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10 Mistakes That Will Cost Your

Next Job

Let’s face it. You are going to

quit your job some day or the other.

There are several reasons why you

might start to think about changing

your career.

Reason #1 Too Bored

Reason #2 Too Unhappy

Reason # 3 Skills mismatch

Reason #4 Better career advancement opportunity

Reason #5 You just don’t love your job!

Here are a few common mistakes you should avoid to have a smooth

career transition.


#PlanWell If you don’t plan, you are planning to fail. It is also important that you sort out a knowledge transfer plan. Handover well and your professional reputation is saved.

#ShowMeTheMoney If you are quitting your current job to pursue

some other career that you love, good for you.

If it is for the money, think twice.

Money cannot always buy you happiness.

#TakingRevenge Never try to take revenge. Taking away office data or things or causing damage to office assets is not going to do you any good. Be wise!

#BeingHistrionic Learn to curb your emotions. Remember, after you leave, you should be able to leave your legacy.

#LookFurtherAndWide Proper research, wide network and be

open to gain new opportunities will help you enjoy a very successful career


#AreYouSeeingYourself? One of the crucial components to attain success in your career transition is self-assessing your interests, talents and values. Don’t just look ahead but look within.

#Criticizing An exit interview is a time to express your agony. What you think as constructive criticism can affect your colleagues and also leave an impression of you as someone who did not come out with it during your job there.

#BelittlingYourEmployer Control yourself from spreading negativity. You never know how your message will be transpired.

#Respect Never discuss it with your team members or colleagues before having a word with your Manager. This is a simple act that will display your respect to him or her.

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