Download - 10 Things we Learned from the DaWanda Responsive Relaunch

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10 Things we Learned from the DaWanda Responsive Relaunch

Luca Ongaro, Lead Frontend Engineer @ DaWanda

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1. Media Queries Aren’t Easy

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• Choose a strategy (mobile first?) and be consistent

• Leverage a preprocessor like SCSS: variables for breakpoints, mixins for queries

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2. Touch Event API from Hell

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• If you need to react on both click and tap, use an active element (<a> or <button>) and only bind click

• If you bind tap, never ever move/hide the target

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3. IE, old B@$#^&d...

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• IE8: no support for media queries

• IE9: max 4095 CSS rules per file

• IE10: nasty bug with pseudo-elements, text-

size/line-height and relative units

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4. JavaScript Memory Leaks

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• DOM manipulation: don’t mix jQuery with vanilla JavaScript

• Unbind your event handlers!

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5. Think About the Future!

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• Make documentation and styleguide easy to write, maintain and access

• Write tests, and keep them fast!

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6. Have A Standard Place for Everything

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7. Most Magic is Black Magic

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8. Make State Explicit

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9. Small Steps can Go on a Long Way

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10. Don’t Sweep Things Under the Carpet

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Thank You!@lucaongaro

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PS: We’re Hiring......and it’s a lot of fun at DaWanda!