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10 Tips to Help You Get Fit for Your Grand Canyon HikeIncorporate these healthy strategies & tips into your Daily Lifestyle

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Although you may not see results right away, by being consistent in diet and exercise, you’ll be taking steps to become more fit and healthy, hopefully the end result being a successful Grand Canyon hike.

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Food Tips

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1. On average, we eat three or more times a day, so it’s very important to be feeding your body healthy whole foods rather than the processed and convenient fast food and junk food.

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2. Prepare food in advance at the start of the week, this will help to create a sound strategy to curb binge eating, as well as impulse snacking!

It’s easier to have vegetables or fruit washed and ready to eat.

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3. You may find that eating 5 smaller balanced meals a day spaced out at 3 hour intervals will actually keep you from overeating or cheating with a high-calorie dessert or indulgence. It also keeps your metabolism up so it continues to burn calories throughout the day, which helps you keep fit.

Just make sure you pair a healthy, lean protein with some vegetables or complex carbohydrates, like whole grains.

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Exercise Tips

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Exercise Tips

4. Be consistent! The only way you’ll see results it to keep going.

Pick some activities that you enjoy but feel challenged in – it shouldn’t feel boring. When you’re involved, you’re more likely to really put your best effort into each dance move, lap, or rep.

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5. Your body will get used to the same old moves, so change up the pace or the routine. Join a class, use a personal trainer, or even follow some exercise videos on YouTube.

Add an element of interval or circuit training to your routine (high intensity for short spurts, with period of slower resting paces)

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6. Create accountability. Have a workout buddy or someone or thing (even an app) that you can check-in with. Mentally, this can provide motivation when you’re tired or lacking the desire to follow through.

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Rest Tips

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7. Get 7-9 hours of sleep each night. It’s fine if you pull an all-nighter once in a while, but constantly depriving your body of sleep and rest can make you gain weight due to the release of cortisol, the stress hormone.

Sleep and rest are essential to your health and to becoming fit

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8. Make sure that before you sleep, you stretch and have time to unwind. That means also unplugging from your electronics. It helps to mentally start to relax from the day and get ready for bed.

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9. Keep a glass of water with ice by your bed. As soon as you wake up, you can start your day feeling hydrated and wake up your system!

Your body is made up of a majority of water – you need to be adequately hydrated to function properly and optimally (skin, digestion, cardiovascular).

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10. Make sure you reward your efforts and create small and big milestones with attainable goals. Be in it for the long run, because health and fitness is a worthy lifelong goal.

Not only will your body thank you, your wallet (due to lower health insurance premiums) will too!

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