Download - 10 Reasons Software Teams Should Embrace ChatOps



ChatOpsThe term for the hyper-collborative way of

running DevOps, including operating aspects of systems and infrastructure, through online chat.

REASON 1Increased collaborationbetween teams

ChatOps really is for all teams - whether dispersed or not, and can make a massive improvement in

communication for your organization.

REASON 2Your entire team isgiven full visibility

ChatOps enables teams to have full transparency on tasks, issues and progress, whilst also promoting an

open company culture that values every team member’s opinion.

REASON 3Using bots to dosimple tasks


No matter how many processes you put in place, human error will always be a factor. Using deterministic scripts via a centralized

command interface reduces this risk greatly.

REASON 4Saving you from information overload

Collaborating in real time using smart notifications from automated bots to transfer information, means

alerts can be managed through one central place.

REASON 5A better issue management process

If you are using an error monitoring software within your software application, issues can be raised to your

entire team automatically - as they happen.

REASON 6Task automation

When using DevOps tools that integrate with your existing team chat provider, you’ll wonder how you ever went without the smart automation and time

savings they can offer.

REASON 7Knowledge sharing

Team members can discuss complex tasks and share links or resources more easily over team chat

than in any face to face meeting.

REASON 8Searchable history

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Chat applications offer in-depth searchable histories. This allows team members to look back upon messages, files and resources shared in the

team’s chat application

REASON 9Integrations

Many DevOps Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) products now integrate with ChatOps services via plugins and

integrations. These integrations help bring all notifications and alerts into a consistent place.

REASON 10A better workflow

Things such as build status, deployment status, commits and merges in source control can all be given

visibility to everyone on your team instantly.

Want to learn more?This ebook will give you actionable examples of how to use your ChatOps software to craft a better issue management process

Download the ebook
