Download - 05A Ed Supe Sup Trainee Supp PPT

  • 7/25/2019 05A Ed Supe Sup Trainee Supp PPT


    Educational SupervisionEducational Supervision

    Supervisor Core TrainingSupervisor Core Training

    Written by: Teresita Castro-McGee Ph.D and etty !anna M.". M#T $or %ersion &.'Written by: Teresita Castro-McGee Ph.D and etty !anna M.". M#T $or %ersion &.'

  • 7/25/2019 05A Ed Supe Sup Trainee Supp PPT



    )no*ledge The trainee will be able to utilize factors that motivate

    performance to assist staff in the improvement of jobperformance.

    The trainee will be able to create a learning environment in whichthe development and maintenance of competencies, professional

    judgment and sound decision making take place through clearstrengths-supervision.

    The trainee will be able to understand the process of transfer of

    learning and what needs to occur before, during and aftertraining.

    The trainee will be able to use a variety of modalities andresources to teach staff the ongoing changes in the child welfareprofession.

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    The trainee is able to assess staffreadiness for learning.

    The trainee will be able to apply principlesof adult learning.

    The trainee will be able to assist staff totransfer knowledge and skills learnedthrough in-service training to their jobs.

  • 7/25/2019 05A Ed Supe Sup Trainee Supp PPT



    Different roles of supervision

    Foundations of adult learning!ndragogy v. "edagogy

    "rinciples of adult learning

    #ources of motivation for adult

    learners $earning styles and learning plans

    Transfer of learning

  • 7/25/2019 05A Ed Supe Sup Trainee Supp PPT


    , oles o$ Supervisor, oles o$ Supervisor

    "d(inistrative ole"rocure resources

    "rovide leadership and direction

    %stablish and enforce rules and standards,policies and procedures

    %stablish and maintain boundaries

    !dhere to prevailing societal laws&reate and maintain a team-basedatmosphere

  • 7/25/2019 05A Ed Supe Sup Trainee Supp PPT


    , oles o$ Supervisor, oles o$ Supervisor

    Managerial ole

    %stablish and maintain a communication


    Distribute the workload

    %stablish and clarify staff roles

    "rotect and maintain resources

    'ork within effective timeframes

  • 7/25/2019 05A Ed Supe Sup Trainee Supp PPT


    , oles o$ Supervisor, oles o$ Supervisor

    Educational ole

    Teach values and belief system of agency

    Teach skills

    "rovide and(or support educationalprogram

    Teach discipline and correction

    "rovide information about agency history"rovide coaching and mentoring topromote staff development

  • 7/25/2019 05A Ed Supe Sup Trainee Supp PPT


    , oles o$ Supervisor, oles o$ Supervisor

    Service and Support)urture physical and personal well-being

    *espect staff members

    *esolve conflict among staff#upport all staff consistently in the waymost suited to each person

    Demonstrate empathy and concern for

    staff&ommunicate with staff

    + #tephen &ovey

  • 7/25/2019 05A Ed Supe Sup Trainee Supp PPT


    T*o oles o$ SupervisorT*o oles o$ Supervisor

    #ill out the Sel$-"ssess(ent nventory


    For each of the roles and corresponding

    skills, please assess your strengths as youperceive them. n addition, answer theuestion/Does your culture impact yourskills in this area?, by circling Yes or Noat the far right. /Cultureis definedhowever you define it for yourself.0

  • 7/25/2019 05A Ed Supe Sup Trainee Supp PPT


    Coaching MentoringCoaching Mentoringand Trainingand Training

    Find a partner. 1sing the self 2assessments, discuss the mostimportant skills that you see in

    providing teaching, coaching andmentoring to staff.

    Discuss the best ways that you havee3perienced them being done from

    your own life e3perience and discusshow you might practice these skills indeveloping your unit staff.

  • 7/25/2019 05A Ed Supe Sup Trainee Supp PPT


    Pedagogy 0 "ndragogyPedagogy 0 "ndragogy

    "edagogy 2 4reekpaid5 6 child

    agogus5 6leader of

    !ndragogy 2 4reek

    andra5 6!dult

    relatedagogus5 6leader of

  • 7/25/2019 05A Ed Supe Sup Trainee Supp PPT


    Ele(ents o$ "dult 1earningEle(ents o$ "dult 1earning!spect!spect "edagogy !ndragogy "edagogy !ndragogy

    Sel$-Concept Dependent #elf-directed


    E2perience 7f little worth *ich resource

    eadiness 8iology(



    to tasks




  • 7/25/2019 05A Ed Supe Sup Trainee Supp PPT


    !spect!spect "edagogy !ndragogy "edagogy !ndragogy

    3rientationto learning



    Cli(ate Formalauthoritycompetition


    Planning 8y teacher 9utual vianeeds

    assessmentDiagnosiso$ needs

    8y teacher 9utual viafeedback

  • 7/25/2019 05A Ed Supe Sup Trainee Supp PPT


    !spect "edagogy !ndragogy!spect "edagogy !ndragogy

    #or(ulationo$ 3b4ectives 8y teacher 9utual vianeedsassessment

    Design $ogic of subject


    #euenced by

    application toproblems

    "ctivities Transmittaltechniues


    Evaluation 8y teacher 9utual

    measurementof different


  • 7/25/2019 05A Ed Supe Sup Trainee Supp PPT


    What s 5our Teaching Style6What s 5our Teaching Style6

    'hen you are teaching your staff onthe continuum between pedagogyand andragogy where are you most



    ;our and staff

  • 7/25/2019 05A Ed Supe Sup Trainee Supp PPT


    Test ;our =nowledge of !dult$earning

    >. &ircle True or False


  • 7/25/2019 05A Ed Supe Sup Trainee Supp PPT


    More "dult 1earning #actsMore "dult 1earning #acts

    'hat is in it $or (e:

    9ake (efeel i(portant about

    myself. ;ou can change people

  • 7/25/2019 05A Ed Supe Sup Trainee Supp PPT


    More "dult 1earning #actsMore "dult 1earning #acts

    Trainees are learning what they aredoing7Give the( a 4ob to do.

    $earners want to learn what theywant to learn when they want tolearn it. The teachable (o(entisyour best training opportunity.

    Three domains of learning &ognitive,!ffective and "sychomotor

  • 7/25/2019 05A Ed Supe Sup Trainee Supp PPT


    Sources o$ Motivation $or "dultSources o$ Motivation $or "dult1earners: Maslo*8s !ierarchy1earners: Maslo*8s !ierarchy

    @ #elf !ctualization Aaving purposeful work@ %steem Bob recognition(promotion /#elf(7ther0@ #ocial or 8elonging "ositive relationship with

    co-workers@ #ecurity "aycheck /off probation0@ "hysical Desk, office,

    Food, clothing phone, pencils #helter

  • 7/25/2019 05A Ed Supe Sup Trainee Supp PPT


    Sources o$ Motivation $orSources o$ Motivation $or"dult 1earners: !er9berg"dult 1earners: !er9berg

    9ost "owerful


    Aygiene Factors

    $east "owerful

  • 7/25/2019 05A Ed Supe Sup Trainee Supp PPT


    Sources o$ Motivation $orSources o$ Motivation $or"dult 1earners: !er9berg"dult 1earners: !er9berg



    *elations with #upervisor*elations with others'orking &onditions

    #ecurity(#alaryFamily $ife

    $east "owerful

    9ost "owerfulThe job itself

    "ersonal 4rowth





    Aygiene Factors

  • 7/25/2019 05A Ed Supe Sup Trainee Supp PPT


    Supervisor TeachingSupervisor Teaching


    Discuss in your groups all of thedifferent processes and teachable,motivational moments5 that youhave with staff to provide motivation,education, leadership, mentoring.

    &hart them.

  • 7/25/2019 05A Ed Supe Sup Trainee Supp PPT


    E2a(ples o$ 3pportunitiesE2a(ples o$ 3pportunities

    *egularly scheduled one-on-one supervision

    1nit meetings

    7pen door policy

    Formal training classes

    9odeling 2 you attend training, sharing when return


    %diting work, court reports

    Floor supervision

    Debrief when #' comes in from field(court "resent at unit meeting

    "ut on &ommittees

  • 7/25/2019 05A Ed Supe Sup Trainee Supp PPT


    1earning Styles1earning Styles

    ! learning style is a person

  • 7/25/2019 05A Ed Supe Sup Trainee Supp PPT


    1earning Styles1earning Styles &arl 4ustav Bung was one of the most influential

    modern behavioral theorists.

    n >C> Bung published E"sychological TypesEwhich described four psychological functionsthinking,feeling,sensationandintuition.

    Bung also classified these four types further bycalling them either introvertedor extroverted.

    From this work many instruments have beendeveloped to help us understand how we prefer torelate to the world around us and to newinformation coming our way.

  • 7/25/2019 05A Ed Supe Sup Trainee Supp PPT


    Di$$erent People 1earn inDi$$erent People 1earn inDi$$erent Ways !o* We 1i+eDi$$erent Ways !o* We 1i+e

    to Ta+e in n$or(ationto Ta+e in n$or(ation %isual 1earners2 4raphics, images,

    memos, e-mail, evaluations, writtennotes

    "uditory 1earners2 voicemail,discussions in supervision, floorsupervision, telephone

    )inesthetic 1earners2 taking notes,participating in unit meetings,committees, written assignments

  • 7/25/2019 05A Ed Supe Sup Trainee Supp PPT


    )olb 1earning Style nventory)olb 1earning Style nventory

    Describes the way you learn and howyou deal with ideas and day-to-daysituations. t measures the way that

    you like to learn in specific settings.

    Think of a situation that you arecurrently in where you are learning.

    nstructions "age

  • 7/25/2019 05A Ed Supe Sup Trainee Supp PPT


    1earning Styles1earning Styles

    #trategies for working with staff with otherlearning styles

    Diverging 2 sensitive to people

  • 7/25/2019 05A Ed Supe Sup Trainee Supp PPT


    1et8s ;se What We )no*1et8s ;se What We )no*

    different case e3amples for a new socialworker in your unit.

    !s a group discuss your employee, and basedon their learning style develop a learning planfor them to develop their skills in your unit.

    &onsider 'hat are the strengths of his(herlearning style and what is the best way toutilize them in your plan to make sure thatlearning happens: 'hat are the challenges of

    this learning style and how do you put a plantogether that assists these areas as well:

  • 7/25/2019 05A Ed Supe Sup Trainee Supp PPT


    Trans$er o$ TrainingTrans$er o$ Training

    the effective and continuingapplication, by trainees to their jobs, ofthe knowledge and skills gained in

    training 2 both on and off the job58road and )ewstrom

    t is estimated that !merican business andindustry annually spend up to G>HH billion

    /direct and indirect costs0 on training anddevelopment? not (ore than &'

  • 7/25/2019 05A Ed Supe Sup Trainee Supp PPT


    oles in the Training Processoles in the Training Process

    Transfer of$earning

    8efore During !fter




  • 7/25/2019 05A Ed Supe Sup Trainee Supp PPT


    Trans$er o$ 1earningTrans$er o$ 1earning

    Transfer of$earning

    8efore During !fter

    Trainee I J K

    #upervisor > L M

    Trainer C

  • 7/25/2019 05A Ed Supe Sup Trainee Supp PPT


    "re 5ou eady $or"re 5ou eady $or

    So(e #ootball6So(e #ootball6 &hange or transfer occurs when

    euilibrium is disrupted. !n

    e3isting field of forces is changedby increasing transfer drivingforces or by decreasing transfer

    restraining forces.

  • 7/25/2019 05A Ed Supe Sup Trainee Supp PPT


    "ction Plan $or Success"ction Plan $or Success

    Find a partner. Think about your learning today and pick

    out at least one teaching, motivating,leadership, mentoring or transfer oflearning skill that you plan to utilize whenyou get back to the office.

    'rite it down. 'ith your partner e3plain the skill and the

    person that you plan to work with on it.Take turns being each other