Download - 091111 the Year of Inaguration

  • 8/4/2019 091111 the Year of Inaguration


    Copyright Simon G. Harris 2011

    Scripture quotations taken from the


    VERSION. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984

    by International Bible Society. Used by


    Jesus: the year of inauguration

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    Luke 2:51-52Then hewent down to Nazareth with

    them and was obedient to

    them. But his mother

    treasured all these things inher heart. 52 And Jesus grew

    in wisdom and stature, and

    in favor with God and men.

    - fled as a refugee

    The years of obscurity

    - grew in wisdom

    - got left behind at

    the Temple

    - lost his father

    - worked his fatherstrade

  • 8/4/2019 091111 the Year of Inaguration


    Mark 1:7And this was hismessage: "After me will

    come one more powerful

    than I, the thongs of whose

    sandals I am not worthy tostoop down and untie.

    The Transition

  • 8/4/2019 091111 the Year of Inaguration


    Mark 1:5The whole Judeancountryside and all the

    people of Jerusalem went

    out to him. Confessing their

    sins, they were baptized byhim in the Jordan River.

    - Jesus identifies

    with us

    The Transition

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    John 1:29The next dayJohn saw Jesus coming

    toward him and said, "Look,

    the Lamb of God, who takes

    away the sin of the world!

    - Jesus identifies

    with us

    The Transition

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    2 Corinthians 5:21Godmade him who had no sin to

    be sin for us, so that in him

    we might become the

    righteousness of God.

    - Jesus identifies

    with us

    The Transition

    - We identify with


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    John 1:35-37The nextday John was there again

    with two of his disciples.

    When he saw Jesus passing

    by, he said, "Look, the Lambof God!" When the two

    disciples heard him say this,

    they followed Jesus.

    - Jesus identifies

    with us

    The Transition

    - We identify with


  • 8/4/2019 091111 the Year of Inaguration


    John 3:27-30To this Johnreplied, "A man can receive

    only what is given him from

    heaven. You yourselves can

    testify that I said, 'I am notthe Christ but am sent ahead

    of him.' ... That joy is mine,

    and it is now complete. He

    must become greater; I must

    become less.

    - Jesus identifies

    with us

    The Transition

    - We identify with


  • 8/4/2019 091111 the Year of Inaguration


    Luke 7:28I tell you, amongthose born of women there

    is no one greater than John;

    yet the one who is least in

    the kingdom of God isgreater than he."

    - Jesus identifies

    with us

    The Transition

    - We identify with


  • 8/4/2019 091111 the Year of Inaguration


    Matthew 4:1Then Jesuswas led by the Spirit into the

    desert to be tempted by the


    - appetites

    - ambitions

    - authority

    The Temptations

    Jesus conquered

    where I so often fail

  • 8/4/2019 091111 the Year of Inaguration


    Mark 1:16-18As Jesuswalked beside the Sea of

    Galilee, he saw Simon and

    his brother Andrew casting a

    net into the lake, for theywere fishermen. "Come,

    follow me," Jesus said, "and I

    will make you fishers of

    men." At once they left

    their nets and followed him.

    The discipleship


    The Training

    i. what is it?

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    Romans 8:29For thoseGod foreknew he also

    predestined to be conformed

    to the likeness of his Son,

    that he might be thefirstborn among many


    The discipleship


    The Training

    i. what is it?

  • 8/4/2019 091111 the Year of Inaguration


    Mark 3:13-15Jesus wentup on a mountainside and

    called to him those he

    wanted, and they came to

    him. He appointed twelve--designating them apostles--

    that they might be with him

    and that he might send them

    out to preach and to have

    authority to drive out


    The discipleship


    The Training

    i. what is it?

    ii. how do we do it?

    iii. when do we do it?

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