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    58 TELE-satellite & Broadband 12-01/2009


    Excellent performance with outstandinglow noise performance perfectly suited

    for twin tuner HD receivers

    Todays modern receivers often have 2tuners on board. To take full advantage of

    such receiver you need to use a twin LNB.If more than one receiver is in the house,you should think of a quad or quattro LNB.Only then will you have a full freedom of what to view and what to record at the samemoment. On the other hand, we have moreand more HD channels worth watching. They are often coded in DVB-S2 with high FEC values and becauseof that they require

    a signal of somewhat better carrier-to-noiseratio than the commonSDTV channels we got used to. Such signal wecan get either from abigger dish or a better (low noise) LNB.

    Slim Line HighEnd LNB

    Excellent LNBs for TwinTuner HD Receivers

    GT-TC40, GT-QDC40 andGT-QTC40 of GT-SAT

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    60 TELE-satellite & Broadband 12-01/2009

    GT-Sat company is alreadyfamiliar to our readers. We pre-

    sented their high output powerLNBs in the TELE-satellite issue09/2008. The products were sur-prisingly good having increasedoutput power without compro-mising the noise performance.No wonder that we were anxiousto test their new line of LNBs.This time we received: GT-TC40, GT-QDC40 and GT-QTC40devices. Twin, quad and quattroLNBs respectively.

    Our rst impression: verygood workmanship and small

    size. The small size is especiallytrue for the quad and quat-tro version. We even made aphoto to show you the differ-ence between the quad LNBdescribed in the previous issueand the current one (GT-QD40Dvs. GT-QDC40). Of course thebigger one has the increasedoutput power but even if com-

    pared with the quads of othermanufacturers, GT-QDC40 issmaller and also somewhatlighter.

    We received two LNBs of every type and we measuredall of them. It meant morework for us but thanks to that

    the nal results are more cred-ible for our respected readers.Due to large number of meas-urements, you can see a lotof graphs. Lets try to analyzethem one by one.

    Figure 1 shows the outputpower (signal strength) atthe output of the twin GT-TC40 and quattro GT-QTC40device compared to the refer-ence LNB (single, 0.2 dB). Itis significantly greater whatmeans that we can use longercables between an LNB and areceiver without spoiling thesignal.

    The performance of quaddevices is presented in gure2. Although the output is notgreater than our reference

    Fig. 2. Output power for the quad LNBs.

    Fig. 1. Output power for the twinand quattro LNBs.

    GT-QDC40 is really smaller than other quad LNBs

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    Jacek PawlowskiTELE-satellite

    Test Center Poland

    62 TELE-satellite & Broadband 12-01/2009

    model it is not smaller either.We can say the quad modelsproduce as strong signal as ourvery good reference LNB.

    As usually, we were evenmore interested in noise per-formance. Why? Only some of us

    need very strong signal (thosewho need to use long cables)but practically all of us needsignal with low noise content.Low noise means possibility toreceive weak transponders andbigger margin for bad weatherconditions.

    Expert Opinion+Excellent LNBs with outstanding noise per-

    formance for all models and additionally increasedoutput power for twin and quattro types. Productsespecially suited for new twin tuner HD receivers.


    that it was worse. All testedLNBs were better than our ref-erence device almost for everytransponder we chose for test-ing! And the difference of 1 dBor greater really counts. As youcan see the performance wasespecially magnicent for thehigher portion of Ku-Band. Weexpected worse performancefor the quad models. But to ourbig surprise, also they proved tobe excellent. You can see that ingure 4. Again very good resultsnear the higher end of Ku-Band.

    DC power consumption wastypical for such devices. Twinmodels consumed 150~170 mA,quad: 200~230 mA and quat-tro: 260~280 mA. Typically, thereceivers are prepared to deliverat least 500 mA. Not a singlereceiver shall have a problem topower any of the LNBs.

    Finally, we checked the per-formance for a weak transponderreception. We tuned to 11670 on5 East and got C/N = 9 dB fora reference LNB. After installingtwin LNBs (one by one) we gotthe same result: 9 dB. No matterwhat we measured: MER or C/N,strong or weak transponders,the noise performance of thetested LNBs was excellent!

    Fig. 4. MER as compared to the reference LNB for quad models.

    Fig. 3. MER as compared to the reference LNB for twin and quattro models.

    Now, in gure 3 can yousee what our measurementsrevealed for twin and quattroLNBs. The positive bars meanthat the modulation error ratio(MER) was better than thatfor a reference LNB, negative

    Sliding connector cover

    Quattro outputs aredescribed at the bottom