Download - 1 BA Festival of Science 2004 Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being a Scientist” Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being.

Page 1: 1 BA Festival of Science 2004 Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being a Scientist” Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being.


BA Festival of Science 2004BA Festival of Science 2004

Festival of ScienceTheme:

“The responsibility of being a Scientist”

Festival of ScienceTheme:

“The responsibility of being a Scientist”

Page 2: 1 BA Festival of Science 2004 Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being a Scientist” Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being.


Institute of Food Science & Technology

Institute of Food Science & Technology

Prof J Ralph Blanchfield, MBE

Chair, External Affairs Institute of Food Science & Technology

President Elect 2003-2006International Academy of Food Science &


Food science, food technology and food law consultant

E-mail: [email protected] Web:

Prof J Ralph Blanchfield, MBE

Chair, External Affairs Institute of Food Science & Technology

President Elect 2003-2006International Academy of Food Science &


Food science, food technology and food law consultant

E-mail: [email protected] Web:

Page 3: 1 BA Festival of Science 2004 Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being a Scientist” Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being.


Institute of Food Science & Technology

Institute of Food Science & Technology

“Can we trust these food scientists?”“Can we trust these food scientists?”

Page 4: 1 BA Festival of Science 2004 Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being a Scientist” Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being.


Institute of Food Science & Technology

Institute of Food Science & Technology

“Can we trust scientists?”“Can we trust scientists?”

Page 5: 1 BA Festival of Science 2004 Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being a Scientist” Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being.


Institute of Food Science & Technology

Institute of Food Science & Technology

Well, first of all, what is “science”?

Well, first of all, what is “science”?

Page 6: 1 BA Festival of Science 2004 Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being a Scientist” Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being.


Institute of Food Science & Technology

Institute of Food Science & Technology

The term “science” is often used to mean any of the following: All scientists Government scientists Industrial company scientists Science facts we learn at school What scientists do in laboratories The results of scientific discoveries How industry uses scientific discoveries How governments use scientific discoveries

The term “science” is often used to mean any of the following: All scientists Government scientists Industrial company scientists Science facts we learn at school What scientists do in laboratories The results of scientific discoveries How industry uses scientific discoveries How governments use scientific discoveries

Page 7: 1 BA Festival of Science 2004 Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being a Scientist” Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being.


Institute of Food Science & Technology

Institute of Food Science & Technology

All these are true aspects of science , but don’t get to the heart of the matter.

So what is the core reality of “science”?

All these are true aspects of science , but don’t get to the heart of the matter.

So what is the core reality of “science”?

Page 8: 1 BA Festival of Science 2004 Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being a Scientist” Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being.


Institute of Food Science & Technology

Institute of Food Science & Technology

Science is:A methodical process of 1. Obtaining knowledge2. thinking about knowledge3. testing our ideas4. and systematically organising

knowledge about our universe and world

Science is:A methodical process of 1. Obtaining knowledge2. thinking about knowledge3. testing our ideas4. and systematically organising

knowledge about our universe and world

Page 9: 1 BA Festival of Science 2004 Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being a Scientist” Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being.


Institute of Food Science & Technology

Institute of Food Science & Technology

Obtaining knowledge:

by observing and recording what is already there;orby setting up an experiment and observing the results

Obtaining knowledge:

by observing and recording what is already there;orby setting up an experiment and observing the results

Page 10: 1 BA Festival of Science 2004 Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being a Scientist” Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being.


Institute of Food Science & Technology

Institute of Food Science & Technology

Thinking about knowledge: Does it suggest a pattern?Does it lead to any conclusion?How can that “hypothesis” be tested?

Thinking about knowledge: Does it suggest a pattern?Does it lead to any conclusion?How can that “hypothesis” be tested?

Page 11: 1 BA Festival of Science 2004 Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being a Scientist” Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being.


Institute of Food Science & Technology

Institute of Food Science & Technology

Testing an hypothesis: Set up an experiment.Publish results in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. Can other scientists repeat it and get the same results? Do the results seem to confirm the hypothesis?If so, the hypothesis becomes a “theory” -- but

Testing an hypothesis: Set up an experiment.Publish results in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. Can other scientists repeat it and get the same results? Do the results seem to confirm the hypothesis?If so, the hypothesis becomes a “theory” -- but

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Institute of Food Science & Technology

Institute of Food Science & Technology

A theory is based on interpretation of current knowledge, and it is thus open to challenge:

1. by other scientists suggesting different conclusions; or

2. by later research adding new knowledge that now has to be taken into account

A theory is based on interpretation of current knowledge, and it is thus open to challenge:

1. by other scientists suggesting different conclusions; or

2. by later research adding new knowledge that now has to be taken into account

Page 13: 1 BA Festival of Science 2004 Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being a Scientist” Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being.


Institute of Food Science & Technology

Institute of Food Science & Technology

Scientists (including food scientists) who professionally, honestly, ethically and objectively adhere to the scientific methodology outlined, can be trusted. They do valuable work for society in many fields.

Are there some who call themselves “scientists” who cannot be trusted?

Scientists (including food scientists) who professionally, honestly, ethically and objectively adhere to the scientific methodology outlined, can be trusted. They do valuable work for society in many fields.

Are there some who call themselves “scientists” who cannot be trusted?

Page 14: 1 BA Festival of Science 2004 Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being a Scientist” Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being.


Institute of Food Science & Technology

Institute of Food Science & Technology

Untrustworthy “scientists”?Yes, every community has a few “rogues” — who falsify or suppress results for gain or glory; or who present speculation as though it were established fact; or who assert that an apparent association between A and B proves that A causes B; or who are militant zealots and campaigners for or against something.No matter what scientific qualifications they have, they are untrustworthy.

Untrustworthy “scientists”?Yes, every community has a few “rogues” — who falsify or suppress results for gain or glory; or who present speculation as though it were established fact; or who assert that an apparent association between A and B proves that A causes B; or who are militant zealots and campaigners for or against something.No matter what scientific qualifications they have, they are untrustworthy.

Page 15: 1 BA Festival of Science 2004 Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being a Scientist” Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being.


Institute of Food Science & Technology

Institute of Food Science & Technology

Are there any yardsticks the public can use to judge trustworthiness of scientists?Letters after the name?Membership of the recognised professional body? (but membership not mandatory to practise – and multiple specialisms)

Are there any yardsticks the public can use to judge trustworthiness of scientists?Letters after the name?Membership of the recognised professional body? (but membership not mandatory to practise – and multiple specialisms)

Page 16: 1 BA Festival of Science 2004 Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being a Scientist” Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being.


Institute of Food Science & Technology

Institute of Food Science & Technology

“These food scientists” include members of IFST, the UK-based professional body of food scientists and technologists

What yardsticks of trustworthiness does IFST provide?

“These food scientists” include members of IFST, the UK-based professional body of food scientists and technologists

What yardsticks of trustworthiness does IFST provide?

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Institute of Food Science & Technology

Institute of Food Science & Technology

Totally independent of government of industryof lobbying groups

Not-for-profit Self-governing Self-funding

Totally independent of government of industryof lobbying groups

Not-for-profit Self-governing Self-funding

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Institute of Food Science & Technology

Institute of Food Science & Technology

Collaborates in the public interest with



consumer bodies industry

Retains complete independence

Collaborates in the public interest with



consumer bodies industry

Retains complete independence

Page 19: 1 BA Festival of Science 2004 Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being a Scientist” Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being.


Institute of Food Science & Technology

Institute of Food Science & Technology

Who are our members? Individuals, not companies

Elected in their personal capacities on the basis of their qualifications and experience

Represent no-one but themselves

Undertake to adhere to the ethical Code of Professional Conduct

Who are our members? Individuals, not companies

Elected in their personal capacities on the basis of their qualifications and experience

Represent no-one but themselves

Undertake to adhere to the ethical Code of Professional Conduct

Page 20: 1 BA Festival of Science 2004 Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being a Scientist” Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being.


Institute of Food Science & Technology

Institute of Food Science & Technology

Where do our members work? Food and ingredients manufacturing Food product development Food retailing and distribution Foodservice University teaching and research Research Institutes ; Research Associations Government departments and agencies Local government: Food law enforcement Consultancy

Where do our members work? Food and ingredients manufacturing Food product development Food retailing and distribution Foodservice University teaching and research Research Institutes ; Research Associations Government departments and agencies Local government: Food law enforcement Consultancy

Page 21: 1 BA Festival of Science 2004 Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being a Scientist” Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being.


Institute of Food Science & Technology

Institute of Food Science & Technology

The first of our four purposes is:

To serve the public interest by furthering the application of science and technology to all aspects of the supply of safe, wholesome, nutritious and attractive food, nationally and internationally.

The first of our four purposes is:

To serve the public interest by furthering the application of science and technology to all aspects of the supply of safe, wholesome, nutritious and attractive food, nationally and internationally.

Page 22: 1 BA Festival of Science 2004 Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being a Scientist” Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being.


Institute of Food Science & Technology

Institute of Food Science & Technology

The other three purposes?

(2) To advance the standing of food science and technology, both as a subject and as a profession; (3) To assist members in their career and personal development within the profession; (4) To uphold professional standards of competence and integrity

The other three purposes?

(2) To advance the standing of food science and technology, both as a subject and as a profession; (3) To assist members in their career and personal development within the profession; (4) To uphold professional standards of competence and integrity

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Institute of Food Science & Technology

Institute of Food Science & Technology

 To uphold professional standards of competence ………..

by the strict standards of qualifications and experience required for entry to professional membership

 To uphold professional standards of competence ………..

by the strict standards of qualifications and experience required for entry to professional membership

Page 24: 1 BA Festival of Science 2004 Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being a Scientist” Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being.


Institute of Food Science & Technology

Institute of Food Science & Technology

 To uphold professional standards of integrity ………by requiring a signed undertaking to comply with IFST’s ethical Code of Professional Conduct

 To uphold professional standards of integrity ………by requiring a signed undertaking to comply with IFST’s ethical Code of Professional Conduct

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Institute of Food Science & Technology

Institute of Food Science & Technology

 IFST’s ethical Code of Professional Conduct

Twelve simple ethical detailed Professional Conduct Guidelines expounding the principles in foreseeable“Teeth”?

 IFST’s ethical Code of Professional Conduct

Twelve simple ethical detailed Professional Conduct Guidelines expounding the principles in foreseeable“Teeth”?

Page 26: 1 BA Festival of Science 2004 Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being a Scientist” Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being.


Institute of Food Science & Technology

Institute of Food Science & Technology

To assist members in their career and personal development within the profession New knowledge is accumulating at such a rate that to stay fully competent food scientists and technologists need to make special efforts to keep up-to-date.

IFST Continuing Professional Development (CPD) scheme

To assist members in their career and personal development within the profession New knowledge is accumulating at such a rate that to stay fully competent food scientists and technologists need to make special efforts to keep up-to-date.

IFST Continuing Professional Development (CPD) scheme

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Institute of Food Science & Technology

Institute of Food Science & Technology

We communicate with members and the public via Publications:

International Journal of FST

Food Science & TechnologyKeynoteMonographs

eg Good Manufacturing Practice Website: Careers Website: Information Statements --

We communicate with members and the public via Publications:

International Journal of FST

Food Science & TechnologyKeynoteMonographs

eg Good Manufacturing Practice Website: Careers Website: Information Statements --

Page 28: 1 BA Festival of Science 2004 Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being a Scientist” Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being.


Institute of Food Science & Technology

Institute of Food Science & Technology

Information StatementsBSE

Dioxins and PCB’s in FoodGenetic modification and foodAIDS and the food handlerDietary fibreOrganic foodsFood allergens - and many more

Information StatementsBSE

Dioxins and PCB’s in FoodGenetic modification and foodAIDS and the food handlerDietary fibreOrganic foodsFood allergens - and many more

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Institute of Food Science & Technology

Institute of Food Science & Technology

Information Statements What are they? Who prepares them? Who approves them? How do we make sure they are objective?

Information Statements What are they? Who prepares them? Who approves them? How do we make sure they are objective?

Page 30: 1 BA Festival of Science 2004 Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being a Scientist” Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being.


Institute of Food Science & Technology

Institute of Food Science & Technology

Prof J Ralph Blanchfield, MBE

Chair, External Affairs Institute of Food Science & Technology

President Elect 2003-2006International Academy of Food Science &


Food science, food technology and food law consultant

E-mail: [email protected] Web:

Prof J Ralph Blanchfield, MBE

Chair, External Affairs Institute of Food Science & Technology

President Elect 2003-2006International Academy of Food Science &


Food science, food technology and food law consultant

E-mail: [email protected] Web:

Page 31: 1 BA Festival of Science 2004 Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being a Scientist” Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being.


Institute of Food Science & Technology

Institute of Food Science & Technology

Responsibility to learn more about our food

Dr Anil de Sequeira,Department Leader

Department of Food StudiesSchool of Science and the Environment

Bath Spa University College

Responsibility to learn more about our food

Dr Anil de Sequeira,Department Leader

Department of Food StudiesSchool of Science and the Environment

Bath Spa University College

Page 32: 1 BA Festival of Science 2004 Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being a Scientist” Festival of ScienceTheme: “The responsibility of being.


Institute of Food Science & Technology

Institute of Food Science & Technology

Can our food ever be safe?

Mr Peter Berry OttawayChairman

IFST Technical & Legislative Committee

Can our food ever be safe?

Mr Peter Berry OttawayChairman

IFST Technical & Legislative Committee