Download - 082006 - Illig UA100G · Profit maximization Preheating, off-station heat-ing, optimized cooling and temperature

Page 1: 082006 - Illig UA100G · Profit maximization Preheating, off-station heat-ing, optimized cooling and temperature

Sheet processing machineUA 100g, UA 150g, UA 155gUA 200g, UA 225g, UA 250gUA 300g

process-controlled machines

Page 2: 082006 - Illig UA100G · Profit maximization Preheating, off-station heat-ing, optimized cooling and temperature

Values of speed, path, temperature and vacuum canbe set and stored digitally. Bythis way the product qualityremains consistent and reli-able. To realize repeat orderswithout problems the com-plete process data is storedand filed.

The higher the technicallevel, the higher the outputpotential, with an easier andfaster tool change, giving thebenefit of reduced produc-tion costs.

The equipment features canvary depending on customer’srequirements and can besupplied in the most differentcombinations.

With the help of the resultingvariety, the different driveconcepts and the processcontrol the most efficienttechnology can be selected,which allows thermoforming“almost without limits”.

To guarantee a high qualitystandard of the thermo-formed parts it is necessaryto make the process-relevantparameters repeatable.

With the process-controlledsheet forming machine UA-gILLIG introduces a new gen-eration of universal thermo-forming machines, whichsets new standards as far asspeed increase and productquality are concerned. Theproduction of thermoformedparts gets new impulsesbecause the new machinegeneration of thermoformersfulfills the current require-ments of the applicant.

Different forming areas andequipment are available asoptional extras, which enablethe applicant to use the opti-mum and most economicmachine for his production.

The modular construction ofthis concept allows for combinations from the basicmachine up to the configuredprocess-controlled high- performance machine.

Single station machine

Automateduniversal machine


The higher the technical level,the higher the output potential

giving the benefit of reducedproduction costs.

product costs /out-put potential

Increase in cycle speeds and improvement of product qualitywith UA-g process-controlled sheet forming machines

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Product production costs toa minimumShortest conversion timesincrease the productive life ofthe machine by change offormat parts as package.

Profit maximization Preheating, off-station heat-ing, optimized cooling andtemperature control minimizethe product productioncosts, increase the outputpotential and reduce the conversion time.

All of the before mentionedelements help to meet therequired demands at a corre-sponding high quality andmaximize the profit.

As a rule splitting of heatingtime is considered and goodforming results are producedduring the very first cycle –regardless of external influ-ences.

Repeatability Parameters once determinedand stored are always available for every orderwith exact the same andunchanged values.

Temperature controlledheaters in working andresting position ILLIG’s heating philosophyfeaturing temperature controlin any heating conditionaccording to the rule: Con-trolling instead of setting.

Quality Setting data and productiondata can be printed out andstored as record for qualitycontrol of the formed parts.

Process optimization formore profitable production

Preheating and off-stationheating of material Increase in production byheating in loading device andreduction of heating time inthe forming station.

Splitting of heating time The shortest cycle time isachieved, if both stationswork for the same time. Subject to the product, thisrequirement is met by splitting the heating timebetween the stations accord-ingly.

Automatic basic setting All machine setting data andfastest cycle times are estab-lished by the program. Thedata can be taken over bythe machine control andstored.

modular machine concept performance-related

machine configuration

sheet processing machine

sheet loading device

operation concept

upper table, continued developments

schematic tool construction quick-change technology

machine equipment, additional components

product production cost

output potential

equipment / degree of automation

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ciency. Another property ofthe servo-drives, whichshould not be underrated, isthe low energy consumptioncompared with pneumaticand hydraulic drives.

Furthermore the servo-drivesreproduce production dataat very high precision. Thisresults in high availabilityespecially of high-performancemachines or machines withfrequent format changes.The positions to be actuatedcan be stored.

An example for its use are: forming table movement,clamping frame drive, ma -terial transport and uppertable drive.

The precise and especiallyfast movements have a posi-tive effect on the productquality since for examplestretching aids can moveexactly and with definedspeed almost independentlyfrom the ambient conditions.By this way areas of preciseforming can be pre-stretchedand defined more exactlywhich results in the use ofthinner materials and thuscontributes to higher effi-

In order to guarantee long-term success for the pro-cessor, the machine has tofulfill a wide range of cus-tomer requirements. The necessary pre-conditions areeasy machine operability,flexible machine concept aswell as high repeatability ofall functional elementsinvolved in the process.

The use of servo-drivescounts as new high light inthe equipment for all modernsheet processing machines.There are many advantages:The movements of the indi-vidual functions can be run atdifferent speed profiles. Position measuring system for

digitally adjustable and storabledistance switching points

The UA-g is a universal automatic thermoforming machinesuitable for thermoforming from sheet and roll stock. The machine enables highest output potential at maximumcustomer benefit.

Adjustable mold substructure

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Sheet forming machine UA 155gwith sheet loading device BE 155gequipped to work from roll stock

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An important part plays themold when plunging into thepre-stretched material duringthe forming process.The coordination betweenpneumatic pre-stretching(pre-blowing) and the exactsynchronized table move-ments influence both theeven material distribution andthe quality of the formed partespecially in the cornerareas.

The complexity of theprocess requires differentsequences (drive variants)for forming table and pre-stretching plug.

Lower table-drive variants

pneumatically, limitswitches, manuallyadjustable in height or bya distance measuringsystem for digitallyadjustable and storabledistance switchingpoints.

servo-driven, with digi-tally adjustable and stor-able speed profiles for upand down travel of theforming table. Up tothree speeds can bestored as profile for eachmovement.

By this way the movementsof forming table and pre-stretching plug can be precisely harmonized. Thecycle time is reduced by different speeds.

In order to obtain a moreeven wall thickness, pneu-matically pre-stretching of the heated material is necessary.

This is done by pre-blowingthe sheet. For this, controlledair flows into the formingchamber (blow box). A photo -cell controls the resultingbubble. This ensures a constant repeatable productquality by more even dis -tribution of wall thickness.The final geometry of theformed part is achieved bydefinition by vacuum.

In order to consequently usethe possibilities of themachine in practice, thecomplexity of the processrequires specific operatorguidance on the screen.

modular machine concept performance-related

machine configuration

sheet processing machine

sheet loading device

operation concept

upper table, continued developments

schematic tool construction quick-change technology

machine equipment, additional components

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ing table aligns the sheet inlongitudinal and transversedirection so that it can betaken up safely by the trans-port.

Material change options:

1. The sheet magazine canbe adjusted manually tothe individual sheet size.

2. The format is adjustedautomaticly and the sheetdimensions can be stored.

Apart from that a sheet car-riage is available. It can beloaded outside the loadingdevice and then pushed in.For example another sheetcarriage can be prepared forthe next order.

device can be lifted ininclined position. The adjust-ment is carried out on theoperating panel.

An upper and lower heatercan be installed in the load-ing device. This possibilityprovides pre-heating or off-station heating of the ma -terial and allows for reductionof cycle time. Subject to thebehavior of the material andthe machine equipment theheating time, which rules thecycle time, can be reducedin the forming station up to0 seconds.

The equipment featuring thesheet loading device canvary depending on cus-tomer’s requirements.

Centering table:Working from un-centeredsheet stack. A laser pointer isavailable to assist in aligningthe sheet stack. The center-

Automatic sheet loadingdevice

The sheet loading deviceautomates the formingmachine. The advantage ofan automatic loading deviceis the better repeatability ofthe process besides thehigher performance, i.e. onaccount of the automatic,smooth sequence of func-tions a better quality of theformed part is achieved evenfor smaller batches. If manualloading is applied, the opera-tor influences the cycle time.

The loading device includesthe transport device for thematerial up to the formingmachine. The transportdevice enables the feed ofsheets with strong materialsag after heating-up as wellas discharge of positivelyand negatively formed partseven at maximum depth ofdraw. For this the transport

Higher safety for destacking

The servo-driven sheet liftpermits different speed pro-files for lifting the plate. Inaddition, a sensor measuresthe set sheet thickness in thetransport and recognizesdoubling.

Centering of suction device bylaser pointer.

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Centering of sheets on centering table Suction device

Technical levels of BE-gSheet Loading Device:

Sheet PSheet-fed processing

Roll RRoll-fed processing

Sheet – Roll PRProcessing from sheet androll stock. “Working from rollstock“ means processing ofroll material or sheet blanks.In the machine the blanks arefully automaticly cut from thematerial roll by a cross cutter(optional extra). In order toobtain maximum number ofcycles, the blanks can alsobe pre-heated or off-stationheated. Subject to productand material 180 cycles/hcan be realized.

modular machine concept performance-related

machine configuration

sheet processing machine

sheet loading device

operation concept

upper table, continued developments

schematic tool construction quick-change technology

machine equipment, additional components

Higher output potential by application ofpre-heating and off-station technology inthe sheet loading device

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Easy machine operation

The complexity of the thermo -forming process is subject toan optimal control technol-ogy where the process para-meters can be controlled andoptimized. The user surfaceis an innovation, whichenables selective operatorguidance through the individ-ual process phases.

This means the operator isgiven the changeableprocess parameters, wherethe number of the adjustableparameters is reduced to aminimum. The results of thesetting are displayed on theuser surface.

Advantages of industrial PC(SIEMENS Panel PC)

Newly developed machinecontrol with Soft-PLCbased on Windows operation system

Screen operating panelwith high-contrast,brighter Touch-TFT dis-play for simplified opera-tion and better legibility

Computer-aided basicsetting of machine data with expanded optimization of machinesequencing

The functions pre-blow-ing, pre-suction, pre-vac-uum, forming vacuum,demolding and heatingtimes can be pro-grammed by “teach in”.If the operator intervenes

by soft-key buttons, themachine control takesover the time as setpointvalue for the next cycleand stores the data inthe sequencing program.

All setting data for thedata set can be stored atany place (network, USB)

Active heater elementfunction control

Graphic display of heaterelement temperatures

Heater feed-back controlby solid state relay

Diagnostic aid

Visual display of formingsequence

Automatic pre-switch ONof heater panels as well as temperature control of mold and clampingframes

Printer connection. Print-able data and productionprotocol

Improved operator guid-ance during automatictool installation andremoval with possibilityto intervene


Digitized function sequencing means practicable operation philosophy

Automatic toolinstallation andremoval

Bus connections

Data backupInternalNetworkUSB Stick

Heater regulationwith superimposed%-setting

Intervening possi -bilities for forming -relevant parameters

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Intelligence based on PC

Today high demands aremade on productionmachines with regard toaccuracy and repeatability.This is the only way to meetthe high quality standards forformed parts. This meansthat thermoforming machinesmust have properties, whichare already standard on the3rd generation machines.

The control systems andcontrol strategies developedby ILLIG ensure easy produc-tion sequences at high avail-ability and operator comfort.

Process control

Compensation methods forrepeatability of temperatureprofiles through out the thick-ness of material.

Advantage of this equipment:Both the surface temperaturesas well as the core tempera-tures of the material are considered, which cannot bemeasured in the productionmachine. Since it is not possi-ble to measure the core tem-perature of the sheet, it is calculated in the background.This way the temperature pro-file can be kept on constantlevel all through the cross section of the sheet. Subject to the requirement,temperature of heater ele-ments or heating time arecontinuously automaticlyadapted so that all influenceslike temperature of the stands,ambient temperature and ini-tial temperature of the materialare considered automaticly.

modular machine concept performance-related

machine configuration

sheet processing machine

sheet loading device

operation concept

upper table, continued developments

schematic tool construction quick-change technology

machine equipment, additional components

Operating panel UA-g machines. Digitized functions enablecomputer-aided basic setting ofthe machine data.

Operator guidanceand diagnosis

Computer aidedbasic setting

Remote diagnosisILLIGNet-Service

Effect of compensation on heatedcross section of sheet

Compensation with infra-red measuring device

temperature calculated

temperature controlled / measured

ideal heating up – specifically to material

T [°C]

s [mm]



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with the help of the alreadyknown “computer-aidedbasic setting”. The settingdata and process timesdetermined herewith can beoptimized to such an extentthat the machine sequencingcan be adjusted to theformed part to be produced.There will be a performanceincrease affecting the cycletime without loss of productquality.

By combining all process relevant parameters the defi-nition and distribution of thewall thickness can be influ-enced repeatedly in the side-wall. Based on many years ofexperience in thermoforming,the process-controlledmachine with servo-drivetechnology allows increasein speed up to 60 % by up-rating the product quality atthe same time.

speeds in connection withthe separately driven upperclamping frame.

A number of additionaldevices extend the universal-ity of the machine concept.Motor-driven adjustment ofstops, synchronizing devicefor eccentric center of gravityof the parts, loose parts con-trol, corner blowing nozzlesetc. extend the application ofthe upper table.

A tracer pin to find the uppertable tool and for digital inputof motor-driven adjustmentof stop for the stroke allowsautomatic basic setting ofthe upper table position.

Process optimized produc-tion with correspondingincrease of output potentialbecomes useful, if the qualityof the formed parts will notbe affected, quality of whichis achieved on the machine

Upper table, furtherdevelopments

In the last few years, de-velopments were made,which considerably improved efficiency of the sheet processing machines evenfor smaller quantities.

In order to use the advan-tages of thermoforming to itsoptimal extent different driveconcepts are available for theupper table.

If the pneumatically operatedmachine setting of the mov-ing distances is mainly car-ried out manually, the servo-driven machine provideshigher operation comfort bymotor-driven adjustment ofmost position adjustments.All variants for formed partscan be realized by the vari-able adjustment possibilitiesof the moving distances and

Advantage of synchronizedoperation: During upward travelof table cooling by cornerblowing nozzles is possible onsame distance level

The upper table can be usedas demolding aid. Synchro-nized operation of uppertable to lower table (can beselected, both tables inupward travel), makes blow-ing on the point by cornerblowing nozzles possible.Moving speed, workingstroke, and tool change position are stored.

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process-controlled machineby servo-drives

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The smooth and even heat-ing up of the material is thekey for a good forming result.The heaters are equippedwith high temperatureceramic heater elements(HTS). These elements arehollow, have thermal insula-tion and a high degree of efficiency.

They have universal heatingproperties, i.e. preprintedmaterials, too, can be uni-formly heated. The heatingtimes required are not sub-ject to the color of the ma -terial. For high efficiency theradiation surface is closed.This ensures good heatingresults for every clampingframe size up to the edgearea. Upper and lower heaterprovided with Joystick division for heater area ispart of the basic equipment.

Thereby an optimal heaterlayout is achieved for thethermoforming process. Thetemperature control of theheaters is carried out by sev-eral pilot heater elementsand overlapping perfor-mance.

With the help of the heaterlayout set by the basicadjustment program as wellas with all sequence times,an almost even temperaturedistribution is achieved onthe heated material, which issufficient for the most fre-quent applications. If neces-sary, the heater layout can bechanged very easily. Apartfrom that the machine can beequipped with IR measuringtechnology.

modular machine concept performance-related

machine configuration

sheet processing machine

sheet loading device

operation concept

upper table, continued developments

schematic tool construction quick-change technology

machine equipment, additional components

Optimal production parameters by temperature controlledheaters.

Temperature controlled heaters.

Heater layout upper and lower heater

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These profiles form the lowertool together with the sup-port plate of the segmentand the actual mold. Such atool can then be used on alltable variants.

ILLIG has developed a man-ual for construction of moldsand tools, which enables theapplicant to make simpletools by himself. This savestime and reduces costs forformat parts.

Reduced change times fortool and format parts, simpli-fied operation and higheravailability are further advan-tages of the sheet processingmachine from ILLIG. As aconsequence the times suchas sheet and tool change aswell as maintenance arereduced to a minimum.

The unique tool and standardparts system for constructionof forming tools in connec-tion with the adjustable moldsubstructure offers specialadvantages for the produc-tion of small series with frequent format change. Themold substructure can bemade very easily with thehelp of the standard profilesP19 and P20.

The conversion program supports the operator and enables automatic toolchange in all stations.

Availability and productivity have priority

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If on the more simplemachine the tool change procedure is mainly carriedout manually, the automaticquick-change of tool reducesthe conversion times for allmachine sizes.

The complete mold package(forming tool, upper andlower clamping frame incl.plug assist) is moved in viathe front panel. Pairs ofrollers facilitate loading of thetool package into the blowbox.

The forming tool centersitself automaticly and isclamped by vacuum onto theforming table. This clampingvacuum is controlled auto-maticly. Upon closing thefront panel the individualfunctions run down auto -maticly by the conversionprogram, e. g. upward travel

avoids operating errors byits clear and simple menustructure.

Format change without mate-rial change is thus reduced toapprox. 3 to 6 minutes.

of the forming table, lockingof upper and lower clampingframe and of plug assist tool.

On machines with automaticsheet loading device thetransport adjusts automaticlyto the new sheet dimensions.The new suction plate istaken up by the sheet lift andclamped. At the same timeconversion runs down in allfunctional devices.

The machine provides theoperator with the relevantparameters, which proceed-ing is displayed on the oper-ating panel. An importantadvantage of this visualiza-tion is the specific display ofthe required information andauxiliary functions followingthe principles of the pro -fessional industrial design. The operating panel is verysimple to understand and

12 13

modular machine concept performance-related

machine configuration

sheet processing machine

sheet loading device

operation concept

upper table, continued developments

schematic tool construction quick-change technology

machine equipment, additional components

Profiles out of the ILLIG standardparts system

Reduction of conversion times by automatic procedure

Automatic quick-change of tool

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Temperature control by ITS-System

The ITS-System permitsfield-proven temperaturecontrol of clamping and hold-ing frames as well as of theforming tool. It is also possi-ble to have different temper-atures within the forming toolor the upper table tool (e.g.twin-sheet). Depending onmaterial and application tem-perature modules up to 95°C

Cooling systems

On the one hand a largequantity of energy has to befed for the forming process,which on the other hand hasto be dissipated after theforming process by the cool-ing systems in a useful wayand in the shortest possibletime. The combination of theindividual cooling systemssuch like tool cooling, airshower in upper frame andcooling fans have the mostefficient effect, which thencan directly be convertedinto performance.

On account of cooling fanswith reinforced performanceand its freely configurablecombination high air speedsare achieved where water-spraying nozzles no longerare necessary.

or 140°C can be used. Inter-faces with Profibus connec-tion to the controls enablecontrol via the screen.

Loose parts controls

For the production of formedparts for example with under-cuts ILLIG offers correspond-ing mechanical and elec-tronic control packages.These additional devices canbe attached to both the form-ing tool, the clamping frameor to the plug assist.

Photocell for pre-blowing

To be able to achieve moreeven material distribution specific pre-blowing can beuseful. The height of the bubble can either be con-trolled by blowing time or bya photocell. The photocell caneven be adjusted by motorwhereby the position is stored.

Perfect integration of all systems in the process-controlled machine

configurable cooling fans

Function level

Machine level

Control andregulation elements

process-controlled data exchange

Material roll stand

Selection yes / no Diagnostic aid

Sheet loading deviceBE

Heaters Pre-heating/off-stationheating Sheet lift Transport liftTransport variantKind of loading P/R/PRConversion program

Forming machine UA

Heaters Travel distances oftable Pre-blowing Pre-suction Program for basicsetting Clamping frame Conversion program

Temperature control

Setpoint/actual value Temperature control Cooling Pre-suction Automatic startingmode

Interfaces to down -stream machines

Longitudinal and crosscutter Separating saw Milling machineHandling devices

Industrial PC

VisualizationInput ofprocess dataDisplay ofactual valueAnalysis data

ControlComputer-aidedbasic settingSequenc controlData administration

Temperature control system ITS,example for application

1 Forming tool heated by twotemperature control circuitsswitched in parallel

2 Holding frame cooled

3 Clamping frame temperature controlled

4 Upper tool temperature controlled

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Vacuum device on plugassist

An additional vacuum deviceis available for negative form-ing or Twin-sheet thermo-forming.

Cutting in forming station

Formed parts made of foamor thin materials can roughlybe cut in the formingmachine.

Heater options

Individual product-dependingheater layouts for highestdemands are achieved bymultiple position switchingand overlapping perfor-mance. Joystick division for upperand lower heater.

Multiple position switchingfor upper heater and Joystickdivision for lower heater arepossible. In order to form theundercuts or to form theintermediate bridges auxiliaryplugs or sectional coolingdevices (corner blowing nozzles) can be used. Corre-sponding devices can becontrolled synchronouslywith the forming process bythe plug assist device

On account of this device airis specifically blown onto thewarm sheet during the pre-blowing process. Thosezones blown at cool downand are therefore stretchedless. This means that thesezones remain thicker. The airstream used can be regu-lated and controlled. Theadvantage of this technologyis to avoid marks on theformed part.

To demold indentations orundercuts correspondingloose parts or slides in theforming tool are used. Thesecan be actuated by theformed part itself, subject tosufficient rigidity, or by a con-trol unit depending on timeand distance. Correspondingcontrol elements areattached to the machine.

Competent service

A skilled and competent service team is available.

Fast reacting servicecenter

Online service forprocess optimization andtrouble shooting

Inspection and servicefor preventive mainte-nance

Spare parts service

Training in our trainingcenter or on side at customer’s premises

modular machine concept performance-related

machine configuration

sheet processing machine

sheet loading device

operation concept

upper table, continued developments

schematic tool construction quick-change technology

machine equipment, additional components

Net service

Higher productionsafety Customer controlledremote access Higher availability Hotline Service

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for Thermoforming and Packaging Technology

ILLIG Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KGRobert-Bosch-Strasse 1074081 Heilbronn/GermanyTelefon: +49(0)7131/505-0Telefax: +49(0)7131/505-303e-mail: [email protected]:

Sheet processing machines Automatic roll-fed thermoformers for forming/punching tools Automatic roll-fed thermoformers, separate forming and punching Skin and blister packaging machines Form, fill and seal linesProduced Tooling