Download - 10 Great Reasons for Lifting Weights


Fitness Strength Training


10 Reasons Women Should Lift WeightsJuly 2, 2014



Many women believe that the only way to lose weight is to do cardiovascular(aerobic exercise). So they jog or take aerobics classes five times a week.


strength training,weight lifting, women

Eventually, though, they notice that while their bodies are a little smaller,there are still a lot of flabby and jiggly bits. Sound familiar? Aerobic exerciseis important for good health, but it’s only half of the equation. Keep readingfor the other half.

For optimal fitness, longevity, and a lean body, weight training is essential. Ifyou avoid pumping iron because you’re afraid of getting “bulky,” then you’remissing out on one of the best fat-burning methods around.

When you’re weight training, you shouldn’t rely exclusively on the scale togauge your progress. You can use a body fat tester or a tape measure totrack how many inches you’re losing. The size of your body will shrink as youshed fat and build muscle, but your weight may not change as dramatically asyou expect. Besides, what’s more important, the number on the scale or howyou look in your skinny jeans?

If you’re still not convinced that you need to lift weights, here are 10 reasonsyou should reconsider.

1. Burn more fat. Researchers at Tufts University found that whenoverweight women lifted heavy weights twice a week, they lost an average of14.6 pounds of fat and gained 1.4 pounds of muscle. The control group,women who dieted but didn’t lift weights, lost only 9.2 pounds of fat andgained no muscle. When you do an intense weight-training program such asChaLEAN Extreme, your metabolism stays elevated and you continue to burnfat for several hours afterward. During regular cardio exercise, you stopburning fat shortly after the workout.

2. Change your body shape. You may think your genes determine how youlook. That’s not necessarily true. Weight training can slim you down, createnew curves, and help avoid the “middle-age spread.” Just look at the amazingbody transformations of the women who’ve completed percent of your body fat could translate into a total loss of 3 inches off yourhips and thighs. And no, you won’t bulk up—women don’t have enoughmuscle-building hormones to gain a lot of mass like men do. If you keep yourdiet clean and create a calorie deficit, you’ll burn fat.

3. Boost your metabolism. The less muscle you have, the slower your


metabolism will be. As women age, they lose muscle at increasing rates,especially after the age of 40. When you diet without doing resistancetraining, up to 25 percent of the weight loss may be muscle loss. Weighttraining while dieting can help you preserve and even rebuild muscle fibers.The more lean mass you have, the higher your metabolism will be and themore calories you’ll burn all day long.

4. Get stronger and more confident. Lifting weights increases functionalfitness, which makes everyday tasks such as carrying children, lifting grocerybags, and picking up heavy suitcases much easier. According to the MayoClinic, regular weight training can make you 50 percent stronger in 6 months.Being strong is also empowering. Not only does it improve your physicalactivities, it builds emotional strength by boosting self-esteem andconfidence.

5. Build strong bones. It’s been well documented that women need to doweight-bearing exercise to build and maintain bone mass, and to preventosteoporosis. Just as muscles get stronger and bigger with use, so do boneswhen they’re made to bear weight. Stronger bones and increased musclemass also lead to better flexibility and balance, which is especially importantfor women as they age.

6. Fight depression. You’ve probably heard that cardio and low-impactexercises such as yoga help alleviate depression, and weight lifting has thesame effect. The endorphins that are released during aerobic activities arealso present during resistance training. Many women find that regularstrength training, in conjunction with psychological treatment, helps lessentheir depression symptoms substantially.

7. Improve sports fitness. You don’t have to be an athlete to get thesports benefit of weight training. Improved muscle mass and strength willhelp you in all physical activities, whether it’s bicycling with the family,swimming, golfing, or skiing…whatever sport you enjoy.

8. Reduce injuries and arthritis. Weight lifting improves joint stability andbuilds stronger ligaments and tendons. Training safely and with proper formcan help decrease the likelihood of injuries in your daily life. It can also


improve physical function in people with arthritis. A study conducted at theUniversity of Wales in Bangor, United Kingdom, found that mildly disabledparticipants who lifted weights for 12 weeks increased the frequency andintensity at which they could work, with less pain and increased range ofmovement.

9. Get heart healthy. More than 480,000 women die from cardiovasculardisease each year, making it the number-one killer of women over the age of25. Most people don’t realize that pumping iron can also keep your heartpumping. Lifting weights increases your “good” (HDL) cholesterol anddecreases your “bad” (LDL) cholesterol. It also lowers your blood pressure.The Journal of the American Medical Association reports that people who do30 minutes of weight lifting each week have a 23 percent reduced risk ofdeveloping heart disease compared to those who don’t lift weights.

10. Defend against diabetes. In addition to keeping your ticker strong,weight training can improve glucose utilization (the way your body processessugar) by as much as 23 percent. According to the Centers for DiseaseControl and Prevention, 16 weeks of strength training can improve glucosemetabolism in a way that is comparable to taking diabetes medication. Themore lean mass you have, the more efficient your body is at removingglucose from the blood, which can reduce complications from diabetes oreven help prevent type 2 diabetes in the first place.

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Tina • a month agoI am having the hardest time losing my belly fat and love handles and i am not overweightand eat pretty healthy I weigh 150 and i am 5'61/2. What am I doing wrong? right? I am currently doing the Piyo workout and circuit training.

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Trevor Thieme • a month agoMod > TinaIt's tough to tell what you're doing wrong without more info about what you're doing.How many calories are you consuming per day? What do you consider eating healthy?How many times a week are you working out, and what is the PiYo/circuit training split?How intense is the circuit training? Also, how much water are you drinking per day, andhow much sleep are you getting? And are you remaining active outside of yourworkouts (e.g. walking, cycling, etc.)?

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Angie Dawson Herig • a month agoAs a beachbody coach that's 41 I can attest to the goodness of lifting as a woman.#lovemylife

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Trevor Thieme • a month agoMod > Angie Dawson HerigAmen. The list of strength training benefits for women is just as long as it is for men.Unless you're injured or have a medical condition that prevents you from doing it,strength training is one of the healthiest forms of exercise you can do regardless ofyour gender.

Michele York • 4 months agowhich program are you asking about? I take thyroid meds for hypothyroidism. I'm 45 yrs old.

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which program are you asking about? I take thyroid meds for hypothyroidism. I'm 45 yrs old.I've used many of the programs that have really been helpful. If you'd like some more help,please feel free to message me, if I could help you, I'd love to. Michele York

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D • 2 months ago> Michele York Does the shakeology help with the hypothyroidism? Are you off you meds 1

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Trevor Thieme • a month agoMod > DHypothyroidism is something that should be discussed with your doctor.Shakeology is not intended to alleviate or treat any medical condition. It's simplya great way to start eating more healthfully.

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Amy Laura Ingersoll • 4 months agoI'm 43 years old, and mother of 5. The past year my metabolism really took a nose dive. Ihave been doing 21 Day Fix Workouts several days a week. I have increased my weights (Iuse between 8lbs to 15lbs) and have suddenly seen a huge difference in my metabolism andmuscle tone. I am not one of those women spending 3 hrs a day at the gym, 6 days a week.My priorities are very different. However, with just a little faithful effort (30 min. a day, 4 daysa week) I have seen amazing results. Contrary to bulking up, my increase in weights hasactually made me leaner. My thighs and upper arms in particular have slimmed downdramatically even though my weight has remained the same.

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marie_50 • 4 months agoIs anyone in this program taking thyroid medicine for low thyroid ?If so is this programworking for you to lose weight

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Tiffany Adams • 4 months agoI love this! I am looking forward to my transformation!

Shameka Dunbar • 5 months ago

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Thank you for sharing. I lost 25lbs over the last 6 months. Most of my body measurementshave decreased, but not my arms. I lift a lot of heavy equipment at work, but my arms arestill bulky. Any suggestions?

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TrainedTo • 5 months agoGreat points all around! Here's an animated infographic we made on the same topic if you'remore visual:

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Aly Christine • 5 months agoI love this a lot. A lot of my friends freak out because they think lifting weights is going tomake them look like a man, but it wont and it helps a lot.

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Trevor Thieme • a month agoMod > Aly ChristineThank you for brining that up. It's one of the greatest myths about weightlifting. Theamount of muscle you can put on is dictated by your genes, and the only way forwomen to build "man muscle" (i.e. pack on serious size) is to take steroids. Indeed, theonly downside to weightlifting for women is that you'll have to restock your wardrobewith smaller sizes.

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Zedavid Arevalen • 7 months agoWhats the best workout for woman's beginners to lift weights

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Marisa Britton • 7 months ago> Zedavid Arevalenyour welcome to message me I'm a beachbody coach and I would love to give you allthe info possible, just easier over messaging. thank you hope to chat soon,marisa

Zedavid Arevalen • 7 months ago> Marisa BrittonHi Marisa well I'm not happy with the way I look I always wanted to lift weight butdon't know how to start or what exactly to do

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don't know how to start or what exactly to do

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Marisa Britton • 7 months ago> Zedavid ArevalenAre you currently using a workout program that you like?

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Zedavid Arevalen • 7 months ago> Marisa BrittonNot really I have a few weights at home but that's all

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Tammy Efird • 7 months ago

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I am so excited to get back to working out! A little over 5 years ago, I did the ChaLeanExtreme with my daughter. The results were amazing. I was 45 years old and didn't think Icould lose weight and inches like I did. I followed all her eating tips and exercised regularly. have been on disability since 2013 for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. to find a regimen that I could do without causing flair ups of the syndromes. thing is that I actually started feeling so much better. Then I had a grandson born with HLHS.(Half of a heart.) That changed my lifestyle and I turned to not eating do to nerves. open heart surgeries, 7 or more strokes and lots of rehab and me at the hospital the entirestays, he is doing amazing for his conditions. Now it's time to get back to getting myselfhealthy. After gaining over 100 lbs, I am miserable. My daughter recommended me to buythe PIYO! I am so excited to get started. My doctor said stress and the lack of eating probablyput the weight back on. I had kept it off before for more than a year. keeping it off for a lifetime and living a healthy life. I love that they have the blogs to help oneanother and encourage. I know it is possible, I have already did it once. how to do it even if a crisis occurs. Nice to meet you all!

Marisa Britton • 7 months ago> Tammy EfirdIt Sounds like your daughter is a great motivator and support system congrats togetting back to it and for not letting hard times be an excuse!!

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Keli Wakeley • 7 months agoStarted with PIYO to gain more strength and flexibility, moved on to the 21 day fix. Thestrength and muscle I have gained at 50 in such a short time is amazing, really helps me withmy work as a horse trainer loving the workout with the weights.

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Marisa Britton • 7 months ago> Keli Wakeleyyour doing amazing. keep going . if you don't already have a coach your activelyworking with please contact me if your interested

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Dottie • 8 months agoI just started tai Cheng and he mention using weighted gloves. As I practice and get better,would wearing things like that create a similar effect to resistance training? I know I need tolift, but I also know that I have to take things slow, otherwise I get burnt out and end upwriting, or hurting myself.

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Samantha Braun • 6 months ago> DottieThere are some strengthening components to Tai Cheng, holding the plank and walkingback and forth on hands "ninja ing ;)" is building resistance and bone density... Thereshould be some bands in there too for a gentle but constant resistance to your musclesas they grow... but go slow if you need to on another program once your core and basemobility is there after Tai Cheng, and you'll be amazed at how strong you really arewith the foundation in place <3

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Marisa Britton • 7 months ago> DottieI use weighted gloves a lot with my cardio workouts once they start getting easier andaren't challenging me as much

Jennifer Boris Clark • 8 months agoJust about finished ChaLean Extreme. Love it!! As the article states, success isn't measuredon the scale. I'm actually up a few pounds (mentally a little discouraging), but my clothes are

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on the scale. I'm actually up a few pounds (mentally a little discouraging), but my clothes arefitting differently! Debating whether to go a second round with this or move to P90X.Advice??

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Jessica Lillard • 8 months ago> Jennifer Boris ClarkHi Jennifer :) I'm of the opinion that mixing it up is always good for our muscles. If you have a coach, they can help you decide what might be right for you - if not, letme know - I'd be happy to help

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Carolanne Miljavac • a year agoI am LOVING Body Beast! On Day 4 after two years of coaching I finally committed to it. Meand three friends are in a group together and we are all in love with it! Weights have myheart I think. Can NOT wait to see where we are on day 90! ��

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Katrina Hart • 6 months ago> Carolanne MiljavacIf I'm doing the lean program for Body Beast, should I use a lighter weight and morereps?

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Lorea • 9 months ago> Carolanne MiljavacDo you need a lot of weights and equipment? Do i need a lot of space?

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Coach Aceves • 9 months ago> LoreaLorea, you can start off with a few weights and you don't need a lot of space. Istarted with 10,15, and 20s, plus a stability ball in my garage or living room.

Michelle Audy • 6 months ago> Coach AcevesLOL so glad I read the comments below here! I have been working ongetting my body back to a healthier setting. I have been doing PiYo andtried some of the 21 Day Fix workouts, but I have had a hard time stickingto the workouts. My fiancé and I are sugar makers in Vermont and I alwaysenjoy it when we are hauling out cut trees. Thinking back to my time in the

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enjoy it when we are hauling out cut trees. Thinking back to my time in thewoods just made it click for me: I MISS STRENGTH TRAINING! So I justbought Body Beast today and was looking to see what others wouldsuggest for weights. So glad i read the comments! now i know i need toget some heftier weights today :)

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Shelly Justice • 6 months ago> Michelle AudyBody Beast!! Awesome GiRL! My husband is doing that one now. I'mthinking about doing it next maybe... Did you start it yet?

Sku11y • a year agoI myself am on disability, and have been for 10 years. I don't think there is a single part of methat works properly(meaning I'm in poor health). I am 39 years old and feel decrepid due tofybromialgia, 2 herniated discs, and authritis. I plan to start Body Beast or ordering it on thefirst. lifted weights when I was younger but quit when I got pregnant, I know it will help aslong as I am careful at the start. I have my boyfriend willing to do this with me and help, sothat is more motivation. I'm just really concerned about my lower back with the discs, lookingat sugery soon. I know at my weights of 209 will be difficult on recovery so I need to lose asmuch as possible and I need to strengthen and tone pretty much everything. I am a littleintimidated but there is a wedding dress in my future to get into as well. so again motivation.

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Fawn • 10 months ago> Sku11yHave you started body beast? Do you like it? If you want an accountability partner letme know. I struggled with thyroid issues and weight trying has been the most effectivefor me in loosing weight.

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Sku11y • 10 months ago> FawnI just yesterday started a new job at Taco Bell so I'm hoping that this too willhelp in losing weight. And yes I would love the additional help and support Tyvery much.

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Karen • 9 months ago> Sku11yYou got it...Let us know how we can help or give support.

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Lauren Williams Walsh • a year ago> Sku11yDo you need help getting started? Friend request me, I would love to help keep youmotivated:)

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Marie 937 • a year agoWow didn't know all that. I've been with beach body for a month and feel great using theweights while I'm working out doing the 21 day fix extreme challenge.

Brooklyn Wolf • a year agoPiYo is where it is at. You get strength training by using your own body weight and it picks upthe pace so you get cardio too. And plus the stretch n flexibility make everything easier too. I

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the pace so you get cardio too. And plus the stretch n flexibility make everything easier too. I� PiYo

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nancy gerba • 10 months ago> Brooklyn WolfI just got my Piyo Challenge pack. Cannot wait to start it! Still need to lose at least 75more pounds (alot of it in the stomach). So, hoping it works out well!!

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Viktoriya Spencer • a year ago> Brooklyn WolfI love Body Beast, Planning to stay with it for the rest of my life. I am on week 7 of 2ndround, and it is fun! I like the way my body looks and feels (sometimes way too hot)! Irecommned everybody to do and challenge themselves with Body Beast. I wish BodyBeast set was with all the equipment that is needed for workouts. Is there live BodyBeast classes person can join, get certified and teach? Please let me know. I amViktoriya14 4

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Makeda Keegan • a year ago> Viktoriya SpencerDo you follow the nutrition plan and take the supplements as well, or did you doyour own thing on that front?

Andy B • a year ago> Viktoriya SpencerMy wife loves Body Beast as well (and so do I!). I've been doing a lot of readingon the benefits of resistance training over the last 6-8 months or so, and twothings have become abundantly clear: 1) Lifting weights can benefit pretty mucheveryone, and 2) Not nearly enough people understand this. I don't think thereare any classes available (yet?) to get certified and teach Body Beast, but I'vehad luck inviting buddies to work out with me to expose them to the program.Once you're familiar enough with the routines, you can even do this at a gymwithout the benefit of watching the video. And, of course, you can connect withyour fellow Beasters online to share tips. :)

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Gina J • a year agoI started Brazil Butt Lift two weeks ago. I had such a energy problem. I left the sixth day out torecuperate. Also, my lower back is bothering me. I have scar tissue on my tail bone. I wantedto lift my butt. I am 48 and i am not overweight. I want weight resistance for stronger musclesand bones. Screw getting old! I am not sure if Brazil Butt Lift is what I needed. I am seeing adifference. I hate my butt but love weight training. Not sure what to do.

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Maggie Faleschini Mockbee • a year ago> Gina JWhat are your goals? Do you have a coach you're working with?

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Frazzled Mom Fitness • a year ago> Gina JTry Body Beast or ChaLEAN Extreme. I'm doing Body Beast right now and the BuildLegs and Bulk Legs workouts really get the glutes with slow, controlled moves andheavy weights. I'm 45, BTW, and I've embraced weight training more than ever. 2

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nancy gerba • 10 months ago> Frazzled Mom FitnessWhat is the ChaLEAN Extreme? I have only done 21 DF and getting ready to startPiyo.

Debbie Cash Murray • a year ago> Frazzled Mom FitnessI'm 51 and have embraced weight training more than ever! I'm doing ChaleneExtreme and I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! My legs are like rocks! I've been with BeachBody for a little over a year and I'm in better shape, look better and feel betterthan I have in 25 years! Go 51 -- I mean 35!!!

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than I have in 25 years! Go 51 -- I mean 35!!!

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