Download - 09 IBM Airline Summit 2017 Baggage dilemma …...From "where is my bag?“ to "where is my owner?“ - An innovative approach to the baggage dilemma Michael Vistisen BU Director –

Page 1: 09 IBM Airline Summit 2017 Baggage dilemma …...From "where is my bag?“ to "where is my owner?“ - An innovative approach to the baggage dilemma Michael Vistisen BU Director –

From "where is my bag?“ to "where is my owner?“ -An innovative approach to the baggage dilemma

Michael VistisenBU Director – Lyngsoe Systems

IBM Airline Summit – Rome May 17th 2017

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Baggage handling performance…

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…continues to be a problem:

• Number of mishandled bags and the associated cost

• IATA 753

• Platform for service delivery – old technology

• Customer satisfaction

Source: SITA Baggage report 2017

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Improvement of baggage performance…

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…is necessary to:

• Reduce cost and increase customer satisfaction

• Deliver the service with great customer experience and satisfaction

• Near real-time location of the bag

• Handling customer interaction when it goes wrong

Source: SITA Baggage report 2017

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To do this you need…

…to capture more baggage DATA!!

• Throw more people at it ?!

• Step out of the stone-age and apply new technology – take the lessons learned from other industries.

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Lyngsoe LIVE Logistics™

The leading IOT Platform delivering transparency, visibility,

traceability and predictability in your logistics operation

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Value proposition: RTLS - More time dedicated to patient care


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A conclusion from the Vice Chairman at Danish A conclusion from the Vice Chairman at Danish A conclusion from the Vice Chairman at Danish A conclusion from the Vice Chairman at Danish


It is possible to save 1 % yearly save 1 % yearly save 1 % yearly save 1 % yearly by increasing

the traceability of personnel, equipment, beds,

coats etc. at the hospitals. We spend app. 78

billion a year on our hospital services, and if we

are using that measurement, we can gain gain gain gain

between 0.5 and 1 billion a yearbetween 0.5 and 1 billion a yearbetween 0.5 and 1 billion a yearbetween 0.5 and 1 billion a year by making it

possible to trace equipment and personnel”

Jens Stenbæk, Vice Chairman, Danish regions.


35% of all transports of empty beds can be 35% of all transports of empty beds can be 35% of all transports of empty beds can be 35% of all transports of empty beds can be

saved. saved. saved. saved.

10 minutes can be saved 10 minutes can be saved 10 minutes can be saved 10 minutes can be saved when ordering new

clean beds....

Extra beds at stock can be reduced by 10%. reduced by 10%. reduced by 10%. reduced by 10%.

At least 5 minutes can be saved on each 5 minutes can be saved on each 5 minutes can be saved on each 5 minutes can be saved on each

transport transport transport transport of cages, equipment and such.


One hospital expect to save 250 hours a day save 250 hours a day save 250 hours a day save 250 hours a day in

searching for items and resources – time, that can

be dedicated to improve patient care

One hospital saved 14 mil. DKK on new 14 mil. DKK on new 14 mil. DKK on new 14 mil. DKK on new

equipment purchases a yearequipment purchases a yearequipment purchases a yearequipment purchases a year by implementing

asset management

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Rethinking Baggage visibility– it’s not complicated


Lyngsoe Systems and IBM offers an RFID based platform that support the entire baggage journey end-2-end

with cutting-edge RFID products:

• Domain expert in RFID for Baggage handling – World leader

• RFID reader products that fit into the existing baggage handling infrastructure

• Strategic partnership with IBM to allow scalability




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1st Generation Readers are proven solutions

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Purpose specific readers are necessary…

…vanilla flavor will not do the job

• Purpose specific readers are necessary

• Fixed mounted, fully automated – not just another way of manual hand-scanning

• 1st generation of proven reader products are available:

• Self-service bag drop

• Pier/claim

• Sortation

• Belt loaders

• 2nd generation is under development including:


• Wearables

• Mobile units

• Make-up areas

• Drop-carts

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BagQuality Network

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Scandinavia - baggage tracking

• 100+ portals installed in Scandinavia

• Simple installation (Power, Wi-Fi / 3G, No integration to existing equipment)

• High read rates (> 99%)

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Hong Kong International Airport

20 May, 201713

RFID Enhanced Baggage Handling System


• Supplement barcode scanning with RFID tag reading to increase baggage read rates and baggage handling productivity


• 20 million passive UHF RFID tags, EPC Gen2

• 28 RFID Sortation readers

• 186 passive RFID readers

• 450 high performance RFID antennas


• Baggage read rates up to establish a 17% productivity increase

• Increased sorting capacity - Increased baggage delivery throughput

• Improved customer service by reducing delayed and mishandled baggage

• Reduced barcode system adjustment and cleaning cost

• Increase of sortation system capacity from 45.000 to 50.000 pieces of baggage pr. day – 1.8 mio per year

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Delta Airlines

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RFID Baggage tracking System

• World’s largest RFID installation in airline industry

• 1600 Beltloaders combing a variety of technologies (wi-

fi, RFID, bluetooth, 3G/4G etc)

• 800 Pier/claim portals

• Delivered with IBM – strategic partner

• Integrated into existing infrastructure

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RFID Data capture will allow you to

• Automate baggage tag readings

• Increase read rates

• Deploy more read points at a low cost – increase resolution

• Improve baggage handling performance

• Deliver cutting edge end-user experience

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Source: SITA Baggage report 2017

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To deliver those cutting edge…

…solutions and end-user experiences you need the DATA!!

• The technology and data processing engines are available

• Cognitive, AI, Big Data, Analytics, data mining is powered by data

• Data foundation must be there – investment in data capture is a pre-requisite

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From "where is my bag?“ to "where is my owner?“

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It is your decision to make…

…do you accept a cost of 10 cent per bag to pay for a service delivery platform for baggage that enables:

• High performance and quality at a reduced cost

• Cutting edge end-user experiences that differentiates and deliver customer satisfaction

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Source: SITA Baggage report 2017

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Questions ?

Michael Vistisen

Lyngsoe Systems

[email protected]

+45 4132 7765

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