Download - 1 Contacts with EC - · 04/10 ECTP Plenary Assembly in Warsaw ... – Promoting the PPP • DG MOVE to support ? •


HLG13-SC4 meetingDecember 14, 2011


1 Contacts with EC

02/02 DG MOVE Dir B – H. Morsi, P. Collotte , LBO, JPH

02/03 DG MOVE (STTP taskforce) – M. Rommerts, R. Juriado, P. Dilara, LBO, JPH

24/05 STTP presentation meeting (DG MOVE / DG RESEARCH) 16/06 Informal discussion on CSF Transport 05/07 DG MOVE Dir C

– Fotis Karamitsos, Paul Verhoef, Marcel Rommerts, LBO, JPH, RDO, JSR,ABL

14/09 DG MOVE Cabinet– Desiree Oen, Laure Chapuis, Marcel Rommerts, LBO, JPH, RDO, JSR,

HGB 15/09 DG RESEARCH, Transport Unit

– Jocelyne Gaudin, Salvador Cervera-March, Johann Blondelle, William Bird, LBO, JPH, RDO, JSR,

04/10 ECTP Plenary Assembly in Warsaw– Support from Dominique Planchon (DG Research)

16/11 ENCORD Meeting Madrid – Support from Cristina Marolda (DG Move)

1 EC Horizon 2020

Horizon 2020 – Societal challenge #4/6 = Smart integrated transport system– Defines a framework for PPPs

Transport Whitepaper – Many references to infrastructure

Strategic Transport Technology Plan– Under preparation – 4 “i”s : Internal market / Innovation / Infrastructure / International

Infrastructure will have some room in Horizon 2020– To continue / translate in terms of research topics– Necessity to work with ‘modal’ platforms

2. Relations with ETPs

ERTRAC Roads - Livia Pardi ERRAC Rail - Jean-Pierre Hamelin - Claude DumoulinWATERBORNE Maritime - Francisco Esteban WSSTP Water Distribution - Alberto Bonilla ETPIS Industrial Safety - Claude Dumoulin – Maria Zalbide ESTEP Steel - Maria Zalbide (Tecnalia) SUSCHEM Chemistry - Alberto Bonilla (Tecnalia) ARTEMIS IT - Karsten Menzel GERG Gaz - Frederic Bourquin Jean-Pierre Hamelin

ITA Tunnelling - Claude Dumoulin ELGIP Geotechnique - Joost Breedeveld

ACARE Airborne - ?

3. Report on SRA

4 SRA Meetings– 07/04 Madrid – Dragados– 26/05 Brussels – REH– 07/06 Paris – FNTP– 01/12 Paris – FNTP

13 SRA Champions1. Urban Mobility : Claude Dumoulin (Bouygues), Elena Martin

Diaz (Dragados)2. Long Distance Links: Livia Pardi (Autostrade), Raphael

Steenbergen (TNO)3. Greening Infrastructure: Joost Breedeveld (Deltares),

Francisco Esteban (FCC)4. Smart Resilient Karsten Menzel (UCC), Frédéric Bourquin

(Ifsttar)5. Inclusive Society: LauraTordera (Ferrovial), Alberto Bonilla

(Tecnalia), Tomás Zamora (IBV)6. Occupational Health & Safety: Maria Zalbide (Tecnalia),

Carmine Pascale (Stres)

4. Documents

Vision Document– Version 7. review with the ETPs– Asking official support

SRA – Version 10 distributed in Warsaw– Version 12 distributed today– Will be distributed for review to ETPs


Plenary Assembly Jan 26, 2012– Meeting Members / Meeting with E– Presenting SRA

5 Way Forward

PPP Objective– Decision of HLG ?– Impact Document– Implementation Plan

• ( a single document ?)– Promoting the PPP

• DG MOVE to support ? • DG RESEARCH • Other DGs• Member states

reFINE organisation / leadershipq

Annex 1. Horizon 2020 – PPP

Document COM(2011) 809 final (30.11.2011) - Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL establishing Horizon 2020 - The Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2014-2020)

Article 19 - PPPs

1. Horizon 2020 may be implemented through PPPs where all the partners concerned commit to support the development and implementation of research and innovation activities of strategic importance to the Union's competitiveness and industrial leadership or to address specific societal challenges.

Horizon 2020 PPPs

2. Involvement of the Union in those partnerships may take one of the following formsa) financial contributions from the Union

• to joint undertakings established on the basis of Article 187 TFEU under the FP7 subject to the amendment of their basic acts;

• to new public-private partnerships set up on the basis of Article 187 TFEU;

• to other funding bodies referred to in Article [55(1)(b)(v) or (vii)] of Regulation (EU) etc

This form of partnerships shall only be implemented where the scope of the objectives pursued and the scale of the resources required justify it;

b) entering a contractual agreement between the partners referred to in paragraph 1, which specifies the objectives of the partnership, respective commitments of the partners, key performance indicators, and outputs to be delivered including the identification of research and innovation activities that require support from Horizon 2020.

Article 19Public-private partnerships

3. Public-private partnerships shall be identified in an open and transparent way based on all of the following criteria:1. the added value of action at Union level;2. the scale of impact on industrial competitiveness, sustainable

growth and socio-economic issues;3. the long-term commitment from all partners based on a shared

vision and clearly defined objectives;4. the scale of the resources involved and the ability to leverage

additional investments in research and innovation;5. a clear definition of roles for each of the partners and agreed

key performance indicators over the period chosen.

A2 - DG Research –Horizon 2020Theme 4. Societal Challenges

1. Health, Demographics Changes and Wellbeing2. Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and the Bio-

economy3. Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy4. Smart, Green and Integrated Transport5. Climate Action and Resource Efficiency Including

Raw Materials6. Inclusive, Innovative and Secure Societies

A2 - DG Research - Horizon 2020 4.4. Smart, Green and Integrated Transport

Resource efficient transport that respects the environment– Aircraft, vehicles, etc / Propulsion technologies / alternative energies– Smart equipment and infrastructures– Improving transport and mobility in urban areas

Better mobility, less congestion, more safety and security– reduction of traffic congestion /– transport and management systems– Innovative air traffic management technologies– Waterborne transport, improved and integrated planning and

management technologies– Rail and road : , the optimisation of network management will improve

efficient use of infrastructure – New concepts of freight transport and logistics– Safety, security

Global leadership for the European transport industry– New generation of transport means – On board, smart control systems– Advanced production processes– Exploring entirely new transport concepts– Evidence-based transport policy for the long term

A3. DG Move – new direction on R&I

Dir C – Innovative & Sustainable Mobility – Fotis Karamitsos – Acting

C1 Clean transport and sustainable urban mobility– D. Rosca

C2 Research and Innovative Transport Systems– P. Verhoef

• New direction / created ~july – about 20 persons

C3 Intelligent transport systems – P. Stelmazczyk

C4 Road Safety – I. Kardacz

A3. Unit C2 Research and Innovative Transport Systems

Chef Unité Paul Verhoef +(32) 2 2951067 Policy Officer M. A. Colaco Policy Officer Md M. Marolda +(32) 2 2958391 RespProjets Politiques UE M. T. Schlickmann Policy Officer M. J. Berry Policy Officer M. P. Collotte +(32) 2 2957151 Programme & Project Officer M. C. Pipitsoulis Programme Officer M. M. Rommerts +(32) 2 2955334 Policy Officer M. B. Schnittger Policy Officer Md D. Schroecker Policy Officer M. R. Jüriado Resp Planning-programming M. D. Chavez RespProjets Politiques UE Md F. Pauly + secretariat, IT assistance, ..

A3. DG Move

White Paper on Tranport 2011– Many references to infrastructure–

Strategic Transport Technology Plan– Implementation of Transport Research in Horizon 2020– Announced Summer 2011, still To come

Strong encouragements from C Marolda at Encord Meeting Nov 16

A3. DG Move - ?? STTP ??

4 “i”s and 40 actions– Internal market: Create a genuine Single European Transport

Areaby eliminating all residual barriers between modes and national systems.

– Innovation: EU research needs to address the full cycle of research , innovation and deployment in an integrated way

– Infrastructure: EU transport infrastructure policy needs a common vision and sufficient resources. The costs of transport should be reflected in its price in an undistorted way.

– International: Opening up third country markets in transport services, products and investments continues to have high priority.

TEN-T share by mode

Rail 61% RIS 0,30% Road 4,70% Airport 0,80% ATM 5,70% ERTMS 6,30% Galileo 2,60% ITS 3% IWW 9% MoS 0,70% Multimodal 5,30% Port 0,10% ATM = Air Traffic Management ERTMS = European Rail Traffic

Management System ITS = Intelligent Transport Systems and

Services MOS = Motorways of the Sea RIS = River Information Services IWW = Inland Waterways