Download - 1. Get out your homework. 2. Tear out workbook pages for the new unit. Staple and hole punch. 3. Tear out p. 326 and 329 for today’s classwork.


1. Get out your homework. 2. Tear out workbook pages for the new unit. Staple and hole punch. 3. Tear out p. 326 and 329 for todays classwork. The Counter Culture Movement 1960s and 1970s Counterculture Movement Made up the youth movement of the 1960s College students formed organizations that protested injustices in political and social issues. Made up the youth movement of the 1960s College students formed organizations that protested injustices in political and social issues. Students for a Democratic Society SDS Student protest organization Berkeley, California Hippies sought to create their own society. mostly white youths from middle-and upper-class backgrounds They lived a life that promoted flamboyant dress, rock music, drug use, and free and independent living. Hippies More Hippies rocks-summer-of-love#history-rocks- summer-of-love rocks-summer-of-love#history-rocks- summer-of-love Woodstock, 1969 Woodstock Crowds Woodstock Counterculture Influences counterculture influenced mainstream society through fashion, art and music LSDleary-advocates-lsd#timothy-leary- advocates-lsd leary-advocates-lsd#timothy-leary- advocates-lsd Andy Warhol-Pop Artist Andy Warhol The Beatles Bob Dylan Janis Joplin Jimi Hendrix Protest Movements Feminism A new women s movement developed in the 1960s Belief that women should be equal politically, economically and socially. A new women s movement developed in the 1960s Belief that women should be equal politically, economically and socially. Equal Pay Act Passed in 1963 outlawed the practice of paying men more than women for the same job. Betty Friedan Wrote the Feminine Mystique. Challenged women to break with the traditional roles for women. Wrote the Feminine Mystique. Challenged women to break with the traditional roles for women. National Organization for Women In 1966 Friedan formed the National Organization for Women (NOW). It responded to many issues facing women and demanded greater educational and vocational opportunities for women. Roe v. Wade (1973) women had the right to privacy by deciding to terminate a pregnancy in the first three months (abortion decision). Affirmative Action the policy that called for companies and institutions doing business with the federal government to actively recruit African American employees. Criticism of Affirmative Action applicants could be rejected if they were not African American Chicano Movement In the 1960s, the number of Hispanic Americans increased rapidly Cesar Chavez organized a group to fight for the rights of farm workers. His group, the United Farm Workers led a boycott on California grapes, forcing grape growers to raise wages. organized a group to fight for the rights of farm workers. His group, the United Farm Workers led a boycott on California grapes, forcing grape growers to raise wages. Environmental Movement During the 1960s and 1970s, Americans began to focus on environmental issues. Rachel Carson Wrote Silent Spring, a book about the dangers of pollution to the environment. Pesticides were killing birds and fish Wrote Silent Spring, a book about the dangers of pollution to the environment. Pesticides were killing birds and fish American Indian Movement (AIM) wanted to improve the lives of Native Americans and provide more economic opportunities on reservations Dennis Banks Homework: WB p. 332 and 347