Download - 04-11-2010, issue

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Tel: 905-670-1522, Fax: 416-661-7273 Vol.8 , No. 1030 Thursday, November 04, 2010 17 katak, Nanaksahi Calendar 542

Chemical cloud scare overin Toronto's east end

B.C. premier resigns

Our Heartiest Greetings on BANDI CHOR DIWAS

Residents in Toronto's east end have been given the all-

clear after a chemical cloud leaked from a Scarborough

plant on Wednesday.

The cloud was comprised of sulphuric acid mist.

The chemicals escaped from an overloaded filter, offi-

cials said. Emergency crews had established a command

post near 10 Chemical Court, near Lawrence and Morn-

ingside Avenues in Scarborough's south end.

Traffic was diverted and residents were told to

stay indoors.

The cloud had a strong sulphuric smell, accord-

ing to officers at the scene, and can cause irritation to the

skin. Fire officials say the wind dissipated much of

the cloud .

The address is home to the Chemtura Chemical Plant,

which produces calcium sulfonate grease – a high-per-

formance lubricant.

Const. Wendy Drummond said police contacted

several schools in the area and asked anyone in the area

of East Point Park to stay indoors.

William G. Miller Junior Public School, Heron

Park Junior Public School and Joseph Brant Senior Pub-

lic Senior School were among the schools near the plant.

B.C. Premier Gordon Campbell an-

nounced Wednesday that he will step

down from office, and is calling for a

leadership convention as soon as possi-

ble. The move comes as Campbell's

polling numbers have plummeted over

the much-maligned harmonized sales

tax, which has led to intense speculation

about his political future.

"Over the last few weeks, our

government has continued to move for-

ward with initiatives that will create

jobs, strengthen our economy and sup-

port families in every region of British

Columbia," Campbell told reporters,

making note of last week's announce-

ment of a 15 per cent personal income

tax cut. "It is clear to me that those ini-

tiatives have been overshadowed. And

when public debate becomes focused on

one person, as opposed to what's in the

best interest of the province of British

Columbia, we've lost sight of what is im-

portant. When that happens, it's time for

a change." Campbell declared his inten-

tions mere hours after calling a press

conference for 11:30 a.m. local time to

make an "important announcement."

Campbell has come under fire

from voters, opposition politicians and

even members of his own caucus over

the unpopular HST, which came into ef-

fect on July 1. The move sent Camp-

bell's popularity plummeting: only 12

per cent of respondents to an Angus

Reid poll conducted in September said

they approved of his job performance.

More recent polls put Campbell's sup-

port into single digits, a mere 9 per cent,

for the first time in his three terms in of-

fice. In early September, Campbell said

he would not step down despite calls for

his resignation from former en-

ergy minister Blair Lekstrom and

Liberal supporter Scott Nelson.

Lekstrom resigned from cabi-

net last spring, saying he had to

listen to the concerns of his con-

stituents who felt the govern-

ment badly mismanaged the

HST issue. Campbell was fur-

ther hammered over the income

tax cut, which critics called a

move designed solely to pander

to angry voters. The premier did,

however, concede to sending the

HST to a referendum after for-

mer premier Bill Vander Zalm

collected more than 700,000 sig-

natures on a petition to send the

issue to voters. The referendum is sched-

uled for September 2011.

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04 November 04, 2010 Courageous Journalism

Editorial India’s 26 years old crime against humanitySikhs still vividly remember the November 1984 Statesupervisednation- wide pogrom in which over10, 000 innocent Sikhs wereput to death by Hindu mobs, organized by the state & lead by rulingCongress party leaders, for which crime againsthumanity no one has been found guilty in India

If India’s morally repugnant rulers

think that the Sikhs, after a short pas-

sage of only twenty six years, have

forgotten how over ten thousand in-

nocent Sikh men, women and chil-

dren were murdered mercilessly in

India, by armed Hindu mobs, in a

state-supervised nationwide pogrom,

from Oct. 31 to November 3, 1984,

(launched with a ‘wink and a nod’ by

none other than the then Indian Prime

minister Rajiv Gandhi) then they

have another thing coming. The

world’s 26 million Sikhs will never

forget that heinous crime against hu-

manity by the fascist Indian state

which has been unable to find anyone

guilty in twenty six years. Some jus-

tice! A public appeal has been ad-

dressed to US President Barack

Obama, in the American media, on

the eve of his state visit to India start-

ing on 5 November, 2010, which is

appended below, and which seeks his

help during his stay in New Delhi.

The above mentioned infamous No-

vember 1984 anti-Sikh pogrom was

organized and led by the ruling Con-

gress Party mid-level leaders, who

had been given ‘a wink and a nod’ to

‘teach the Sikhs a lesson’ with a

bloody murder spree by the newly

appointed (through a back office in-

trigue) Indian Prime minister Rajiv

Gandhi, the young son of the dead

PM Mrs. Indira Gandhi, the late hus-

band of Mrs. Sonia Gandhi and fa-

ther of the dim-witted effeminate

‘pretender to the Indian Prime minis-

ter’s throne’ Rahul Gandhi. Every

Sikh remembers that, twenty six

years ago, armed mobs of Hindu

thugs rampaged through Sikh locali-

ties of major Indian cities (Delhi,

Calcutta, Lucknow, Cownpore,

Patna, Bokaro, Jabalpur et al,) sys-

tematically raping, burning and

killing members of the Sikh minority

a la the brutal Imperial Japanese Oc-

cupation Army’s three month long in-

famous pogrom, known as the ‘Rape

of Nanking’, China, which bloody

spree lasted from December 13, 1937

to February 1938. The above men-

tioned November 1984 Indian state-

sponsored pogrom, which followed

PM Mrs. Indira Gandhi’s assassina-

tion on 31 Oct. 1984, draws attention

to the state of the Indian state, and it’s

so called rule of law. As everyone is

aware the over ten thousand mur-

dered victims, all from the minority

Sikh community, were put to death

because they looked and dressed like

Sikhs. Although 26 years have gone

by, the widely known guilty murder-

ers/thugs of the Congress party, like

Messrs Parkash Shastri, Sajjan

Kumar, Jagdish Tytler, Kamal Nath,

and others of that ilk, who led the

Hindu mobs, have not been punished,

or even tried, and in fact they have

prospered under Mrs. Sonia Gandhi’s

patronage. Hundreds of complaints

by the Sikh victims, backed by affi-

davits, witnesses and evidence, have

disappeared in the ‘black hole’ of the

Indian judicial system waiting for

justice. Obviously the evil nexus of

the Brahmin/Bania Indian ruling

elite, which struts around in New

Delhi, (a city built in early 20th cen-

tury, by the Colonial British on stolen

Sikh gurdwara lands) wants the de-

lays to go on ad infinitum so that

eventually there will be no witnesses

left who saw and experienced the

state-supervised November 1984

pogrom. And, they wrongly hope that

patriotic Sikh activists will give up

their quest for justice for the mass

murder of the over ten thousand in-

nocent men, women and children of

the Sikh minority who were mur-

dered in cold blood (and the billions

of rupees of property which was de-

stroyed by arson and loot) by Hindu

mobs in the November 1984 week of

terror. This is Justice Indian style!

Just over six years ago

website carried an article headlined,

“Light a candle for Sikhs slaughtered

by Congress hoods,” on November

01, 2004, which vividly described-

what had transpired in Delhi during

the four days during the November

1984 state-supervised anti-Sikh

pogrom. The writer urged the read-

ers, “to light a candle in your win-

dow. And whisper a silent prayer in

memory of thousands of Sikh men,

women and children slaughtered by

Congress hoodlums 20 years ago. In

Delhi alone, thousands of Sikhs were

burned alive, butchered or beaten to

death. Women were raped while their

terrified families pleaded for mercy,

little or none of which was shown by

the Congress flag-bearers. In one of

the numerous such incidents, a

woman was gang-raped in front of

her 17-year-old son; before leaving,

the marauders torched the boy. For

three days and nights the killing and

pillaging continued without the po-

lice, the civil administration and the

Union government, which was then

in direct charge of Delhi, lifting a fin-

ger in admonishment. The Congress

was in power, and senior Congress

leaders, perhaps for the first time in

their political careers, led from the

front while the prime minister, his

home minister, indeed the entire

council of ministers, twiddled their

thumbs. Even as stray dogs gorged

on rotting human entrails, gutters

were clogged with charred corpses

and wailing women, clutching chil-

dren too frightened to cry, fled bay-

ing mobs armed with iron rods,

staves and gallons of kerosene.The

three million strong prosperous and

vociferous Sikh diaspora, (unlike

their twenty three million belea-

guered Sikh compatriots suffering

under the Brahmin’s heal, and cap-

tive in the Indian ‘map’, since 1947,

behind a barbed wire ‘Berlin Wall’ on

the Indo-Pakistan border) are FREE

and have a long memory, an active

political lobby, a strong political will

and vast resources to back its ambi-

tions. The three million strong Sikh

diaspora, must resolve to help their

23 million compatriots in South Asia

carve an independent, sovereign,

democratic, water/food-rich buffer

state of Khalistan, stretching from the

Jumna River in the East to the Pak-

istan border in the West. If the Jewish

diaspora could create an Israel, in

1948, so can the Sikh diaspora! Sikh

majority Khalistan is destined to act

as a bridge of peace and commerce to

bring the oil/gas of Central Asia to

the South Asian subcontinent and

carry manufactured goods and food

etc., of South Asia to the Stans of

Central Asia, Iran and China.The

Public appeal by American Sikhs(

mentioned in paragraph one above)

addressed to US President Barack

Obama to help find justice for the

survivors of the November 1984 anti-

Sikh pogrom, (when he will be in

India on a state visit on 5 November,

2010,) published in the US media, is

appended below:-

Advertisement in the OP-Ed section

of the Washington Times on 3 No-

vember, 2010 APPEAL TOPRESI-





RACY - INDIARespected Mr. Pres-

ident:Unlike the United States, where

the first amendment to the U.S. Con-

stitution, has guaranteed for over two

centuries, a U.S. citizen’s freedom of

speech, and the freedom of press -

among other freedoms - the first

amendment to the Indian constitution

started a slow march towards a cor-

rupt neo-fascist, intolerant, dynastic

Hindu state. This first amendment

was passed in 1950, by the parlia-

ment of ‘Free’ India which had ear-

lier approved a Constitution - which

the minority Sikh community did not

accept – but, which did guarantee

‘Free Speech’ to every Indian citizens

(Continued to next page)

by Dr. Amarjeet Singh

An appeal to President Barack Obama before he embarks on hisState visit to a country which masquerades as a democracy- INDIA

Dr. Solomon Naz(416-661-7272)


God in different times; in diverse manners; spoke in times past to our

fathers; through prophets and teachers. This revelation came to us

through the revelation of the Truth in many signs and mysterious ways.

These parables tell the truth about God and His concern and care about

us. All religion is lost in the fact that we have to search the divinity of

Godhead through our work of faith. This type of spiritual institution

fails man. You simply cannot comprehend God by your good works

and deeds of Charity.

No matter we understand or not; but the love of God for His

creation has been manifested in His love and His redemption acts in

all the religious books and parables in many signs and manners. The

theme of His redemptive power is strewn in the spiritual fiber of our

spirituality. Diwali in all its intents and purpose is an act of deliverance

of Sita from the clutches of death and destruction called Ravna. It is a

victory of good over evil. It is a triumph of life over death. It is an an-

nihilation of darkness over light. That is the totality of the whole con-

cept of Diwali Gospel truth.

The commercialism just as the day of Christmas has lost the

inner core of Diwali and turned it as the worship of a deity called Lak-

shmi or the goddess of wealth. Burning of a candle can illuminate your

house, but it cannot enlighten your inner self. Remember on this day

the 5000,000 hungry Indians who sleep without food; or the 30% pros-

titutes who sell their body to fill their belly.

In some mysterious way this day is sacred to the Jain religion

also as the founder of this religion Lord Mahavir was born on this day.

His path finding of mankind from confusion to enlightenment is an

endless way from darkness to light. It is an act of deliverance in itself.

It is to lead from darkness to light.

In fact if you ask me, the whole Gospel no matter it is Bud-

hist, Jain, Christian, Islam or sikh is; to lead mankind and all the plan-

etary system of life from darkness to light. It delivers man from death

to life. It sets the captives free from the bonds of sinful creature called

death. How it happens is a systematic theological string of doctrines

that tells that no perfection and spiritual atonement is possible without

blood sacrifice. From ancient times it is a common thread in all heathen

religions and theological system that the blood sacrifice is the founda-

tion of all altars. Sacrifices of animals in Hawans, Yagiyas, Ashumev

yagiyas; even human sacrifice was a common occurrence in all reli-

gions. How it got engraved and how the old man started it; it is beyond

human imagination. Sacrifice is the foundation of all human deliver-

ance and an act of redemption from sin and social evils. It is the foun-

dation stone for all ideology and religious philosophy. In todays’

Christianity; the crucification of Christ and shedding of his blood for

the sins of the whole world is the corner stone of their belief system.

For Sikh this day of Deliverance called “Bandhi CHhor has a special

significance. Guru Hargobind being captive of the Mughal king in

Gawalior gaol; not only was instrumental in his own deliverance; but

got 52 other Chieftains free on this auspicious day.

To my mind somehow, the festivities on such a sacred day

got confined to the lightening up of some “Diva” alone. Where as; the

inner truth goes beyond it. It should be rightly called the day of deliv-

erance. The word Bandhi Chhor means Deliverance or redemption.

Lead kindly light from darkness to light. To all our readers; our deep

deep Diwali greetings.

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05 November 04, 2010 Courageous Journalism

India’s 26 years old crime against humanityunder article 19 (1) (a). To India’s eternal

shame, this first amendment to the Indian

constitution, was pushed through the Parlia-

ment, by the brute majority of the ruling Con-

gress party, which amendment has since then

curtailed the right of Indian citizen’s to free-

dom of speech and freedom of press etc.,

etc.Over the years, India has become a coun-

try where state-sponsored pogroms against

ethnic minorities like the Sikhs, Christians,

Muslims, Tribals, Dalits and landless peas-

ants, have become a norm. Even today, Sikh

leader Bhai Daljit Singh and dozens of other

Sikh activists are incarcerated for many

months in Punjab jails for asking for self de-

termination for the 26 million strong Sikh

‘nation’ and for distributing pictures of the

late Sant Bhindranwale who was proclaimed

as the greatest Sikh of the 20th century by the

Sikh community. Just holding elections has

not made India a democracy, Mr.

President!No wonder 26 years ago, in No-

vember 1984, the then power-drunk Prime

Minister of India, Rajiv Gandhi, (late hus-

band of Mrs. Sonia Gandhi and son of PM In-

dira Gandhi) launched an anti-Sikh pogrom,

with ‘a wink and a nod’ and a vicious lament

for mass murder of Sikhs, a la King Henry II

of England’s famous quip, in 1170 AD, for

Archbishop Becket’s head. This resulted in

the killing of over 10, 000 innocent Sikh men,

women and children, all over India, including

the capital city of Delhi, by armed Hindu

mobs organized and directed by uniformed

local Police. Innocent Sikh men, women and

children were murdered, burnt and raped be-

cause they looked like Sikhs. Even twenty six

years later, no one has been found guilty in

India, for the Nov. 1984 mass murder of

Sikhs. Yet, India claims to be the world’s

‘largest democracy’. Some Democracy Mr.

President!Just like last year, this year too,

pro-Khalistan organizations have organized

a complete shutdown on November 3, 2010,

in the Sikh Homeland of Indian Occupied

Punjab, to mark the 26th anniversary of the

above-mentioned November 1984 anti-Sikh

pogrom. On Monday, November 1, 2010, the

American-Sikh community (there are over

half a million prosperous and happy Ameri-

can-Sikhs in these United States) held a big

rally, to SHAME INDIA, organized by Sikhs

for Justice, outside the United Nations, in

New York - a memorandum was submitted to

the UN Human Rights Commission. The

New York rally by American-Sikhs, among

other things, was meant to respectfully urge

you Mr. President, to forcefully bring up the

issue of justice for the victims of the Nov.

1984 mass murder of Sikhs in India, when

you meet the Indian leadership, on November

6th, in New Delhi, during your coming state

visit to the Indian demoNcracy. Advertise-

ment sponsored by the following American-

Sikh organizations and Gurdwaras:-1.

American Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee,

representative body of 45 American Gurd-

waras 2. Gurdwara Singh Sabha of Washing-

ton–WA 3.

Gurdwara Siri Guru Teg Bahadar

Sahib, Kent-WA 4. Gurdwara Sahib, Fre-

mont–CA 5. Gurdwara Sikh Center of S.E.

Bay Area, Elsobrante–CA 6. Gurdwara Pa-

cific Coast Khalsa Diwan Society, Stockton–

CA 7. Gurdwara Sahib, Tierra Buena, Yuba

City–CA 8. Gurdwara Sahib Washington Rd.

Yuba City–CA 9. Gurdwara Sahib, Bradshaw

Rd, Sacramento–CA 10. Gurdwara Kalghidar

Sahib, Selma–CA 11. Gurdwara Dashmesh

Darbar, Tulheri–CA 12. Gurdwara Guru

Nanak Mission, Bakersfield–CA 13. Gurd-

wara Siri Guru Singh Sabha, Walnut–CA 14.

Gurdwara Sikh Study Circle, Vermont, LA–

CA 15. Gurdwara Guru Nanak Sahib, Clover

Rd. Tracy–CA 16. Gurdwara Gurmat

Parkash, Manteca–CA 17. Gurdwara Sikh

Religious Society, Palatine– IL 18. Gurdwara

Guru Nanak Sikh Society, Indianoplis–IN 19.

Gurdwara Singh Sabha, Kalamazoo– MI 20.

Gurdwara Sikh Center of Gulf Coast, Hous-

ton–TX 21. Gurdwara Singh Sabha, Dallas–

TX 22. Gurdwara Sikh Center of

Flushing–NY 23. Gurdwara Ramgarhia Sikh

Society of America–NY 24. Sikh Sangat of

Conneticut State 25. Gurdwara Singh Sabha,

Carteret-NJ 26. Gurdwara Dashmesh Darbar,

Port Reading–NJ 27. Guru Sikh Society of

Philadelphia–PS 28. Gurdwara The Sikh As-

sociation of Baltimore–

MD 29. Sikh Gurdwara of Greater Washing-

ton–VA 30. Gurdwara Singh Sabha, Fairfax–

VA 31. Sikhs For Justice 32. Voices For

Freedom 33. Sikh Youth of America 34.

Awaz Punjab Di, Radio Programme, Bakers-

field– CA 35. Gatka Dal- CA

Dr. Amarjit Singh

Khalistan Affairs Center

Tel: 202-637-9210

Mobile phone: 917-821-7368

E-Mail: >[email protected]

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Dal Singh Puar Phone: 416-988-4882

Email: [email protected]

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