Download - 10 dos and don'ts for successful web chat engagement

Page 1: 10 dos and don'ts for successful web chat engagement

© Echo Managed Services Ltd 2014© Echo Managed Services Ltd 2015

dos and don’ts for successfulweb chat engagement.


Page 2: 10 dos and don'ts for successful web chat engagement

© Echo Managed Services Ltd 2014© Echo Managed Services Ltd 2015

1 Personalise the experience

“While scripted responses are an important part of a web chat strategy, it’s important that chat agents don’t appear to the customer as robotic, static and fake.

Before using a pre-scripted response, the agent needs to consider if it really conveys a genuine interest in the customer’s needs.

An initial acknowledgment could be scripted, then the experience quickly personalised there after.”

Each customer is unique; therefore ensure they feel it.

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2 Don’t be afraid to switch channel

“Chat is best used for specific, short and punchy conversations. It is important for an agent to stop and consider whether they should enter into a chat for the specific enquiry.

Identify early on if the query is too complex, and whether an alternative channel may be more beneficial for the customer, and then give them that option”

Skilled, trained agents must match requirements with best channel.

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3 Listen and be empathetic

“A key skill for web chat agents is to be able to bring automated and scripted responses to life, adding personality and making customers feel their specific needs are being met.

Often it’s the most simple and personal elements that are the most valuable”

I’m sorry to hear that

It’s really great to hear that

Small phrases can really help the written word to connect with the customer.

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4 Does the customer understand the next steps?

“Signposting is critical for web chat interactions, agents should make sure that customers have everything they need to progress their interaction further should they need to, empowering the tools needed to continue their journey.

Remember, the focus should never be on chat handling time, but on ensuring the customer has the information they need or because the agent has recognised the need to switch channel”

What’s important is that chat ends when the customer is satisfied.

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5 Ensure agents have appropriate writing skills

“Phone training and tone of voice is an essential requirement for contact centre agents, and the same focus on channel-specific skills must apply for chat agents.

An awareness of the importance of the written word, what is being said and how it comes across is vital”

Be aware that customers will put their own interpretation on what is written.

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6 Don’t forget to focus

“Given the facility to handle multiple web chats in parallel, it’s all too easy for agents to over multi-task, particularly as customers aren’t so obviously present as they are during a voice interaction.

If agents are not focused they may forget what is being discussed and not respond as effectively”

Agents must give each web chat 100% of their attention.

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7 Double check & don’t overlook SPAG!

“Live chat agents should stop, pause and reread before responding.

This helps to ensure the response directly addresses the requirement and doesn’t ask the customer to repeat information they’ve already given. It is also a further chance to customise scripted response and double check the accuracy of the response”

Customers expect a professional response. Spelling, punctuation and grammar must be right….so check, and check again!

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8 Balancing agent & customer needs

“Agents must be able to recognise why customers choose web chat and adjust responses accordingly.

Customers choosing to chat online don’t usually expect a lengthy exchange and agents must therefore keep things specific whilst ensuring they capture the details needed to assist and satisfy the customer”

Direct clear responses back to the customer, resolving queries in an efficient & effective manner.

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9 Get the invitation right

“Think carefully about the chat invitation, particularly if you’re hoping that chat will deflect demand from other channels.

A proactive pop up “how can I help you” message is a bit like marmite – loved or hated and can often be seen as intrusive. It’s likely you’ll need to experiment to find the right formula”

Experiment with invitation wording, design and placement to increase acceptance.

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10 Don’t let process get in the way

“Technology alone can’t deliver effective chat engagements. Don’t let process get in the way of the positive and valuable interactions that occur between people, which is what really delivers the value.

The quality of agent performance is absolutely critical to give customers a high quality interaction which leaves them with the impression that the company they are dealing with really cares.”

Ask your agents to engage with chat as customers to help their understanding of the channel – it will help them to deliver exceptional customer experiences.