Download - 100YB Cover FA - · 2012. 10. 15. · First Directors Statutory Meeting was held at the Companys r’ egistered offi

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It gives us great pleasure to present our book “100 years of establishment”.

We started as coff ee growers back in 1894, and two years later, we became the fi rst to

plant rubber as a plantation fi eld in Malaya. Over the past century, the Company had gone through world wars, depression and economic recession, commodities slump, oil crisis, crop

diseases insurgency, confrontation and fi ght for independence. However, it remained intact and emerged stronger as the Company’s value was always backed up by landed assets and gearing

stayed negligible.

We then ventured into oil palm and hospitality as well as construction before stepping back into the rubber business by purchasing a mid-stream

rubber products manufacturing company in Th ailand, where rubber industry is now


Our expansion will be mainly in our current business sectors which we strongly believe in

their growth. Property development will also be one of our future endeavour, a natural transition

for most of the plantation companies. With continued eff ort and dedication, we foresee that

our goals would be achieved within the near future.

Fore word�����

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News Memoir



Rubb er

Oil Palm


Prope rty

Fore sight

Behind th e Scene

App reciation


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Th e Honorary Mr. Ronald Charles Murray Kindersley

Ronald Charles Murray Kindersley was born in 1870, at Carisbrooke, Isle of Wight, before his family moved to Scotland. He studied at Edinburgh Academy

and acquired business principles knowledge in an accountant’s offi ce before enlisting in the Black Watch regiment and served in it for three years.

Kindersley played a great part in the pioneering of rubber industry in Malaya when he and his brother came to the Malay State in 1893. Th ey acquired

planting experience on a coff ee estate near Kuala Lumpur. A year later, they opened up Inch Kenneth Estate in Kajang as a coff ee plantation. In 1896, after

obtaining supply of rubber plants from Mr. H. N. Ridley of the Botanical Gardens, Singapore, they planted fi ve acres of them on the coff ee estate.

Th is became the fi rst rubber plantation fi eld in the country.

R.C.M. Kindersley was among the fi rst Directors on board of Kajang Rubber Estates Limited, when the company was incorporated on 14 June 1910.

He was appointed Chairman of the Planters’ Association of Malaya in 1917-1918 and served on Trade Commission body in 1921. He retired and

returned to England in 1929, and later died of pneumonia on 8 March 1939, in London, at the age of 68.

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Inch Kenneth Rubber Estates Ltd, in Kajang, Selangor, was initially opened as a coff ee plantation in 1894 by the Kindersley brothers from Scotland. In 1896, as rubber

industry began to develop, they planted fi ve acres of rubber trees on the coff ee estate, and subsequently turned it into rubber plantation. Th e Company was generally credited

with being the fi rst to plant rubber on a commercial scale in Malaya.

On 20 May 1904, Inch Kenneth Rubber Estates Ltd was fl oated on Edinburgh Stock Exchange, United Kingdom.

14 June 1910 Kajang Rubber Estates, Limited was incorporated with a capital of £75,000. Th e purpose of incorporation was for acquiring properties in Kajang, Selangor namely - Sungei Reko Estate, Kajang Town Estate and Raja Allang Estate, which belonged to Inch Kenneth Rubber Estates Ltd, Carey United Ltd and Glenshiel Rubber Estates Ltd. Th e fi rst Board of Directors were David Harris as Chairman, Henry Moubray Cadell, Arthur Galbraith Th ornton, William Greenhill, and Ronald Charles Murray Kindersley. Nature of business was planting rubber trees, trading rubber and manufacturing of rubber products.

4 Octobe r 1910 First Directors Statutory Meeting was held at the Company’s registered offi ce in Edinburgh. An issue of 36,534 shares increased the Company’s capital to £50,000.

27 Apr il 1911 First Annual General Meeting was held in Edinburgh. Th e property’s acreage increased from 1,900 acres at the formation of the Company to 2,292 acres. A further issue of 25,000 shares was carried out.

18 Apr il 1912 Second Annual General Meeting was held. Share capital increased to £75,000 and estate lands acreage increased to 2,487 acres.

10 July 1912 William Greenhill was appointed as the next Chairman replacing David Harris who passed away on 17 June 1912.

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2 July 1914 Inch Kenneth Rubber Estates Ltd was awarded silver medal in Class I at the London Exhibition.

28 July 1933 Change of the Company’s name to Inch Kenneth Kajang Rubber Limited upon the amalgamation of Kajang Rubber Estates Limited and Inch Kenneth Rubber Estates Ltd.

29 May 1940 Listed on Main Market of London Stock Exchange.

20 August 1957 Th e purchase of Kemasul Rubber Estates in Mengkarak, Pahang.

15 March 1972 Sale of 1,000 acres division which contained tin ore. Th e Company, being foreign and classifi ed as agricultural, was not allowed to be turned into an industrial site.

8 March 1973 Straits Trading Co Limited became the benefi cial owner of 1,156,500 shares (28%). Its representative, Mr Charles Hooley Fell, was appointed as Director on 6 June 1973.

1974 Th e beginning of oil palm cultivation was when 111 acres of Kajang Dunedin estate was planted with oil palm trees.

15 Apr il 1974 Listed on Main Board of Bursa Securities Malaysia Berhad (then known as Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange).

28 Apr il 1978 Th e shift of the Company’s control from UK to Malaysia with the registered offi ce at 5th Floor Straits Trading Building, 4 Leboh Pasar Besar, Kuala Lumpur. Malayan Tin Smelting and Finance Company Sdn Bhd was appointed as Branch Registrars and Secretaries while Th e Royal Bank of Scotland PLC remained as UK Principal Registrars.

4 March 1982 Change of name to Inch Kenneth Kajang Rubber Public Limited Company upon re-registration of the Company as a public limited company.

29 Apr il 1982 OCBC group of companies held 45.05% of issued share capital.


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31 Octobe r 1983 Sale of Kemasul Rubber Estates to Kuala Lumpur Kepong Berhad.

30 June 1984 Sale of 600 acres of Kajang land to Malaysian Resources Corporation Berhad.

August 1990 Bonus Issue of 4,125,000 new ordinary shares to increase the capital to 8,250,000 shares of 10 pence each.

20 Febr uary 1993 Th e Straits Trading Co Ltd sold 2,471,666 shares representing 29.96% of issued shares. Charles William Tresise and Dr. Ng Wing Kong resigned as Directors. Tan Sri Haji Abdul Kadir Talib and Haji Mohamed Ariff Taib were appointed as new Directors together with I.T. Johnstone and Syed Yassin Syed Abdul Kadir.

13 Apr il 1993 Mestika Projek (M) Sdn Bhd was appointed as Malaysian Branch Registrars upon the resignation of Malayan Tin Smelting Company Sdn Bhd.

25 Apr il 1994 Th e Company’s wholly owned subsidiary, Common Focus (M) Sdn Bhd, acquired 70% interest in Perhentian Island Resort Sdn Bhd – a company operating a beautiful island resort off the coast of Kuala Besut in Terengganu.

3 Apr il 1998 Computershare Investor Services PLC was appointed as Principal Registrars as a result of an acquisition of the Registrars Division of Th e Royal Bank of Scotland PLC.

25 August 2001 350 acres of Kajang land received the approval for conversion from plantation to mixed development status.

16 Novembe r 2001 Th e Company entered into a conditional Sale & Purchase Agreement (SPA) with the Purchaser, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Island & Peninsular Berhad, for the disposal of a portion of three parcels of freehold land in the Mukim of Semenyih, District of Ulu Langat, Selangor, measuring approximately 405.636 acres.


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7 June 2002 Common Focus (M) Sdn Bhd acquired 100% interest in Perhentian Island Resort Sdn Bhd.

28 June 2004 Bonus Issue of 412,500,000 new ordinary shares of 10p each on the basis of fi fty (50) bonus shares for every one (1) existing ordinary share. Th e Company’s paid-up capital increased to 420,750,000 and authorised share capital increased to 1,000,000,000 shares of 10p each.

30 Decembe r 2004 Concrete Engineering Products Berhad became an associate company when the Company’s shareholding in it increased to 20.02%.

16 May 2005 Revaluation of Kajang and Bangi lands to RM7.02psf and RM5.79psf respectively, making the total new value of both lands to RM258 million.

27 August 2007 600 acres of Bangi land received the approval for conversion to mixed development status.

24 August 2009 Th e Company entered into a Share Sale Agreement to acquire 1,000,000 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each representing 100% equity interest in the issued and paid-up share capital of Innobird (M) Sdn Bhd and its wholly owned subsidiary, Supara Company Limited.

30 Octobe r 2009 Common Focus (M) Sdn Bhd entered into a Share Sale Agreement to acquire 2,431,623 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each representing 100% equity interest in the issued and paid-up share capital of Motel Desa Sdn Bhd, together with 50,000 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each of Motel Desa’s wholly owned subsidiary, Actualpadu Tours Sdn Bhd.


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News Memoir�������

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News Memoir�������

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Inch Kenneth Kajang Rubber Public Limited Company was incorporated in Scotland in 1910. It is listed on Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad, London Stock Exchange plc and Singapore Exchange

Securities Trading Limited.

Being one of the oldest listed rubber companies in the Malaysian market, it has since the 1970’s, converted its rubber plantation into oil palm. Th e plantation area of approximately 950 acres is separated into two estates

– 350 acres in the Kajang Estate in Kajang, and 600 acres in the Dunedin Estate in Bangi.

Th e Company has grown beyond just being an oil palm plantation company. It has gone into the tourism sector with the purchase of a resort in Pulau Perhentian Besar, Terengganu, and a hotel in Kuala Terengganu.

It has also ventured into the construction sector via its associate company, Concrete Engineering Products Berhad, a company listed under the Industrial Sector on Bursa Malaysia. It is currently the only public listed

company producing pre-stressed spun concrete piles and poles.

Recently, the Company has ventured back into the rubber industry with the purchase of a CV Rubber Block manufacturing company, Supara Company Limited, based in Takua Pa, Th ailand.

After unlocking the value of its land bank, the Company will be developing its jewel in the crown, the 350 acres of land in Kajang, into a new property enclave. As most of the surrounding area has been fully

developed, the land has the best development potential and the Company now has the liberty to pick and choose the best products to be placed there.

Th e Company is keen to be reengineered into a premier agro-business group by venturing into green and brown fi eld oil palm and rubber plantation, together with its manufacturing outfi ts, within the region.

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Rubb er�����

Natural rubber was fi rst scientifi cally described in 1735 by C.M. de la Condamine, a member of a French geographic expedition to South America. In 1770 the

English chemist, Joseph Priestley, found that it could be used to rub out pencil marks (thus the term “rubber”). Other applications gradually developed for

waterproof shoes and clothes.

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Rubb er�����

Th e world rubber industry began to develop in the 1800s, with the invention of the masticator and the vulcanisation process. Demand for rubber grew rapidly with

the next invention of the solid and later the pneumatic rubber tyre.

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Rubb er�����

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Rubb er�����


Th e natural rubber industry has a decent start in 1876 when Sir Henry Wickham, the British Administrator in India, collected 70,000 rubber seeds from the Amazonian rainforest in Brazil and sent them to London’s Kew Gardens to be germinated. Later, 22 seedlings were sent to the Singapore Botanic Garden, and subsequently to Malaya.

However, the arrival of the seeds did not create the plantations in Malaya overnight. In 1888, Henry Ridley, as Director of the Singapore Botanic Garden, suggested that the Government should consider large-scale plantings. He traveled round the Malaya to encourage planters to invest on rubber and succeeded in convincing among others, the Kindersley brothers, proprietors of the Inch Kenneth coff ee estate in Kajang to plant fi ve acres of rubber in their estate.

Rubber trees quickly fl ourished in Malaya. Th e “rubber revolution” of the early 20th Century saw virtually all other cash crops being brushed aside to

make way for rubber plantations. In the 1930s, our rubber industry dwarfed that of Brazil’s. Th e demand for natural rubber worldwide, notably for making tyres, gave the industry room to expand and rake in huge profi ts.

In 1980, Malaysia became the largest exporter of natural rubber (Standard Malaysia Rubber - SMR). It is now the fi fth largest consumer of natural rubber after China, USA, India, and Japan. It is also the third largest

producer of natural rubber and the biggest producer of latex glove, catheter and latex thread. Malaysia, as opposed to other countries, has a competitive edge as the rubber processes have undergone a comprehensive

research and development, and incentives off ered by the Government.

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Inch Kenneth estate, founded by R.C.M. Kindersley, was part of the rubber evolution in Malaya. In 1910, it became part of Kajang Rubber Estates Limited now known as Inch Kenneth Kajang Rubber

Public Limited Company.

However, over the years, rubber plantations were replanted with oil palm. Today, Kajang has become one of the most prime towns in the country as it is close to the city of Kuala Lumpur and the nation’s

administrative capital, Putrajaya.

Rubb er�����

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Rubb er�����

We are then determined to fi nd other sources in order to make a come back into the rubber business. On 24 August 2009, the company acquired Supara Company limited, a rubber manufacturer based in

Th ailand. Supara is principally engaged in the manufacturing and exporting CV rubber blocks mainly to Europe, USA, Japan, Singapore and Malaysia.

Supara’s CV rubber block is used for producing high end rubber products such as rubber bearings, mountings, racing and aeroplane tyres and others, which requires high strength rubber material.

With this move, Inch Kenneth will be able to play an active role in the rubber industry and do what it was originally best at.

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Th e history of oil palm tree starts from the western coast of Africa where it marked its origination. It is considered to be of riparian species, those which are

unable to grow in shades but can tolerate fl ooding conditions.

Oil Palm�����

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Oil Palm�����

When the Europeans reached Africa to explore the continent during the 15th century, they discovered oil palm trees and introduced it to the rest of the world.

Its cultivation then spread throughout the world, and in the 19th century, palm oil began to be traded.

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Oil palm trees were introduced to Java by the Dutch in 1848, and to Malaya in 1910 by Scotsman William Middleton Sime, and English banker, Henry Darby.

Th e fi rst commercial planting took place in Tennamaran Estate in Selangor in 1917, laying the foundations for the vast oil palm plantations and the palm oil industry in the country.

Th e cultivation of oil palm increased at a fast pace in early 1960s under the government’s agricultural diversifi cation programme, which was introduced to reduce the country’s economic dependence on rubber and

tin. Th e government then introduced land settlement schemes for planting oil palm as a means to eradicate poverty for landless farmers and smallholders. Now, oil palm plantations in Malaysia are largely based on this


With time, Malaysia developed as a dominant player and is currently one of the largest producers and exporters of palm oil in the world.

Oil Palm�����

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Inch Kenneth has slowly moved to oil palm businesses from rubber in the early 1970s when the Company was substantially owned by Th e Straits Trading Co Ltd. Later, all the land held by Inch Kenneth in Kajang

(350 acres) and Bangi (600 acres) have been planted with oil palm until today.

As both lands are more suited for property development, the Company did not undertake any replanting exercise. Th e Company will be selling the 600 acres land in Bangi to invest in bigger plantation.

Th e sales proceeds will partially be used to expand the Group’s palm oil plantation in Sabah, Sarawak, Indonesia or other ASEAN countries, both green fi eld and brown fi eld, to replace its current plantation in

Kajang and Bangi. Th e Group foresees that the increase in demand for palm oil will continue and would augur well for the Group as a result of strong demand for edible oil as well as the growing usage of

palm oil in biodiesel.

Oil Palm�����

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Perhentian Island Resort is situated 20km off the coast of Terengganu and can be reached by a short boat ride from Kuala Besut. Known as Pulau Perhentian Besar

to the locals, the island is surrounded by lush greenery, white sandy beaches and warm blue sea, making it an ideal destination for a family vacation.

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Th e resort, located on approximately 10 hectares of natural rainforest provides a wonderful retreat to nature with a breathtaking sea view.

Th e resort is also well known as a marine paradise and forms a part of the National Marine Park of Malaysia. It is a diver’s heaven with over 23 diving sites of various features, including shipwrecks and large rock formations with swim-

through tunnels.

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Snorkeling off ers a great way to experience the wonderful life that lies just beneath the surface.

Th e resort, started with only four chalets in 1984, currently features 106 units of them comprising of 24 Semi-Suites, 34 Deluxe and 48 Superior units. Th e chalets are of the same

size, the only diff erence is their locations and provided view. All rooms are either overlooking the serene blue sea, the lush green tropical forest, or the swimming pool.

Other facilities include tennis and badminton courts, conference facilities, karaoke room, traditional massage, beach kiosk, spa, souvenir shop, foreign money exchange and

safety deposit boxes.

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Activities at the resort include beach volleyball, scuba diving, snorkeling, canoeing, and watching turtle, baby shark, bird and bat. While touring the island, or jungle trekking,

the guests might see wild magpies, giant fruit bats or the Nicobar pigeon. Th ey might also come across the harmless monitor lizard or even a mouse deer.

By being situated in one of the most idealic location at Pulau Perhentian Besar, and with all the amenities and facilities provided, Perhentian Island Resort is the place to go for

an ideal leisure holiday.

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Th e hotel was acquired by Common Focus (M) Sdn Bhd on 30 October 2009. Th e principal reason for the purchase of Motel Desa is to enhance the Group’s involvement within the tourism sector. After looking at a few hotels, Motel Desa was decided based on its location as we feel that its future potential is tremendous.

Motel Desa Kuala Terengganu in the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia is a unique hilltop hotel at the top of Bukit Pak Apil overlooking South China Sea and the town of Kuala Terengganu. It is on a freehold land of 6

acres with banquet and conference rooms facilities, complete with a lounge restaurant and swimming pool.

Th e hotel is the only one in town that is situated on the hill and landscaped by a beautiful garden. Over the years, the hotel is acknowledged as a popular venue for a garden party, outdoor BBQ, poolside buff et, family day programs, seminar and a host of outdoor activities. Th e nicest feeling about being at Motel Desa is the

calm, serene ambience within lush greenery and soothing sounds of birds chirping all day. Here, the fresh air and the view of Kuala Terengganu town center as well as the sea as it is seen from Motel Desa together with

its natural landscaping add freshness by day and coziness by night.

We believe that Motel Desa will one day be the hotel of choice in Kuala Terengganu, not only for the strategic view of the town, but also of the surrounding forest reserve.


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Prope rty�����


Th e Grand Saga / Kajang By Pass / LEKAS Highway, Kajang Ring Road (SILK) and the Kajang – Semenyih Road pass through the 350 acres of our land in

Kajang. Th ese highways and roads connect the land to Putrajaya, Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, Petaling Jaya, Rawang, Ipoh or Pulau Pinang in the north or Seremban,

Melaka and Johor Baru to the south.

Th e land is located in a matured neighbourhood of residential and commercial properties. Nearby are the Kajang Hill Golf and Country Resort, Saujana Impian

Golf & Country Club and the Sungai Long Golf & Country Club. Th e Billion Shopping Complex is on the opposite side of the land, while Tesco and Giant are

located within a radius of 3 to 5 km of it. Th ese hypermarkets provide for the daily needs of the local population. Further down in the East is Semenyih town which

also forms the local shopping centre in the vicinity.

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Prope rty�����

Over the larger neighbourhood are the suburban residential-cum-commercial areas which include Putrajaya, Cheras, Seri Kembangan and Bangi. Th is land is located

within the Cheras-Kajang-Semenyih growth corridor on the district of Hulu Langat, Selangor.

Th is does not include potential demand or purchasers from the neighbouring Petaling district population. With the superb highways and slipways connecting all destinations from down south in Seremban right up to Kuala Lumpur, it will project a strong concept to the purchasing public of residential and commercial

properties as well as property players to come and invest in this part of Selangor.

Th e recently launched institution of higher learning near Semenyih town is Th e University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus. Th is new development bodes well

for this locality as there will be foreigners coming to this area for housing and educational needs and it will defi nitely put this locality on the map.

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Th e Bangi land is strategically located along Batu 3 Jalan Bangi Lama (Semenyih-Bangi road).

It is easily accessible from Kajang Town and other developed areas on the north as well as from Seremban via the LEKAS highway. Th e interchange goes into Jalan

Bangi Lama for a distance of about 1.5 kilometres onto which the subject property fronts. It is also accessible from the PLUS Highway through Bandar Putra /

Mahkota interchange and from Bandar Baru Bangi through the GMI Institute and the newly launched Alam Sari township.

Prope rty�����

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Prope rty�����

Th is land is generally undulating in nature with exception of much of the front portion in its eastern portion along Jalan Bangi which is relatively fl at in terrain.

It is located within the Cheras/Kajang-Semenyih Corridor, where it is now an active development corridor with several upcoming, existing and in-the-pipeline

residential, commercial and educational schemes.

Th is new corridor is situated within an area undergoing rapid development with the added advantage of convenient access to the various highways and connecting roads. It is therefore not surprising to conclude that this corridor is going to be a

potential landed residential growth centre.

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Green Field •

Brown Field•

Oil Palm Mill•

Oil Palm Research


Green Field•

Brown Field•

Latex Concentrate•

CV Rubber Block


8 acres property project•

350 acres township development


Upgrade Perhentian Island Resort•

Upgrade Motel Desa•

Acquisition of new properties


A new business segment that will further enhance the Group



Fore sight�����

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Fore sight�����

Our VisionTo be the growth factor for the area and community

where our businesses are located

To be among the best in each of the business sector we endeavor

Our Miss ionSeize opportunities without compromising risk and reward

Ensure all assets, tangible and intangible, always remain in valueand generate income

Expand by reinvesting the profi ts of the Group

Provide stable dividends to the shareholders


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Behind th e Scene�������


Details as provided by United Kingdom Registrar, Computershare Investor Services PLC.

Name Member since

1. Alice McBrearty 12 Jan 1983 2. Barclay Projects Limited 12 Jan 1983 3. Datastream International Limited 12 Jan 1983 4. George MacDonald Anderson 12 Jan 1983 5. Madeleine Louise Emelie 12 Jan 1983 6. Margaret Frances Levy 12 Jan 1983 7. MGraham MacDonald Anderson 12 Jan 1983 8. Moorgate Nominees Limited 12 Jan 1983 9. Susanne Kimber 12 Jan 1983 10. Sydney Levy & Co 12 Jan 1983

Our Loyal Shareholders Th e company wishes to extend its gratitude to the following shareholders who have been members of the Company for the longest period

basing on the Company’s Register as at 30 April 2010:


Details as stated in the Shareholders Transfer Journal provided by the previous Registrar, Malayan Tin Smelting Company Sdn Bhd.

Name Member since

1. Tan Ah Heng @ Setan Taichawee 21 May 1979 2. Charanpal Singh a/l Amar Singh 28 Jan 1980 3. Gan Fook Ling @ Gan Ah Kow 28 Jan 1980 4. Lau Soon Yeun 11 Feb 1980 5. Loh Suit Tsing @ Loh Chwee Ngan 10 Aug 1981 6. Ong Ie Keat 12 Jan 1983 7. Tan Saw San @ Tan So San 31 Oct 1983 8. Goh Swee Hock 15 Nov 1983 9. Sarojini a/p Magasu 30 Apr 1984 10. Wong Siew Lan 4 Jun 1984


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Behind th e Scene�������

David Harris Henry M.Cadell

Arthur G. Th orntonWilliam Greenhill

Ronald Charles M. KindersleyJames Crichton MathisonTh omas Francis Drysdale

Oliver Harwood MathisonHarold Graham GrieveIan Temple Johnstone

Hugh.Patrick McMasterJ.K. Money

Trevor Malcolm Walker

Former Directors

Pre sent Directors Dato’ Adnan bin Maaruf (Executive Chairman)

Datuk Kamaruddin bin AwangDato’ Haji Muda bin Mohamed

Tan Sri Dato’ Bentara Istana Nik Hashim bin Nik Ab. RahmanDr. Radzuan bin A. Rahman

Tengku Mohamed Fauzi bin Tengku Abdul HamidAlan Maitland Dewar McWilliam

Charles Hooley FellC.W. Tresise

R.H.M. LindesayG.C. McCullochG.A.B GalbraithTan Khiam Aik

Dr Ng Wing KongSyed Yassin bin Syed Abdul Kadir

Tan Sri Dato (Dr) Hj Abdul Kadir bin Taib Haji Mohd Ariff bin Taib

Dato’ Kamarudin bin Jaff ar Abdul Khudus bin Mohd. Naaim

Ahmad Zakie bin Haji Ahmad Shariff


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App reciation�����

In the presentation of this book, materials have been obtained from many resources by all parties involved. Due appreciation has to be given to the committee members for their enthusiasm in making this book a reality.

Gratitude also goes to the government agencies, local authorities, business associates, business partners and bankers for their assistance, guidance and cooperation; to the directors, management and staff for their commitment,

dedication, loyalty and valuable contributions and last but not least to our valued shareholders for their perseverance and confi dence.

Th e faith and continuous support to the Group over the years has made it what it is today and what it will become in the near future.


Th e information contained in this book is intended to provide a general overview of Inch Kenneth Kajang Rubber Public Limited Company.While every endeavour has been made to ensure accuracy, the Company shall not be responsible for any loss arising from any errors, omissions, and for any reason whatsoever caused by the publication of this book.

Page 43: 100YB Cover FA - · 2012. 10. 15. · First Directors Statutory Meeting was held at the Companys r’ egistered offi
Page 44: 100YB Cover FA - · 2012. 10. 15. · First Directors Statutory Meeting was held at the Companys r’ egistered offi


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