Download - 02W. Best News Coverage-12-06-2012


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The Voice of the StudentsVolume <VOLUME> • Number <##> <Date>


The Voice of the Students



Thursday TuesdaySunday MondaySaturdayFriday Wednesday52


44 39 39 36 41 42

25 18 12 18 19 21

VIEWPOINTS• 10 study tips• leaving the union?• SUN Center Whasssuppp?!• Calendar of events •page 3

What’s Inside . . .

December 6, 2012

SPORTS• MBB: dunkfest• WBB: winning at home• Todd Helgesen: people’s champ• Athlete highlights •page 6-7

LIFESTYLES• Campus concerts• Eastern gets “Framed”• Tyson Chappell• Pros & cons of oncampus living •pages 4-5

photo courtesy Kim Booth

The funeral professional of Jordan Hatch, associate professor for 15 1/2 years, along Huntington Main Street.

The Eagle staff’s letter to Santa

A pillar of USU Eastern’s fac-ulty was killed the evening of Nov. 21, after his pickup truck rolled off a mountain road in Emery County.

Jordan Hatch, 46, an associate professor in the heavy equipment and trucking department for the past 15 and 1/2 years, was driving down Gentry Mountain in a one-ton Chevrolet pick up truck with a cattle rack holding two horses in the bed of the truck.

According to Emery County Sheriff Greg Funk, Hatch lost control of the truck, which rolled at least one time down the road before going off a 150-foot em-bankment.

Faculty and staff were notified of Hatch’s accident on Nov. 23 by Chancellor Joe Peterson in a campus-wide email.

It was hard to find anyone on campus that did not have kind words to say about Hatch, his perpetual smile and his Emery County drawl. He was a guy that would be up long before the sun to take care of his cattle, work a full day on campus, then drive back to Emery County where he continued ranching. His full-time job every weekend was taking care of his ranching responsibili-ties. He never had much use for a vacation, he preferred to work,

that bought him happiness and satisfaction.

While the campus community was stunned over Hatch’s untimely death, some found time to reflect on their experiences of knowing Jordan and his friendship to ev-eryone he knew.

Anne Mackiewicz: “When I was planning out

the expansion of the preschool playground, the old foot-thick concrete wall was being removed. The problem was how to move it once the cuts were made in the existing wall and who would haul it away. I noticed a fork lift and front end loader near the dorms

and approached the operator to see if this was within their powers to help out. He told me I would need to check with Jordan who would be back in a while.

“When Jordan returned, I ex-plained my dilemma. He looked at the wall and I could tell he was deciding whether to tackle the project or not. He said okay. He then got into the front end loader and with the precision of a skilled surgeon, tilted the heavy wall into the bucket and hauled it to the waiting flat bed. He repeated this process with the remaining piece. When he was finished, he

The Utah State Board of Re-gents approved a change to its tuition policy with the intent of increasing the number of students who complete their college educa-tion in a timely manner.

Current policy allows for a tuition surcharge of double the current year’s tuition rate when students accumulate credit hours in excess of 135 percent of the number needed to graduate. The change reduces the threshold to 125 percent. The purpose of the excess credit hours policy is to discour-age students from accumulating credit hours beyond those needed to graduate without completing a

course of study leading to a degree. The policy change is in response to a legislative audit completed in 2011, which found that the existing excess credit hour policy is vague and seldom applied. The proposed revision is intended to accomplish the following:

·Require institutions to develop a process for notifying students that the surcharge may be implemented when they exceed 125% of the credits needed to graduate.

·Encourage students to ef-ficiently complete their program of study.

·Clarify how the number of

USU Eastern mourns loss of Professor Jordan Hatch

Tuition policies change

Shanna Framestaff writer

[email protected]

SUN Center’s Angel Tree still contains sever-al untaken an-gels. The Angel Tree is located in the Jennifer Leavitt Student Center next to the multi-purpose room. Angel Tree is a program run through United Way, to help less fortunate families have a good Christ-mas.

The tree is decorated with colorful angel cutouts. On the back of each angel is the gender

and age of a child, and one of the items they asked for is listed. Many of the children ask for clothes or books out of necessity. Many of the children only ask for one or two

special items out of the six that they are allowed to ask for when they apply.

Those who would like to take an angel may pick one up in the JLSC. They will need to sign their name and give their contact in for mat ion along with the number as-signed to their angel. All an-gels and their

Seth Richardsnews editor

[email protected]

After much contemplation, research and realizing that re-markably few events transpire in Price, USA, the Eagle staff has chosen 10 articles as the top-ten pieces of news for 2012.

10. Gochis Victorious in Election- article by Emily Wil-liams. Of the many things that did not take place this year at USUE, the election of an execu-

tive staff was one of them. Matt Gochis, student body president, Pete Yakovich, executive VP and Beth Liddell, activities VP all ran uncontested for student body presidency. (Lidell resigned over the summer and was replaced with Emily Willliams.)

9. USU Eastern Campus in State of Near Lockdown- article by Seth Richards. Shots were fired near campus and people were told to be careful while outdoors. Nobody was hurt and there was no Code Blue warning, but rumors

spread until there was a team of gunmen shooting up the campus.

8. Do Good Always-article by Karli Morris. After 27 years of building the SUN Center, Kathy Murray decided to retire when student services was restructured. Murray inspired a generation with her indomitable pioneer spirit and mantra, “do good always.”

7. USU Eastern Hires New Head Coach for Men’s Basket-ball Team- article by KC Smurth-waite. Coach Adjalma Vanderlei “Vando” Becheli Jr., from Brazil,

was hired in April to replace the late Coach Brad Barton.

6. Student Hit in Front of Jennifer Leavitt Student Cen-ter- article by Seth Richards. On December 13, 2011, Santana Tunney, 19, of New Mexico was hit by a car in front of the JLSC by a local driver.

5. The Purge of Utah State University System- article by Seth Richards. For not paying tuition on time, more than 500 stu-dents were dropped from classes

Karli Morriseditor-in-chief

[email protected]

With the uniting of Utah State University and the Department of Workforce Services at the Price campus, the art build-ing is being remod-eled with a new name and purpose.

The building will be converted into The Center for Workforce Preparation. Both credit and non-credit classes will be of-fered through the new platform. This means trade and technical certificates will be offered. Non-credit courses are measured by literal hours spent learning a given sub-ject, rather than in

credit hours. They are also non-transferable to other colleges and universities and do not go towards a formal degree.

In the proposal document for the center, it states that the programs

Art building re-purposed

After reflecting on what we have to be grateful for in November, The Eagle staff is now contemplating what we want for Christmas.

Dr. Susan Polster- Wants everyone in the world to have ac-cess to the basic necessities of life including food, shelter and clothing. She would also like everyone to have the opportunity for a college education.

Karli Morris - For Christmas I want new clothes, razor refills, a new laptop power cord and for all of the angel trees to be empty.

Shadayah Jones - This year for Christmas I would like to have a wonderful holiday shared with the people I love and who mean the most to me.

Hayden Peterson - I want to take a trip to another country and

Angels Up for Adoption

The Eagle’s top-ten stories of 2012

Angel tree in JLSCBringing in over 20,000

prospective students and earning $3 million in revenue, the USU Eastern summer camps have aug-mented auxiliaries since the ‘80s.

While the summer camps began as athletic camps; academic, field and youth camps

were added for revenue and stu-dents added to the bottom line.

Boys and girls basketball used to be the mainstay of the athletic camps as well as women’s vol-leyball. Volleyball camps were dropped in 2010, with boys and women’s basketball dropped in

2012. High school football camps are generating over 500 students each summer. Cross country has gone from 47 students in 2006 to 115 in 2012.

Overall the numbers of stu-dents attending camps dropped from a high of 837 in ‘06 to a low

of 645 in ‘12. The best year for attendance was in ‘07 when 995 students were on campus.

In revenue, the best year was ‘10 with $132,825 generated; the summer of ‘12 generated the least revenue of $84,940, down $38,000

FY12 FY11 FY10 FY09 FY08 FY07 FY06 TOTALS

Revenue $206,631 $186,522 $152,681 $152,101 $175,383 $146,319 $138,330 $1,157,967 Expenses $161,897 $128,821 $131,412 $160,720 $138,331 $133,650 $147,935 $1,002,766

Net Income $44,734 $57,701 $21,269 $(8,619) $37,052 $12,669 $(9,605) $155,201

CY11 CY11 CY10 CY09 CY08 CY07 CY06 TOTALSTotal Participants 1,160 1,305 1,229 1,378 1,159 1,417 1,137 8,785 Total Revenue $155,602 $193,869 $186,660 $159,878 $151,321 $169,831 $144,023 $1,161,184

Here is the camp year’s data:

The fiscal year data:

Summer programs bring revenue/students to college

see Hatch page 3

see Top-ten page 3

see Summer programs page 3

see Letter page 3

see Angels page 3

see Tuition page 3

see Art Building page 3

Scott Madsen helps clean out art by Matt Gochis/The Eagle


Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

page 3Viewpoints

In light of the fervor over the most recent presidential election, petitions have been drawn up requesting the president elect and executive administration consider letting any state able to acquire 25,000 digital signatures by Dec. 11, to secede from the union.

The petitions, available at pe-, offer the states peaceful withdrawal from the union, as per the mandate in the preamble of the Declaration of Independence and the right of the governed to abolish and create a new government if the current powers infringe on human rights.

As of Dec. 4, seven states had enough signatures to merit being considered for secession includ-ing Texas, Georgia, Louisiana, Florida, Alabama, North Carolina and Tennessee. South Carolina,

the state closest to 25,000 was 325 signatures short, while the state of Texas had more than 118,000. The state of Utah had 8,423 digital signatures.

The United States has devolved from the antics of Washington and Adams. The transition of power has become so messy that states would request independence before being subject to another four years of the Obama administration. The individuals who wrote the petitions have an admirable revolutionary

spirit, but they seem to forget that no government would relinquish power over states occupied in a manner other than militarily.

Last time the states saw fit to revolt, 620,000 people died in the war of northern aggression. More than 20,000 people have been killed in the current civil war in Syria. The Southern Sudanese civil war may have caused as many as 5,000 casualties in the last year.

I would request that anyone favoring secession from the Union

determine the price they are will-ing to pay for that liberty before signing the petition for indepen-dence. If revolution still seems favorable, then please sign for the Republic of Utah. The state needs a lit tle over 9,000 more sig-n a t u r e s t o j o i n the seven.

F i n a l s We e k

With final exams just around the corner for millions of college students, I have slapped together what I be-

lieve to be the most exam-tacular preparation tips those spoon-fed ivory tower eggheads have ever seen. If you are one of those sneering, liberal elites, you can choose to follow this advice to the letter, and don’t get seven A’s and a handshake from the mayor. Tip #1: Index Cards For every subject you’re studying, write down key facts and figures on a set of index cards. By carrying these cards around with you, you’ll be able to refer to them during spare minutes and other down time, enabling you to study on the bus, on the toilet, or while going to the toilet on the bus.

Tip #2: Highlighter Use a highlighter to color

words in your books. This will make it feel l i ke you’re

actually studying. Actua l ly studying

involves reading the words, which is also good, but

much more time consuming, and frankly discriminatory against people who don’t want to read. Tip #3: Study Group Try joining a study group to help you prepare for exams. Assign sections of the material to each person in the group, then make that person provide a summary of the key information in that section to the rest of the group. Because the effectiveness of this technique depends on the people involved, finding the right study group is important. An easy trick for this: if you cannot tell which one of your study friends is the dumb one, then it’s probably you. This is thus an excellent study group for you.

Tip #4: Not Kidding Anyone It’s time to admit that you’re hosed. There is no chance at all that you’ll be able to pull this off, and if we are being honest, you probably would be better off smacking yourself in the crotch with a hammer labeled “Self-Deception,” then you would be by study-ing. With that taken as fact, the smartest thing you could do right now is just give up and stop wasting time. Congratulations on making a very grown up decision. Tip #5: The Shame Having come to that mature decision, you can just picture your dad. And he’s not one of the I’m just disappointed in you types. FATHER: -an-gry- You spent $28,000 to play video

games? Don’t answer me. I don’t want to know the truth. I doubt it’s better. In fact, I think I’m actually being pretty charitable describing your life. Yeah, you honestly can’t live through several decades of that. So maybe it’s time to buck up and find an alternative solution. Study! Tip #6: Bomb Threats For the reasons described above (dads, yelling) bomb threats have become nearly ubiquitous on college campuses during exam season. Many au-thorities won’t delay exams upon receiving a threat, unless they perceive the threat is in some way credible. So, make your threat credible by blowing up a smaller, less im-portant building earlier in the week (without people of course). The drama building for example, the campus needs a new theatre. Tip #7: The Ringer Browse your local dat-ing website looking for people with pictures that look somewhat like you. Pretending to be someone else start a dialog, and over the course of a few private messages, see how smart they are. Eventually work the con-versation around to them writing an exam under a false name in exchange for some sort of favor. The success rate of this will depend sharply on how desperate people who look like you are for companionship. Tip #8: Technology Use computers in some way to cheat. Cell phones and such

are usually strictly forbidden during exams, but there are ways to use technology to get an edge. Try wrapping some C4 to a computer monitor, and pushing it into the elevator shaft of your chemistry building. Poof, instant delayed exam.

Tip #9: An Offer They Can’t Re-fuse After writing your exam, loiter around the exam room, attempting to be the last one to hand it in. When you do, shake the profes-sor’s hand, thanking him/her for teaching a good class. Use this opportunity to slip him/her some cash, or a note threatening him/her cat’s life. “Why did you write this using cut out magazine letters?” they ask. “I clearly know it was you who wrote it.” Sprint out of there before she can find any more holes in your plan and hide under a picnic table until everything blows over.

Tip #10: Illness- If you think you actually have a chance to pass this exam, but only if you had more time to study, please refer to the “Not Kidding Anyone” tip above. If you still think that way, consider becoming legally ill prior to the exam in order to obtain a doctor’s note. Eating uncooked chicken is a pretty good way to do this, but also consider entering an emergency room by dragging your rear end across the floor - the universal sign of irreversible intestinal distress.

C J Evans viewpoints editor

[email protected]

December 6, 2012 2

The Eagle College of Eastern Utah 451 East 400 North Price, UT 84501•SAC Room 109 Office: 435.613.5250 Fax: 435.613.5042 [email protected] • About The Eagle The Eagle — The Voice of the Students is an award-winning, school-sponsored student newspaper, published bi-weekly fall and spring semesters (excluding holidays) at College of Eastern Utah (CEU). A complete list of publication dates can be found online. • Distribution - The Eagle is distributed in all nonresidential buildings on the Price, UT campus, as well as at the LDS Institute of Religion. • Content - Eagle editors and staff are CEU students and are solely responsible for the newspaper’s content. Opinions expressed in The Eagle do not necessarily represent those of CEU, its staff or students. Columns & letters are the personal opinions of the individual writer. Funding comes from advertising revenues and a dedicated student fee administered by the Eastern Utah Student Association (EUSA). Information concerning advertising rates is available by e-mail at [email protected] or in the advertising section of The Eagle Online. • Ordering The Eagle - Subscriptions must be prepaid. Forward all subscription correspondence, including change of address to the adviser, Dr. Susan Polster via e-mail to [email protected] or mail care of The Eagle. The first issue is free, others 50 cents. • Submissions - We welcome comments, complaints, suggestions and recommendations. Send letters to the editor to [email protected]. All submissions must be received in The Eagle office no later than 5 p.m. the Friday prior to publication. All submissions become property of The Eagle and cannot be returned. All letters must be signed by the author(s). Also include contact information (telephone or address). No anonymous letters will be printed.

Dr. Susan A. Polsterfaculty adviser [email protected] [email protected] Emily Williamslifestyles [email protected] Evansviewpoints [email protected] Richardsnews [email protected] Withersphotography [email protected]

staff writersNathan [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

sports writersRyan [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

layout staffMike [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

ad managerBeth [email protected]

photographersEmilee [email protected] [email protected]

videographerMatt [email protected]

webmasterDezzi [email protected]

Whasssuppp?! by SUN Center

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

WBB vs CSI 5:30 p.m.MBB vs CSI 7:30 p.m.


If you have any suggestions for student government, please write them and drop them off in the suggestion box in the JLSC.


WBB vs NIC 3 p.m.MBB vs NIC 5 p.m.

10 11 12

Newspaper ProductionKids At Heart 11:30 a.m. @ SUN Center

Santa Night 6-8 p.m. @ JLSCMBB CSI TournamentWBB SNOW Tournament

Green Team Service 10 a.m.MBB CSI TournamentWBB SNOW Tournament

0906 07 08

1413 15 16

Dec. 06 - Dec. 23

Thumbs up for Aggie Ice Cream in the campus store in the JLSC, but thumbs down for having to pay for it. “But it’s still totally worth it,” says SUN Center leader, Jordan Sanders.

Thumbs down for too few garbage cans throughout campus; if garbage cans were more acces-sible, students would be more likely to throw their trash in the garbage cans rather than on the ground.

Thumbs up to all the free meals

provided by the LDS Institute this year, keeping the multitudes fed and happy! Thumbs up for ESA publicity efforts. It’s always fun to walk by Katniss and Chewbacca.

Thumbs up for RAs. Thanks for keeping USU Eastern’ campus safe.

Thumbs up for taking the deer trail shortcut across the lawn to the Reeves Building. Pie, turkey and too much to eat all came together for a thumbs up for a great Thanks-giving break.

Cold weather brings snow,

w h i c h b r i n g s t w o

thumbs way up for playing in it! Bring on the snowmobiling, snow-boarding, sledding, snowball fights, snow angels and snowmen. With the semester ending, everyone is headed home and out of town. That is a big thumbs down for everyone one staying in Price, but we will

see y’all a g a i n !

10 study tips for the insane

On the subject of states leaving the UnionSeth Richards

staff writer [email protected]

Christmas word searchG Y U L E L N G N I T A K S H D S S E RA N T Z I I N R U D O L P H O A G E N S T Z I G K I S C H O C O L A T E N V A EN E H P K X T N E S L E I G H R I R C I A T M C P C O C O A R E P A P B T A H L S U O O G A C H R I S T M A S R E C E I P T K R C A R D S M T T E P P E E S S M S L E G N A S W O B U A E P R G R N T A G N I D R A O B W O N S R R A N G O N F X A Y Y N A M W O N S E I O N I T W U T S E V L E O T E L T S I M C C G R F T I R E I N D E E R N E E K U L E E E L S D Y T I V I T A N N T L O E S R P D A J E C H I M N E Y T Y T S O R F U S I K S R Y E K R U T S G R I N C H D A N C E R C










Aggie ice cream, garbage cans, free meals, RAs, deer trail short cut across Reeve’s Building lawn

Jason Frederickson, Shanna Frame, Emma Rowley

H appy H olidays to all from The Eagle staff


Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

page 3

Beginning Jan. 2, 2013 you will notice some changes in

Dining Services Your meal plan may be used at the Golden Grille for two meals

a day. You will still have the $6 cash equivalency on your purchase. When your purchase goes over the $6 you will need to select an

alternative payment method for the difference.

Golden Grille:

Will be serving espresso latte’ and cappuccino beverages.

Will have extended hours, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday - Friday

Dining Room:Weekend Dining Service will be in the Dining Room

from 11:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.

We will not be closing between Brunch & Dinner.

Jay will be cooking at the dining room grill for weekend meals.

Serving times in the Dining Room - Monday-Friday will remain the

same. Lunch 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. and Dinner 5 – 6:30 p.m.

December 6, 2012

New sigN

Angels continued from page 1

Hatch continued from page 1

Tuition continued from page 1

Letter continued from page 1

Art Building continued from page 1

New sign replacing the 48-year-old marquee was finished in November. The sign was designed to create consistency and unity amongst the USU campuses. The campus will have to be creative in how it advertise their activities to the community, notes Brad King.

Seth Richardsnews editor

[email protected]

The holidays are a dangerous time for the college com-munity. Items get stolen,

travelers are targeted and vehicles break down on dangerous roads.

To protect property, resi-dents are advised to follow the guidelines on the Winter Break

Closing information forms are provided in the residential halls, said Officer James Prettyman of USU Eastern campus police. It is especially important to remember to lock your doors, as there will be people in the halls during the winter holiday. To avoid being targeted while traveling, be certain not to carry all money in one pocket, check or have checked your vehicle’s

brakes, f luids and tire pres-sure. Report suspicious activity. Comply with the requests of the members of the Transportation Security Administration and other law enforcement officials.

Drive slowly in hazardous weather and on wet roads and allow extra time for traveling.

On behalf of the Eagle news-paper and USU Eastern Campus Security, have a safe holiday.

signed with relief and said he never thought it would be that easy. His colleague noted that he would never have attempted it. I was thankful for Jordan’s willingness to share his talents.”

Terry Johnson:“My favorite “Jordan Experi-

ence” would be a collection of all the years I knew him; he always had a smile, was pleasant, and he always made you feel like you were one of his best friends.”

Jan Young:“When Jordan first started in

the heavy equipment and trucking program, he had some work ahead of him to get the program back in line. Jordan worked hard and made it a first class program. As in his obituary, you always know where you stood with him. He was will-ing to go the extra mile to help his students succeed, but if the students didn’t pull their end of the load, they were out! When he came into the Records Office, he always made it a point to come say hi to the ‘Record Ladies’ and see how our day was going. He was always in a good mood and had a smile on his face.

“The last conversation I had with Jordan involved Vicki Kulow, Jordan and myself. He had been at a dinner function with Vicki and her husband James, and James was wearing a rather fancy cowboy belt. Jordan commented on the fashion statement and told us he didn’t have anything that fancy, but maybe he should go get one! He said it takes a true man to wear such a fancy belt. Jordan was always dressed in cowboy gear and you could tell he lived the life of a true cowboy. The Records Office will truly miss working with and interacting with Jordan Wallace Hatch.”

Carter Roe:“I didn’t have the pleasure of

truly getting to know Jordan, but what struck me about him was the instant warmth and genuine friend-liness that came from the man. I first met Jordan at a P-Card train-ing. He and I got to talking about obtaining a commercial driver’s license, which was something I needed to get. He quickly offered me advice on what to study and told me that if I ever wanted to practice driving the big rigs, just give him a holler and he’d love to help me out.

“The day I went to get my “CDL” I called Jordan for some last minute advice which he read-ily gave me. I remember seeing him next at an all staff meeting and he was quick to ask me how the test went. Jordan Hatch was a man, and truly a man who could fit in with any crowd. We were all better for having known Jordan and surely we’ve all lost one of the good ones. Price is a lesser place without Jordan Hatch.”

Alex Herzog:“I once saw Jordan at the last ca-

reer fair. He had this new monster bulldozer on display. I asked him a little about it and the way he talked about it, you could tell he was like a proud papa with this machine. I joked that I would love to learn how to take it for a spin... without hesitation he said, just come out to trucking and I would be happy to show you how.

But with Jordan, he didn’t make offers tongue in check, they were all sincere. I never had the chance to get down to trucking and take him up on his offer, but every time I saw him on campus he reminded me of it. Jordan had a great sense of humor and he will be missed.”

Michelle Fleck:About five years ago, I did a rou-

tine “peer evaluation” of Jordan’s teaching. A typical peer evaluation

consists of sitting in the back row of a colleague’s class and watching him or her lecture for 50 minutes. However, Jordan’s peer evaluation was an adventure! I rode with him and a HETR student in one of the “semi” trucks for over an hour, from the HETR building west to the mountains, then south to the Hunter power plant near Castle Dale. The student was trying to learn how to shift the gears of the big truck, and the lurching and grinding noises were making me jittery.

Jordan was so patient with the nervous student, putting him at ease and calmly explaining how to drive the truck. It almost made me want to get my CDL (commercial driver license)! Also, Jordan was an amazing Parliamentary Proce-dure wonk, as he showed us when he served on various college com-mittees. I will really miss Jordan --- he was a talented instructor and a wonderful friend.

Donna Cartwright:“Jordan loved his trucks and

wanted to look good when the students and he was showing or driving one of them. They were a reflection of him and his work. Once I was explaining to the Blanding faculty that they could not have chrome on their trucks because we had a deficit in the trucking account. The Blanding faculty was trying to argue with me about it, and I stated that I wouldn’t purchase it on the Price campus, so why would I do so on the Blanding trucks.

“Jordan leaned toward me and whispered, “I put chrome on my trucks, and you approved it.” I found out that literally, his trucks actually reflected him. They reflected his caring and the time and energy he put into the trucking program. We will miss him.”

offered include automotive, weld-ing, cosmetology, building con-struction, trucking and heavy equipment. “The programs are designed to prepare graduates for employment in regional business and industry.

However, credit-based classes will be offered as well. Credit based classes are like traditional college

courses measured in credit hours over a given amount of time. These courses can apply to a degree and more accepted by employers as well as other learning institutions for transfer.

“That means that USU Eastern is better able to ‘use the right tool for the right job’ -- or to use credit when credit is best, and to use non-credit

when non-credit is best,” said USU Eastern Chancellor, Joe Peterson.

According to the proposal, “The proposed Center is designed to cre-ate stronger partnerships and align the College’s work in human capital development with the actual needs for human capital that are manifest in the regional economy and attract students to needed training. “

gifts need to be taken to the SUN Center by Thursday Dec. 6th.

Besides the Angel Tree pro-motion, upcoming SUN Center events include: Green Team, every Friday from 10-11 a.m.; Kids @ Heart, every Tuesday

and Thursday, 11:30 a.m-12:45 p.m.; Habitat for Humanity, every Thursday, 5:30-7 p.m.; for more information on upcoming events and to sign-up, visit the SUN Center on the second floor of the Jennifer Levitt Student Center or

call 435-613-5284.SUN Center advisor, Terry

Johnson said, “We most likely have a project that interests you, so we look forward to receiving a call and seeing you in the SUN Center soon.”

on the USU campuses. 4. Eastern Adds New Ca-daver- article by Karli Morris. A 94-year-old dead woman was brought to USUE by Dr. Tyson Chappell in February, on loan from the University of Utah. The college now has two dead people for the biology classes to pick apart. 3. Day of Caring Brought out the Best Amongst the USU

Eastern Community- article by Ashley Stilson. The United Way’s Day of Caring on Sept. 8 attracted 740 volunteers for 3,000 volunteer hours. Much of the work, done by USUE volunteers, was done to improve the city parks. 2. Student Saves Life in Can-yon- article by Karli Morris. On Dec. 3, Kyle VanAmen stopped on US-6, to help a person out of a vehicle, which had rolled. VanA-

men proved that there are those among us who will do the right thing in a situation where the rest of us might drive past. 1. Eastern Students Save Man’s Life- article by Nate Manley. About 10 miles from Salina on Feb. 24, Max Fletcher and Logan Leaming followed the example of VanAmen when they stopped to help a rollover victim out of his car.

credit hours needed for graduation is determined.

“Excess credit hours is not a problem for the vast majority of students,” noted Commissioner of Higher Education Dave Buhler. “However, the Board does want to encourage students to focus their efforts and decide on a major as soon as is practical and then move

toward that goal.” This policy change has been

undertaken with the goal of in-creasing the number of students who complete their degrees and certificates in a timely manner. This increase is essential in order for Utah to reach its goal of having 66% of adults hold a higher educa-tion credential by the year 2020.

The policy allows for the po-tential of increased credit hours without the application of the sur-charge, if required by a particular course of study, for double majors, dual degrees, additional minors, and second bachelor’s degrees, concurrent enrollment, advanced placement, credit by examination, and employment required credits.

make little kids have the Christmas of their lives. I haven’t done that for 13 years. That would be awesome to do again Megan Peterson - I guess I really want new socks the most. I love new socks. If I had a pair of new socks every day for a year I would be the happiest person ever. Socks and candy are at the top of my list.

Whitney Withers - All I want for Christmas is for my school fees to be paid off.

Brandi Sitterud - I want Santa to bring me an iPhone for Christmas.

Seth Richards - This last year has been good to me, for this reason

I should appreciate the opportunity to give. My holiday wish this year is that my preferred deity put me in the places, times and situations wherein I may be of the most utility.

Emily Williams - I want a pair of earmuffs, or anything that will keep me warm this winter.

Kameron King - I want to be with my family for all of Christ-mas, and I would also like some clothes and a laptop.

Kate Johnson - I’ve already asked Santa for some kitchen and cooking supplies or gadgets. How-ever, something tall, dark and sexy wouldn’t be such a bad idea either.

Shanna Frame - I want to be a

kid again. Just in mindset, for just a moment. No cares except for the excitement of Christmas.

Nathan Manley - I want a PhD for Christmas.*wink*

Beth Liddell - For Christmas I want a time machine.

Ryan Nelson - I want some cordless Jaybird headphones for Christmas.

Talon Bryan - I want a My Little Pony, and a barn for My Little Pony, and a brush for My Little Pony.

Brady Maynes - I want every-thing my wife and I are hoping and planning for to work out. Also I wish everyone will drive safely this Christmas season.

for the prior year.The academic camps (Mad-

eleine Choir, Gear Up, Upward Bound) have continued to increase in numbers as well as revenue as they brought in 436 participants and $57,385 in ‘12. Last year they had 344 partici-pants and brought in $47,655, almost a $10,000 increase.

The field camps bring in university students from Penn State, Fort Hayes, Purdue, and the University of Idaho. They have grown from 14 students in ‘06 to 79 in ‘12. In ‘06 $964 was generated and in ‘12, $13,277 was generated.

According to Alex Herzog, associate vice chancellor of student services, “90 percent of the departments operating expenses are spent on campus, benefiting athletics, housing, dining services, bookstore, and generating on-campus em-ployment opportunities. These camps and the money they have brought in have been a huge benefit and help to the school as a whole.”

Director of the summer pro-grams is Dan Allen. “Summer camps bring prospective stu-dents to our campus and tourism

dollars to our community. We have a great staff who give all of our guests the impression that their time and money have been well spent. Most of them come back year after year.”

Scot t Madsen and KC Smurthwaite assist with the summer programs. “Summer programs is an opportunity to bring in large amounts of high school students to the USU Eastern campus. It not only generates money for summer programs itself, but for other organizations on campus as well,” Smurthwaite wrote.

Lock your stuff for the holidays

Top-ten continued from page 1

Summer programs continued from page 1

photo by whitney withers/The eagle

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Cyan Magenta Yellow Black Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

page 4page 4

LIFESTYLESDecember 6, 2012page 4

Shanna Framestaff Writer

[email protected]

USU Eastern has been “Framed.” In 1983, Mike Frame, the eldest of Michael and Donna Frame’s mixed family of eleven children. The first in the family to attend the College of Eastern Utah, now USU E a s t e r n. L i t t l e did Mike know at the time, but there w o u l d b e s ev-eral more F r a m e s attending his alma mater in the future.

Seven o f M r . and Mrs. F r a m e’s eleven children attended CEU. Four of the seven who attended CEU, married spouses who also went to CEU. Mr. and Mrs. Frame now have 36 grandchildren, the oldest being 25 and the youngest only two months. Out of the eight grandchildren attending college, five have or are attending college at USU Eastern. One can be sure that there are still plenty of Frames left to

come through the doors of USU Eastern. Shanna and Megan, graduates of Bountiful

High School; Amanda, graduate of Carbon High School, and Madi, graduate of Spanish Fork High School; are four Frames currently attending USU Eastern. They each have their own reasons for attending Eastern. “I feel like I matter here. The people are able to focus more on my needs because there aren’t as many students compared to other

schools” s t a t e s M a d i . and Me-gan came to USU Eastern to be around c o u s i n s and felt it would be a good place to make the transition from high school to col lege. E a s t e r n

has become the best school for each of them in its own way.

The Frames, are one of many families that have seen several of their family members choose USU Eastern as their college choice. The inexpensive tuition, small class sizes. Small town friendly environment are fundamental factors that keep these families coming through.

USU Eastern gets framed

Megan, Madi, Amanda and Shanna Frame. photo courtesy Cassy Gardner

Ashley Stilsonstaff writer

[email protected]

Most people wouldn’t find anything in common with the two words “photography” and “neurosci-ence”. However Biology professor Tyson Chappell believes they connect through the beauty of both nature and science.

Chappell was raised in Loa, Utah and graduated early from high school. “There was nothing to do besides get in trouble or study so I studied. I didn’t want to just play and mess around with my life so I got my credits finished.” Chappell explained.

He went to Snow college and then to Weber State where he took psychology classes. He realized he wasn’t interested in the theories of personality. “I found out that I loved something about the brain but I didn’t know what it was yet. I took a neuroscience class and I fell in love with the brain. So I knew I needed to go into neuroscience when I graduated.” He graduated from Weber State and went to study neuroscience in a graduate school in Memphis, Tennessee. He, his wife and his children—ages 10, 8, and twin 6 year olds—then moved back to Utah to be closer to family.

“As soon as I fell in love with the brain I knew I needed to continue my studies with the brain. It always sounded like fun to be able to teach.” With teaching, Chappell said, “The more you learn, the more you understand that you don’t know very much.”

His favorite topic to teach is anything to do with the brain. All three of his classes have a brain section

where he loves to analyze and critically think about how the brain forms our reality. “I knew I liked psychology for the hard science of the brain and how the brain functions. Hearing about chemicals and electricity in the brain…how that produced our reality and our perception about everything we know is just fascinating.”

“When I first realized in psychol-ogy [classes] that it’s not just [about] the theories of person-ality but there were actual real chemi-cals that motivate us to do things…that was way more fasci-nating than just the philosophy.” Chap-pell comments that discovering what drives us towards good or evil was one of the main motiva-tions for studying neuroscience. “We are electrochemical machines and we’re driven by those chemicals and by electrical impulses to do things we do. That was just immensely fascinating to know that by tweaking these chemicals

you could alter the reality of a person…What we think of the world is in many regards our perception. We create the world around us in our own mind. What do you want your life to be? You create it.”

Neuroscience isn’t the only interest in Chappell’s life. He also dabbles in photogra-phy. “When my daugh-ter was born, that’s when I bought my first digital camera,” Chap-pell begins. “I started to just take pictures of her and I realized that I really enjoyed that. I just kept moving up with different camera bodies and more ad-vanced photography and learned it on my own just by shooting.”

Chappell enjoys taking pictures of the activities on the USU Eastern campus. “I like our USU Eastern games…I have a nice

camera and lens that is able to capture some really great action shots.” He also does family shots and weddings. Sometimes pictures don’t turn out as well as hoped for. “I just erase those,” Chappell grins.

When editing pictures, he says, “You can create pictures more than just taking them. You can make something new and beautiful…to increase the emo-tion and power of it.”

His best shot, he admits, is probably a picture of multiple lightning strikes over the Price fairgrounds. He has a variety of pictures, from a bug-eye shot of a dragonfly to angel tombstones to star trails at Capitol Reef. “Photography allows me to step outside the normal science background of studying. It’s relaxing and allows me to look at nature in a different way…and see it for the beauty that it is.”

The advice Chappell would give to aspiring pho-tographers would be this: “It’s easy to improve with digital photography. You have the immediate feedback of the shot…just learn your camera’s functions, go over the instruction booklet so you can make adjust-ments quickly. Take it out of auto everything mode. I usually just adjust everything myself.”

Even if money was no object, Chappell would still want to be working. “Working helps give us meaning. It keeps us focused and motivated. To win the lottery would probably be kind of a hassle…It’s nice to be able to earn a living.”

Finally Chappell believes that: “Whether I’m studying biology, neuroscience, or photography, they all relate to me, they are all similar. They are all methods by which we can see the details in nature…The grandeur of this life, of all life, it is all so im-mense, vast, and breath-taking. I hope in some way that I can help my students see the beauty outside and inside themselves.”

“We create the world around us in our own minds”

Tyson Chappell

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USU Eastern Chamber Choir combined with Price Civic Chorale for the 64th Annual performance of Handel Messiah.

(L-R) Wesley Buckwalter, Austin Martinez (Santa Claus), Jaylee Neilson, Anna Olsen, Lindly Fernandez and Nathan Manley and Jordan Sanders perform Christmas benefit concert.

Holiday music rings in the Christmas season

photos by Whitney Withers/The Eagle

Nathan Manleystaff writer

[email protected]

Any performer can tell you, that taking part in a musical production

can be a bittersweet experience. Countless hours are spent learning the pieces, along with rehearsals and collaborations leading up to the concert. Stress, anxiety and tears go hand in hand until show

time. Regardless of feeling either relief or regret, there is also a sense of sadness because the magic that happens during those long rehearsals is over.

USU Eastern had the oppor-

tunity this month to experience a concert of different musical genres, both classical and folk/pop. Dec. 2, was the 64th an-nual production of the most celebrated works of the Baroque

Period, Handel’s Messiah, conducted by professor Russell Wilson. In what Wilson calls the best acoustic auditorium in the state: the Price Civic Audi-torium, the Price Civic Chorale

and USU Eastern chamber choir performed to a full house.

The other was a benefit concert for the Angel Tree, per-formed by Eastern students and volunteers from the SUN Center.

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

page 9February 12, 2009December 6, 2012 page 5

Brady Maynesstaff writer

[email protected]

“The Hobbit” by J.R.R. Tolkien is first and foremost written for children. The language is simpler and the tone is lighter. Even during parts that could be scary and frightening, Tolkien throws in jokes or phrases that lighten the mood. This is probably a reason, if not the main reason that most readers like the Hobbit more than Tolkien’s sequel “The Lord of the Rings.”

“The Hobbit” starts out: in a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Gandalf the wizard has come to visit Bilbo Baggins. Bilbo is a very good and normal hobbit who does what a hobbit is supposed to do. Gandalf has always been famous for his

fireworks. As he leaves Bilbo’s home, a hole called Bag End, Gandalf marks the door with his staff.

Pretty soon dwarves start showing up at Bilbo’s house. Thirteen dwarves: Thorin, Fili, Kili, Dwalin, Balin, Oin, Gloin, Ori, Dori, Nori, Bifur, Bofur and Bombur, end up coming to Bilbo’s house. He is convinced or tricked into joining their quest by becoming the burglar.

The dwarves are going to the Lonely Mountain to reclaim the land and treasure pillaged by the dreadful dragon Smaug. The journey doesn’t start out the best for Bilbo. The dwarves leave without him and he forgets to take his handkerchief. Luckily, or not so much, the adventure soon takes on some excitement.

Bilbo and the dwarves stumble upon a trio of trolls. One by one, the trolls capture the dwarves and then Bilbo. Gandalf, who seems to come and go as he pleases, gets the trolls arguing and the trolls turn to stone when the sun comes up. This is just one of many sticky situations the group find themselves in.

The group makes it to Rivendell, home

of Elves, and prepare for the trek into the Misty Mountains. In the mountains, the dwarves and Bilbo are captured by goblins. Gandalf, of course, escapes.

Gandalf helps them escape and in the excitement, Bilbo gets lost. He finds a ring in the darkness and stuffs it into his pocket.

A creature called Gollum finds him

and wants to eat him. Bilbo, and as it hap-pens, Gollum both love riddles. Gollum tells Bilbo that if he can best him in a game of riddles Bilbo will live, if not Gollum will eat him. The first riddle Gollum asks is:

What has roots as nobody sees,Is taller then trees,Up, up it goes,And yet never grows’.Bilbo quickly answers this and asks

one of his own.Thirty white horses on a red hill,First they champ,Then they stamp,Then they stand stillThe riddles get more difficult and

more desperate. Bilbo, who has run out of riddles, asks Gollum: what have I got in my pocket? Gollum asks for three guesses. He guesses hands, then knife and finally string. Bilbo has the ring in his pocket, which is actually Gollum’s precious.

Gollum lets Bilbo go and returns to his rock in the middle of a pond. He discovers his ring is missing and goes after Bilbo. Bilbo accidentally slips on the ring, which

turns him invisible. He eludes Gollum and catches up with the dwarves.

The group continues their journey, and once again find themselves in trouble. A pack of evil wolves trap them in trees before they can even recover from their struggle with the goblins. They get out of one mess and fall right into another one.

Throughout the book, Bilbo discovers who he really is. He started the journey a quiet, unadventurous hobbit that kept to himself. He transforms into a brave, and opinionated adventurer.

The Hobbit really is a marvelous book that readers of all ages will enjoy. It is definitely a must read, especially with the first part of the movie coming out in a few weeks. It seems fitting that my final book review is on “The Hobbit” since my first one was on “The Lord of the Rings”. Those of you who may have found “The Lord of the Rings” too big of a task, try The Hobbit first. Also, my review covers what I think the first movie will recover, so you will have to read the book to find out what happens to Bilbo, Gandalf and the dwarves.

The Hobbit

Book Review: The Hobbit

Parties and the holidays are the death of most in maintaining a health-

ly weight, according to Troy Bailey, dietitian for Utah State University’s Employee Wellness program. He

discussed his findings in a campus-wide presen-tation on avoiding the 12 pounds of Christmas.

The five influences of maintaining a healthy weight include activity, food, behavior,

social and stress. His activity tips include to sneak

an activity into your daily routine, stay consistent with your workout routine, sign up for a fitness com-petition, keep a fitness journal and simply walking.

How does one sneak activity into one’s daily routine? Park far away from stores, workout in the office, love your chores, make yourself take extra trips, take up a new hobby, walk when your are

talking on the cell phone and use hand weights when watching TV.

Bailey says to stay consistent with your workout routine. “Don’t

make excuses, make modifications, recruit a workout buddy, mix it up and

try something new plus schedule it in your planner.”

His walking ideas could incorpo-

rate taking a spouse or family on a walk after dinner or planning activities that involve walking like window shopping, caroling, museums and Christmas lights.

The healthy holiday eater aims for seven servings of fruits and vegetables and limits an “indulgence” to one a day. When eating at a buffet, use the smallest plate, do not stack your food, easy on the sauces and dips and enjoy the healthy options like fresh fruits, vegetables and shrimp cocktail.

He said to limit consumption of alcohol because it is empty calories.

He encourages people to eat protein because it will help you feel full and always start with soup or salad that fills the stomach with lower calorie foods. Choose broth- or cream-based soups and use vinaigrettes over other low calorie dressing.

Lastly drink water; it keeps you hydrated and takes volume in the stomach. Sometimes dehydration sends the body mixed signals and might be confused with hunger when liquid is what the body needs.

When attending a party, Bailey suggested to never arrive hungry by planning ahead and eating a healthy snack before. He reminds everyone to drink water before the party and slow your eating by taking 20 minutes to consume the dinner and focus on the scents, tastes and textures.

One must ask themselves at the party, is the food they are eating worth the calories and should they

sample everything. The rule of proximity, Bailey said, is location, loca-

tion, location. Never stand by the food table because it is too easy to munch continually.

Because most holidays are centered around food, take control and plan activities that do not involve food like seeing Christmas lights or creating home-made decorations or gifts. Bailey reminded those in attendance to dress their best, “Dress like a slob and you will eat like a slob.”

In managing holiday stress, Bailey said the symp-toms are unhealthy weight changes; using alcohol or drugs to relax; anger or agitation; feeling overwhelmed, sad, hopeless, lonely or isolated; mood changes; diar-rhea or constipation; chest pain or rapid heart rate; and nausea or dizziness.

He reminded everyone that there is no such thing as “perfect.” “Aim for great, but remember, sometimes good enough is a healthier option for you and everyone around you.” Set realistic expectations. People should get enough sleep; aim for seven hours a night.

Schedule down time; take time to relax and enjoy the moment. Unplug for a day; no technology, and take a digital vacation.

He said to keep a holiday calendar, but every day does not need to be a celebration. “Learn to say no, you do not have to attend every holiday party.” Lastly, reduce and rediscover the joys of small things.

Weight Gained

Weight Maintained

Weight Lost

Tips to maintaining, not gaining during the holidays

Shadayah Jones staff writer

[email protected]

There are many questions students must ask themselves when going to college including their major, classes, scholarships, financial aid, etc. Another big question they must worry about is where they are going to live. Some students attend a college that is close enough to home, while some choose to live on campus while others choose to live off campus. When trying to make this decision, students should look at the pros and cons of living on or off campus. At USU-Eastern there are many pros, but there are also cons.

Pros:You don’t have to find a place to park because you can just walk to

your classes. There are many activities that you are aware of and can participate in. There are a lot of resources such as the library and writing lab that

are located on campus.There is free Wi-Fi.The social life is really great because you are surrounded by people

your own age. Doing you laundry is cheaper. On campus it is $1 for a wash and

$.75 for a dry. There is less competition to get a room on campus than there is off

campus. No monthly rent. No utility: electric, garbage, gas and water bills. You are more aware of things that are taking place on campus because

there are always flyers posted in the halls.

When you are living on campus and if you get sick, you are guaranteed two free visits to the Health and Wellness center located on campus.

You get to experience diversity and different people from other

cultures. Don’t need to pay for gas to travel to and from campus. The maintenance staff is always willing to fix anything in you room

free of charge. There is more safety considering that all the front doors lock and

there are the RAs and campus police always looking out for the residents. You save gas because you don’t have to drive back and forth from

classes because they are usually all within walking distance. All of the rooms on campus are furnished. It is generally cheaper than living off campus overall. With every pro there is a con and there is no exception when living

on campus. Cons:There are many rules that are upheld and you are charged if you

break these rules. There is a mandatory meal plan.Not all of the halls have kitchens.Shared laundry stations in the halls. For any damage or failure to clean the area, students are charged at

the end of the year.Monthly health and safety checks. Visitation hours are limited.You must pay $300 extra to stay over the Christmas break.Maintenance personnel coming in the rooms to check appliances

throughout the year. When living on campus, there are always the good and bad things

that come with it. Although this list in not complete and there are more pros and cons that can be added to this list the pros seem to out weight the cons. Living on campus is a great experience. You are surrounded by fun people and people who are there to support you. It is also nice to be out on your own, but as college students we need all the help we can get and living on campus lets us have freedom and not letting students become overstressed.

Everyone wants to be free and responsible, but sometimes too much responsibility at a young age when you are just getting used to a transition is too much. Wherever you go, you will always have rules and regulations, but take one step at a time and don’t overload yourself.

Pros and cons of living on campus

Shanna Framestaff writer

[email protected]

Kids @ Heart is one of the SUN Center’s many fun ser-vice opportunities. SUN Cen-ter leader, Amanda Frame, is over this ac t iv i t y. For th is s e r v i c e p r o j e c t , s t udent s head to C a s t l e H e i g h t s Elemen -tary and play with t he stu-dents dur-ing recess. F r a m e st a tes “ it’s l i ke r e l iv i n g the glory days of recess, only we’re ten years older. The kids really look up to us. We’ve made a

big difference.” When this project first be-

gan, the elementary students, especially in fourth and fifth grade, sat around, gossiped, or picked on each other during recess. Since then, activities like four square, up-and-over,

t he hu -man knot game, and ninja de-struction are seen frequently during re-cess.

K i d s @ Heart is more than play, it’s b e c o m -ing a role model. It is lighting the flame of hope and giv-

ing them the confidence to rise above challenges and accomplish their dreams.

Kids @ Heart Library Christmas tree

Lori Brassaw had the idea of a Christmas tree made out of library

books and asked Aimee Lauritsen to bring it to life. The tree is com-

posed of over 600 different colored library periodicals. The books

are stacked in a conical shape and isn’t hollow.

Beth Liddellstaff writter

[email protected]

Bread ‘n’ Soup night kicked off to their best start ever on Nov. 5. Three nights total: Nov 5, 12, 19 were set aside in order to help raise mon-ey for the Carbon County Food Bank. This go around, an estimated $3,000 was raised to help lo-cal families during the holiday season. There were 20 per-cent more partici-pants than any previ-ous year. All three of the nights were accompanied with hot food, live music and good company.

Nate Man-ley, Lindly Fernandez, Jordan Sanders, Elise DeBry, Katie Clarke and Emma Rowley were some of the featured musicians. The USU Eastern dining services offered a va-riety of different soups and rolls that were made to please. Also throughout the evenings, the Sun Center headed

a bake sale to raise money for the

upcoming Breakaway Trip planned for March 2013.

Thanks to the basketball team for their willingness to set up and take down. Also thank you to the baseball team also aided in the

cleanup process and their help was much appreciated. Those in charge of this event would like to give a special thanks to all of the administra-tion, athletes, faculty, leadership groups and staff that helped make this night a success.

The SUN Center would like to give a special shout out to the community for all of their support and participation. “I have

a firm belief that this event will help bring joy to those who are less fortunate during this holiday season and through this next year,” states Shanna Frame: Sun Center president. With a light and exciting atmosphere, all those who at-tended enjoyed themselves thoroughly.

Bread ‘n’ Soup Night

Aaron Jones Residential Hall

Amanda Frame helping at the event.

photo courtesy terry Johnson

Annual stats of how holidays affect weight found on Google.

Seth Burgess serving by Karli morris/the eagle

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

page 6 Sports Page 5December 6, 2012Page 6

Hailee Parry puts up a layup in traffic

715 East Main Street Price, UT 84501

photo courtesy Tyson Chappell

Todd Helgesen

Struggling on the roadHayden Peterson

sports writer

[email protected]

With a 1-4 record, USU Eastern women made a three-day road trip to Casper, Wyo. The Eagles played three games, in three days, against three different teams.

Day one the Eagles were matched up with NJC Plainswomen. The first half the Eagles struggled to find the hoop, shooting only 6-32 from the field, and 1-9 from the three-point line. At the half,the Eagles were trailing 17 to 33. The second half was a completely different story for the Eagles as they came out and scored 36-second-half points. Lerissa Quintana lead all scorers with 21 points, Amy Arbon helped by adding 13 points as she went 3-3 from the three-point line. The second half effort made the game close, but the Eagles would eventually fall, losing the game 59-53.

The following day the Eagles struggled once again trying to find the basket in the first half as they managed only 16 points, but their defense held the College of Casper to only 17 points. The second half was a story of making jump shots, both teams shot 35 shots, the T-Birds made 14, while the Eagles made only eight. The lack of scoring would eventually lead to the Eagles second loss in Wyoming as the Casper T-birds would hold on to win 53-42.

On day three of the long road trip, the Eagles were matched up with the Wyoming All-Stars. Although the Eagles would play their best offensive first half, they found themselves trailing 32-20 at the half as the Wyoming All-Stars shot 46 percent from the field and 35 percent from the three-point line. The second half began with both teams shooting high percentages from the field, however the hot shooting wouldn’t prove to be enough as the All-Stars would go on to score 48 points in the second half, eventually running away with the game. The final score was 80-57. A few positives were to be taken from the game as the Eagles distributed the scoring evenly as six players on the team scored more than five points and 13 players scored in the game.

After going 0-3 on their road trip to Wyoming, the Eagles came home, regrouped and traveled to Taylorsville, Utah, for a two-game road trip. On Nov. 23 the Eagles played Northwest College and from the tip, the Eagles were bound to get that road win that had eluded them in Wyoming. The Eagles would get a huge lift from their point guard Hailee Parry as she would shoot 7-10 from the field, and 2-2 from the free throw line for 16 points. The Eagles also got a boost on the scoring line from their bench as Tandy Thackery and Isabela Costa came in and both added 12 points in their 20 minutes. The Eagles built up a lead and never gave it back as they went on to win 68-58.

The second day of the double header, the Eagles found themselves in a nail biter with Lamar Community College, who is currently 9-1. At the end of the first half, the Eagles had a four-point lead. Both teams shot right at 35 percent

from the field, the only difference was a three and a free throw. The second half stayed close the entire way up to the last seconds of the game.

Coach Dave Paur said, we were leading the entire game and lost it in the last 20 seconds. Free throws have hurt us all year, we shot 32 free throws and only made 15. Lamar shot 31, but made 21, that right there is the difference of getting the W or taking the loss.

In the second half, the Eagles free throws were the difference, shooting only 4-12, leaving them with only 70 points as Lamar came from behind to win the one-point thriller. Abby Call came off the bench and played solid basketball for the Eagles in her 13 minutes, recording 10 points, three rebounds and one steal.

The Eagles returned home for the first time in over

three weeks to play on Dec. 1, in front of hometown fans. The Eagles came out firing. It was made clear in the first 10 minutes that the lady Eagles had made a change in their game plan and that change was to shoot the ball as much as possible, limiting turnovers and increasing their odds to score. The strategy would benefit the Eagles in this game as they came out and scored 37 points in the first half. Hailee Parry once again led the Eagles with her terrific play at the point guard position. She contributed by scoring 17 points, getting six assists and five steals. The Eagles would take their 15-point halftime lead and coast to the finish line picking up the win, 68-56.

The lady Eagles are in action again this weekend at Snow College and their next home game is against CSI on Dec. 13.

Women’s basketballrolling at home

Former Coach DiesJack Woodward, 79, a stalwart member of

the USU Eastern Alumni Association who served both as its chair and as a member of the Board of Trustees died last week.

As a student, Woodward played baseball, basketball and football for Carbon College. In baseball he was twice All-ICAC selection. He served his country as a U.S. Marine Corp. captain.

Later he was selected by the college to be an assistant baseball coach and then as the

head coach. When football was resurrected at College of Eastern Utah in the ‘80s, Woodward was hired

as an assistant coach.Those who attended Carbon High

probably remember him as a football, basketball and baseball coach. He will long be remembered as the man who taught students to keep their hands on the steering wheel at 10 and 2 while teaching drivers education. He also taught math for many years at CHS.

All of Woodward’s four children are graduates of CEU.

Dillon Manzanaressports writer

[email protected]

Todd Helgesen can be seen as a tall and caring basketball player who loves to work hard and is always in a happy and cheer-ful mood, but he is much more than that.

Helgesen is from Kaysville, Utah. He has a big family that consists of 10 people, Todd being the youngest of his seven siblings. He has 19 nephews and nieces. He is the only one out of his family that is not married. His five brothers, two sisters and parents mean the world to him. After serving a two-year LDS mission in

Chile and arriving home last Novem-ber, he decided he wanted to play college basketball after not even playing high school basketball. He is a hard working walk-on player. Helgesen chose USU Eastern because his good buddy Chase Flint, who played here last year, convinced him too.

Assistant Coach Carter Roe said, “Todd is one of, if not the hardest working young men I have ever been around.” This is Todd’s first year of organized basketball at the college level, and he is leading the team in rebounds. Todd is a no nonsense kind of guy. You give him a job to do and he goes out and does it, or dang near dies trying.”

USU Eastern basketball fan, Jeffrey Fortner described Helgesen as, “the people’s champ.”

Even though Helgesen is a hard working person, that does not mean he doesn’t have a little fun every now and then. While in high school, he enjoyed hanging out with friends and would occasionally toilet paper people’s houses, and throw packets of cof-fee creamer at cars and watch them splat on the window of the driver’s car.

He was in a car with a friend when they were in a high speed chase with the police, even though the officer was his friend’s brother. Helgesen is most proud of all his hard work and says he doesn’t want to be known as a lazy person. He is also proud of the LDS mission he served and says it’s kind of tough to serve a mission.

Standing at 6 foot 8 inches, he says his basketball game can be compared to Dennis Rodman’s. He plays the game with passion and lives life the same way. His favorite NBA team is the Chicago Bulls, although he is trying to become more of a Utah Jazz fan. Helgesen’s favorite sport other than basketball has to be football. His two favorite football teams are the BYU Cougars and Pittsburgh Steelers. His favorite food is Chinese food.

If he could pick two things to be allergic to he would pick pickles and mustard. If he could choose one thing to happen to him, he would win the lottery. If he were to get a tattoo, he would get a dragon down his side. In his spare time, he is likely to be

found playing Texas Hold ‘em or X-Box, hanging out with friends or sleeping.

If Helgesen were to give one piece of advice to younger basketball players, he would teach them that effort beats talent.

He is known to be a happy and cheerful guy. Helgesen gets along with all the team members and is a fun guy to be around. “I never really get into bad moods,” stated Helgesen. Some of his teammates will even knock on his door around midnight in need of a ride to McDonalds. His teammates know that he is reliable and can count on him for things.

After his time at USU Eastern, Hel-gesen plans on either playing basketball somewhere else, or getting a house with his buddies and having fun. One person that he looks up to is his dad. He says his dad is a smart guy and always seems to do the right thing. But, second on that list might just be Coach Roe. “He’s the man,” Todd said.

The person that has had the biggest impact on his life would have to be Flint. “I wouldn’t be playing basketball without him” The two went to high school together in Kaysville. Flint is one of Helgesen’s best friends. Flint taught him just about everything that he has learned about basketball.

If Helgesen could marry anyone in the world, he would marry Mila Kunis. Well, who knows? Considering the hard-working, fun, happy, cheerful, and kind guy that he is, that might just be a reality.

photo courtesy Tyson Chappell

“The People’s Champ”

Football ends all around Utah

Ryan Nelsonsports writer

[email protected]

The football season is at its end, and there have been many upsets and crazy endings to a lot of games. With bowl games coming up within the next couple months, means that the teams are awaiting their bowl bid. This season has had many ups and downs for a lot of teams in Utah, from the Utes not making a bowl game to the Aggies being the best in the state. It’s been a pretty wild ride for a lot of the players, along with the coaches. Let’s see how some of the football teams did this year.

The University of Utah finished their season with a record of 5-7 in the Pac-12 Conference. They weren’t able to make it work with their away games as they were 1-5 on away games. Sadly this wasn’t a good enough record to make it to a bowl game this year, which ended their nine-straight bowl game streak. They have, however, had great success in winning bowl games over the years, they went to BCS game in 2009, the Allstate Sugar Bowl against Alabama, which they pulled away with a win.

Their last game, being the only home Pac-12 game that they won on the year, which is not like the Utes. In the past they have done a lot better than they did this year. A lot of people say that it was due to the fact that their team was young. I would agree on that and also add that they didn’t really have a solid QB to take control of them team.

Travis Wilson who was the QB did well, but cannot play under pressure, which cost the team in the end. Fans hopes are high though for this next year with some new QBs coming in. This is Coach Kyle Wit-tingham’s eighth season leading the Utes. He has done a great job and has led the Utes to many bowl game and throughout his coaching years, has led the team to a pretty good record over the years.

With a record of 7-5, Brigham Young University ended their regular season ranked third in the independent conference. They had enough wins to make it to a bowl game. They are head over to San Diego to play in the Poinsettia Bowl against San Diego State University. Head Coach Bronco Mendenhall has led the team for seven straight seasons and has had success. The Cougars made many bowl game appearances over the years, and have pulled out some wins.

They, like Utah, had struggles with who could really lead the team in the QB position. They didn’t have a solid QB throughout the season, and just like the Utes, they have some promising candidates coming in this next year. Over the past years, they have stayed with about 12 wins and 3 losses, and occasionally ending in the Top 25. They have done well in bowl games as well, and they are the only team in Utah that has a national champi-onship under their belt. That was before the BCS, and we all know how the BCS sees teams in Utah.

Utah State University, perhaps the best team in the state this season, ended their regular season with a great record of 10-2. They were ranked No. 1 in the Western Athletic Conference, and were also ranked 24 in the Top 25, according to the BCS standings on They also are going to a bowl game this year which will be the Potato Bowl in Idaho. They are go-ing up against the Toledo Rockets from Ohio.

Head Coach Gary Anderson has lead this team to an amazing season; this is his fourth year as head coach and he has really pulled the team through. Over the years, the Aggies haven’t been the team that’s really talked about in college football for Utah, but this year they made their point and finished better than either Utah or BYU.

Weber is next up; they finished their season with a record of 2-9, not as well as they would have hoped. Weber State is in the Big Sky Conference and finished 12th

in that. Head Coach

see Football page 7

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Mindy Fluckiger

Number: 6

Position: Opposite

Hometown: Logan, UT

Major: Undecided

Hero & Why: My parents because they are always there to support me no matter what I do.

Something most people don’t know about you: Both of my older sisters came down here and found someone to marry.

Why did you decide to come to USU Eastern: I could play volleyball

Favorite thing about USU Eastern: My teammates

Favorite thing about your sport: You are able to rely on everyone on your team

Plans after USU Eastern: I would like to go to Southern Utah University

Tayson Wilson Number: 1

Position: Middle Infield

Hometown: Plain City, UT

Major: Business

Hero & Why: Si Robertson, off of Duck Dynasty, because he is the smartest Duck Commander. He knows some scientific stuff, he is a very hard worker, and demands, R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Lastly he’s a lady’s man.

Something most people don’t know about you: I lived and played baseball in Texas for a year at Texarkana Jr. College.

Why did you decide to come to USU Eastern: To play baseball

Favorite thing about USU Eastern: The “Scoot It and Boot It” club

Favorite thing about your sport: Turning sick double plays makes me happy, happy, happy.

Plans after USU Eastern: Serve a mission

page 7December 6, 2012

photo courtesy Tyson Chappellphoto courtesy Matt Meservey

Jody Sears, is pulling double duty at the moment, which might be one of the many rea-sons Weber finished with the season they did. He is also the defensive coach at Weber and this is his first year on the job. Prior to coaching at Weber State, he was the coach at Washington State.

Southern Utah University finished their season with a re-cord of 5-7. They were ranked seventh in their conference, which is also the Big Sky. Ed Lamb is the head coach there and this is his fifth year. The team over the years has struggled, but didn’t do too bad this season. This is the first year that they were in the Big Sky Conference, and did pretty well. They now have a feel of what this confer-ence brings and what they need to expect when they play teams from this conference.

Let’s not forget about Snow College though. They just wrapped up a win at the Carrier Dome Bowl in New York against ASA with a score of 47-21. There is no better way to end a good season then by playing in and winning a bowl game.

It looks like out of all these teams that the Aggies lead col-lege football in the state of Utah. They have the best record, not to mention they have a solid quarter back, which as you can see, pays off in the end. Other than that, it’s a wrap on college football for this year. The only things left to watch are the bowl games that BYU and USU will be in.

Hopefully next year will bring your team the success they need to make it to the top and also to make it to a big bowl game.

Footballcontinued from page 6

Talon Bryansports writer

[email protected]

Improving on defense by giving up less easy buckets should help USU Eastern men’s basketball overall 5-3 record as they prepare for conference play starting Dec. 13.

Over the Thanksgiving break, the USU Eastern men’s basketball team played two games against some of the top teams from Wyoming. On Friday, Nov. 23, the Golden Eagles defeated the defending Region 9 champions, Western Wyoming by of score of 80-70 with Luke Savoy leading scoring with 16 points.

The following day the team traveled back to Price to play Central Wyoming. The team didn’t quite play up to par, taking a loss of 62-79. Leading scoring and rebounds was Dytanya ‘’Bubby” Johnson with 15 points and seven rebounds. Central Wyoming is still undefeated on the season.

On the weekend of Nov. 30, USU Eastern hosted the Colorado Kings Friday and Sat-urday. On Friday night the Golden Eagles won, but Saturday was the high point of the weekend. The men went off scoring 99 points as a team with top scorer, Miles Gatewood, putting up 28 points and complimenting that with seven rebounds. Jason Timpf, also contributed 21 points and 14 rebounds making this his third consecutive

game with a double-double. Jeff Perkins scored 16 points, and Todd Helgesen and Mike Stroud performed well off the bench.

In the second half, the team really took the momentum, taking the ball straight to the hoop and deciding it was time to start a dunk contest. Timpf, Johnson, Helgesen, Perkins and Igor Diaz all throwing down crowd-pleasing dunks. The most surprising dunk came from Helgesen. With Gatewood driving down for a lay-up and Helgesen fol-lowing close behind, the ball missed leaving it on the edge of the rim waiting to get put back in, Helgesen jumped from outside the charge circle, soaring to the hoop and putting down a hammer of a dunk, leaving the crowd going crazy and the momentum completely on the Golden Eagles’ side.

The team really used their chemistry and positive attitude to explode against the Kings. Coach Carter Roe was pleased with the higher shooting percentage that the team put up and hopes the team can build on that and keep improving. Roe is also hoping that the team can improve on their point of attack on defense and give up a lot less easy buckets, and utilize the post’s Timpf and Johnson down low.

The Golden Eagles play in the College of Southern Idaho tournament on December 7-8 and open Scenic West Athletic Confer-ence play at home Dec. 13 and 15 against CSI and North Idaho at 7:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. in the BDAC.

Golden Eagles SLAM Colorado KingsImproving on every level

Todd Helgesen Igor Diaz

Bubby Johnson Jason Timpf Jeff Perkins photos courtesy Tyson Chappell

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Layout: Megan PetersonPhotos: Whitney Withers, Matt Gochis, Karli Morris, Dagen Schiess