Download - 1 purpose definitions

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Increase the participants knowledge and Increase the participants knowledge and understanding of the interaction between understanding of the interaction between meteorology and hydrology in watersheds:meteorology and hydrology in watersheds:

Increase participants understanding of the Increase participants understanding of the functional aspects of watersheds;functional aspects of watersheds;

Enhance the participants knowledge of Enhance the participants knowledge of the capabilities, limitations, and the capabilities, limitations, and applications of applications of hydrologic/hydrometeorologic forecasting hydrologic/hydrometeorologic forecasting systemssystems

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In the end, it is intended that In the end, it is intended that participants will understand the basics participants will understand the basics of the hydrologic forecast process, the of the hydrologic forecast process, the assumptions in the process, and the assumptions in the process, and the

responsibilities associated with responsibilities associated with interpreting and issuing the forecast.interpreting and issuing the forecast.

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• … an earth science. It encompasses the occurrence, distribution, movement, and properties of the waters of the earth and their environmental relationships." (Viessman, Knapp, Lewis, & Harbaugh, 1977 - Introduction to Hydrology, Harper & Row Publishers, New York)

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History of HydrologyHistory of Hydrology

Early philosophers speculated on the hydrologic Early philosophers speculated on the hydrologic cycle:cycle:

Homer believed that there existed large Homer believed that there existed large subterranean reservoirs that fed the rivers, seas, subterranean reservoirs that fed the rivers, seas, springs, and wells - springs, and wells - was he wrong?was he wrong?

Homer did understand the dependence of flow Homer did understand the dependence of flow in the Greek aqueducts on conveyance and in the Greek aqueducts on conveyance and velocity!velocity!

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History, cont....History, cont....

In the first century B.C., Marcus Vitruvius in the In the first century B.C., Marcus Vitruvius in the treatise De Architectura Libri Decem (the engineers treatise De Architectura Libri Decem (the engineers chief handbook), Vol. 8 chief handbook), Vol. 8 hypothesizedhypothesized that rain and that rain and snow falling in the mountains infiltrated into the earth’s snow falling in the mountains infiltrated into the earth’s surface and appeared in the lowlands as springs and surface and appeared in the lowlands as springs and streams.....streams.....

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Early Success.....Early Success.....

4000 B.C. The Egyptians built a dam on the Nile to 4000 B.C. The Egyptians built a dam on the Nile to allow barren lands to again be used for agricultural allow barren lands to again be used for agricultural purposes.purposes.

1000’s of years later, a canal to carry fresh water from 1000’s of years later, a canal to carry fresh water from Cairo to Suez was built.Cairo to Suez was built.

Towns in Mesopotamia were protected by flooding Towns in Mesopotamia were protected by flooding from high earthen walls.from high earthen walls.

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Early Disputes and RulesEarly Disputes and Rules

The cities of Lagash and Umma of Mesopotamia have The cities of Lagash and Umma of Mesopotamia have documented water disputes.documented water disputes.

The Romans decree:The Romans decree: Ne quis aquam oletato dolo malo ubi publice saliet si quis oletarit Ne quis aquam oletato dolo malo ubi publice saliet si quis oletarit

sestertiorum X mila multa estosestertiorum X mila multa esto It is forbidden to pollute the public water supply; any deliberate offender shall It is forbidden to pollute the public water supply; any deliberate offender shall

be punished by a fine of 10,000 sesterces!be punished by a fine of 10,000 sesterces!

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Qualitative UnderstandingQualitative Understanding

Near end of 15th century, Leonardo da Vinci and Near end of 15th century, Leonardo da Vinci and Bernard Palissy independently reached conclusions on Bernard Palissy independently reached conclusions on the hydrologic cycle - based on a philosophical the hydrologic cycle - based on a philosophical understanding.understanding.

There was still a lack of There was still a lack of quantitativequantitative understanding of understanding of the hydrologic cycle.the hydrologic cycle.

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The 17th CenturyThe 17th Century Perrault, Mariotte, and Halley began quantitative measurements and Perrault, Mariotte, and Halley began quantitative measurements and

applicationsapplications Perrault measured rainfall and runoff over the Seine River drainage basin for Perrault measured rainfall and runoff over the Seine River drainage basin for

~ 3 years - he illustrated that rainfall WAS adequate in quantity to account for ~ 3 years - he illustrated that rainfall WAS adequate in quantity to account for river flowsriver flows

Mariotte gauged the velocity of the flow in the River Seine and estimated Mariotte gauged the velocity of the flow in the River Seine and estimated flows by also estimating river cross sectional areas.flows by also estimating river cross sectional areas.

Halley was an astronomer! He estimated evaporation from the Mediterranean Halley was an astronomer! He estimated evaporation from the Mediterranean Sea and correlated it to river flows into the Med, concluding that river flows Sea and correlated it to river flows into the Med, concluding that river flows were sufficient enough to provide that volume of water.were sufficient enough to provide that volume of water.

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The 18th CenturyThe 18th Century

Bernoulli - famous for hydraulics and fluid mechanics - Bernoulli - famous for hydraulics and fluid mechanics - the piezometer, the pitot tube, and Bernoulli’s theorem.the piezometer, the pitot tube, and Bernoulli’s theorem.

The Chezy formula (channel flow)The Chezy formula (channel flow)

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The 19th CenturyThe 19th Century

Hagen-Poiseuille - capillary flow equation.Hagen-Poiseuille - capillary flow equation. Darcy’s - flow in porous media.Darcy’s - flow in porous media. Duptuit-Thien well formula.Duptuit-Thien well formula. Manning - Open channel flow.Manning - Open channel flow. Systematic stream gaging.Systematic stream gaging. Mostly empirical in nature.Mostly empirical in nature.

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The 20th CenturyThe 20th Century

Government agencies began to develop programs!Government agencies began to develop programs! Rational analysis beginsRational analysis begins Sherman - Unit hydrograph theorySherman - Unit hydrograph theory Horton - infiltration theoryHorton - infiltration theory Snyder - Unit HydrographSnyder - Unit Hydrograph Clark - Unit HydrographClark - Unit Hydrograph etc...........etc...........

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Relatively Speaking….Relatively Speaking….

HydrologyHydrology HydrometeorologyHydrometeorology Forecasting…….Forecasting…….

still relatively young!still relatively young!

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Modern dayModern day

Very computer and data intensiveVery computer and data intensive High tech instrumentsHigh tech instruments Scale issuesScale issues Policy issuesPolicy issues Decision SupportDecision Support Forecasting!Forecasting!

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Reasons to ForecastReasons to Forecast

Drought PredictionsDrought Predictions AgricultureAgriculture FloodingFlooding WarningsWarnings Decision MakingDecision Making

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•… an interdisciplinary science involving the study and analysis of the interrelationships between the atmospheric and land phases of water as it moves through the hydrologic cycle." (Hydrometeorological Service Operations for the 1990's, Office of Hydrology, National Weather Service, NOAA, 1996).

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HydrometeorologyHydrometeorologySimplification of the LinksSimplification of the Links



In-depth hydrologicanalysis

Execution of complexhydrologic models.Adjustment ofmodel parameters, andthe derivation ofhydrologic forecasts forall time scales

Applied hydrologicresearch

Development andcalibration ofhydrologic models

Development ofhydrologic applicationsprocedures.


physics orientation

In-depth meteorologicalanalysis

Weather forecast andwarning operations

Climatological forecasting Applied meteorological

and climatologicalresearch.

Development and calibrationof meteorological models

Development ofmeteorological applicationsand procedures.



Assimilation/use ofradar basedprecip. estimates

Production and/oruse of QPF's andother hydromet.forecasts

Use of guidance(e.g. flash flood) inhydrologic warningoperations

Use of soil moisturestates fromhydrologic model inatmospheric model
