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Music video analysis (similar product research)

I chose this music video to analyse as it is similar to my music videos song in the respect that they are both classified as the sub-genre of rock, (alternative rock). Although Hero is Indi rock, and generally The Cure are Gothic, but ‘Close To Me’ is a light hearted song and fits in more to the style of ’Hero’.

The music Video of ‘Close To Me’ is performance based as they all play their instruments and perform the song, but it has a slight narrative. Performance based music videos are a typical style for the genre of rock and many rock bands released similar music videos in the late 80’s and 90’s.

They do not conform to the stereotype of the performance being a concert or on a stage in a band formation. This is what stands out the band from other groups and classifies them as ‘alternative’ and individual as their music is reflected by the quirky choice of them performing cramped in a closet. The closet represents the anxiety of Robert Smith about a date or some meaningful event that is in the near future and how he feels trapped, the wardrobe falls off the edge of the cliff and water leaks in; again symbolising the emotions and thoughts of Robert Smith.

There is focus on the lead singer Robert Smith throughout the video as he is the iconic figure of the band of which conforms to the genre of rock as in most rock bands there is an iconic lead singer of which the performances on stage and music videos focus around for marketing.

The visuals have a direct link to the lyrics as the song title is ‘close to me’ and the band are cramped up together inside a wardrobe with only close up shots of the band members faces and instruments, signifying how they are all literally close to each other. This conforms to a more modern day style of music video, such as the genre pop; this could be what makes the band border into alternative.

The band members featured are all dressed in black with dark makeup, pale skin and dark hair which conforms to the dark nature of Gothic rock, although the music is more pop like which makes the song individual and stands out from the stereotype of rock. The video supports this through the strange use of a wardrobe on a cliff