Download - 1 [j 3 tlOf our riuerit* nn fU-'dn of glory — % Keep them, keep them, let them reBt! Tokens . f a valor Bpleiidicl, Glorious mem'rie# with them blended! Keep them, for the strife

  • ,k , ' "' I



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    Keep thope banners, gaphed and gory — Kieep them there to tel l the Atory Of our riuerit* nn fU-'dn of glory —

    % Keep them, keep them, let them reBt! Tokens . f a valor Bplei idicl , Glorious mem'rie# with them blended! Keep them, for the strife t« ended,

    Keep them, keep them, It ie be.~t ,

    * Keep them, wis would not on fold them: Keep them—ye who took ttu ni—hold them; For the < nu«>e that t ir*t , unr. i l led theia

    To the batt le* breez« ie dead. Keep them, they would ol i ly madden If , indeed, they wanld not madden Southern hearu, while yours they .gladdon,

    For to wiu them thousands bled.

    While hai l that srenerons feel ing Which would close the wound* now heal ing, Yet thin fact i* worth revealing—

    iSolTTHKo.NH DO NOT WANT TUE1B FLAOS ! Not hut that we Mill approve them, Not but that we ft i l l do love them. But we w»uld not have you move them —

    Keep the dear old shot pierced r. iga.

    Keep them, yep, we would not have them. Though we fought ai d bled to save them, There are none who now would wave them —

    To diHturb our Nation's peace. Yotj , to whom they were surrendered, Barvi i iL' al l that strife engendered. In return your hearts have tendered,

    Keep hem—tiiey are in their place. —THOMAH K- \ M> < • > i .< >i;

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    trophy of two crossed cannon-. ! ;i: find a swor i, tunnounted by tin A;;, ; can eagle, whi-h is united by a lib* , of iy .-tripe-, palewi-e, gnie-and argc and a chief azure, to a cla>p coirpo.-. . •Of t^o '.-oriiin •>!'!.t- and !i.e. Auicni-an arm.-.

    Oim (a the iii>.t it unbuttoned with his hat on th b uk >f his Ilea 1 As I got within a coupk ot feet of him I commanded him in a peremptory manlier to surrender, and at the same time Dudley, Durfee and myself cocki d i ui puns. I grabbed the colors out of Ins hand; lie and one or two more said: Don't shoot! don't shoot!'

    "The Hag was a red one with a white Stripe running through the middle of it, with blue in one corner and some stars on it. As soon as I grabbed the colors out of the Johnny's hand 1 told him to follow me quick, and at the same time told my men to get back to the regiment as soon as possible. Dudley, Grim and myself were laughing at the easy thing we had, and all of us running for the regiment as fast as we could go, when—bang! bang! bang! came a volley after us, killing Grim and the comrade, whose name I have forgotten.1'

    Corp. Weeks of the 162d New York volunteers captured a flag and its guard in the fight for the salient—the famous

    :u inn 1 of trees cune

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    A ' in Mur-

    h lord pre.-ident of Mun-ter. and

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    that I plead -• > aiixioiislv safetv of nr. 1.. '

    • i an have he]i j IIP, ,

    without M'i\ o l i t quite abb t•. i : in ite time it I

    j pains me to tin-! ' tear to spend ,i

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    : i*vKaii(t,j "' i ! yet for,

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    d 1'ie great, t-i-k

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    i ' l . e c n g i - n . e e ! > o f

    t.'g tnalsK Li' i-repar-

    of tod i}. Some

    time ago the company decided to build

    a four-arched stone bridge in the place

    of the iron structure over the higc e, !v .

    The iron bridge had to be moved ue-t

    lifty feet that it might be used until the

    stone bridge is built and ready for ser


    Six"''weeks ago the men began the big

    undertaking with the building of trestle

    approaches to both sides of the creek at

    the point where the iron bridge wa- t\ find a new- bed. The trestling had an average hight of twenty-four feet, and is on a line with the grade of the old railroad, The timber of the western approach covered about L'Tli feet, while the eastern approach is 300 feet long. P i l e s w e r e d r i v e n i n t h e m i d o f ; • stream, on which was reared, a trestle-work liftv feet long and on a level with and cnntitiguuu- to the .-tone pier under the bridge. Trestles of the same length and hight were th-i; on both banks of the creek Tid continuous line fro,, t j, i- -to:,i ; lll'MltS.

    Every man wst- at h :- n .,i i-„. e r.-at throng o! p.-M . i e u n .tn eagar ;>.»• . a : .x. . • , • t i io fa-t line wa- • • i thundered over ; > ! .- ~, ntes late. And - ;; ,1 . . .

    •; of tr • no ra'

    .'.f tl .

    siiortly aft bv the ro\ . 'i> '' '•••••' Caslleliavi-:;. ' . ; ' that i11-; i:-.'A !.;• v " t l i l l id. . , -e !o i -

    capital in lri-ii propc • enleri'irise of any kuid, : t-clicviMl they were • '

    cud of their ii ,- immediate fi ' - ' •-• u • ed, would he one ot peaet peritv. In repl\ to a question, he sani tirillfth's valuat'"" f the m-ojH-rty « t'lUH.1) 17>. Th. :arted with

    Quail and (; ! t | | j|

    In the yard of A .

    quail from the 11 •: ,-i , . (

    up their abode and built t!

    few days ago there wa* a brood hatched o

    quail was proud

    took pleasure in e

    Bruncr encoura-..,! i , .r ,

    for the wants of ti,e , .

    })utting within n-a.-a .

    for the baby qin.iU. ^ , Maltese eat beloi -oi; t. , ,; . made its appearance m the \;u s | foraging exp