Download - 10 Steps to an Amazing Brand by David Brier


10 Steps to an Amazing Brand


After someone emailed me asking how to jumpstart their brand,

I quickly typed up these 10 points and pressed


I’ve used these points to help clients earn millions

of dollars.

Here they are for your use.


1. Pick one thing you do well.


2. Isolate WHO you can help with that product or service, people who are passionate about what you’ll offer.


3. Do it better than anyone else.


4. Craft your story so your story’s better than anyone else’s.


5. Never let complacency be your master.

Instead be the master of any complacency.


6. Stay hungry (and innocent enough) to notice initiative wherever it shows up and utilize it.


7. Achieve milestones of greatness using how much you helped others as your benchmark.


8. Help others better and more effectively than others already do.


9. Always be on yourguard to terminate stagnancy wherever you go.


10. Once you’ve done something amazing, use that new standard as your “new normal” and raise the bar from there.


The beginning…


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