Download - 05- OWJ200301 Introduction to GENEX Probe ISSUE 1.0

  • 8/12/2019 05- OWJ200301 Introduction to GENEX Probe ISSUE 1.0

    1/71 Huawei confidential, 2007-10

    Huawei G N X Series

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    2 Huawei confidential, 2007-102


    Upon completion of this course,you will be able to:

    Master data collection method of DT

    Master how to use GENEX Probe tocollect drive test data

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    3 Huawei confidential, 2007-103


    GENEX Overview

    GENEX Probe General Workflow

    Using Probe for HSDPA / HSUPA DT Data Collection

    Other Features

    Case Study

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    4 Huawei confidential, 2007-104


    GENEX U-Net Radio Network Planning Tool

    Downlink + Uplink

    GENEX ProbeGENEX AssistantTest & Post-Process Tools

    GENEX NastarNetwork Performance Analysis System

    GENEX U-Net is a radio planningtool that fully supports thetechnologies of GSM,GPRS-EDGE,CDMA IS95,WCDMA/UMTS/HSDPA/HSUPA,CDMA 2000/1xRTT/1xEVDO, andTD-SCDMA wireless networks.

    The GENEX Probe, networkoptimization and drive test datacollection system, is an airinterface test tool forWCDMA/HSDPA/HSUPA/GSM/GPRS networks.

    GENEX Assistant is aprofessional wireless test datapost-processing software system.

    GENEX Nastar is a platform formonitoring and optimizing theperformance ofGSM/CDMA/WCDMA wireless


    Huawei GENEX Family

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    5 Huawei confidential, 2007-105

    Whole Flow Overview

    Radio Network Planning Tool

    Air Interface Test Tool and Post-Processing Tool

    Network Performance AnalysisTool

    Make full use of 2G resources

    GENEX cov ers thenetwo rk l i fecyc le

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    6 Huawei confidential, 2007-106

    GENEX Partners in The World

    Appl ied in the Huawei 2G and 3G planning andopt imizat ion projec ts

    Covers more than for ty coun tr ies , inc ludin g comm ercia l

    and p i lo t off icesAss is t s the renowned opera tors in es tabl i sh ing and

    opt imiz ing the ne twork wi th h ig h qual i ty.

    The ne twork opera tors inc lude but no t l imi ted to : ChinaMobi le , China Unicom , China Telecom, China Netcom ,Vodafon e, PBTL, T-Mobile, Orang e, CellPlus ,PCCW(Sund ay), Telecom, eMobile.

    A ims a t cons i s t en t l y p r o v i d i n g t he c u s tom er s w i thprofess ion al and h igh- level so lu t ion s for ne twork p lanning andopt imizat ion .

    Employed by netwo rk opera tors and des igning ins t i tu tes al lover 26 provinc es and munic ipa l i t ies

    In tegra tes the exper iences of renowned opera tors , advancingwi th cus tomer s hand b y ha n d .

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    7 Huawei confidential, 2007-107


    GENEX Overview

    GENEX Probe General Workflow

    Using Probe for HSDPA / HSUPA DT Data Collection

    Other Features

    Case Study

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    8 Huawei confidential, 2007-108

    GENEX Probe drive test system

    GARMIN SeriesGPS

    DTI Scanner(Built-in GPS)


    Trimble SeriesGPS

    Qualcomm TM6250/6275

    AT CommandSupported Mobile

    Huawei WCDMA/HSDPAData card

    *Support WCDMA1800/1900/2100M


    support multi UEcarry out differenttestssimultaneously

    Physical connectionEquipment bag

    easy to carry andsuitable to be used in

    the car

    Huawei Dual ModeMobile(U626/U636)

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    9 Huawei confidential, 2007-109

    DT Operation Flow

    1. Probe Installation. HSDPA test need Probe version 1.3 or above; HSUPAtest need Probe version 1.4 or above.

    2. Plug Probe dongle. 3. Connect Hardware device to the laptop. 4. Hardware configuration. 5. System Configuration. Set Log mask. 6. Test Plan Configuration.

    7. Import engineering parameters, open Map window and import the relatedmapinfo file.

    8. Open the parameter widows you want to observe, such as RSCP and Ec/Ioin Active Set, Monitor Set; HSDPA Serving Cell, throughput; RRC Message,NAS Message, etc.

    9. Start Test, start recording.10. After the test finished, press "Stop Test button.

    Notes: If you don't use "Test Plan" to start test automatically, please"Start Test first, then start to make call test.

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    10 Huawei confidential, 2007-1010


    Parameterobservation area

    Control &parameteritems

    hardware &system






    PS servicestatistics

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    11 Huawei confidential, 2007-1011

    Hardw are con f igura t ion

    PS domaintest must setModem port.

    Terminals in the following list can support HSDPA test are: Huawei E620data card , QUALCOMM TM6275 and QUALCOMM TM6280. HuaweiE220 and E6280 will support HSUPA soon.

    Configuration Before Test

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    12 Huawei confidential, 2007-1012

    Logm ask set t ing

    We can make UE report the data we need through Logmask setting.

    System Configuration Before Test

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    13 Huawei confidential, 2007-1013

    Test Plan Config urat ionControl each device's behavior by selecting Test Plan items and setting property

    parameters of each test items. Set the Test Plan respectively for each device(UE/Scanner).

    Test Plan Configuration Before Test

    1. SelectTest Device

    2. Add TestScenario

    3. AddTest Item

    4. Set TestProperty

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    14 Huawei confidential, 2007-1014

    Set Test Plan fo r DTI Scann er

    1. SelectTest Item

    2. Set ItemProperty

    Test Plan Configuration Before Test

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    15 Huawei confidential, 2007-1015

    Set Test Plan f or UE

    1. Voice call

    Test Plan Configuration Before Test

    Sugges t ion : When tes t ing voic e cal l , do n ot per form PS dialup on the Modem of th eoutg oing UE manual ly. Otherwise , voice ca l l maybe h angs u p abno rmal ly.The UE that i s per forming PS services can s erve as an incom ing UE for Voice Cal lor Video Phone tes t . Thus , the CS and PS concu rrent tes t can be performed on thesam e UE.

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    16 Huawei confidential, 2007-1016

    Set Test Plan f or UE

    2. Video Phone

    Test Plan Configuration Before Test

    Sugges t ion: To cond uct th is tes t , the UE and the ca l led te rminal mu st sup por tthe v ideo ca l l s .

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    17 Huawei confidential, 2007-1017

    Set Test Plan f or UE

    7. PS DaiUp / PS HangUp

    Test Plan Configuration Before Test

    The function of PS Dialup is

    to setup a PS connection.

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    18 Huawei confidential, 2007-1018

    Param eters fo r PS Dialup :

    Test Plan Configuration Before Test

    7.1 APN: Access Point Name.

    Ask the local PS domain engineer for the access point name. APN is named or huawei.

    7.2 QoS

    Traffic Class

    UL Max V(kbit/s) uplink max rate

    DL Max V(kbit/s) downlink max rate

    UL Guaranteed V(kbit/s) uplink guarantee bit rate

    DL Guaranteed V(kbit/s) downlink guarantee bit rate

    Note: For BE service, such as Background Class and Interactive Class, dont setthe UL & DL Gu ranteed V.The UMTS Speci f ica t ions sp eci fy tha t BE service has n o requi rement o ngu arantee bi t rate. Set t ing gu arantee bi t rate may result in PS con nectio n setupfa ilure for many mob i les do no t suppo r t the se t t ing .

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    19 Huawei confidential, 2007-1019

    Test Plan Configuration Before Test

    Supplem ents abou t APN, QoS Set t ing

    a) If leave APN, QoS parameters blankProbe wont send the associated command to the UE if the parameters mentioned aboveis not set, that is the UEs former setting will be maintained.

    b) Methods for setting APN QoS and their correlationship

    1) Set by AT command in MODEM initial command

    2) Set by Probe in Test Plan

    When both Probe and MODEM have APN and QoS information, because AT command inMODEM initial command is send to UE more closely before PS connection setup, it willreplace the information send to UE by Probe. That is Probes setting doesnt work if ATcommand also exists in the MODEM initial command.

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    20 Huawei confidential, 2007-1020

    Set Test Plan f or UE

    4. Ftp Upload / Ftp Download

    Test Plan Configuration Before Test

    Note: PS conn ect ion can be se t up by o ne FTP Dow nload tes t i tem i f correc tAPN has b een set in UE.

    l f f

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    21 Huawei confidential, 2007-1021

    Parameters for F tp Upload / F tp Dow nload:

    Test Plan Configuration Before Test

    4.1 User, Password: FTP user name and password. For anonymous login, alsoneed to input anonymous as username.

    4.2 Remote File: Destination file address, input the detailed download path, suchas,

    4.3 Local File: Local path to save the download file, such as, C:\1.dat

    4.4 MultiTask Count: When we use multi-threading download, set the number ofthreads here.

    4.5 Test Interval (sec): The time interval between multi downloads. After finishinga download, wait for serveral time, then start another times download.

    4.6 FTP Count: the total number of ftp download test.

    T Pl C fi i B f T

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    22 Huawei confidential, 2007-1022

    Parameters for F tp Upload / F tp Dow nload:

    Test Plan Configuration Before Test

    4.7 Disconnection Mode: the mode of Disconnection, there are three choices:

    Keep Disconn ected : Do not perform PDP context deactivation ( remain RRCconnection) after the target files are loaded completely, just wait for interval timethen continue next ftp download test.

    Disconn ect By Time : Perform PDP context deactivation periodically. The period forthe PDP context deactivation is represented by the Valid FTP Duration parameter. Ifthe target files are not loaded completely within the predefined time, the loadingresult shows timeout. Probe considers this loading as failure and initiates anotherPDP context deactivation in the next loading.

    Disconn ect Af ter Transfer Com ple te : Each time when the file load is complete, PDPcontext deactivation would be performed.

    FTP Upload:Parameters are the same with FTP downloads. Probe will upload the local file to

    the destination path automatically.

    Make sure you have the authority to upload file before test.

    T Pl C fi i B f T

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    23 Huawei confidential, 2007-1023

    Set Test Plan f or UE

    3. PING

    Test Plan Configuration Before Test

    Note: PING packet s ize have an effect on PING delay t im e. Usually, the PING pack et

    s ize is d escr ibed in th e cr i ter ion o f the tes t pro jec t , se t the parameter according to the

    cri ter ion . Otherwis e we can us e the default set t ing: 32 Bytes if there is no s pecial


    T t Pl C fi ti B f T t

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    24 Huawei confidential, 2007-1024

    Set Test Plan f or UE

    6. PDP

    Test Plan Configuration Before Test

    Note If Fa lse is se lec ted in A uto Dialup , the conn ect ions on the s ignal ing p lane areset up. The signaling in clud es RRC sign aling, PDP con text act ivat ion requ est , and PDP

    co ntext act ivat ion receive message. The service plane, ho wever, is no t established. Insuch a s i tua t ion , the PING service i s not be ing co nnected .If True i s se lec ted , the connect ions on both s ignal ing and serv ice p lanes areestablish ed. That is , the PC UE CN chann el is set up fo r dialup c on nectio n andprov iding serv ices .

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    Parameter Window

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    26 Huawei confidential, 2007-1026

    Comm on u sed windo ws fo r HSDPA & R99

    1. Serving, Active Set & Neighboring Cells

    Parameter Window

    Display PSC, RSCP, Ec/Io foractive set, monitor set and detectiveset

    In the figure, rectangle legendimplicates active set data, circleimplicates monitor set data, and

    triangle implicates detected set data.The data of the same type isdistinguished from each other withdifferent colors. Move the mouse toa place to get the scrambling codeof the current point.

    When the UE is in idle state, PSCin active set is about the cell wherethe UE resides.

    Parameter Window

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    27 Huawei confidential, 2007-1027

    Com m on us ed windo ws for HSDPA & R99

    2. Power Control

    Parameter Window

    DL SIR, SIRTarget

    Rx: UE receivedpower;

    Tx: UE tx power

    UL/DL transmit

    power control

    Parameter Window

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    28 Huawei confidential, 2007-1028

    Com m on us ed windo ws for HSDPA & R99


    Parameter Window

    Displays BLER of differenttransport channels.

    In HSDPA connection mode, A-DPCH's DL BLER is beingdisplayed.

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    Parameter Window

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    30 Huawei confidential, 2007-1030

    RRC Mess ages

    All the UEs or single UE are displayed on the window. The messages selected on

    the left navigation tree are displayed. The detailed information is displayed bydouble-clicking on the message.

    Parameter Window

    Parameter Window

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    31 Huawei confidential, 2007-1031

    GSM RR Mess ages

    The GSM RR Messages window displays GSM radio resource messages . You

    can observe GSM RR Messages when UE is in GSM mode.

    Parameter Window

    Parameter Window

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    32 Huawei confidential, 2007-1032

    NAS Mess ages

    Whatever mode UE is in, WCDMA, HSDPA or GSM, all the NAS messagesare displayed here as follow:

    Parameter Window

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    33 Huawei confidential, 2007-1033

    A p p Th r o u g h p u t

    Display both UL and DL application layer data rate, NAS rate and TCP

    retransmission rate.

    Parameter Window

    Parameter Window

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    34 Huawei confidential, 2007-1034

    RLC Through pu t

    Display both UL and DL RLC layer throughput, UL PDU retransmission ratio

    and DL PDU error ratio.

    Parameter Window

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    Service statistics Chart

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    36 Huawei confidential, 2007-1036

    PS Com m on Indic a tors

    Including attach success rate, attach time, PDP activation success rate,

    PDP activation time are displayed here.

    Service statistics Chart

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    37 Huawei confidential, 2007-1037

    FTP Service Quali ty Evaluat ion

    Displays the associated indicators on the user plane of the FTP service, including

    Login time, download time, download rate, etc.

    Service statistics Chart

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    38 Huawei confidential, 2007-1038

    HTTP Service Quali ty Evaluat ion

    Displays the associated indicators on the user plane of the HTTP service, such

    as page access time, page download time and page down load rate, etc.


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    39 Huawei confidential, 2007-1039

    GENEX Overview

    GENEX Probe General workflow

    Using Probe for HSDPA / HSUPA DT data collection

    Other Features

    Case Study

    Parameter Window

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    40 Huawei confidential, 2007-1040

    HSDPA Param eters w ind ow

    1. HSDPA Physical Channel Window

    Parameter Window

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    41 Huawei confidential, 2007-1041

    HSDPA Parameters w ind ow

    1. HSDPA Physical Channel Window (cont.)

    Parameter Window

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    42 Huawei confidential, 2007-1042

    HSDPA Parameters w ind ow

    2. HSDPA Decoding Statistics

    Parameter Window

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    43 Huawei confidential, 2007-1043

    HSDPA Param eters w ind ow

    3. HSDPA Link Statistic

    Parameter Window

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    44 Huawei confidential, 2007-1044

    HSDPA Param eters w ind ow

    3. HSDPA Link Statistic (cont.)

    Item DescriptionScheduled Rate-Delta Instantaneous rate that the MAC layer schedules

    Scheduled Rate-Average Average rate that the MAC layer schedules

    Served Rate-DeltaInstantaneous rate at which the MAC layer transmits.The transmission here includes Transmission failure and Re-transmission

    Served Rate-Average Average rate at which the MAC layer transmits.The transmission here includes: Transmission failure and Re-transmission

    MAC Layer Rate-DeltaInstantaneous rate at which the MAC layer transmits.The transmission here excludes: Transmission failure and Re-transmission

    MAC Layer Rate-Average Average rate at which the MAC layer transmits.The transmission here excludes: Transmission failure and Re-transmission

    HS-SCCH Success Rate-Delta Instantaneous success rate of the HS-SCCH channel

    HS-SCCH Success Rate- Average Average success rate of the HS-SCCH channel

    Parameter Window

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    45 Huawei confidential, 2007-1045

    HSDPA Param eters w ind ow

    3. HSDPA Link Statistic (cont.)

    Parameter Window

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    46 Huawei confidential, 2007-1046

    Supp lement for HSDPA Link Stat is t ic :

    1. Delta vs AverageDelta is the average value in 200ms.

    Average is the average value from the beginning of stat. to the current time. You can choose to clearthe former stat. data. The values displayed by Assistant are all belong to Delta series.

    2. Parameters about rateScheduled Rate = The total block size scheduled to the UE during stat. time / (Total time slotscheduled to the UE * 2ms)

    Served Rate = The total block size scheduled to the UE during stat. time / stat. time length

    HS-SCCH Success Rate = time slot number scheduled to the UE during stat. time / total time slotnumber during stat. time

    When multi UEs share a HS-SCCH channel, they will share channel resource. So, HS-SCCH SuccessRate reflects the time ratio of a UE occupies HSDPA resource. The closer to 100% of total HS-SCCHSuccess Rate from UEs who share a HS-SCCH channel, the better schedule performance the system


    Served Rate = Scheduled Rate * HS-SCCH Success RateMac Layer Rate = Served Rate * (1- SBLER)

    Parameter Window

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    47 Huawei confidential, 2007-1047

    Supp lement for HSDPA Link Stat is t ic :

    3. IBLER, SBLER vs Res.BLER

    IBLER is 1st MAC-hs error block /total 1st MAC-hs transmission blocks. IBLERTarget can be configured on NodeB. And its statistic value in Probe is 1st SBLERin HSDPA Decoding Statistic Window.

    SBLER is MAC-hs error block / total MAC-hs transmission blocks, IBLER target

    configured on NodeB have an effect on SBLER, now the common value range ofSBLER is 10%~15%.

    Res.BLER means remain BLER, which is within RLC layer. One transmissionblock only after multi- times unsuccessful MAC -hs retransmission, will becalculated as RLC layer error block, stat. to Res.BLER. Res.BLER is approximateto 0 in normal instance.

    Parameter Window

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    48 Huawei confidential, 2007-1048

    HSUPA Param eter Windo w

    1. HSUPA DL Channel Configuration

    Parameter Window

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    49 Huawei confidential, 2007-1049

    HSUPA Param eter Windo w

    1. HSUPA DL Channel Configuration (Cont.)

    Parameter Window

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    50 Huawei confidential, 2007-1050

    HSUPA Param eter Windo w

    1. HSUPA DL Channel Configuration (Cont.)

    Parameter Window

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    51 Huawei confidential, 2007-1051

    HSUPA Param eter Windo w

    1. HSUPA DL Channel Configuration (Cont.)

    Parameter Window

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    52 Huawei confidential, 2007-1052

    HSUPA Param eter Windo w

    2. HSUPA UL Channel Configuration

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    55 Huawei confidential, 2007-1055

    GENEX Overview

    GENEX Probe General Workflow

    Using Probe for HSDPA / HSUPA DT Data Collection

    Other Features

    Case Study

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    Indoor test

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    Walking test

    Suppor t indoor t es t

    Vertical test

    Walking test Automatic


    Vertical test

    Events auto-detection

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    59 Huawei confidential, 2007-1059

    Rich and comprehensive predefinedevents, for example, call setup, call drop,

    handover and so onData service analysis events

    2G/3G handover events

    Events displayed on graphs and maps

    Co-Activation of event, signaling data andmeasurement data facilitates problemlocation

    Customized event icons and alert tones

    HandoverComplete Attention!Call Drop!!

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    Project TemplateP j tT l t

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    61 Huawei confidential, 2007-1061

    Project Tem plate

    Site Verification





    The Probe supports customizing andloading project templates. All the projecttemplates are stored in the sub-folder ofthe Template Project folder. When theProbe is being installed, the followingdefault folders of different categories aregenerated.You can also set custom projecttemplates and save them in the directory.When multiple tests with a similar function

    are being performed, you can directlyopen the corresponding project templatebut need not carry out repeated projectsettings.

    Log file replay

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    1. Parameter Window layout

    2. Open logfile

    3. Set play speed4. Play logfile

    Route and event preview

    Logfile playing, multi-window co-activation

    5. Locate event

    Basicpro cedureofProbedataexpor t

    Export Data

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    63 Huawei confidential, 2007-1063

    Basic pro cedure of Probe data expor t

    1. select Export data 2. select target format3. set source file, destination

    file and data range

    4. select device andLog item to export

    5. start export

    BinTextQXDM (Qualcomm data format)Excel

    Data Format

    * Exported data used for post-processing of CWMeasurements data, data geographic binning andfilter.


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    64 Huawei confidential, 2007-1064

    GENEX Overview

    GENEX Probe General Workflow

    Using Probe for HSDPA / HSUPA DT Data Collection

    Other Features

    Case Study


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    65 Huawei confidential, 2007-1065

    Case1. Inter-RAT handover test

    Case2. WCDMA inter-frequency handover test

    Case1. Inter-RAT handover test

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    66 Huawei confidential, 2007-1066

    Inter-RAT hand ov er test

    Event observation Location of handover point

    Case1. Inter-RAT handover test

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    67 Huawei confidential, 2007-1067

    Messages and measurementfrom different networks

    Inter-RAT h ando ver

    Time of Handoversignaling

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    ase . n er- requency an over testWCDMAinter f requencyh andov erprocess

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    69 Huawei confidential, 2007-1069

    Signalingobservation before


    WCDMA inter-f requency h andov er process

    ase . n er- requency an over testWCDMAinter-f requencyh andov erprocess

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    70 Huawei confidential, 2007-1070

    Observe it again, and thefrequency handover to 2132.40

    WCDMA inter-f requency h andov er process

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