Download - 0XVLF&ROOHFWLRQ - libraryweb.orgdigitized/musicscores/When_The_Corn_Is_Waving...Words and Music by ELOSE HOLT. ... Love s deathless flowers ... Like an eel upon one end; Ton well may

Page 1: 0XVLF&ROOHFWLRQ - libraryweb.orgdigitized/musicscores/When_The_Corn_Is_Waving...Words and Music by ELOSE HOLT. ... Love s deathless flowers ... Like an eel upon one end; Ton well may

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Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County - Local History Music Collection

Page 2: 0XVLF&ROOHFWLRQ - libraryweb.orgdigitized/musicscores/When_The_Corn_Is_Waving...Words and Music by ELOSE HOLT. ... Love s deathless flowers ... Like an eel upon one end; Ton well may

— 09



Tke following N e w and.

Beautiful Songs, Just Issued by J. P. Shaw, Rochester, N.Y. SontjH by E. H. Sherwood.


A very tweet Song and Chorus. The glowing Hutu of sunset now dying rad the wast, Gleam radiant o'er the sylvan glade.

And gild the mountain's crest-Ax ft-uin s vine clad tluy cot, a vision bright and gay.

Trips lightly forth with fairy grace— 'Tie lovely Lettle May. ^ ^ ^


This Song it the best yet written on thit subject. The

Music it very pretty, original, and ture to

please every one. The talk of Oreclan Benders now has gone to Join the past, W o cannot catch the ladies for they always go so fast; The uearest we can reach them at their usual rate of spaed, Is since the great invention or the New Velocipede.


Now taka care 1 look with fear, for tho* It does not kick. It has a way of throwing folks that sometimes makes them

sick; __. It goes some like the railroad that you will always find To ran ahead or any train and also run behind.

Price, 40 eti.


Song and Chorus, (ad lib.)

This is a beautiful and effective Song.

Angels are near thee to-night lore; Bright forms above thee are gleaming; Visions of light are around thee, Ouardlng thy Innocent sleep. Badness, when earth's tics are broken. Lingers not, if they are near; As words of love softly spoken, They come with blessings to cheer.

Priei, 90 ett.


Serio-Comie Song.

This Song will be very popular the coming season. Up the Glen at Watklna, I strolled one lovely day;

My mind was filled with wonder That took my breath away;

At first I did not sea A young and smiling gent,

Who*i< air was bold and free, And look was quite Intent.

At last I heard a sigh. And casting up my eye,

I met his smile so sweet. It made my poor heart beat—

I was so young and teuder, Only thirty-one.

And spare my blushes. Must 1 say ?

M, hand teat aUmgovrm. /Viet,» ett. VM CALLED A FAST YOUNG MAN.

M y name. If I should tell yon. none or yon would know. But where I am acquainted they call me quite a bean. The pretty girl* all like me; my figure close they scan. Bat all the 'ma mas" shake their heads, and call me a last

yonng man. . But If I'm fast. 1 tell ynu. lis not my fault I'm so, The ladle* aro so rapid wherever one may go; Unless we w -h to lose them, and that would break my heart, W e have to 70 like lightning, or fly like Cupid's dart.


Then do not Judge me harshly; F m rail of faults I know, But 'tis the charming fair ones that help to make me so. They go It all n-tandem. and never stop to rest. The feUow that's the fastest they're sure to like the best

Price, 30 cU

jirty of the abort sent fhttage Fr

I'M SUCH A WINNING MAN. Comic Song and Dance.

When I go on the street to walk, I look so fine and gay,

The people stop to gaze at me, I've such a winning way.

I'm not the one to hesitate, But please the best I can.

And ail the ladies take to me, I'm such a winning man.

Priet, 40 ett.


TItis Song is destined to be very popular. Every one should have a copy.

Words and Music by ELOSE HOLT. T w a s at a fancy ball, I met my charmer fair;

'Midst waltzing swells and dashing belles, The prettiest dancer there.

I watched her while the music played The fastest waltz of Crotiz;

And rell In love—not with her, With the tassels on her boots.

Priet, 80 ett.


By 0. W. Hunt. Up in a balloon 1 Up in a balloon 1 AU among the little stars, Bailing round the moon;

Up In a balloon! Up In a balloon 1 It's something awful jolly to be Up in a balloon.

Priet, 95 ett.

LANCASHIRE LASS. Yon may talk of young girls, But none can surpass

My dear little charmer W h o came from Belfast;

She's as sweet and as fresh As the newly mown grass,

IB my little Polly The Lancashire Lass.

Priet, 90 ett.

BEAUTIFUL BELLS. Beautiful Bells I O Beautiful Bells 1 Thy gentle music I joyously hear;

How to my heart thy witchery tells Tales of the past ever dear.

Wilt thou return once more unto me. On wings or sweet echo to banish my pain ;

Hark I hark I the strain It comes o'er the lea In ravishing sweetness again.

Beautiful Bells t O Beautiful Bells 1 Bring back pleasures so dear to the heart; Love s deathless flowers Still beauty will braid. Wreathing round memory's urn: Beautiful Bells t O Beautiful Bells!

Priet. 80 ett. O! B O W IT MAKES M E LAUGH.

By EBEN. COOK. A very humorous Song, sure to please.

I saw a lady so deformed, A hump was on her back;

She looked at \ftaeh bom teat cruthtd By torture on the rack ;

Ana as she writhed her war along. Like an eel upon one end;

Ton well may think it made me laugh, She had the Grecian Bend.

it**, 80 ett.


Beautiful Song, by EBEN. COOK. Little Nina's ringing laughter. Now no more falls on my ear;

But though far from home I wander. Still its echo greets me here.

Greets me with it* mellow music, Off-spring, from the happy heart.

Bearing love to all who hear It— Oh! that we might never part.

Price, 90 ett.

M , OH receipt 0/ the marked prices.

*a si 2. O ft •

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ROCHESTER MUSICAL TIMES. The best and cheapest Musical Journal published in this country. Sent to any address for One

Dollar per annum, by J. P. S H A W , PnMiaher, 43 StATI STKEET, Rochester, X. Y.


Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County - Local History Music Collection

Page 3: 0XVLF&ROOHFWLRQ - libraryweb.orgdigitized/musicscores/When_The_Corn_Is_Waving...Words and Music by ELOSE HOLT. ... Love s deathless flowers ... Like an eel upon one end; Ton well may

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Written and composed by CH, BLAMPHIN,




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Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County - Local History Music Collection

Page 4: 0XVLF&ROOHFWLRQ - libraryweb.orgdigitized/musicscores/When_The_Corn_Is_Waving...Words and Music by ELOSE HOLT. ... Love s deathless flowers ... Like an eel upon one end; Ton well may

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Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County - Local History Music Collection

Page 5: 0XVLF&ROOHFWLRQ - libraryweb.orgdigitized/musicscores/When_The_Corn_Is_Waving...Words and Music by ELOSE HOLT. ... Love s deathless flowers ... Like an eel upon one end; Ton well may








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Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County - Local History Music Collection

Page 6: 0XVLF&ROOHFWLRQ - libraryweb.orgdigitized/musicscores/When_The_Corn_Is_Waving...Words and Music by ELOSE HOLT. ... Love s deathless flowers ... Like an eel upon one end; Ton well may



New Songs. Composer. Price.

Allio Gray, (Scotch Ballad,) RFC. EM*. 30 Be True to the Union L. E. Bradinh. 30 Beautiful wirl of M y Dreams, Hicks. 40 Bird of Beauty Scott. 30 Bleat Banner of Freedom Seward. 30 Beautiful Spring Time, (Duetto.) Baritone. 35 Chant of Liberty Brooking. 80 Come, Come to ma, Love The*. M. Brown. 35

Venetian Serenade; words by Gas. IV Morri*. Dying Soldier, (or Mother C o m e See D M Kre

I Die,) Russell 30 Ever of Thee, (I'm fondly Dreaming.) (arranged as a

Quartette,) Whaptss. 30 «V,n„* TVnd In thA S n o w /7i>«-t 40 Fremonta Battle Hymn,. T. G Clark. 40 Flag of Oreen LaeaSee. 40 Florence Sweet Me Na ugh ton. 40 (live this Bible back to Mother Spinning. 30 Her Bright Smile Haunts m e Still Wriyldon. 30

Arranged as a Quartette by Wat. UHKSSI.CR. H o m e Again Bear H i m Hopkins. 35 Hero vre are Again, (a jolly comic song.) 80 In Happy Moments, (new edition.) Wallace. 80 I'm Standing Guard Lieut. Grrig. 3" I Miss Thee from m y Side T. M. Brow*. 30 Juanita, Iff* Xorton. 30 Jamie w h o Buckles m y Shoon, McNauaMtn. 30 Long Ago, (a Dream of Beauty.) W hapten. 30 Long Soot 0'Bloo, (Comic Song.) O Donoughm*. 30 Loved One, Come Home '/'. M. Brow*. 80 Lettie M a y E. II. Shetmod, 80 Love's Request R' iehnrdt. 80 Lover and the Bird, GnMAmo. 30 Magic of a Smile, Williams. 80 Maggie May, (Song and Chorus,) Sherman Oreig. 80 Maggie's Secret, or M y Heart's O'er the Sea.. . Claribel. 30 Morning on the Street Sherwood. 30 Missing, • • IlykihS. 30 Mountain Girl's Song (sung by Anna Bishop.) Poulton. 40 M y Childhood's H o m e L.K. Bradish 30 M y Maggie, or W h a t is that to You? Whaples. 30 M y Mother's Voice, St iranl. 80 My Log Cabin Homo / If Chad trick. 80 Our Little Soldier Boy Burnett. 30 O Lay m e to Sleep where the Willows W e e p ; or,

T h e Dying Girl's Request Hopkins. 30 One of the most effective song* ever written ; very popular

where and whenever It Is sung. Once More upon the Sea, Buckley. 30 Oh, the Foaming Sea hath a charm for me,. Poulton. 30 Our Gipsey Queen, C. E Pratt. 30 Rock m e to; Sleep, Mother Stimpton. 30 Roses will jjloom Again By and By, (Duett,) Hopkins. 80 See that m a n with that Horrible Nose,(Coinic,) E Cook. 30 Sweet Love, Good Night to Thee Hatton. 30 Sing m e the Songs m y Mother Sang S. Oreig. 30 Singing the S a m e Old Song, Hopkins 30 Scenes that are Brightest, Wallace. 80 Silvery Stream E. T. Blacktner. 30 Sweet Childhood's Years, B. A Wimples. 30 Superfluous Man, (a Humorous Song,) the words are

by J. G. S A X E Bepkms. 80

8weet Land of m y Birth, E T. Blackmer. 80 Soft Eyes are Dreaming, J. M. Chadteick. 80 There' will be no Vacant Chair, (Reply to Vacant

Chair,) Mis. 30 T h e Curfew Seward. 80 There is a Flower that Bloometh Wallace. 30 T h e N e w Velocipede, (Last Sensation,)... .Sherwood. 40 'Tis n o w the Promised Hour, (Quartette,)... .Brown. 75 Under the Beautiful M o o n To-Night Hopkins. 30

Duett and Quartette. Unfurl the Flags Potststm. 80 Will you Meet me, Darling? Hopk in.-. 80 Waiting for Thee Seward. 80 We'll gain the Victory yet, m y Boys! or Treason

most surely die Seward. 30 W e Yet m a y Meet in Joy Again,... E. T. Blackmer. 30 W e are Coining, Father Abraham, Three Hundred

Thousand Mora, Poulton. 80 Why. Oh W h y Art Thou DreamingT Poulton. 85 Yes, Darling, I Remember, (Reply to " W h e n this

Cruel W a r is Over,") Lieut. Oreig. 80

Cuitar Music. , „_, Composer. Price.

Yes, Darling, I Remember, Song, Russell. 80 Roses will Bloom Again By-and-By, Song,... Russell. 30 Rock m e to Sleep, Mother, Song, G.F. Newland. 30 Maggie May, " 20 Mv Maggie, (Scotch Song,) " 30 May Schottische, " • 80

Polkas. Brilliant Polka Roberts. 80 Dolce Polka McNaughton. 40 Drawing Room Polka Powell. 40 Elmira Galop Brown. 40 Fannie's Polka Russell. 80 Guiding Star Polka Redowa, Powell. 80 (ieraldine Polka A. A. Hopkins. 35 Genesee Polka H. L. 8. 30 Keuka Polka TSM. Brown. 85 Live Oak Polka Kalbjleisch. 35 I es Trompettes du Regiment J. Ascher. 50

Third Polka MlUtalre. Little Dot Polka, (a lively piece,) A. Smith. 85 " Little Birdie's" Polka, L. Baritone. 30 Very easy and pleasing for beginners. Piano and Melodeon.

Magic Polka Poulton. 30 Meerschaum Polka H. D. Wilkins. 35 Oakwood Polka A. A. Hopkins. 35 Pit-a-Pat Polka Carlo Morra. 80 Paroquet Polka Q. R. Poulton. 30

\ ery popular. Pond Lilly, (Polka D e Salon,) E. Hoffman. 75 Snow Drop Polka 80 Tin Wedding Polka Hopkins. 80 The N e w Velocipede Polka Sherwood. 40 The N e w Velocipede Galop Sherwood. 40 Violet Polka Bauer. 30

Schottisches. Canandaigua Schottische, Chadwick. 35 Crystal Wedding Schottische. (a real gem,) Blessner. 40 Friendship Schottische Kalbjleisch 35

One of the Author's best efforts. Hoodwink Schottische Geo. R. Poulton. 30 Les Bonis D u St. Lawrence Schottische Ellis. 80 M a y Schottische Ellis. 30 Ontario Schottische Ellis. 30

Not difficult, but pleasing. Popular Schottische Poulton. 80 Strawberry 8chottische Kalbjleisch. 30

Waltzes and Mazourkas. A Flower for Thee—Mazourka Styrienne,. .8. B. Mills. 75 This piece Is certainly one of the most beautiful and brilliant

compositions of its kind ever written. Not difficult. Ballad Waltz Karl Kucken. 35 Belle Mahone Waltz, McNaughton. 80 Flower Mazourka, Kalbjleisch. 30 Frances Waltz Kalbjleisch. 30 Flirt Waltz Poulton. 80 Grand Valse—Morceau de Salon, Richards. 35 Gertrude's Dream Walts, Beethoven. 20 Ihrveling Waltzes, (a beautiful set,) IF. Philp. 40 11 Rialto Waltz, Carlo Morra. 35 Julia .Mazourka, Kalbfleuch. 30 LillieV Waltz, G.A.Russell. 30 Linden Waltz Czerny. 20 l.ake Side Mazourka T. M. Brown. 35 ' Little Birdie's" Waltz, Baritone. 85

A great favorite with young players. Piano or Melodeon. La Gertrude Waltz Carlo Morra. 50 I* Beaute—Waltz H D. Wilkins. 85 1 A Belle Creole Bauer. 30 Mazourka of the W a v e Ellis. 80 Mazourka Elegant, Wely. 40 Marie Mazourka Carlo Morra. 80 Mu/otirka Bagatelle Poulton. 80 IVrt Waltz Poulton. 80 Silver Bell Waltz, (10th Edition,) Hopkins. 30 Sparkling Waltz Elaine Roberts. 40 Silver Lake Waltz. 20 Bjawbotssa Waltzes E. II. Sherwood. 85 Souvenir de Amite. Oscar. 35 Water Witch Waltz A. A. Hopkins. 85 U n Jour d'Autone, (Mazourka.) Wilkins. 35

Variations and Transcriptions. Composer. Price.

Alpine Bells, Oeston. 85 Barbier de Seville, A. Leduc. 80 Blondine Morceau, Egghard. 80 Brunette, " 80 Dundee, (Variations,) Poulton. 60 Der Rosen Schonsten, (The Rose of Roses,) Favarger. 40 Elisir d' Amore A. Leduc. 80 Fleur D'Autriche Egghard. 85 Floating on the Wind, B. Richards. 85 Flamingo. (Stray Fancy,) G. R. Poulton. 80 Very showy. Fine trio for both hands and a beautiful cross

hand movement. Glockenspiel, (The Chime of Bells,) Spindler. 40 Her Bright Smile Haunts M e Still, Richard. 40 Home, Sweet Home Slack. 50 11 Signo, (The Dream.) Carlo Morra. 50 II Bacio, (Variations,) M. M. Howard. 85 Jenny of the Mill, Richards. 85 Jolliette, (The Pretty One,) Favarger. 85 La Recherche Kalbjleisch. 85 La Cenerentola Leduc. 40 La Deruiere Roses D'ete, (Last Rose of Summer,) Hess. 50 I* Grazia. (Gracefulness,) Selle. 60 La Joyeuse Morceau de Salon, Kuhe. 50 Maiden's Prayer Badarzewska. 85 Minuet de Mozart J. Schulhoff. 40 Meet m e at the Lane, (Fantasie Brilliant,).. Wilkins. 40 Norma—Fantasie A. Leduc. 40 O n the Lake by Moonlight J.C. Oscar. 40 Sibelle, (So Beautiful,) Poulton. 50 Sunny Moments Oscar. 50 Sound of the Bells, (Transcription,) Spindler. 85 Santa Lucia, (Italian Melody,) Transcribed by.. Voss. 85 Shadow Dance, (Pardon de Ploermel,) Trans..Hunten. 60 Sparkling Shower, (Caprice Etude,) Kuhe. 60 Star Spangled Banner Theo. Oeston. 80 Thou Art so Near aud Yet so Far, B. Richards. 60 A very brilliant and showy transcription of this famous song. Victoria Nocturne B. Richards. 85 Warblings at Eve Richards 85

Marches and Quicksteps. Soldier's Return, (March,) Hopkins. 80 Soldier's Chorus, Faust, (March,) RimbauU. 80 Writing March Kalbjleisch. 80 The LITTLE MINSTREL, an excellent collection of thirty

easy and popular pieces, for teaching purposes, arranged by L. P. GERVILLE. 1. First Love—Redowa,

2. Valee de Strauss, 3. Aurora Waltz, 4. German Air, 5. Nel cor pin, 6. Polka. 7. Tyrolean Air. 8. W eber's Last Waltz, 9. Magic Flnte, 10. Polka Mazourka, 11. Cinderella, 12. Lady of the Lake, 13. Norma, 14. Barber of Seville, 15. Somnainhula,

16. Carnival of Venice, 17. Spanish Dance, 18. Queen of Prussia's Waltz, 19. Alpine Horn, 20. Mignon Schottische, 21. The Chase, 22. Jaleo de Jeres, 23. The Hnntress, 84. The Elixir of Love, 25. Dream, (Somnambula.) 26. Souvenir de Bellini, 27. My Heart Sighs, 28. Storm Oallop and March, 29. Robin of the Woods, 80. The Puritans.

Each No. 20 cents.

Piano Studies. New School of Technical Studies for the Piano, compiled and arranged in an easy and practical form from the Works of Plaidy, Knorr, Liszt and others, by James M. Tracy, in five Books, each,$ 75

Preliminary Studies for every Piano Forte Student, or Technical Foundation for Virtuosity, by Louis Kohler, op. 50, in two Books, each, 65

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Grand Organ Pieces. TRANSCRIBSn BT S. N. TXHTIXIM.

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Romanza from R. Schuman's Sym., in D. Minor 60 Andante from Beethoven's Sonata Pastorale 60 Andante from Haydn's Symphony, in G. Major 60

fiSTNew Music from all the Leading Publishing Houses in the United States Received as soon as Published..£3 T h e postage on Sheet Music is only two cents for every four ounces. Books about double that amount. Teachers, Dealers, Seminaries, Ac, can obtain small packages of

music by mail at a very trifling ex|ienae.


String* Sent by Mail to any address. A Se-t of the BM Italian Mrittgn far tin- Violin on Receipt of $1,25. A Set for Guitar,$1.1*0.

Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County - Local History Music Collection