Download - 05-09-17, Tuesday - Study IQ Education05-09-17, Tuesday Prashant Mavani, is an expert in current affairs analysis and holds a MSc in Management for University of Surrey (U.K.). Above

Page 1: 05-09-17, Tuesday - Study IQ Education05-09-17, Tuesday Prashant Mavani, is an expert in current affairs analysis and holds a MSc in Management for University of Surrey (U.K.). Above


Page 2: 05-09-17, Tuesday - Study IQ Education05-09-17, Tuesday Prashant Mavani, is an expert in current affairs analysis and holds a MSc in Management for University of Surrey (U.K.). Above
Page 3: 05-09-17, Tuesday - Study IQ Education05-09-17, Tuesday Prashant Mavani, is an expert in current affairs analysis and holds a MSc in Management for University of Surrey (U.K.). Above


• Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishna

• Lifeitselfisthebiggestteacher.• Ateacherisnotateacherwithoutastudent.• Twowayprocess:Bothcanlearnfromeachother.• Itistimenowthatwealsostartcelebratingstudentsday.

Page 4: 05-09-17, Tuesday - Study IQ Education05-09-17, Tuesday Prashant Mavani, is an expert in current affairs analysis and holds a MSc in Management for University of Surrey (U.K.). Above
Page 5: 05-09-17, Tuesday - Study IQ Education05-09-17, Tuesday Prashant Mavani, is an expert in current affairs analysis and holds a MSc in Management for University of Surrey (U.K.). Above


Page 6: 05-09-17, Tuesday - Study IQ Education05-09-17, Tuesday Prashant Mavani, is an expert in current affairs analysis and holds a MSc in Management for University of Surrey (U.K.). Above
Page 7: 05-09-17, Tuesday - Study IQ Education05-09-17, Tuesday Prashant Mavani, is an expert in current affairs analysis and holds a MSc in Management for University of Surrey (U.K.). Above
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• NorthKorea:Unabatedadventurismcontinues• 6th nuclearweapontest:Hydrogenbomb• H-bombledIntercontinentalBallisticMissile

• Outrightrejectionofa) Non-proliferationb) Internationaltestbans

• 6.3magnitudeearthquake• 7timesstrongerthanHiroshimaandNagasakibombs

Page 9: 05-09-17, Tuesday - Study IQ Education05-09-17, Tuesday Prashant Mavani, is an expert in current affairs analysis and holds a MSc in Management for University of Surrey (U.K.). Above


• Rootsofcrisis:KoreanWarofearly1950s• ColdWarandbi-polarworld• SouthKoreabecameallyofUSA• NorthKoreabecameallyofUSSR

• Itisapoorcountry• Facesfood-insecurityandreportedfamines• Undevelopedandpoorpeople

Page 10: 05-09-17, Tuesday - Study IQ Education05-09-17, Tuesday Prashant Mavani, is an expert in current affairs analysis and holds a MSc in Management for University of Surrey (U.K.). Above


qThreereasons1. Parityinmilitaryprowesswith5strongestnuclearpowers:

Targetachieved2. KimFamilyRule:3rd GenerationKimJong-un3. Keepingexternalinterventionsawayfromdictatorship

Page 11: 05-09-17, Tuesday - Study IQ Education05-09-17, Tuesday Prashant Mavani, is an expert in current affairs analysis and holds a MSc in Management for University of Surrey (U.K.). Above


• IndiahascondemnedrecentH-bombtest• Negativeimpactonstockmarket• Nuclearangel:Pakistan• Bigpicture:Economicdevelopment• Japan• SouthKorea• USA

• IndiaasarisingleaderofAsia:Itisnotgoodforthefutureoftheregion

Page 12: 05-09-17, Tuesday - Study IQ Education05-09-17, Tuesday Prashant Mavani, is an expert in current affairs analysis and holds a MSc in Management for University of Surrey (U.K.). Above
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USA• Earliersteps:

• Noneofitworked:MadeNorthKoreamoreferocious• FireandFury:Nuclearweaponsarelockedandloaded• TopacifyitsallySouthKorea• WillcuttradetieswithnationsdealingwithNorthKorea:pointingdirectlytowardsChina• ItwantsChinatosolelyreignNorthKorea





Page 14: 05-09-17, Tuesday - Study IQ Education05-09-17, Tuesday Prashant Mavani, is an expert in current affairs analysis and holds a MSc in Management for University of Surrey (U.K.). Above


• Earlier:

• Now:








Page 15: 05-09-17, Tuesday - Study IQ Education05-09-17, Tuesday Prashant Mavani, is an expert in current affairs analysis and holds a MSc in Management for University of Surrey (U.K.). Above


• SouthKorea:Landboundary• SouthKorea’sPresidentwasinfavouroftalks• Standchanged:THAAD (USA’sMissileDefenceSystem)• Note:ManypeopleinSouthKoreaareopposedtoit• Japan:StonethrowawayfromNorthKorea• BothJapanandSouthKoreahavesignificantlyincreasedtheirdefencecapabilities;spendingonmissileshavegoneup

Page 16: 05-09-17, Tuesday - Study IQ Education05-09-17, Tuesday Prashant Mavani, is an expert in current affairs analysis and holds a MSc in Management for University of Surrey (U.K.). Above


• Talks:bestoption• China:nosolodeals• Itimpactsitseconomicties

• BackedbyRussia:• SuggestthatUSAshouldremoveweapons• ThenNorthKoreacanbepersuaded

Page 17: 05-09-17, Tuesday - Study IQ Education05-09-17, Tuesday Prashant Mavani, is an expert in current affairs analysis and holds a MSc in Management for University of Surrey (U.K.). Above


• FightofUSA’sego?• Whyothercountriesaredraggedin?• Pastsolutions:USAhasdealtandtalkedwithitsearlierenemies• Whynotthistime

Page 18: 05-09-17, Tuesday - Study IQ Education05-09-17, Tuesday Prashant Mavani, is an expert in current affairs analysis and holds a MSc in Management for University of Surrey (U.K.). Above


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• PolarSatelliteLaunchVehicle• WorkhorseofISRO:Activesincelast24years• Success:39/41• 31st Aug2017,PSLVC-39:Missionfailed• Earlieritwasin1993whenitfailed• WorldRecord:104satellitesinonego

Page 20: 05-09-17, Tuesday - Study IQ Education05-09-17, Tuesday Prashant Mavani, is an expert in current affairs analysis and holds a MSc in Management for University of Surrey (U.K.). Above

IRNSS• IndianRegionalNavigationSatelliteSystemakaNavigationwithIndianConstellation(NavIC)• IRNSS:Constellationof7satellites• IRNSS-1A:Atomicclockfailed• ThesecreatesgapsinthenavigationdatasentbyIRNSS• IRNSS-1H:the8th satellitewassupposetoreplaceIRNSS-1A

• ButwhyIRNSS/NavIC?• Self-reliance:GPSisUSAbased.InKargil war,wewerenotallowedGPSaccess• Encryptedandaccuratepositioning• Commercial,militaryanddaytodayuse

Page 21: 05-09-17, Tuesday - Study IQ Education05-09-17, Tuesday Prashant Mavani, is an expert in current affairs analysis and holds a MSc in Management for University of Surrey (U.K.). Above


• Heatshieldseparation:Itisaminoroperationwhichtakesplaceoncetherocketcrossesanaltitudeof100-110km.• Atthisaltitudethetemperaturegenerallydoesnotdamagethesatellite.

Page 22: 05-09-17, Tuesday - Study IQ Education05-09-17, Tuesday Prashant Mavani, is an expert in current affairs analysis and holds a MSc in Management for University of Surrey (U.K.). Above


• IRNSS-1H:JointlyassembledbyISROandBengalurubaseprivatecompany• 1st timeasingleprivateplayerwasinvolvedinbuildingsatellite• Generally:consortiumofplayers• 2018:ISROhasthrownopenitsdoorstoprivatecompaniestobuild18spacecraft.• Reminder:Utmostcareandscrutinybeforeeverylaunch• SpaceDiplomacy:SouthAsiaSatellite• Fornow,itsimagewillnotgetaffected

Page 23: 05-09-17, Tuesday - Study IQ Education05-09-17, Tuesday Prashant Mavani, is an expert in current affairs analysis and holds a MSc in Management for University of Surrey (U.K.). Above


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• MemberofASEAN• MemberofBIMSTEC• India’sforeignpolicy:• Neighbourhoodfirst• ActEast• Indiandiaspora

Page 25: 05-09-17, Tuesday - Study IQ Education05-09-17, Tuesday Prashant Mavani, is an expert in current affairs analysis and holds a MSc in Management for University of Surrey (U.K.). Above


• Strongculturalties• Peopletopeople:Pillarofrelationbetweenanycountries• Diasporarelationship• Vipassyana:ReturnedtoIndiafromMyanmar• Buddhismisastronglink

• Bagan:ArchaeologicalSurveyofIndiaisface-liftingAnandaTemple• Pagodarestoration:Indiancabinetapproval• PMwillvisitYangon:Indiancommunity

Page 26: 05-09-17, Tuesday - Study IQ Education05-09-17, Tuesday Prashant Mavani, is an expert in current affairs analysis and holds a MSc in Management for University of Surrey (U.K.). Above


• Traderelationssurvivedeveninturbulentperiods• 1960s:Militarygovernmenttookover• 1980s:Westernsanctions

Page 27: 05-09-17, Tuesday - Study IQ Education05-09-17, Tuesday Prashant Mavani, is an expert in current affairs analysis and holds a MSc in Management for University of Surrey (U.K.). Above


• Steadygrowthindefencerelations:NavyandArmy• NationalSecurityAdvisorlevel:Talksareon• IndianinsurgentgroupsareactiveinMyanmar• TroublemakersforNorthEasternState:Surgicalstrikes

qBilateralagreements• Capacitybuilding• Health• Culture• Development• MaritimeSecurity

Page 28: 05-09-17, Tuesday - Study IQ Education05-09-17, Tuesday Prashant Mavani, is an expert in current affairs analysis and holds a MSc in Management for University of Surrey (U.K.). Above

Fundamentals:Bilateralrelations• India’s$2billiondevelopmentpartnershipwithMyanmar

• Directlyfundedconnectivityprojectsa) TrilateralHighway:India-Myanmar-Thailandb) Kaladan MultimodalTransportandTransitProject


• MyanmarInstituteofInformationTechnology:Humandevelopment• Others:Entrepreneurship,languagetrainingetc.• Borderdevelopmentprojects:ChinandNaga

• Fewcountriesdothisatthislevel• By2020:Baseandmass

Page 29: 05-09-17, Tuesday - Study IQ Education05-09-17, Tuesday Prashant Mavani, is an expert in current affairs analysis and holds a MSc in Management for University of Surrey (U.K.). Above


• Indiaimportsbeansandpulses• Milliontonnes=$1billion• 90%pulsesandbeansareexportedtoIndia• VitalforfarmersofMyanmar• FoodsecurityofIndia• For-exsourceforMyanmar• MorethanriceexportofMyanmartoChina

• Indiaaimstodiversifythetraderelations:in2012itsetatargetofhitting$3billion

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• BetweentwoAsiangiants:IndiaandChina• Myanmarwantseconomicgrowthandoveralldevelopment• China:Extractiverelationship• Naturalresources• BayofBengal:OilandGas,OBOR,Kyaukpyu naturaldeepseaharbour

• IndiaisconcernedaboutgrowingChineseshadow• Chinesewayofcolonisation

Page 31: 05-09-17, Tuesday - Study IQ Education05-09-17, Tuesday Prashant Mavani, is an expert in current affairs analysis and holds a MSc in Management for University of Surrey (U.K.). Above

Rohingya Crisis

• Rohangiya militantvs Myanmarsecurityforces• 1kpeopledied• Breedinggroundforradicalisation

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• Purebilateralvisit• In2014:PMModivisitedMyanmarforASEAN• FormerPMMrSinghvisitedin2012• Muchwaterhasflown• 2015:Aung SanSuu Kyi• 2016:DonaldTrump• 2017:OBORandDoklamstandoff

Page 33: 05-09-17, Tuesday - Study IQ Education05-09-17, Tuesday Prashant Mavani, is an expert in current affairs analysis and holds a MSc in Management for University of Surrey (U.K.). Above

9th BRICSSummit:ChinaqTerrorism• Brazil,Russia,India,ChinaandSouthAfrica(BRICS)groupjointlynamedPakistanibasedgroups(JeM andLeT)asterroristorganisations.• Expressedconcernsregardingregionalsecuritysituation• ChangeinChineseposition

• Earlieritkeptputtingtechnical• UnitedNationSecurityCouncil:5permanentmembers+10non-permanent• TerrorismisdealtbyUNSC’s1267committee• P5:vetopower• Chinausedtokeepatechnicalhold:specialtieswithPakistan• ThisworkedasashieldforJeM leaderMasoodAzhaar

Page 34: 05-09-17, Tuesday - Study IQ Education05-09-17, Tuesday Prashant Mavani, is an expert in current affairs analysis and holds a MSc in Management for University of Surrey (U.K.). Above
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9th BRICSSummit:China

• Condemnedterrorisminallforms• Therecantbeanygoodorbadterrorists:Nodoublestandard• CondemnedterroristattacksworldwideandoverBRICScountries.• Indiaofferstoconductaglobalconferenceoncounteringradicalisation.• WillhaveBRICS• WillhaveASEAN• Shareyourpositiveexperience

Page 36: 05-09-17, Tuesday - Study IQ Education05-09-17, Tuesday Prashant Mavani, is an expert in current affairs analysis and holds a MSc in Management for University of Surrey (U.K.). Above

9th BRICSSummit:China• ItisadiplomaticbreakthroughforIndia• Lastyear’sBRICSsummitinGoa,thesemovewasopposedbyChina.• Post-Doklam:• ManysaidthatChinawillbecomeproblem• Thingsareworkinginfavour

• PressurefromUSA:StandofDonaldTrumponPakistan• Note:Weshouldnottakeitasadiplomaticvictory• Pakbasedterrorgroupsgetstheirlogisticsfromabroad• Narrowdefinitionofterrorismwillbeselfdefeating

Page 37: 05-09-17, Tuesday - Study IQ Education05-09-17, Tuesday Prashant Mavani, is an expert in current affairs analysis and holds a MSc in Management for University of Surrey (U.K.). Above

9th BRICSSummit:China• Duringtherestrictedsessionofthesummit,PMModiraisedtheissueson


• Modijialsotalkedabout• Disasterresilientinfrastructure• DeepeningBRICSpartnership• UnderlinedmainstreamingofyouthbyBRICS

Page 38: 05-09-17, Tuesday - Study IQ Education05-09-17, Tuesday Prashant Mavani, is an expert in current affairs analysis and holds a MSc in Management for University of Surrey (U.K.). Above

9th BRICSSummit:China• ThegroupcalledforpeacefulsolutionforKoreanpeninsulaandcondemnedH-bombtestofNorthKorea• BRICSsupportfor:AfghanledandAfghan-ownedpeaceandnationalreconciliation,totheongoinginternationalefforts.• ModijisaidthatBRICScountriesareinworkinginmissionmode

• Eradicatepoverty• Health• Education• Foodsecurity• Sanitation• Genderequality• Energy

Page 39: 05-09-17, Tuesday - Study IQ Education05-09-17, Tuesday Prashant Mavani, is an expert in current affairs analysis and holds a MSc in Management for University of Surrey (U.K.). Above


• PMonIndia• Mostopeneconomiesintheworld• GSTthebiggesteverreform:onenationonemarket• Rankimprovedinglobalindices• Foreigndirectinvestmentinflowsareatanalltimehighrisingby40%.

• IndiahaspitchedforBRICSratingagency• Atpresent,threewesternagenciesholdover90%ofthesovereignratingsmarket.

• BRICSalsoexpresseditsconcernonprotectionismadoptedbysomecountries.

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• CERT-IN:ComputerEmergencyResponseSystem-India• Itisacybersecurityarmofthegovernment• Forsecurecommunication• GooglePixelphone+Jio SIMcards

• Preloadeddirectory• Includesnumbersofseniorbureaucrats

• RAX:afixedlandlinesecurecommunicationnetworkisinuse• Earlier,CERT-INhassoughtdetailsfrom30mobilesellingfirms• Important:personnelworkinginsensitivedepartments

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• NewRailwayMinisterPiyush Goyal saidhewillcontinuetorunonthetrackslaiddownbyhispredecessor.• SkillDevelopmentMinisterDharmendra PradhansaidthathewillseektomeetthePM’sexpectationofcreatingdignifiedjobopportunitiesfortheyouth.• Nitin Gadkari,saidhewilltrytoachievetargetslaiddownbyUmaBhartiji.• Leaderssaythatitsnotaboutpromotionordemotion,itsaboutworkingonassignmentsgivenbytheirleaderMrModi.

Page 42: 05-09-17, Tuesday - Study IQ Education05-09-17, Tuesday Prashant Mavani, is an expert in current affairs analysis and holds a MSc in Management for University of Surrey (U.K.). Above

Dhruv Helicopters

• HindustanAeronauticsLtd.(HAL)signedacontractwithNavyandArmy.• 41Dhruv-AdvancedLightHelicopters(ALH)• Dhruv isindigenouslydesignedanddevelopedbyHAL.• ItsengineShaktiisjointlydevelopedwithTurbomeca ofFrance.• Dhruv isalifelineforsoldiersinSiachen andheights• Slowpaceofproductionisabighurdle

Page 43: 05-09-17, Tuesday - Study IQ Education05-09-17, Tuesday Prashant Mavani, is an expert in current affairs analysis and holds a MSc in Management for University of Surrey (U.K.). Above

Farukkabad hospitaldeaths• 49infantsdied• Itisallegedthatlackofoxygenisthereason• Between20thJulyto21stAugust,49childrendiedinRamManoharLohia HospitalofFarrukhabad.• Afterallegationsofmedicalnegligenceandpaucityofoxygensurfaced,ChiefMinister'sofficesoughtdetailedreportoftheincidentandamagisterialenquirywasorderedintothecasebyDistrictMagistrate.• ProbecommitteeconfirmedtheallegationsandcasewasregisteredagainsttheChiefMedicalOfficerandChiefMedicalSuperintendentandanotherdoctorinFarrukhabad kotwali lastnight.• FindoutmoreabouthealthsectorofIndiabyclicking oryoucangothroughthevideosectionofStudyIQYoutube Channel

Page 44: 05-09-17, Tuesday - Study IQ Education05-09-17, Tuesday Prashant Mavani, is an expert in current affairs analysis and holds a MSc in Management for University of Surrey (U.K.). Above


• RBItoldparliamentarypanelthatitshasnoinformationon1. Howmuchblackmoneyhasbeenextinguished?2. Howmuchunaccountedcashlegitimisedthroughexchangeofcurrency

postnoteban.• Italsosaidthatithasnoinformationwhetherdemonetisationisplannedtobeimplementedatregularintervals.

Page 45: 05-09-17, Tuesday - Study IQ Education05-09-17, Tuesday Prashant Mavani, is an expert in current affairs analysis and holds a MSc in Management for University of Surrey (U.K.). Above


• LargestlandmammalsinCentralAmerica• InternationalUnionforConservationofNature(IUCN):Baird’stapirisatriskofextinction.• Category:MostThreatened

Page 46: 05-09-17, Tuesday - Study IQ Education05-09-17, Tuesday Prashant Mavani, is an expert in current affairs analysis and holds a MSc in Management for University of Surrey (U.K.). Above


• LackofregularcircadiansleepmaybethereasonbehindAttentionDeficitHyperactivityDisorder(ADHD).• Thisruinsyouconcentrationpower:Somakesureyouhaveagoodnightsleep

Page 47: 05-09-17, Tuesday - Study IQ Education05-09-17, Tuesday Prashant Mavani, is an expert in current affairs analysis and holds a MSc in Management for University of Surrey (U.K.). Above
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Page 49: 05-09-17, Tuesday - Study IQ Education05-09-17, Tuesday Prashant Mavani, is an expert in current affairs analysis and holds a MSc in Management for University of Surrey (U.K.). Above