Download - 1 ExoMars Programmatic situation December 2014 Rolf de Groot Head of Robotic Exploration Coordination Office ESWT#7 meeting, 9-10 December 2014, Altec,




Programmatic situation December 2014

Rolf de Groot

Head of Robotic Exploration Coordination Office

ESWT#7 meeting, 9-10 December 2014, Altec, Torino

ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use2

ExoMars programme stabilised in 2013



• ESA – Roscosmos ExoMars Agreement:• In force since March 2013

• ESA – Roscosmos Joint ExoMars Steering Board (JESB):• Objective: oversight of Joint Programme

• Co-chaired by ESA (Passvogel) and Roscosmos (Shilov / Khailov)

• Established Spring 2013, met 3 times since

• Successful constructive meetings, several problems solved

• Next meeting May 2015

ExoMars – programmatic status with Roscosmos


ExoMars - programmatic status with NASA

• NASA and ESA have drafted an MoU to formalise the NASA

contributions to the 2016 mission

• Electra UHF radio package, Mars proximity link telecom support to EDM, and

technical engineering support to EDM.

• MoU was approved by the ESA Council on 19 March 2014 and signed by

Dordain and Bolden and is in force since 29 April 2014

• MOU established International Mars Relay Coordination Group with

NASA and Roscosmos for coordination among all the orbiting and

landed Mars missions in 2016 and beyond.• Group is working since Q2 2014

• NASA has agreed to modify the ExoMars TAA between ESA and JPL to include the Russian partners.

• For 2018 mission, no ESA – NASA MoU necessary


Status of ExoMars funding

• The total estimated cost of the ExoMars programme is 1200 M€ (ec


• Before CM2014, 1004.5 M€ was available for ExoMars

• 907.5 M€ from subscriptions to the Declaration

• 97 M€ from the ExoMars financial risk mitigation plan (GSP, StrIn, Science

Programme, Entrance fees)

• At CM2014, an additional 139.5 M€ (ec 2008) was subscribed

• IT 47.9, UK 39.7, FR 30, DE 13.5, ES 8.4

• Total available funding is now M€ 1144

• Allows for continuation of the programme until at least 2016

• Some industrial re-organisation required

• The remaining funding will have to be requested at a future occasion,

most likely at CM2016