Download - 1 9 51 - Parliament of Victoria - Home · 1 9 51 VICTORIA I1EPORT ... E 0 F C U ~ T l£ ~ T ~ . n~:: ... cast's was it found necessary to haw~ vohmtary patients eertifi


1 9 51





l'HESI~:'\'l'l~lJ TU ilUTH HUL:SEf:l UF PAitLLDLEXl' I.'IJW:iU.i.'\1' Tu AUT W Gt•;U, V. Ko. :1721, SEUTIOX 19.

{..Jpproxt'owfij Co'\t uf RepeNt.-- Preparatiu11, WJL gh t.:tL Priutiug 1 iuu l:oph:::>), £19V.j


!\;o. 1.-[~s. 3P.)-9ii8Gj.~L

'l' A JJ J, E 0 F C U ~ T l£ ~ T ~ .


Chi"r Cl"rk a,ml AccouutaJJ!,

:\le<limd ~uverintendents (in following order)--

Kew, Ammt, Beechworth, Sunbury, Ballamt, Hoyal Park, Mo11t; Park, [tepatriation Hot>pital, Bumloom

'L'mYancore, Plt•m;ant Crn·k (Sta\wll) .. landi••l•l

Pcyeltiatric Clinic~



I.-Total ca,;e~ under can;

Tab lP III. -l')tatistiea.l ~umnmry ~ince I H::lO

Tnhl•• [\'.---Statistical summary admi~~ions nnd. d iselmrgcs

TniJI<· V.---Mean Ages

Table \'I.- -l'rolmh!.. causes of iu~anit\·

TahJ,. VII. --Form of :\I.,nt<d Di~on[ .. r oit .\dnJi.,~ioti

Tnh[,. VJIT. --Conditiu11 a~ to marriag••

Tab!" X.---Patieul~ Boank<l Out•

Tahl•· XI. --Hee!'iving Houst'" mid Wanb

Tnule XIJ.---\'oluntary l:loardcrs HJ:J()

Tabk XIII.--Yoluntary Boarders :;ineo J\1:)0

'J'abk XIV.----Private Mental Home'


Tablc XY.--Total He<'Pipt;, mHl J~xp;•nditurc

Table XVJ.~Total co,;t;; of maiutenanen

Tnhk XVII.---Avemge weekly co::;t per patient.

T:thl<> X VJJ I.- ExpPnditure aml eost of mainf.Plli!IH'e Jl<~Jd;al Dl•fpr,tin·,;· Bt,ltwh










1 .. ·)










'Po the Honorable the J.11ini.'IfN of Health.



Dii'Pct.or's Office, Old Treasnn· Buildings, Spring-:,4rc(•L

.Jlelbonrne, CJ, 17th RPpt<'mber. Hl::il.

l have the honour to pr<.'sent tlH· Annual H(·rwrt or tlw DepartiiH'Ili of .:\Ienbtl H.\"giene for t.he year 1950.

On the :nst December, 1 S);)(l, t.hen! were resident in the mental hospitals of this Department (),401 patients and 1,071 were also either on probation with relativt•s or boardt>d-ont to the benevolent homes. Privat.c· mental homf's hnd 27 patientr,; in their tare, so that tbe total number of registered insane was 7,t!m antl tlw proportion of eN·tified insarw to the general population was 1 in :WR.

During the year, !l:1:3 persons were admit.ted n:-; volnnUtry hoarders to thP various hospitals and homes and 86~1 wen· discharged to tlwit· bo11ws nft.Pr treatment. Fift.y-ouc voluntary boarder patient:-; died :-;hortly aft.N their a<lmi:-5sion. In onl.v 4:3 cast's was it found necessary to haw~ vohmtary patients eertifi<··d a:-; insa1w.

In the last two vears there has hePn an increase of :348 in the number of registered insant~. Xo building has lwt>n und(~rt.aknn to meet this in('reasPd pressure on :wcommodation.

The total maintenance cost of the Departuwnt. for tlw financial year \\tli' £l.o4l,0:37. c\part from this expenditure, which is eltal'l!llUbJe again:-;t the• Votes of thP JlentaJ lhgiew~ Braneh of the Health Department. PXpt>nditure by tlw Pnhlie \Vork;; Department on serYiees, stores and maintenance of buildings, bnt ex<·luding < t\X]H•nditun·. was tl07,2,12. The average weekly gross cost per patient in the )!ental Hospitals was t4 4s. Hd., a rise of 16s. 2d. on the previous year, and when (•ollections from the Public Trustee and other sources were brought to a(·cmmt. the nt>t. co::;t to the novernmcnt was t:) 16s. 7d. per capita per Wt:>ck.

l have the honor to lw, ''. i"\JJ''

Your ob('dient. :-;erv;mt.

.I . LA'L\ H l Xl CH.

Actin/! Director of :\'!ental Hygiene.

Name of Institut-ion.

Mental Hospital, Kew Ment<>l Hospital, Kew, Cllildr·o·IJ·, ('.,t-

tages . ~ .. Mental Hospital, Ararat Mental Hospital, Beechworth Mental Hospital, Sunhury Mental Hospital, B11llamt .. Mental Hospital, Royal Park Mental Hospital, Mont Park Mental Hospital, .Janefield

Repatriation }[ental Hospital, doora . . .. ..

ltceoi,·ing Ward, Bendigo .. Receiving House, Ballai-at Receiving House, Royal Park


Travancore lh•velopmental f'entrt· Stawell Special School .Janefield

Total Number on Books of :-;tat(· institutions

Total Number Resid<'nt in st,IIC" Institntimis

Private l\ Honw ·· Plna.-.;nnt View" ..

Private Mental Home "l\.Ie~-ton " Private Mental Home ·· Hillern't ..

Total -"!umber under Control of Department


:H :;.:? i i'ifi I .)4 I·' !\(\

H :l 11 s ;} 13

lit\ l(i(l :l:!n :!:l 74 W6 77 174 :lii I

lOO Hi 1!17 .. ;) :;

4!10 i'>!-il


tlw Number of Cases Under the Control of the Department on 3l~t December, 1950.

l n8anc Patients Ttt•sident. l:Ulr.ciYing Hou,;e P"tients.

;\lales. -- ·-'-------1--

3\i:l 44:-> XII :m~ ;)()I SUH

:ill l\)4 i>\J;) ,;:l6 :!SO X Hi :nn 4-'~ .'{()(; ~I

li\\4 XIX 1,4X:! 30i) tiOl \lOt) 102 :lll :Ha

l, 7H(J 104

2•17 IH:l 4:!\J .)~/ :!7X Xo.'i :u;:l 4'>-> ;s;; I ! s 4S7 t};)(j 1.14:! i


21)7 ,;:la 790 i ti :!5 a1 62

na; l-\()(1 1.4\ti 4 !\;) 69

I\! I


0':) -1-~-1-I ' ' '

I.; 1;):1

X,OX:l 4:l H.401 X4 7S

145 !12 S,:l87

:3,764 7,136 --

22 ! 4i) 67 ii7 ,-,, 17


14-ii lOH J.>:l :l:l:~ 223 133 ! :.'fl;) :>.H6ti I 4.44 7 I l.-l,41 :1


TABLE H.---Showing th(' Admi,KiorJt>, He-a.<bni:-;F>iOIIK, Di:-;ehnrges, nn(l Death;;; of Patients at }'!ental Hospitals during tbo YPar ended ;31st December, 19:)0.

-- ------------------ ----------------

::\laler;, Femal~:-;. ! Total. I Males. }'emales. Total.

------------------------- --- ·----- -- ----- !------ ------ - 1--- !-------

On trial

Boarded out

Total numlJer on books, 1st January, l nr,o

Cases admitted-:--

First admissions

Not firRt admissions

Escaped pat-ient" retaken

Total cases admitted during the year

Total cases under care during the year ..

Cases discharged--



Not improved



Total eases discharged and died during the year

Remaining in the Hospitals, 31st December, l!lfJO

Patients on trial leave

Patients boarded out

Total number on boob, ;ll"t J)pcemhnr, I !lfi(J

Average number resident during the year

Persons under care during the year

Persons admitted

Persons recovered



1:!1 J :w

547 683






• I I -1----i---- ----1 ! : I 3 "')' . '3 3nc '1 - '))" I ,._)\ ':1- I • } ~'·' I j , .... ( d


7., ·)

1-~-1------ 1-----1 i i I


i 1


74 ~ 1 6!J7 1,4-:3n

! ~--- --1----i ----4.,1146 ! 4,5!1f) 8,642

l:H 14-0 2H

[)8 (j() 12t

]5 14 2\1

184 73 257

235 2.51 4-86


-I t\26 ;).t4 ] '170

2,\1:30 3,-171

371 457 828 ' I

119 124 24-3 I

____ 1 _____ 11 __

, , I I I I

i i i 3,4.20 I -t,Ofi2 7' t-72


. ________ : ____ j_- I i _I---. I I . I

I 2,HG1 3,4-;)4 I 6,-1-fJ[J










TAilLE 111.-Sho...-iug tlu~ :-.;umber of Registered ln&' on the Books of the Mental Hospitals a.nd the Private }!ental Homes :Lt the end of each year from 1930 to 1950 inclusively, the Soldiers treated under Sections 231 to 238 (Mental Treatment) of the Mental Hygiene Act 192R, the Number of Patients in the Receiving Houses :~nd W,nds, aml also the Voluntary Boarders on the Books of the Mental Hospit:~IP 1\nd Private Mental Homes at the end of each Year.

Registered Insane. Soldiers. Voluntary Boarders.

&lcelvlng Houses and

Yeu.r. Mental HoSJ>itals. I Private Mental Homes. &lceiving WardH. Mental Hospitals. I Private Mental Homes. •rota! of Inerease. + I Increase. +

Registered Number. Decrease.- Total. , Decrease.-M11les. ·Females. 1 Total. Males. [ l<'emales.l Total. [

Insane. Males. li'cma.les. Total. Males. Females. Total. )[ales. ~- ~-------- ---------~

~~ ---- --~ ---

l930 .. .. 3,234 ;_:. t35 1.\,669 15 75 \JO + 139 201 +8 37 54 91 32 20 52 5 35 -to 92 +8 1931 .. .. 3,235 :3,469 (),70,1 24 70 94 + 39 205 +4 36 41 77 59 30 89 7 27 ;31 12:3 +31 1932 .. .. 3,274 :),468 6,742 28 73 101 + t5 201 -1 ·+9 52 101 59 32 91 9 28 37 128 +5 1933 .. .. 3,297 ;),515 6,812 19 68 87 fi,899 56 215 14 57\ 65 122 I 55 30 85 g 29 38 123 -5 1934 .. 3,343 ;tf)81 6,927 16 62 78 7,005 + 106 219 +4 47 64 111 64 ·12 106 7 :39 -Vi 152 +29 1935 .. 3,35:3 :),626 6,979 13 67 RO 7,059 _j_ 54 225 + 6 cl7 70 117 58 32 90 lO -17 m H7 ;, 00 I

1936 .. .. 3,420 3,724 7,14<1 13 1)3 fili 7,210 + 151 230 ---:-- ii 51 64 ll5 (}6 48 ll-1 12 :m [2 J ;,(j ;_ !)

1937 .. 3,436 :t791) 7,232 16 Gi 70 7,302 + !12 2:);) .!.. :3 !i!"i (il) 124 76 50 131 12 •)~ ;;o IRI -1-2;) dl

1938 3,4.')9 :-~.KOH 7.265 12 J!l r.l 7.326 --·t- 2·1 ~:37 l fi2 f>K 120 t-19 79 l()S 11 1:! :·,::~ 221 -HO 1939 3,450 :~, 77(; 7.226 13 lfi ,-,!! - H 239 2 [J;) (i!') 118 85 I

1"!'9 15:-l 7 :~B Hi 20-1 -17 "' 1940 :.:1,483 :L'\01 7 1 i) 17 1>2 1\1 230 9 31 f)(} 81 106 I 75 181 Hi :}J :,o 2:H +27 1941 3,468 :LS72 7,340 lli ·I ;j ;}~} 7,39D ;)3 223 - 7 51 t\1 112 83 I (jj 1 :·,o 9 18 ;)7 207 -2·1 1942 .. :1,438 :U'il8 ' 7 ,25G 2;, :).J .)~J 7,:)1:, ,'\I 227 i I 46 G7 11:3 H3 ti8 151 13 ''3 (j(j 217 -HO 1943 3,412 ::l.IWJ 7.2:-,2 1.-..: ;)~ ;,!; 7.:)08 7 22ll i- 2 ·15 58 103 mJ 7fl 17-1 19 52 71 245 +28 1944 .. .'},tl25 :u;;17 7.212 I:) •)') 17 7,289 In 2:3-t + fJ 17 IH 111 112 98 210 18 H fi2 272 -t-27 ,_,,. 1945 .. :),471'\ :1.7~''' 7.202 l-1. 'J9 lli 7,308 19 24,5 ill 18 (j(j ll4 134 108 2J2 ()"J ti7 90 ::132 -t-60 .. .y,. _,_, 1946 .. 3,2HO :),747 7,037 12 30 -12 7,079 229 269 ·17 8!! 1:36 115 !)0 205 25 ()!) 8:) 290 --42 1947 .. 3,269 3,783 7,052 11 27 3~ 7,090 11 277 +8 46 78 124 111 102 2Hi 31 70 101 317 +27 1948 .. . . I 3,307 3,813 7,120 10 21 31 7,151 278 + 1 42 74 116 97 75 172 23 78 101 27:3 -44 1949 .. 3,8!19 7,203 H 18 2~ 7,230 293 +15 42 74 116 107 67 174 2\J 8:3 112 286 .. I 3,304 ·I

I 1950 .. 3.420 1.0;)2 7,4-72 7 20 27 7 .49\-l 303 +10 55 90 145 92 I 70 162 i 17 82 9~1 2tn


TABLE IV.-Showing the Adn,is,.,ious, Discharges, and Death:;;, v.ith t]w :\lean Annual Mortality and tlw ht Jmmn.ry. 1930.

Prm>m·t.inn of Recoverie,., per mont. of the Admissions. for Y <'.'U' since



1930 .. 1931 .. 1932 .. 1933 .. 1934 .. 1935 .. 1936 .. i 1937 19:38 .. 1939 L940 .. 1H41 1942 .. 1943 .. 1944 .. 1945 .. 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950



425 424 432 405 :397 422 420 399 431 486 446 387 425 399 408 ·118 417 383 437 449 577



~ ~ ""'

456 i 411 350 443 465 473 456 436 452 520 452 504 417 46\) 471 •170 434 47:3 515 564 ~J2n

881 I 835 I

782 848 862 895 876 835 883

1,006 898 891 842 868 879 \l18 t-\51 ~56

952 1,013 I ,20:3

~ ~

90 66 72 75 66 75 84

106 115 lOO 91 88 79 79 86

109 109 88 93

116 134

103 88 94

104 87

120 110 127 149 160 122 128 113

95 128 121 114 125 141 154 140



j 0 ;..

193 . 154 166 179 153 195 19·1 233 264 260 213 216 192 174 214 2.'3() 223 213 234 270 274

74 84 74 i

o~l I 79 72 52 53 fj7

82 117 83 88 65 66 . 60 I 62 72 52 76 ;)H


'" ~ "' " "'

91 77 74 72 99 84 63 6:3 83 97

117 8:3 92 59 70 75 ,'\3 I)H 80 92 fifj

~ ;..

16[J 161 148 141 178 156 115 116 150 179 234 166 180 124 . 136 V~5 H::i H. I 132 168 124

181 260 218 230 196 245 213 210 209 256 191 216 263 266 234 2')") ... _ 233 211 237 230 '2:3!)

·--~··---;-----~ ___ .. Died.

185 . 205 176 206 204 218 177 167 200 246 182 218 262 288 293 :)04 267 235 247 I

222 1 llfi1 i


465 394 436 400 463 390 377 409 502 373 434 525

527 ;l21J 500 H9 4t34 452 48()

Remaining 31st Deeemher in each Year.

3,2:31 3,235 3,274 3,297 3,343 3,353 3,420 3,436 3,459 ;),450 3,-183 3,468 3,438

1/Jl!":J I U38\l 3.194 l.J-.75!1 I 4.75:3 I ~U>12 I i i



" ~

Average Numbers Resident.


1 ~

i I ·" I " I :t} I cl

- . . ~ I _g ,.., ~--=--~~~~-. I . • 21 22 21 •91 I U •4516 •1116 •28 15 21 18 ·44 9 ·2816 ·70 7 ·94 16 ·66! :26 ·8Gi 21·22 7 ·8315 ·75 6 ·74 18 ·541 23 .. nl 21-1018 ·1516 ·71 7 ·40 16 ·621 18 -71; 17 ·75/6 ·93.6 ·53!6 ·72 17 ·771 25 ·37: 21 ·8918 ·61!.6 ·911'7 ·72 20·00: 24·l2j 22·14 7·4215·496·41 26 ·57 29 ·13/ 27 ·UO j7 ·3015 ·0916 ·12 ~ 26 ·681 32 ·961 29 ·8917 ·M!6 ·11 6 ·68 20 ·581 30 ·76125 ·84 ·.8 ·881' •. 7 ·51 8 ·15 ~o .. wj 26 ·99 23 ·7216 ·515 ·ill~ ·98 22 ·74 25 ·00, 2·1·01 ;7 ·28 6 ·4116 ·81 18 ·591 27 ·101 22 ·80 18 ·8617 ·708 ·21

6,319 I 19. ·801. 20 ·:wl 20 ·o5ls ·971.8 ·5911

8 ·77 6,290 21 ·08; 27 ·181 24 ·35/7 ·92;8 ·778 ·38 (;,280 24. :3;)'1 2:). 751 25.05 '7. lti1·.9 .. 2. 018.38

26·13 26·261 26'20 17·77;8·137"95

6,254 22·6.·8.! :w·42l 21. ·8B!7·3II7·o. 67·17 6,237 21.28127. ;381 24 . 5818 ·13 7 "13/7. 76

25·R4 27·:3oi 2fHi5 7·876·567·17 23·22, 22·:)61 22·7817 ·96[7 ·2617 ·f'l9 ' ~-·~·- 1~·-.. 1·-·--

i I I 2J·a< 2:HiO! 2:~·:-J:'il7·83itHl417·3f:\


TABLI~ V.-Showing 111 Qninquellllictl Periods the Ages of t,Jwse ~\r1mittm.l, Recovered, Relieved, Not Improved, Eseaped not Retakeu, ;tud Died durin!-( thP YPar l !150, and of those Remaining 011 31st December, 1950.


Under 5 years 5 years and under I 0 year·~

10 year and under 15 years l5 years and under 20 year;-> 20 years and under 25 years 2[l year:; and under 30 year" 30 year.~ and under 3f> year:.; 35 yearR and under 40 year" 40 years ;tnd under 45 years 45 yearR and under 50 years 50 yean; and under 55 years 55 years and under 60 year:; fiO ye<Lrs and under 65 years f)[) ye<Lr>' and under 70 yea.r::; 70 years and under 75 yt'l11'>' 7[> ye<1rs 11nd under 80 years 00 yeM·s and under 85 years K5 year01 and under 90 yr•ars \10 Vt>ars and oYer



Mean age, Childn·n's Cottagcf' and .J anefield


2H 36 10 -1 1:3 ()

22 l!l 32 33 52 m .t7 44 40 52 ,12 ·16 41 41 ,10 42 40 35 39 35 ;n 5,1 38 45 22 30 1:3 20 10 18

2 IOI 7


(15 14 Hl H 65

10!1 HI !12 .':l8 82 K2 'i;J

7t Hl 83 52 33 28 2




llalc. I 11'emale.

1 :3 I 2

" ! d; \)

10 7 7 14 11 2f! 11 13 14 21 1 2 7 12 I \J I 9

21 lti ;)7 I t\

q 1 11 i; I 15 4 12

ll 17 28 3 () !)

14 20 ::14 t\ ;) 1:3 !I " ( 17 2 ti 1

]0 :-1 IK f! !I lJ 20 t (;' lOI I I ·I i ~.

:-1 2 I ;)

2 1 1- --



Died. '-H,!!ll(.uuul:.; on :H st December, t \150.

---Male. Female. Total.

~f) :-lti ;);:) 28 Ill :3 7 f)() 38 m~

1 2 I ·~ \ 7fi 58 134 1 i"J ;~ ! 124 !);) 217

2 2 1 ,~ I ;) 16!) 15:3 :322 1 l 2 2 !l 2 l I lt\7 226 41:1

ti 1 7 :3 3 ;) 1 -I 22\i 223 449 2 2 2 .::) 7 30~ 2!!2 [J~lti

l 10 2 12 :332 340 t\7\i 1 l H ti I ;1 i 380 341 721

I 14 13 •)~

-· :312 412 754 2 22 10 :)2 ~)20 427 747

4 + ~3 Hi :):t ::~o:-1 HO 713 l 21i :.W ,·)r) 22~) ;)70 fJH\)

:31 :31 t;~ 14() 272 ·118 ~!) 10 ():) HK lH4 272 ,-

'' 54 106 1 GO ;:)() Hl :34 53

2 12 7 1 !l i'! 16 :3K ;,.j


......... 0


TABLE VI.--Sbowing the Probable Causes of Insanity in the Patients Admitted during the Year 19fJ0.

Cau,;es of Insanity.


Domestic trouble (including lo,;s of relatives and friends)

Adverse circunL~ta nces (including business anxiE'ties difficultie:;)

and pecuniary

}1ental anxiety and worry (not included under aboYe two hf'ad~). and overwork

Religions excitement Love affairs (includiug seduction) Fright and Xel'\'ous Shock


Intemperance Ill drink Intemperance (t-~exual) Venereal disease .. Self abuse (sexual) Over exertion Sunstroke Accident or injury Pregnancy Parturition and the puerperal "tatc· Lactation Gterine and OY<ti'lall diHorderi< Puberty Cha.nge of life Fevers Pri\·ation and Starvation Old age .. Other bodily diseaseB or disordPr~ Previous attacks .. Hereditary influences a::;certaiH<'< l

(<lireet and eolhtteral) Cull genital de feet, ascertainrd Other ascerta inf',d cause~


ToLd, ..

Number of Instances in which each Cause was Assigne~L

AM l>redisposin~ C.:l.Ube.


2 2

!J (j lfl

24 6 30

~ 2

!) ;) 11 1

cliJ ~() l::lo 12 !) 21 35 110 145

50 LH Ut\ !lO H7 177 )!) 1 i'l au l!i 20 ;)()

As ExelOng: ('n.nse.

:!c 3

l 1

H 10 24

40 10 00 2 2

'27 3 30

;) l ()

[J fJ

2U 20 l l 2

7;) 75 lf>O Hl u 2fJ 1l ll 22

u (j

17 15 :}2 1 IU :.!0 30 101 li'l:3 2i'>4

Dedu(·t for combim•d cause;;;

2 2 4

3 ;)

23 16 :)9

64 18 82

27 3 30

7 1 K l ;) 5

6 6 12 21 21 1 2

]l;) HH ~76 42 26 ()t\ 3C> llO 145

74 177

6:3 :320

74 127

577 626 1,20;3


TARLB VII.-Showing the Form of Mental DiBorder on admis;~ion in the Admil!sions, RecoverieA, and Deaths for the Year 1950, and the Form of Mental Disorder of the Patients remaining on the Books on 31st Deremher, 1950.

I. Congenital or infantile mental rll'flcicncr (idiocy or imb0eilit;r) oe­•.•nrring "" C'arly in lift> as it can he ol.~Prv( .. d

I. fntell<'i!twd~ (n) \\'ith epilt•p,;,\· (/•) Wit bout •·pil<'t"Y

I!. ln'<mily oc<>InTiug later in lite .. -· I. Insanity with epilcp><y

3. InRanity of Hw .!!rOA,er lmtin lcsions ..

4. Acute delirium (aeute dcliriw; mania) ..

5. Confusional ins~tnity

(). Stupor

, . Primary demeuti~t

S. i\Tania-( a.) Hcc(·n t (b) Chronk (c) Ttccurrent

9. ~Ielttncholia-(a.) Recent (/1) Chronic (c) Rf'(•nrrent

10. Alternating in~anit.v

11. Delu~ional insanity--­(a) Sy;;tematized

(h) Xon-Rysteruatiz<'d

12. Volitional insanitv (a) ImpulsL' · (b) ObRession (r) Donbt

13. :Moral insanity

14. Doruentia­(a) Senile (b) Secondary or t<•rrninal

On trial ll•a ve. or Boarded Hut







l ~o·,



ll -;s

1:1 :l+

i 3 1 Ill



;, ..

no :J



i llli

s ·)

I +




l 14




in !

IS 4





.-. I I





11 :lH





2[) 70






1.2 ·~ I



11\!J 1\4+



I;) :!O ,,

11 29fl

15:> :ns ;ifll l.ZOi'i




.illS 1, lii!.l

~n :;o iO \l!l :m tl:~

2~ :{t 4.i fi;)

:!li 4;{


li 4\Hi


:!S 7!14


-l3fi 1,452



TABLE Vlli.-Slwwing the condition as to J.laniage in Patients Admitted, Heeovered, RelieYcd, Not Impwved, Escaped not Retaken, and Died during the Year 1950, and of Patients Remaining on the Books on 31st December, 1950.

Condition in U;~ferenee to


Single ..












HB('a.ped Patients 1

not Retaken. · Died.

Total. ~l. 1'.

4 .)

Ill il\ :,; l:lfi

:w ()7 Hi

Patients Remaining 31st December, 1\150,






Excluding patients at the .Kew Children's Cottages and Janefield Colony. none of whom is married,

1'ABLE lX.-HHOWIXG THE CAUSES m· DEATHS Dl'RING THI!: \::t;AR l\J50. ·-· ----------------

Total• all .\lental Ho•pltal3. Cause of Heath.

Diseases of the Nervous Sy~tem-

Meningitis, inflammation of the brain, cerebro-spinal meningitis General paralysis of the insane Cerebral softening Epilepsy and com ulsions .. Hemiplegia, apoplexy, ecrebral haemorrhage, cerebral embuli~m Other organic di~caHes of brain, including tumour~ Exhaustion from mania or melancholia, not taused by nef\'OU~

otherwise designated Paraplegia and diseases of curd, locomotor ataxia Neuritis and general sclerosis of nervom; system

Diseases of Blood Vessels-


Aneurism, arteriu-sulerosis, and other dil'!ea~es not induded in diseases of I nervous system

Diseases of Respiratory t\p;tem aml Thorax-~

Pulmonary phthi~i:< Pneumonia, bronchitis, pleuri~"Y Other forms of pulmonary disease

Diseases of Heart-

Valvular disease, fatty degeneration, cardiac syncope, &c.

DiHeases of the Digestive System-

Diseases of mouth, pharynx, stomach (non·lllalignant), inteHtines, liver, and peritoneum (non-tubercuhtr) ..

Diseases of Genito·urinary Sy!ltem~-

Diseases of kidney, bladder, pru<>tatc, &e.

General Diseases--

Dysentery (colitis), epidemic diarrhoea, infective enteritis Typhoid .. Erysipelas Abscess, pyaemia, septicaemia, and cellulitis Influenza and other fevers Cancer, carcinoma, sarcoma, malignant diHease, excluding maligna.nt

tumour of brain Syphilis and other venereal dise<tse General tuberculosis and tubercle of organs other than lung~ Di:;eases of thyroid, lymphatic, and other glands Atrophy, debility, pernitimts anaemia, and old age Unknown

AccidentB ••


Total ••

l ll ll



2 tii)






1 1





:! I)

2! 1


61 2



l 3 4


Ascertained by poHt-mortem examinations-- J i!4 males, 177 femule~ ; t,0 tal, :)31.

2 ;) .. d

17 ._.., ·.>-



4 126





1 1





f'atient.s b{1arded out to- ~!ales. ~·emales. Total.

-----~--------~-~-~--·-- ~~~~----------- ------ --------:--------1-----~----

After Care Hostel:< li 3

Private Indhriduals

Ballarat Benevolent Asylum 1·1 14 ~~~-~

[ki,digo Bmwvolent; Asylum 2 ;)

Castlemaine Benevol<•nt Asyluw 75 173

Total ll!) 124 ~H3

'rABLE XL-RillcBrvrsG HousEs ANn WAaus.

Showing the Admis;;ions, Re-admissions, Di:;charg;es, and DeathR during the YPar Pnded 31st De<;emher, 19GO.

In the Institutions, lHt JaiiUa.ry, 1950

Cuses Admit-ted

First Admissions

Not First .\dmi~~i011~

Transferred to tlw Institutio11;;

l~;;c<tped Patient:; Retaken

Total •·-ase;; under care dllt·i11~ th'' yr•ar

Cases discharged :-



J'lot lmprov•••l

Tran~ferrrd frnlll fh(• 'ln~tit-utiowL.


Total ca,;e~ di~.dmqr••d <tllll •liPd during the yenr

l{emaillillg in the Institutions. 3bt DPC('Illber, IH50

Average number resident dming t-he year

Persons under eare during the year

Persons admitt,.tl

P<'r~>onOJ recovered



hol~:e~+ ~'otaL Male. _Female. Tot-aL

42 74 llG

714 1,360

H\2 2ii7

11 IO

201 3M






764 \108 1,67 2

723 837 1 ,:Jf:i()



'rABLE XII.--Votu~T->RY Bo.\RJ)l!]RK---8howing the number of eases admitted, discharged, and remaining at the cud of the year as Voluntary Boa.rd•m; iu the Inl'titutions mul•\r the eontrol of the Department of )fental Hygiene during the year ending 3ht Dec~:nnLer, l!J50.

R{)m&ining in the In~titutiom' on th11 1st ,January, Ul;"i()-­In Mental Hospitals aml Reeoiviug Honse~ In Private )!ental Homes ..

Aclmission~--lu Mental Hospital~ :mu Heeeiviug Hou~~'' In Pri;·ate )Ient<LI Home;,

Total cases under care during tbe year

Di~charged-Iu .Mental Hospital,; and ltoceiYiug Hou~e~ In Private Mental Homes ..

Certified as Insane or Apvareutly Insane-In ~!ental Hospital,; and Heeeiving Hou:;eK In Private lien tal Homes ..

Vied-In Mental Hospitab and Heeeiving Houses In Private 1\Iental Homes ..

1' uisehal'ged, &c.

H.emaining in InnUtutiou~ on :-list JJecemuer, 1!!50-­In Mental Hospitab and Heceiving Houses In Private 1\lonta 1 Homos

Total_ remaining



l07 (jj !7+ :W s:1 !l:l

.iJ:! :!o)U !ill Ill [.)[ :W2

, ____ .. .. ;;(\tl : I ,:!HI

.J.OI ;?;j;) li3\) !ill' L:lO :!:l>l

17 "' :J:l j 4 1l

ti !i ].)

s :!S :w

.. . . . . n:;~

I H~ 10 [():!

li 82 -

!J9 i . . . . .. I 109 [;);) :!t>l

: Gertifieu a• Ubcharges.. l Insauo or , lJied.


~tute lll>tltut,itms. lu!;~~~t~ns. Ad~ist~~nB:. ; APl•arently lrl5aue. i

1i I . . --~---r- ·- I .--;-1

--1 --~--~ ~ ll1ici ~~~~~ ~;i ~.; Z oi~ ~~~ 0 "; 8 ~~ri~~ 0

."'.'-"' ·1~ ...... ii-< "' ;:;;: "":E-l ;:;;: ... E-1 ~~ ----· , ,-----,--r-,---1-~-

1930 s6i 55 141 121 4!1' 61 !!8 IMi :w21

781 167 4 161 2.·u· 5I 2l 7 1931 1291 i4i 203 12! 29 41 1411 1031 244 85 1801 12. }4! 26 5 21 7 1932 124i tii 19l 36 31 67 160: 98 258. 76 214 15i 13 281 51 61 ll 1933 li8: !!1· 26t'l 1s1 36 54 196' 1211 3231 174 Ioo, 2741 16 ·)4 1 40 to[ 41 14. 1934 !811 1:~o: 311 11 63 10 188: w3 381 147 135 28:!

1 26 zgi •'»51 s. 7: 15

1935 Hi6~ 105 211 17 s2: 99 18:;! 1871 370 146 139: 285: 32 39 711 si u w

}~!~ ~;~I t~~~ 4:;1 ~gl ~~~ :e~.~~ ~~~~ H~~~ ~1!1 ~~t H~ll ~~~~ ~~. H g~~ l~ll ~fl t~

JU3fl :!~il ''OS! Uu 26,11)(1 );!.'} :)[;3; :317 63(1, 276 274 .'),'j(ll 33i 371 iOi I:J J5j 27 1941! ·><lS1 t271 525; 54 }l_l,f! ).>SI :5;321 331 1

1 683f :!76; 25[1 53!)1' 3;)1 56: !Hi 11 HI :1t.1 IIJ+l ;;~~~~ 261; :>6nl ~:.1'. 11-1 Hitl' ;:,n• :ns, 7:!:! a·)o)' :z;;; ;I!J7 431 ssl 131• u 6 :.!" t9':l 21ni 264: 543 u 1as Hm1 33o ±rt: •a. 21 2oil' 31!!! .:;8o 48: 641. 1u! n., 1·1 ao Iu4a :5u:J: 2211 57 71 !:!si 360! 2u~ 65t> 287 :!:~2 I J:l[ ±I Js! 1!Ji :11 1944 310 1 2811 ~~~,· :57 10.) Hi:!l 3671' 39:!! 7591 302 3051 ~~~ 2:!! 32 ~111

31' :121 63 194,, :Jun1

1 26Fi 667 •>•31 143 l!lll +il4 -111 86ii :mu: 310! 685 au 'l·'i 71 22 2111 49

19413 . 341 185! .}26 92 14ol 23:! ·iil31 32;>, 158 3!!6! ill:! /08; 3.J.i lVI 53. 2u1

19, 39 1947

1 ~~si 229 537 115 I7~i 2S!J ·!23 fO~[ 826 :w1 :1a:ll 7•lo 2~ 30, 59 2~, ~~~ +u

l!J4H 1 3;;4 1641 JJS 10.3 143


:~+::- +5!l[ ao,, 7tHJI +22 25:1 6:·w 4;:,. +o ~;5 1., :.1 H 194\J :3!!1 233 624 109 129 :!38 5()UI 3621 86:! 439: 3lu 7 .wj 28! :lli• .341 17[ 2!li 46 w;,o I 412 259 671 111 151 :.?u2 .;2:1 +10' ua:1 Jon :Js;; StH1 :?41 wl 43 t7. 34' .11

Total" :_2·~=~~·7"·'i~·:ln~~· J.o7u1 :!.o30j :~.~~~~~m:~~m1 I-;,~~~·'·~3a' 4,u::_ ~~3s.> .>ul! 7lojL3oij-2!J7i a2oj ~~

Perc:ntage of diM:h ;r!!e~ and tllo-•· certified .1~ in:oJane or apparently _ 0~-~ 00 • • " 0 °~ I •;~

1 ~~ I

msane to admls:oJwns ls"··>·}SO·:!HI83·11 .-.:·S212·2:>110·41, j I ---'------·-·-- -~-~ ------------· ~~-----


'I'ABLE XIV.--PRIVA'l'E )!ESTAL Ho:~m;; (PLJ-;.\SA:\T rn:w, MmtTOS, AND HlLLCREST).

Showing the .\.dmis.~ion", Di;;eharge", aud D•'~•tlt., during [!}~)0, ;tiHl tlw number remaining ou :H::~t, Dt1C(~l\ll!<w, I \l:'JO.

Resident in Private Mental Homes, 1st January, 1950

On trial leave from Private Mental Homes

Total number oll books of Private Mental Home~, Jst Janunry, 1950

Received, first admissions, &r·.

Transferred from Mental Homes, &e.

Total cases under care during 19:')(1


Discharged recovered

Discharged relieved

Discharged not improved



Transferred, &c.

Total discharged, died, &e.

Total resident .in Private Mental Home~, :3.1 st December, 1950

On tri&l leave from Private Mental Homes

Total number of patients on books, 31st December, 1950

! Males.



! I I liemales. I Total. Males. l?omales. Total.


12 21



21 37




1.-. l~l

7 :W 27

N.B.-Thi~:~ bible dues not include Voluntary Boarders, the number;; of which are set out hereunder:--

On Books, I.].:,o. Hcmainiug, al.l2.[J0,

Female. Total.

Pleasant View






1 ~ubmit rqwrt l'or the year endl'd 3ht Decemlwr, Wf>O.

Slrri is! ir·.-. Then• W(·n• 1.-J male.' and 71'> fell1<llPs ad 111itt ed during tit(' ~···u r. Th•·~f' 1\'f'l't' nw;,;t ly aged per,:on .. , for whom in~titntionnl care will alwny." lw neee~,:ary.

The femal(' population :lp:ain inerea,:ed tlm·ing the year, al'eraging 21'> mon• daily than in l!HH, ami -lO m on• i han six year~< ago. Thi,.; ha,: resulted in seriouK o1·ercrowding.

'f]t,~ gPnentl health o!' the 1vas good. Xo ease of fp,·er occurred. All patients \\'I'IT

inoenJnt,,,[ with 'I'.A.B. V:u:cint'.

clcritfr;l/s. · :-\PH'll Pk[erJy pHiients SllstaiJU•d f'ntdun• of tlte feiiJlll', Olll' oJ' the Jl('('k of the htllllt'l'\1,,,·<'l' Colle,:", tii'O of the clavicle, and OJIP :.;econd degree bums when ,:h1• tripped with a kd.tle of huili11g wntl'l'. Thnt· ,,.,..,, onP di~locnr••d eliJolr reported also.

l'ft!"/JI (//Id O!trden. .-\ l'airly :-mti,:fa('tory ilHpply or milk \YaK llt<'iilltttim•tl during the )'('Hl', but \l'ith •t

<lwiJulling nnmlwr of :.;uit<ihlo.• patit·nts to hPlp, tltt' immt>fliate fntun• i~ 1'\'ry doubtful, and a milkin!:! lJlil('hilJf' ltlil,l' btt\'(' to he in,.;t"all<·d if tlw farm i:. t'o cuntilltlt' its pru•lndion of' milk. Additimwl J><~id lal>or ha.s li<•lp•·· l i11 pro(lltl'lion f'm111 t i11· ,·egr·t<t blt• gu.rdPll.

.Sh(LJ'. Tlw shorta\!<' <d' !lUl'st·~ llllrM'.'' lwur tlw hnmt or' t!tr lnnden. and :\lr. Cann('a.n, Farm Tllan:tg<'L all

<'OHtinned, llP<:l',:~itatinv nnwli o\·l'rtinw Dr. Hogen;on, :Jledieal :-\uvniut .. ndl'nt; ]fr.

retir!'•l during the year.

The H'lll!lr

.\ttewiHlll ;

A11111-'l'li":nis. -The fortniglttl:· t·ontinned r!'gularly, illr. C . .\1. Banks <l<'ting hoHor·aril.'· <IS

:\!any•,.; and out thP auxiliarif•;;.

TJ,,~ work or the Ya.rimrs "\uxilia.rie,.; and tltt• K('\\' .\1PHtal Ho~pital \Yeltne group i" llllldtll ppreeiatPd. .\lany lll'l<.fl!l \\'Ne tlonrt.ted by tlw;-;i· !Jodie,.

~h-<. Cmnphell. wl10 ha,., llla1mged the Kio"k in a 1·oluntary eap<H'ii'~- for Yi'H~'>-·, j, about to !'l'Kl!,(ll, and :;hP will iw gn·atly mi:;,.;rd, as sh1· hac- hePll n·ry popular <•lllollg patients <JJI(I .;tall' ;llikt'.

Pul;f/,. !rorks l'm,gmn,. ~Llll~' imprul·t~llli'Jlts han· lwen 1uade dmiu,v: ri1P Yi'HI', including J>l'ol J:;ioH .,,· rl'f'rit:'t'I'Jll '>I':' foJ' a llillll ht·r of tltP \Yttnk inhtallation of t Jt,. a utom:t1 il· t!'lt•phom•.; s~·sti'lll. ndditiowd equiplw·nt l'or tl1e laundr.1·, kit('lti'll, vnginl't'l'·, awl earpt'llter"s :;hops. r·on,;tnll'tioH ol' rotHhn;y.<, lire e.-'i'll!ll'~ fn,lll the \\'HI'Il;;. lJian~· "tniHIPs,, ,.;(pp] ~inks. and c<nHdry Jllinor work>< ball' bt'i'll t'<~-!Til'd out.

Th'· hPnl'fit of tlw llt'\1' deetri('a\ retintlatioll i~ wnr hPing felt- ll!ll<'h ailditiou;tl t'tpupnwnt <llHl lllauy liJOI"I'" btYl' lwl'll I'Oillll'l'tP<I.

Xamlwrs nf jnh, <•n' "till lt·J't lmmdry; from cook';; •pwrtPrs: .~Pwer~ ; of nPw boiler" and HP\\' hoi In "'Jilditioll.

tlw rollowing work,.; an· urw·nr . plant~; coHtwxion of' nnd general painting.

CHILDHJ>x',, Ccrr'L\Ul':i'.

is in lwd

,-..,t,rtistics. ThPre were admittPd during tht• ~·ear .)8 lllales ;<.nd t~ fvmaler<. :-iollll' of the~e W<'t'l' bahi··~ a few <>Id. The population im'l't%'it'([ by H'\'Clltl•ell per::;oll,,, :md thf' o\'l'rnowdillg: j, :wult•. ThPr<' lw,: IH·t•n a11 increaHe of about 10() in t itf' la.,t ,.,jx )'P<J 1·~.

Tlu~ lH•nlth of tlw children \\·a" generally "utiHfadory, although one ca"e of typhoid, ele\'t;ll ''<1Ke~ of l>al'ill::rY ([\·,.,i·ntt•r\', n ca~e of tuben:ulosi~ of the bo1rPI, and anuther of a tubNcular hone, were recorded. :\ girl ;>I· il 'll"t';iucd a fractnn· of the low(']' em\ of the hnmem"; ;ilso <1 boy of t(•Jl, who was admittPrl to tlw Childn·n'~ ho:-~pital, hi" fraetun· b!'ill,!! in thP p]ho\\' n·gion. Unv boy ol' :<ix in c-eparnte fall, nt 'illen•nt t illll':' ~~~~t.ained fractures oH both :-<idl'>i of tlw rllwws.

'l'hP lllllllDer of tt'mporary employ<'<'" i,.. alnwrmul, ami with shortage of Hla.JtagenH:Jtt.

make" i"or diflirulty 111

\'" riou" bodit's intcre0t t.hemsl'IYe;; m the children, are geiteroui>ly l'IU p]Jlied with to many t'llh·rtainmcnt.;;.

and treated

T. U. C'. !H;T:\LLWK, 'J[,•di(·nl ~ll]'l'l'inte]\(knt .

.\lEX'L\L 1lO~l'ITAL, .\IL\fL\'1'.

I han\ the honour to pn'KPlll t lw .\nnunl Brport for tlw ending Jl,:t llo·u·ntlwr, lW)!l.

Tilt' I'(' \\'Cl'(' only l'l\\'('11 direct ;t dmi,:-;iou~. while as male and 37 fnnalP patient~ \\'i'l'C I t<\11;\f(•JT(•d from other lw~pit;d,: during tlH· y(•ar. with the !'('Stl]t that there \\'t:l'(' \'('f,l' few \'<H'<IJJC'it·~ <lt anr tiJll('. Ten pati,·nis \ICn' di;;chargc•d n't:o\'Pl'Ptl. ll'hile·rs kft hospital on trial lean, making tlw total on trinl lt'<II'P

from tl1i.~ hospital el••\'('JJ. Elllploymcnt wa,: found i11 the di,;triet for ""n•ral pnl'ient;;.

l'h~t-~ir·ol Jl,·a/t/, ..... As u:-mal t!J,• g<'nnal health of putil'nt;; ha,; bec11 good hut agai11 two ea~e;; of typhoid i\·Yt'r on·ul'l'ed tlw f<'mak putieuts. Both recovered lillt, one has beeo11w n eanier of thP tlise;l:'<'.

;dl the f( maiP patients "'''" eonduded with tlw rccmlt tlmt lire C<tl'l'icr" \\'(•n• found. Tlw~P hase b•!'Jl i;-.olat(·d a;; far a" i~ praeti('able ami tbe two lllale patienb who an• l'arriers are Mlill in j,·olatim:. .\11 CXJWI'Jl1H'Jit wns < arnrd out in tlw trPatmeut oi a. earrier by chloronl.\'cetiu but the t n·,ttiJH'Ht failed to produc(' any ('hange. Thl'"l' f'<llli('ls an· '' polenti<d ~ource of d:•ng<•r tu p:1tients and stafr ;dike



ThrcP minor fraehm•::; oeeurred and one ;,:er ions fractttre tH an elderlv debilitated pa ti••nt. In nollf• of tJu~,_,. accidents was there any e\·idencc of ueglcet on the part of the .-t.aff.-

Of the 33 de11thr; which occurred during the year, 2;) were oYer the age of HO year~. )\u~t deatb, 2:.! in number, were due to degcneratiYe condition.s in the canlio,·aRcuhtr ~ystem.

Psychiatric tre<Ltmeut was carried out 011 the few ~uitable p<ttients, but no insulin i.reatnH•nt '"''~ pu~-ible lwcau;;e of the Hhortage of t.raincd mtrr;ing stall'.

The dentist yj~ited regularly and gan• rxpert att~ution to the vatirnt8. tet>th and fitt,;d so''''' pMients with new denture::<.

Dictary.-~Tlwrc was further improvement nml -.:ariatiun in the pati<>ntf'' diet <1ud eonf'ultations with the Dietitian aJHI ""np<>rvi;;ing- CaterPr have heen most helpful. rYe haYe not mark mueh progTe,;s in improving tlw spn·in• of llli'als in the ward;; hecan."P uten:<il;; and dishe~ r<><JHir<••l for <'X]Wriuwnt. ha\'!' not been delivered. I hope that thPKt' will he a\'ailahh• soon, and :<omP adv,m<·P he made in tl1i.' rlin:e.tion.

Stnff.-Iu the early part of the year there was souw improvemt•nt. in tlw numhm·:< of th<• f<>malc .~ta!T, hut toward;; th<> <>ml of th<> year, resignations \vt>l'l:' submitted at an alarming rate, and as the y<>ar closed we were in ;t wor.<e po~ition than at any timt' durit\~ tb<> pat<t four y<'a.r~. J\Tost r<>signations were for privat<> reas011R not conuected with the hospital at all. One New Australian :Xnrt'e was the only Jnll'K(' to pass the Fir~t Year NurRing Examimttion and there were no femall) candidate" in Hw ,';eeond and Third Y Par Examination~. Therefore \\'c haYP lW :<C'Cond g-rade nurses ;tnd hardly any third nuro'eo'. f eu.n see 110 likdiboorl of improvemeut in the 11ear futur<>, r'O that tlw functionin,!l.' of the ho,;pital dr•peml>< to a

lnr::re c·xtent. on the eontinucd loyalt~' ol tho.~<' fr•w ~r·nior llUr;-<es \Yho ha nl carried the burden:< of rPspon:<ibility for some years 11ow.

The AttelHhwt St.all' has rPmainPd at '.!!' near full :;trengt.h all the ve;u and ,_;ati,.,fact.ory Illllllbers h:t\'l' sat tor the ;;iurRing Ex a mina! ion:< will1 a high JH'rn•ntage of p<ti":<cs. ·,\eeommodntion for· male stal1' i;-; extremely poor and it if' t.o lw hoped that r<>lmilding of thP;.; Quarter!' wi11 he nmlt•rtakeu next year.

A rtisa/ts.-1t h;ts he(•]) a dittieult H'<ll' for the .\rtisan ~tnff. Owing to shortn)!e of patir'nt labour the tailor is not a hiP t.o keep [HI CC with th<> clothing req !lin•nwnts an cl it may be uceessary to :-<eek Rome aKsi:<t.t;.nce. ThP Henior Cntp<•JdPt r<> owinl! to ill health nn(l tlw Ca.rpnnt<'r tTil'd to .. copr; with thP worl.: alone for thl\ la~t ~ix mottths of tlw year. This of <·ours!' i;.; itnprN~ihh~ >ltHl the work ntount., up to ~neh a <lr'gn·e when a uew l·arpenter hegiw' work it will lw dittieult to onrtalH~ t.he arrear~, _.\.. ;;imilar position arose with the Painter, but. in thi~ caf\e a temporary painter wa~ appointed to assist th<> Henior Painter. Of the l~ngitH'Pr;.; Staff, the El<>ctrieal 1lceh:mil· rPo<i:.nwd to ~o into hu,;ini'."\K a" an ElPctriea.l C'outrador and no application~ \H'l'C r<>eein•d for this \'m·,mey

Improved workshop faciliticK are rer[uired for 'OilW<llls. part.wularl_v thn 11ngin"''rim! t-\tatt'. aurl a liPW Carpenter's shop. This latt<'l' projl·ct would allow re ()!'g'illli;t.ath>n or tht• otlwr ~hop.~ ('SJH•r·ially to inehtrl<' ?ltor<> room fur paints .wd thus rNIU('<' t lw vn· :!I'P:It tir(' risk with tit<' I'OH'(''!ll"llt· lo"' of va lwt hie m:1chinr'l'V anrl ,.upplie,.:. 1 t wou]r[ ~dso allow fn:· n 11 ~~ j•h•JIHh•n•r', romn. Th<' appointlliP!ll uf ;J n uphol . .;t,•rer it< an ur~<·Ht w·ccssity (,ut ;~t present th('!'P i." 111)',\ltr'l'e l'ur hi1n t.o \H>rk. Ho1.n·wr r••qui~itiom; Hl't' in the lmmb uf Publi(· W1>rks DPJ!nrtmout Hi id it j,., lwpl•d t bat ~·liiH~ 1•ro!2l'i!~" \\ill llf' 111:1d·· rlmiu;I 1 ~)j!.

During t lw year, two

r !'f!Cittbfe Uruden.-Hq-lut.H suppliP" ot' l!rst 'lualit\- n·.:Lr>ta blc . .; \\'<.'!'\' ll\'<1 ila ),]p thronghout t hf> Y<'ill'. the t otn! pro<luetion !wing on:r 200,0Ufl I b. Lack ot pn t.ient. la hour haK nwdr> it t!ec<>s,::u·y to iw·n•a,;e the Ntntr and to u;;e mot'e mechanieal C'll\IipuH·ut. A g.mlen trador ha,.; ].(•Pn pnr('hased an•l the of the old rotary hoe is now neeei:\Sary. Storage ~he<b, althou:,.(h for in ]!) I.J han• built. An additional pump tor u::;e in cmmection with the rr>tif'ulatiou :<eniq• from our own ueeded ami we were YeTy fortmmte not t.o have lo:-'t our growiu;.! r-rop~ when the broke down during the hot weather.

F(rtJ!•.-- The farm exish primarily for the produetiou oi milk for the lw~pital and generally ampiP supplieB werr; maintained. Improvement in the pat.ienb' d il'tary has brought ;t1Jout a .~rcat('J' 1lrmn ntl for tHilk. .\.11 om pf'fort.>< to haY•.~ !llP('haiH ial milkin~ Pquipn!Pnt in,;t;Llkd in u IW<Y <lairv hav•· HO f.u· protlnel'd 110 pml·tical n•;.;ult". !<:very pn·•·antion i,; 1<~kcn to sc•e that 1111 typhoid C'H.rri•·r has anytLinf: to do with tlw b<Lndlin:! of food, hut with known l·anicr~ in tl!P hn~pital, t.[w po,;"ihility of ll ma.ior ~pread of the clisea~:~e through tbr~ pati•'nt~ t~ml stall i.-< a]w;n·:.; a potenti:tl d<llJ;!<'L Tlw f;,w l'•'ltwining patient~ ea1mble of 111ilkin'' ('<lllHOt be relied Oll to C<ll'IT out tlw ~tawlanls of l'lt>anlim•,.;;.; r<·quired i~t orLlinary dairie:~. ~Iceha~ienl methods of milking: wen• a:<k;·d for in HHfi. · ·

Pio· production wat> mo;-;t. ;:;ueee:;:;ful aud tlH' rdnrn from the ~ale of ''2 pig::; wa;; £l, llti. produeti<;~~ from t ht• sma 11 poultry run war; maintained.

Th<• i11t rod net ion nf the Hl~lwur week lll,tde t·lH• appointnH~nt of auoth<>r farm carter a neee;,.~ity .

.llaiotmutrwc.-A -start \Ya~ llL!cle in the repam; <trill painting of the exterior of the building ami ju.~t ;tc lhe end of t1w y<>ar reuov;ttion~ of the kitnhrn ;lllll nw~~ moms h''.U:alt. The lmil1liug of a ~helter shed on t.he female airin~ court wa~ comnw!H:('d, but procee.dPd n:rv irregularly. .\!though nndn eon><truetion for ;-;onw month>l, tlH• elosl' of the year lind . ..; ir not ~'''<'ll half eompleh~~L The~e delay,; lll"! ean.,:iug grc;tt iucottYenience and dillicultie~ bel·a!lt-l() one niring 1:unrt cannot he• u,;e<l during coust.ruetion.

.lu.cilio,y A;; a re:<nlt of tlH· initiari•:p 111 :\on•mber de.eide<l to forn, all Auxiliu clltd wowe11 who t~11ten:d into th<~ work coneert fur tht~ patients at ... 1 .. Ward and a Committee is auxions to set out a programllHl

ul' rli,· Ct•utral l'mllwil ol' Auxiliarit'"· a nwetiuu h<'ld in Ar:crat fur thi.~ hospit,tl. It lw~ an ellthu::<ia.,;tie Co~nmittet' of ll!en great l'Jwrg:y. aml l)('fore the year do;;ecl had given a hall\l mo><t ><tH:\·es:-~ful Chri;-;t.Jna~ 1law:c at the :\lain BnilJin;.(. Tbt: for twxt year and with t.hl' ,.;up port of nmuy organizH~tion~ in

Ararat should he ablt' to ht·ighh•n tl1'' Jj,·p.; of t IH• patient~ Jn thi." ho~pitaL Durin~ tl1e year tlH~ usual d:mGe and tlu: '·~till .. pidun·~ ,, . .,r<, c:iY<'ll <>11 altrrnntin• \r<'P!;'. l>11t. pnotlwr \'\':11' lws paRs<•<l \Yitl•oni :tll,l'

progre,;' towarrb in . .;tniling tlw pmi•·dors for tl11• 1110\'ing pi1·tnrP~ and th1T -<till lie idl .. in tlw c:tore. f',;~·,•r,d C'hnreh organizntion~ <ll~<l hdi"" of 11w .. ln1wr \\'ln•PI .. !!<11'<' partir·:< to pnt'iPnt~ durillg tlw n~ar.

Th(• <•ll'ort" nf all thPsP oru:anization" an<l imli1·ir!nals ;11'<' 1·nv !.[n';Jth <lppre,:iat<'<L :Hale p:ttients wt:n• al•le to attend football mntelw'< nnd nwPting.'i ;lt the (),·,11. awl tlw racrs .

.. . /" Jrarrl (Ctimimd am( Re/'mr:lory l!'ttrd).···Littl<' ot notP OITli!TI'd anHJll!!"t t!1e fiftv of thi,.: word awl !hP ,!!l'neral ph,·:.;ieal health 1nts On1• or t1n> pa.tiPnh with p.;n·hopathie jH•r,.;onalitie.; \\'ere n:tnrJil'•l to p,.lltrid!.!t' aftl'r a fe11· week" as it wa.K fdt. that tlw leu:11l ~tatu~ of inBa.nitl· eonhl not ho• twtilltainrd.. The,;(\ patiPllt~ could probably hrst ))(' 1l\'alt ,,·itlt hy t.l;e e~talishment of '" r<peeial p;;y,·hi,ltric dini1· attaclwd to tiH' Xo ><PriouN injuriP~< ot'cnrro•d during tlw Vt':lr. Work on the I'I'IIP\\·al , .. r th(' watPr rdicul;q;ion ~Ftem waN r·ompleted.

,lcl.~>•wlcdyewn,fs. I \\Ollld likl' to ackno'.dl,dgl' tlw Ki!pport 111Hl mh·it·P l ha,.,, reeeired fl'O'll the :-;<'IT<'tary and hi~ ,.;t,dT and t.h(· loy·nl l'O·operntion .'-<o rearlily .gin•n h:· tlw Head c\ltendant aml Chi('f Xtlr:<P ...

H. .L ('. Eln:IONDS, :\lediml SnpPrintenolPnt.


I hn1·o· tlw honour t" pn''<'llt tin• .\lllutal H1•port for tiH• nar r>wled :1bt J),•cemlwr. IWJP.

<'fllllliJeiH'Pd <luh· lwn· ou ~l"'t .lamwn·. l!nl. thet·,•f'ot'J· thl· n·port iN briPf nnd incompl<,te.

The nnmht•r of' pntiPnt.-: in thl• HoKpital <11 thl' Pnd of tlw \'f'<lC \\'aN i"··l.

jt[,,,;ssious. /)isf-llltilfl'-' 11111f De11/h.<. Daring tlw ,n·ar nim· male.~ and fil-l' fl·males wl're direetl.1· a1lmi11ed. and :)fi patiPnts werP tmn~fNrnd from other inNtitntionc;. Four patit·ut>< 1n•rp di;.;eharged recovered, :J!Jd o:n· relicn·d. Of the ::W j)atieHtN who dit•d, eighh•<•n wer1• more tlmn fiO y<•ars of and cardio·\-,v;r·n!M di::<easl' 11 aN th" eau.~<' of dPat.h in ,;Pn•ntePn of t.lw;.;p 1·a~e:<. Then• \H'fl' no tleat\J;;; tuherculo~i". On:· wale pnti<•Jit di··d of an intrn. •·raninl hnPmorrhatw ns the n•>mlt of an nthl<'k mad<' on him h1· another patiPnt.

r;,,w,111 Ife,tfth.·· TIH· phy,;it·<~l health of the pa.tii·Bb \I'H>' :<ati~fac·tor,l· and no infedion:< epidl'Jllit'' <HT~liT•.:d. \'nv ft•\\' Jl·lti<'llh 'll't<lillP<i so•rinu>' iniuriP;.; a11d in J!''m'r;d th<· <'HT'<' ;md "llP<'rvi,ion ext•n·i"e<l 111-tlll' "''·dif':d <I!Hl l!lll:,itl.!! .-;t;~:T wa:< good. Dt•;:ing tlw 11int<:r lllt)l!th'-' uktTation of lh" ft·"t an•l ll·;r~. partil'lli<Irh- :lllll.lll,!! till' tll:ll•· patient:;.. \\'il." JJHll'<' pro•,·all'lll t!wn it Fhonld han• IH'I'II. :1 ;·ondirion nwinl_,. nttril.ui:Jhll' 1<~ th<' lJJ>tdr••tWd•• ,-iz<' awl IJ,•,Jtiug faeilitil'.'-' of th<• li1·ing- roon1.-: ;·onpl1•<l with llllpnn•d. HllHI<h­

nirin;: ··mtrl:< a111l in.,tdlit·io·JII sh;·ltN on tbc lliring <'O'Irt". Till' ~lo·di(':d ~1ljll'1'llli<'Jtd<'llt. Dr. 1!. 1'. ~iolll'. Jwd 111;111" plan." J',H tlw illljii'O\'('IIlt'!l( of tlJJ'~''' I'Ollditi(ltl.~. lw rt'<]Ui."itiolll:d fur l'<'jllnt'l'lliPllt of till' ,Jwlter f'.hetl" in ]~llii, a1Hl for <'Pntml ht•ating of tlw Jn,titnti(lll in 1'1•1\1. Apprn1·nl \\HS granktl.

Kn·l ,. i il t be )'•':t r a 11 X my :'<Ill'\'<',\' of I hP lm1~' of ii l pa ticnt' \I'll' <·arrit•d on t. ~m\ a dt>i a ilt>tl report Nnhmitt!'d. · (<;,·jd,.w·c of :-m,peded tnlwn·ulou.~ acti1·ity in :111 p:ttiPub IY<l" font!(\, and in ,;ix!t'l'll others it. was eon~idf'n•d that an inadin' tnh••renlon., lP,ion Pxist,rl. In onh- mw nf' th0"" e:H'<'' w:t" the tulll'relP ha,·illu"·' "ltiJ~eq uently <'nltured from tlt<' gm.t ric 1·untent,. h i;; [lf~lJlO'ed to follow the pro,u;re;;s ol t lte~e ,;;n~JK'I'tr·d paticut~ with fnrtlwr and bacteriological •·xamiuation.

Tht• 1·ontinued to nttcnd io tlw earP of t.IH' patienb' tel'!h :~s f<tr as fal'ilitie~ altowcd.

Fmthcr impron•ment,; wer0 cH'!•dPd in tiH' patients' did and plan,; for more modPrn ,;ervie.- of meals were considered by the Chief Dic•titia.u, the ti1·nior Rnpl't'l'i:-<or of Catering, and tlw Rup,•rvi"or of Catering of thi>< llo~pital. RPveml were nw,Je, and approved, to implement thl'se plan~.

1~\,'t:l ro·eonvulsive t.herapy. the only form of php;ical tn·<~tuwnt. al·ailah\,, herC', wa;; administ.ered to t ho><t' fiwc patients ~~-hose metltal di;-;ordl'l· seenwd likely to lwndit from it. and tlH' l'Psttlts \\'Pfl' Natisfndorv.

\\'it h regard to tlw most import:mt. form of thnap.1·, n•t·reation and IHTttpalion. tlw "tate of allltirs i.-< far from ;;atisfactory. HeerC'atio)ll :tnd Pntntainm<'Ht for tlw patieJJt>< \1'<1" at. a low t>hb. The fortnii!hll~· ll:lJH'''" hml been cliseoHtillm'cl during the previous year lwnnu;p ot' ~t<tff short<tg<'s, <llHL owing to the worn condition of the film projector and the very poor aeon,;tie8 of the eoncert hall following removal of the ceiling. whieh hml become dangerou:<, no film ;.]wws IYPJ'f' po~"ihiP. Two new projector,.; and the rceon~tnwtion <>f the ceiling are awaited.

Tll(' anll\l<tl picni1· gave plea~ure to tl1o~;· ahk- t.o atknd it. :md tlw ('hri,tm·IS ('otH·ert pro,·ided hy the Wan;.::arat!;t Bt•;tnch of tht> JLPJilal Ho:<jlitnl ,\n.xilian' wa,.; n H\ll't:t':<N. lt is intl'tHbl to ntak<' n,.;p of profes.~io1wl t·otwert pHrti<'~ vi:;itin.u: lk;·cltllortll in i'ntun•. "'' thi,.: fot·n, of r·nt<•rtainnll'nt in tlw distril'l dup,; not cxi~L

TlH' interest ,;]wwn in tlw pati1·nt-· IYI'ifJn• by t.lte ladies of tl1e Auxiliary j,., apprct:iated.

While a I'Olloidcrahle proportion of thl' routine work of t hP Lnst itntion i~ carried on by patient:;. the amount of oeeupation engaged in is not at a ~ufficiently high leveL A r••.asonahle amount of work is lwnelidal. hut there an· mall)' patients who nn~ unahle to work unh•Hs under eon~tant ;~uprrn~wn ;md a. Jlll!llNien\k ader1uate and well traiued ;;t.a ft i~ e:-<~entiaL

The nwll' Ntal'f W;ts at near!:.· full ,;trength throughout the year but a high pereentug;· of tht'lli \l·as tellljlOI'<li')". The uumeril'al strength of thr: female :;;taiT wa;; better tha11 the prp1·ious when tlH~ lo\\'\'st lij!nn· was r11i. hut it !'('mained :-;hart of e:-;tahli:;hment by approxim:1tely 20, awl of 111.u,;e,; l'lllJlloy•:d on 31Kt D('('C'JlllJI'r. Cl~ were temporary and nine of the11l were 1wt t•mployed in the Of thn :21 ,.:eeomd grade' po:~itious. :!O are nwnnt. The :;euior nm·seo< continw•([ tu ;·niT.'' thP lmrdl'H work admimhl.;·. llowevPr, in ~pitl' of their lack of traiuini£, many to>mporar.'· att;;n<l<lllts and llllf~e,.; to be sttt.i,;l'aetory, aud it i:~ to he hoped tlwy will join the p<·rmanent stail.


.i!audnlfi/ICI'.- -The UIJsati:;fadon· ;;laic of the hnilding,., and facilitie:> whic·h !'Xi::<ted at tlw •·otnllH'IH't'ltlt'111 of tlw .n·ar underwent little improvenw;1t. The work carried out eon;.:istell of removal of roth'n <'<\H'~ ;twl n·ncwal of ::>pouting; renon1tion of \'eramla]u; and painting ui' the exterior. At tlw l·ompJ,.tiun of tlu" co,:tlv contract heusy rain cau::>ed numerous leaks of water into the building. An at.tc1upt to rectify till' damage was partially successful. Considerable renovations tu the interior of the building remain to be dml!'. The ward sculleries an· in a deplomhle condition and eighteen month>~ haYe passed Ainer rr<tnisition~ ''"~'<' made for tl1e rcrno•lelling of them. The broken down ceilingH have been waitiug attentim1 for an evrn longer period. During the year, a n;qne.~t for replacement of damaged ~olid woodl'll ~huttN~ by modc>m wire shut.ters recriYed approval. Progress 1ra~ made with modernisin~J the main kitclwn and the ~t.a If kitehen. nnd when the work is completed they should he very efficient.

:ldisaus.-- The w•>rk of t.lw arti~<lll~ proceeded nmeh a." u,;;uaL It sePillf\ likely that tlw J£n~ineer will ~'"'{llin· :Ill t'if'ctrieiaJI on hi" stair bcfor<" lnnl-'. Tlu· t'<UpPnt('r worked under diflir·ulht•,.:: wa,.: without an Hi':<il'tani fnt the lattr•r half of tlw yr;tr, <lll<l ~;ome unti•pwtcd 1nachi1wr:-· aw;~ited rcplacomPnt.

re,!fctaule Uardell lflld Fmw (Figure" for the year are quoted in pareBthe:::is).~ ThP supply of YegetaL!es waH 7£) tons ). The amount of from patieub; had fallrn off anrl it wns neces~an· to appoint. another a:::>'i>'tant. gardPucr. A young npple ordmrcl h<Hl to be ncgleetPrl.

Produl·ts from ihe farm were :--:\lilk, Ill thou:iaJHl 'Juart,; (!07): Pfi,l!" i,852 <lozeu (~,Hll): oaten bay, :.:o ions PlJ: metHlow hay. UO ton~ (l20): nnd ~2 pigs W<'l'l' sold for t883 (!)0 sold for £110). The piggery \Ya.~ ~c1n:rl'd nn<l nppro\-:d \\';\~ granted for tlw constrnetion nf n 11<'\Y Jnggrr.1·, lar~t·ly of r~onrretP.

E. L. ROHEHTI:'i, :\lcdicn 1 Superintendent.

f lwn· the honour t,<) Jii'<'Sr'llt tllC ;llllllllil report, for tlH: year Pmh~J ::)1:-;t ()(,tcC'IUbN. 1\I:JU.

8tat ist ir·N.

Admis;;iour:, including transfers



Hc,;idPilt at end of­( 'prtitied patients \'olnntary boarder" ..

In 19Ml. there were 222 admisr>ions and in l\H8, 207.






This institut-ion preHents many nnsa.tisfactory aspect,; \Yhieh nn· twfortunatt•ly sn t:ommon to tl1i,; •kp:ntnwnt. Obsolete buildings 110t properly deRigncd for their purpm;p in a had st-atP of repair. grosR overnowrling so that pro1Jer Olcgn!giltion ber:omr,; practi,·nlly impo11oiulo; ~<'riou,; :,ta!T ~lwrt<,; partir·.nlarly uf st;df that are in nnywa.y tmined--the~>e n•pn·,;cnt ;;ome of the major dilliellltiP8 etH:ountrred.

Last year's annual report listPd the following long-awnitt><l major 11·ork;;: -­(a) Heeonstruction of Hill Wnrd~ ; (b) Internal heating o£ wards: (c) A new main kitchen, awl cxten~ion of prc~ent ><tor;• (d) Construetion of eledric tramJormcr ,.;tation.

Thc:.;e are .4il\ among our· nmny un supplied nC>ed,;. Tlw overerowdi11g of tlw in•titntion i~ a proJ,fr·tH of major lllagnitnclr•. ;n;d it i,: l'•·it tlwt <l lo,;ing

LattlP i.< l>Pin,_. fou\.!,111· in thi~ din:dion. T\wn· i~ ntdy ;uli-tpl.ttP iloor :'j'ilC<' in th<' donnitorit'~ i.ttHl .,:ingiP roows in tl1i" in.•titutio11 for <l)'l'ro.'\illl•llel.\· B::l7 jlitti•·nl,:. nnd :n·t 11t thP l'lld (Jf tht' year then;, were l. LW patients in rPsidem·e. The problPm j, o<onwwlwt \Yorse Dll the fenml<' ,:idc, this being aggraw1-tecl because pf the fuct that two normnl dmm1d~ of di~po~nl, 1 iz .. the After-Care Home and Ca~tlenmine Benevolent Home, are now practically non-exi~hmt O\ring to lack of ,·acaJlClC~. The tot;d admi~:::ion rate al~o 1~ ;;oarmg each yc;tr.

Sll;/J'.-The ~hortugr·~ of nur;.:e~ i;; still ('aLunitou~. The ~keleton ,;' of r:enior tmined nurse:.; earry u11 t}wir work untirinf\IY <llHt with very little reeoguition. llany Xew Au,tmlian nursc:o< are employed nu(] on the whole do vrry good work, but the lmtgnage diftienlty i,; alwayl! a serious ollc, and apart. from ntl'e~.;ting the general W<crd work. it pre\'Pnt;.; any intcte,;ted Xel\' Au,;tmlian Nurse.~ from doing their training and becoming ltnnlified tnnntal nm;;e;;. There are no Grade lL nm·,:c;; at thi~ hospital and there ::;cem~ to he uo pro~peet of gettiug or training any. ThiH forbode" \'cry ill for the future of statling at this hospitn,l. The wale nur~ing staff is pradictJ!ly up to full strPugth in numbers, but thi~ t:< largelv made np of Xe11· Anst.ndian .-\ttr•JHlants. Tlwre j,., ; ;t \'t'T)' sNiou~ ~hort;Jge of (~radr IL. Attendant,;. There appears to be every likelihood th<tt the wltol() ;:tail' ;-;trudun• of thi~ ],ospiLtl \1ill collap~e unle~:o some improvenl(:nt occur~ in the· m•ar fnturr.

The mcdicnl "ork ndmini:,;tration ot' the lw.~pitul were e;Jrrit:d ou! under gn·at. Llillif'nJties during the year by <l fitali' of two, viz., }[edit:al ~upcrinteltdcut :md KPnior :\kdi('a] Olticer. Tlw mPdical establi;;hmcnt [or this hospital made nwny ycnrs ago i~ threP.


A minimum medical stn fl' of 1\ n·. ind ud i11g two sPnior mPdi ... nJ otlicer". i;; c:ls!mtial to prO\·ide tlw Hh·<·.~sary ht·atmPJlt and <if't;dlNI ('an· t<• 11 hic\1 tlw pntiPntR nrc justly t'ntitlell. The complete lack ami urgent ne(•d uf pqyl'hulo!!i~t'. ~o('itd 11·orhr~ ~tnd OC<'HJHltioual tlwrapist;< ;;rriou:<ly impair the e!i1cieney of Hw unit. Thi,, la(']; of stafliuu al..;o pn•Yen1·,.; t.hc c:;t;lblishmellt of any prop<.'r ;;y;.;tem of follow up of p:ltients whieh io such <Ill N;spntial feature of their c:are. De;;pite this, ho\\'CI'cr, dnriug the year the S(•nior :\lPdieal Of!iePr. Dr. .\;;hhnrul'f. attended the Clinic in Colliu~-street weekly for tlw follow up of' fer11ale putiPnt' tlwt e(lldd ht> made u11der thi~ sy~tem, and his 1rork ll'a.q of great ,-,due. \Vith atlequak mrdieal :md ;,t·ial .'<tnfl' lllllth nwr" treatment, indudintt full ('O!Ila iw;nlin, l'onld bP given with gn,atly in•·n·a~Pd IH'I!Piit to patic·nt,, nwl il gma.ter mtP of di~chargiup:. Any f'Olll'Pption th;tt this ho~pit<ll can lw rill< <'llicif'!dh' with a uwdi•·al -;la ,.f two j,; too fantnstic for tOlllltH'IIt.

.\ddiiiuJI;ti ch·ri('al sLdf i . .;; IHtdly ll<:l'ikfL OJJ!y ll\· 1n.rLin:.: rnudt t::~k:' '"' drill!', awl l!,·Jp in tl.c of llJedical rp;·onl.~ is tllia\~·ilal>le. th·· I'"''"'Hrt' 011 thi• tw·dit·,tl st;d'f and II'OU!d ~:nahle tllf.ll'l'. tii!H' t•• f,.. ,!!JH>lJ

ol·t·rtintt> <:all tlw nmtiJ•P olli,·e :->uch hPlp \Hitdd gn·<ltly n·iiP\" to :.wtiw· tre:ltJJH'Ilf .. r p:ttil'llh.

Fu u,. u m/ (/I/ r:/,•,,,­of rnilk \\(•['(• prodl!cPd. ton,; td' fmit.

;-'nppliPK were ,,ah-factory dming the Y<'nl'. dm:t·n t•gg,; and ~~~.7."):2 gallons I:-':: pig.< \Yen• .~old for t2,3H. Tlw ~ga rd1•11 yiP)dPd Jl).~ tom: Yegeta.bks awl ;)

:\lilkiHg maehini•< are >Ill absolute lli'l'le.-<:<ity to maintain rea;;on:tbl\· hy;dl'nie ··onJit.inn-; for handling the milk.

Diela!'y. l'uder dw earvfnl :mpen·i~ion of Kl'nior Catering Snprr':iqor, the Dietitinu :tnd our owJl

('at~:ring Hupen·iKor. a high standard of food wa!'l maintained throngl1ont thP year. Additiou;.; to kit<·lwn <•quipmi•nt \\'f'r(' mad(•. and llliH'Ir morn rqrripnwnt is on order.

(Je;"·;·(l/. · Arti:m.ns workNi handicapped l)y staff ,shortllg<•s. l't•rv r>ssen1·ial mnci·ion of boi],··r p<~ ri'o r m.

n;ry sah;factorily during tile This particularly applied to the maintcnanc<c', and to the farm

vcar but ~ome seetion~ were serioui\ly ~ngincerK' staff, who,.;•; \\'Ork includes the• staff which aliio has e.~sential dutiPt-> to

TLP ,\ uxilwril'' a).':aill pro\·rd ,;tandanl of as:<i:4:lurp and J!I'OI'icling pi en ic. ::.:im·,•re t h:lnks :11'(' c·xtJ•iHh·d t!H.· patients.

a rowt'r ot durin~ tlH• )'('<11', Hlllllltaiuing their lllilny ddightful PntertainmeHts, including th<' much loohd ro them fnr their wholr-hearted dl'orts i11 hriugiu~ su much

nsual high fonnml to hcHrfit to

To dil' ;;tall liiHif'f 1·ery diftic·ult

in general .~iun•re 11pprt>eiation I'OJHtitiotJ." durin!-' the yrar.

1.~ rxprri'secl for their inclir'<try <llr<l loyal eo-operation

H. C. STONE, l\Iedical Superintendent .


lh:POHT ():\ THE )lE:>iTAL HO.Sl'lTAL, BAJ.LAIU'I', FOR TIH: YEAH EC\HEll ;)i,.:;T DIX'IDflll!:R, 1950.

A nniqtt<· ('\'('Jit \\-,t:-z <l 1·isit from n tltate <.ion~ruor.

Oi! !H h .\u)!n:oJ, Hi~ Excdleney, :Sir Dalla,; Brooks, who 1nt~ n•eein•d by the :Vlini~ter for Healt.h, thc· llonorahlt• \\'. 0. Fultou, inspeeted a~ wueh of tlw institution as was po,.csible in the time avnilabk. Thl' 11 <'a 1 bn fortunately wa~ perfett, and t.he grotllld", ha 1·ing Le en .-;peeially tidit•<l up for the o<·t:ai-\JoiL lookl'd tL•·i1· ht·~t. The patients ,_\towed by their .-;pontan••ou,; chel•rini[ how pl<'tl~ed th<'y m•rp to han• tht: "l'l"Jl'tllliiiY of set;ing am! wekoruing Hi~ Excelll-ney.

T!w lllOiit, diKtnrbing en•nt dnring tht• .vcar \I'HS t.he sPriouH tire wlrieh bruk<' out in Ffl ward at about i :un. ur• :.lnd Dee<'lllher. Thr fin~ originatRd in tiw roof·;,paee ttl<ol·e t.lw hoilt>r-lwusr, awl apparently WM\

''"Hst·d by ov('rlteating of, or ::;onre Jpfeet i11, the flue from the fumace. lt was put out by the Balbrat Fin· Brigadt•, whom \Ye thauk for their pro1npt help, lmt not hrfort' eorr;;idt!rable datmcge har1 l•een 1loue to 1'11<· roof of the ward dining~room.

i-lpeeial pmise is dw: to .\I:1tron Hrndy for her ealm aml capable JirN·tion of t.he ltlll''OC'S who safely <'\ ''''llltted all the patieuts to neighi.Jonring airing-tourts, awl to tltf' night- lllll':il'' 011 linty iu the war<l (}'li:<s l.m;;l K le in hl'rgs and }fn;. Eh·ira t:ikuja) for kct·piug their head~ am[ giving the ;tlarnr wit bout Jelay.

For a long time, the ~lwrt~.1ge of tloet.or:< has bl'l'!l just as ~erious as the shortage of IIUJ'sc:<, and is li!J\\' pr·rlwps th<' wor:;t trouhlc in thi . .; lJ0:5jlitaL

\\'ith ouly two doctor~ (inducting tlw }lelli(';d BuperintElldt:nt) to att.end w the Heeeiving Hou;-;(', thP \lai11 11 and the Ballarat G,wl, tlw patient~ cannot, and tlo not, n;ceiYe any periodieal physienl ,•xan:inat1011:-; whid1 are ueecs;mry for the l'ttrly d(•teetion of dis;•af><' in the ea,;e of persons \•rho cannot themspJn:s draw attentio11 to their symptoms; and with ouly two dodors <'Y!'ll thosf• p<Hif·nt..; wlw are kno\\'n to lw ill cannot be inYc::;tig;tted as thoroughly HIS they ought to be.

One ol the Jlri\'ilege,.; mo;<t valued by patient;; i:o; private interviews with their doctor~ {and indeed 1 t:•·n· i< not.hinp: more important tlwrapeutie;tily than the;qe i:Jt.prviews), but. llliLJl)' or tht•ir fC(jlt~CStS fur ,,p:),

!l>l"n .• ·ws IMVL' to be disreg;nded beeausr the doctors "imply hi!Yen't the tinl!' to ac\'E'tl•· to them.

lt<'~t·arch work for 11Lid, then· j,, ntt!irnit<·d opportunity is nor to be thuu:.:ht oL

The .\.leclical Buperintendent has to do two people·~ work, aud i;; praotic;lliy always ou duty; an<' 1lw only ;;Micd'acl ion be <lerin,,; front this Htatc of affairs is the kr10wl()dge that Ji,, is s,wing the tax:·pay,.r~ £!,:WO a .)'l'ar. liP eaanot pos,;ihly attend satisfaetonly to tlw medieal treatment of t.hc patient:'; and, M

tlw :-<aJm• time, attend to the geuernl admiuistmtiou and ~upeni:;ion of tb,• hospit;d, g;mnt interviews 1<1 numerous visitors, answer fn'IJliellt t t•lephoiH: c;1lls, and ded with an ever increasing (·orre;~pondence -fvrn · shiug reportH to the lJireetor, the Pub! ic Trustee, the Rep a t.riation DepartmrHt, J mlges, and Magi~t.ra, nnd answering ma11y let.ten; of euquiry from patients' relatives and oth~:•r per:<on~.

Thrre i:< o;till u ~hortage vf about IO female uurkec;.


::\Inny of the Xew .\n~<tralian JmrseR nre <[nite good · but tbl•y eome and go .so frequently that tlw eon.~t:mt rwrd to start. ;d] on•r ngain to teach new arrind~< to spPak and how to do their work nwkcs life lmnlensomP for the matron, aR,:i.,tant mntron ;me\ the senior nursPs. and a f'i~tpr Tutor jq hadh· JJcederl to do ,;ome of thi" work.

'l'herP arc no trained lllll'iWf' to replace the handful of tired senior ch<trge musec< who ha n• canied the hm:pital on their harks for so mntlY wenry, difficult wars, hut who, in thf' llHtnre ot thin.!!s. will f'.oon he retiring. . . .

[t. is rt•f·mrmH•nded that th•• huildintr of a IH'\1' \\'ard for femah• 'WHile rl('lll<'tli~ ,:hould h•· :-;tart<·d at: once, hPcmt.w om at·c·ommo<l<ttion for H<·uil<; denwnts is full to 0\'('l'·flowing now.

Tlw gt·ncntl Pxprthltiun of lift• in tlw eommnuity haH ri"en ail the re.~ulr of adnuwt•.-< in nwJieal Ar·icnee: and more potential :-<enil(• demcnts are r!'aehiu~ t!H• :-<enilc dementia age (70 ~~0). It will not hf• loug, we thiuk, bcfor(' ~enilr d<'BH'IIts will r.onstitutr th!:' mnjority of our pat.iPnt".

When [lf'Oplc t('ll us, HA they ftwtueutly do, that we should HP!ld our "('nilf• pati<·nt~ to ··twilight home,.;'' (arlmittedly non exi;~t(']Jt), we coneluclP that they do not understnnd that senile dementi,\ i:-< 1t

pathologieal r•onditiou. ami sonwthing (tuitP diifcrent from the nH' detc·riorntion that. normal!\· aecompanie,c; old ag('.

An important impronHH:nt was the refurnishing of F!! W<ll'd, and \\'(' t.hank the pn•seni :\lini.strr for Health for sanctioning the Hf:hrme. He will not regret having dolH' .so, aB hr has, in regm·d to thnt particulnr ward. pu,.;hpd tlw f•lod;: forward a full !)0 vears nud gn·pn nmch ,;;ati>lfnction to manv pPopl('. patient;.; and relat.ive-< alik1·. "

W<· thnnk tlte Pnhlie Worb Department for lw1·inp: :-loh·ed the problt•lll of provi(ling a satisfactory supply (J{' hot water to tlw Stall' mc,.;;.;-room kirdu~n, and Fl ami Fll wanb.

A RucceR~ful itlltovation m1s thP inxh1llation of Brndix \Ya~hing maehin!'R in t.he Xur,;cs' Hon1<' and 111

F7 and FlO wards to deal with arti•·les of clothing that WPn' too dPli,·atP or too Rnmll t.o :-<<'ll!l to the ordinary laundry.

'l'hc ('Om·reting of thr I:Hutdry drying :ll't'it will lw a lwon tl• the laundry workrrf< in ilw c-oming winter.

A Jt<·w steam autoclave (or mattres.~ i<IPrili.-<N) was i11~t:tlled tlmin!! tilP \'P:Il', awl pmv!~d Y('l')' H:<!.ful iu t•onn<>xion with all outhrP:I k of sea hi!\S in t h.-· SlalP .lntirm:tr'\' \Yard. · ·

There i;; Oll<' hiddeu cYil tlw.t should lw point<·d ont, although Hu·onc like;; to refer tu it. <llll <•f feelings of delicacy, nnd tbat i!' the tm:rihl~' ill<td<'<Jtlilk lnl'<ttory a.(·commodation in all the WOill<'ll·s \\'ill'ds,

and in two of the ward;:; on the mak HidP.

ThiR matter of lnvatoJY a.(·cornmodat.ion i.~ of tlw fir;;;t. importuner, dir<wtly affecting the lt(~:•lth nnd f'omfort of the patient.;;; but' we hav<' not yPt hern ahlr to p<'rf<tmde the l'nhlic \Vork~ Depnrtnwnt to g1ve it t]H' priority which it dPH('tTcR.

Among the many unfulfilled reqm~ttJOil~< on our list is one !'\Uhmitt('d q years ago for tb<' l>uildiug of a new kitchen for the Fi'male Ho~pital Wnrd. The existing kitchen is hopC'lessly unmit:tble 1md inadeqnate, and will sltortly appear more out of place than enr iu a ward that is, in otlwr respPct~. gradually bei11g modernized.

The exterior woodviork of all the ho~pital huilding,.; require;; painting. and the guttering and ~pouting everywhere tweds repair or renewal.

The clerical sta±l' had tlwir own troublcs--t:hiefly pressure of work cau.,ed by the recording and (·aleulatiuf! of overtime and penalty rates, and the inercaAed amount of correspondence required HOWit~by~ ill coHncxion wit.h orderinl£ HtOl·e.".

The artisans did well ; hnt the Pllgiueers in particular had more work than they could cope with, awl need the help of a plumber and two .. general as;::i.'ILmt~ ·•. The upholsterer rrsigned toward~ the end of the year, and his ahsenec has l~t•en felt.

The work of the gtaif as a whole was wry Batisfactorv, and I thank them for their help and eo-operation without which the :VTPntal, B;llarat, woul~l not have maintained, as it did, its good reputation.

The farm is in better (·ondition than it has been for many ye:m•. The need for milking machines i~ nrgent, and it is hoped that when they are iu,;tallcd we ;;hall get more and cleaner milk, and the seandal of asking the patieuts who (lo th(' milking to work 3f\5 day~ a year will be ended.

We have found it very difficult. to maintain the grounds in good order, and have had to abandon the growing of flowers. \V c have no professioual gardener», and the attendant-; who are willing to do gardening are uot willing to work artii'iuns' hours, as they lose money (overtime and penalty rates) by so doing, Things would be worsr if it were not for the new motor mowers and motor scythes.

Thr }1rntal Ho,;pital Ladies· Auxiliary, under t.l1<' en('rgNiP and rc.;;oureefnl lendership of }lr'l. K G. Blanden, did much for the p<lti,·nts during the year.

Particularly appr<·eiate<1 wen• tla; gift of a new wireless iu;:;tallation for FlO ward, and, in conjunction with the Ballarat Croquet At<;:;ociation, t.lw supply of attractive table china for FH ward. \\'ith the eo·OJleration of the respective local branr·hes of the Country \Vomen's A,;soci,t.tion, the Auxiliary armnged some very enjoyable pit:nics for certain of the patients at Buuiuyong, Smyt.hesdalc aud Creswick. 1:\pecial thanks arc dne to :\Ir. H. A. Davis, hu~ proprietor, for his generosity in mnking ;wail a bl·· fn•e of charge some o± his mo,.;t up-to-date and eomforta hie buses for the,.;e outing,.;.

Iu (•ouc!mlin,!! this n•pot'l, l am mindful of the hf'lp I have rt~teil'ed over thr pa,;t years from many people, including succe,;,;in• .\Iinist('r,.; of Health, and of the progress that Ita,; hern llJa~{e at thi~ hospital; hut I uevertheles" feel constrained to end 011 a note of pessimism, because mo~t of our ide,!l~, in the present state of the country, arc obviouilly UHattainable.


In mr opini0n, wl1at th<' :Vlental Ho,;pitab need above all ehe IS more and bet, staff-medical and nnrsmg.

Inr·rnasNl accommodation !or f<.·lnnh• p;~tirnt~ wilL I brlieYe. han• tn lw provided in the near future·., for no-one has r•Yer ~IH'r;er•rlf'd in pnttin):! il 'luart int-o a pint pot.: and morf' mcdir~al ofHerrR will h,we to bP found, hecans<' the pat inn!.~ en nHot hP ~atisf,tctorily tre:ttf'd without t.hPm. a.ud hcf'aURI' there 1.~ >1

limit to thP m•rrloi1diug thHt tlw ••-..:i..<ting dodor" ean :4aml.

C. FAIUL\X-RIDGE. ::\lerlind f'.uperintr.ndent.


itl•:h>H'l' o:-: THl~ Ht•:<'El\'1:\"U Hm:sE, B.\LI..\R.\'1', FOR TIIB YEAit E:-~nEu :31sT DECW\rm:n, 1~150.

During the yf'ar, 71 men and o!l women \Yerf' adlllittNl to tlw Rerx·h·ing House, nwking a total of I GO patient" of whom ·10 were senile elements.

Tlw h<>~t points about the R<>ceiving Hou,-,e arc its eonvenient loeatio11, aml tl1e good food. aml nur~in~ attention to h<: ol;tained there. In addition to these inducements to stay th<>rr. ;tll pntir11ts to hPnefit hy it art• giV\'ll l'lettro-convulxive treatment, ami all patients received a~ nmeh Jl~}Thotherapentic treat.Hwnt as the 0\·cr-workrd doetor~ h:we tinw to them. Insulin treatment. which i' so vit.a 11 \' important to :<c hizophrenie~. j,; not. a ntilalJie, hee;mse of the i<hortage of nwdieal ~ta If. ,

The Hetf'i\·ing Hou:;e was JH'H'r (]c,igned as a Rereiving House, hut wa:< originall~· a11 old-fa,;hioned ~ursing Honw. Jt. iR too Hna!l, nnd ha,, no grounds. The whole place is lop-:<idP(l~more SJHWe being allot.ted to the admini~tratin· ;.;ection and the uurses· quarter.~ than to all tJH• patieut.,; put together. [n the <'aRe of the malt' patit.'nts Pspecially. the lack of space and htck of opportunity for exercise and occupation arr not C'Clll!lll(,j\·e to tlwir rnco\·ery--except in t~o far that these condition:-; nwln· them try llilrd to get well in urdt'l' to e~capt.' from thrir horrdom all(] do~e C'onfinement.

Enoug·h hat< heen said to iwlieate that n ll!"\' Recei,·ing House is m•cf's;,;ary; hut. no·oue experts that, iu tlJf'"'' ;I hnormal tirtH':', a new Olll' will lw built for lll;Jny )'Pars. NPYf'l'th<'le;;,.;, tlw Reer·i\·ing House is fUJ

intportant in:'ltitntion. and it i . .; es'<eutial thnt its ('lailll:> >'honlcl not l.r· lo,;t sight of in th•• torrent of daims p"nrin12 upon tlw Gon~rllllll.~llt fr•Hll ut IH'r hn.,pitab ntHl iu~>titntiou:<.

From tit<' patit•uts' point uf \'i<'\\', thf' pr<>sent l{.e(·<•i\·ing Hous!' re~emblt'~ an over·iTcl\\'dNI boardin•r hou<e lllor,• tlt;llt anythi11" d~•" awl I:t;llJ)' mentally c•ml'a,;ed ol<l peopl<' think that t.hat i;.; what it 1'\. .-


:Vledica 1 Supt>rintendeut.


l have tlw honour to present my report. for the year r.nding 31st December, I H:'\0.


Rc<·eiri)l,g Hovrsc­Admitted Di;.;cluugrd Hrmoved to }lental HoRpital~ Di<•d

T'oiHntnry Boa nlets-­"\dmittt"d Di,;elmrgf'd Certified DiNl

Jlenlal llospita/-~ Admitted .. ])i~eharged

Dil'rl .\ llnwecl on trial lf'an


680 Hi!l 3i9


22i-l 227

1:) 2

118 4G 10



804 202 4-72 93

110 Ill

8 3

233 S!J

0 2;)}


1,484 371 851 162

34\i 338 23 5

351 135

lH :3:)7

Patienls.-'fhe number of patients is rapidly increasing. There ha~ heen no marked alteration 1n the treatment of patients during the last t\\'eln' month:;, Eleetro·('OliYnbi\·e therapy and insulin therap~· are heing carried out with satisfactory results.

The Inebriates I m;t.itute for Victoria iK uow established at Royal Park. The patients are committ!.'d for ~ix or t-welve months aud cause a reduction in the number of beds a\·ailable for acute easel'.

Patients are Dtill being sent to the general hospitals for operation on the brain and the . .,e results are most ,.:atisfaetory. provided the right typr of pati0nt. ii'i (•hosPn,


Staff.- A second P.~ychologiRt ha;.c been appointed to <l~si,;t onr senior P,;ychoiogist ami her work i~ very helpful a~ there was more work than one Psychologist wa.'i able to mannge. ""e hu\'C had many change,; in the medical officers. Dr. Seal and Dr. Derham tul\·e left, their plncc8 heing taken by Dr. :c\iatchet.t and Dr. Bower. Many medical officer~ are now vi~iting for longer ~md shorter periods. for instruction in psychiatry, and the hospital is now becoming a clinical centre for lo(·al aud overseas PoRt Graduate instruction.

Ruildiugs. -A new 1mrses' home aml a specitd ward for the treatment of acute cafws nir hadly needed, and a,; stated iu my la:<t n•port aeconunotlation i:; rer1uired for the drrir·al staff <tlld lmilding.~ for a pnt.holo;Ji('[ll and pnTbologinll laboratory al'\' badly required so that resettrch nwy \J(• f'arried out.

Au:rdiaty. -1 wish to re<:ord my thanks to tiH• i\lcntal Hospitals' Anxili;uies for thPir work in tlH• ('antceu, and pienie;; givPn to the patients from t;ime to time which are mneh nppreciatcd .

.IOHX K. ADEY. i\Tf•dical Superintendent.


I have the honour to ;;nhmit my annual report ou the i\lental Ho~pital, .\lont P,nk, !'n!' thr vear Pnded 31i=!t December, 1950.

Hl·RidPnt in ho<'], ],;t .laHHan·, HJ:\0 ,\dmittt•d, indurliug tran~fN·~ Hero\'Pred Dit>d Residt>11t. in hospital on 31st DeecmhPr, 1 \ViO AYrra)!<> nnmbcr rPsirlrnt dnring \'Par

RP,-;idtmt- in hospital ou ht .l:n1WH\', 1 ~)!'ll Admittt•d Disehargerl Certified Died Resident in hospital 011 3bt Deeemher, lH50 Avemg•' mnnlwr rc;;idrnt dnrinl! n'<U'

ti I :J 22fl H H4-



:n t::l7 131


37 ·10


,-1,32 1 ,t Fi 14+ ;}{)\J

37 I'll 55 1 ;J(j

1)1)(\ I, l\17 cJr1+ J ,4B7

4:3 HO \17 234 87 218

:l 2 'l ~

40 86 .-Jl ~n

--·-·- ..

l/rwlth and Trealilieltl.-'l'he f.(Cllt>ral health of the many patients was satisfactory throughout· tlw year. The Jmml,cr of patieut~ i 11 resideut•c Bteadily increa.sctl n nd further uggra va ted the gross ~tatr of OV<' r·;Towt1ill!! Pxistin!£ in the Hospit<rl. Thi~ O\'Pn~rowdinl! is serioua and with no relief in sight appears to be :'lteadily ittnea;;inl!. making conditions of Ho.-;pital admini-;tration, treatment of patients and care of their welfare maeh more di!llcult. .\11 forms of modem and ncce~;;ary treatment \\·ere carrietl out to the limits of our staHiug and faeilitii's. Insulin Shock t-n·atmcnt, whil'h lvls hePJJ t!iscontinned for sonn· yeMs heeause of starT Hhorhlg<·. i~ still lliJt. }wing carried out. Th<• medi(·nl staff, which lws uot been at full .4rength for many yt":lfs, performetl Hwir hig t;t:;k of <'<ll'iug· for so lll:lllr pnticnts both in their phy.~ical healtlr and psychilltrirally, faithfull.'' and wPII, <lllrl W{>re !llukrinlly assiste,l by 111(' plwnwv·y t!epartnH'nt. drutal clinie. Bocial 'rorker and Chiropodist in nmintainin.~ a high standard of physic,d hc<llth and well ht>ing among the paJ.icnts and bringing relief to many of the mentally ill.

Occ1'J!f11.imwl Them]Jy.~-l'hi . ., for111 of treatment i:-~ a very valuable and useful adjunct to thr medical treatment. of many patients. 'fhe occupational therapy dasRes of thi~ Hospital are well e.'!tablished aud ,-ery praetical. They arc wPll organized ami highly t•fficient arul render a valuable uontribution and play a i£reat part in tlH• restoration to health aml the relmhilitation of many p<ttient.,;. Our organizing therapi~t, J}ig,., }[arch,mt, is entlm:<i<l"'tie. wry experienced an(l well <pulified for hc·r po,.:ition and we~ extend our_ thanks to her and her :<ta1T of thempists for tht·ir valunble work.

Food 8errice.-The foOl! :<er\'iee tn patieuh has improved out 01 all sight. Food i-; llllH:h mon" V<l!'ird with well planned nwnu~ an<l i,; >tmply Hupplied. Th<> dietitinn, Miss Rankin, and tilt' ,,atPring: supervisor, 1\Ir. Moran, are creating and maintaining a Hplemlitl dietary for the patients.

The non-supply of stainles~ r;terl uten,;il~ ordered in the previous year hundicaps t-he .~tafJ' ;-;onl!)what in the distribution of the vnried diet now briJig served to patients. The butcher's shop and coolin:2: ··hamber need urgent renovntion.

Amusen;enfs awl Amenirie-~.---:;\lany formH of entertainment were provided for the patients throughout the year, picture::; weekly, dances, fortnightly conccrt01, driveR, special teas, &c., tmd ;;pecial treats at Christmas were provided by the l\lental Hospit>d Auxilinrico; and other iutere.~ted parties. Our thanks are extended to all who were responsible for providing enjoyment to the patient~, who are very appreciat-ive. The Mental Hospital Auxiliaries again proYidcd the high light of the year in the Fancy Dresil Ball whieh was enthusiast.ically enjoyed by over 350 patients in t.he Hospital concert hall.


Jindrrl lln•:pital A ll;)'i/im·ies. --Thi~ group of Lulie:< r·•mtinued t0 hP ,·en· ctetin' and enthuRiasti!' in thPir \York nnd dforts t.o improve the lot of om p<~ticnts. The th;Jnk;:, ,)f the 'Ho,; pi tal is PXti'IHied to 1 hem both on behalf of the Admini~tration and th(' gmt1·fnl p<t1i<'nH who so <l ppreeiatc and IH·nl'flt from tlwir <ldil•itiP~.

8!i(ff. -Sialf shortage continued throughout tho year and the pos1twn rcg>trdillg staiT in <111 sections of the Hospital's activities i,; worsening and pr<'Rrnb n \'Crv serious prohlC'm in the future IVPlf,tre of ~Ient1tl Hospitals ;tlld tlwir ,;cn·ice ro the publie.

s,,,. Bllildillf!·'i. .\ m'll' h·,•,ttnwnt- eliltir is l>l·in;..:: <'I'<'drd ;tnd should )Jl'IJI'ide ;t n~r.1· Y;ilu,,J-,[,. !!till !!1

lli(Jdi'J'Jl {Te;ltlll('llt of' the !IH'Ht;1ll,l' i\1. [ll'OI'idl'd Sll tfi1·ient :111£1 ('X)lC'I'ic•Jl('('d !JHtd itied S\11 ('f ('1-Pl' hecui1W 11 \':tiln hl<· for ih lll<lll<tgement.

TfngvitrtL Gmunds. -Difticnlty of maintennncf' of the; Hospital g;rou!Hls :<till exists hec;m,.;r• of a liopt~ lrssh· illadr·quate stall'.

"Jrlisnlls.-Activities ha\'e been hampered by short<Lg<'s of tr;~incd staff and lack of nwterial:-<. It. is lwiH'<l that 11 lll<l\'e will shortly be 11,ade to build an engin('l'ring workshop which is so urgently needc'tl. The inerea~ing use uf motor transport call~ for n, well equipped lJ:<lrnge, as it is imperativ0 thnt ;.;p~ecdy and dticient repairs be 0!fcctcd to motor vehicles carrying food, milk, &c. to Yariou~ p<lrt~ of the Ho~pital. Enhtrgement of the carpenter's Rhop, Centn1l Block il' also being held up for laek of JHa.h·riaL DPspite hamlkap;; a definite service has been rendered the Ho:~pitnl by thr arti~an st.aff;;.

Laundry.~\Vork has not yet eommeDc<'tl 011 altcmtiom; and extensions to the laundry, and conditions are practically the same as at last r<'port. A drying tumbler nnd waRhing machine hav·~ heen deliverer!, and should shortly be installed.

Oc11C!'II.l Store.---The potato store has now !wen completed aml is a. deeiiled aequisition. The main ~tore jg f,u too small and inconvenient for the btrgc ;tmount of goods hamllrtl.

:'llll<'t' last report. The tailor',; :<hop is in a deplorable eonrliJion.

Coal Handling Plant.-'l'his is urgently required, as great ditliculty is experienced in uuloading railw;ty truck' and distributing the co:1l owing to lack of lnbonr. It 1>1 oftc·n necessary to engage outside unloading contractors so t,hat trucks can be emptied and put into rirculation again by railway authorities.

Fal'ili.~Considerinrr the adn)r8P eonditioni-l umler ,,·hich Lum work is carried out re~nlt..., havr heen rc•iJAmwhly ,,atil"fnetory. Good price,; hnn· lwen rcceiHll for pig:\ which are sought after hr buyer;; at th<> ~ales. Three hundred tons or oaten hay '''''l'e harve~ted. hut. ha<lly clamag:ed hy caterpillar:;. TnsuHieicnt Rkillod labour rlclayed harYesting operations. Fift}' ton' of mradow hay of good quality were harwO<t(•il. SPventy-six thousand gallons of milk were produced.

Sl(if]".-Immfficieut; and it \\%.; neees~nry to employ some inexpericnee(l men whose C<lpabilities \n'rP di,.,tinrtly limited.

Farm buildings are in very bad rr·pair, and there nppea1·s no hope of the modern clairy and milking siH•ds n·qnisitiom•(l some yea.r.~ ago lwing: eonnnenced in the twar fntnre. :\'Iilking machine,~ are a IWce~'<ity. 1-Je,tith of animal:' has been excellPnt. In tlw anllll<ll T.B. t<',;t..; ol' dnir~' henl, 147 CO\\':i. :-1f'i heif,•r,;, :21l 1·.Jl ,.,., W<'I'E tested awl. tht'l'l' Wl'l'l' 110 rPnctor~.

The milking herd Hhoul<l he illcn•;t,;e<.l to providP tl,e qunntity of milk requin:d for p>ltirnts' <liet;;. hul ln <Ill probuhility wilk this is <it impo~~ible, a:-; then• is in,.;ult'wieat labom· to Ctl[H' ll'ith more ;.;tod;:.

I\ ill ha n: to he [Jttrdw,.wd from outside ~our•·p,- JH•xt Y<';tr.

rr:w:'fa/.f,. Ounle/1.-:--;-iuety-four tons or \'(:getal>lt•s \\'('J'i' j>l'OdUC'i~d ill tlw Y''<ll'. httt it, \\';1,; l!eceR~:ll'Y Ll large 'lll>llltiti•·s, pnrticttLtrlr root ntHl sonw salad \'1:,\!l't;tbks, to fully :'upplv rc(ptirements. 'l'lll'l'<•

app<'<ll' to be liD r:ompetent g;;nl1·ners applying to fill Y;tcnneieR in the vc,u;et;thiP g:nrden, ;mrl t.his lar·!; ,J traittcd mPH throW>' a gl'<'at ;-;tr,lin on tl\(' ;;enior gardener in chargP.

Urclumi.-- A bettcr ~<>a,;on is <•:·qwctPd th;ut tlw prcviou,; mw, bnt. the poAition gew•r:dl.l' 1s the ~<1111<' n,, at l<lst annual report.

l'l111d ,V,,r,,·er'/ flml Ottlf/lllelllrtl Urottud.,·.-}lr. T. Haggart was appointed Curator of Ganll'lh-< during th•· \'"Ill'. and nlthon'.!,h hampered h1· ltH·k of staff ha,.; been able to aecompli~h much in the re-urg<tnization ot' t h(• lllll'~C'l'V.

F 1if'.1• fir<>\\'\lud is pun·!ut~t·d. as hrgP hla(·k ('O<ll for wn rd Jin·:; is no longc•r procurabl<•. l 1 .,,,ill !.e n<·eessary l•1 alter lllllll}' of tlw lin·places hccuu"r: of l'Oill'f•rsintl to lin'\\'Oo.l. Great difficnlfl· 1,

''"l"·ri<:nCP(l in ol~ttJi:lillf( coke for slow <·omlmstion cooking ,;tow;-; and in,lqwndent hot water services, ,

Arlminisltalio11.-In circumstances of increasing admini;:;trativc difficultie.~ the staff tt.~sisting 111

administrat.ion is to be commended for their faithful and loyal eo,opcration. :\ly thanks <Ue extended tn :\Jr. .\llchin and his clerieal staff for their co-operation and help in administration and to all senior nwl rc·spon.~ible officers of the staff in general for their loyal and efficient Rerviee throughout another difti(~ult Far.

(iiL\N'l'LE\' A. WRIGH'L i\le(lieal Bnperintendent.



Tlw folhnrin.a: If~ Ill\' report on th~' Repatriation '!\lrutal Ho~pital. Bundnora. for the yrar Pnding :H~t DPef'mher. HlfiO.

/'.tal is/ i<'s.

Patients in Hospital, 3l~t December, 19·10 .. Patif'nts on trial leave, :Ust Dect>mhcr, 1\Wl l'a tient~ admitted during 1 ~150 l'atir11t~ d i~cha.rged duriug HJGO (one tra u~f<'JT(~d) Patients ,\icd, nine in rc~idenee, two whilst out on tri,d le:ln' Patient;< in Hoiipital, :H.-<t December. l\150. Pat.icnh on trial ]e,we. :nst. De.ePmher, Hi:JO

217 7U ()0)


u ll

8ecowl ll'ar Arl-mi8sions. ~~To date. admission'> from tlw ~econd World \\'ar wtnl 1:3:). or rhe~P. :m ha\'P been tli,;ehal'!.!;l'd, 5 dir\L 2 transferrf'd, 2K were on trial lea1·,., len1·ina: IV> in re>lirlt•tH''' on :)Jst D('cemher, 1\)i')O.

Palien/., rw,J Treatmenf.·-Duril1g the year tJw acti1·itie,.; of tiH• Occup,Ltional '~'herapy Dep;utment ban• ~t•·adily inere;lsed <llld with the appointment in Xo1·emher, l!Y>O. of two rntined therapi"t", Jliss :VI. Burden an experieneeu graduate of the Engli~h School, and }{is" .1. .Tohn4on. a gmdnnt•! of the• Yid.ori;IH ~ehooL t!JP work of the Depflrtment "'''" placed on a solid h<t~is.

Tlw mlue of the opPratiou of pre-frontal leucotomy iR becoming incrP~~in)!ly Pvident. n·(·n in ~<'lr•etl'd (:<JS(':'\ of ~ehizophrenia of lon11: duration. 'rho~e p<ltient< o,celec·ted an• tmu~fen<'d ro the He]mtt'i.ltion G('neral Ho~pit.1l, lieideUJer;.r, and the operation is done bv a skilhl nenro·smgeml. Tlw r••'-mlt.~ with the f,;w patients operatPd on ~o far are encouraging.

Ganlens.--l'onsidemhle improvement:'\ were effeeted. though lad: of wat·er iu i'nmmer handieapped both thP appearance of the ground~ and the hoped for inere,t;;e in the ~npply of vq!:etablc.'.

Dietary.-~·-.\ \\Pil varie,l <tml habnced diet W;l:-4 maintained throughout rlw l'••:1r HPd nu rl•·fi('iPnr·y d i~NL<e:-i wNe <1 ppa n•nt.

E111cdrli111,,enls Htid Co~~~fln·ts.----_\mp]P amf•nitiP:'l in the· form of (·om·ert~ .. outing~ &c., \Y•·n· prn\idf~d fur our p<J.ti(•llfc: dnrin)! tlw year. Tlwre were ;J2 eoncert~ aud 2;, nutings arran;.:l·d by nt.rimH phiL,nthropic org:cnizations. \Ye acknowledg:t> t.lw . .;p](•nrlid assi;-ctaH<'{' of :<uel1 lwdi(•s a< tht> .\ ustn1l i<lll ]\,•d ( 'ro,;:;; Snci<·t~'· thP RetnnH•d 8ailon;' ~oldiers' and Airmen's imperial Leagne of A.usrrnli,l, T~1e U;lllipoli Legion of Anzacs, The 8ailors' 8oldiet· .. ;' and Airnwn·,; :\Iot·hf'I'". A~socittion. and many otiH•rs, in n.ssistin!! ns in llr·~ .... o::ial life of the Hospital.

Thr. annual sports meeting now I'l'gnlarly sponsored l •r the " :'IX Y Goorl l'ompanionH " was a,; wmal a !!l'<'<lt event.

}lone~' for Hpeeial eomfmt:< was very plentiful and our tr;qtw~ts for nll Jliatlllf>l' of ;m~<•nitie, lll'l't'r l'.liled to hrin).( it ready respon,.;e from our tnany \n•ll ,\\'j,Jwrs.

8ta.ff.--During the year I became :Yiedical Suppt·intemlcm of tllf• hospit.,tl.

"]1~ ,. Ward waH opened early in the year hy tran;;ferring putients and ,;taU' from the old '·A., ·ward which has since been used to hou,;e a ~mall tmmber of ~eleeteJ patient~. 'l'lw attendant. stall' continues desperately short-handPd, and only by working ('onsiderable overtitne t"an the ptec;ent depleted ,;taii cope with the work. Thank" are (\ne to them fot the dwerfuhH•,.;s with whieh tlwy are faeing long honrs of work.

Build1'nys.~The exten,;ions to the day rooms in year and effeeteu a great improvement to the~e ,,·ards. ~ome progress and should he ready during 1\)51.

11 .. aml ·• C " Wttrds were eomplf't.ed duritw tlw 'l'hP re~idew·e fiJr the jfe\lical l::\u pcrintendent ~nade

All road:; ueed attcnt.ion and the inadequate watt•r "upply prohlt'lll nm:-<t. soon be r:on:-;idered a~ an urgent measure.

Geneml.~I :;hould like to conclude by thanking jlr. ~. F. Wilkin,;on, t.h1; i:'lecretary, for his unremitting work on behalf of the Hospital, and all members of t.he elPrical, mtr;.:ing, attendant <tnd artisan :-;talfs for their loya 1 eo·operation during the year.

.1. F. J. CADE,

:Yledieal Superintendent.


During the ypnr, ·!IK po~t·mort,..m Pxamination,~ w;-n· lll<l!h: in the :\letmpnlitan :\Iental Ho,.,pitnb and City :\lorgnP 11:> imlicnred lwlow

Hond I' ark n:·> jlo~1t Park ];Jii

Kew City .\lurgne





There was no dt>at,h from typhoid, hut a ~light IIH·n·a~r· m t ht• inl'iilem·e of wa' tto[,,.[ tt'll de at hi> from thi~ r:omlition heiug ref't.ltdeJ.

There \\'ere eighteen deaths autong epileptic~ ten or whom died in 1'"\tatu,:; 8pil<lpticus.

Tubereulosifl accounted for the death of seven patientH.


At the Children's Cottages llllH' (1enths m•rP ntt.rihntN1 to .groo;s hwiu c]pfect~. terminal pneumomt or dy~Pntery supP!'vening.

Fifteen ensPs of maliguatlc\· were rreorded. Oh4tructive \esionR iu the· brain dnP to thromho~is or lwrmorrha!!.e aceounted for ::10 case~. ThNe were eighteen deaths d m• to coronary <Hh'!T d i~Pasr, t 1;<. majority he ill!! ca,es of ad nuwP<1

:1 rt(•rio:<dermi" with termiua I oeclu:-~ion. Six death;; were the result of aenh• abdomin<ll conditions. Thl'n' \\'<.Is one <leath due to crwbral tnmor. At the City :\Iorgue, fourte(•n po~t uJor-tc•m Pxaminationt> 1\'Pl'l' mndP on patiPnts on trial. Xinr were

dnP to n11tnral C<lllRPs. the remnindPr were rr(·ordPd as follows:· ~C'arhon monoxide poi:-Hmitl.!!, laryllgPal oh,;trndion. cerebral lmemorrhag<' foll•J\\-iug leucotomy. fmrtnrP<1 skull and laeeratP(t brain, aml h•H•morrhag!' from cut throat.

'\Yasserman test~ . . I ,4;)li Cc•rell!'o Spinal a naly;;il'\ :)f):! L'rine analvsis 2,000 Hioehemic~11 tests 250 Complete blood ("mminations Ill Sputum examinations t\:-) \'ariom; lmcteriological t<,sl-< including agf!lntination~ and culture of org<misms 107 Histological f'ectim],; 3b

Ueoeml.·- A photo-elr>ctric eolnrimitPr supplied to Hoval Park has provrd Vel'\' l!Refnl for aeenmt.P ntpid work.

I wonld like to congratnlntr· the lahoratory stan· for the reliable \York done.


f hav<· the honour to preKent the Annual Hrport of Dental Treatment DeeemhPr, l!J50.

Total nnmht>r of patient~ treiltPd .. NnmhPr of pat.ientR at Hoy;tl Park :tiH! 'l'nnmeorr :\umbel' of pntic•nt,, at Kew .'\nmher of patient:-; nt SunbmT Total uumber of ca~e:-; Smnher of teeth extracted Sumher of fillings Sumlwr of dressing~ Sumber of scalings nnd cleaning;; :\umbr~r of patient;,~ operated on und,•r a general <ll~<H'Rthctic Snmher of a rtifil'ial dcnt,ure;; mm1e Sumher of repair" to dentures


U. C . .TAGO, Pathologist.

for thP F•tr ending :nst

1.177 tiW 31~ 2;)1j

1 ,uO:J 1.5 j()

81 71

10;} :I

127 3ili

L. J. P. GOVET'l', DentiHt.

tmbmit lwrewith the Dental He port for I 950.

'X uml)('r of patiPllt~ treated Extrnetion"

The following treatments were completed: ·-

1,142 1,051

Fillings (amalgam) Filling,~ (porcPiain)

Scaling and deaninfr Dre,si11gs Full C pper Dent.urefl Full Lower Denture~ Partial Dentures Repairs to Dentures

.. 1G5

.. 61 226 IM J 29 7!J 73 35


A. COPPIN, Dentist.



Beside~ the usual case load of me uta\ deficiency and child guidance work, an increa:>ing number of children is being taken for individual psychotherapy by the P:;yehiatrist, so that the :Medical Officer i.' <·anying more new cases than formNly hesideR carrying on the routine medical care and immedin<, ~npervision of the children in residence. An expensin• and elaborate unit like Travancore should be Uitld

in ~uch a way as to produce the greatest :<ocial return for the effort and Pxpenditnre incurrn<l, and in orlll'r to carry out this pritH:iple tlw poliPy on·r the \; (',.,,. years lw." been to adlllit only th''"c mentnllv retarded ehildn•n who al;:;o han· a r:omplicating problem -'Uth a~ disorders of bell,, 1·iour, ~cn,;orv defects; cerebral diplegia, &c. The prr,blems of thesP childrnn n'qnire an increasing amount of attentio;1


froll\ ilt(' P..;n·hi~tri:-:1 <UHI the"'' d(·mand-; will ],p itH'IPfl>'f'<l \'PrY lnq!f'l:> whcH tlw fHT·-sdwol block comr>" into opPrMio'n. In orcin to fre•:· thr> l',cy('hiatrist from the more routine ty1w of dia!Ino~tic work in thf: elinir ,:;o that h: cnn L:iw more timr• to tlw individtwl t't1riC~ of the ehilclren in re-;·, :M Wt'll thmw oi <'hildrPn nttcnding i.he dinie who require rontinued p><yeltotherapy, it i;;; reeommPJ'd<'d that an ni'lsifit<mt PsyC'hiatrist lw appointPd in tlw near fut.nrP.

AnothPr development of reer•nt. y<'rtff\ i.;; t.hc inr-rrniiing ll!lmher of mtlls from institution~ hoth witilin and ouhirk of tlw J)(•partmcnt for :;urveyil whir:lt mny itn·oln• quite btrge groups of rhildmn. This h.1" lwen .!onP tlw last thn•re year" at l'lea~:lnt 1\n•r;k KpPei·d RdwoL HtHl .latwfi,•ltl ( 'olony i~ a\~0 n,.;kin~ fur thr· t•xautinntiun of a la.rge group of childmn. ('hildn·n· Honws r·:HP!'lll)! for th(• need< of nor·n,ll ··hil<lrPn an• ap1 to aer·uutullltt• !!I'Ollps ol' tohildn·n whu an· ;.:u~p<'<'tt•d of ht•in;.;: rdanlP I. and \Ye~ :ll'f' !lttditt.!! rhat it i~ wort~ Pilil·iPnt to ktmd a l'Pam frnm tlw dinic to tlt-al with tlw IYholo· ::roup (jf nhildn·n tlmn to haYe the~<' chi],Jn•n hl'onght. to the clinic st·pamkly. .In ordt•r to c<>nT o11t llwst• Pxamiuatious IYitltont intNfPring: with i'linit: <1ppointnwnt.~ set. l'or llwnth., <th('a<L :twl d(•n·lop tlti.-; Pt·onomi,:al mrth<hl of \\'orkiug: fulty, a seeotul l',;_yehologi~t i8 needed H>' wPll a:'l an :J.-;~iNtant P~yt•hi<ttri~t. \\'ith thP'<'-; Lwr: adoli1 iott" to tlw Ktatl :•. grP:tt droal of help could Ill' given to ntrion.~ ill.-;titntion;;. inelndiug thr [{Pceiving ] Jppot of tht· Cbildn·u·,~ W elfar'' I )(•partment., while tiH· elrriral sidP of t fJ,. work conld prohahh· be hln<1lr'<l without additions t<) the prP~t·nt.'.

~\~ the~•· PXt!'a workers would spend ;t good dPnl of tl"•ir tinu' ltl tlH' fid,l, tlwir app·•intnwut" need no1 w:tit on thl' rxtm acrommodat.ion reqnired for the dinito, hut the• building f'Xkn,;ion-< nsk,,d for :'len·ral years ago are still an Heeese~ity, and attention ifl llmwn to the rt>pe<Jtf'(l rr•qn<•,.;h f•n' enlarg.:nH•nt of tlw rliu.ic ll'ht(·h luve been made in annual rPports for some time pai:lt.

Btaff during the year include the departure of }!i:ss Hohtwc: for Englaml 1 u com1nenl-e a course of Rtudies for the Mental Health Certificate of thr London School of Eeonomics. This wa~ madf' possihh> hy thP genProsity of the Go\·ernmcnt in proYidiHg <I full seholar.~hip and trawlliug <'Xf<C'!l~e,;. The :\fetlieal Olfie('r, Dr. Rose Honsey, left. ihe Clinie to f,!:O into vrintte praetie'~ and th,-, Guichuw<· KiwlN~artnN. ,\li;;" ~tcott-Orr ,d,.;o !'csigned. The lo;;a of both the:sc member>' of t.hc ,;taff ,,.n, kl'l'Bly f(•\t. <lt<d as it lw" been found impo~,;ible to obtain a Kindergartner to rl'plnee :\[i,;~ Neott Orr tltP \'n]n:tl<le \\·urk of tlw <lnidant·c !'lay Hronps j,.; now ill ,,lJ,..yancP. Dr. Christinc Troml h1tK joinrd th•.' ..!illi<· a~ .\1o·,lical Olliet•.t'. Tht• im·reasing output. of work, eRpccially ps)whotherapcndie work, l\0\1' n•quir,•s th<' spn·icr nf two fttll· time typist-stPHogmpherR.

The clinie "till continued with it.; teaching fnnetions and p~yehology and r;;oeial ;;tndieR Rtnrlcnts are a.ttac.hed to it for training. Other ,;tuclents draw on dinic:al n•rrml" and other clinic rP'>ourec~ in connexion with inYP,.,tigation projects, and !lllliWl'lJllS nmltor~gmduat.P and l)(JKt -grad natt· train iug grouP" frotn Yn riou.-< profe:-:siona.l teaching school:-: attend frotn tinw to t.irnr. The~t· gmnr' are thll<tlly im·itetl 11·hen po<,.,iblt· nu \\' ed ne8tla y aftemoon:'l, when the \l't'ekly r·l iuie eonft•rc•tH·P j.., hP Id. a !HI sOllt<' individual proft·~siona I wnrk,•r:< make a point of :lttending regularly.

The monthly group held for mothers of mcnt:llly defective l'hildrcu who rcnmin in their homes, w!tidt was eommcnced in t;ouncxiou 1dth the adi\·itie,; of the Guidanee Ki!Hlergartuer, ltas beru earriPtt on :cinn' :\lisH t-\cott-Orr',; resignation by the P~Syehologi:;t, ,\lr. Catheart, ;t,; it waH fouwl to be hn\·ing a drfinih• theraveutic a,; well as (lidnet.ic Yalne. ThD pos::;ibility of farther group work in r·omwxiou with tlw t·linit hns been diseussed (•xhaustiYrly, and we think th;tt group t!wrapy t•rmld t,,. iutrodm·ed usd'ully in conn<~xion with ,.:ome of the parent,; who now eome individually, <llHI that a form of p~y,.ho-dmma might hr Vt;ry

useful iu dealing with ~Oli!C or the hellil\'iour prohlrms ~hown by the children ill reside!lCt'. All tltC'S(• .dtract.ii'C projeets um-;t. wait until t.lw elinit' statl' i4 reinforN·d <l!td 1ri!l J,e <'asic•r to impiPmc>nt· when th•• long waited for exkn;;ions come into exi,;tence .

.:lkmbers of the clinie have l'ott1inurd to t•Xtl'llll it~ work amongst tlw pnhli(: by .uldressing suitah!P org;mizations and group,.; when in\'itotl .. A sm·i:·s. of lednrc·~ OH dilfprr;ut toph·s \\'as giwn t?, tlw Helping Hand League by ><t'Yera.l member.;; ol the cllliH: and also by .\Its-< Bellnv, tlw H••ad l <•ae!Jf;r. Tlw de,·clopme 11t o~· tlw Helpi~tg Hnml Lt:ttgne. awl the Oakleigh Uroul' has IH't'll Wil\t·heJ ;\·itlt inte;·.r;;;t anrl. whenever profpsswnal assistance a!ld adnce ha:-t been asked for 1t ha..; . hePn pron•led. W1th dw development J,y thest' organization~ ~r prin1tc group~ for wental!y rd<ll'~t·d and d<·frct.i\'e t·hi.ldren f~r whom the Department cannot ~)l(l ~at~,;lae~·ory phHJement, the prohlmn .. of lllnea,;r·rl. rhagno~t.l\: :<crnt•es. and pRyehiatrie und pnyeholog1cal advtee. 1~ beeommg m:mo nq:;ent. \\ 1th the. appomtment. of tlH' a&'\t:'lbwt PilYehiatrigt and additiomd PilychologJ:st mentwned, It would he po,;sthh; to the,;e ot•ganization,.; thi~ help thPy need at the timP they it, and to avoid tltl' waitin(!: of months· for elinit'

which tll't' in•·\·itahh· at present.

Tr(L\'HtH'on• llew·lopttll'lltai Cc·ntr1• h:ts uow beeu m e\.ish·nt·(( t>iifhtl·<·tl yi,tr.-; and t.he Clinic fOI' thirt('('}l n·nr-<. .\ follow up inve:-:tigation or tlw dtiklren wlto lut\'1! lwt·tt tl:rou!.\h Travaneore is IH't:Olltin~ an ill''~ 1 • 11t 11 e,·r:ssity, as tlw !lllllliwr,; to be dt•.t\1 wit.h are g•·Hittg Ltf!!,P <llHI in('r.·asing dillicttl! '''·' uta\' ];,. found\, tr<t<'tlt'' tbem. it is tim'' that t1ll ar.ternpr wa.-; tml(l•· to h!Hl oat how tnndt m: how littlt' \'alu<: tlw tminin" at Tr:v,ttworc ha~; hPen to tht.Hl' children, and ho1v mm·h of what W<ls ,·,duable h:u; bnL'Il waHted on acc~nnt of the laek of otlwr colflllltltlity re,;onr.eeN. ;\ Jl~f:limiwtry investigation. commenced ,;ome yrars ,10'0 was found to be very useful through the ch:;;eovery oi people who could ~tJll be greatly helped by ~he' cliui.e, but did not know the a;;si~tance wa~ ;tvail~tble. The increa~e in the dinie stafi already suggested, in addition to bringing up the estahliBhrnPnt of soew.l worhn< to Jt~ reeommendc:d lllllll ber of t hrN•, \vonld make !"llt:h a review possible.

On tl1c. 31st December. l\)DU, 2:'\ chihlren were in re;<idenee at Tmvaneore owing to. the majority having "one home for their ;acatiou. On t.hc last, day of the tenu li I chilclrt•n wl're i~1 wstdenee all the beds being occupied.

:\P\\ t'Cl.'-'(':-; ('\'H!!llllf•d: ~!f)~

g,. '"'amiunt iou': :_11 :)ourc<'s of Hd'ermtcc :

State Department:< :­l\[;•ntlll H vgil'll" Chlrlren·.-: \\"Pifn rr· P;d nc••tiun (~o\'ernnwnt :\ledicnl Ollil'•·r

12:2:3 :ll35 :)f) 4 7 I 1-i Ml 6071 72 .t;;l ,'\J 9;,

!!{\ 107 108-JIH 120 .J:~l 1 'h) .,_ .jl;)

].Jl l:i;J

J/Jii I t\7 li)i" J ~~~ 11)0 1'.11 UJ:~ 20:) :201 :2];,

('ommoll\H'<tlth Department~: i"oeial :-icn·ict>:<

H o;-:pit;•l" :Vledieal Praditionns Privatc ·~I nsti111t im '"


.\lea ll k\ge;-; :·~·Boy;; ---7 Uirk-1:\


]0 1.-, I,-~

2·1 r, 11 l •> •J

I., •)


.. •)


year~ 2 yearN ;,


. i:i


mnnt h~ . IHOllth;; .

') .. ~ :j

1:2 ll l :{ 1:2 li


li •) •J



There"' also ten en~es cightc\'ll year~ ,,f age and over, mnging f'rom fill<'

a \lolitall of G!.

Analysis of Heconunench!.tioth (:\l'w ca~v~ 01dy). Rpecial i'chool ,lanel1eld Girb Jandi('id Bovs ! )pportunity ··f<mdP 1\ew Cot!a;.:P.'i Uuidnwe ,_ Re·e:w.mim1tion Moorakvne Hostel .\I ental · Hospita I Talbot Colouy





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•> ...


:\uTJ::.,.-1. Tlw reeommc'tHlalionl' ili'C indieath·,, only of Lhe estimate uf the mental len,;l. They include ua~c" in 1\ht<<< titc parcnh di<l n••t .~eek plaeenll'nt fue t.hc ehildrcn, and tlto~e in whieh p1<teement wn> not eonsidcred :Hhi,mhlc.

:!. The term .. re-examination., is applied pnrticnlarl.r to thw;e ca,;es wherp on account of t.Jw child' being n:r,v youllg n>t·xatuination \'nls spoeifieall,y ath-i;-;ed. lt i~ not intendell to rncan that routine rt~-eAnmination was not ~ugg(·...;ted in other ca~c:7.

;~~ ~rlw rec(ll11UlenJatioi1~ a~ giYea are hnttk. ln tnauy uf thu v,a~e~ other atldee. e.g .. ~peeeh HH:r·apy, wa::; gicreu.

J, Diagnosis iu oume ~:tses luv.; lJCCil f;tcilitatetl IJy n,fen·iug the child tq the ('omUlllll\\ ealth .l.cou,;tie Lal.Jm·atCH'_I' foe awliumctric examination. The Lnbumtm-y ha~ been 'cry helpful.

.). Cuidam·r· in the ,;ense useJ above refers to ~hose case>' I·IJ<tt were '"ked tn return t,., the Clinie fur poyuhothcmpy, guidan<;c play-group adh·ity, educational gui<hmcc and counselling.


REPORT OF GtnnAxcF: PuY GRot:r FOH l\J50.

The (iuidance Play G ront• continued llli(l<·r :\li.~" .\I i.-oil ;-\<·ott-Orr for tlw f1r:-;l alJ([ SPCO!)d h•rm,; ,,f J\r,o, awl Y<thwhiP t hrrapcuti .. work "a" <·arri<>d on 11·ith ;I high pPn'•'llt<I:!!' of good r<•,u]t, until tit•· n•;;ignation of )li.'' i-i"ott-Un whidt IYH'~ p:rciltly rqrrt>tt,.<l. and tlw 1mrk or th(' lhoup c<·a'!(•d for the tf'.4 of tiH' ~·Par.

During till' fir4 .t.<'rm 21 c·hildrrn ntt·P1HI•••l tliP Uuida1H'<' Uroup with a tot;d munlwr nf l·i-;it,. of Ill/. l·;ip:ht of the,;e children 1n•rc n•,i<1rnt in 'l'raYanr·orp l><'l'<'lopmenhil Centn• and <~tt<•udP•l the Gui<1ntll'<' Pla1· , Group for the tre;Jtment of 'PP('ial hchaxiour di.,Ol'dn.'-'. .\.' ll'tLd thrr'' wa' c-lo>'<' a1Hl pleas;mt CtHI]lNation between Trantn<·orP i"JH't·inl Ndwol nml th<• Uuid:uwr• l\indN).::lrr11C'l' iu the intrn·~h of' the welfare of t.he children.

Durin~r tlw lir~t lt'l'lll eight or tlw chil<ll'('ll slt<nn•d ctll'h inlpron:llll'llt tlwt t ht•ir \'l:<tt:< WC!'e di,enntium·d. In three c·a><<'" tlw j><IH'Ilts r·c·n,.:cd hriugin:.: tlH' "l1ildren although rc•comnwnded to <'lmtillm' t.hc• h:e;llllH'llt, nncl one hoy hatl to he atlmittod to th<· Kr>\1' ('hildn·n·, (

During the second tern1 ;;ix: 11<'11' eltildn•n l'ummt'llC'ed trC'atnH•nt and thr total numlH'r uf vixit,; for first and seeoud wa,.; 30\l.

Full reeords of e:Jeb se;>,;ion of treatnwnt ol' J:\'1'1'\' in.lil·id.Hal 1·hild wen• kept ;w<l ;U<' im·orpomted in the clinical <'axe histories. Thr· ndm· of' th<' UuidaJi<'<' l\.iudt·r,ga1t1wrs was n•<·ognized by the parent~ \l'ho were prepared to bring their childrPil loug di,.,talll'<'s lllll'l' >1 w•:ek or 1nor•· for tr<'atme11t, and ,-;itwe the C:nidaneo 1\indergartnl'l' lrft ~hortlv d'tpr tiH' lw)lillllin::: of tlw third tern1 tlw lo>c< of thi:-; fa1·ilit.1· h;1s been keenly felt by thP Clinic·. In tltl' :tbPJH"•' of qunlif't,·d PlaY TIJPl'<ljli . .;t,,; vn!uahlr• 1'1'11\Pdial work c;lll l•r• d01w by properly tmilted kiud<>rga rtc·IH'l'', u.-;ing k iudng;l rt<·n h•dllliq !ll'' 11·itlwut n·•·om•,;e to iutc•qn·..r,ltil'l' mea~ure:;. \Yorking in close <:o!l;lhoration wilh th<· Ps,~· .. liiatri-t. It i.; <loub!ful ldtt'th<'l' tlw :,;;Jiary at pre,;pnt offered for thi . ., work will nttrnet kintkr;.:.;ll111<'n.; 11lto <':tll no11 nbt;~iu high1·r .;;dnrit>~ l'be11h<'l't'. ·"> nule><s .;ome upward adjustJllE·nt i:; nwdP tl<c· nsd'ul work 1rhieh ha:< now lw<'\1 c· .. nied on for ,,.,.,•ral ,~·ear~ will fnll into aheyanel'.

Durin!! the ln.;t J'('\\' yenrs it ]we; he<'\1 fotuHl d(•sirahl1• to k··cp children ilt TraY:mcore until t.he age of' .;ixteeu if P';~,;il>IP, and if th,• Ht•<Hl '1\;,tdH·r n·port> l'Outinued prowe,.;,; at .;dwol. The chilclreu are oft.Ptl ea1111ble of makiug u d<~al of progre~s during tlw extra two years, aml under f<womblc t·onditiou>< the girls are ;.:onH•tiiJJes to go dirc•ctly to a lto,tt·L >1ltlwngh they are u,:n;JlJr still too immntnrE• soeially to accPpt the gr<'aler per,ona.l responNihilitit•K of ho"tel lifP. LnC'k of an,v lw><tel at all for bo:·.-; j,; keeuly felt. ami though a~ mm:h ns po.;;,.,ibl<: j,; clone to gnidP them tlit\mgh thl' ,.;ol'ial 1rnrk,•rs athll'ill'cl t<J 'J'raqmcore, ttJO nwnr ar<' driftin)l ;lhout HnsupPn·j,.;,•d in the ,·ommnnit.l·. <~1111 in Ill)' opi11ion, too tnn11~· Hrc finding their way into the menhd hoo;pitn],, hecau . ..:t• of thP lac·k of 11\!ll'l' 'llit;ti.J,. at<·omm••datiotL

A., well 11~ il riH· ill the ;IH'I'Hgc <I;,!C or h"<ll·ing. tiH·n· ila' nbo bec·lt a ,,light. hut tl(~('('"ill"Y ri::l(' lit the intelligetJC<' leH'l of t·lw childn.•u l"'iug ;uTl'j>l••d f<Jr Tr.!Y<III<'on·. lt \I'll' l'otu!li lh;d. cltildrl'n ~ig]Jt; at the lu\1er end of tlw ·· nwntnll,v rctnrded" l'llll;.ll' m•rt• llfll ;1hlc- t." honl'fit ;Jdi'<Jl!illdl· h~· the ,;dJ<>ol ''111Tieulum, ;t.m! had no pru.,pect~ of' b<'lll)! al>le to t'<ll'll " li1·ing <'Yell und<·r proli-ct<·d t·oJiditi•lll' 0r Jmrti<~ipnh• in ordinarv eomnuutitl· life. Children of I hi." ),!'1\t.d<· ilt'<' lwtt <'I' plM·t·•l <lt .J an<'fi•,ld. On t !JI•. otlwr IJ;I nd. " good 1;\<lll)" childn,;t arc :;een who ure al·, or enn ,dighth· aho1·e. the upper bonkrlitH' (lf the .. lll!'llh.tlll· n•tardPd ,. range who, heeauc;e of lml"tllg Y<·ry di•,trudin• l1<HlW <'nl·ironment> or becau~P of 'WH'l'l' hebtl·iollr di~or<ll'l't<, un· iwttcr plaecd at a !'P . ..:idc'Hlial ~JH'•·ial ''l'hool titan in tlw opporrnnit.1· .~nHlPK in normal ~<·hook Lnen•ac<ing numlH'r of the>ie chihlrcn h;tl'<' bl'<'ll admitted to Tmnu1con' and tlw inPvitahle prr-ssnn·,; to admit chi-ldren of too low grade to LH!twfit lms been re:;i,,ted.

The pre-~dwol block, whieh 1\';ts completed iu 1!13!1, bur \\'HS iu n'e for a. Ilt.tlllbt•r of \'<•nr~ l'ur other purposeK, is now V;H;ant, hut certain modifieation~ ltaYI' h(•rn <lskt·d for IH•fore it gor> into lb;' l'ur it-.: )H'O]!er purpo~e. The fom mtr~e,· rooms in thi~ lmilding IYill IJe ilwd<•qnat<' to hou"e the I?Xtr.t ,;LJ!l' req11ired and it 11·ill 110t h<' po~~ihle to bring this unit into opemtion unle~,; <'ither a new HUrst·s· honw i~ built lir,;t pr

a ;,;uitable lwu:-;e or ltoucK'Ii clo~e by honght for tlw Jllll'JIO~l'. l<:vl'n without lh<• pre·K\·houl hlo!'k till' 10. hour week n.ln1w 1nntld requirP a <'<m,idemhle l'Xt(•IJsion of our prer;cllt aur'!t•r-i accOllll11odution n.wl thi.s was made the ;;uhjc·et. of a report "'ome time ago.

Dttring the year :\liKK Heat1ey, tlw Phv,;ieal Bdueat.ion Te;tdter :lttadwrl to Tral'l<IIC'On' ~~·hool, organiz<'d u .-;elf.go\'Pming rlnh for thi' oldn l'hihln·11. whil'h nw('h on hw ,~1·enings a IHWk for galll<'s and dancing. Tl1e dub j,, a gr<'at Km·r·r•so; a!Hl ""\'t'Ud <·hildreu, linn:: in lh•• twig!JJ,orlwotl han· HltneiH•d themsclve;; to it. Duriug: tlw la~t tiYO yc•ar,; the dei·Piopment of twig!tborly n:lat.iu11~ bdm·<'ll tlr<: Travancon· childrPil and the childrPH li1·ing m·arhy has lH•eu f'JH·oura;.wd. Till' borltood thildn·u are invited in wit.h tlwir parent~ for pil·hm•,;, l'Oli('('T't.', &<·., aml of't<·tt conw iuto plny. .\li~s HP;tJwy l1n . ..: ·:lwwn u' what. eoukl ami shottlll be done with th.: ehildt'<'Il . .; lt·i~ure tin!<'. and we hope to ha n <1 Play ~upen·i~or to earry on tlti;-; \York, and t.o tead1 the mtr~e~ the tPchniliUI~' of play lc;tdnr;;hip ;l.:o pcut of their tr,tiniug.

Thi~ yea1' was the iir~t one ill whif'lt 4alT ~hort>L,:!'~' ha.1·,~ l>Pe>ll 111 any way <H'\11<'. and sonw r••al tlillif:ulty wa;; experienced both uu the nur,.;ing and ;trti;;:uJ >d(·~. Onr of the n·a.')OII' for tlw4 1\"il~ tlw great. ]ength o(' tinll' ehtp~iug IJl't\YCe11 the l'e:-<i,:.(ll<ltion of il IIWtttflcr of thf: ,,t,df am[ n•pi<tCClllt'llt. [t'

'l'ravancore had a full ~taff at pre"''nt th,•n• \\'onld not IH· xutli::ient roonH ro ;lt'f'OilllllOthte thf• lttlr;;e:<.

1 rt•gret tu have to n·cord the rcrin'lll<'llt of .\Ji,;,; LtUcl' 11·lw \IH' Chi..!' '\msP ;-,in<:e l!l11, aud witoc'e equanimity and patience ellWl'Oll oYer six years t IH; coutCI!IHettt of tiH· children ;~nd shtif. ln eottuexiou with the appointment of the Jtew .'\latmn strong reprebetltttlton;; IH'l'e made to the J'uiJIH· ;-;eniee Board recomntending the appointment of a generally trained UUise ror I ui~ po.-,\tion, and C'ii,.,t t' l' .\gnc:>l Hums, formerly of L\uudoora B.epatriation Hu,.,pital, COilliW'm·(•d duty 011 2-11 h Dl'ccmll(•r, l \J'JO.


The health of tilt• <'hildn·n n•tnaim·d !!<'llPrally ).!;OOd except for thr ll>'JUd itwidence of iuf•·ct.ion'< di>'ea:s<'~ nnd sottH' ''<l"l'S of 11l'l!te a ppPtHI it·iti'. .\!I tlw (·hildren w••n· \Lmtnnx kstPd i tt '\tll'<'ntlH·t·. I \1-l' I. aild thr•·e po;;itiH' n•nctions w•·n• found.

The fortni)lhtly pic.ture :<how~ lwn• •·otttinued to J,.. run nlo,_;t dlici•·ntly th(' nH•mlwr" of tlw ( 'hnn:h of En!lbnd Boys· ~•wi<'f.'· front Holy Trinity ('hun·IL ('ohurg, who a.!~,) il'"''' tlH• •·hildn•tt :.1

delightful partv ;tt Chri,.,tma'< timi:'. Then· \\'PI'<' othPr t•utt•·,•rb <tlld eHtertnitmtPllt.' and tlw tl"ual lltlllH'rous out.ings ami oeeasional parties for special on·a;<ione<. it is impossih!t• to admowledgP ;•\1 our h••twfa,:tions iudividually, l1ut tlw.nb are due to the Ji'•·dt•ntt<•d :Vloth••r-<· ( 'lnh~ <lll<l to• .\nxi!iariP~ for tlu:ir !!:t·neron~ contributions <lilt l .-<u pport during: t lw year.

On the 81 st Dt'eemher, rdur11cd home for the vacation. being occupied.

Hr'in. 2;) ehildn•u were i11 rPsid••twr in Tm1·ancore. the nt:tjority !nwing On the la.-;t da1· ol' t!w t•.'l'>ll lil ('hi!dr~n \\'f'l'P in re~i,lcnee. all the bed,.;

,\. R PHlLLIPS, PsychiatriHt in Charge .


Xmnbcr of Uirh in Hostel on bt .lanuar:·, Hl:)(l 22 New entries durint-( the y••ar 11 Hcturued to HoMcl from .Jandi.eld

Left. Ho8td durint-( the Y''ar--Trausferred to )Jout Park \[ental Hospital Transferred to Ahhot>:ford Convent Two left (o\'er tln'uty)

Two nn,.:uitahle 1\,·o a b...wouded

Remuining ill Host PI ;~] st De,·c•Jtl her. I !lfJU

Firms employilt!,! girb dmi11g tlw year­Austral Silk and Cotton .\li!b Pty. Ltd. MiK" ~arik

8argood C::w.liner Ltd. DaYi>·-< Coop awl l'o. L1d. Hoyal ~lPiboiU'IH: Ho~pit:d

\V onwn-<' Ho~pita I .. Jla~~i tw and ( 'o. Pt y. L tel. Ireland, llori~t

Home Duties 8heldon'., Lnumlr_r

Tlw r'tHl)H'ratiou bet\n;en lirtn." aJHl Ho,tPl 1.~ particularly good. fPJH>!'t of' tiW gir],..; WOrk .



2 :2

" ,,


fi >)


.. ·•




. \. few f!irb pron•d ditlirult in rdnllllllJ.! their 11·ork. hut tlw tna.ioeity h<'id tht>ir o\\!l 11ith tlwir llt>rnwl ~i"li·rs. :-\onH' lw.n• proved "UJlPrior. TlH• 1 hmtb of tht• Ho.;tp] SupNI'i:<or ,'.!.Of'' 1o tlw Fori'\Yo!l!PII o!' till>.'<'

tinn, 1d10 have shown llltll'hn<·t·rkd patiPIH'i' and under . .;t;mdin:.t.

The heha\ ionr of tlw ;,!irk p;trtieulari\· toward t]w l'lld of the .'·par. lms lwi;ll Vt't'\' g<~u:l. i!nd nuwy ;.:irl~ nre showin).! il nmrk<•d impnJ\'('Jilf'llt. Tlti" Ill!!\' ],,. dUI' to thl' efh·~et or tlwir 11('\\' lto!ll '. 11 ha.; hecn ditlicult t.o coutinne the phy,ieal i';;ncis•·" nnd folk d,llwing ela . .,;"''' a,:. tllltil Xm·t;mh:'r. ,,.hPII '"" \\'ere ahle to n . .;c tlm large roont at .'\o. 11\ wr• did nol luYt' sntheient ,;pa~<•!. The r<'ne,ltion ro!llll h>t'i not iH•t•n ;dt,ered yet. hut 11e hope to j,,. abl<.~ to u,.,,. it ctooJI. \\'lwnrwr pos,iblt: ~}j,.,, Jlathe~otl 'till ;~:nn• hPI' tinw >tml we are gmtdul to her.

Tlw girl~ lmve formed a elub. and look fonmrd to thPir Hlonthly meeting. Tlwy han; a.ln,ady rai,-;ed •::1n <llllO!I;.! them.;<•lw:<. which tlwv lmn· donntPd to till' PLt.1·gronnd A:;~oeiation. Hr;lpin;£ H:m•! Lcagne. ~an· fhc C~hildn·n Fnml. and. LauuZ·(·~ton Uirls' Honw.

We now ha I'<' the ten-roomed hott:4<\ and the remainder ut' the old buildin~ ;J.\ li Li.<-<.on ~ro\'•'. am wry grateful for thi, a:< it enables us to form ~uitahle group:; whielt is k·tt·~r for the ;.:irl~ and tlte :-<!n:t!ler number of girl,; arc ea~;ier for the ,;tnff to manage. We .'itiil'ereJ a l'ery acut•~ shortage of "tall' from Oetober, which~ liH'Hllt a tc•JTitic HJIIOIIIH or on·rwork -for lll.l'"eif ami Ill,\' ;l~:li:>bmt. !'or wlw:,p 1\llt\eltish

devotion I a1u iml<•t•J grateful.

ElHTH .\1. t'A\H:\EY, Ho;;tel Supervisor.


JANEFIELD C'OLOXY. '!'he following IS Jll\' .\nnu.d Hl•pm·t on thl' .1nnPfiPid ('olon,v for tlw \'P<Jl' •·wl('d 31~1- De('endwr. 1\l~,n .

( 'rd ifi••rl Put ic Ills.

H';~i,f<ont in }w,pit,al 011 bt .. Ll.Jluar,,·, lD:'JO Ou trial lenv<' Atlmitk•l· .. iJ1duding t.raJt;,fn~ E;;caped Patients (retaken) Di~eharg<'d Di,·d . Allowed on t.riu 1 ka ve gseaped TrausfPrrPd ,],.,, ·wlH·n· HP~idPnt. i11 hosl'ital nn :H~t Di'<<'lltiwr, ]!l;;ll

. \!rtl i.,l ;,.,_

Special Cases rtild Vol wllury Boa rrlrT.s.

He;;ident iu hospital 011 I st. .lnmwr.'·· I \):)0 .\dmittPd Di~ehargcd Died · He;:ident iu hiHpital on 3l,;t D('i'<'mlH'r, I !Ji'i()

.{ tj1) 711 \I \l

2 2 2 2 ;·, ;)

ii;) !i\1

:tl ~0 Wl 7 1 !1 :!fi 7 fi ]:)

1 1 2~ n:! llli


Ye1r ll'anls.····Two llPW W<trd,.; which han• lwrn in the •·our:-;,• of •·onstruetion for n eonsidl'r<l biP tinw an• now altnost eompldl•d, and one [,.; rxpc·l·te!1 to lw open Khmtl.v.

,')c/wul.~Thr~ ~chuol ha" heen well attendPd <lmin:r tit<' ,., ... r, and tlw thildrcn who nttmHl an· ,.<~rv happy in l'll'·iroumeut. TlH• tt•aching 'taH d!'sl'll'l' tlw higlH•st prni,;e for their \vur]; :lllll t.hcir intC're;t in thr childrPJL Due to their 1'\:]Jc>f't tf•;tchiug tliP children gavP a YN.v creditah!P pl'rfornmnce at their illlllH<li eotwert oH Wedne~day, :\ovemher 2\lth, 1 ;md thi~ ,,.n,., m·ll attemkd.

Occupalio11al Tlwrapy.~·We tlw Ios,, of .\li"" Pratt, who \\'as :30 helpful to the older ,,·ith lwr lesson;; of handcmft., and we are \Try sorry that so far lwr place ha-.: not yet been filled.

'\Irs. \Valsh, who took onr the sewing: roolll !Pmporarily after .\Ii"·' Lee left, must. be pn1.iBed for lwr excellent work witb the girb. \r" an· pl1•n,;ed to wclconH· .\liss i)Prtraml w.ho ha;-; Bow taken •wer tlw :«,wing roon: ]>enllatu•Jli·Jy.

Ilealt/1.--The general l1ealth of the patie11t.-; lw~ been throughout the year. There wa~ a !llilJ Ppiclemic of inllucm:a in the Senior Boys' 'nm{ riming the winter months, and there wn,.; a ease of acute appendicitiH iu Ward D, sent to St. Yineenf,-.: Ho,.;pital. jpart from the~r; C<tNr'"• no ;-;eriouN illm•-;;ge;.; han• on:urred .

• \11 patit-ntN n"·ently had :\lautoux tP:;t...: Jll'rforttwd by thP Vepartm!•ut uf Healtl1 Jl.ledieal Otlil'<'l'~, and injcdio11S \\'!'l'f' given to tho.'iP with Jtl'garivi• result.,.

E 1dula i1' II!I'JII rwd Reci'l'ttl iol'. · · . \ picture ,<how w;ts h<'ld a..: l'a r a;.; po>,;ihlt· en•ry week during the }'<'81'.

\'ery tu.iorahlr• concert.-.: and partic•s lmn: hl'r'll gin•n IJ)' tlu• Footseray <\munn11it.y Kin).!ers, :\lr". ('inT anrl Pr<•Ntou UuiflOL'. Hed \Vhitr· ami Blm· Couer•t't !'art\·. Alhion Fidrlity (']ulJ, the Bril:(htou \';triety HenH· Coy., and l\lr. Cain.

The Girl Uui,le Company is il great >'Olll'Ct' of' intereo>t <liJd in,-;trnction to the and tOll~titnte,; one of the regular nctivitie~ or' .Ja;1efield.

The bov" rc~ularly attended fuotbn 11 mntthr~, and )lr. Htoke~ of Oakleigh Sports f'lub arranged for th•· boys r:o ;l\t(,'llll fl~lll' of the Leugne .\TatciH·K .

. /1-knllll/cduwnds.

\Ye are indebted to 1 ht• follo\\·in,!.!: fc>r donations;. .. :\lrs . .\IcAnle\· l::'!>eret.ary L ,:(T lllll ( 'lul, .. :\IrK. '.\Ia' Box Hill Girb' Teehni('al t-l~:hool The 1:;\ecretary, Preston .\layoress' Guild .\lr F. }lilts :-ienPLII'v l''oot·l'\l'raY C'ollllllllnitv Siugc•r.>. .Lntdiel~l Anxiliar}:~ :"'h\'('('1.". ice-n;'<lllt. S:<"., thwughout tlw ,·r·;lr.

Oe1wnd.---Dr. ~htr.gan•l ,·i.~it1~d England 1lurin,!.!: t lw ye<~ r n ud Dr. medical otrleer. 'l'hallk>' arc rhH• to them both, to t.IH• Seerehr,v. \1 r. \bsou. ,;ta!l: for their d!ieient and loyal ~PITin• to tlw ho"pit;tl during the ;·~'''"·

l wa,; ;cppoiuteJ .\'ledical Superiutendl'nt on :llith :\<Jn•mhPr, J!l;>il.

£ ·"'· d. 2 () (l

~ l:l (l

[! l) \) ') .:. :2 u

:211 u 0 ., l:J 0 ·> ., ;) (l

.foau :\[U\d;u\1 wa:-~ n·lie\·iug awl to all member~ or tile

,1. F. .r. (:_\DK :\ledical 8uperinteiHlellt.



8tal istic.s.

2t ~'~

~\dmitted duriHg- year \i 21

Total Cas•·~ ::>a 10\)

Henwval<' during year D 2~)

[{emainin;I nn hook;; at :31.-t Dr·ct•mber. I \L"iO :!I

At tlw beginning of tiH' ,V<'Hl' quite a number of vaeaucie;; existed a~ thl' n'bUlt of the attempt to

1n•ed out tli<; mo;{t ummitnblt• of the f'hildrcn in residence during HH\l. When•\·er po:-wible these vacaJH'lt's shoukl lv· tilJ,·rl h(•fore tlw eOillliH'm·••luent of t.l1<' i<ehool n·ar a.~ th1• new ehildn•n tlwn find it ea-<ier bJ tit into thf' ~··hool• and ti;P task of tlw tPadwrs i~ mnde 0asi<>r. When the school vr;a.r bt'"<'ll tlw

•'- ~

litllllher:-> in n•sidr·nce \YP!'!' nlmost np to t•apaeit.y. .\x nli'll!H'll'>' OfTlllTed during tlw year they Wf'fC quickly filiPrl. hut hh•r in the Ye<ll' tl:f' admission of \;0\-:< hnd to lw stop1wd l1enm~e of t.he romnulueement of tiw lon,c: a IY;J i t . .,d n·pa ir.- to· ;.;ynw W <11'11 u ml lllOl't of t h" ho:·s in t hi~ ward h<ld to hP accommodated el,t•when•. TIH·n· \\':\~ :1 ,.dight inqmiY<'Ill<'llt in tlw intelligeut" lev•·l of t.lw new H<lmi:<~iom; but there are s1ill wme ehil1ln•n ;JdulittP<l \Yho are itH'<lpnhle of benefit from thC' fac·iliti<'s offered h)· tbis :-\chool.

.\r, "·ri,JH~ l.Hdta \ iour problems hnYe lH'Pll <'X[K'l ·;JJled during the Year Hnd thi,.; rPtlc(·b; <'lwlit on tlu• :"t:dl f'w their traiuing and <'ontrol. Yety fe\Y C'm<<·:< o infedions disi'UH(: oceurr(·d and ac; nsnal the g<lll<'r;tl henltl1 ul' th1• ('hildren wa:; n·m«rkably good.

TfH' thildren \n·n· privileged to attellll the l<~1hwation Dej.~<trtnwnf.~ (';lmp at. OnN·.n~clitr for ten d;~Y;; <·arlv in tlw YP;lr. It was ;t gr<>nt PXperiem·e for the children. sonw of whom had not pn•vionsly t•njoy~:d a· ~<:;>~i<le lw.liday .

.St! .Ju }larch thl' ;:\ecretary Sir .l. H. :\IeDonald wa" tran,;fenwl to Laruudf'l and wa,; suecceded J,y \h. A .. 1. :\JeDonald. The nnr~it1g- stair wa~ never qnitP lill<>d to rapacity aud at tint"" during the yflar. \\'lt-< "eriuu.':ly deplet-ed. The rno~t .. ~erions Hsped w:1s again the gra \'1: ·"lwrtagl' of ::;••nior llllrKPS ami tm ill<'('" for seni•H' ]'osit.ion:<. c\t. the end of the year "" hatl four senior nur~e~ aml nine temporary nurses. :Sot more t hau one of the latter group i:< lik•ly to heeome perm;l!\!'llt. l' mler thco<e <oireum;-;t.nnl·es the mailltenanee of the high c;tandard of care of tlw ('hildreJL is again almo~t solely dne to the loyalty and devotion to duty, of the ;;enior uurses and partieularly the Chief Nnr~e and Ho~pital Nurse. Tlw p;)~ition of Female Hl'lie,·pr WH" filled ami this provided .-;ome improHment.

The per:'Oliilt'l of the tenchill\!. st;ltl ;tithough not a matter for our Department canst·~ us ::;ome \'OlH:Cl'll. For a few )"Pill'i< we had a group of exn•llent experience(! teuclwr~. One of tbeBe wa~ t.runsferred for promotion ill \!;1~· nllll her po~it.ion wa~ only tilk•d temporarily. In .\ugu;;t, :\!i.-;~ Byme. <1 nry rxpcri••nc<'d infant tcacil'll refu.scd promotion tu retlHtin at the :-'dwol. Her per,;onal ,;,;.ni[ke is of great nck,ut!a)l.<' to onr Children but seem,.; hardly fair to her. At the end of the Y<'<ll' the Hnnd Teacher Mr. :\ldnenwv lm•L rccei1••d notiee of hi~ promotion anrl tmnHfer and although the· J~dueation Departnwtd ,,·a.~ <tpproache~l "'"" nnahk to allow }Jr. }lclncmey to n·main and r<'l'<'ivo his promotion. Tlw dillieulties are apprC('iatecl lmt I ft<et thnt f'YPntnally ~PilH' nrrang<'lllf'llt ~hould lw made wherc·hv teaelH'r~ experien<·Pd in the han•lling of 811 hnonu;d childtt'll ~hou[d J.w <I hie to f'OIItinm• in t ]w j fmmc1J of Pdne:tt ion \\itJwut jli'Pj Udt:·t• {'{) tJwir progrc",q in ~cniorit.y.

/i:Ji/di,,!f·•.·-·"\.fter mauy year~ of delay~ the Hecreation Hnll '"'I·~ at !11:'t ,.,Jtllph•tPtl :ntd \\'as u,.,ud for the lirA time at the end of the y<'<ll'. It i~ a f\ne lmildiug aud should IJI'w•lit tiH• l'hildren. Hepair' tn Syme \Y;Lnl wer<' commenced, but mlfk i~ interrnptcd at frcqn•mt interntlil. .\gr<'•'nwnt wa-; n•ac·lletl 011 the :o,ite for the ::'\ml'es HosteL but no further progress was made. Appro,·al for <l re.-;i,JPnce for ill!· Engineer :vkehanie was given and we hope that. work will be begun earlier than experienee leacl" ns to exped. Hepnir.~ to roof~ were eontpleted and work on roads, paths, laundry yard, shelter shecl and sport~ gronml were e;Jrried out by the l'nblie WorkA Departmet~t. Fire fighting equipmPnt. reeommended by the :\Ictropolitan Fire Brigade Im;pector ha~ not yet been snpphed and tlus dPlay could h:wP ~erious comi•qut'JH'<'s.

Did. The Dietitian, .\ii.s;.; Raukin, and Supervisor of Catering, }fajor Hewhmd, have made se1·er,li Yi~its to the School and their adYiee ha,: been most helpful. Miss Hankin i;; ;;npp!ying us with a ba."il' menu \Yhich ~hould result in au impron•d 1lietury for the children. A .:\tale Cook was appointed durina iht· year, hut tlw experiment of having one male Pook and one fl'male f'nok has not been eon;-;pin~m,.;ly successful.



(,',ml,'n.---An exrP11ent supply of good quality vcget.abl<'s ha~ been !llltintained thron;!hont the ~·e;tr, bui for the second vear very little fruit was obtaiucd beean.~e of the bad Reason awl tlw mntgPs of parrakeet,;. There is in:mfflcic;1t la.nd available to the Gardcnt'r to allow rotation of crops and eonsid<'mt.ion has been givt'n in recent years to remedying the position. However, suitable land adjacent to the School i" practirnlly non-existent.. A property near the School, which recently came on the market. for ;;ale, is at pr!'sent under eonsideration. ·

Improvements in the ornamental garden were nullified by a dry early Fmmmer which resultecl in very se,·erP water restrictions. These restrietiot"h'l also prevented the use of the wading pool this :.;ummer.

A1txiliarieR.-0nce again the Stawell La.die.~ Auxiliary gave enthusiastic service to the ehildren. ;\mmal picnic, rt'gular qunrtc•rly hirthrlay parties w<>re featurl'S of their work aml wen•. greatly appreciated br tlw ehildren. TlH· Council of A uxiliari(•s for }l!'Htally Retarded Childn•H again fonnwled a welcome donatio11 and toys wer(• donated by the Run Toy Fuml and 3HA. Free entertainment wa~ pro,·ided by Wirth'H C'ircu~, Heturned Holdicr ::)oldier's League Carninll and .Xlr. HaineR. A donation wa,, received from .\lr. Nalder. .\lr 'Villiamsou provided a free tran"pon to the picnic aml Davics Coop forwarded SW\~eb. Tu all iwli,Tidnals, orga11ir.atiuus ,md firm:<, I <'XtPnd out grateful thank' for their gem:ro:<ity.


A;.;xuAL REPORT ox Tur. Ac-rn•rrms O~' Tlnl CLINIC/'\ l\)50.

H. .T. .ED.\IONDR. :\fedieal Ruperintendeut .

The program of elinic dm·elopment outlined in my report of 17th April, l\:150, h<Hl to lw 1\Jo(lifierl eon~<id(~ra blv owing to an unexprct.ed deph•tiou of the experieneE'(l member;-; of the Clinic stail'.

Reph•eement of t.he ;-;bdf loA- ha,; !lOt been ea.Ky and alt.hough a JJUJnber nf tftP n1r:aneie:< ha vo hef'n lillt>d, it 11·ill be souw t.inH' l1eforr the traiuing and experience of the newer nwmlwrs of ;.;taff in dinic practic•· i~ :-;ufli<:if'nt to c•nahlr much progress to be made with the furthE>r PxtE>n;;ion of clinie activitie~.

Th•~ position of tl1e diffPr,;nt unit~ of the Clinic. •>l'g<tnization M t,h() (•tl'l of l\l-10 IIW" ;1-< follow":

I. C'olli1n; Street ('I u,ic. Thi;; continues as a central control of the variou:'l clinic activities, as a central elinie for ehildrett and

ar: a commnnity advisory agPHCY in the variou:< aspcet,s of pre\'entivc mental hy!!ieue and.ehild den•lopment.

The de-velopment of adult outpatient Herviee;-; at t.hi:< dinie has ]wen set hack b)· tlw shortag1: of ,\h·dieal Otlieer" in the Mental Ho~<pitals, preventing tbc att!'ndmtr•(• of SUl'h .Yledical OttieN'H at the Outpati<'nts Uliuie. The intra-mum! pflychiatrie stall' contiuuc to sec :lpomtlie ndnlt e;~se~ nnd the ps_n·hiairie sen'ice to t}w After Care Ho~tel1l ha~ eont.inLH•d throughout the Jl'<tr. It would ,;t·em hmii'I'Pr

that 1 hP organization of an alitilt Outp<ltil'llt>~ Clinie as <t 1i<:finite tlllit will lmvt• to h'-· ,J,.f,·ct"<•d Ulltil th1· :\lcntcd Ilo,..pitab .\lpdieal 1:-\taH' i;; Slltlkien('. to enable them to lll'f)\'j,Jp a n·gular m 'L<'r ,,f l'"~Thiatri~t.; r •. r Out· pa til·nt:; Clinic function;.;.

:.!. 1'f,c Uhsctvatory Clinic. The de1·elopment of thi...; unit 1luriug thl' year hao> ~utier'·'l from t.h,• lo~~ of !'XI>NiPtwc·.;l 1linic -talf

<111<1 from various eonstruetioual lwldup,; su<.:!J ;ts uoH completion of the plny area aml tlw gamgP. for j hr· dinie cars.

Diilienlty has been experieneed in organizing stutf rosters, &c., to permit team t•perMion" with a deplett·d staff engaged on official dntiei; at Colliull-street, awl elsewhere. Kevert.helesi-1, as will he sPell fwnt the tigures appemled to thi" report, a con~iderahlc volume of ca~e investigation and treatiJH'llt ha" lw,·n aeemuplished throughout the year.

StafT training seminars were earried on throughout the year, and a numbm of new psychiatric and psychologieal techniques were tried out and entlnated.

3. Clinic 8eroiCA to thr. ChildreHs Welfare Thi;; wa,; <.:arried Oil as a regular serv-ieP by a elinie team tlw Children'" ·welfare depot on

tl:reP and half day.> of o:ach WP(·k tmtil ch·pletion of ,;ta!f in the i;ttcr part. of the year prevented •·untinuanee.

The ditliculties at the pre:>ent in operating a elinic dc;;i.gned for the actual treatment of maladjusted a.nd emotionally disturbed ehildren at the Children's Welfare depot, even if appropriate staff were available, were set out in a "pecial report on thlli C<erviee forwarded on 15th January, 195].

It would seem that the nw:;t the Departnwnt can do to help the Children':-; Welfare Depot at the present time i;; to providt1 psyehiat.ric inve8tigation and advice for the more urgent problems of delinquency, pretlelinqueney and mental deficiency through the departmental eliuictJ specialir.iug in these matters. To this end one of the assi::;tant pRychiatrists appointed to thi., dinie ~~ould be made available to assist tlle other clinics with this work

4. Olinic Bervice:-; to the T.B. rlivilitvn and uther llealth Department I nl!ltuuumtalitie.;;. ~\n ill(:rea;;ing Jlllmber of eases were handled at tlu• reqllc::>t of the 'tivi;;ion during t.he year by

psyehiatri.~ts and other members of the elit1ie :;talL Yi~iting T. B. institution:;.

Ca:-;e:< were al!'o referre1l by the Poliomyelitis :;cction.

The ..\1aternal and Child Hygiene l:htt~<.·h euntinned to refer u brg<~ number of eases through both ;,chool and pre ~:~ehool mediGal "erviee,;.


The Clinic also made u.n investigation of thP personality attribute~ and adjustment of :< nlllnber of potential trainee kindergart.euers at the request of t.he Maternal and Child Hygiene Branch. The selection of kindergarten st.uclents on the basis of a clinic assessment of their personalities and suitability for work with pre-school children is a significant step in prevent.ive nwntnl hygiene. The importance of having only well adjusted persons engaged in the guidance of children during the formativl' pre-school period in intellectual and emotional growth will be recognized by all who beli<>v,• that the roots of mueh mental and emotional disorder of later life are established in the pre-~chool period.

R'1ml Cliuie 8ervices.--The development of this service has been held up by two problem::;, diHicultirs ut obtaining rooms in country towns for the operation of a mobile eliuio tPam awl the lo8" during the year of the service,~ of the trained and experienced statl' referred to abon:.

The first problem hits now been largely overcome, th:mk" to the co-opc;r;ttiun ol' th,• .\Innicipal As,;oeiation of Victoria who <<ppealed, on behalf of the Clinic, to all eonntry jlnnieipal a" \Yit.h 1 hr reRult that most of the latter have agreed to make room.-! availahle to the Clinir.

The ::>t.aff problem however, cannot be solved until the recruit~ repla.-ing thP .,talf Jo..;! m 19GO, have bP(·ome sulliciently trained and experienced to enable the dinie to organize a mobile team as a unit.

Resirlenlial Clinic Unit.~I would express appreciu.t.ion of the Government;, M:tion in pureha~ing tho propt>rty m Lii:!sou·grovP, Ha wthoru, for this project. Therr, again, stnHing ditheult ie~ <ttHI the rP<:onst ruetion necessitry for technical clinical functions will delay operation~ a;;; <t rec;idential dinie properly :<o c.allcrl. In the meantime it is proposed to use the property a;:; a small hostel for maladju~ted adole,;eent girb to be organized and managed by the staff of the :Vloora.kync Hostel with guidance from the Cliaie.

1\li"lO, was a uiffictilt year for the Clinic, not only because of the admini~trative problem~ which dt<\'eloped from the Ios~ of l'Xperieuced at a time when a huge expansion of tcchniea.l functions wa" under way, hut al~o by reaf\oll of the ever incrca~ing proportion of case~ presenting almost insoluble problt'lns eo1t<litioned by the sotial awl economic stre:;ses of infta.tioll, tlw ~pimlling (·o;:;l of living, tlw ~hoJt,age of honses and. otlH•r e-;seutial ;·,•mmoditics >md ~en-iC('H, aml the iw:reasing national am! intenmt;ional di::~harmony. 'l'hese are some of tlw contemporary faetorR llistnwting fHHent~ and teachers and their sunogate:-~, pn'tii•itating tlnmt•;.;tie upl1eHYal,; and fttmily hreaktlowns, aggrav>:tting the maladjm;tment and ewolional ill~h<'<dth of ehildren and prejudicing the hest ell'orts of elinics ;meh as this in prevention aiHl tn·atmcnt.

ln thmw eireumst.anee;;, clinic poliey in ll!51, will need to he constantly adapt.ecl to the resourc(•s :wailahle ill tlw of the different ea.tegoric~ of :-\tail', a::~ well as to wcio-eeonomie influences on tlw natun• of the problems ref('ITPl[ and further moditication of tlw approved program of elinic drvel(Jpnwnt will probably he neeeH,;ary.

The question of pract.iet1bilit.y applies to Dr. :.VIacLean's suggestion, made in the report he submitted during my absence on sick leave, t.hat a qualified ::;pecialist psychotherapist be <tppointed to the clinic Hh:df. I )r. :Vla<:Lean agrees t·hM such an officer \Yould han' to be obtained from oYer::;ea~, as, in hi::; view, the itppointee would have to be a medieally qualifir•l, well tr<tined psycho-analyst, with specialist rxperieuee in child analyses anti therapy.

l would expres>< my <>ppreciatiou of Dr. }iaeLean'::~ Hen'ioe::; iu tlte onerou,; posltlon in which lu, was plaeed during my abs;·nce on sick lmwe during Hl;"iO, particularly in view of diftieultie.~ with which he was facet!, by the loss of experienced ~taff when expaniiion of clinic actidtie,; was proceeding.

l would also thank the Head Offi<:e Sta.!T for their constantly helpfnl att.itudt' during th<· many vicis.~itudes experienced by the clinic during the yrar.

Number of new ca;:;es Keen at Observatory Clinic during 1950 187 :X umber of new Out-Patient cases seen at Coli ins Street and Observittory Clinics during 1950 69

Number of case;; on 1950, Waiting List not Helm at 3l::;t December, 1950 20

Number of ca:ms on 19:Jl, Waiting Li~t to 6th February, 1951 HJ

Number of new C<tS('H for l\l50, who did not keep firRt appointment at Obst•rvat.ory Clinic 2~J

Number of new cases for 1\150, who did not keep tir~t appointment at Collins-strcet Clinic fl

Number of lll\W ca,;es seen aL Collin::,-:st.reet, during l\150 7H

Number of rcfermls cancelled whilst on the W,;iting Liflt 14

Total numher of cast•s referred for yPar l 9fJO 403






During the year 178 new caBes were examined comprising 151 males and 27 femabs. Ad dce W<l~ given to parentH, and detailed· reports fmwarded to the Court or referring agency when necess<ll'y. Though the total of Hew cases remains much the same as for the previous year, the number of additional thrri<Jlentie dten•lanccK CLmtinues t,o increase, and children and parrnts were encouraged to return for Bnppor1i,·e themp,\· ;;;-; required. There iF> a (lctinitc need for a consirlern hiP ext<•nsion of the tllrrapentie n.nd follo\\ -up work of the Clinic, hnt thi;-; will require additional staff.

The source of reference of ea8Ps W;l,; Children's Court 112, and other agencies, including tlw Childn'll 's \ Departm(•nt, 6fl.

Of the new casN\ "<'f'll, 27 hau nen~r appt'<tn•d before a Court though they \\'en· manifP~tiHtr delim1mmt tendencieH. In all of this group readjustment unrler Clinic guidance ha~ so far ~ucccedecl i11 preventing delinquency. Of the 14.:3 children seen who harl pre\•ious convietion:;, only sixteen .•mh~equently relapsed.

During the year twenty sex cases attended for tn•atmellt.

P,;;ychiatric classification of new ca~es 1s as follows

Clmmeter defect .. lnt.ellectual defect Psychoneurosis Organic Psychopathic personality

Psychosis Diagnosis incomplete

fill 38

1 2


From the clinical stand point tlw mo~t Ktriking contribntory factor elicited in our ca,cs W;ls the presence in mlmy of them of pn.rental rejection by either one or both parents. The importauce of this factor in juvenile delinquency iK beeoming inerrasingly apparent to us, though it i~> not alwa_v.-; obvious nt first sight. N evertlielcss , it is a fnct that many of our j u wn ile delinquents an• unwanted and ucgleded by their parPnt~. The delinquency in such cases is the outeome of a lack of parental affeetion alll.l guidance from inf,mcy. The readjustment of these children is p:rcatly complica.tefl by their bt>havionr problems being <'losely related to the emotional difficulties of tht• part•nts themselvc:s.

During the latter half of the year the Clinic staff made an increased number of visit,; to the Children's Welfare Receiving Depot at Royal PaTk, in nn endeayour to assist in the readjustment and placement of the more seriou:,; problem caseH <1mongst. the older children then•. Many of tht~:;e children were recidivil'lts who ha.d failrd to sett](• down elsewheJ'('.

The Children';.: Court Cliuic has now reachecl its maximum case load under present conditions of staff and accommodation. lt il:> not alway~ realized that the psychiatrie investigation and treatment of juvenile delinquent::; takes a considerable time. Our aim has been to thoroughly investigate and tn·at :t limited number of cases rathPr than to deal with greater numbers in a more superficial manner, a~ the former method is likely to give the beKt result>~. Expansion of the Children's Conrt Cliuic is now indieated in two directions :-


(1) .\lore adequate prO\·ision for therapy and follow-up work.

(2) Extension of the Clinie facilitie:,; to all dt>linqueuts passmg through the Children·~ Welfare Receiving Depot at Hoyal Park.

It haR been showu that mo~t of tlw children m the group are in urgent need of psychiatric

In order to achieve these aims it will be necessary to inere<~se the Clinic staff by appointing assistants to the Psychiatrist and the Psyehologist as well as an additional two Social Workcn;. Uutil this is done it will be impossible for the Children's Conrt Clinic to adequatdy cover the field of juvenile delinquency in Victoria. A good beginning ha;; been made with the present Clinic and much useful exploratory work ha:; IH•eH done. The time has How come fur p~}-ehi,ttry to make a much greater eontribution lowards the ]H'e\·ention and treatment of jnvPnile delinqupncy iu thi8 StatP.

Mr. R. G. An dry, B. A., rrports a~ follows rega,rdiug tl1e psychological work at this Clinic

As in the past, the majority of C<tse,, as n:gurd~ intellectual capacity, tend to fall into thP "Average" Group (45 per cent.) followed by the "Dull-AvPrage" Group (20 per cent.). Howt"W.r, from tlw educational attainment point of view, lllOHt of these ease.~, significantly enough, fall into group:-; below ·• _\verage ".

Apart from diagnostic work, further efforts toward" more therapeutie interviews and follow-up work have met with considerable snece;;s. Of approximately 48 per cent. of psychological and psychiatric caNe~ followed up, the majority arc considered to have benefited from extra counselling in view of the relatively low figure of 11 per Cent. of subsequent r~;>]apses. It iH estimated that almost as lllilllY as 18 per cent. more cases (not including Social Worker's figures) have rccei\·ed coun~eHing as compared with last ye.n. Only with an increased number of professional ~<taff, however, could these figures be maintained or e\·en furt.he'r increased.


'l'he poJiey uf institnti!JllS has bet'll eoutinurd with further ;lltf'lllpt.-: of foBtrring ,;,rood relation;: het,,·,•r·n such and this Clinic.

Sl·\·cml lecturcic> W!'l'l' given to ,·nrions ageJteir~ with tlw \'i(•w to not only f;,miliari;c,! them with th,• tnw of work done at this Clinic, hut nJqo to l1elp gi\'t> fnrtlwr insight intu thr prohlem ol' ,[,•linquenr-~· and prrn•nti,llt in general. Field work for ;l l<:t••r prcojrct o11 "JlPiinqnPll\'.Y <Lllrl l'rf'\'Plltion" was eomn;;•IJ(·pd thi~ year and li;l.iNon among P'.nhologi~ts on a :-:t.dr• wide ha~i~ \\'aN maint<litwd in tlml tit,, '\liniKtl'r g<tn• permission to this Clinie'N P~yclwlogist to ath•nd tlw .\nmutl P,ychologil'al Ctiltgn·><~ of t.h" B:iti;,;h Psyeholo).!;i•·,d ~oeiety in Hnha rt n' 1 he offiri;d r<·prest•ntn tin~ of t hi~ l>rpm:tment.

work : One of the ;:;ignificant trends oh;;(•!'\ etl during tlH· past tweln" mout.h,; i~ the contintw<l

Ltrge nu m her of new familie.-: assist ;mec from the Clinic. As in pn·Yious year:'>, t hi.< has in1·oh·,.,[ for the Social \Vurl((,l', the nr•t•d to ~Jl('lHI '' gu{)(l deal of time on " iutaJce" intt>rview;,;. The problt•lll,; prt>;;ented by a study of these " inrakc ., 'interYit>w~ ~how a broad and eomplex mngt• (jf human need. In order to t>i'fect a'l' fuuetioning, physically, .~ocially, psychologically n n.d Pmotionnlly of the individn<ll and family, many immediatt> problems ha YP to he faeed. A;;;;iRtauce with such probl(·rn~ may not extend oYrr a. long period hut continuou,; iutPH:<i1·e so•rYil·<· i~ required during a compamtiYely .~hort period.

A studv of these problem,, \ut~ been made during t.h<> vear. Somr' of tlw~n have bel'll chm;!'ll for eo1~rnent.

It wa~ observed, for f•xample, that. in oYer OlH~· third year, the financial poHition wa:.;, for Yarious ren>;on,, unstable. was gwen in those eases wlwn• it wa~ hrwing an immediate situation.

of the rases haH\llml dmiug the Direct assistanep with this p;o blem

aml serious dl'eet· upon the family

Inadequate hou;;ing was alNo recognizt>d a~ a seriou:-; problem. 1 ht• easps seen the homes wen• o1·ererowdell alHl larkP<l and 111 some cr1~es to give eon~tmetive Mhice tu ltelp d<:al with this.

In approxim:ttely quarh·r of ltllll'llitit•s. it was possihl<',

Hecaust' of pn•vailing Pnonomic conditions, it is perhaps ,.:ignificant thttt in ju.~t over a third of' the new familie:; seeking nssistm1ce at the Clinic, till' mothN i8 PmployPd either full or pa.rt-1 inw in lH'Cupations additional tn her domestic <luties.

The ill-health of olll· or hot h parent.< has also to be considt>red a.-; n re[e,·ant problem !'oHtrilmting to delinquency. H wa~ •letenninell that in l.'7tlt of the cases accepted for treatment that the fatlwr t,nfferecl ~··rmw; ill-lwalth, and in onr third of thr cases thP mothPr's lwalth presented a problem.

The Mi~tnifie,mec of tliKturhed marital rPlation;;;hip,; as a H'rions problem \Y:t:l confirm<·<l h:· stati;-;ric<11 analv,;is. ln lilor.· thall half of th1• rasPs tlwre W;Lq evidrnee of seriou;; tmhappinPKS, eoll,tant qu;,.rr;:llin!", sep;Ha tion nr di 1 01'(·<'.

J 11 unlPr to tleul with prnlJlPm snd1 as th<·sl', int<•rpretation of community f;~•·ilitie,;; hac! to be und.Pri<lKt'lL This involncd, fur l'Xampl•·, th.: giving of Hlh·i<·p about tht· fnm·tiom of r ... lief-giving and llif·•lic;li a!fencit's, l(•gnl a id .wd eh i Id pl<LCPillent.

Tlu· nrPd for elo~t' co-operation witl1 otlwr ag;·neil's ic~ lJl•coming intrl•;Jsingly appa.ren1. \Im\' COlll·<iC'Jcs \\'ith other aw•ncie~ l111 l'l' l<'slllted frolll tht• innea,;ed l'OllSUiblti\'(' SPJ'I'iee of th1• typp n•f<'lT<'d to ;tiH>I'<'. 1rhidJ ha.~ lwen l!in•u by the Clinic. In ad<lition to thi.c. a :<ionifieantlv hi.,]wr pnrccnt;lgt• of l'llijuirie,; llil\'<' h<•Pn' H'<'Pi\;'d from othPr agPlll:t<·s. A,., gre>~ter ~disnimi1~atio~ ik cxl.'reisl'd in tilt· :wleehon of C;lRrs for aee•·pt;mce hy the Clinic, an increa~;ing p<·n·ent.tge of ea.~e' are refeJTPd to otliPI' Cli11ies uwn· ~p<·l'ifically ('(JHipped to d<•al with the problem:.: presented.

ThP llnnllwr of C<lH':< in whit·lt .. long tPJ'lll ., <oont,lct is mailltained lJV tlw Soeial Worker eontiHlW~ to iHcn;nS<·. This rH'!'YiCl' is 'till 'restricted hceans1• Aueh casps mu~t· be• adeqnnielv :it'lTetl hv the <I.Ynilahlt• in ord,·r 1u ilnst• dfectin· msult.'<,

The Clinic providt>ll f'<tcilitit·., for Pight student Social Workers to rrrein.> training and t'll[lt'l'\'IS!Oll iltll'illg the y•·aL

A study of tlw sl~nic<'" n·ndPred duriug tlw past tWl~ln• month" sugg<'sl-< that tlH•re ic; evidence of all .iner<'.a.Ki_ngly effl',<.:ti \'(' ~en·il'(' being built up t~'. lleal with the probkm of delinquency. c\.t th<' same t11ne tt. 1;; beeonuHg mnre apparent that fanulws should be encoumged to apply for a-<:;i,;taHce before problems beconw too complex. The effeet.ivene;;;; of the Social 'Worker ;;enice is greater with t.hose families seeking the Olinic'K help voluntarily. At the same time, tlwre appear.'< to he a need for grt>ater co-ordination so that the noticeable lack of important resources. e.g., foster home child placement programme for ehildren under the Clinic's carP, will bp met.


PsychiatriHt in Charge.




DetailR of the receipts and <>xpenditure for the financial year 1950-51 are s€'t out m Tablrs XY., xn .. ami xrn.

Thr receipts and <'Xp!'nditure for !'aeh year for the pa:<t thirteen years are ;;et forth in the following taLie :--













l\H9 [l0

l9fi0-·D l

Dally Average Sumher Hesident.















HtweiJ•I~. Expenditure.

£ £

81,162 477,898

87,560 4fl3,474

89,40·1 513,019

88,269 533,763

126,096 £')78,3Gii

120,Kl8 1}21 ,tll9

1:37,G8t t\~;l, \)f) 7

131 ,f)77 f\38, 7fi5

1 G4,ii2l 730,815

180,071 861,016

212,047 1,031,2:37

19:3,19:3 1,240, l~l7

24!),41!) 1/lH,OG:J

Gross expenditure for the finat111ial year 1950 51, was £1,3'>47,003---an mcreaHe of £30f\,90G, or 25 per t•(•nt. approximately, over that of the previou'! financial year.

During the financial year 1950-51, the daily average number of patients in residence (volu11tar;· hoarrlcrs included) rose from 6,751 to u,90H an increase of 151< a~ compared with lHt!l-50.

Generally ~peaking the increase in costs i~ simply a reflection of the rise in the community's co,.;t of living, but attention iR drawn to the fact that the average daily incrca"~c of l5R in the numbers of p•ttif'nt,; in residence ha"' added £35,000, approximat~ly, to the total expenditure.

Despite the rise in the price!:' of foodstuifll, the improved dietary scale int.roduced last finaneial year. waR maintained, although an additional £63,000 was added to the maintrnanec roRt as compared with 19•19-50.

For financial vcar 1 950-[ll For finaneial ;•rar l \),~9--50

The increase is due t.o two main factor":-


£ 249,449 I 9::1,1 \t}

(a) Last financial year, only three quarterly contributions from the Commonwealth Government under the Menta! Institution Benefits Act 1949 were received during the year, wherea:< four quarterly payments are included in receipts for the finaneial year 1H50 ,j I. Thi~ accounts for £37,000 of the increase.

(b) An additional amount of £19,000 (approximately) was collected hy the Publie Trustee from the Repatriation Commission for the maintenanec of ex-servicemen patient~ (a('cepted cases) at Bundoora and at other :Mental Hospital;~.


'l'lw a n•rage weekl.'· t:o~t pPr patient under the vanous sub-divisiol\R of t.he Contingencies Vote durin11 t lw pa:'t fiw n•nr,; i~ Het forth i11 th<' following ~j atemcnt : -

---- ------- ----------

Dehtils of .-\xeragc Weekly Cu>l.

S<tlaries Provisions aml extm articles Clothing, bedding and material for nw.nufa(·tun· Stores -:Fuel, light and water Medicines and stimulants Jneident.alH {including po,;tagr:, tmvellin_!! e>.:JWll~{~s.

Chaplain;<' fees, &e.)

Average weekly cost per patient (PulJiie Work,; f':qwnditure not included)

Daily average number re:-<idNlt


23 ?)

0 ;) .. 0

" •)

tl. s. d.

26 (j:l ,f

51 \l 1~ lP -l 2 5 g8 ''4 0 Ill -] 2 ~~· I •i

:)} 0 11 \j3 ' ;-) ~ '4

-1.8 o;r


JiqS"·W. H_.:}O-;jl.

.'1. d. ...... d. ·'· d.

:3:.! 37 !I lfJ lO 11 13 10¥ l7 os


2 :.l lP -l 3 111 1 1 (j:l l 81. -1 (jl •) 3 :12 + v 4

0 7i () ~ ' () ll}

7 0.} 1-\ p l 10 li

r)s ·l-~ ~t ii

ti,751 tU la\)

Thn average weekly gro~s em;t. per patient during the [Wriud W<lS £1 'b. ticl. as r·umpared IYirh

£:} l's. 31<1. for the finaneial :n·ar 194\) ;:}0-a rise of Hi~. 2! per week, per capita .

. \part from the expenolitun· mentioned ahoYe, "-hitb is chargeable against the \'OteoS of tht' }!ental Hygiene Branch of the Health Department, e:qwudit-ure hy the Public Works Deprtrtment on "''tvicP:<, ;-;toret< and for t~aintcnance of buildings {excluding eapital expenditure) during 1950-31 wa,; fto7,:H'2 or 5s. ll ~d. per eap1ta pPr week.

"'\fter collection;; from the Public Trn,;tee and other source,.; were brought to account; the net cost to tlw :-\tat;• wa:< £3 lt:\,.;. 7d. per capita per week.


ExpetHlitur•• for the linHncial .n•;.r l!IJ() 51 was £\'):3,991. nn inere<t'W of £~0,l71i u.~ eolnpart!•l IYith the predou~ _nHr. Thi~ rise, a:~ in thl· <'<l"e of JlentrJ Hosvitals, is duP to thr' geJH•ral ino;r,·a~e in thP f'O't: of livi11g.

The amount collected from the CommomYcalth Government. under t.he .\lenlal lnt~titution !kndih A),(reemcnt. a.nd for Child EndownH•nt, and from mit~eella.neous items, totalled £11, 1:?:1 an irwre<N' nf £1.77!1 a' eomparn•l with colledion,; during HliH-50.

A Sllllllltary of the expenditure of the .\1<-nti\l J),.fcdin~.~· BmHch j, ;-;ltuWII in Table X n n. uf tln: ~i atistict>.

H .. 1. ~lAirrl:\.

('hid' Clerk nnd A•·•.-utmtant

'1'.\r:U~ XY th(• Total and the Total Expewliture of Department of :\!ental Deprrrtrnent) for tlw \"Nt.r Pndcd

}h•ntnl Def(•ctiw;;' Branch and


Oolketiow; the Puhlic Trni<tec lor ex-servin,meii paticut:s •lt Bundoora, and a numlH'l' Mental Hospitals for wl10m ment payR maiittPmuw<~

!\1" intenlllJe<' of .\lt•ntalllo11pital.

in other Depart-

* l\Taintenanee rcc:c:i,·ed Crotn Co!lunonwPalth Uoverumcnt. for maintcuaJtcc: under the CommomYnnlth Htate :VI ental ln:-:titution Benefit>< AgrPPillent

S<II<';' It'inc,;

FPP~, &<·.

Total Rt><'<'i pt» -Fi Ita IH'Ptl \l\· Yidori:t 11 ( ~ OYNII


T·lln.r: X\'1.-- r.Jw ' Co,,L ,,f Jfnint..,u;mee

. \l<'nla1 ll1!:-'jliinL

Kl'\V Hnd J\.ew \ 'lltldn·n':-: (' . ..:. L~~1:.;

Am rat 7!t:{ FPt-·efi\U•rth -;;i:l 1.1\IAK:l ~llttittll'\' I ,J iiD ~lS.O.)j

Rnlhmt mHI Br·t·:-·i\·in::. Ho11:--<' Kl ,j l>li,<\11 Ro\·a1 Purl;. und n('('('iYln:.( lTP~t;..;i_• :!17 fOSJi:·l.) ~Jo~lt 1\u·k atH1 HPpntriaii1m )T{'n~:nl rr,".

pit-al. Bnndonril 1 .. ,2:\ Gent;on!l Expen;;.:.c•:..

'l'otal:-<. .. I ~. ~ J 11 : i "· 1 :·n

~ ·'>'. d. l 8. d.

140,477 10 ::l:l7.42li 11 ;)


11 0 l,7\i7 !i

in -;n!;..;titlttlon


;i Maint<~nanee of l\lcntal Gcta•ral Expt·nr<e,;,

gxpenses, G-Pilftl';ll


Salarie» a I Ht'<ld Oltit:!'. Telegrams, &c:.

· &c. at Children's Court

Totnl Cost Maiutt·wttH'e of :\Tt>nhll

:Vbinte1tauee~ ·wanl.

conttt'Xton witlt Collllltittal a.nd Pati{'Hto;

ln connexiott with Boarding-out. of l';~ti('nt~

Other [I['('


(~aclt -:\lent;tl 1lo,;pital (Pxdnding ll1mtal Dcfcctivex· Brancit) t.he Sumr. of Ge1wml ExP<'ns<·~ for the Year ended 30th Jun~·. I ~1!"1l.

Snlnril•'>t .

I ~.;,.-,Hi ; !H:! .-dJi-!'i !

~)~.i7S :!l.l :t). 77 -t no.K:,; no ~):1.~ L i

tJ:ur; l~~~ .j;).;'o.\t):_!

\1:>.041 H1 :H.-l-41 Hq,7!)-t ~l] 11 711

~ ll •.~;~:! :!cl.! :-<il.4-l:! :2:-),··P:l

1 .l t:;

t \: l :~.:!:.!.! :{.~.lK

10,10:? :i.HH . ..: 7,1:111 :.':.l:?H

J J .:~;{/', + . .J.:!:i -UM:l :~.~."\ :~ ;t~IH•: ~~ .. ) ~ t

:!\l.!i(l:! !~.~!I - 1.:111

{ti,S.I:~ ;~ll~~ :;;~

Fw·l, Lfi!ht~ \\';lt t•r.

t o. nn

14.\IK:.! H.!l!ll H.:1~;~

lli.i:>K ..t.H~fi


I ;H\ ~·----



..: :! ,Ill I 1.1 1:!

\)sit 2. H_tt ~.:{-10


:{.-l.BN I/

hY Public Work'


~ 2

:ri (l 0

:UTG •) d

:!G.:)I!l :l ti

:!r\t~~~· .-j 1 () j.j::.. c

I ,O!i:l :-< ()

E<wh ;twl tlw .\nwu11t

•: lli:! ;{1\,!.17 :t; lii.+iil' :!\I 1/,4;)\l

].1\i :!1,171 ,q :!0. 1:! 1 ]\) L l.\i4 7

! l.i:i lii.Oilil



::l ~ 61 ,_..


T.\nu: XYI1 the A \'Crage W cekly Cost of Maintenance of Patients in Mental Hospitals (nxcluding Dcfectives' ended 30th June. 1951.


I i I

Medicines "nd fueidentab, <:lothlng, Store:;, Forage, Metlleal Allowance to :~;n~~l':: Bedding and Purc:hai'ie of Light, Comfort!'~,

f.:!timulanti-4- .. Postage a.nd ~l•·ntul Hospital. Saiarie~. Chaplalru!. .Yatt;riaJ for St.twk. Book;:,, Wat<'r. tctnrgfcal \\'ine, ~pirit8 1 Tele~ram::;, and

?\f.auufact.nrr~. Amu~emr.ntr;. Im;trnnmJlt:-\ 1

awl u~er. &('. Tr<tvelling

I &c. Jl~xpt·u~e~o;.

8. d. . ~. d.

I ·"· d. !!. d. 8, rl . ~- d. "· d. 8, d. ,<. rl.

Kew and Kew Children· Cottagt•s .. :n 4 0 OJ j;) 4! 3 lli () llj :? 9! 0 ~1 0 0' lO !) .. I

'2 2

Anuat .. .. .. .. .. 45 0 0 l± 16 4! ;) 0} 1 9-~ 7 :{! 0 6! 0 0[ 7 6

Beechworth .. .. .. .. 43 H" 0 0~ Hi 31 3 5} I ot :~ 4! I

0 5j- 0 0± 8 4il 4 4

8unbury :r; •):) 0 Ol 18 4~ a 8i 1 5~ 3 li 0 8!l () 0& n H~ .. .. . . .. -· I • Ballnra t ami Recci" ing House .. .. 44 10! 0 Ot 16 3 2 4 l 'lt 7 8 I It 0 Oi 9 6

Hoyal Park and RcceiYing HouBe 1~3 i'f 0 2 20 9 5 8± ! 6 31 810 6 6 0 0! I

:?0 7~-.. Mont Park and lkpatl'iation :\lcntal Hospital,

Buudoora .. .. .. .. 44 ~ji 0 04 18 Of 4 4 1 11± 3 11~ 0 9 0 Ot 12 10!

General Expenses .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I ______ ,_. _________________


Total excluding Public Works Department !

Expenditure .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. . . . . '

Expenditure by Public Works Department for :Maintemmcc of Buildings, &c. .. .. .. .. . . .. '. . . ..


I -·---- -------·

Totttl including Public Works Department

I Expenditure .. .. .. . . i

.. I

.. .. . . . . . . .. . . I

~~~~--------· Deprooiation and Interll1!t on Capital Expenditure are not included in aboye Tables.

during the Year

A veragc I W e<>kly Cost 'I • " netpnr

Total Weekly Colle~tiOns per Patient. Cost. of p\~ttent Jler deducting

Maint,t:mancc ~{'Cl< for Collections for JJCr Patinni .. ~~muten~?c~. ~laintenant._~~-.

S~}es, Ji t-e.s~ SaleK, l!'ees, f'mes. &c. l!'incs) &c.


£ 8. d. £ .•. d. .£ 8. d.

3 ll IOi .. . . 4 3 7i . . .. 3 16 0 . . .. 3 11 8~ . . .. 4 :l 4 .. . . 9 12 6l . . ..

4 6 5 .. . . 1 S;i .. . .


4 4 6 0 13 10~ 310 7~

5 11! . . 5 11!


I 4 10 5~ 0 13 10! 3 16 7

~ 1-'


TABLE XVITT.~Showing the Total Cost of Maintenance against each Institution, the Sums Expended ended 30th June. 1951.


Travancore Developmental Centre and Clinic

Pleasant Creek Special School ..

.J anefield Colony .. . . . .

General Expe-nses . . . . . .





. . . .


Total Cost of Jllaiutenanre.








£ £ £

11,285 2,780 691

11,140 3,98f) 1,352

2fl,01{) 10,738 3,092

1,323 I .. . .

51 5,135




Stores. Purchase of Books, &c.





. .


and the amount of ililneral Expenses for the Year

:B"'uel, J,ight, and Water.





. .






. .



Incidentals, Postage,

'.relegratns, and Travelling Expenses.










Maintenance of Children In

Non~Governtnent Institutions.






The promise of a life of abundance and leisure without corresponding effort on the part of the individual is a chimera. Unfortunately it is becoming accepted rather widely that man is merely a cog in the machine and that the machine should be operated and controlled by the State so that, in the course of time, the omnipotent State will provide the maximum of ever}rthing for the individual with the minimum of effort on his part ; but even if this were possible, it would not of itself ensnre the mental integrity of the people. I am very stTOngly of opinion that moral and economic independence is essential for the mental well being of the human race. Consequently, one looks with a good deal of trepidation upon the over-enthusiastic planners who desire to control the whole of his existence. The very essence of mental stability is to be found in the nature of the family relationships. It is these which determine to a very great extent the feelingB of security or insecnrity, of being loved and wanted or of being rejected with consequent development of feeling of inferiority. e;'en of hah·ed, with subsequent anti-social behaviour. If this State, therefore, is anxious for the mental well-being of its population, it will do everything to foster the family, to remove unhealthy social and economic conditions and to provide the means whereby parents and prospective parents \Yill be educated to understand and guide their children in their formative years. The experiences of childhood undoubtedly determine the personality and the pattern of behaviour of the individual in later life. One, therefore, views ;vith dismay the modern tendency of mothers to seek employnwnt outside the home, even though this means neglect of the proper upbringing of their offspring.

In recent years, a good deal of over-emphasis been laid upon the role which psychology can play in the integration of personality. It is nceessary to point out that there are many schools of psychology, all seemingly intolerant of one another and each demanding from its adherents belief amounting almost to a kind of religion. There is no doubt that each school has discovered numerous grains of truth and the various approaches to the subject need close study and arE' t,o he encouraged in every way. It might he stated that probably most psychiatrists use an eclectic kind of psychology in the management of their patients. but one fears that the acadt•mical approach to psychology is becoming one of indoctrination rather than of education. The Americans with their usual capacity for summing up long winded dissertation:- in :1 few words deRignate claimR often made that all kinds of abnornmlities an• iOllS{'Cptible to psychological dissection and re-integration as being " brass instrument psychology''. Psychology is young and a good deal of conservatism is still necesRary ]e;;t it sow the seeds of unreliability and thus bring itself into disrepute.

In recent years, evidence given in courts by different psychiatrists has tended to place them in a position of advocates rather than impartial witnesses, and there has appeared a tendency in some of them to regard any departure fiwn what may be regarded as normal conduct as being definitely indicative of mental illness with a consequent lessened degree of legal responsibility. Apart from the difficulty of assessing just what constitutes normal conduct, one has seen such things as variability of moods, a few foolish remarks or some eccentric actions stretched to their utmost possible limits in their endeavour to prove the irresponsibility of the individual. The concept of insanity is a legal one which, on the whole, has worked satisfactorily in the administration of the law. It appears to me that where thE' responsibility of an offender is brought into the question because of his mental state at the time of an offence, the court should be assisted hy a court psychiatrist, who could quite impartially advise the presiding judge on matters concerning the mental stability or instability of offenders. Legal responsibility if' definitely not for psychiatrist:- to drtN-rnine, . and imparti:.:dity is surely neeesBary in the determinat,ion of so important n mattE'r. The appointment of ronrt psychiatrists seems to me, therefore, to be a mntt(•r of some urgeD('}'·


This will be the last report to be submitted to Parliament by myself as Director of Mental Hygiene, and I desire to seize the opportunity of thanking the various Ministers to whom I been responsible for their sympathetic attitude towards myself. The difficulties at present confronting the Department are not the result of indifference or lack of appreciation of the many issues involved. They are the inevitable results of the many urgent and essential activities which had. preference over the claims of the nHmtally ill. In my opinion, it will be wrong to expect the new Authority to perform miracles in the way of altering existing conditions. The Authority will have an uphill task to fulfil, but I trust that with the increasing demand by the public for better treatment nnd supervision of the mentally ill it will be enabled to do much to remove the difficulties which have hitherto blocked the progress which is so urgently neeessary.


c1y Authority: J. J. GOC'P.LEY, Government Printer, Melbourne.