand every necessary step

and procedure to build a successful online business from the

comfort of your home, not spending more than 3-5 hours per day.

Who is Hosea Ihiabe?

I am full time internet marketer, blogger and student studying

Information Technology in Sikkim Mannipal University, India. I started

marketing on the internet since May 2007 and since then the internet has

been my source of income. I won‘t lie to you, it was not easy when I

started, I went through a lot of frustration and had doubt if the internet

was actually my call.

I bought loads of eBooks, paid for autopilot softwares, created websites

that couldn‘t even have up to 7 visitors a day. I became tired and dumped

everything for a while, I decided to start learning from the experts in the

game, people like:

Lisa Irby (

John Chow (

Robert Kiyosaki & Donald Trump (New York Times Best Selling


Derek Halpern (

Aaron Garrity ( CEO Xango)

Sergey Savich

All these people mentioned above, are the reason why I earn a living on

the internet. I recommend you visit their websites and buy their books to

help your online marketing journey easier and faster. These people reveal

the secrets other successful experts hide from you.

I didn‘t make a dime on the internet for a year after all the effort I

thought I put in internet marketing and blogging. After learning from

these experts, I decided to try again because I noticed none of these

experts had two heads. After learning from these experts, I realized I was

making a very big mistake right from the start of my online marketing


I spent three months learning how to build a successful internet empire, I

followed their advice step by step and it helped me reach the level where

I was not coming down again.

I started from the bottom the second time and this time I was moving up

and never coming down again.

That is why I am using this ebook to educate you and guide you through

your Online Marketing Journey.

What is Internet Marketing?

This is a form of marketing and advertising which uses the internet to

deliver promotional marketing message to consumers. It includes email

marketing, search engine marketing, social media marketing, many types

of display advertising (including web banner, advertising and mobile

advertising. Online advertising frequently involves both a publisher, who

integrates advertisement into its online content, and an advertiser, who

provides the advertisement to be displayed on the publishers content.

It is the publisher who drives traffic to your lead page and makes

purchase possible.

Internet marketing is a large business and is growing rapidly. In 2011,

internet ads revenue in the United States surpassed those of cable

television and nearly exceeded those of broadcast television.

In 2012 internet advertising revenue revenues in the United States totaled

$36.57 billion, a 15.2% increase over the $31.74 billion revenues in


How does Internet Market Work?

There are different ways internet marketing can be displayed. If you

have a website then you‘re on the right path. If you don‘t have a website

then you should get one ASAP. Display advertising conveys its

advertising message visualizing text, logos, animation, videos,

photographs, or other graphics.

Advertisers frequently target users with particular traits to increase the

ads effect. Online advertisers often use cookies, which are unique

identifiers of specific computers, to decide which ads to serve to a

particular customer.

Cookies can track whether a user left a page without buying anything. So

the advertiser can later retarget the user with ads from the site the user


Advertisers may also deliver ads based on a user‘s suspected geography

through geo-targeting. A users IP address communicates some

geographic information, at minimum the users country or general region.

Here is a list of different internet advertising methods:

Web Banner Advertising: Web banners or banner ads typically are

graphical ads, displayed within a web page. Banner ads can use rich

media to incorporate video, audio, animations, buttons, forms or

other interactive elements using Java applet, HTML5, adobe flash

and other programs.

Pop-Up/ Pop-Under: You must have noticed when a pop-up ad is

displayed in new web browser window under a website visitors

initial browser window.

Floating ad: These type of ads appear superimposed over the

requested websites content. Floating ads or overlay ads may

disappear or become less obstructive after a preset time period.

Expanding ad: An expanding ad is a rich media frame ad that

changes dimensions upon a predefined condition, such as a preset

amount of time a visitor spends on a webpage. The users click on the

ad, or the user‘s mouse movement over the ad. Expanding ads allow

advertisers to fit more information into a restricted ad space.

Text Ads: A text ad text-based hyperlinks. Text based ads may

display separately from a web page‘s primary content, or they can be

embedded by hyperlinking individual words or phrases to advertisers

websites. Text ads may also be delivered through email marketing or

text message marketing. These type of ad renders faster than

graphical ads and can be harder for ad-blocking software to block.

Internet Marketing Strategies

Most new internet marketers getting into business engage in a hit and run

internet marketing strategy. It‘s the strategy that they‘re familiar with

because it‘s the one they hear about the most. They engage in this type of


Select a product to promote

Send traffic to the advertisers landing page with PPC/PPV

They make profit

The problem with this kind of strategy is that these customers only visit

your website once and never return again. If you were to think twice, this

is the dumbest strategy ever. Many marketers spend $10k to make $20k

using these hit and run strategy, but the fact is they are leaving tons of

money on the table for someone else to put in their pocket.

This type of strategy is not very stable. The marketers have to keep

spending their money or their sales stop.

Internet Marketing Strategies That Work

Internet marketing can attract more people to your website, increase

customers for your business, and enhance branding of your company and


These listed models would help you through your internet marketing


Start with a web promotion plan and an effective web design and

development strategy.

Get ranked at the top in major search engines, and practice good

Search Optimization Techniques

Learn to use Email Marketing Effectively

Dominate your marketing niche with affiliate, reseller, and associates


Request an analysis from an internet marketing coach or internet

marketing consultant.

Build a responsive opt-in email list.

Publish articles or get listed in news stories

Write and publish online press releases.

Facilitate and run contests and giveaways via your website.

Blog and build relationship with your visitors.

Make Money with Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a type of marketing model in which a business

rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the

affiliate‘s own marketing efforts. The industry has four core players: the

merchant (also known as ‗retailer‘ or ‗brand‘), the network (that

contains offers for the affiliate to choose from and also takes care of the

payments), the publisher (also known as the ‗affiliate‘), and the

customer (these is where the money comes from), the more customers

you get, the more money you earn. The market has grown in complexity

resulting in the emergence of a secondary tier of players, including

affiliate management agencies, super-affiliates and specialized third

party vendors.

Affiliate marketing overlaps with other Internet Marketing methods to

some degree, because affiliates often use regular advertising methods.

Those methods include organic search engine optimization (SEO), paid

search engine marketing (PPC – Pay Per Click), e-mail marketing,

content marketing and in some sense display advertising. On the other

hand, affiliates sometimes use less orthodox techniques, such as

publishing reviews of products or services offered by a partner. The

companies you become affiliated with provide you with a tracking link to

use to link to their site. That‘s how they track how many sales you‘ve


Almost all affiliate programs are free to join. It usually involves filling

out a sign-up form and within moments the company sends you the links

you need to use on your site or blog.

Affiliate programs to Start

ClickBank: ClickBank is a prominent retail company on the internet

dealing with delivery of digital products. It is one of the best in its

field. Clickbank was founded in the year 1998 and presently it delas

with a large number of products. It‘s product line consists of more

than ten thousand digital products ranging from software to e-Books.

It has its headquarters situated in Boise, Idaho. A list of categories

which it has to offer includes – Business to Business, Ads and

marketing, Fitness and Health, Entertainment & Fun, Family &

Home, Recreation & Sports, Internet & Computing, Culture &

Society and Money & Employment.

Amazon affiliate: Amazon pays its affiliate commissions for every

customer you drive to buy a product on their site. It sounds easy and

simple but for newbies it‘s not.

To know more visit my blog:

How do I Figure Out What I want To Promote?

People are quick to create websites and sign up for affiliate programs or

waste money trying to figure out what to promote. There are billions of

websites and blogs on the internet and most of which would promote a

product that sells and people are most interested in, which doesn‘t create

that opportunity for you to make sales because your visitor might have

bought that product from another blog or website ad. It‘s a first come

first serve business and not many people are lucky when it comes to

internet marketing.

I am going to give you the model I use to figure out what I want to

promote. Take note of everything I write and try to apply it to your own

side of the game.

To succeed online you must go for the products with lesser


Fact: Health and Fitness, Software‘s and Games, Jobs, etc. are the

trending products on clickbank and most affiliate networks, instead of

joining the crowd to promote health and fitness products why not look

for products for pregnant women, Spanish to English translation and

such. All i am saying here is ‗Stand Out from The Crowd‘. That‘s one

trick that works.

What is an Email List?

An email list is database containing email address of subscribers who

subscribed through a squeeze page which has a sign up form where users

enter their email addresses. With the email address you can send a bulk

mail to thousand emails. The email list makes it possible for you to relate

with your customers anytime you like, it is not like a hit and run package

where the customer just buys from you never returns again. The email

list makes it possible for those customers to stay for a long time and still

buy your products. It also helps create a relationship between you and

your customers.

Why Use E-mail List?

Today‘s email marketing is perfectly suited to the way small businesses

have always operated. It is personal, immediate and easily tailored to

what makes you unique. Above all, it‘s practical.

Here are six reasons why email marketing can work for your business:

1. Effective

According to the Direct Marketing Association, $1 spent on email

advertising was shown to return between $45 and $51 — and despite

what you might think, email gets read. Open rates for email often

approach 40 percent.

2. Affordable

Industry estimates say online campaigns are 20 times more cost-effective

than other marketing channels, with individual email messages often

costing just fractions of a penny. As a result, email makes it practical to

communicate more often with customers.

3. Easy

Sending out professional-quality email campaigns is now a do-it-yourself


4. Quick and Effective

Need to boost revenue right away? Email marketing allows you to

broadcast to everyone at Internet speed. Initial campaign response

generally occurs within 48 hours of launch

5. Grows Relationships

Emailing personalized deals or your inside scoop is an efficient way to

make customers feel important. If a customer feels appreciated and finds

value in your message, you gain their loyalty while offering the perfect

word-of-mouth opportunity.

6. Measurable

A great advantage of email is that everything can be tracked. From the

moment you send an email, you can see how many people opened it,

clicked on certain links, and forwarded it to others and much more!

How do you go out and Get Traffic?

Looking for a few ways to attract website visitors in the new year

without compromising your ethics or stooping to spam techniques? Give

any of the following options a try:

Focus on content creation. Good content markets itself. When you put

the effort into building and promoting great pieces of content, the natural

result is more traffic to your website via shares and referrals.

Add social sharing buttons to your website. Don‘t assume that your

readers will take the initiative to share your content on their own.

Instead, make it easy for your site to accrue more visitors from social

networking sites by adding social sharing buttons to your company‘s

blog posts.

Answer questions on social networking sites. When you see people

asking questions online, provide whatever helpful information you can.

Doing so will earn you both website traffic and customers for life.

Distribute press releases for actual achievements. While you shouldn‘t

abuse press release distribution websites to promote insignificant

accomplishments, take advantage of this traffic stream whenever you

have something noteworthy to share.

Use SEO responsibly. Don‘t over-optimize your website, but do make

use of current SEO best practices (which put the emphasis on looking

―natural‖) to let the search engines know where they should list your site

in the natural search results. High rankings will result in plenty of new

visitors to your website.

Invest in your website‘s blog. By publishing high-value posts

consistently, you‘ll build your relationship with your readers, resulting in

visitors who check back frequently to view your latest posts.

Share slide decks and other presentations. Posting informative materials

to sites like Slideshare and Scribd will help you to increase both brand

awareness and website traffic through exposure to new markets and new

potential customers.

Build a killer email newsletter. When readers find valuable email

newsletters, they tend to share them with others. If your current email

followup sequence is lackluster, making improvements here could result

in significantly more referral traffic.

Publish a helpful podcast. Similarly, producing a regular, high-quality

podcast will increase referred website visitors, while reaching new

visitors through podcast directories.

Deploy infographics. Infographics get shared more often than most other

types of content. This makes them ideal candidates for traffic generation

campaigns that make use of content marketing.

Run a YouTube channel. YouTube is one of the web‘s largest search

engines, making it a great way to expose new audiences to your brand.

As an added bonus, your videos may be listed in Google‘s blended

search results, leading to even more traffic!

Ask visitors to share your site with others. Simply asking your visitors to

forward your articles to others or share them on their social networking

profiles is a great way to quickly boost page views.

Write guest posts for top industry sites. Ask other websites in your

industry if you can pen guest posts for their blogs. Having your content

featured there isn‘t just great for traffic – it‘s a good way to build your

perceived authority as well.

Connect with influencers in your niche. Having an authority figure in

your industry share just one of your blog articles can result in a

tremendous amount of new traffic, subscribers and buyers, so make

relationship building a key part of your company‘s marketing strategy.

Pay attention to up-and-coming social networks. Newer social networks

like Tumblr and Pinterest are sprouting up all the time. Because there can

be a significant ―first adopter‖ advantage to the people that establish a

presence on these sites early on, keep an eye out for these future


Eliminate website errors. If the search engines aren‘t able to index your

website properly (which can occur due to a number of different errors),

you may not be receiving all the search traffic you should be. Check your

Google Webmaster Tools account for information on common problems.

Add pillar content to your website. Every website should have at least a

few pieces of ―pillar‖ content — in-depth, well-written content that will

always be of interest to readers — to help drive traffic via person-to-

person sharing.

Over-deliver on your company‘s products or services. From a word-of-

mouth traffic standpoint, over-delivering can‘t be beat. When you go

above and beyond in your industry, customers will recommend you to

others – leading to more traffic and a higher marketing ROI.

Interview experts within your industry. People love hearing from experts,

so if you can snag an interview and publish it on your site, you‘re in for a

big surge of traffic from the authority‘s existing audience.

Comment on other websites. Leaving valuable comments on other

websites‘ blogs can be a great way to build traffic back to your own site.

Just be sure to say more in your comment than, ―Great post!‖ or ―Thanks

for sharing!‖

How do I figure out what I want to promote?

Many of you are very curious to know more about ways to find new

products to promote and more effective ways to promote those affiliate

products. So now I am continuing the series, and in this article, I will tell

you how to choose profitable products from the Marketplace.

5 things to remember when researching products

I will guide you step by step -

1. Understanding Your Audience -

First thing you need to learn is – What exactly your readers want to

know? If you have a blog based on “Fitness”.. Then you need to know

which kinds of fitness program are creating a buzz in the community,

analyze its pros and cons and in the end finally experiment with it

yourself, before recommending it your readers. This will help you to

drastically improve your conversion rate.

Second thing you need to know about your audience is their age-group

and other similar demographics. To know about this, you need to

concentrate on delivering quality content and connect with them

through social networks! Encourage your readers to comment on your

blog post. Humorous lines, sarcastic jokes could add to more

engagement among readers. If readers are more engaged, they will

automatically comment.

There are lots of products based on exercise, health and beauty, weight

loss and in the Fitness category. But it doesn’t matter if your website is

focused on a different topic because you can use this same strategy, no

matter what niche you are in.

2. Understanding Gravity & Conversion Rate of Products

After you understand your audience’s requirements, you need to check

the Gravity of a particular product. Gravity plays an important role in

knowing about the popularity of a particular product. Gravity tells you

how the product has been successfully sold by different and unique

affiliates. Products with over 50 Gravity are selling good. If the gravity is

above 100, you need not to look into the sales page. But, if you find any

product with lower gravity but a good conversion rate, then I would

definitely recommend you to promote that product.

3. Keyword Research: The number of searches of the product you are

selling is also important. The exact monthly searches should be not be

greater than 5000 if you’re just starting to promote your first product.

You can check the stats for a particular keyword using a professional

search tool like Market Samurai or the free Google Keyword Planner

Tool. Also, you need to check whether the competition is high or low. If

the competition is high, you need to take a different the product and

then try to promote it..

If you have just started your internet marketing journey, then I

recommend you to go with a product having less than 5000 exact match

searches and low competition.

4. Google AdSense Comparisons

Are you monetizing your blog with Google AdSense? If YES, you might

have seen some ads about gadgets, movie- trailers, software, weight

loss and other products related to your niche appear in the ads on your

blog. If not, here’s example of what I mean in Google Search.

5. Contact the Author/Owner

After you have judged the product with the 4 steps given above, you

need to search in Google and find out more about the author/owner of

that product. This will help you to know more about the person behind

the product. For example, John Chow (Best Internet Marketer In the

World) has recently launched a product named as IM John Chow. So, we

all know how famous John Chow is. He makes more than a Million

dollars every year from his blog.

These are the points that you need to gather about the owner. Well, by

contacting the owner, you can ask him about getting a review copy so

that you can know everything about the product before you start

promoting it. Or, you can buy the product directly so you can do your

review of it.

You want to gain the trust of your readers by writing real customer

reviews. Tell the story about your experience and how the product has

made you happy or helped you in some way. This will do wonders to

improve your sales and conversion rates.

How do I persuade people to buy my product?

Customers never buy because of product features. They buy

because they perceive some "benefit" to those features.

Unfortunately, most sales and marketing messages talk about

features and let the customers try to figure out the benefits.

That's asking your customer to do your heavy lifting for you.

You'll get more customers, more quickly, if you communicate the

benefits of using your product rather than the features it

possesses. Here are six rules for doing so, based upon a

conversation with one of my favorite sales gurus, Barry Rhein:

1. Know the difference between a benefit and a feature.

A feature is something that a product or service "is" or "does." A

benefit is something that the product or service "means" to the

customer. For example:

Wrong: "This car has a reinforced safety roof." (feature)

Right: "This car keeps your family safe." (benefit)

2. Use vivid but plain language.

Customers will remember a benefit longer and more easily if it's

expressed using simple, strong words that evoke emotion.

Wrong: "This roof provides protection in the event of a rollover


Right: "If this car rolls, there's a good chance you'll walk away


3. Avoid biz-blab and jargon.

Nothing leaches a benefit of emotion more than the use of tired

business cliches or overly technical terminology.

Wrong: "Robust implementation of 80210 protocols!!!"

Right: "You can connect virtually anywhere."

4. Keep the list of benefits short.

Most people can only hold two or three thoughts at one time in

their short-term memory. Long lists of benefits just cause


Wrong: "Here are the top 10 benefits of using our product:"

Right: "The two most important things to remember are..."

5. Emphasize what's unique to you or your firm.

Benefits that are generic to your product category can convince a

customer to buy... but not necessarily from you! Use benefits that

differentiate you from the competition:

Wrong: "Our software makes you more productive."

Right: "Our customers report an average 30% decrease in costs,

about twice the industry average."

6. Make your benefits concrete.

Customers ignore benefits that are abstract and expressed using

vague adverbs and adjectives. Benefits that are concrete and

specific are more convincing and "stick in the mind."

Wrong: "We can radically reduce your inventory costs."

Right: "We decrease inventory costs by an average of 25%."

Thank you very much for following here. I promise you, with these

steps you are unbeatable. Don’t forget to sign up for my

newsletter and free giveaways. Refer friends too if you think this

e-book was useful to you.