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The Borough of Rochdale - Public Health Transition Plan March 2012 –March 2013

1. Introduction

This transition plan describes the current state of readiness, action required and identified risks associated with the transition of the Rochdale Borough PCT Public Health function and services to the Local Authority, Public Health

England, NHS Commissioning Board and Clinical Commissioning Group. This will be undertaken in line with national policy as it currently stands and as it

emerges. As such this is a dynamic document that is reviewed and amended on a regular basis.

This plan will serve the purpose of providing assurance to Rochdale Borough Council NHS Greater Manchester ( the clustered PCT), Shadow Health and

Wellbeing Board on the Rochdale Borough and relevant Greater Manchester elements of the Public Health Transition. The plan is overseen and managed by the established partnership Rochdale Borough Public Health Transition


The plan has already been signed off by NHS HMR Locality Board for initial submission to the Strategic Health Authority at the end of January 2012. The

assessment was AMBER and the enclosed plan address the previous weaknesses although we are still waiting for further clarity on the functions and resources transferring to Public Health England and the NHS

Commissioning Board

During this transition period the local Public Health team will prioritise agreed organisational objectives and programmes to ensure that they are delivered and will maintain our ability to tackle health inequalities in order to improve

outcomes for local people. The public health function at all levels will continue to

• Protect the Borough’s health from major emergencies, incidents, communicable diseases, threats and ensure an appropriate response

• Engage with partners including communities to identify and tackle the wider determinants of health and well-being

• Support local people to take responsibility to choose and maintain a healthy lifestyle

• Reduce the number of people living with preventable ill health

through prevention, early identification and screening programmes

• Prevent more people from dying prematurely and increase healthy life expectancy

2. The purpose of this transition plan

This transition plan aims to:

• Ensure the maintenance of the effective delivery of the local public health function throughout the transition period.

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• Outline the key transition work streams to ensure the effective transition of public health functions, staff and

budgets to RMBC, Greater Manchester infrastructures, NHS Commissioning Board, Public Health England and the Clinical

Commissioning Group. • Identify and manage all risks and take action to mitigate

risks during and after the transition

• Outline and ensure robust governance arrangements during and after the transition including financial, clinical and

information governance • Outline plans for the development of the Health and

Wellbeing Board including the JSNA and the Strategic Health

and Wellbeing Framework for 2012/13 and 2014/15 • Ensure that the staff, commissioning and programme

budgets are affordable within the PHE allocation and are transferred within timescales to receiver organisations

• Describe and agree the PH offer from the Local Authority to

the Clinical Commissioning Group. • Develop and implement an integration model for the DPH and

Public Health Team within the Council • Agree the vision for public health and the leadership role of

RMBC. • Prepare RMBC for mandated service commissioning and

delivery functions.

• Prepare and support staff throughout the transition • Agree and implement the Greater Manchester Public health

and Commissioning support work streams as appropriate to deliver the local public health functions and responsibilities including the role of AGMA.

• Test out arrangements prior to and after transfer . • Ensure the new duties on health protection are in place and

tested. • Provide assurance to RMBC, NHS GM and NHS North.

3. The key changes that this plan will address

The proposed changes that form the basis of this plan are:

• The transfer of public health leadership, functions, commissioning,

staff and budgets to Local Authorities via a ring fenced budget to the chief executive of the Council.

• The transfer of public health functions to PHE. • The transfer of Public Health functions to the NHS Commissioning


• Public health support and offer to the Clinical Commissioning Group from the Local Authority.

• The creation of the statutory Health and Wellbeing Board. Support RMBCs in it’s new role as the local lead for improving the health and well being of all people in the Rochdale Borough.

Ensure financial, governance and HR issues are effectively managed so

they are safe, legal and affordable.

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Skills required by organisations and staff to deliver new responsibilities

and functions are retained and that staff are effectively supported through the change.

Where staff are transferred to new parts of the system and this is open and transparent

4. Local Authority Vision for Public Health

During 2011/12 the DPH has worked with the Executive Leadership Team of the Council to establish an initial vision and set of principles on the

integration of public health functions and team. This is set against a background of change within the Council in both service provision and

organisational structures and will be subject to review. Guiding principles have been agreed as follows:

• Public health will be a golden thread through all Council

activities • The Health and Wellbeing Board will work collaboratively to

improve people’s health and wellbeing • There will be an asset and people focus to building resilience

and wellbeing with citizens, communities and places to protect and improve health and wellbeing

• Public health will align and integrate with the Council

Blueprints. • Public health will be an outward facing function leading for

public health across the Borough of Rochdale

Currently the DPH is managed by the Chief Executive of RMBC and is an

active member of the Council Executive Leadership Team. The public health staff and budgets will transfer across under the leadership and

management of the DPH unless alternative models are agreed during 2012/13.

A joint local Transition Board is in place and the plan will be jointly delivered by the DPH and the Council Director for Performance and

Transformation. The Rochdale Borough Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board is established.

The Board is chaired by the Leader of the Council and has membership and attendance including; elected members, CCG, RMBC Directors of

Adult and Children’s Services, PCT Non executives and the Director of Public Health. A Board development and work programme is in place.

The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment is currently part way through a consultation phase and will inform the Board Health and Wellbeing

Strategic Framework/Strategy and other council actvities.

5. Greater Manchester Collaborative working

The ten GM Directors of Public Health commission and manage the existing GM Public health network. The GM DsPH are be working together

to manage the transition of GM functions. There is a strong track record of

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pooled and joint service delivery at GM level. A GM plan is in place and links with AGMA have been established. GM work programmes are

underway in the following areas: • Health protection Infection control and prevention

• Immunisation co-ordination • Screening • Public health intelligence and information

• Review and development of Public health functions best delivered locally and which could be delivered more efficiently

or effectively at a sector or GM level building on existing good practice

GM has a well established work plan for delivering the national screening programmes. The lead DPH for this work is also linking with the DPH in

Cheshire and Merseyside and Lancashire and Cumbria and they have agreed a set of principles to manage the transition and mitigate any risks. The screening self assessment has been completed. Work is underway to

explore how screening work will be delivered by the National Commissioning Board and locally.

Collaborative work on the public health intelligence function is well

underway which includes a strong presence within Local Authorities. Discussion is focusing on which functions are best delivered locally and which may be better delivered at a GM level. Links with the NHS

intelligence functions and commissioning support services are also being discussed. This includes appraising options for collaboration in delivering

programmes and services where appropriate in terms of efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability.

6. Governance

NHS Greater Manchester retains overall responsibility for the effective discharge of public health functions until March 31st 2013 unless prior to

this date responsibilities are formally delegated during the transition period. The Joint Director of Public Health for the Borough of Rochdale is

the executive lead for this transition process and is accountable for this to the GM Cluster CEO and RMBC Chief Executive. It is expected that governance arrangements will develop through 2012 with the transition of

agreed duties by October 2012 and further duties by December 2012 with a completed formal handover by March 31st 2013.

A joint Rochdale Borough Public Health Transition Board has been established which reports to RMBC and the Locality/CCG Board and

provides updates to the Health and Wellbeing Board. Assurance for the transition process is being monitored and reports have been provided to

the RMBC Executive Leadership Team, Locality/CCG Board, Clinical Commissioning Committee, NHS GM ,NHS North and the local Health and Wellbeing Board. The Regional Director of Public Health for the North is

responsible for providing assurance to the DoH and the shadow Public Health England.

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The Directors of Public Health across Greater Manchester have developed a transition plan with key work streams to identify the future direction of

work across a GM or sector footprint where appropriate. This work has also been reported through to AGMA in addition to the local transition

board. In addition the SHA will be offering localities an opportunity join in some

sector lead improvement by facilitating the open sharing of locality transition plans. Locally we plan to participate in this peer lead challenge

process. Locally we will also look at testing the emergency planning system for

health protection during 2012/13 and will be working with the NHS emergency planning service (which is now clustered into NHS GM) and the

emergency planning team in the council.

7. Work streams and Deliverables Our local transition plan has a number of work streams that are detailed

in the project plan in Appendix 1. These work streams encompass the transition of functions in three domains of public health:

• Health Protection • Health Improvement • NHS and care service development


7.2Agreed integration model for the local PH team, activities and the

DPHto support the implementation of the Council Blueprints and the

NHS Operating Framework for 2012/13 and 2013 onwards.

7.3Transfer of the existing public health staff, budgets, contracts and overheads to receiver organisations including RMBC.

7.4Public Health staff development and Local Authority organisational and staff development to embed PH into the core business and

prepare PH staff for new ways of working

7.5Support the of the Health Overview and Scrutiny function to

effective scrutinise the Health and Wellbeing-Board.

7.6Formalise the contracts to be novated to come to RMBC and completed the transfer by March 31st 2013 .

7.7Commissioning infrastructure in place and transfer of all contracts, systems and responsibilities to RMBC by 31st t March 2013 with the

first phase complete by December 2012.

7.8A PH offer to support to Clinical Commissioning Group and the NHS

by April 2012 (mandated service).

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7.9Agreed governance structures and assurance process during and after the transition.

7.10 Communication and engagement plan delivered across the

borough and to all staff.

7.11 Review and develop the GM level public health work

programme within the financial envelope from PHE/DoH .

7.12 Develop and embed a PH performance framework into the council, the HWBB and linked partnerships.

7.13 Active identification, assessment and management of risks (monthly).

7.14 Compliance with the SHA and NHS GM transition template

and reporting schedules

7.15 Development of the Rochdale Borough Shadow Health and

Wellbeing Board, Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

7.16 A fully functioning public health system though out and after

the transition period

6. Transition Risks

A number of actual and potential risks have been identified to the delivery of public health functions, outcomes and for staff during and after the

transition period. These are listed in Appendix 2. The key risks are in the following areas:

• Funding allocations and infrastructure to each part of the system being insufficient to discharge given public health functions and outcomes

• A delay in a clear funding and budget allocation to the Public Health system

• Lack of clarity in the operating models and the interface between parts of the system e.g. effective public health to support screening

• Delay in detailed HR guidance and the affect on staff consultation

and transfer processes and timelines • NHS QIPP programmes prior to transfer may reduce the financial

envelope available to Local authority • Ensuring that functions split across the Public health system and

receiver organisations work together to achieve outcomes

• How staff and functions that are moved to a supra local level effectively discharge their responsibilities locally including being

accountable for local action and performance • Retention and distribution of specialist staff across the system and

in particular fears for individuals related to loss of NHS terms and

conditions, professional support etc • Funding allocations given for new programmes of work are not

increased in line with future needs e.g. health checks

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• Ensuring sufficient capacity is retained to provide public health support to the NHS locally and within the NCB infrastructures

• Agreements across GM for collaborative work are not agreed by all Local Authorities

• Health protection and resilience functions if operating models are not clear and robust across the system for action at a local level

• Child and adult protection systems if they are not transferred to the

NHS effectively. •

7. Headline National timeline Autumn 2011 Public health guidance received including; HR

concordat, PH offer to CCGs, DPH role, PH commissioning

Dec 2011 Operating frameworks issued Jan 2012 Shadow budget formula allocations expected Public health outcome framework expected

Further HR guidance received and further guidance expected

Draft PH transition plan submitted to NHS North and NHS GM on 20th January 2012

End of March 2012 12/13 budgets confirmed by PCT PH transition plan agreed for 2012/13 and signed off by NHS GM and RMBC cabinet.

April 2012 Shadow year commences Oct 2012 Agreed duties transferred to RMBC

Dec 2012 Agreed duties transferred to RMBC Allocation formula announced.

1st April 2013 Formal handover to RMBC, PHE, CCG and NCB

1st April 2013 Statutory Health and Wellbeing Board commences

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Appendix 1 Rochdale Borough Transition – Project Plan September 2011 to March 31st 2013 Work stream Actions lead Support


Timescale Progress/notes

5.1 Health and

Wellbeing Board,

JSNA and


Establish th Rochdale


J Rossini/Cllr C


D O’Rourke, D


April 2011 Board established in

development April 2011 on

track for Shadow status by

April 2012

Programme of monthly

meetings set up for the


D O’Rourke D Armstrong April 2012 Monthly meetings been held

throughout 2011/12.

Discussions in place with

Council legal and committee

services to agree schedule

for 2012/13 within

committee calendar

Development plan and

action to ensure Board

readiness for April 2013

J Rossini D O’Rourke. D




Development plan has

included development

sessions, visioning,

agreeing priority areas,

JSNA development, joint

commissioning, agreeing a

forward plan for Board

development. Further work

identified re understanding

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the public engagement work

stream required. Joined

national learning set

Development and

agreement of governance

arrangements including

terms of reference,


accountability and

relationships with HOSC

J Rossini D O’Rourke March 2013 Shadow membership, TOR

agreed. Governance work

stream underway with legal

services, Discussions held

with Chair of HOSC around

plans to develop the

scrutiny function.

Complete a review of the

infrastructure to support

the delivery of Board


D O’Rourke D Armstrong June 2012 Discussion taken place on

joint commissioning,

committee structures,

performance and links with

other Partnership


Establish a stakeholder

network/assembly to

engage and involve a

wider group

M Loughlin D O’Rourke June 2012 Board has agreed to

establish an assembly.

JSNA consultation and

engagement phase


M Loughlin R Pinkney, L


D Armstrong

March 2012 The core data set has been

collated and completed.

Analysis across 5 mosaic

groups has been completed.

Consultation phase has

commenced to identify gaps

in data and identify the top

strategic priorities

Board agreement on

priorities and completion

of the Borough Health and

Wellbeing Strategy

M Loughlin L Townsen, R

Pinkney, D




Framework and plan

Process to gather views on

priorities from the JSNA

underway. Timescale and

process agreed by Board

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Refresh of the Joint HWBS

for 2014/15 completed

M Loughlin R Pinkney, D




Timetable agreed

5.2 Local Public

health team

Consult, implement and

complete a local PH team


J Rossini W Meston, J




Restructure complete.

Implementation complete

Share public health

structure, functions and


W Meston October


Shared within team, PCT

and ELT

Relocate public health

team to Telegraph House,


W Meston C Hartle

Admin team


Oct 2011 Completed with access to

PCT and RMBC systems

Relocate public health staff

with Council staff to new

municipal offices

D Hunt P Jones Jan 2013 PH staff are in within sight

of project leads and will

relocate with all staff when

new Council offices are


Develop a shared model

for the public health

function for 2012/13 and

2013/14 including vision,

values and core functions

J Rossini W Meston

GM PH network

SHA workforce


March 2012 Local discussions held to

date with ELT, HWBB

members, Clinical

commissioners and PCT

execs. ELT have agreed

vision and initial integration


GM work includes

development shared

services for infection

control, immunisation and


Develop a business plan

for PH for 2012/13 jointly

J Rossini W Meston

L Townsen

Feb 2012 Team objectives for

2012/13 being developed in

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with RMBC to include PH

outcomes, objectives and

performance frameworks

P Jones

All PH staff

line with operating

framework and Council

Blueprint. Discussion held

to align with service

planning process in RMBC

Integration of the Public

health outcomes

framework and amend

performance frameworks

as required

P Jones L Townsen May 2012 PHOF agreed ELT February

and being built in JHWBSF

and mapped across

partnerships, and in

performance manager

HR Concordat – review

and assess implications

J Rossini HR staff side November


Concordat received,

circulated and considered at

Transition board and ELT

HR updates for staff and

briefings completed on the

HR concordat and further

expected DoH/PHE


J Cohen

N Jolly

March 2013

Bi monthly


Session on TUPE held for

staff . HR concordat

discussed.Further HR

guidance just received and

being considered and

further detail expected

Engagement with staff


J Cohen

N Jolly




dates tbc

Initial briefing to be taken

to RMBC.

Submit assurance reports

on changes to PH staffing

to NHS North

W Meston A Hill Monthly Submitted to date

Participation in the GM and

NW work on options and

plans for screening and

immunisation staff

J Rossini C Khiroya

B O’Sullivan

H Lewis Parmar

Update at



Work plan agreed in GM

transition plan for


NCB and screening work

Participation in work to

identify future direction of

J Rossini Bernadine


Update at


Work plan agreed in GM

transition plan and

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infection control staff S Walton

J Mannion

monthly facilitated project underway

Participation in GM work to

identify future models for

local teams and PH

network staff

J Rossini


W Meston

W Blandamer

Monthly Work plan is underway and

initial areas agreed as;

intelligence, screening and

health protection

Agreement on legacy

organisation for

safeguarding function and

PCT post

J Rossini H Chamberlain April 2013 Initial discussions held.

Awaiting further guidance

RMBC organisational

arrangements for the

location and management

of the PH team agreed


J Rossini February


The current RMBC reporting

arrangements are that the

DPH reports to the CEO and

is a member of ELT and the

team will align to the DPH

Publication of LA DPH role

assess implications and

opportunities locally

ELT, EMT Jane Rossini February


National guidance issued in

Dec 2011.

Agree a Job description,

process and appoint a DPH

CEOs, PHE Joanne Cohen

Nadine Jolly

tbc Job description awaited

from DoH. Process for

appointment awaited

PDRs and aspirational

interviews held with all


Managers Liz Townson Oct 2011

April 2012

PCT processes being utilised

with all staff. Specific

section being completed on

learning needs related to

transition and LA working.

Process to be repeated in

March 2012.

Agree all destinations and

migration of affected PCT


Jane Rossini Joanne Cohen

Nadine Jolly

March 2012 Initial scoping discussions


Manage in conjunction J Cohen Staff Side Oct 2012 HR concordat received

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with staff side and

management the HR

processes. This could

include, for example,

briefing sessions,

consultation, and TUPE


N Jolly LA


GM Cluster


Further HR guidelines

awaited Further work to

agree timescales with PCT

HR shared services re

engagement and

negotiations. TUPE

negotiations timescales to

be agreed

Transfer of legacy and

handover documents

relating to the team

W Meston


D Armstrong

N Jolly

Draft Oct


Final Jan


Staffing documents being

reviewed and restructuring

has been completed. All

staff JDs were re written in

2011. completed

Initial scoping of local

contracts, budgets and

commissioning plans





RMBC induction day for

Public health team

B Bennett RMBC Oct 2011 Event completed with input

from Councillor Lambert,

Councillor Hornby, Roger

Ellis, Mark Widdup, finance

team and human resources

Further plans underway for

further induction into RMBC

policies and processes

PH team development L Townson B Jackson, Maria

Murphy, Lea


Oct 2011

Feb 2012

Team day completed

Day organised

Publication of PH

workforce strategy

J Rossini

Wendy Meston

Joanne Cohen

Jane Silvestor

Nov 2011 Participation in NW

workforce project

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Awaiting further HR


Local Authority have a

broad understanding of PH

and the new roles and


Bernadine O’Sullivan

Jane Silvestor

Shakeela Bano

Diana O’Rourke

March 2013 Considered links with

Council Blueprint and input

to setting objectives and

plans for 2012/13. OD plan

in place

All council services clear

about their responsibility

for delivery of PH


Peter Jones

Bernadine O’Sullivan

Liz Townson

Shakeela Bano

March 2013 Plans to enhance existing

links and plans. Links made

to service planning process.

Consultants aligned to key

work steams

Elected members

understand PH roles and

functions an councils role

Bernadine O’Sullivan Shakeela Bano

PH staff

Oct 2012 Presentation developed for

workshops with elected

members, one session

delivered Nov 2011, DH

attended all townships

meetings, PH staff attended

new member induction

Development of Health

Overview and Scrutiny


Jane Rossini

Peter Jones

Michelle Loughlin

Diana O’Rourke

Oct 2012 Meetings held with HOSC

chair, working group agreed

to work on JSNA,

presentation to HOSC

competed and further input




Publication of PH funding

and regime and shadow

allocations to assess local


J Rossini

Pam Smith

Wendy Meston

Adrian Clarkson

Stuart Smith

Tim Riley



Paper to be completed for


Feb 2012 following the

shadow allocation.

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Preparatory work completed

to jointly understand

budgets and responsibilities

for 2011/12

Complete and share with

RMBC budgets and

expenditure plans for


W Meston L Lowe, T Riley March 2012 Agreement on finance leads

in PCT and RMBC

completed. Initial briefing

session on prevention

audits and public health

returns completed. RMBC

lead agreed to join the PCT

Improving Health

Commissioning Team

Review PH core team

following the shadow

budget allocation

J Rossini W Meston




Financial mapping exercises

completed and current

staffing and budgets are

identified following the


Review all commissioning

budgets following the

shadow allocation against

required functions

W Meston

L Lowe

T Riley





Current position has been


Complete work on

overheads in line with

overall PCT work

A Clarkson PCT leadership


tbc Work has commenced

across the organisation in

line with TCS and GM


RMBC transition finance

lead to join the PCT

Improving health

commissioning team

W Meston

T Riley



Agreed by RMBC to

strengthen links with

commissioning functions

and budgets. Additonal

mebres will be considered

after Feb paper.

DoH Financial audits A Clarkson W Meston As requested NW Audits submitted in

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completed on time L Lowe

S Evans

2009/10 and 2010/11

DoH audit submitted in

September 2011

Financial risks to be

identified and mitigated

A Clarkson


W Meston

Monthly Initial review identified

areas of potential risk.

Risk identified from

uncertainty over future

funding for programmes

with predicted growth such

as health checks. Full

review agreed following

shadow budgets for


Support identified from


J Hutchinson


GMDsPH Feb 2012 Issue raised by lead DPH

within NHS GM



and contracting

2012/13 commissioning

arrangements agreed

W Meston

K Hurley

L Mort


Drugs and

Alcohol JCG

Sept 2011

Initial Report completed and

submitted to HWBB, PCT

commissioners and CCC.

Follow up paper agreed for

Feb 2012 following shadow

budget paper. Refresh

completed following papers

received in Dec 2011. Joint

commissioning proposal for

drugs and alcohol submitted

for approval

Discussion planned for

January 2011 re shaping

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current commissioning

teams in PCT to better fit

the transition year.

Discussion held at

Transition Board.

Arrangements for sexual

health, child health and

drugs and alcohol services


Updated paper on

commissioning functions

and budgets for 2012/13

completed for HWBB, PCT

and RMBC

W Meston A Clarkson

L Lowe

March 2012 Initial scoping completed.

Discussions held with

current commissioners of all

future PH areas transferring

to LA

Contracts identified and

ready for transfer to

receiver orgs




Wendy Meston

A Dutton



T Riley

Dec 2012

Contracts baseline

underway to be established

in Jan 2012.

Work programme for

updating specifications has

been agreed

GM led work stream is also

in place for contracting

Update commissioning


W Meston A Clarkson Sept 2012

Legal agreements



March 2013 Issue has been raised at GM

level and with RMBC legal

lead. Discussions have been

held with RMBC

5.5 Public health

support to


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Groups and NCB

CCG understanding of PH

transition and offer

J Rossini W Meston

H Lewis Parmar

B O’Sullivan

March 2012 Initial session completed

with clinical commissioners

to discuss transition and


Regular DPH participation in

transition group

PH offer to CCG drafted.

Full transition plan going to

Board in January 2012

Link PH Consultants

aligned to CCG and


W Meston

B O’Sullivan

H Lewis Parmar





Links agreed and process

underway to identify

priorities. Links to be

reviewed with newly

appointed CCG clinical leads

PH link to Clinical

Commissioning Committee

J Rossini W Meston July 2011 Membership confirmed and

attendance regular. DPH to

sit on CCG Board in 12/13

Local CCGS are engaged

on developing the PH offer

J Rossini/Clinical


Wendy Meston

Feb 2012 Paper to CCG Chair. Paper


Operating model, staffing

and plans in place for NCB

PH transition for screening

and immunisation services

and services for under 5s

J Rossini GM PH Network


April 2012 Papers received in Dec 2011

were considered. Awaiting

further guidance on

operating model for NCB

and interface with local

teams for screening, Imms

and under 5 services. GM

work underway re all of

these areas. DPH leads

screening work at GM.

Input given to GM core

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Health Visitor spec to tailor

to local needs

GM Public health network

paper on PH offer to NHS

commissioning completed

GM DPH and network W Meston March 2012 Initial meeting held and

initial briefing paper


5.1 Governance

Financial governance

transferred to RMBC

C Yarwood

S North

A Clarkson

T Riley

March 2013 Awaiting NHS GM process

for sign off. Initial work

been undertaken with RMBC

finance leads and joint

finance group is established

Clinical and Information

governance and required

transfer of functions and

information plan


Paul Byrne


Debbie Hunter

Wendy Meston

R Pinkney

Oct 2012 Some governance issues it

is hoped will be resolved at

a national level such as

sharing mortality file data

and transfer of NHS

contracts. TBC. Raised at

NHS GM for collaborative

work. Governance review

underway locally. Indemnity

issue has been logged

Governance for the

transition year reviewed

and agreed

J Rossini Debbie Hunter

A Clarkson

W Meston

P Jones

March 2012 Interim governance agreed.

Update underway for


Schemes of delegation

agreed at each stage of

the transition

J Rossini


W Meston

L Mort

At each

stage of


Work well underway in GM

to agree delegated

authority and accountability

arrangements from April


Assurance reports NHS J Rossini monthly All completed to date and

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North and GM completed

and returned as requested

W Meston recent assessment of this

plan against Annex 6

(attached) has been


Final transition plan


J Rossini W Meston

D Armstrong

March 2012 Transition Board discussed

process for RMBC sign off



Comms plan in place D Morton March 2012 Initial plan completed. Due

for refresh in Feb 2012

Public Health England

Newsletters disseminated

A Hill As received Two received and circulated

Local public health

newsletter completed and

disseminated to staff

Danielle Morton August 2011

|Nov 2011

Jan 2012

Two completed and


HWBB newsletter

established and


D O’Rourke quarterly Two completed and


Public Health transition

plan completed

J Rossini W Meston

L Townson

D Armstrong

Draft 20th

Jan 2012

Final March


Draft completed and to be

refreshed following issuing

of template. Current plan

checked against annex 6

5.8 Review and

development of

the GM level

Public Health

functions and


GM Leadership team

established to support DPH

W Meston monthly Group established and 4

meetings held

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GM work stream on

developing a GM infection

control and Immunisation


Jane Rossini Sue Walton

Christine Khiroya

April 2012 GM work programme well

underway to develop a

resilient infection control

and immunisation workforce

through 2012/13 and t test

out future operational


GM work to agree a

operating model for

screening programmes

Jane Rossini

Helen Lewis


Elizabeth Wilson

Elaine Whitby

Oct 2012 NHS North screening

assessment completed for

NHS North and risk and

action agreed with

additional collaboration

across NW.

Work programme agreed

across GM and locally

Ensure clear public health/

DPH on call arrangements

J Rossini

DPH group

April 2012 Work underway to consider

and agree options to ensure

resilience during transition

via GM DsPH


planning/resilience test of


Anne Whitehead GM support


Oct 2012

Signed off by

GM Nov


Agreement of requirement.

GM service to lead

Agree safeguarding

arrangements for

transition and post 2013

Jane Rossini Hazel


Oct 2012 Agreed to move director

lead for safeguarding back

to Executive nurse in PCT.

GM work to agree plans for

safeguarding underway

Sexual health Neil Jenkinson

Eleanor Roaf

Andrea Dutton Oct 2012 Work being scoped to

identify areas of sexual

health work bets done on a

sector or GM footprint

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including commissioning of

tariff based services

Intelligence Neil Bendell June 2012 Paper completed outlining

initial options for PH


GM JSNA work agreed

5.9 Risk


and mitigation

Risk log completed W Meston

J Rossini



Initial log completed

Risk log updated and

organisational risks

included on risk register

and communicated to GM,

SHA and PHE as required

W Meston

J Rossini

D Armstrong monthly Log updated Jan 2012

Indemnity position

requires clarifications

Jane Rossini

GM DPH group

NHS GM Oct 2012 GM support been requested

by DPHs. Nationally this

issue has been identified

and raised

Appendix 2 Public Health transition – Risk Log

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Ref Classification Title Description Consequence Likelihood

Status Review Date

Owner and Lead

Further Improvement Action

Residual Status


PHT 5.1 Health and well being board

A statutory Board is not in place by April 2013

4 2 8

Monthly Jane Rossini Ensure the robust implementation of the plan and maintain stakeholder engagement


PHT 5.2 Public health staff and function

system The fragmentation of PH functions does not work as a system from 1st April 2013

5 4 20

Monthly Jane Rossini - Wendy Meston

Work across PHE, NW, GM and local areas are working to ensure this does not happen but assurance is not in place at this time. If this work is successful then the risk should be mitigated


5.2 Public health staff and function

function Screening and immunisation functions at a local level are lost and NCB do not cover

the work

5 4 20 Monthly Jane Rossini Work across the SHA and GM are working to mitigate this risk. A GM work programme is in place to develop a

shared service. Immunisation and NCB/LA interface less clear at present


5.2 Public

health staff and


function Health


systems to do

not work and

local staffing

resource is lost

to respond

5 4 20 Monthly B


This is the focus of the work of PHE and locally we need to review the output of their work when received both at GM level and locally. Also need to monitor

roles through the

next 18 months to

ensure a response

is made when



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5.2 Public

health staff and


Staff Ensuring


support is

retained locally

to support the


4 3 12 Monthly J Rossini Work with CCGs

and NCB to define

public health

function required


5.2 Public

health staff and


staff Retention of

skilled staff

4 3 12

Monthly Jane


This risk rating is

dependent upon


negotiations and

decisions that

affect staff terms

and conditions and

future development

of the PH workforce

going forward.

Work need to be

undertaken to

explain the need

for PH skills within

the LA. The risk

could be greater in

the medium to long



PHT 5.3 staff and



Org dev Staff and


are not ready

for the relevant


4 4 16

Monthly Jane




B Bennett

OD plan is



PHT 5.4 Finance budgets Funding


insufficient to

5 4 20

Monthly Jane


Financial audits

have been

completed and


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fulfill functions submitted. The

current budgets are

being aligned to

likely destinations

and risk areas have

been identified

5.4 Finance budgets NHS QIPP


reduce PH

budgets prior to


5 4


Monthly W Meston

S Smith

Review budgets via

the IH


team monthly and

update the HWBB


PHT 5.4 finance budgets New

programmes are

not funded in

future years

after transfer

5 4 20

monthly finance This depends on

how the agreement

to fund according

to functions and

working jointly on

future efficiency



PHT 5.5


Contracts Transfer of NHS

contracts to

RMBC not


4 3 12

monthly Contracting Identify all

contracts affected

following shadow

allocation. Wait

national guidance

and agree plan

including legal



PHT 5.6 PH and NHS Operating


Clarity of


between PHE,

NCB and LA


5 5


monthly J Rossini Participate in GM

and RDPH

discussions and

resolution of any

identified gaps in


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PHT 5.7 Governance Child


NHS functions

are not



5 4 20

monthly J Rossini This is a GM

priority as well as a

local priority


PHT 5.8


comms Communication

with staff and


and external





quarterly tbc Comms plan to be

revised and



PHT 5.9 GM work


collaboration PCT and LAs

and AGMA do

not agree on

models for


5 3 15

monthly J Rossini GM DPHs are


collaboratively to

an agreed work



Appendix 3 Public Health Guidance Annex 6 - PUBLIC HEALTH CHECKLIST FOR LOCAL USE

This checklist has been used to cross reference and inform the local plan.

Ensuring a

robust transfer of systems and services

Ø Is there an understood and agreed (PCT cluster/LA) set of arrangements as to how the local public

health system will operate during 2012/13 in readiness for the statutory transfer in 2013? Ø Is there a clear local plan which sets out the main elements of transfer including functions, staff and

commissioning contracts for 2013/14 and beyond?

Ø Are there locally agreed transition milestones for the transition year, 2012/13? Ø Is there a clear local plan for developing the JSNA in order to support the H&WB strategy?

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Ø Is there a clearly developed plan for ensuring a smooth transfer of commissioning arrangements for the services described in Healthy Lives, Healthy People that Local Authorities will be responsible for

commissioning? Ø Is there a clearly developed plan for ensuring a smooth transfer of those PH functions and

commissioning arrangements migrating to NHS CB and PHE? Ø Is there local agreement on the delivery of a core offer providing LA based public health advice to

Clinical Commissioning Groups? Delivering public health

responsibilities during transition

and preparing for 2013/14

Ø Is it clear how future mandated services and steps are to be delivered during transition and in the new local public health services:

Ø Appropriate access to sexual health services, Ø Plans in place to protect the health of the population,

Ø Public health advice to NHS commissioners, Ø National Child Measurement Programme, Ø NHS Health check assessment?

Ø Is there clarity around the delivery of critical PH services/programmes locally, specifically: screening programmes; immunisation programmes; drugs & alcohol services and infection prevention and control?

Workforce Ø Has the workforce elements of the plan been developed in accordance with the principles encapsulated

within the Public Health Human Resources Concordat?

Governance Ø Does the PCT cluster with LA have in place robust internal accountability and performance monitoring

arrangements to cover the whole of the transition year, including schemes of delegation agreed as appropriate?

Ø Are there robust arrangements in place for key public health functions during transition and have they been tested e.g. new emergency planning response to include:

o Accountability and governance

o Details of how the DPH, on behalf of LA, assures themselves about the arrangements in place,

o Lead DPH arrangements for EPRR and how it works across the LRF area? Ø Are there robust plans for clinical governance arrangements during transition including for example,

arrangements for the reporting of SUIs/incident reporting and Patient Group Directions?

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Ø Has the PCT cluster with the LA agreed a risk sharing based approach to transition? Ø Is there an agreed approach to sector led improvement?

Ø Is the local authority engaged with the planning and supportive of the PCT cluster approach to PH transition?

Enabling Ø Has the PCT cluster with LA identified sufficient capability and capacity to ensure delivery of their plan?

Infrastructure Ø Has the PCT cluster with LA identified and resolved significant financial issues?

Ø Has the PCT cluster with LA agreed novation/other arrangements for the handover of all agreed PH contracts?

Ø Are all clinical and non-clinical risk and indemnity issues identified for contracts? Ø Are there plans in place to ensure access to IT systems, sharing of data and access to health

intelligence in line with information governance and business requirements during transition and

beyond transfer? Ø Have all issues in relation to facilities, estates, asset registers been resolved?

Ø Is there a plan in place for the development of a legacy handover document during 2012/13?


and engagement

Ø Is there a robust communications plan? Does it consider relationships with the Health and Wellbeing

Board; clinical commissioning groups and NHSCB; Health Watch; local professional networks? Ø Is there a robust engagement plan involving stakeholders, patients, public, providers of PH services,

contractors and PHE?