Download - 1/ 20 ICT TOOLS IN SERVICE OF THE SPECIAL SUBJECT EDUCATION Dr. István Füvesi University of Szeged Department of Informatics HUNGARY Europe I came from.


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Dr. István Füvesi

University of Szeged

Department of Informatics


I came from Hungary; from the birthplace of Janos Neumann.

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Information and Communication Technology


The most modern - among the ICT tools - is the interactive board

that connects the board with a computer (and with a projector) with the help of a software, so that the board can be controlled from the touch sensitive area. Moreover, the content from the board can be saved to a storage device

From the ICT tools mentioned above, I would like to share with you more extensive details on the interactive board and its major usage and its role in education

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There are many type of interactive boards in the world, as well as in Europe

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In Hungary, there are 20 different type of interactive boards available, some are the ones below:

GTCO CalComp - InterWriteConen- InterWriteeBeam Projection – eBeam InteractHitachi StarBoard - StarBoard Mimio Xi – Mimio Studio NEC - Interact PolyVision - Easiteach StudioPromethean - Active StudioSMART Board - NotebookTeamBoard – RM Easiteach StudioCleverBoard – Lynx Here, we can see Cleverboard3

So far 5-6000 interactive boards appeared in schools in Hungary, but these are 20 different types

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The accessories for the Interactive Whiteboards

Interactive Panel Handboard /wireless tablet/

Student Response System

The newest generation from the hand board is the Jordan-solution which is very easy to use.

Here it is!

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Interactive boards and software usage

in elementary schools

Pupils get motivated because of:

the appearance of the new tool

the friendly examples it provides

the availability of group work

Gábor is my university student

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Interactive boards and software usage

in high schools

Almost all courses in high school require some part of the lectures- presented by the teacher- where some sort of animation would help the students to process and understand what was being said on a certain topic

/Imre was my university student/

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Interactive boards and software usage

in universities

We have to introduce ICT tools and we have to teach students who are going to be future teachers how to use these tools, so that they can happily use them as teachers in schools once they earn their degree.

Here, we can see Interwrite

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Interactive boards and software usage

among people earning their second


People who have been teaching for 20 years or so, also have to get to know these tools and learn how to use them and accept them as common tools

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Different interactive boards are not compatible with each other: if we make a presentation at one type, we cannot display it on another type of board

“Smart” can be seen here:

Goal: to overcome this

Possible solution: such educational system that can overcome this issue

Hungarians tend to be very creative in many type of areas in life…and they are this time as well:

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Híres magyarokJÁNOS NEUMANN (1903-1954) Hungarian scientist,without whom the world would not have reached the result it did.

Vitamin C was discovered by ALBERT SZENT-GYÖRGYI, a Hungarian scientists, who got a Nobel-prize.

Football: PUSKÁSEngland – Hungary 3:6 London (1953)

RUBIK cube (Erno Rubik)/Hungarian inventions/

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Digiboard interactive educational system:

- Online storage system so that materials can be stored online,

- web based surface from where the teachers and students can upload and download materials,

- a central collective data system where teachers can hook up to with their interactive boards (Promethean, Interwrite, eBeam…etc.) any time in the classroom, and can choose from materials.

Digiboard: a Hungarian company’s innovative digital board system. It has 3 components, and their accessibility can be seen here.

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Of course, people are also familiar with the ClassmatePC that is very popular among children throughout the world

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We have to learn these:

The central component is the computer which provides the basic informatics knowledge that the ICT relies on as well

ICT usage also require the basic informatics knowledge, therefore it is very important that we acquire this knowledge early in time

Here, we can see “Magic Wand”

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I came from Hungary to learn.

How is this in Australia?

I would like to get in contact with those colleagues who are also interested in this topic: Please email me!

[email protected]

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I am very interested in what is happening in the world of kangaroos. What kind of boards do you have?How do you use these in education?

Meanwhile, I’m trying to get to know your beautiful country; this beautiful continent

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The ICT tools motivate students

Not only the interactive board, but also the TabletPC

Eases students with disabilities to participate in the class period:

Look at the motivated, shiny eyes!

The student in the wheelchair can adjust the height of the board, and the projector moves along, we don’t need to calibrate each time.

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Summary, conclusions

We have to strengthen international relationships - we have to exchange our experiences We have to improve these methods according to each nation’s specialty

Same board can be used in team work!

ICT became part of our lives!

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Please, visit Hungary

Please, come to Europe, come to Hungary!

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Gabor Palmai

Please, e-mail me!

[email protected]

Please, contact me, let’s work together!

See you in Hungary, or over the internet!