Download - 1 WAY TO 2-POINT






1) find a pt that you are attracted to in your mind or with your hand.

2) find another pt that you are attracted to in your mind or with your hand.

3) connect them in your mind's eye with a smiley face.

4)let go of the pts with your mind.

yes, they are different every time. You need not imagine anything.

.....when you let go, put your attention on anything else,

like the feeling of appreciation, love or peace flowing from the heart, the next 2 pt or your shopping list.

this is NOT a mental process or playful witih it.

Young T.

Dear Vas,

Yes, 2 point works. It helped on us and on lot of other people.

I would recommend you to read first the 2 books about Matrix Energetics and take a seminar. Than you will have more understanding about the Method.

When I started I asked help here a lot and I'm so grateful that the guys here supported me. I learnt a lot here.

How 2 point works for me:

First I dropp down to my heart. I don't make any complicated ceremony out of it, just think about something what I like. A cat, or a teddy, or what ever make y feel happy to get to a higher vibration.

One point is my wish and I place this is the middle of my heart.

Than I ask an open question to the universe, where can I find the second point in the universe? Under second point I understand my wish, but in a state where I already got it. Feel it, smell it, see it, hear it. Than I stay there and wait until I see a white light connected between the 2 points or just wait and notice what is going to change inside of me. When I have a feeling, a deep trust that yes, I believe it's going to happen, than I know, Iam finished.

Very often I just 2 point and let go, and trust, it will happen.

I hope it helps you to find yr OWN way.

intomatrix - how I do it

1. first i locate a point that is acne free and oil free

for example like, in the leg

2. then i locate the point which has acne like, my skin on face or a problem or situation you need to change

3. then i connect the two points in space and feel it as one

4. then i allow a change to happen (shift my attention to another location)

or drop into heart space



I received a call this week from a woman who wanted to know if I would be willing to work remotely on her father's chronic head pain. She stated that her father had been taking pain medication for years and she felt drawn to my background in pharmaceuticals to possibly assist him. She stated that, in recent months, the pain had worsened to the extent that activities of daily living were no longer possible. She also stated that her father was not open to alternative healing methods and did not know that she was contacting me for help.

We agreed to connect two days later for a telephone session. I set the intention for change to begin to occur with her father right away.

Upon receiving her call two days later I sensed that something had already begun to shift within her own morphic field in relationship to her father and his pain. Nonetheless, she had spoken with her father earlier that morning and was advised that his pain was persistent.

In noticing what I noticed in the moment, I was drawn to a recurring image of a dog. I asked her if this image was meaningful to her and she confirmed that her dog Jack was comforting her at her feet. I then suggested she touch the dog's left hindleg while she thought of her fathers eyes. (This made no logical sense but it was what showed up in the moment and I trusted that it was useful). A few moments later she became quite emotional with tears followed by a very peaceful state. She then stated that she felt a shift had occurred in her in relationship to her whole family.

For the duration of the session we focused on everything other than her father...the very reason she thought she had called me. Outside of two pointing her dog, her father was not the topic of our session.

That evening I received a joyful ecstatic message from this woman regarding the status of her father following one Matrix session. According to unsolicited feedback from her father, he had experienced his first pain free afternoon in years. He could actually see somewhat clearly, as though a veil of fog had been lifted from his eyes.

In the midst of this exciting news, this woman wanted to know what to do next. What showed up in the moment was to advise her to throw her dog a bone as it was hind leg that did the healing.


Melissa Joy Jonsson

Executive Director and Instructor

Matrix Energetics International

I had to head out this evening in rush hour traffic, and was anxious that I would not find easy parking where I needed to stop.

Instead of my usual method of having a parking spot materialise (set intention, visualise it etc), I dropped down and in my mind's eye cleared the road where I needed to stop of all cars - I literally picked them up and moved them, then swept the space with a huge brush and sent in some frequencies to make it easy to park in.

When I reached the junction within sight of where I needed to park, I had an oh no moment because there was a lot of traffic and a car had pulled up where I needed to turn. Hmmm...

So, I sprinkled some pink energy particles in the same location....

A few minutes later I was able to turn very easily into the street where I needed to be - the car obstructing it had gone, and for around 70-80 yards there was not a single car parked up! I have never ever seen this location with so much space for parking!

On my return journey, as I set off the traffic was nose to tail, not really moving at all. So I dropped down and decided to flick the cars out the way (like flicking a marble) - gently though, so as not to create any havoc. I stopped at some traffic lights and ahead of me could see a very, very long queue of traffic. I decided to blow it out of the way with my breath, like glitter dust........And yes, as I turned at the junction, the traffic in the road ahead was not only moving freely, but there seemed to be hardly any cars!

I love ME play!


I had to head out this evening in rush hour traffic, and was anxious that I would not find easy parking where I needed to stop.

Instead of my usual method of having a parking spot materialise (set intention, visualise it etc), I dropped down and in my mind's eye cleared the road where I needed to stop of all cars - I literally picked them up and moved them, then swept the space with a huge brush and sent in some frequencies to make it easy to park in.

When I reached the junction within sight of where I needed to park, I had an oh no moment because there was a lot of traffic and a car had pulled up where I needed to turn. Hmmm...

So, I sprinkled some pink energy particles in the same location....

A few minutes later I was able to turn very easily into the street where I needed to be - the car obstructing it had gone, and for around 70-80 yards there was not a single car parked up! I have never ever seen this location with so much space for parking!

On my return journey, as I set off the traffic was nose to tail, not really moving at all. So I dropped down and decided to flick the cars out the way (like flicking a marble) - gently though, so as not to create any havoc. I stopped at some traffic lights and ahead of me could see a very, very long queue of traffic. I decided to blow it out of the way with my breath, like glitter dust........And yes, as I turned at the junction, the traffic in the road ahead was not only moving freely, but there seemed to be hardly any cars!

I love ME play!


I was practising ME on my husband who is a very good subject as he accepts like a baby. Well thinks were going fine he was breathing very deeply I was working with him on my massage table he had his face down, and his back was moving like in waves a bit more stuck up in the chest area then I did some ME on his head, well he started doing some very strange things with his body and I thought of what happened to Mark Dunn and I thought he must be having a fit and said are you alright and he did not answer now I was really getting worried and I said turn over now, which he did with great difficulty and he started to laugh and laugh and I said what is happening I was scared and he said he saw this oxgen pouring into his heart and it was so funny well needless to say we both could not stop laughing for a while. I used F 12 on him and was seeing him bathing in a pool of dark oily stuff which was very calming for him.

I then told him that was enough for him and left at that

Gee this is some powerful stuff

And I am only learning this from the package that I bought and I had some help from shabnam she has been so helpfull and kind
