Download - 1. A history of a question - - antilaw-max-en.pdfA history of a question Theories, like Chinese Yin-Yang philosophy, which teach

Page 1: 1. A history of a question - - antilaw-max-en.pdfA history of a question Theories, like Chinese Yin-Yang philosophy, which teach

Law – Antilaw1

Vladimir PetrovThe TRIZ Association of Israel, President

[email protected]

Abstract. The basic thesis of this paper is that any system develops in two opposite directions. Therefore, each law of system development should be considered in two opposite directions.Keywords: TRIZ, Laws of Development, problem-solving

1. A history of a questionTheories, like Chinese Yin-Yang philosophy, which teach that any object exists in two

contradictory states and develops by balancing its opposite characteristics, have been known for centuries. Similar ideas for the development of technical systems are suggested by the laws of dialectics2. Sinectics uses comparable symbolical analogies like «transparent opacity» or «constant inconstancy». Thus, it is necessary to consider whether a problem solver can utilize not only a principle, but also its anti-principle while working on system’s evolution.

Many authors have been able to identify evolution tendencies opposite to those predicted by the TRIZ laws of development. The paired principles (principle and corresponding anti-principle) have been researched by the author over 20 years ago3. B. Zlotin has demonstrated that the law of coordination has its antipode – the law of mismatch4. E. Zlotin in her work “Laws of development of musical forms”5 concluded that new musical forms arise through elimination of the existing forms. J.Salamatov mentions about «anti-dinamisation» in «the general circuit of development of technical systems»6 not determining, that this. G.Frenklah and G.Ezersky was entered with concepts of anti-system, anti-function, zero-function and anti-zero-function. They write: «In case of association of system with anti-system, association of function and anti-function allows receiving «a functional zero» - "functional" because as against number "0", it too functions for which there is a anti-function. Zero-function is connected to stabilization something in system, and its anti-function with change of this parameter. This "change" turns out by dinamisation united functions and anti-functions. This four: function, anti-function, zero-function, anti-zero-function - we shall name the functional block»7.


Vladimir Petrov. Law – Antilaw. – ETRIA TRIZ Futures Conference 2006. 5th ETRIA. 9-11 October 2006. Kortrijk, Belgium. pp. 133-140. 2 Petrov V. M., Laws of dialectics in technological creativity. Leningrad., 1978 (manuscript, Russian). This system of principles was first published in Zhukov, R. F., Petrov V. M., Modern methods of scientific and technological creativity (Using the ship-building industry as example).. – Leningrad.: IPK SP, 1980. – p. 88, pp. 53-57. Petrov V. Laws of dialectics of technical system development . Tel-Aviv. 2002. (Russian) Vladimir Petrov. Laws of Dialectics in Technology Evolution. – The TRIZ Journal Petrov V. M., Paired principles, Leningrad. 1974 (manuscript, Russian). This system of principles was first published in Zhukov, R. F., Petrov V. M., Modern methods of scientific and technological creativity (Using the ship-building industry as example). –Leningrad.: IPK SP, 1980 – p. 308» - 4Searching for New Ideas: From Insigtht to Methodology (The Theory and Practice of Inventive Problem Splving)/ G.Altshiller, B.Zlotin, A.Zusman, and V.Philatov. - Kishinev:Kartya Moldovenyaska Publish House, 1989.- 381 p.5 ZloninaE.S. Laws of development of musical forms. Leningrad.: 1985. Journal «Technology of creativity » #1, 1999 6 SalamatovJ. System of laws development of technique. – Chance of an adventure / Composer A.B.Seljutsky – Petrozavodsk: Karelia. 1991. p. 170, fig. 437

Frenklah G.B., Yezersky G.A. About some laws of transition in supersystem, «Journal TRIZ », v. 1, #1/90. - M. 1990, p. 27.

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The law of redundancy (abundance)8, developed by the author, can be considered as the opposite to the law of ideality. The law of transformation of a system’s scale9 predicts descending hierarchical development of a system – from super-system to its sub-systems. This direction is opposite to the upwards trend in system’s hierarchy, defined by the original law of transition from sub-system to super-system level. As stated by the author in the "Tendencies of System Development in Space"10, a system can develop from a point to a line, to a plane, to "Matrioshka" or virtual space – as well as in the opposite direction: from volume to a plane, line or point. A. Lyobomirsky arrived at the same conclusion in "Trend: Point – Line- Surface – Volume"11. The updated set of Standards contain both the law of system transition to macro-level and the law of transition to micro-level12.

Thus, it is possible to draw a conclusion, that any law of development of systems has the contrast - the anti-law.

2. The law-antilaw systemThe pairs of laws with corresponding antilaws can be systemized in a structure presented in Table 1.

Table 1: The law-antilaw pairs

Law AntilawIncreasing of the degree of ideality(Ideality)

Decreasing of the degree of ideality (Anti-ideality). Redundancy

Increasing in a degree of dynamism (Dynamization)

Decreasing of a degree of dynamism (Stabilization)

Coordination MismatchTransition to super-system Transition to sub-system. Change of

scaleTransition to micro-level Transition to macro-levelIncreasing of system controllability Decreasing of system controllabilityIncreasing of the degree of Substance-Field Interactions

Decreasing of the degree of Substance-Field Interactions

Decreasing of the degree of coupling, Increasing of the degree of fragmentation

Increasing of the degree of coupling, Decreasing of the degree of fragmentation

Increasing of information saturation Decreasing of information saturation

Proposed systemic structure of laws – antlaws, in the author's opinion, expands current understanding of laws of development and establishes the need to examine system development in accordance to both laws and antilaws.

8 Petrov V.M. Law of redundancy. Leningrad., 1981 (manuscript, Russian). Petrov V. Laws of the organization of technical systems. - Tel Aviv, 2002. Vladimir Petrov. The Laws of System Evolution. – The TRIZ Journal

Petrov V.M. Law of change of scale. Leningrad., 1981 (manuscript, Russian). Petrov V. Law of transition of system with macro to microlevel. - Tel Aviv, 2002. Vladimir Petrov. The Laws of System Evolution. – The TRIZ Journal Petrov V. Tendencies of system development in space. L., 1987 (manuscript, Russian). Petrov V. M. System of laws of technical development. – Tel Aviv, Israel 2002 pp. 6-7. Vladimir Petrov. The Laws of System Evolution. – The TRIZ Journal Lyubomirsky, A. L., The trend of Point – Line – Plane – Volume. – TRIZ – readings, Proceedings of the "MATRIZ Fest 2005" conference. – SPb. 2005. (Russian) Petrov V. M. An extended system of standards. - Proceedings of the "MATRIZ Fest 2005" conference. –SPb. 2005 (Russian)

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The laws of development of technical systems are widely described in the TRIZ literature. Therefore, the rest of this paper will be devoted to examples of applications of antilaws.

3. Anti-idealityAnti-ideality – the law opposite to the law of increase in a degree of ideality, i.e. the law of

reduction of a degree of ideality. In anti-ideal system the quantity of functions aspires to zero, and for achievement of an object in view do not reckon with expenses of time and means. The antiideal system can harm.

The degree of anti-idealization can be presented as the formula:







Where: I – the degree of anti-idealization;F – a function delivered of a positive effect;P – negative effect, expenses;i – a number of variable F;j – a number of variable P.

The law of Anti-ideality requests that a number of functions fulfilled by a system is reduced to none while utilizing infinite time and recourses for the purpose. An anti-ideal system can be harmful. A special case of the law of anti-ideality is the law of redundancy.

Redundancy – a pattern, according to which, about 20% of the system's functions, elements and interfaces, perform 80% of the work.

Upon building workable systems, it is necessary to consider the fact that in addition to the core 20% of functions, elements and interfaces, necessary to perform the required work, another 80% of complementary, facilitating functions, elements and interfaces are needed, even though the latter fulfill to only 20% of the required work13. Therefore whilst building a system, it is necessary to plan for some additional resources of material, energy and information. 20% of these resources will assure main functionality. The rest 80% ascertain that additional and supporting functions will be accomplished.

Similar ratio is typical to any form of work. 20 percents of time and resources result in 80 to 90 percent of functionality. Complete functionality requires investment of additional 80 percent of time and resources.

Redundancy is particularly high, in systems designed for special purposes. This is typical in security systems, life saving equipment, medical equipment, military technology, devices for scientific research, sport equipment, luxury items, etc.

Normally, such systems have redundant elements and utilize significant excess in capacity like energy, medical preparations, ammunition, etc.

Ideality is aimed at reducing redundancy. Anti-ideality leads to super-redundancy.

13 The concept of redundancy submits to known Paretto’s Law (also known as Paretto’s principle or the 80-20 rule). This law has been formulated by Italian sociologist, economist and philosopher Vilfredo Federico Damaso Paretto (1848-1923) in 1906, and since then proved to be true quantitative researches in the most various spheres of a life. Approximately 20 % of efforts and are enough time to receive 80 % of result. So, 20 % of the goods determine 80 % of incomes of the company; 20 % of criminals make 80 % of crimes; people carry 20 % of clothes available at them during 80 % of time.

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Striking examples of extreme use of anti-ideality can be found in politics and military. Unique objects, luxury and prestige items, besides their designated purposes, can be regarded as examples of anti-ideality, when considering material resources and efforts invested in their creation. Creating production facilities harming the environment can also be considered as an example of anti-ideality.

Thus, anti-ideality is characteristic for determined the cases which have been mentioned above, and for development of the goods of mass production and mass technologies typically aspiration to ideal system.

Let's result examples of the law of anti-ideality. Example 1. As an example of redundancy we shall consider a submarine which is intended for destruction of object of the opponent, for example, using rockets. The part of a rocket which carries out destructions - a warhead, and is even more exact not all warhead, and explosive. Thus, destruction of object of the opponent needs only explosive - the everything else is superfluous. In tab. 2 values of cost and weights of a submarine, a rocket, a warhead and their ratio are shown, by the example of a nuclear submarine of a Virginia class SSN-77414 (fig. 1), armed by cruise missiles BGM-10915 (fig. 2). Cost of the fighting head of a rocket makes 0.0004 %, and the weight of a warhead makes 0.006 %.

Table 2. Virginia-class nuclear attack (SSN-774) submarine



Submarine A rocket A warheadA ratio

a warhead / submarine%

Weight, Tons 7 800 1.440 0.450 0.0058Cost, Millions $ 2 300 1.3 ~ 0.01 0.0004

Fig. 1. Virginia-class nuclear attack (SSN-774)submarine

Fig. 2. Cruise missile Tomahawk BGM-109

In all centuries for achievement of political ends wars in which people perished were conducted, cities collapsed and enormous means were spent. The weapon of mass defeat not only destroys military objects and an army, but also infects an environment and kills all alive around.

For rich people create madly expensive things. In all centuries governors built to themselves magnificent palaces with the richest furniture.

Example 2. It is necessary to recollect even the Amber Room in Ekaterin’s Palace in Tsarskoe Selo (suburb of Saint Petersburg). One of kinds of a restored Amber Room is shown on fig. 3.

Example 3. At some rich people the sanitary equipment is made of gold and expensive materials. For example, in Saddam Hussein's Palaces water cranes have been made of gold, and toilet bowls from nacre and other expensive materials (fig. 4).

14 Virginia class submarine BGM-109 Tomahawk

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And prestige, besides their basic purpose, it is possible to consider unique objects, a luxury goods as examples of anti-ideality, is especial if to take into account spent on their creation material and manpower resources.

Example 4. Creation of Seven Wonders of the Ancient World - most vivid examples of anti-ideality as unique objects (fig. 5-11).

Miracles proceed to be created and now.Example 5. In Japan there is a building in which the artificial beach with the artificial sea

(fig. 12) is made.Example 6. In the city of Dubai (United Arab Emirates) it is constructed snow stadium "Ski

Dubai" in which it is possible to be engaged in various winter kinds of sports. Has five lines various on difficulty to height and a steepness for a slalom. The most complex line in length 400 meter and difference of heights more than 60 m with pendant rope-way. There are a double-track line for bobsled, a zone for admirers of a snowboard, a hill for sledge, ski lines, a skating rink. Snow Park the area of 3000 m2 with caves from a snow, a shooting gallery where it is possible to engage in shooting light snow, etc. The artificial snow will fall. Daily to be developed a some tone of an artificial snow (fig. 11). In a winter oasis to be supported the temperature a minus of 2 degrees. In its territory can simultaneously be engaged in winter kinds of sports of 1500 person.

Fig. 3. Amber Room in Ekaterin’s Palace. Tsarskoe Selo (suburb of Saint Petersburg)

Fig. 4. The sanitary equipment in Saddam Hussein's Palaces

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Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

Fig. 5. The Great Pyramids Fig. 6. The Temple of Diana at Ephesus

Fig. 7. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Fig. 8. The Colossus of RhodesFig. 9. The Mausoleum of


Fig. 10. The Pharos (Lighthouse) of Alexandria Fig. 11. The Statue of Zeus

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Fig. 12. The artificial beach with the artificial sea in Japan

Example 7. In the city of Dubai (United Arab Emirates) the 7-stars hotel (fig. 14) is constructed unique in the world.

Example 8. The artificial islands which have received the name Palm because of their form, are constructed to Dubai are visible to the naked eye from the Moon (fig. 15).

Example 9. At the end of 2006 in the city of Dubai it is planned to construct first-ever underwater hotel. It will be completely constructed in Germany and shipped in waters of Persian gulf in близи Palm Islands. 220 numbers of the future hotel will amaze not only magnificence of furniture, but also fascinating spirit with a kind on sea flora and fauna (fig. 16).

Fig. 13. "Ski Dubai"

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Example 10. In 2008 is planned to finish the highest skyscraper in the world - Burj Dubai in city of Dubai (UAE). The planned height of-800 m (fig. 17). The author of the project - American architect Adrian Smith. The total cost of the project is estimated in 875 million US dollars.

Burj Dubai becomes a key element of a new business centre to Dubai. Inside a complex hotels, apartments, offices, shopping centers, and on 124 floor a viewing platform will be placed. Above the basic building there will be воздвигнута a tower which, besides decorative function, will be equipped with telecommunication equipment.

Example 11. American company Space Adventures plans to construct in United Arab Emirates in territory of Ras Al-Khaimah a complex for space tourism (fig. 18). Cost of the project is estimated by experts in $265 million. Erection of passenger terminals and a launching pad for space rockets, and also runways for reception of traditional planes and space "shuttles" Is planned.

Example 12. One more example of anti-ideality - creation of the manufactures spoiling an environment.

Thus, the law anti-ideality is shown at achievement of the purposes where do not reckon with expenses or causing of harm. Development of the goods of mass production submits to the law of aspiration to ideal system.

Fig. 14. The 7-stars hotel in Dubai

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Fig. 15. The artificial islands in Dubai

Рис. 16. The underwater hotel in Dubai

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4. Transition to Macro-levelThe law of system transition to macro-level relates to the tendency of increasing systemparameters in value. Development of some systems is directed at increasing the value of certain parameters. Let us consider some examples.

Example 13. Development of television screens. The first television had a 2 inch screen. Today we can purchase a Samsung TV with a 102 inch screen. The dimensions of street television screens are significantly greater. The general tendency of development of screens is shown on fig. 19

Fig. 17. The highest skyscraper in the world - Burj Dubai

Fig. 18. The complex for space tourism

Рис. 19. The development TV’s screens

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Example 14. In January 2005 the biggest screen in world: 457.2 m long, and 13.7 m wide has been installed at one of shopping center of Las Vegas. The general law of television screen development is shown in fig. 20.

Example 15. As the screen for laser cinema (laser show) air serves, and its sizes are not limited (fig. 21).

The described examples use two opposite tendencies: transition to macro-level – leads in growth of the screen dimensions; transition to micro-level – rules the development of the screen functionality.

Example 16. Today's super-liners are significantly bigger than the RMS Titanic. Table 2 compares the latter with Queen Mary 2.

Fig. 20. The biggest screen in world in shopping center of Las Vegas

Рис. 21. The laser show

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Table 2. RMS Titanic versus Queen Mary – 2 (fig. 22)Parameters RMS Titanic Queen Mary-2

Load displacement, tons 52 310 150 000Length, meters 259.83 345Width, meters 28.19 41Height, meters 55 72Draft, meters 10.54 10 Number of decks 8 21Passenger capacity 2201 2620Service personnel 494 1254

Constantly capacities of engines and generators increase.Example 17. The biggest lorry Liebherr T 282B weighs 203 tons, has 7,4 m in height and 14.5

m at length (fig. 22). The wheel base makes 6.6 m. Carrying capacity of the giant of 365 tons. By the machine the diesel engine by capacity 3650 h.p. which actuates the generator from which the electromotors established in each wheels eat is established.

Example 18. The biggest tanker in world Jahre Viking (fig. 24) has length – 458.45 meters, width – 68.86 meters, to a deposit under a cargo – 24.61 meters, than 500 thousand tons of oil (564763 tons) transports more. Full displacement of the tanker of 825614 tons.

Example 19. There is a project of super-ship Freedom Ship (fig. 25). Its length of 1317 m, width – 221 m, height – 104 m, displacement is 2.7 million tons, passenger capacity – 40000.

Fig. 22. Super-liner Queen Mary-2

Fig. 23. Lorry Liebherr T 282B Fig. 24. The tanker in world Jahre Viking

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Cities continuously grow in size and in population. Example 20. A city-tower project (fig. 26) has been planned for the height of 1228 m and 100,000

dwellers.Example 21. The world highest suspension bridge was inaugurated in December 2004 at Millau,

France, over the Tarn river valley, on the Paris-Barcelona road (fig. 27). An earlier route at the same location required a lengthy and tiresome detour across the river valley. With suspension length of 2.460 km, 32 m width, the bridge's automobile route is positioned 270 m above the ground. The longest bridge pylon is 343 m high, that is, 20 m higher than the Eiffel tower. The bridge is built on 7 columns, each 87 m high.

Fig. 25. The super-ship Freedom Ship

Fig. 26. The city-tower

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Example 22. Development of telescopes.Telescopes - refractors.The first telescope has been constructed in 1609 by the Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei. The

telescope had length of a pipe of 1245 mm, diameter of an objective of 53 mm, an eyepiece of 25 dioptrically sight and 30-fold increase.

The further development of telescopes of refractors went on a way of increase in a focal length of an objective which considerably improves quality of the image.

In 1680th years in Holland Christians Гюйгенс experimented with 64-meter «an air telescope»,it had no pipe, and objectives which had at top of a mast and turned with the help of a long stick or cords, and an eyepiece simply held in hands.

The air telescope of the RAM had length of 98 meters. The largest refractor in the world being the Yerkes Observatory telescope with a diameter of

102 cm. Larger refractors are not used. It is connected by that qualitative big lenses of road in manufacture and are heaviest that conducts to deformation and deterioration of the image.

And so, the length of telescopes - refractors has increased in 100 times, and diameter of an objective has changed from 53 up to 1020 mm.

Telescopes - reflectorsThe first telescope - reflector has been constructed by Isaac Newton in 1668. The circuit on

which it has been constructed, has received the name «the circuit of Newton». The length of a telescope made 15 see.

To 1672 Cassegrain has offered the circuit of two-mirror system soon becoming most popular. The first mirror was parabolic, the second had the form of a convex hyperboloid and settled down before focus of the first.

Now practically all telescopes are mirror. First mirrors did of metal preparations. Now them make of a glass, and then render on a surface a thin layer of silver (it is used basically by fans{amateurs}) or aluminum, which spray in vacuum.

The biggest in the world a mirror telescope it. Keck has diameter of 10 m and is on Hawaiian islands.

Diameter of a mirror of a telescope - reflector has increased almost in 200 times.Radio telescopesThe first radio telescope has been constructed Grote Reber in 1937. It had the form of a plate in

diameter of 9.5 m. In 1947 sir Bernard Lavll has constructed a parabolic radio telescope in diameter of 66 m in diameter in Jodrell Bank, England, and in August in 1957 diameter of 76 m. It was. Radio telescope Parkes is the largest in a southern hemisphere, is located in Australia in 380 km from Sydney has the parabolic aerial in diameter of 64 m. The biggest plate of motionless radiotelescope Arecibo (fig. 29), located in a natural valley on island Puerto Rico, has been constructed in 1963 has diameter of 305 m.

Рис. 27. Automobile suspension bridge Millau on a highway Paris - Barcelona

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Fig. 29. Radio telescope Arecibo Fig. 30. Radio telescope RATAN-600

The largest ring radio telescope RATAN-600 (fig. 30) with the aerial of a variable structure, is located on the Western Caucasus, in Karachaevo – Circassia (Rusian), has been constructed in 1974. Diameter of the main mirror of 576 m, and the geometrical area of the aerial of 15000 m2.

Band crosswise radio telescope DKP-1000 (fig. 31) - will consist of two aerials located in the form of a cross. The aerial settles down on 37 support at height of 20 m. Each of these aerials represents the parabolic cylinder in width of 40 m and length 1 km, the effective area of 8000 m2. The Very Large Array, one of the world's premier astronomical radio observatories, consists of 27 radio antennas in a Y-shaped configuration on the Plains of San Agustin fifty miles west of Socorro, New Mexico. Each antenna is 25 meters in diameter (fig. 32). The data from the antennas is combined electronically to give the resolution of an antenna 36 km across, with the sensitivity of a dish 130 meters in diameter.

The following step was association of the radio-telescopes located on different continents.

Space (extra-atmospheric) telescopesTelescopes have deduced{removed} in space. Now radio-telescopes can be deduced{removed}

into a solar orbit which will be located on the opposite ends of an orbit then the base distance between telescopes will increase many times over.

The law of transition to a macro-level is used for increase of efficiency of mass actions (the big screens), mass transportations (transport), supervision over the big and-or remote objects, etc. Frequently the physical principle of these systems is carried out according to the law of transition to a micro-level.

Fig. 31. Radio telescope DKP-1000 Fig. 32. Very Large Array (VLA)

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5. Transition in a sub-systemThe law of transition from system to sub-system is the antipode of the law of transition from

system to super-system. The author renamed this law as – the law of change of scale.The change in scale of a technical system is realized by either transition – from a super-system

to a system level, or from the system to a sub-system level and further to matter. This anti-law is depicted in Figure 33.

Fig. 33

Change of Scale





This transition can be demonstrated by the development of electronics. Example 23. First electronic systems, built on bulbs, had a massive chassis for holding the bulbs.

All electrical connections were established by means of separate conductors (hinged installations). Fig. 34. The aerial with SME

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Circuit components (capacitors, inductors, resistors, etc.) and a power supply module were of substantial dimensions and weight.

Big bulbs were replaced by finger bulbs. The latter required less power, which could be handled by smaller circuit components. This vastly reduced the size of the entire system.

Next step was a revolutionary transition from finger bulbs to semiconductor devices (transistors, diodes, etc.). This enabled significant reduction in the sizes of circuit elements and the power used. Yet, the hinged installation remained.

The hinged installation was replaced by the printed circuit board, which contained all the required circuit connectors. Large systems were replaced by small-sized, lightweight modules. All these steps correspond to transition from super-systems to system, or from system to sub-system.

Transition from transistors to integrated and hybrid circuits incorporated various circuit elements as well as connectors within a single semiconductor chip. Blocks were replaced by integrated circuits (transition from sub-system to matter).

The invention of VLSI enabled complete replacement of a computational unit, previously occupying significant space, by a single semiconductor crystal. Thus, the super-system completed its transition to matter.

Let's result one more example.Example 24. At construction in Ust-Ilm’s hydroelectric power station it was necessary to lower

a 4000-ton pipe (flume) on a slope. For this purpose the system of elevating cranes or jacks has been offered. However, a problem has solved transition to use of substance. Under a pipe and from a slope up to a pipe filled a snow. When it has thaw, the pipe was lowered itself. The mechanism has been replaced with substance.

Example 25. Antennas for satellites do as a paraboloid shape. Accuracy of work of the aerial depends on accuracy of manufacturing of the form. At start of the satellite in space the aerial is in the combined condition, and in space of it develop the special mechanism of exact mechanics. The American experts have suggested doing the aerial of a material with Shape Memory Effect (SME). At the moment of start the aerial is combined and occupies not enough places (see fig. 34). In space the covers closing the hatch with the aerial "are shot". The aerial heated up by solar beams also "recollects" the form which to it have given on the Earth.

Many other examples where the most complicated mechanisms are replaced with materials with effect of memory of the form, for example, press and other mechanisms.

Example 26. For destruction of wreckers in a grain of it heat up to the certain temperature but if to overheat on one degree the grain will be spoiled. For this purpose used a complex control system with a plenty of ultra-precise temperature gauges. This system have replaced with a powder with temperature кюри, equal temperature of heating of a grain. Heating carried out currents of high frequency.

There are many other examples of replacement of mechanisms and systems «clever substance».Thus, the law of transition in a subsystem is applied to development of systems which demand

miniaturization and simplification.

6. StabilizationThe Law of Stabilization is the opposite to the law of increasing a degree of dynamism. A

system or some of its parameters should remain unchanged in time, in structure or space. In order to achieve this it is necessary to maintain conditions assuring that all the system parameters remain unchanged. The concept of dynamic stability can be considered as a subset of this law.

Several illustrations of the law can be found in maritime technology.

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Example 27. For manufacture of modern equipment, for example, microcircuits, it is required «clean rooms». In them it is constantly supported the certain parameters of environment (temperature, humidity, a dust content, etc.). An example on stabilization of parameters in time.

Example 28. An anchor keeps the vessel at a fixed location. An example on stabilization of system in space.

Example 29.Vessels are stabilized against rolling by a variety of means including passive means (ballast) and active measures (valve and pump-adjusted cisterns, automatically sliding horizontal rudders, reactive water jets etc.) Gyroscopic platforms on which establish, for example, instruments by the ships and tanks are developed. An example on dynamic stabilization of system in space.

Watching systems which stabilize the certain parameters of object of control concern to the same point. In a general sense it is possible and to relate process to stabilization control of process or object. Control carries out effort that the system did not leave for parameters.

Example 30. Control can be carried out on preset parameters or to change under the certain program, arrive at a goal. Here it is possible to relate control systems of moving objects, control systems of technological processes, medical systems of maintenance of ability to live of the person, biological systems, etc.

Other direction of stabilization - restoration, restoration and preservation. Example 31. Restoration of historical monuments and subjects of art, rehabilitation of patients,

preservation of the information, etc. One more direction of this law - control of unstable objects. Example 32. The two-wheeled bicycle or the jetliner are steady (stable) only in movement.Examples 29-32 describe various kinds of dynamic stabilization.Other direction - stabilization of the shape. Example 33. The design cannon-bone can maintain very big

loadings. The Swiss professor of anatomy Hermann Von Meyer investigated structure of the cannon-bone’s head of a femur in that place where it is bent and under a corner enters into a joint. And thus the bone for some reason does not break under weight of a body. Meyer has found out a background, that the head of a bone is covered with a refined network tiny косточек due to which loading wonderfully is redistributed on a bone. This network had strict geometrical structure, which professor has described in the document (fig. 35).

In 1866 the Swiss engineer Carl Cullman has brought theoretical base under Von Meyer's discovery and later 20 years natural distribution of loading with the help of curve supports have been used Eiffel.

The law of reduction of degree dynamism (the law of stabilization) is used for development of systems in which it is necessary to stabilize the certain parameters or all system as a whole. For dynamism systems the law of increase in a degree of dynamism is used.

7. Increasing in a degree of couplingThe law of increasing of the degree of coupling is the anti-law with respect to decreasing in a

degree of coupling, specifically, the law of increasing level of fragmentation. Degree of coupling increases as depicted in (fig. 36) from field (1), to gas (2), to aerosol (3), to

liquid (4), to gel (5), to particles (6), to flexible objects (7), to monolith (8) and. to combination (9).

Fig. 35. A design of the cannon-bone’s head

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Fig. 36

Change in degree of coupling9

Example 34. Monolithic reinforced concrete is widely used in construction. This technology was also used for creating pylons for Millau Bridge on a route of motorway Paris - Barcelona (fig. 37).

Fig. 37. Pylons for Millau Bridge on a route of motorway Paris - Barcelon

The law of increase in a degree of coherence (reduction of a degree of crushing) is used, in particular, when it is necessary to increase stability of object.

8. Decreasing of system controllabilityThe law of decreasing of system controllability identify evolution towards simple machines with no automation. This law is the opposite of the law of increasing of system controllability.

Example 35. An instrument for cleaning oranges (fig. 38), consists of a single plastic-cast element. It is small, simple, and convenient to use. Such instruments have appeared in the past (for example – a can opener and a bottle opener), and will appear in the future.

The law of decreasing of the degree of Substance-Field interactions and the law of decreasing of information saturation can be considered as sub-laws of decreasing of system controllability.

The law of decreasing of the degree of Substance-Field interactions is aimed to be used for the objects comprising a single substance or a single field. First of all the law can be applied to simplest things, represented by a single item. A single-piece cast plastic or metal items are good example. Natural resources can also be used.

Example 36. Subjects, mould from plastic or the metal, made of a uniform (monolithic) piece of a material.

Besides resources of the nature can be used.

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The law of decreasing information saturation is the opposite of the law of increasing information saturation. The latter aims at eliminating of humans from technical systems (that is, mechanization, automation and computerization of technical systems). The history of development of technical system, though, gives many examples of manual labor processes existing alongside computerization. Moreover, various tools used by manual laborers are being improved, simplified and gradually become more convenient in use. This can also be looked at as a result of the law of ideality. Ideal system should consist of few elements.

Hand-held tools, such as a hammer, a saw, a knife, a crowbar, a shovel, represent good examples of such simple systems.

Fig. 38. An instrument for cleaning oranges

Knife for a cut of a peel Spatula for lifting

of a peelCut of a peel

Lifting of a peel

9. Use of system of laws – anti-laws Each of laws and anti-laws can be used as independently, and in the certain communication with

other law.Let's show some features of use of laws and anti-laws together.We reveal law, that at development of some systems the law and the anti-law are

simultaneously used. For example, the system as a whole can develop under the anti-law, and a principle of its action,

the technology or a separate part develops under the law. We shall show it on examples.

9.1. Ideality – anti-idealityLet's return to the examples considered earlier.Creating unique objects use the newest ideas, technologies, elements and materials which aside

increases in a degree of ideality, as a rule, develop, more often.So for creation of military equipment, for example, a submarine (an example 1) and rockets, are

used the high technologies, elements and materials.

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At creation of modern miracles light in Japan and Dubai (examples 5-11) as used the most perspective technologies, elements and materials.

9.2. Transition to a macro-level - on a micro-levelThe sizes of liquid crystal and plasma screens of TVs (an example 13) constantly increase, that

corresponds{meets} to the law of transition to a macro-level, and the principle of their work and manufacturing techniques of elements and the TV as a whole corresponds{meets} to the law of transition to a micro-level, using the advanced achievements of science and technology.

Too most concerns to the screen in shopping center Las Vegasa (an example 14) and to laser show (an example 15). They are executed with use of last technologies. Elements of the screen in shopping center Las Vegasa correspond to transition to a micro-level, and a beam of the laser - a limiting case of the law of transition to a micro-level - use of a field (light - a beam of the laser).

The described examples also use the law of increase in a degree of ideality and it sublaws: increases in a degree dynamism, increases in a degree of controllability, the coordination.

The described transport giants (examples 16-19), besides the law of transition to a macro-level, first of all, submit to one of properties of the law of increase in a degree of ideality - increase in specific (relative) parameters. The parity of useful volumes to total amount at the big vehicles grows, i.e. ideality grows. By the example of the tanker it is shown on fig. 39. Besides engines have a tendency to increase of specific capacity (a parity of capacity and weight), that raises ideality of vehicles even more.

a) Tanker of 4760 tons displacement (dead-weight)

c) Tanker almost ideal

b) Tanker of 102000 tons displacement (dead-weight)

– Net load

Fig. 39. Increase in specific parameters of the tanker

In creation the project of tower - city, the Spanish architects of spouse Javier Pioz and Maria Rosa Cervera, used bionic ideas. The tower represents dynamic structure by analogy to a cypress. In construction of a tower original ideas and modern materials (see fig. 27) are used many. «The root system » towers (base) will extend in process of increase in height and width of a tower (fig. 40).

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This too an example of increase in specific parameters of system (a parity of the general{common} area of all " rooms (quarters)" of a tower to the area occupied on the ground).

In projects of 7-stars hotel, artificial islands and underwater hotel (examples 7-9) the surface of the ground is not used at all. These are examples of sharing of laws of transition to a macro-level, increases in a degree of coherence and idealization.

In development of telescopes (an example 22) two opposite tendencies - transition on macro-and on a micro-level also are used. The sizes of telescopes, mirrors or distance between telescopes increase, i.e. pass to a macro-level, and principles of fixation of the image or association of telescopes - on a micro-level.

The first receiver of images in a telescope, Galilean the eye of the observer was invented. In the beginning of XX century in astronomy the photographic plates sensitive in various areas of a spectrum began to be used. Then photoelectronic multipliers, and then electrical optical transducer have been invented. In modern telescopes as receivers of radiation use progressive scan interline CCD

will consist of a plenty (1000×1000 and more) semi-conductor sensitive cells in the size in some micron everyone in which quantum of radiation release the charges accrued in certain places -elements of the image. Images are processed in a digital kind by means of the COMPUTER.

Thus, receivers of images submit to the tendency of transition to a microlevel.Telescopes of an observatory of Mauna Kea (Hawaii) "Keck I" и "Keck II" which of 85 m are

on distance, are incorporated with the help of fiber-optical, work as one telescope equivalent to a telescope with a 85-meter mirror. Association is made at a micro-level. By the example of development of telescopes we have shown association of laws of transition on макро-both a micro-level and transition in надсистему. And, as before, the general system submits to the law oftransition to a macro-level, and principles of association of telescopes and fixings of images, submit to the law of transition to a micro-level. It is possible to note also to transition to virtual association of telescopes that corresponds to the law of increase of a degree of an information saturation.

9.3. Transition in a subsystem and super-systemTransition to the VLSI (an example 23) is an example uses simultaneously two opposite

tendencies - the law of transition in a subsystem and the law of transition in надсистему. In modern processors are incorporated not only identical (homogeneous) elements - transistors, but also

Vertical section of the base

Model of "root system" city -cypress.

A cross-section of a tower

Fig. 40. «Root system» towers - cities

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alternative systems, for example the processor and memory, etc. I.e. the processor represents substance in which different systems are incorporated.

We want to emphasize once again, that in the considered example, the system as a whole submits to the law of transition in a subsystem, and its structure and a manufacturing techniques - to the law of transition in надсистему.

9.4. Stabilization - DynamizationIn examples 27, 28-32 it is shown, that for realization of stabilization of system or parameters, it

is necessary dynamization system. I.e. the law and the anti-law together is used. And for realization of the main requirement - stabilization, the technology dynamization is used.

In examples 33 (cannon-bone) and 34 (support of suspension bridge Millau) stabilization of the form is carried out with the help of "microstructure" of an internal structure - fibers in cannon-boneand system of armature in a monolithic support of the bridge.

The similar structure at a micro-level is present in a body deep-water sponge sorts Euplectellas (fig. 41). The skeleton губки extremely прочен also is flexible and resists to influence of predators. The structure of a skeleton губки will consist of beams of fiber glasses, is more thin than the human hair, fastened as a lattice, укрепленные other fibers cross-wise, located on a diagonal in both directions in additional squares. An external part of structure will strengthen «mountain ridges», interfering destruction. The design fastens with the help of organic glue.

The same example concerns to laws of increase and reduction of a degree of coherence. The external structure and the form submit to the law of increase in a degree of coherence, and internal structure and a manufacturing techniques – to the law of reduction of a degree of coherence.

9.5. A hypothesisThe system of laws – anti-laws can be used, as separate laws and anti-laws, and a kind of their

combination. In the latter case, if for development of system it is necessary to apply the anti-law for realization of an internal structure, a principle of its action as a whole or its separate parts, the law can use technologies of their manufacturing.

10. ConclusionThe system of laws and anti-laws described in this paper complements the existing system of

laws and enables forecasting system development more accurately, including opposing pathways for system development and combinations of these pathways.

Deep-water sponge sorts Euplectellas A skeleton of spongeStructure of a skeleton

of spongeFig. 41. Structure of a skeleton sponge sorts Euplectellas

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The given system of laws – anti-laws, in opinion of the author, expands existing concept about laws of development of systems which can be used both for development of thinking, and at forecasting development of new systems it is important to take into account and anti-laws.

GratitudeI am grateful to my friends and colleagues to Boris Zlotin, Ellen Domb (USA), to Jury Belski

(Australia), to Alexander Bushuev, Jury Danilovsky, Alexander Kislov and Alexander Kynin (Russia), Raya Kuzmenko (Israel) for the discussion, valuable remarks and offers.
